The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 12, 1907, Image 2

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Harrlman Coal Companies Offer
Government Stolen Land.
Akt Immunity In Return, -tout Only
a Simatl Part of Stealings
I Offered.
Washington, April 4. It was learned
tonight that the I larrlman corporations.
whose ramifications extend to coal land
and other vatt Interests in the Far
"Wel, aro offering to restore to the gov
ernment properties tiny have hereto
fore claimed as theirs by good and am
ple title. They prefer to do this lather
than be prosecuted.
Coal land worth in thonggregnte mil
lions of dollars is to bo restored to the
public domain, as a result of tlio recent
activities of tho Interstate Commerce
commission. Tho commission several
months ago investigated tho land frauds
in Wyoming, Colorado and Utah. It
vraa found that this whole, tcction wa
honeycombed with conuptlon and its
reports indicated that the general land
ollico had been cither hopelessly incom
petent or worso in permitting the rail
road companies and their allied corpo
rations, the Union Pacific Coal com
pany, the Utah Fuel company and tho
Railroads and Trainman Have Reached
an Agreement.
Chicago, April 5. The differences
between the Western roads and tho
members of tho Order oi Conductors
and the llrotherhood of Trainmen were
finally adjusted yesterday. The men
abandoned their demand for n nine
hour work day and tho roads made an
advance ovci their previous proposition
in tho pay of baggagemen, tlngmen and
brnkemen of $7.60 per month.
Tho original demands of the men
were for an Increase of 12 per cent and
for a working day of nine hours. Tho
managers offered an Increase In pay of
iu per cent ana ucciincu to grant tt lie
nine-hour day. Tho agreement was
reached mainly through the efforts of
Clialrman Knnpp. of the Interstate
Commerce commission, and Charles
Nelll, I nited States labor commission
er. The agreement, which goes into
effect dating from April 1, follows:
Tho pay of conductors in the patson
ger service to i increased iio per
monin, Hint ol baggagemen 7.60 and
that of fiagmen nnd brnkemen 10.60
per month as npplied to the tchedules
In effect November 1, WOO.
The railroads nre not to mako anv ro-
duction in crews or lncrcae in mileage
tor me purpoeo or ousetting the In
creased wages given tho passenger
Overtime in the passenger service to
bo allowed on tho basis of 16 miles
per Dour, to be computed for each part
oi uio run separately. Time la to be
gin nt tho schedule time of leaving.
Hauls on a basis of mora tlinn ten
hours per day for a helix.-r or construc
tion train icivico are to make no in.
Colorado Fuel A Iron company to ee- "casa in the rates paid for such ser
cure, by various and devious metheds. v,co Te increases granted in tho
control of great areas of tho richest coal
land in tho West.
The Union Pacific Coal Company is a
subsidiary corporation of tho Union
Pacific Railroad company. All tho
stock of tho coal company, except
qualifying shares for directors, is owned
by tho railroad company. Tho coal
company secured control of n largo
amount of scrip and used it to secure
cntir of land, which was rich in the
finwt bituminous coal of tho Wyoming
As it is the coal company is anxious
to return the valuable land to the gov
ernment and end tho mattet. But the
matter will not bo allowed to end
there. While there is no rxssible de
fense to the title under which this scrip
land has been claimed, this, though
very valuable, constitutes only a small
part of the coal land now held by the
Union Pacific railroad, the Union Pa
clfic Coal company, tho Union Fuel
company and other concerns.
agreement aro to apply also to rates
for special services na specified in the
individual schedule
Upon roads having a better basis for
a day's work or for payment of over
time or other allowances in all branches
of train service, tho acceptance of this
agreement is not to act as n rcductlcn.
The llrotherhood of Locomotive Fire
men wns nlso granted by tho railroads
an Increase of 10 per cent.
Linn County Grangers Hold Up Uni
versity Appropriation.
Albany Tho University of Oregon
appropriation bill Is to be referred to
the people. Kfforts ot I. Inn county
Grangers to hold up the university hill
culminated in a meeting of representa
tives or all grnngo organisations of Linn
county in Albany.
llceldos the Grangers there were in
attendance. President P. L. Campbell,
ot tho university, and Senator M. A.
Miller, member of tho board ot re
gents ol tho school. These men pro-
senteti very strongly tlio university s
sldo ot tho niso showing the need of
more money than was appropriated.
The i 120,000 curried in tint l.lll was
segregated by President Campbell, who
explained tho use to U made ot every
dollar. Hut tho Gmugera wero obdu
rate nnd at tho close ot tlio conference
decided to tiso tlio referendum to hold
tho appropriation up until tho next
general election, when the people will
detormlne the fate of the pulioot;
lint llttlo argument win used in sup
port of tho position ot the Grunce. oth
er tlian "retrenchment." It was also
divided to ltavo leproduced an editorial
printed in the Oregonlan of Saturday,
February 11, 1905, entitle.! ".Machine
Miulo Cltliens," and scatter thousands
of copies oer tho state.
Military Doard Holds Session New
Company at Oregon City.
Salem The stnto military board, nt
Its last meeting, effected a rooigunlzn.
lion of tho hospital corps of the Oregon
National Guard into what will bo
known In the future as the nmhiiluncu
company, consisting of 411 hnti-ctimmin-stoned
ollleers and men. A new com.
puny will bo formed nt Oregon City to
take the place ol tho one disbanded.
I lie Dulles, Oregon City, Aaliland,
Itiwcburg, AlUinyaud Woodhurn hnvn
offered land for armory sites provided
lor ny tlio appioprlutlon of $100,000
In house bill 118. No action win taken,
tho matter Mug left to the towns. Tim
Mirlous companies of tho state nre pay
lug nn average of (300, ht year for the
use of buildings as armories, nnd Gen
eral Flnier figures Hint In 20 ear the
stato will Ik) repaid the $t00,0ull npprtt
priatian. Very little action whs taken on nc-
count of tlio anticipated action ot the
Grange In asking that the appropria
tion lie submitted to the referendum at
tlio June election.
Hundreds Cross Border From
ada and mexlco.
Washington, March 4. Infoimation
has reached tho immigration bureau of
the Department of Commerce nnd La
bor that Hundreds of Japanone have ar
rived In Mexico destined for the United
States. Inspector Draun, who waa sent
to Mexico to investigate, telegraphed
today that he had interviewed several
hundred Japanese, principally laborers,
who are now in Mexico. Many of thorn
are In straightened circumstances. They
have no Intention of tcmaining in Mex
ico, but do desire to come to the United
btatcs. They expect to obtain employ
ment on the lailroads of the West und
Southwest. Some of them have al
ready applied for admission to the
United States and havo been denied.
Russia Says Time Is Not Ripe for
Limiting Armament.
St. Petersburg, April 4. .According
u i-roiessor uo Jiarents, who was re
ceived Jn audience by Kmperor Nicho
las yesieruay, jtuasia believes the time
Is not rip for tho discussion ot the
question of limitation of armaments, as
C radical results cannot be obtained,
ut If the United States and Great Brit
ain are determined to bring the subject
before the conference Russia is not in
clined to insist on its exclusion.
In eonsequencre of Uie unsuccessful
war Ilusala'a army and fleet are far
below her normal strength and she Is
not willing to restrict her freedom of
action In regaining her naval strength.
Champions of Simplicity Rejoice Ovsr
Number of Converts.
New ork. April 6. Chairman
Ilrandcr Matthews, of the Simplified
Spelling board, at its first annual meet
ing today submitted a report stating
that at least 100,000 persons wero us
ing tho form of spelling urged by tho
organization. Most ot tho criticism
against the board's activity, Professor
Matthews declared, liad corro from
men of letters, but this had been mere
than offset by tho support of men of
science. Professor Matthews says Presi
dent Itooecvclt's warm attitudo toward
simplified spelling had also been a
powerful factor in advancing tho work.
Resolutions wero adopted thanking
Andrew Carnegie for the aid he had
rendced the board and expressing the
conviction that through the help thus
rendered thero "would bo insured for
counties generations a great diminu
tion in tho labor of teaching and learn
ing with a proportionate increaso in
the things taught ami learned; a vast
Increase in the facility of spreading
ideas, and thereforo a vast incieaio In
each individual's stock of original
Country Sheep Inspectors.
Pendleton State Sheep Inspector
Lytlo bus announced tlio appointment
of olght county sheen inspectors for
Knstorn Oregon. Appointments have
not yet been made for Wheeler, Har
ney, I-nke, Klamath fir Gilliam coun
ties. Thoeo named aie: Umatilla
county, John Ilrjant, Pendleton, pres
ent incumbent; Wasco, P. J. Walsh,
Antelopo; Crook, J. A. McCoy. Hay
Creek; Malheur. II. L. Anderson.
Skull Springs; Grant, George Irwin,
Monument, present Incumbent; Mor
row, Andrew Cook, llcppncr. present
Incumbent: Wallowa, J. W. I)ule,
Wallowa City, present incumbent;
linker, A. N. Ingle, Hichlsnd, present
Four Jurors Are Accepted.
San Franciaco, April 4 - Three of the
first talesmen who will sit in tho jury
box, subject to peremptory challenge,
were passed by the prosecution and the
defense as a result of the second day's
prcceodinge in tho trial of Abraham
ltuef for extortion. One having been
passed by both sides tho first day, four
talesmen have now been temporarily
selected. When this number lias beeh
increased to twelve they will be sub
ject to peremptory challenge, the de
fense having tho right to excuse ten
jurors and the prosecution five.
Rejscts Bering Tunnel Scheme.
St. Petersburg, April 4. The cab
inet today rejected a proposal made on
behalf tf an American syndicate for tho
construction of a railroad tunnel under
Jlering etiaits, by which It was hoped
ultimately to connect the Trans-Siberian
with the Canadian Pacific- railroad.
Hermann Explains Why He Made Way
With Letterbooks.
Washington, April 6. During the
hour he wus on the stand today Dinger
Hermann narrated tho circumstances
under which he ordered the destruction
of his 35 privato letterbooks, gave his
reason lor so doing, and also exn a ned
the distinction ho drew between per
sonal and official correspondence.
While telling tiio story of the books, he
for the first time displayed signs ot
emotion, and his earnestness and
tialgthforwardneas as he talked direct
to Hie Jury were con vicing.
From his own testimony it was evi
dent that Hermann never drew a fine
distinction between tho official and the
personal In his correspondence with
Oregon friends, in fact, the bulk of his
correspondence with personal acquaint
ances at home waa regarded by him as
personal, notwithstanding much of it
dealt more or less extensively with land
ollico business.
Students to Fight Sheep Disease.
Corvallis Four Oregon Agricultural
college students aro leaving college to
take positions on tho government staff
for eradicating sheep dli cases in Ore
gon. They are G. A. Dodson, Walter
Foster, Kdgar W. Donnelly and Henry
Hooer. They receive good salaries and
have their expenses paid. Tho work
will extend from now to tho end ot the
summer. Their appointment are re
ceived from the bureau of anlinnl in
dustry at Washington. Dodson, Dun-
nelly and Foster aro to oicrate In Kant
em Oregon and Hooper in tho Willam
ette valley.
Commission to Hear Protests.
Falem At a meeting of the stalo
railroad commission a conference for
April 1(1 was set. to hear the com
plaints filed by tho lumbermen along
the lino ot tlio Southern Pacific ml I run I
in this Btate. In regard to tho raising of
rates on rough lumber from $3.10 per
thousand feet to 6, which rule Is to go
inioonect April )H. Among tlio con
cerns that havo tiled complaints aro tho
Western Oregon Lumber Manufacturers'
association, of Cottngo Grove, tho Ore
gon A Washington Ijimber Manufac
turers' association, with in Port
land, and tho II- otli-Kclly company, of
May Be Held to Three Inspectors.
Salem State tabor Commissioner
lloff Is In n utinliilrv over iulliitlm
things to tit the now law, authorising
him to upioInt special deputy liisitcrt
ors ot mills, factories and workshop.
no nn umuiM inosmio into our iu
f HVtloii districts, but now is afmld the
revenues from tho net. which levies nn
annual inspection ho of III) tinou each
factory, mill and vtoikslmp In tho state
wliero machinery is used, will not sun-
port four Inspector, and ho hits alxiut
come to the conclusion that he will
have to divide the state Into three dis
tricts In order to make both cud meet.
Iio cannot ilgure that them t will pio
duco much more than $10 000 iht year
ruvciuie irom tins lax, ami tlio inspect
or arc entitled to $1 per day for null
day's actual work together with cxihmisc
allowance of about ft per day.
OfTical Notice of Forest Reserve,
Salem Governor Chamlierlnln has
received tlio three privluinatioruj of the
president, dated March 2, 1001, creat
ing the Tillamook, Umixiiia and Co.
quillo forest reserves. These reserves
all bori'er on tho Pacific ocean, com.
uicncingat Tillaoinok county and run
ning south as far ns Curry county. The
aggregate amount of tho three reserves
is about 4,000,000.
Mediators Still Hopeful of Preventing
Dig Railway Strike.
Chicago, April 3. In n final effort
to avert tho Impending railroad strike,
Comiiilisloners Knnpp and Nelll, the
agents of President ltoosoyelt, will
nmko a dlreit appeal to tho full coin,
iiiltlcouf conductors mid tialiiiiiou to
day. Tho meeting will U held in the
Sherman House, and tho Fcdcial medi
ators will lay Muro the 170 delegates
the final proportion of tho general ninn-
ageis. what that proiMitition Is neith
er the commissioner nor tho labor
chiefs would dl-eloso tonight, hut it is
understood to contain some minor con
The decision of Messrs. Knnpp and
Nelll to visit tho meetiuuof tlio Inlmi
delegates and appeal to them direct
wits reported nt n conference with the
labor chiefs, which lasted until 11
o'clock Inst night. It was taken to In
dicate Hint the committee which has
la-en conducting the negotiations refin
ed to aciept the terms if the lunungois,
and that It Invited the Federal mediat
ors to nitomi thu meeting and find out
in a dlioet maimer what tho dclopitta
thought of the offer.
At tlio meeting today the cntlittmnl-
tcr will Ih put up to the delegates nnd
it is iHlleel that It will end tho con
ferences. Tlio controversy will either
U settled oi the threatened strike,
which line liccu suseiidcd fur several
dny while tho notfotiallon were h-iii1-Ing,
will bo declared. The prospect
for an amicable settlement seem mure
Chiefs Mnirlssey and Oarrctson at
tended a mietliiK of tho full commtlfen
and It was said they learned tho teiiux.r
of their men as to what concessions
tliey would mako in tho Interests of
"Is the nine-hour dny the rrnl stum
bling block In the way of ponce?" was
nsked of Mr. (Inrretrou.
"iniu not nt liberty to discuss Die
illinium now, no icplletl, "but ns a
matter of (net there has nolhtoin mill,
uto nIiico tho coufcrcrec hits lnyun tlml
uio nino-hoiir day wns not tho lent
stumbling block. The men are detr
mined on Hint Issue."
In tho event of the negotiation being
broken off ami a strike resorted to.
whlcli Is n strong probability, tho teal
irsuo will be the nine-hour day.
Sweeps Tlirougli Louisiana, Mis
sissippi and Alabama.
Hundred Divorce Cases on Docks'!.
Oregon City The April term of tho
Clicult court will lx) convened In this
city Monday, April 15. The number
of divorce. suits on the docket will ex
ceed those of any former term, there.
being nearly 100 such esses iwndlng.
Portions of Four Towns and an ln
sane Asylum Devastatsd Loss
Placed at 9600.000.
New Orleans, I.. April it. ProNihly
!6 lives weio ht today hy a ton ado
which swept across Millions of tlireo
Gulf slate and whiih wits traceable (or
n dlshimo of 300 miles. The tornado
moved hum west tocatovrr the south
ern extremity of taillslahn and Missis
sippi, nml striking Into Alabama fur a.
smut distance. Portions of four towns
wire dcstr)cd, and damage uppnuU
Hinting $M.,(K0 wns done.
The toimtdo U'gan at Ateinndrlu,
Li., soon after' I o'ohok )cterilny
morning, In.tnntly killing four ersiia
there, fatally Injuring three nnd seri
ously wounding 1.1 other'.
Soon niter da) Unlit It readied the
Mississippi river, killing four irsoit
at Jackson, la., while at lk)u Sara,
lit., at least half a doson others wem
killed. Fiieie was one Injury at
Jai ksoti.
The tonindo noil appeared at Cnl
nnii, Miss., where great priirty dnui
ngo was dune. A Unit ihsiii near Seluut,
Ala., tho Inhabitant taw the cloud
rl Into the air and the storm dlssp
I Kit re-1.
Tim Inntne asylum at Jaeksati, Ia.,.
wns nlliHMt wholly wrecked, with a loo
of nlxiui K'OO.OOO. In aildilltHl to threo
female Innuitix killed many siutnlned
Injuries. Two negroes were killed on it
iioirhy plantation. Iteporls from tho
surrounding count ly Indicated that
there wns pioUhly unite k of llfiv
among the negroes, wife llluwy cabin
quickly eollnMcd More the wind.
How Germany Understands It.
Herlln, April 6. Tho statement
made nt the Ilritish foreign office today
tiiat Great Ilrlialn had net in any wa'v
altered her request that the question of
the limitation of armaments bo, Includ
ed in the prcgram of tho coming peace
conference at Tho Ifaguo causes toino
surprlso in Ilerlin, as tho German for
eign office understands that Great Ilrlt
ain does not insist on tho question be
ing formally Included in tho program,
but only reserves the privilege ot rais
ing tlio question in the conference. tliun
leaving the other powers free.
Two-Cent Fare for Michigan.
Lansing, Mich., April 5. Tho senate
today, 27 to 3, passed a bill requiring a
2-cent per mile passenger fare on all
Lower Peninsula railroad, tho net
earnings of which exceed f 1,200a mile.
New Insurance Company,
Salem The first domestic corpora
tion over organized in this stato for tho
Curposo of doing a surety and accident
uslness Insuianco has been author lied
by Uio secretary of shite to Incorporate
under tlio laws ot tlio state, proving
that they luul available capital to the
amount of f 100,000. Tho Union Guar
nnteo nscoclatlon Is the name of tho
new firm which will have offices in
Portland. William Qiafko In nresi
dent and II. D. Wagnon eocretary.
Wheat Club, 7.77tc; bhiestem,
V)77c; valley, 70071c; ml, 71G. 7 St?.
Oats No. 1 white, 2t).fiO; gray.
llarley Pel, I22.B0 per ton; brew
ing, 23; rolled, f23.6024.GO,
itye 1.4f)1.60 perewt.
Corn Whole, $25; clacked, 2fl m
Hay Valley timothy, No. 1, $15
If) per ton; Kastern Oregon timothy,
1qoim; clover, iu; cheat, $0; grain
hay, $010.
Apples Common, 761, 25 per box;
choice, $1.602.
Vegetables Turnips, $11.25 por
sack; carrots, $11. 26 ptir sack; beets,
$I.251.60 per sack; horseradish, 7
Ko or pound; calulllower, $2.n() per
doion; celery, $4 per orate; lettuce,
neoti, 3&fo)ioo per uoicn; onions, lOQ
12jc; per dozen; sprouts, Do; radish
es, 30u pel dozen; asparagus, 14c per
pound; rhubarb, $1.6091.75 per box.
Onions Oregon, $1.201 50 per
Potatoes Oregon Iturbanks, fancy,
ll.4O01.U6; extra fancy, $1.76; No. 1
cholco, $1.261.40.
Ilutter Fancy cmimery, 32)36o
Ilutter rat Hist gnulo cream. 3(Io
Chicago Votsrs Turn Down Mayor
for New Man.
Chlrsgc, April 3, The Itepuhllmns,
hetuled by Frelerlck A. Homo for may.
or, carried Chicago yesterday. IVrhniM
no one was more surprised at tho result
thnu the Republican thviuselve. It
mnrked the climax of tho most mystify
ing nnd tho filthiest ntuixtlgu ever
waged In the city.
Chicago will now spewlllv settle Its
itrretcar problem, width has been
liainled hick und forth for 11 )enrs nn a
Kjtlnil asjet, theservirogroning nmro
wretciieil ami nutlquntel every year.
Within till iLih tho traction roininloa
must nivept thoonllnanees, rutiabllitalo
tho lines entirely, provide siilllclent
eitrs, nlsillsh sirups, rejsivo tho streets,
sprfnkliinud keep the streets In order,
build such extensions nn tho city shnll
order and turn over, a from February
1 of this yiiir, 65 hu cent of tho not
profits. Tim city miiv Invest this mmih
against tho time, it will buy the line
for niuu ti... i
, ,-"v , Viv,.,
ur ii nuiy do iisimi io lower iiirtHi.
Prizes for Cover Design.
Poitland At a reccent session of the
board of trustees of thn f!lnimlwr .(
Commerce, the matter of issuing a now per pound; second giudo cream, 2o less
adveitlsing looklot, n be entitled per oiind.
"Oregon," came up, nnd it wa deeded Poultry A verago old hons, 16c per
to offer esh prizes of $10, $16 und $26 pound; mixed chickens, 14c; spring,
for tlio beat cover design. Tho pre- fryer and broilers, 2022$c; old
in I u me will lo advertised when tiio roosUir. 10Ya,12u-. dress...! elilnk...... in
..-.i i,.- . . .: . --I --
competition Is opened.
17o; turcoys, llvo, 1316c; turkoys,
iircsscu, cnoico, io()L'uu; geese, llvo,
8c; ducks, 1018o.
r.ggs urcgon ranch, iho por
Farmers Loyal to Varsity.
La Grando Tho Illuo Mountain
Grango at Its last meeting resented tho. dozen.
action of tho Albany grnngo in holding Veal Dressod, 6Ji8c por pound,
up the appropriation for the Stato unl-1 Ucof Drcaned bulls, 33J$o per
verslty. Tlio farmers of this portion of pound; cows, OfJOc; country steers, 0
hastorn Oregon are heartily in fuvor of 7o
helping in every possible way the stato I Mutton Dressed, funcy, 1010Ko
institutions of learning und especially per pound, ordinary, 80o; spring
tho state university lambs, 1213o.
. . 1 T I Pork DiesHwl, 00c nor pound.
"ym U0"1 Buys Land. Hop8Qllo per pound, according
uii.-iii jiiu omiu luyiuiii oourn mis io quality,
paid over $10,000 to Charles Riley and i Wool Kastern Oregon average best,
his wifo and tho deed Is recorded cover- 13018c per iund, according to shrink-
iiiK o Bcrw aim a irucuon njijoining age; valley, zuZ3c, according to fin
Electric Plant Valued at Two
and a Half Millions Oestroyed.
Son Francisco, April 3. Tlio destruc
tion of the electric light nnd jwwer
houso of the Ban Fmnclsco Gas A Klec
trie Light company at Tucntv-semnd
nveniio South and Georgia street by lire
mm iiiKiu pmngei almost tho entire
city into (laikness, resultexl In the In
juring of llvo firemen and causing a loss
estimated at $2,600,000.
Kxtra ixillco weio placed on duty nt
the temporary hall of Justice and city
prison nt Kddy and Mason street.
Owing to tho darkness, the building
having no gas connection, no mm mu
I i a . . """ "
uunweii io enter or ntvo lieu itv nr mm
and no prisoners were rolmsed on hull.
Commandar-ln-Chlaf of Grand
Issues Proclamation.
Zaneavllle, O., April fi. Command'
rr-in-chlet llrown, of thn (land Aimy
ot the Itepubllc, tolny hsuol his.
Memorial Day pioclamatlon, ot whltli
the lollowlng Is a summaiy
On Thurmlay, May 30, will occur Iho
annual ceremony ot gm landing thn
grave of tho dead, and Ihn commander-Ill-chief
culls iixin the wts to sei' llutt
the Inst renting place of evrrv Union
soldier, sailor ur uiarliie in their re
sMvtive liNiilltlm fittingly decorated.
l..fe.K d.a a.k. ll I 1 . - ..1 Si .
iirii'ii'i jirni-iMnuie, jhiiiiic eH-
HMiiKiniltvescrvlcMiif the henlm of
the ihml sliuulil lx) held at mhiio central
Petrtiiient cominaiidcr are rlisrgoil
with tho duty ol patriotic limtiufthHi
In the iiuhllc rchool itvaufar n llie w
0x'iiitl(in of tho s houl autlHirille can
liesti'iiml, i'rl.lnv. Mnv "I. nr
tho last day preceding Memorial Day,,
l set aside for this Inuilablo piiriKioo.
In nciordiiuco with it
ciistnni, iwh xmt wlllnlteudillvliio
sirvlro In a lly on SuiKlay, May, ail,
to render pinko mid thanksgiving unto
the God of nations tor the innnlfolil
Missing of tliu ut nnd Iho iimlls
tut li enjoyment of the fruit of an
enduring jawo won by tho I'nloii nun.
tho asylum grounds, which
chased by tho board recently.
raspur- ness; mohair,
I pound.
cliolce, 2802Oo pi
His Chauffeur Burns Spy.
San Francisco, April 3. When Su
pervisor Jumes G. Gallagher wa dash
ing nliout San Francisco Insl winter In
hi red automobile, thoqulel,iinnssiim.
Ing young mahout at tho wheel was
none other than n disguised detective In
uio ompioy 01 William J. I urns. Whim
uaiiagnor went to Knot's ollico t6 nut
.!.. I. ,.. .
ma iruwiio money, wnou lin awmi
sped to tho homo of Mayor Schmltx to
urrango upon franchise programs, when
ho wont to tho bank to deposit hi own
share, this mahout was always witli
iniu iii uio auiomouno.
Vote on 8aloons In Newbraska,
Omaha, April 3, City elections
wero hold In all cities and inwtm nr v...
Iirnutm nviiiinl I..... I... U....1I. s .
.....- U.V.. uiiiiim, otiiiui umana
and Lincoln, Piolwhly thrco-qimrterH
of Iho towns Ignored party liolltles,
voting only on tho quostlon of licensing
caloons. In only u few towns wero tho
nesting conditions changed, I
Will Appoint Grand Duke Michael
Knt for Infant Ciarsvllch.
l)lldoil, April (1. Tho Diillv Mlrrnr-
claim to he In a petition to announco
uiion the "highest authority" that the
emiwror of Russia piirjoc to alsllmto
within a mciith and that Grand Dukev
Mldiael will ho appointed regent dur
ing the Infancy of tho czarevitch. For
Uio tst three or four weeks, the ipcr
says, uvenU havo Ikhmi prisvdlug la
this dim lion with llulitiiliiu Ilk.. ....
j'ldlty In fit, Pcteisburg, but the scent
ha Ik-cii well kept.
"Uloly," savs the paper. "Iho em.
oror'H mind has given way oven moro
coinpluttdy, nnd ho hits shown himself
Innipalihi ot performing tho sum I lost
duties of hi rank."
Warrants for Tralnnun,
Colton, Oil., April (1. Coroner Van.
Wlo today swore out warrant fm H...
arrest of tho employo of the Soulheru
nicitio who were hold rosonlblo for
tho wreck on March 2H, In which 25
people were killed and 76 injured. Tho.
following uio tho nnine of thn .,..
against whom warrants wore lrsno.l!
L. It. Alvord, foreman of the switching
crew; J, (1, Crusomover. ......
Clarenco Warmlnfuhin. enuliup. n.,.
complaints charge tlieiu with causing
the death of II. V Walthcrs, of Sium
inonto, who was ninong tlio killed.
Tax Collector 8hort 940,000
Now OiIviiiih. Anrll (1.Am ,. ,..u.,i
of an oxamlnrdloii of tho uccounts of
I'ordlnand Hudonholfer, shtto tax coU
lector. It win announced today that
thcro was a shortage o! ovot $40,000.