jm BENP BULLETIN. (fl VOI V IJKND, OUJ'.GON, FRIDAY, APIW, 13, 1907. NO. 4 IV 'V . 3 .; iri. w HARMONY IN SIGHT Troubles of the Columbia Southern Are Averted. KI-SfiltVOIRS WILL HI! I1UII.T llumlhnldcrs Aro Now In Control of the Company and Hit Segregation Will lie Satisfactorily Reclaimed. The threatened trouble tltnl linn Wen confronting the Columhiu Southern IrricntliiK Company, whereby that corporation might lc forcctl into the hands of n receiver, has been averted. Holders of stock In the company have .tinned over tllcir stock to the bond hold, crs and the men who were former ly the bond holder now constitute the principal stockholders in the company. This arrangement places the company in position in which nit bonds will 1 cancelled and leave it free from nil incum brance. The principal stockholder of the reorp.iiiiied company are: W. II. Moore. lnker:'K. It. Lytic, bank 11 and president of the 1'ucific Hull way & Navigation Co.; J. I'rank Watson. president Merchants National Hank, Portland; C. M. Keep, banker and capitalist; I. A. Ycrcx and I). 15. Keaacy. real estate dealers. The officers nre: VV. II. Moore, president; J. Prank Watson, vice president; 1C. It. I.Mle, treasurer: C. M. Keep, .n-rctary. News that will interest and please many in this section in the official Mtinouncomcnt that the new n)iiiwiiy projoM to immcilinfcly proceed to complete the plant and put it in wording condition, suf U tent to irrigate not only the .scg relation hut all the land there is water to cover. With the financial backing the company now has it should be made a grand success if it ti properly handled, The com pany's intention to furnish water to homesteaders and others owning laud not in the segregation will be received with pleasure by many, as it assures them water for their laud. It is understood there is n large acreage that will thus be .supplied with water. C. M. Mttdd, local superintend, rut of the company, in n statement to The Ilullctin, said that construc tion work would b prowcuted to a greater or lew decree from now 011 and uudoublodly later In Ilia season, when feed became more plentiful, crews would bo put at work building dams for the roscr voirs on the upper Tumello. With hee reservoirs built there will be ,tu abundance of water for all the laud that can be watered under this project, which, properly man- rmv&xitzmmG0BiB&sssx3Ss TO THE PEOPLE of Western Crook County TiTe BEND MERCANTILE COMPANY must reduce their assets to CASH. A great sacrifice will be made to close out the large stock of merchandise. Store closes 10 a, m. on the Wct. The bondholders will Immediate ly employ an engineer wdio will come to the holdings In this county and make it tnnp oi the entire sec tion to be irrigated, including also the jKirtlou already nerved. Pro posed Improvements in the way of additional reservoirs will be iiiclud cd, and after the map is in shne a meeting will le held with Govern or Chamberlain and other state of ficers to pass on the project The bondholder have conferred with Cover nor Chamberlain and the foregoing map plan 'was agreed upon hut aside from this 110 further action was tnkcti. In 11 letter to the Orciroiiinn, Judge Seneca Smith, thecompany's attorney, claims that there has always been nn abundance of water for all settlers on the segrc nation nud maintains that 110 one lind been injured by the company's actions, lie further says: "It It true, however, that up unlit the Mtt few day llictr were grounds fur HltcllCIIt)ll tint llic C)lllMliy WOtllll lie unable to curry wit It contract with the stale mul complete It Irrigation woik, arising fioiu tlw fct lint the plmit and franchise Mere tmrtKHed to M-cuie tlte NiyiiHut of the couiMiiy' tmd amounting to Mime fif7,o, and It credit ft liiilinl that It wm doubtful whether mote money for eon stiuellou work could Iw niWtl. The value of th bond were rupidly depreci ating. uil rkiii1 the company Mere OucMtciKnl it Hit life comimiiv' future ilia mil look hriKlit "In thi oitiilitioii of iU affair the old owner of the Mock uf I he company con. itiK of Mcr. K. W. Wilson, I. V. IIUIh, I',. 1'. Willi ami W. A. Uidlaw, tieiHR anxious fur the MKepMlul carry ing out of the otij(ittl irrigation wheme offered 'o the landholder ol tile corn pan) to MirtriMler to them nil of the rompny' Mock to tie distributed among the bondholder in the propor tiou which rih of the Umdholder hehl of the whole amount of the euniMiiy' bond. Thi to he, however, on condition that the landholder would, Hmhi leeching ll the rdoek of the com pany, surrender lo the rumMny to lie cancelled hy it. nil of their Itoml. "The "hi stockholder have twinned II their stock lo the Umdholdet iw Mied, and their connection Willi the company ha eatd." (IooJmIIIIc-Joiics Wedding. Announcements have been ra ce i veil here of the marriage of Mr. Arthur I.. Goodwilllie and Miss Graee Joiie. Iwth of llcud, at Portland on Tueday, March 36. Mr. Goodwilllc, who is mayor of the city of llcud, is quite well known throughout Central Oregon, lie is interested ju a number of enterprises at and near lleud, in eluding nu interest in the com pany which owns the ot the attractive little city. Mr. and Mrs. Goodwilliu exct to reside at Ilcnd, where Mr. Goodwillie has one of the most attractive homes in the county, and where he and his bride will be at home to their friends after June 1. Madras Pioneer. Hint Team Trouble. At the hearing before the justice of the Mracc, hehl Tuesday, Pat Auglatid, accused of concealing stolen projxrty, waived examina tion, nud was Irattud over in the sum of $150 to appear liefore the circuit court at the spring term. J. y. Robisou, complaining witness vyhp resides iu Crook county, wax placed under bonds in the sum of $250 for his npcaraucc here in Muy.I.akeview Herald. Sundays, need, will be one of the host in A ROAD IN TWO YEARS Oregon Trunk Line Will Build to liciul. 1 RlflllT OP WAY IS (WANTED Contract for Ralls Is Let to Cnrtieiclc Company Surveyors Will Work between Ucinl nm! Madras. The Ilullctin has been informed from n source that removes nil doubt as to 'flic authenticity of the rqxirt that surveying crews will be put at work nhbitt Mny 15 runninc a line from Madras to Bend for the Oregon Trunk' I.ino. As soon as the surveys arc completed construc tion will begin, with probably a crew at each' end of the licnd Madras line. In the meantime work will be' resumed on that part of the line coming up the Deschutes canyon, and the road will be pushed to a speedy completion. It is also learned from the same source that contracts for the rails for the new road are already closed. A first- class substantial road will be built and 80 pound rails used. The Ilullctin trot this information from a man who has been connect ed with the Oregon Trunk Line from its inception. lie announced persopally to this paper that the road wa a "sure go" and that it would take from one and a. half to two years to build it into Ilcnd, but into lleud it will come. The under takiiiK is satisfactorily financed and will be carried to n successful cud. It will cost about 10,000 a mile to build the line. The North Hank rond is costing 73,000 a mile, the Union Pacific cost 65.000, the Northern Pacific .o,ooo and the Great Northern $55,000. It is thus seen that the Oregon Trunk Line is comparatively a cheap road to build, although this gehtleumu says that there will be considerable hard work in the Deschutes canyon. DAMS WILL NOT til! HUILT. Reclamation Service Abandons Plans and Right, of Way Is Granted. Right of way up the Deschutes river has Iwcn granted to the Ore gon Trunk line, nud it is now ex pected that the work of building that line into Central Oregon will soon lie resumed. I.ast week Thursday's Portland Journal says that P. S. Gordon, engineer iu charge of the Oregon Trunk rail road, work upon which was sus pended several months ago owing to conflict iit the Tight of way with appropriations made by the govern ment reclamation service, recoived n telegram this morning from Com missioner Daliintjer of the genuial laud office that the railroad's right of way has been granted. It is stated that former plans qf the company, of which V, P. Nel son of Htrnttle is president, will now lie carried forward and the road projected into Central Oregon. Witter Is Appropriated. Surveys oil the line which began at the mouth of the Deschutes river and continued southward into Crook county were completed last year, and late iu the fall grading work ljcgnu along the banks of the river. This had been completed for a considerable distance when the company was served with noti fication that the reclamation service had appropriated the waters of the Deschutes at its mouth for power service. Inasmuch as the Oregon Trunk's right of way fell inside of the restricted district thrown around water appropriations made by the reclamation service, the right to build the road up the canyon of the Deschutes was denied. Strongc Remonstrance Made. Last winter when it became known that for the purpose of gen erating power at the mouth of the Deschutes to carry it to aid in the Umatilla irrigating projects, the re clamation service had blocked the only feasible route into the long neglected region of interior Oregon, protest sprung up-from alt quarters Portland business men and oth ers interested in the development of the arid districts of Crook county took up the matter in an effort to have the order against the pilroad company rescinded. Petitions were circulated broadcast among the residents of Central Oregon and also received many signatures from the business interests of Portland. Later they were forwarded to Washington, where congressional pressure was enlisted. The result is the telegram which was received by Engineer Gordon this morning. Machinery on the Ground, While the officers of the railroad company have issued 110 official statement, it is said that they arc ready to go ahead at once with the road and open up one of the largest isolated districts in the west. Grad (Continue! on page H.) EASTERN MEN SELL OUT Messrs. Turncy and Johnston Dispose of Stock In Deschutes Irrigation & Power Company. It is now learned from an authen tic source that the report contained iu The Bulletin several weeks ngo to the effect that Messrs. Johnston and Turuey had disposed of their stock in the Deschutes Irrigation & Power Company, was olrrcct. Their holdings huve been taken over by the Portland stockholders. It is also understood that Jesse I. Stearns, one of the Portland stock holders, will soon be in lleud nud will spend the summer overseeing the work on the segregation hereabout. .CROCKER & McDONALD, Agents PREMIUMS OFFERED Wants an Educational Ex hibit for County Fair. A CIJANCFi FOR OVHRY SCHOOL Superintendent Dinwiddle Urges All Scholars to Join In Contest for tlio Various Prizes. C. I). Dinwiddle, county super intendent of schools, has com' menced a campaign whose object is to secure a worthy educational ex hibit from the schools of the county at the next county fair at Princ villc. Supt. Dinwiddle expects to scp better work done on account of the friendly spirit of rivalry that wil be engendered among those competing for the prizes. He has something to say to the teachers, pupils and patrons, as follows: The fair amociation ha made n new lUt of premium for the cliool exhibit for the eoming autumn. The amount ho hecu increased somewhat and ar ranj;nl o a to j;le every one a chance at a premium. In decisions on scltool exhibit, quality and not quantity will be coiiiidered. At leaat x jcr cent of all cla mutt 1c represented; for in tanec, if there are 20 pupil in a cl there inuit beat least four (Mpert exhib ited. Thi will put the small tchoolt on the wine footing a the larger kIkmI a the paper or uork mutt be the four bet out nf 30 initteail of the first best, while the mall school with five or leM in a class need cxhilMt only the first best. etc. Itach Kiude should be represented by the required 20 per cent of the class or more. Work should be practical, every day work such a is usually required in the regular school work, Fcnci inay be used in grade under the third. A good quality of paper should tic used to tie ahout'8,4xii inches ami pupils should write on only one side. liach data and grade's work should be grouped before sending in. All manu scripts sliould be sent direct to the coun ty school superintendent, and any sug gestions or help in arranging the work will le appreciated. Teachers and pupils, now is the time to begin arranging for the exhibit. The fair association has been as liberal as their funds will allow and we should now do our part. Teacher, you can make this an incen tive to good written work in the school room and you will be able to secure the best efforts of the pupil without losing any time from the regular lessons, and you will also be encouraging correct hab it in written oork Any paper handed in from now on will be accepted, al though the fair will not beheld till some time iu October. Teachers and pupils will lc placed at a better advantage and will be able to prepare a better exhibit by saving the best effort from the close of this term rather lhn from the begin ning of next, and many school can be rvpreented that will not be iu session at tue tiuie of holding the fair. We ouM like to have eery school in the county represented, and every teach er's lumc 011 the list of teachers whoe pupils have work exhibited. You will notice that the premiums are arranged so that every scltoo, no matter how small, may compete for one or more pre. Hiiums. and aim the pupils will have only thoM.' near their grade attainment to emulate. Grades will be taken into consideration hy judge in their decis ions. Any school in the county may en ter for itenerat scltoo! exhibit: oulv the gradea mentioned can compete for the special prcr. Ti-uvlier, your name will be looked for ami, if it appears, nutioed and re tmtmtieml. Fupil, your name wilt be looked for by iwrcnU and friends and they will be disappointed if it doe not anpeax. Stranger will notice your work if it appears and look for your name, the name of the teacher nud the school. Here is an opportunity to cam a preuii- - j - M nm fur yourself, help earn one for your school, and by doing aood work, lirlj your sahool, your teacher and yourself Parent, here is an opportunity to a 1st your children and their tearhrr an. 1 lo help build up your school by enronr. neim an Incentive to better work. Will you mil in line? The following; i a list of premium 1'irst best school exhibit. Infernation ,1 I dictionary. seoomi iet school exhibit, J5.00. Third best scltool exhibit, Rest composition, sixth to eighth grade inclusive, first premium, fj.oo, second, fi.oo. Ilcsl arithmetic scheme, fifth to eighth grade inclusive, first, f .(; second, Si Heat language FPT, fourth and fifth grades inclusive, &M,fJ.oo; second f i.eo. Ilest language paper, first to third grades inclusive, first, f 2.0a second r 00. Ilest arithmetic paper, second and third grade inclusive, first, J 1. 00; sec ond, jo cents. Best number paper firt grade, first, f 1.00; second, so cents. Our exhibit was good last year and quite a number of schools were repre scntcd. Let u all put our shoulder t the wheel and push for a better one llii-t year, and not only tliat but for the best posdble. You pi truly, C 0. DlNWIDDIK, County School Superintendent. Redmond Items. RnnMONrj, A.ptll a Wasn't It a glor ious rain? We understand that V. K. Young has sold his north forty for J 700 unimproved, Mr. and Mis. Moore of Prinerille lure l)ccn over putting in some seed on their farm, The stage was late getting in on Sun day owing to not leaving Madras until two o'clock. M, H, Landes mule a busine trip to Prinerille Friday and being detained b the rain returned Sunday. A Ladies' Aid society lw been organ ised a an auxiliary to the Sunday School for helping to purchase an organ. We started to Madras Friday for grain and mill feed. Got there, too, but did not get bacAc on schedule tiincou account of rain and washouts. The new stage brought in four passen- gers Friday, one on Saturday and tw on Sunday. We dan' t know how many on other days we just happened to e these. Chas. I. Fyatt of Montana came in Saturday in the rain looking for land. We got slightly acquainted with hinj through a kindness done for us and hope to see Him locate here, and Ret"better acquainted. " E. c Park. Tumalo Items. Tomaio, April 9. Cloudy April weather. Chas. Spaugh was in Tumalo Sunday. J. 11. Wimer is on the siok list this, week. T, A. Jensen was over from the High tower & Smith mill Saturday and Sun day. Chas. IUock and Lee Ilobln of Ilend passed through here today en route for Sisters. Mr. Hasselberg expects to complete his 50 acre contract of clearing and plowing on the Star Ranch this week. We don't mis the out side null titucb. any more. It hasn't arrived fey nearly a week but that don't amount to nv thing. After 32 days delay ue got use'1 to it. Notice ha-, been rcceivvd from the postofBce department ttut C. I. Gist lias been appointed postmaster uf the new postowce of Gistjutd supplies h.v! lieeu forwarded to him. ThU office wtl' be supplied with mail frum tW Men Tumalo toutv. The couuty joa,d viewers are bus now in these port viewing roads that have been asked, for. Yostenlay they icwev! the road from I.aidtaw west ou town ship line between ltj-ir and i;-u t where th Sister and bend road crosso. at southeast corner of ty)i of section yi township 16-11, a distance of about Go miles, . 1 for Creditors.