The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 19, 1907, Image 2

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    ' I
Sinking Fill Near Cayose Casts
Train Into Ditch.
Four Persons Klllod, Four Serious!
Injured and More Thn Score
Badly Hurt.
Pendleton, April 11. Four persona
wens instantly killed, four soriously in
jurcd and more Uian a score of others
cut, bruised and badly elinkon up in tho
wont wreck in tho history of the 0. 11.
& N., which occurred yesterday mom
ma about 3:30 o'clock near Cnruse sta
tion, about 15 miles cost of this city,
just at tho foot of tho Blue mountains.
Tho monster cnglno turned a complete
somersault in the air, and, now, com-
plctely wrecked, Is standing on end In
tho Umatilla river. Tho mall car, two
baccara cars and a amoktr are piled In
a heap, the former being smashed into
kindling wood.
No Mtsenser coaches with tho ex
ception of tho smoker lett tho track,
though passengers were hurled from
their scats and berths, many of them
receiving severe cuts and bruises. Tho
smoker was left standing nearly on end
and the occupants were thrown in a
heap to tho front end of tho car, which
was crushed in like an egg shell. Why
many of thom were not instantly killed
and all seriously mangled cannot bo
explained by the trainmen.
Tho train was passenger No. 6, in
charge of Conductor Coykendall, four
hours late and moving at a slow speed,
which acounts for the small number of
passengers injured. Tho wreck was
caused by a fill across the gulch giving
way under the weight of the engine
Thousands of Hometeekors Flocking;
Westward Dally.
Portland, April 11. After makings
careful estimate of the colonist business
coming West, A. D. Charlton, assistant
general patscngur agent for tho North
ern Pacific, who has just returned from
the East, estimates that between 6,000
and 7,000 homescekers are leaving the
Eastern gateways daily and that this
tremendous movement will continue
during the season.
Mr. Charlton paid particular atten
tion to the colonist movement while
away. Ho personally visited tno de
pots, where crowds of west bound
'homescekers are flocking to tho trains
and crowding tho coaches. Many, not
finding seats, are even willing to stand,
. so eager are they to get to the now
promised land.
The Northern Pacific, according to
Mr. Charlton, Is hauling between 2,500
and 3,000 colonists out of Et. Paul,
Minneapolis and Dulnth every day.
The Great Northern and Soo" lines,
of course, takes n great many more.
Taking tho southern gateways Into con
sideration, Mr. Charlton believes that
the total number leaving for the West
with tho avowed Intention of making
their homes here will run closo to 7,000
every day of the GO-day seascn.
Union Pacific Directors Bellovo He
Has Too Great Control.
Now York, April 12. Some of the
directors of tho Union Pucltlc railroad
favor a material reduction of tho extra'
ordinarr rawer confer tod upon its
president, Edward II. Harriman, which
inako tho company a ono-mau affair.
At present tho executivo committee
has all tho powers ol tho directors
when Uie lattct are nut in session, and
Mr. Harriman has nil tho powers of
tho executivo committee whon that
body is not In soislon. In oUier words,
Mr. Harriman can do as ho pleases, ex
cept for the few minutes ouco a week
or once a month, when tho committer
is in session.
Ho has a power of attorney and could
coll tho millions upon millions of tho
securities of other roods owned by tho
Union Paciilo at what price ho pleased,
or ho could hypothecate securities, bor
row tens of millions upon them from
banks and engage in stock market op
erations on a colossal scale.
In the hope of appeasing tho Union
Pacific stockholders and eliminating
tho public distrust In Uio securities of
the Harriman roads, it is proposed to
put soiuo new blood in the executivo
committee, reorganize' tho body and
adopt resolutions taking away from
Mr. Harriman somo ol tho powors
which have provoked so much criticism.
A i . ., ! HP
Congressman Say Work on Canal Is
Progressing Rapidly.
Washington, April 12. Clialrman
Thwney, of tho houso committee on np-
proprlatlons and Representative Olcott,
who have recently returned from a visit
to tho isthmus of Panama, today dis
cussed with tho president conditions as
they found them. Mr. Tawney is favor
ably Impressed with tho progress being
made In tho canal work, and told tho
president he thought that at tho pres
ent rate tho waterway should bo com
pleted in fivo years.
He said be regarded it as unfortunate
that the engineering world Iiad been
representing to tho people that an al
most impossible engineering problem
confronted it. Tho principal conditions
now to bo met, bo said, were those of
sufficient railroad capacity to take care
of the dirt excavated, and sanitation
with the view to keening the place in
a good, healthful condition.
Mr. Tawnoy also discussed with tho
president questions affecting congres
sional annronriations for canal work.
and it is likely some legislation bear
ing on the subject, will bo recommend
ed to congress as the result of tho visit
to the isthmus.
Dry Fall In Watco Preventes Soedlng
of Usual Acresga.
Tho Dalles Formers from tho Inter
ior of Wasco county say it Is still too
early to predict with any degree of cer
tnlnty, what will bo the prospect for
this year's crops. Tho season is nhout
three weeks Into, and the rain, which
has fallen to tho depth of 1.5 Inches
slnco April 1, has greatly Interfered
with plowing umt seeding. From farm
era In different parts of tho county, it
la learned that there is more moisture
in tho ground now than for a number
of years post. On account of the lack
of moisture lost year, a small propor
tion of tiio acreage was sown to (all
grain, probably not more Hum. 25 per
cent. Tho grain that was sown, how
ever, cdtuo through tho winter In
splendid nhapo, tho heavy snowfall
making a good protection. As socn as
tho ground settle enough to begin,
work will bo pushed forward with great
rapidity In order to niuko up for tho
lateness of the season.
One of Oregon's Abtost Jurists and
Pioneer of Coast.
Salem, April 11. Judgo Reuben
Patrick Boise, one of the earliest pion
eers, ablest jurists, founders of the
fundamental laws, and moulders of tho
destiny of the its to of Oregon, passed
away at his old home in this city
shortly after 2 o'clock yostcrday after
noon. His malady was a combination
of stomach and kidney trouble. He
hod readied the advanced ago cf 87
years, 0 months and 22 days.
There was perhaps no better known
and prominent man In the public mind
of tho stato of Oregon or tho Pacific
Northwest than Judge Voice. He was
onn of the three who framed tho first
code of laws of the Oregon territory;
one of the few surviving members of
the constitutional convention of tho
Try to Kill Grand Duke.
St. Petersburg, April 11. It was an
nounced today that another attempt on
the life of Grand Duke Nicholas Nlcho
lalevitch had been frustrated. Tho
grand duko was returning from Tsar-skoo-Selo
by train at 2 o'clock this
morning. When the train was 13 miles
from St. Petersburg it was brought to a
sudden stop by a fusilade of shots from
the track sido. The sentry said he had
seen four men hiding behind an em
bankment. Tho men succeeded in get
ting away, though several shots were
fired at them.
Drouth Kills Cuban Cattle.
Havana, April 11. Tho rural guards
report tho death of hundreds ol cattle
throughout the island as a result of
tho continued drouth. Cuba has not
had a good rain since the October cy
clone and (ho crops are suffering,
Questions Authority to Forbid
erlng of Statistics.
St. Petertbarg, April 12. Premier
Stolypin, in attempting to limit the
competenco of the lower houso of par
liament by forbidding its committees to
obtain statistics from tho Zcmstvos and
avail themselves of outside expert ad-
vico, has been defied by the public.
President Golovin had written a curt
letter to uio premier asking him. on
what ground and under what law ho Is
entitled to address audi demands to the
imperial parliament. Tho law, M.
Uolopln rays, contains a paragraph au
thorising the lowor houso of parliament
to interpellate the government but no
where was there a reciprocal right on
the part of the ministers.
The actions of President Golcvln and
tho budget committee were takon after
a long conference between the prcsldont
and leaders of all tho parties In parlia
ment except the extremo right, and
bring Uio Issue squarely before the
The discussion of tho bndget in com
mittee is expected to last from four to
six weeks. Tho estimates probably
will bo accepted, with minor changes
by tho houso, when presented.
Obey Colorado Laws.
Denver, April 12 Insuranco Com
missioner Itittenhouee, who has been
in Indianapolis for bo vera 1 days confer
ring with the officials of the State Life
Insurance company, of Indiana, whoso
license to do business In this state was
revoked recently, telegraphed Stulo
Auditor Btatler yesterday to issue a now
license to the company, which was
done. Tho company agreed to abandon
its plan of issuing stock to policyhold
ers, which was construed as a violation
of the stato law, resulting in their per
mit being cancelled.
Navy to Have Four Bases.
Shanghai, April 12. It is said tho
organized navy of China is to have four
bases, one on Chang Chow island, ono
in the Mlao Tao group, a third in the
Chuson archlpelagq and a fourth on
Hainan Island. Tho schome Involvos
tho outlay of 12,000,000 tools annunal
ly for the construction of new moderate
sized armored cruisers a number of tor
pedo boats and a docea submarines.
Growing Demand Creatts New Inter
est Among Stockmen.
Salem Tho horse shows held nt
Stnyton and Woodburn recently were so
successful and so great has tho Interest
in hoi M becomo throughout this coun
ty that Secretary Frank Welch, of tho
stato board of agriculture, lias called a
meeting of horsomon to tw hold here to
prepare plans for nn exhibition horse
fair to be held In thin city soon.
On account of tho market advance in
prices and tho demand for fine horses,
which are very scarce on account of
Eastern buyers having scoured ths
county and taken out so many, unrein i
um fund will be innuguiatrd and every
horseman and thoso Interested in horses
will bo asked to contribute something
to tho fund. In this way prlics can bo
At the meeting a soliciting commit
tee will bo named to undertake tho
Rains Delay Seeding.
Pendleton As a result of the rainy
weather that has prevailed all over this
section during the greater part of Uio
spring it has been difficult for farmers
to get spring work dono as early as us
ual. Under ordinary conditions prac
tically all of tho spring seeding Is dono
by the tnlddlo ol April, but much land
meant for spring grain this year Is yet
unsown. To make the situation worso,
there Is moro than Uio usual amount of
spring grain to bo sown this year, bo-
cause of tho dry weather during tho
early fall, and some of those who seed
cd in tho late fall mot disaster becuueo
cold weather kept tho wheat from germ
inating. Consequently tho latter luivo
to resecd now. However, tho only ro
seeding of consequence is In the north
western part of the county, where moro
late sowing was dono than on the reservation.
Inland Association Cuts Out Middle
men's Profit on Big Ordsr.
Pendleton 0, A. ltarrott, president
of the Inland Wlieatgrowora' associa
tion, announced a few days ago that ho
had just puruliased for tho association
250,000 sacks from Koshhtud lire., of
San Francisco, and 76,000 from a Port
land firm. Tho exact price paid was
not given out, but under the contract
which tho association has with tho
farmers, tho sacks aro not to cost more
than lit, cents dellvoied In carload
lots to tho different stations In this ami
Morrow county.
Tho present quotations from Uio lo
cal gmlnbuycr who Iiavu heretofore
supplied tho local market Is 10
cents. About two and a halt million
sacks aro used In this county annually,
more than nno million of which have
now Wen purchased by the association
for this year, and applications for moio
are coming In daily.
Tills Is Uio lint nttempt tho grain
gran era have made to cut out tho
prolltMif the middlemen, and so far It
seem to havo been successful.
Fruit Commissioners Named.
Salem At Uio meeting of tho stato
horticultural board tho following ap
pointments were announced (or tho next
term of four years: Judd Geer, of
Cove, to succeed himself from tho Fifth
district; C. A. Parks, of Salem, ap-
talnted to succeed himself from tin Beo-
ond district. There aro yet two candi
dates for the third nppolntmcnt, which
has not been decided upon. They are
A. H.Souhleraridlt. II. Webber, of
The Dulles. It is thought possible
Webbor will be reappointed.
Newport Hotels Filling Up.
Newport Newport has begun to en
tertain her usual summer visitors
Hor hotels, boarding houses and cot
tages aro well filled with visitors. Tho
open air band concerts twice a week,
masquerades, dancing parties, bowling
contests, roller skating, lawn tennis
and whist parties furnish amnio oppor
tunlty for amusement. The fishing and
hunting aro good and the beach is liter
ally piled high with beautiful and
precious stones.
Work Must Bs Done Over.
Albany Members of Uie 8tato
Grango who havo been circulating peti
tions asking for a referendum vote on
the University of Oregon appropriation
bill have worked In vain. It has been
discovered that an error was made in
preparing the form for tho ptltions and
which renders them worthless. Soto
ral hundred names have been signed
to thoso petitions and tho work of seve
ral days lias ccmo to naught.
Cove Fruit Outlook,
Cove The prospects for a heavy
crop of fruit from tills section of tho
Grand Hondo woro never brighter at
this time of year, and tho outlook for
easy and rapid shipment was novor be
fore so good, even In tho minds of tho
doubters, as tho Central Railway com
pany assures shippers It will be ready
to lift tho strawberry crop in June,
Governor Names E. L. Smith.
Salem Governor Chamberlain linn
appointed K. I.. Smith, of Hood River,
to act as Oregon's official representative
in opening the Jamestown exposition.
Upon his shoulders will devolve thn
Important duty of being present nt Uio
Inaugural ceremonies of tho fair, and
ho will present on lehalf of tho state
the governor's formal nnnouncement of
Uie itatc's representation, If ho does
not attend himself, and Mr. Smith
will also be the state's official guide
Uiruugh tho departments of exhibit
and will take enre of tho correspond,
ence from Oregon peoplo and see that
thry are properly treated whllo there.
Incorporate Fruit Farm.
Eugene A stock company mpltallx
cd at (20,000 has leen formed In Eu
gene for the purporio of growing fruits,
owning lands, building and operating
mnnciics. Tho iiicmlcre of tho com.
panynre W. G, Allen of tho Allen
Canning & Packing company, P. E.
Suodgruss, cashier of tho Eugeno First
National bank, and F. L. Chambers of
tho Chambcrs-Ilristow Bunking company.
Beautifying Fair Grounds.
Salem Secretary Welch, of tho Stato
Agricultural boon!, has announced his
Intention to beautify Uie fair grounds
this year with flowers in a manner that
has never lccn equaled In tho 47 years
that state fairs liavo been held hero.
He lias conferred with tho other mem
bers of Uio board and they havo prac
tically given him carte blanoho in Uio
Testimony While on the Bland Makts
a Poor Showing,
Washington, April 10. lllngtr Her
mann Morally wont to piece yesterday
afternoon when subjected to cress ox
ainlnntlon by District Attorney linker.
Whore previously ho had boon calm nnd
suave, though sometime evasive, ho
frequently exhibited temper, when
pressed with eiiilmrrasslng questions,
and repeatedly avoided giving direct
answers to questions put to htm by the
prosecuting officer. When pinned
down he uinde several reluctant admis
sions that rellcctcd anything but credit
iixm him. At other times, though
confronted with documentary evidence
showing what the dlstilct attorney
styled violations of thn Inw uinm his
tuirt, Hnimnnn ropcHty lUuled till
guilt and undertook tu explain away
transactions which Involved him in va
rious land deals. The most plllablo
feature of Heriimuii's explanations wus
that they did rut explain.
Altogether Hermann showed up In
an extremely Wid light. Union ho Im
proves when the bulk of tho cunts ex
amination Is conducted, It Is evident
he will hiiM) dono his tauso more In
jury than good by going upon the
Hermann was asked If ho had recom
mended Mays' appointment as district
attorney. lie had no recollection ol
taking such action, Whon tho doou
inrnt was produced shoeing a joint re
commendation of Mays, signed by
Mltoholl, Dolph and Hermann, the
witness vividly recalled the crlmiiu-Uncos.
Commissioner lialilngor to llusr
Action on Land Patents. ,
Wheat Club 73074o; blue-stem,
76077e; valley, 70071c; red, 7172o.
Oals No. 1 white, $20.60; gray,
Rye l.-J5l.60.
Barley Feed, $22.60 per ton; brew
ing, $23; rolled, I23.6024.n0.
Corn Wholo, $25: orucked, $20 per
Hay Valley timothy, No. 1, $16
10 nor ton: Eastern Oreiron tlmothv.
$17018; clover, $1); client, $0; irraln
hay, $010.
Apples Common, 7oofd)$I..'& per
box; cholco, $1.6002.
Vegetables Turnips, $101, 26 nor
snek; carrots, $1 (3 1.25 per sack; liecta,
$1.2oI.uU per sack; iiorsonullsli, 70J)
8o per pound; cauliflower, $1 per
doxrn; celery, $4 per crato; lottuce,
head, 38046c per dozen; sprouts, Do:
radishes, 25o per dozen; asparagus, 13
015a per pound; rhubarb, Co per
Onion Oregon, $3,
Potatoes Oregon Ilutbanks, fancy,
$1.4001.05; extra fancy, $1.76; No. 1
choice, $1. 601.40.
Hotter rnncy creamery, .12HJc
per pound.
Hotter Fat First grade cream, 33Jc
por pound; second gruao cream, 2o ltts
per raund.
Poultry Average old liens, 18010a
per pound; mixed chickens, 14k(A16o;
spring fryers and broilers, 200220)
old roosters, lW$i-c; drassod chlokeni,
lG017u; turkeys, live, 13016c; lur
koys, dressed, choice, 18)02Oc; geese,
live, 8o; ducks, 10018a,
Eggs Oregon ranch, 10020a per
Veal Dressed, 5Jtf8J(fo por pound.
Ileef DresKod bulls, 33)ic pei
pound; cows, 600c; country steers, 0
Mutton Dressed, fancy, lO01OKo
per pound; ordinary, 800a; spring
lambs, with pott, 12$013o.
Pork Dressed, 00o por pound.
Heps 8Qllo per pound, according
to quality.
Wool hastern urogon avorugo best,
13QlBo per pound, according to shrink
age; valley, zw&isz, according to uno
noss; mohair, choice, 2820o per
Commarc Commission Will Ask
Order From Court.
Washington, April 10. According to
a decision reached by tho Inteistatc
Commoruo commission today, E. Il
Harriman will be made to appeal In
the United State's Circuit coutt in Now
York In nnswer to proceedings to com
pel him to answer certain uurstluus
which hu refused to answer whon ho
was on tho stand at thn recent hearing
by tho commission In Now York. Tho
action will I brought as soon as .Messrs.
Kellogg ami Severance, sixelnl counsel,
can prepare tho case for court.
the hearing at which Mr. Harriman
appeared was In connection with certain
transactions of tho Union lacllic. On
advlco of counsol ho refused to nnswer
tho questions put to him. II was
brought out In tho testimony thnt the
Union Pacific owned a largo amount of
Southern Pacific stock. Mr. Harriman
wua asked whether any and, if so, how
much of that stock belonged to him
self, when ho (ought It and what prico
he paid for it, but ho declined to an
swer. Another quest Ion which ho refused to
answer and tliaton which the commit,
slon desires light was whether or not
any of the directors of the Union I'n-
olllo were interested In the sale of cer
tain shares of stock of tho New York
Central railroad at the time they were
soiu to ino union racing,
Assurss 8enlor Bourne That No
Morn Claims Will Us Held Up
on Mere Suspicion.
Wnshlimtoii, April 13. hand (Ann.
nilrulmirr lialilngor today assured Hen
ator llounio of his Intention of "raising
the lid" In Oregon, meaning (list h
Intended to take up and wps nil nlld '
public inttit entiles Unit lintn long lrn
under suspension In that state,
A great many nitric were hrtd up
by tko old administration on more su
plolnn that Ihnm was lomethliig cnxik-,
cd nlxmt thuin. There was no nctiul
evidence of wiongdolitg or wrong in
tent on the rt of tlunm entiyinen
Mr, llollluittT nlll wm to patent every
Oregon entry which, iivu examination,
npents In he Hindu In god faith, ami
Ukxo entries that are Irregular or rhuw
evidence, of fraud will I examined
promptly as KMtlhlo nnd approiriste
action taken.
Mr. Halllngcr ngrees with Mr
lUmrnt) that Oregon lias suffered mi.
justly In late years, ami tin Is willing
to do ever) thing In Ills xiwer to mace
the state on the same fooling wllli nil
nl hers. He I ma Itopivi of dliiMlng of
all pending mltlrs during thn romlng
miuimer, ami It It Ills exMctatloti tltal
a grrnt many will uw to patent in
thn nmr future.
The eomuilH loner I rapidly putting
the land office mi a sound IhwIiih fo
als, be liliiwwli woiklng until iiildiiik'ht
every night nt teorganlsatlrHi He n
determined to make the IaihI office a
thoimigh bud now Imtitullon ami brine
Its wuik up to date.
Nicaragua Makes Counttr Proposi
tion to Salvador and Guatemala.
Washington, April 10. A day of
conference between the Cent ml Ameri
can representatives hem In I heir efforts
to reach n balls for penco had no
marked results. Having deciphered
tho cable response from his own gov
eminent to the propositions submitted
to him yesterday by the reprereututives
of Suhador and Guatemala, Senor
Corcu, thn Nlcurnguari minister, called
today upon Honor Creol, tho Mexican
ambassador, who had taken tho part of
mouiaiar, turn ucquainuii nun with
President Zelaya's answer. This made
ncceteary fuithor conference, which foot
was taken as an indication tlmt tho
Nlraragunn response wan In tho tuitiire
of a counter proposition.
Moms. Corrn and Creel then re
laired to tho Suite doxirtuicnt to con
fer with Secretary Iloot ami Assistant
Secretary llacon. This conference also
advanced mailers only so far as to rxivo
tho way for another conference, which
was hold late In the afternoon between
Messrs. Creol nnd Corrn and Horrttnte
nnd Mojln, tho latter two representing
uiiniemaia una nnivnuor, respectively,
Standard's Rival Indicted.
Topckn, Kan., April 10. II, H.
Tucker, Jr., secretary of Uie Unolo Sum
Oil company, with headquarters In
Kansas City, was IndlcUil by the Foil.
oral grand jury this moiiilngon tho
charge of using the malla to defraud.
HU nrrcst at Kansas City, Kan., fol
lowed a writ of capias having been
Issued. Tho penalty on conviction
may bo either a fine of $6,000 or lm
prlsonmont for ilvo years, In l-Vbru-ary,
1008, Mr. Tuokor organized the
Undo Sam Oil fc Koflnoiy romptiny
and Incorporated undor tho Arizona law.
Texas to Close Bucket 8hops.
Austin, Tox. Anrll 10. Iioth
branchoa of the Texas legislature today
passed a bill prohibition the onoratlrm
of buckoUhops, cottcn exchange or any
dealings In futures la Texas,
America Urged to Glva S3, 000,000
for Chinese Suffarors.
Shanghai, China. April 13 Tele
grama received here from 20 olnls in
the famine district reorU'd that the
conditions are growing wnrre.
S The Chinese government and xop1r,
up to date, liavttcontrllHited more than
four million dollars for famine relief,
nnd the sums received from all lomcu
source total half a million dollars,
including the supplies on their way
from America.
The relief committee hern Is prompt.
Iv sending supplies to tho front, but
the funds are nut yet In Its i.oe.'ii
Measure adopted up tn ilatn are inade
quate. Ten million iiermins are suffer
Ing from laek of food ami facing starva
A dollar, the relief committee re
port, will save one life until the liar
vest, Juno 35. ami $10,000,000 is need
cd. Tho whole amount cannot be
ralae-d In China. The situation Is fdes
pvrato, ami Americans are urged to
give $3,000,000 In tho next three
weeks, not for Christian, but for hu
manitarian works. It is suggested that
it would lie Ut to rnblo money to the
consul here, James Unit Itodgrrs. as
supplies can be piueliased In Hlmniilial
Judge Watborn Declines to Quaih In
dictments for Rsbatins;.
lm Angeles, Anrll 13. In a lengthy
verbal opinion, Judge Olln Wolliorn,
in Uio united HtalcH District oouit, de
clined to quash the Indictment against
UioSnutn Fa Railroad company fral
icged rebating, and the company limit
stand trial upon M separate counts"
Judge Wollwrn's opinion reaffirm!
the deadline set forth In tho American
Tobacco company enso, that a emigra
tion Is not a person, as dellncd In Iho
fouith and fifth amendments to tho
constitution of the United Stales, snd
may lie compelled to give tcatlony tend
ing to Inorlmlmitfl ftsell,
Judge Wclbont gno the defendants
permission to lllo u demurrer, If they
desire to do so, by April 22.
Buy Off Canadian Saalsrs.
Ottawa, Out., April 13. Sir Mac
kenzle Jlownll, In the senate today,
read u cable dlsimtch from (limt lint-
aln saying that uu agreement had lieen
reached between the United States,
Greul ilrltaln and Canada, whereby
uaimiia agreed to give up deep sou seal
ing rights for a moriotary consideration.
Mr Scott Bald In reply that, us far s
tho Canadian government know, until
Ing had been dono toward abrogating
tho agreement made two or Uireo years
iigo as to tho seal fishers.
Smuggled Japanese Caught.
Kl Paso, April 13. fmmoctor Hint"
mocker, In c haruo of Um linmluriitloii
office hero, received n telegram today
telling of tho cantum of Mul.t. mntiuiilud
Jhiicbo. FIvo wore caught at Fort
Worth, ono nt IVcos and two nt Alhu
quorquo. They had escaped across Iho
border cast and west of the station.