The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 19, 1907, Image 3

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In a Condensed form for Our
Busy Readers.
A ltuumo of tlio Lois Important but
Not Loin Intorostlnjr. Events
of tlio Past Wook.
Tito Union I'ncllhi will make it lout
imii ul tlio Kulirnnktt 2-cent rato luw.-
Hullo Ih nvrrniu with holdup num.
'Threo itml (our tobbvilra occur it night.
, A now combine I now under way
which will control tlio ruhtwr trade of
tho world.
Tho Houth American war I Mlovcd
to bo over now tluit llio llwiduimi pre
Jdi'iit ha mirnuiiliircd.
Aiulrln niul (Irrmniiv urn (o confer
rrynrilliiK their nttltudont tho coming
iingtm poucii cuuuronco.
Tliri'n Ijh Anualrs Homo Tolcnhnnn
nhll nrunfrnlil I linv wilt In! IllltU'tlol liv
tho Hnn Francisco grand jury.
Woven JatMtireo rato to lo relumed
homo (rum Hen t tie tor coming to thin
country under contract.
Trnlna In Cnllfornln hnvortll rwmmod
,tholr regulnr aeivleo, it nil tnuo nt tho
uvent wnahout" have illupKillnl.
Tho Thaw Jury hnn dlsngiced anil
been dlrvhnrgcd hy tho court. A now
trial will commeneti In (Vtolx-r. Tho
trinl I ibb rout tho county niul fit nil ly
300,000. An offort will I mndo to
lot tho defendant out mi Uill.
Chlrnito noking Iioium turn threaten
Hiiothor strike.
A now Anglo-Hpniilih nlllaueo has
Jiccil concluded.
Monxvo la endeavoring to end Prenoh
Miitlim of Ouiljn.
Dr. Thompson, M. 1'., will likely ixj
nppolnled governor ol Klondike.
i'rrolihtnt llonllta, ol Honduras, has
Murit'iidrrcd to Nicaragua!! troop.
Iml Cromer !iim presented (Went
itjtaln with tila retaliation rti rulor of
rVrutor llurrows snya Ilonsovolt
woulil ihvllno ocn If nominated for tt
third (tid.
To H-lit. Kan., haa ret nalthi a holiday
on which Hi" tMHinio ikoikmo iu uitr up
I.. ...
nil tho dandelions of tho city.
'Tho Han Franolaco grand jury la nl-
tuofit ready to turn In n hunch of In
Ictmcut' ninliiat millionaire.
Tho Kama attorney Rencrnl haa
tnrlrd tmx-wdlutt itimlnit itll hrawcry
i-ointinnu'N nnd whiskey Jobber doing
Imslnca In tho itato.
Tlio ("arnoglo inatltuto nt l'lttahurit
Ima Iki'II dedicated. It l to lie dovotcd
to fine nrttf nud cost 10,000,000. Six
limnnnd toua of inaiblo nlone wore
im-i1 In IU ronitrtictlou.
Tho Ituof Jury ha not yet boon torn
April 0 flvo Inches 'of anow foil In
tow York.
Peary will make another itart for tho
jvilo lii Juno.
A now labor dlamito hai broken out
at (ioldflcld, Nevada.
' Ton Donvor men lmvo been Indicted
for telling mining stock In n worthies
Governor Gloun, of Kotlh Carolina,
h-clarrs ltooovlt to Ih) tho greatest
luler In tho world.
Governor Folk, of Mlllourl. haa call
l a special nelou of tho leglslnturo to
hum anll-gnmMIng laws.
HU automobiles nro lwluit built In
linVrcnt purl ol tho world to uso In
lUuiniiK (o icarn mo norm poio.
Hii'M-tiirv Tuft hollevea It will Imi
niiHtMllilo to nxitoio tho government of
uin to IU p-oop!o boioro July -I, mm.
Tho Canitdlan mlnlator denlnt that n
leaty In holne nruntlatixl by tho Unit-
d Hlatiti nnd Oirat llrltaln ronccrnliiK
ho bouudnrloi lxjlweon Cnnndaund tho
nltcd Stutwt.
An nrmy ofllcor la to rldo ono of I)nv
nfort'i A rub horson from Portland to
low York. If Ha ntayln iiualltloa
henvup bettor than Ihono of Amorlenit
orsca a cIiiuiko may bo mndo In cuvuU
fy mounti.
Tuft nnd Cummin en nro ltooovolt'a
Ickotfor 1008.
D-riltnflJl hnn liomtn lit anvtirtiAnf. in
flio jury in Thaw's dofonio.
Tho KnglUh homo of lords la not
latuibod by tlio movo to nbollah thorn.
Jacob Itlla, n llfolons friend of the
probiueni, mya a tlilrd Urm will poal
jyoiy no. oo accepuxi,
TIlO WlUnlinimn ilUtrlpf. nl ITnrtiln.
Itanchurla, haa boon dcitxoyod by llro.
iiu iub in piuceu at f'J,UUU,UUU.
Spokano Plan Hogarded Willi Amu led
Toloratlon by Oomervatlvai.
I'ottlnnd, April I), Though they ro
t-OKuIro that tlirro Iiiih Iomk oxUUil In
I'otlnln HcctloiiH of lint Inliind Jlinplro
hitnut (llfwitlnfiw'tlon with nlHtiii
Into bouudnrloi, coniicrviitho oltlr.oim
of Ori'Hoii, Wanlilnutou and Mulio mo
Incllm-d to ri'Kiird wlllt muuiiil tolora
tlon tho Hpokiuin prnjiiot to vrealo a
now alulo through tho Mcci-nnlon of tho
dliltruntUi! itimiuuiiltloa from tliolr
pnient coiumiiu wen Ith.
Kviiu In Kiialcrn Viinhhitoii, whmo
imHt of the Kiiiilntlon of Hpoknuo'a
now atatt ol I.lncolu would Uiconterol,
ilioroiilliiH-iil In favor of tho urnttlou
of n now coiiiinoiiwcallli In by no iiimua
nimnlmoiiH, Many couortiitlvo olli
ronii nroof tho belief that tlm tlmo In
not yot rlpo for aetual Depuration, nnd
ivrn itmont IIkmo who Indnrro tho Hn.
kutio Holii'tnii, It la nvt(nli(l that Ihore
woulil Iki ecrloin prohluma ti fitco wore
tho pieaelit Male lo any; "llli-M you,
children, ko In rH-ncu,"
In larno iumuuio, tho dlfTciencm that
liavo hroiiKht alniut tlm ikwlro for (ii'p
nratlon aro jxilllliiil, mid llrnunot Imi
overlooked thnt other olltleal Jcnloui
lea would aprltiK up to fill tint new
alale of Lincoln with dlncord and hrarU
biirnliiKD. Already two Inland Km
plro olthti, If not mnio nro looking with
Krven oyiti uxm Hokauo'M namiinptlon
thnt rlin la to Imi tho capital of the
ncwatflUi, Tho iMillllohtna of thedln-
entlaflodcoiniiiunltlca who nro now In
OHerOAU Imi depended llKiu lo opKmo
from tlio word iro any move that woulil
Impair thnlr Influouro and drau tlioui
awny from tho public crib whoro they
urn now fonlliiK.
Man Who Ml(tht Have Dean Praaident
Coldly Ulatn.
City of Mexico, April 0, Muniiol
ItArrlllaa, tu-I'M-dlilonl of (lualemala,
waa awuiMlnntetl hern h'nturday eeiiliiK
an ho aat In n atreetear. Aa tho oar
-.topped a youiiH man 17 yearn of ai;o
cllmlxxl alMatnl and rtnlieil up to tho
Ketieral and tlilol him twleo, tho
tlrt blow foverliiR tho jugular U'ln,
the nvond cuttliiK hla fnco. Thu ''"
eral died Inrtniitly. Tho nirn-iln wna
captured. Ho pivo hla uamo aa Joo
Itatrndn, nod hla homo aa Oooa, Ouato
Kx-Prenldenl Harrlllna wna urneinlly
conaldoretl an atioiitfly aawulatcil to tho
prwciit Kovernmeut of tiiuttvinaln. Ho
vtua 02 yean of bk nnd wna u atronx
jioMlblllty for tho next presidency of
tho country. Membcra of tho Ounto
mala oniony hero think Hatiada waa a
paid naafaln.
National Civic Fudorallon Plana for
Convantlon In Chicago.
Now York, April 0. Tho executive
council of tho National Clvlo Federa
tlon haa decided on Chlcnito aa the
place and May i'8, '.', 30 and 31 aa tho
dntea for holdlnu tlio national confer,
eiwo on comblnatlona and truatr), which
recently waa announced by that urpm
I mt Ion. Itepreaentatlvo men fiom tho
tarloua walka of lite hao al;nil tho
Invitations aakltiK tho aptMlntmcnt of
delepttett hy Kovcrnors and piwldcnta
of tho lmortant oominoirlnl, maim
facturiiiK, iiKilculturnl, lalior, coonomlo,
poll (lent and law nafwlations. The
nuriKxto of tho conferencu Istoconald
cr tho trust and combination problem!,
especially tho cpirHllon of what amend
menls, II any, Mtouiit bo mauo lo to Wo
Bheiman nnll-titttt net.
Qovornor Hoa;att la Not In Favor of
Ghanglna; Government.
Soattlo, Wwh., April 0. -W. 11.
IloKutt, (roveiuor of Alaakn, rtttchoil
Henltlo tonlnht I mm Washington.
"Wo trot ulmotit overytlilnit wo naked
of tho I Ml aeealon of conRrtra," ho
aald. "Tho poople ol Alaakn are well
auttafled with Undo Kjiiii'n tieatment
of them. Villa cry for n terrltotial
form of ttovormnont conut) fiom ollt
leal tllNConlents. To havo thia chnngn
In ittlo would mean an incioaeo In tax
ation of -'o cents jior capita for tho
smnll population. Toirethor with tho
fact thnt tlio country Is only partly de
veloped this burden la not yet warrant
ed. We can very woll afford to ro
alomc as wo nro despite tho howl of pol
iticians." Protection to Immigrants.
Homo April 0. Fruncereo I. Materl,
member of tho chamber of deputlcd,
has made pttbllo a letter In which ho
tiroes, tho Kovernmeut to extend its pro
tection to Italian ImmlBronts, not only
on lioard stcamora crossing tho ocean,
but oven itftei they have dliemUukoil
In tho United Btatca. llooxpreaaratho
bollof that emigrants to America nro
oxplollod nnd used for woik In unheal
thy Bootlona of thecountry. Tho writer
point out that In 1000 800,000 Italians
omluratod, of whom 600,000 went to
tho United Bintes.
Mormons Aid tho Chlneao.
Ball Jke, April 0. Twenty tons of
flour wero votod for tho rollef of tho
Chlneao (amino Bufforore at tho 78th
Mormon conforenoo today. Tho flour
will bo taken from the tithing -tores.
Flrat Cases Under Nov Agreement
Upheld by Straus.
Wiiahlnxtoii, April 0, Hoorolnry
Blraiia, of tho department of Commeico
mill Iilxir, today denied odmlaaloii to
this country to fhc Jnaineao Iniinl
Kninta. Theso nro tho list Jnpnuvao
exclualon atnoa which havo reached tho
(cii'lnrv iIiii'ii tlm iirniiiillinllon of tho
oxecutlvo oidur currying Into effect tho
new immiKrniion inw.
Becrelnry Htruii"' action wax based
tiKin an npiH-al taken by tho Japanene
from a doulalon of tho InajK-ctor at Kl
I'ano, Tex., deuyliiK them tlio iIkIiI to
.(ifrir nil imMlifirfu friini Mnvtivn. Tlu,
.... .... ,-... ..,.--. ... ....... .-... ...,. - ..w
apjKitla Hint reached ComiulKSloncr of
immiKiaiiou tniienu inoy were re-
Inrr.ul III 111 It 11 t llll MirfilflPV. -villi fill.
recommendation that they Imi limlAod
on ino Kruunii iiiiii no oinr couth) waa
IktiiiImIIiIo under the piealdent'a onler
carryinu into effett tho nKiecment of
luat winter relative to tho exclusion of
JapanetM) laborer.
Land Officera Named.
Wa-h!uKton. April IS. On recom
mendation of Peiintorllouino, concurtcd
In hy Bcnator Fulton, tiio president to
day appointed Chailes W. Moore, of
Gnus Valley, aa reciter of Tho Dalles
land olllco to succeed M. T. Nolan, ro
moved, and nninivl Ixiuls II. Anicaon,
of Hood Itivei, aa receiver of Uint olllco
to aiicrced Mian Anno M. I-an, whoro
term expired Match 3. Uoth aenatota
havo I veil conaldenthlo tlmo to tho Do
led Ion of new olllcvra for Tho Dnllta
land olllco, It helm? their delro not on
ly to obtain men thoroughly ipuillllcl,
hut men nKnlntt whom no chart;? can
properly bo made. Many candldnteri
nppeaied In the field, (to mo of them
atrunitly Indorsed politically.
Olves Island to Republic.
Washington, April 10. That tho
lalo of Pines la not American territory
waa officially nnd judicially decided to
day by tho Huiircmf court of tho United
Btatca. Tho dti'laion was rendered In
thocanoof Kdwnnl J. 1'earcy vs. Nova
da M. Btmnahan, collector of the ixirt
of Now York, and tho opinion of thn
court was announced by Chief Ju-tlcn
Fuller, who said that up to tho Paris
treaty tho lalo of Plnea has been confid
ent) as an Integral part of Cuba, nnd
that It could not Ihi held lo lie covered
hy article II of that treaty, which In
cluded only Islands In the vicinity of
Porto ItlcOj
Sober, Sana Proposals.
Washington. April 11. "I find tho
president and I nro cbaolutdy In accord
aa tit IIia lintiArltinrn nf pnnflnllit- (tin
eflorta of tho piognnda to sober, sane
aim piacticai pioporaia which can no
carried out." Thcuo wero tho words
iiua.1 litf W T Hl..i1 nf lyimlnn urlin
has come to America to attend tho pence
conference in Now York, after an hour's
uix Willi mo preaiuoni ai tno wziiio
llntiiui I'tla nffprnrinn. In wlitflh thn
..H.n.H . -.- ......... .., ... .......
coming pence conference nt Tho Hague
was a prominent, irniuro. .iir. otcnu
wna accompanied by Dr. Albert Bhaw.
Probn for Qraft at Panama.
Washington, April 0, Tho president
haa taken up the complaints affecting
tho commlasary department on tho lath
nnm of Panama that havo como to him
aa tho rvaull of recent vlaits of mem
lioraot congrera to that place. Ho has
assured hla callers that tho allegations
sfTcclliHt graft In that department and
other complaints ihnll bo looked Into
Boundary Treaty Is Mado.
Waahington, April 10. It was otn
dally admlttrtl today thnt a treaty has
been drafted with Great llrltaln provid
ing for tho appointment of a joint com
inlaalon which will comlder nil ques
tions connected with tho water bound
nrica between Canada nnd tho United
Htntia, Including tho wholo subject of
flahorleti regulations for tho grwt lakes
and tho Atlantic and Paclflo seaboards.
Poatpones Hearing on Now Kates
Bjilom In order to attend tho Bpo-
kuno enso which Is In como befoio tho
Intoratatc Commorce commiMion, nnd
Iu order to glvo tho O. It. k N. ofllolals
an onnoitunttv to bo heard, tho atuto
commlision hna iKwtponed tho hearing
of tho complaint against tho (5 rate on
rough lumber to Ban Francisco from
Tuesday, April 10, toTucdday, April 23.
Gives Ohio Negro an Office.
Washington, April 12. Tho picsl-
dont appointed ltalph W. Tyler, a no
gro, of Columbus, O., to bo auditor of
tho treasury of tho Navy department.
Tyler Is tho man who It was announced
hail lieon considered by too prcsldont for
a Fodoral position in Ohio, particularly
that of surveyor of customs at Cincin
nati. President Rofusos Interview.
WiinhlrH'trm. Amll 11. Thn nresl-
dent hna declined to grant an InUrvIow
witn Mm. Tilii vnn Olnuaaon. wlin lias
complalnod to tlio State dopartmont
iimi unarios it. virnvou, uuuixi Dinica
minister to Bwodon, rofuiod to present
ltor to King Oioar, whoa Utoking want
od to moot her.
Division to ba Mado flstwaen Catlle
and Sheep.
Washington, April 10. Tho recent
nildlllon iii tho Wonuha national forests
In Oregon Include Homo of tho lieat ear
ly stotjk rango In tho state, and thore is
consldernblo anxiety among stockmen
In regard to tho rango divisions which
will Imi mndo thoro. A meeting luis
been titlle.1 at Walls Walla for tho
purpose of hearing tho claims nf thor.0
who havo hail tills range, and an effort
will Imj mndo to divide It fairly ami In
a way which will best protect tho In
terest of settlers and ranch owners liv
ing In Its vicinity.
It will bo tho tiollcy In all such cases
to glvo tho owners of cnttlo and sheep
icitpcctlvcly the uso of tliat portion of
tlie rango best adapted to tliolr itock
and to which they appear beat entitled
from prior uso and tho location of tliolr
ranches. Aftor tho division haa been
mado, each will ba protected In tho use
of tho'allolted range.
President Says They Mutt Not Do
Ditmltaed From Servlco.
Washington, April 13. It. II.
Ilroan, commander-in-chief of the
Grand Army of tho Kepublic, Corporal
Tanner, past commander-in-chief, arid
various ollicials of the local organlxa
tlon, called on the piealdent today In
rcforenco to the alleged dlamlpsal from
tho government departments of many
veteraus of the Civil war, and of their
widows, for no other cau-o titan old
Bomo tlmo ngo tho president took up
this queatlon nt a cabinet meeting,
and Riito Instructions that dlrctimlna-
lions ngalnat Uie veterans or tliolr wid
ows should censo. During tho call to
day of Commander lironu and his
friends, tlio president informed them
of tho instructions ho haJ given, and
S'surcd them thnt tho old soldiers
should bo cared for.
Havs Observed Rules of War.
Washington, April 11. Senor I!cha-
arctla, thn Nicaragua n coniui at Now
Orleans, advlrea the Mcaraguan lega
tion In this city that according to a
communication from General Joan Kb-
trada, tho general commanding tho Ni-
caiaguon expedition engaged in captur
ing Ifondurian ports, explicit Instruc
tions wero given to tho general to follow
strictly tho rules and regulations in
accoidanco with international law when
nations are at war, guaranteeing lifo
and property of every' neutral citizen at
tho different places where his forces aro
No Compromise Possible.
Waahington, April 11. "Tho next
ItepublUn National convention will
nominate Theodore Itoocovolt or else a
reactionary," declares one of tho most
adroit politicians known In iho national
capital. "There will bo no compro
mise candidate next year, no candidate
acceptable to ltocoovelt and yet accepts-
mo to tlio money power, hither the
people will rl-o In mars snd force the
nomination on Itoocovolt, thus over
whelmingly endorsing his course, or
olso they will meekly bow down and
wear tlio yoke of unscrupulous capital."
Goor,la Rate Cases Sat.
Washington, April 13. The Inter
state Commerce commission has set for
hearing In this city April 18 tho case
of the Knterprlac Mining company
nirnlnst the Gcorcla Ilallroad company
and others, alleging unreasonable and
discriminating rates on cotton from
various southern points via raciuo
Const terminals to Shanghai and other
ports in Japan and China, and nlso a
practically similar caeo aguinat Uio
sumo railroad filed by the China and
Japan Trading company and others.
Flset or 30 Warships.
Washington, April 13. Having com
pleted an elaborate program of exorclso
and target practice, tho battloship di
vision of tho Atlantic licet railed from
tho navnl station ntGuantanamo, Cuba,
ycaterday for Hampton Itoads to par
ticipate In tho coromonles lnoident to
tho opening of tho Jamestown exposi
tion. When asaemblod In Hampton
Itoads theio will bo an aggregate of 30
warships of various types, constituting
tho most powerful fleet over tuuemblod
la American waters.
Lost Barge Found.
Washington, April 12. Tho nlno
men who woio on coal bargo No. 1,
which was losi In a storm off the Flor
ida coast, whllo being towed by tho
navnl collier Caesar, havo been landed
nt Galveston, Texas, by the German
atcatnor Professor Woermsnn,
Catholics Discuss Affairs.
Washington, April 11, The affairs
of the Cathollo church In Amorlca and
the Catholic university In tills olty aro
to bo the subject of consideration by tho
Cathollo hlorarchy, which is to hold
meetings horo this week.
Spokane Chamber of Commerce Be
gins to Boom the Project.
Bpokano, Wash., April 8. Uy mak
ing public toilay tho report of Die "now
state" committee and annoacnlng IU
adoption by tho clutmtwr of commerce,
Bocrotiiry I.. O. Monroe, of tho latfar
body, formally launched tho campaign
for tho creation of anew commonwealth
comprising tho "Inland Kmplre," for
which tho no mo "Lincoln" lias been
most frequently suggested.
Tho report of Uio committee, which
wna adopted unanimously, consists of a
review of conditions tlutt brought about
what It terms Uio unnatural arrange
ment of boundaries now existing in tho
Northwest, advances rensons for tho
const ruction of a now state nnd suggests
the following boundaries should bo ap
proximated: That tho 45lh degrco of latitude, or
tho present north lino of the state of
Wyoming, extended, bo designated ae
tho northern boundary of the atato of
Idaho, and tho 120th degree of longl
tudo, or the eastern boundary of the
state of California, carried north, until
It intersects the 46th degrco of latitude,
be designated as tho western boundary
of tho a taUj of Idaho, and that the east
ern California lino, carried to Iirilnh
Columbia, bo designated as tho eastern
boundary of Uio state of Washington,
thereby leaving a new stato to be here
after named and from which a central
city should bo selected as tho capital,
comprising tho panliandle of Idaho,
Northeastern Oregon and Eastern
The report goes on to say:
"Tills proposition should not come
from any ono town or locality, but
should bo brought from all Uie principal
towns north of tho said -15th degree of
latltudo, and, if po-siblo to secure, their
consent and approbation, Uicn the mat
ter should bo taken to tho principal
towns and cities south of Uio said 45Ui
degree of latltudo, to secure, If possible,
their co-opcratlcn."
Thocommlttco recommended that tho
chamber of commerce send copies of
tills report to Uio various cities Inter
ested, placing Uio matter beforo the
board of trado, city council, or other
body of like nature, to tho end that
steps be taken looking to tho neccesary
action by congress.
Tho report point out Hist the pan
handlo of Idaho is cut off from the
south by an Impenetrable mountain
barrier, and that the acuth has domi
nated legislation to Uio exclusion of the
intercsta of tho panhandle; also that a
similar condition cxlits in Washing
ton, where tho Cascado mountains con
stitute a natural barrier.
It Is argued Uiat similar conditions
exist between Eastern and Western Or
egon to oven a mote marked degree.
Chinese Famine Drives People to Dig
Up and Eat Dead.
Washington, April 8. To correct an
erroneous report that lias found general
circulation wiUi harmful results, tho
Itcd Cross has issued tho following
atatomeut In regard to tho Chinese (am
ino: "The famine in China Is unprece
dented in severity, and tho period of
greatest agony la yot to come. Many
weeks mut paaa before there will bo
relief irorn now crops, and millions to
ilay are kept alive only through Ute
contributions to tho American mission
and Red Ciots society from Uio Ameri
can pcoplo who sent their donations to
Waihlngton. These two grvat organi
sations aro working together for Uio
common causo and have furnithed over
two-thiids of all relief supplies sent to
"Tlio following cablegram, received
by tho editor of the Christian Herald
from the editor of tho North China
Nowa, terrlblo as it may seem, speaks
only tho tiuth:
"Shanghai, April 0. Klcpsch, New
York, Approaching pel lod of severest
pinch. Authentic instances of copses
exhumed, canlballam. Foreign rollef
working effectively, maintaining wholo
districts until harvest.
"When a people. Iiavo been reduced
to such straits that they will dig up
and out tliolr own dead, the severity
and wido extent of tho (amino can bo
Men Will Get More Pay.
San Francisco, April 8. The board
of arbitration which has been consider
ing Uie dispute between Uio Southern
racltla Ilallroad company and the Order
of IUII way Telegraphers awards Uio telo
graphors 7 per cent Increase in pay
and a half day's work on Sunday, and
In lieu thereof a vacation cf 20 days
In each year, wlUt full pay. Tho
Southern Paclflo company gains Its
contention that the telegraphers should
not legislate lor train dispatchers or
station agents whose ealaries are equal
or exceed $1,300.
Coxey Plans Another Crusade.
Now York, April 8. Tho Ilorald this
morning says Jacob Bochler Coxey,
oommander-lnchiot of Uie Coxey army,
is planning another great naUonal otu
sade on new and sensational linos, and
ha may commence operations this year.
Roosevelt Is Strongly Opposed to
Annexing Republic.
Confers With Leaders and Proposes
Election In December After
Census Is Taken
Havana, April 0. The mombcra of
tho committer of the Insurgonta, with
whom Secretary Taft arranged for pcaoo
In Cuba last September, had a confer
ence with Uio secretary lasting three
hours. -Mr. Talt refused to give his
visitors tho date of Uie withdrawal of
tho American troops from Culm.
At Uio close of Uio conference Benora
Zayas and Gomez Informed the Associ
ated Press that Mr. Taft liad declared
it impossible to hold elections In Cuba
until a complete census of the island
hod been taken, which will occupy
about fcur months. Ho added that
municipal and provincial elections
would probably bo held in September,
but he would not give any probablo
date for the presidential olecUons.
Mr. Taft tenferred wiUi the members
of the committee of Insurgents until
into tonight. The subjects rtlsctissed
this morning wero cone over a second
time. Tho committer inslits upon
holding provincial elections at Uie
same tlmo aa municipal elections, but
this is opposed by the conservatives, as
the provincial councils elect a part of
tho senato.
General loyanex del Castillo called
attention to the existence of a cam
paign for tho establishment of an
American protectorate over Cuba. 31 r.
Taft said he was aware of this move
ment, but declared it would not affect
President Roosevelt's views, who wns
determined to restore tho Cuban repub
lic as soon aa possible, lie said ho
would probably recommend to Presi
dent Roosevelt tbo holding of presi
dential elections In December and that
the Cubans tako possession 100 days
later, as prescribed In the constitution.
Court Very Lenient While Hermann Is
on Stand.
Washington, April 9. It is expected
Uiat the testimony of Singer Hermann
will bo concluded today and that his
cross examination will then begin and
probably contumo two days. Judging
from the copious notes taken by Dis
trict Attorney Baker while nermann'
has been on Uie stand, it Is inferred
Uiat Uie defendant will have to face a
hot cross tire from the prosecution.
Hermann can never complain of the
unfairness of the rulings of Judge Staf
ford, who Is presiding. Many times
yesterday when the defendant gave
rambling and evasive answers to ques
tions by his attorney, answers that
put him In a mpre favorable light than
would a direct answer to the interroga
tory, the couit overruled objections of
the district attorney and admitted ner
mann's answers.
Western Railroads Agree to Lengthen
Chicago, April 0. Western railroad
officials havo practically decided upon
tho new schedules for passenger trains
between Chicago and Paclflo coast
points. Schedules will not be length
ened as much as it was at first propos
ed, as Uie passenger men could not
agree to have Uio trains run upon
schedules which could be maintained.
If the time as now argoed upon Is
put Into effect, tho schedule of tho fast
est train fiom Chicago to Los Angeles
will be lengthened from 71 hours and
flvo minute to 72 hours; to Ban Fran
cisco from 00 and one-half hours to 72;
from Chicago to Denver from 27 and
one-half hours to 32; from Chicago to
the Missouri river from 13 hours and
25 minutes to 14 houia and 30 minutes.
Get No Express Franks.
New York, April 0. The Inter tat o
Commerce commission has hold Uiat
express companies cannot glvo franks
to railroad ollicials. In an opinion giv
en to a Western railroad president to
day, Interstate Commerce Commission
er Lane ssid: "The law does not per
mit an express company to give trans
portation franks to tho officers or em
ployes ol railroad companies. A rail
road president or oUior officer of a
rallruad. Is aa much bound by the law
limiting free transportation aa any
Grsat Fire at Navy Yard.
Philadelphia. April 0, Tho ioiners'
shops, ouo of the largest buildings at
Ute League Island navy yard, waa de
stroyed by flro eaily this morning. All
available marines and sailors were
called out to fight Uio flames, together
with tbo city tire department. The
shop was filled with paints and other
inflammable material.