The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 29, 1907, Image 8

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    z.jttravlKJK'" J- ! tt o-a
. 1 11 ! II I I . ' I to
I The Townsite of BEND
Nsatseaasssss-aassBSXsaasatasaexatasssasasBBa-JBSfa. ms r y.
'"' v ' . s. A.
On the Deschutes River in yVes(;ern Part of Crppk
County, Oregon.
Centqr of the new Irrigation Development covqrlnfi
A i(
,1 I
i a a 7""---s yvl 25 1 fT -c
k Nx Ar. 3V v Xx V M'JM M,I rrjlrl,l'0r ly
A& . Y.TC
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t4 n H h a 1 t
I (. Ji 4 S i
TTTTTp" 7T7 7
H S it 1
At Gateway to
- the Gif$at
The To,wn has Grown
nlmoj.1 entirely in two ycnrn, the jkwi
oflict: tlaUiiB only from April , iqcj.
Ilcud Iih.h excellent public scliooht
nml complete public wnter vorkn.
A V .
1 r
The Pilot Butte
Development Co.
Proprietor Townwte
The Deschutes Telepfcoae
Telecram Porwanlwl to Any Tart
of the World.
Telephone Communication
with Portland, 1'rinevHle and all
Pacific Coast cities.
Public Pay Stations
in Bank Buhling at Bend, at I.aM
law and Powell Buttes.
Metsenger service to any part of
Crook County &outh of Crooked
Columbia Southern
rAssitrrasA trai.v timk card.
South'-"" ' Nortl
Uound boon.
KO. no. I
r.u. A.M
3 JO ..... DICC8..... US'
to ....... ...Cllwu....-.. 11 .
t 44 tfiV i uml 11 1
1 04 ..Wiin...,,. 11 a
t 17 , o 4
1 J . ...Jiuirall ... is 4
140 -..--. llayCaniron Junaloo 10
1 41 -McI)onaU..... is 3
1 51 ...... ...IMom ..... 10 c
i 04 ............Moro...... .... 9
3 IJ . .Krklnr1tt. .. 9 y
3 41 .,..Gru VtUcy ..... i 1
4 00 ......Bourton .. t 5
4 ti ........... ..Ktnt .... . S 4
4 lb -Wllcoi I j
500 -8HAMKO So
AHHIVE " " " Lf '
I)lly tire connection, it bhiulko for Antr
apt, ITlnolllr, lKnd, tlurni, Hlhcr Lake, Lk
view, Mitchell, Dtyvlllc, Antone, Athwood, C11.
you City, Johu Day City, and Powtl.
C. r. LTTLK,. Superintendent,
i V. andfA. bbamko.Orr
9Mm ABtentdo HJBH
by buying this
reliable, honeit,
hlsh grade lew
' og machine.
National" Sewing Machine Co.,
qnlcklr aertalii
vent t !
Thadb Marks
OofMrniaMTS Ac.
r opinion ffM wbxkar ail
Anrana i.ndln a kateb an4Xueriptloa mf
ntlen ureotiabirp.tnuiil.,.Coniriasle
...M IrSonBd.ntUL HiNDBOM onFatanU
fre. Cfia.ii inn.7 wr
I'.teuU taken ttarouin
fla( nt, without eWea.
;r McurTnf patenu.
lunn ft Co,
(trioj noiicf. wnnuM w...... m
Alu-on)lrHl!wfrf"t'X- fcSSJ
ojon J?JJTTrf"lIiV.n :.7
TM ww.-.ii-.-,
I aalKatatidLfU(. HftUI
n fBrrfVWWiiHl
Timber Land, Act oi June 3. 1878,
V. S. Land Office, Lakcvitw, Oregon,
January 11, 1907.
Notice l hereby giren that In compliance with
the provUlona of the Act tif dugrcu of June 1.
1(78, entitled "Ail act for the Mir of timber laiidi
m the.UtcaofCalifonila, Oregon. Nevada and
WathiiiKtou Territory," a. extended to all the
iuuiic una atetca iiy an 01 Augu.t 4, is?ja ine
(ollowinKperaonahave filed In thia office tbelr
.worn statement!, to-wlt:
Wmtr Nl.wongcr,
oflleiid, county of Crook, itate of Oregon, awora
.tatement No, jjj8, for the purchase of the nwf
tec. 19, tp. 11 ., r. 14 c , w m.
JOKphlne 51 l- Weym6uth,
of Dtiid, county of Crook, state of Oregon, sworn
.Uteuieut No. ij9, for the purchase of the t'i
uwt sec. n, tp. Ji s.,r 14 c, w. m.
That Ibey will ofltr proofs to show that the
lands sought are more aluable for the timber or
itouc thereon than for agricultural purposes,
and to establish their claims to said lands before
I! C Hill.. V. H. Commissioner, at his official
placeofbusiucssin lleud, Oregon, on Mondsy,
l lie ijth day of April, 1907.
They name as wuncsjeai Charles I). Drown,
Charles M. Weymouth, l'.lmer Niswouger,
Josephine M, M. Weyiboutb, all of Ilend, Ore
if on,
Any and all persons claiming adversely any o,
the above-described Isnds are requeued to file
helr clalma in thia office on or before the said
ijth dayol April, 1907.
fimu . N. WATSON. Register.
You ought to read The Bulletin.
It gives the NEWS
Don't borrow The Bulletin from your
j neighbor ubcriU tot it.
I', S. Land Office, Lakevlew, Oregon,
Kebrnary 8, Iw .
A sufficient coutr.1 affidavit having been Slnl
inthlaor&ce by II Ktaals, contestant
agilnt homestead entry No. 1747 made luly 4
iv, for se4 kc I. tu i s, r 14 e, w, by T I)or
ran. conte.ire. In which it I. allegnl that sabl
T Dorgan lu wholly atandotiel said tract, that
he hsachsnged hit residence therefrom foe mere
thsn six month. Ia.( pl. that M tract I. not
settled upon and cultivated bv xM larty as re
iuimt by law. and that such u II lire still cat.ta.
and that the same 1. not due to Military or H.vsl
service lu the I'nlted btates army or navy.
Haul parties sre hereby notified to appear, re
spond and offer ei Hence touching sshl sllega
Hon at 10 o'clock a m oil April II. ly7 be ft re
II C Kill', I . A. CommlMioner, at Ilend, Oregon,
and that Anal hearing will Ik- held at o'clock
a in on April 11, Ivor, before the Kegl.ler ami
Receiver at the United mates Land office lu
Lakevlew. Oregon
The said contestant having. In a proper aftVL
vit tleil January in, 107. set forth fact, which
show that after d-ie diligence personal arrviee of
this notice can not lie made. It Is hereby ordered
and directtil that turn notice be given by due
and proper publication.
mVaj J. N. WATSON, Regliter.
Timber Land, Act of June 3, M
U ft. I J lid Office, The lalte., Oregon,
January 11, )v'
Notice I. hereby given thsl In compliance wilh
. nfllie Act ei( Congre. of uHe 3
U 8. Jjiml Office, Lalevlew, Oregon,
February 7, l7.
Asufficieiit conte.t affidavit having been filed
In thia office by William II. Itlaats, contestant,
agaln.t bomttcad entry No, 3001, msdc June 11
lyjj, for seK sec 19 tp i s, r 10 e, by C. C Rich
aplaon. contestee. In which it 1. .llcgcd that said
v. .. Kicnarison nas wnouy anannonen aai
tract, that he has changed his residence there
from fjf more thsn six months Is.t iiait. thst
said tract Is uot settleil upon nr cultivated as re.
rjuirca ny law, anil mat aian raiiurc sun eaist.l
and that the same is not due to military or naval
service lu the army or navy of the fulled Males.
haul partle. are hereby notified to appear, re
spond and offer evidence touching said allega
tion at 10 o'clock a in. on April 9, 117, before
II. C lillls, I' n. CommlMluner, at Ilend,
O'cgou, and that final hearing will beheld
at 10 o'clock a 111 on April , IV07, liefore the
Reguter and Receiver at the United Males land
office In Lakevlew, Oregon,
The said contestant having, In a proper affida
vit, filed January 10, 1007, set forth facts which
show that after due diligence pcrsotisl service of
this notice cannot lie made. It Is hereby ordered
and directed that such notice lie given by due
and proper publication,
mMj J. N. WATKON, Regl.ler.
U. B. tand Office, lakevlew, Occgon,
1'cbruary 7, iy7.
A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed
III thl. office lV iosenh N. Hunter, coute.tani.
against liome.iead entry No. 174a, msde August
8, l',forsc;swK.sw)scif,scc7, ulinesfscc
10, ipn s, rue, iy v. i iiiirien, couiesier, In
which It Is alleged said C L O'llrlen luut wholly
abaudonel iul( tract, thai lie has changed hu
residence therefrom for mors than six muulhslait
past, thst said tract Is not settled iijmu
and cultivated by sjid party as required
wj law, anil lliai sucil lauures sun exiK,aiiu that
the same Is not due to military or naval service
In the United Mates army or navy; said
parties are hereby notified to appear, respond
and offer etldencc touching aald allegation at
10 o'clock a. 111. on April 8, 1907, before
II. C. J(lllta U. H, Commissioner, at Ilend, Ore
gon, and that final hearing will Ik held at 10
o'clock a.m. on April w, iw7,befurethc Register
and Receiver at the United Mates Laud Office lu
I akevicw, Oregon.
The said contestant having, u a proper affida
vit, filed January 10, 1007, act forth facta which
ahow thst after due diligence personal service of
this notice can not be made, It Is hereby ordered
and directed that such notice tic given by due
and proper publication,
ma-aj J. N. WATSON, RegWer.
If .vou love your home and fam.
Hy subscribe for The Bulletin. They
need It.
f h. Land Office, Lakevlew, Oiernn.
I'cliruary A, lyr?
A auOlW.,t nuil..l .Kitiklt !..... I.. .. .
n ...... .,,.. ,.. iim'ih. mn uin, ..
In thl. i.lfWe by William II tonleslanl. 1 'J.a'-.1. r!I rii""i,,r!. . ".'" f
against homrstrad entrv No. f. mule I' TS- tHlltleel "An act (m the Mleof llmlwe I.H.I.
ary in. I)I. for iV see 1 In 11 s r 11 . bv ' '"""' wsiesni l.mornu. Iltrgon. Nevada ami
aaMO T rlpean ha. wholly ahaiHhJU MM Htf',1""1 ""V b' " UV!, ' ,h
tra.t that he ha. changed ht. reseelhere- fS?""'!' T!X '""T . h,I.t M '" ,h omw
froiu(nrwrth.H s uwhIK. I..t a.t. that ""' ,wo,H u,,,n ,aw,
uwl Irset I. uot setlled Umi and evlilvaled by I Mary A Moor"
UI aity at required by taw, and that sri I of Abokane euMMtvnf miLiu m.i j U-..1.
failure still esiMs aiol that the Mine I. not Hue I "?& .wlV.tJmeM.rM fiLl Wm
armyw navy 11. to is. r it v.m,i li.i i ..u a ... - .
Haul narties are hersbv noillU.1 in .ncr .. ; .. " ... -..., r v -
twudamt nffcrevbleiKetoiKhliigMbl allrgalloii
at 10 o'clock a m on April 11, ?. liefore II C
Kill. V X Cvnimls.loiicr, Keml. oregoN, ami
that final bearing will lie held at la o clock a. ih
wi April It. 1007 before the Reflate r and Re-
ceiirr ai ine 1 mini nine l.aiil (liner 111 Mkc
iew. Oregon.
The said conlestaiit having, Inapropfr alfols
vit filed lanuarv ui. iqi9. mi smiti fri. mKu-i,
haw that after due diligence pernmal Mrvkr of
mi. ikhict ean not or m.iie, 11 1 nelelir otdeml
and directnl that such notice le given by due
and proper publication.
ma3 J. N. WATKON, Register
I'. K. Ijsnd Office, Lakevlew, Oregou,
I'ebrusry 1, 1907
A sufficient contest affidavit hsving been filed
In this office by Iosenh N. Hunter, raiitrmtmi
agaln.t homestead entry No isny, made March
JJ. i"J. lursnuejj, nseu sec j. tp u s, r 11 r,
bv A C M Her. COIllrslee. Ill Which It I. altered
that said A C. Miller has wholly abandoned mM
tract, tlial he hue changed his residence there
from for more than six mo.itha U.t peat tbal
said tract is not aetltril upon and cultlvatetl by
ssM pally as required by law. sad Hut sucfi
failure .till exl.ts, and tliat the same la not due
to hla military or naval servke In the United
Males army or navy
haul panic, are hereby notified to appear,
tnoiid and offer evidence touching said allega
tion ai 111 o i-iock a m 011 April la 1907 before
II C, Kills, f H. Coinnils.l.ner, Ilend, Oregon,
and that final bearing will lie held at 111 o'clock
a, 111. on April i, 1007, before the Register and
Receiver at the United Males Laud Office In
Lakevlew. Oregon,
The said contestant having, in a proper affida
vit filed lanuarv 10. iuot set fih f.rt. u,i,irii
show that after due diligence personal service of
mis nonce can 1101 ue inane, 11 is neicny ordered
and directed that such notice I cgiven by due and
.....v ....I.I lu. I....
I'l-'I'v. ui'iivaiwii
1 r lie, w m
Ida Magnlle
ofKin'sane, rmuilyof HKikane. Male t Waah
Ingtoii, awotn .islemenl Nh. jA, file.1 Ntrtem
lf 17, IV. thepurchaMtifthe wVneU.nS
r and iliK( 1KC31, tp It s, r 13 r, w m.
Arthur M Vasaall
nfl'alls City, county of l-olk. atale of Oirgon,
wixh .Uteinenl No. 3J14. Hied lleeeinber 14,
190H, for thpnrcKAAc unite wSilwW of sec w,
P 'V,r tie, wm,
That they wilt oaVr pnmlt In ahow Ih.t I lie
lands sought are moea valuable fir the limber or
lone IhercuulkAii sWagrkuiliUalpuj puaca, ami
lo e.labllah IWrir cUbas lu Mil land, lie fur e
the Kegl.ler and Receiver, at Tue Italics, Ole
fin), on March 30, ayi;
They name as wltnesaea, bla Magulre and
Marv A Sloillur bTMnnWati w. 01,11.... it u
Ahafl of Howard, Oregon, ."die use I Morrison of
I'lmi, tiregoii, iiareiire ti. lwm of The
lilies, Oregon, Arthur M. VsMll, leunle Vas
sail and Charlea I. Hopkins of 1'alts City, (lie
gun. Km ma MarHrd of MuuUvllla. Orrgu'i.
Any and all persons claiming adversely any ol
Hie ahve-lecilbetl lands ate requested lu file
their claims In this office on or before Ihculd
4h day UMarck, 1977.
J H"i; MICIIAKI, T NOLAN, Heglaler.
J. N. WATHOW, Regiater.
U. H, Mud Office, lakevlew, Oicgou,
I'ebruary 7, 1907.
A conical alfidavit havlilg been filed
111 Ihls office IjvJimcdIi N. Huntee. miitetfiniu
against huiuealeal'iilry No. J741, nude Augiitt
aM9, for aHne and uliseU sec IH, I p 11 ,
rue by W. I. O'llrlen. coule.trr. lit whleh H I.
alleged that said W. J. O'liricn has wholly
-Iwmloncd said tract; Unit be lis changed hi.
reaiiience increrroin lor more 11111 six mouths
laat past, that said tract Is not setlled iiuii or
t-uiuvHieu iiy .am iariy asrcquiretl Dy law, ami
Dial such failures still exist, and dial the same Is
not due to military or naval service In the
United Mates army or navy,
Hald parties are hereby notified lo appear, re
spond and offer evidence lunching said allegation
jll";ll' moil April 1 o, iy.17, before 11, C.
llwfbv-.H: commissioner, at Ilend, Ofcgou, and
llial final hearing will lie held at 10 o'clock a. in,
on April ao, 190;, before Ihe Krjl.ter and Receiv
er al the United Males Land OfTicc lu Lakevlew,
The aald contestant having, fit a proper affida
vit filed January 10. 1007. set fori I, run. wi.irii
ahow that after due diligence personal service of
this notice can not lie made, It la Hereby ordered
and directed that such notice I, ,u,, i .!
aud proper publication,
J J N.JVATBON, Register.
Everybody reads The Bulletin.
In the Circuit court of the Male of Oregon, for
Crook (.unity.
Julia C Lyons, Hsluilfl
Hpe ucrr II. Lyons, Defendant.
To Htieucer II Lvtms. ih .!,. .,..,..1 n.r...
ori'mion." tiAM,i uv tm H,AT,t "'
Tlnit-erMnd, Act June j S,
t Uutl Offlce. Lakevlew, Oregon
iHcemUr 11 lyoA
Nolkv la hereby glvvH that ih lomtdiaHc Willi
theKK.ivauf ikeAel ut iiHtgrv.. of Jane 1
ir. IMHM Aa.rt ft Ihe aale of liMkee Uwl.
.Mle.l.l..of l.lllu, iHegsHi. Neeta. tiot
Wa.ilgtjiT.irHoey, a. ..Kodett l all the
psiWk bind Mates by Ml of AugaM 4 aks."
I'ltsl A. kSMNMUStl
of Rend, rwjaly mt Iruuk, stale of twessm
baalhlaahyAisJiH this oele. hs. Wo. Ifil.'
HHeH.Bdne.v1 ol, 1, B a.r i m
And will ofler ptawf lu slww to.4 Ik,
tS1Pli' "" VI-aMesThallmtsr'!,
?.-.!. ..'. U CowU.i, asr. at his office h
Maith "Jaj"" "" Mc,l,w-y- -Uy 'l
lie uaines as wllnesw. I'raMl. II Mam.H
T LaMtaw. Oregon. Ileury t. Mtillsell. William
Any ami all pciaoua (Isluilug adveisely
Die above desetlUit uu, ... ...'........'
day' TT,k ,tl!.,mn " W"f l&MM li-
',w' i - WATMl.V. MrgMer.
Timber LanA. Art June 3, itfl
U. . Uad Ofe, Ukevltw. Oregon,
u sa,oiry p., 1947,
.1..?'. .k,,,kJr,r"'h""'MIn with
KVVtl!l"!?"''i'' l''lgrr. of June 3,
115. VK ,,,,,"'liro,n'"- 1'ivgon. Nevada, and
public Isml aisles by act of August 4, ii,
Hlleu V Ku.rr.
of IJctnl, ceiunly of Ctuok, atale of Oieeoti
hss this day filed In 11,1. office her sworn IlsTe'
went No for Ihe purchase of Ihe m( "u
Mlrii. Ill",d "W "H U'M '"'! '
And will oiler proof lo show that Die IiimI
r.,i'.,,,,.!,.m.vLc..".u7bi us iiiuiKr r ,i'',;,!
Vou are hereby rmulretl
appear and kii.Her the Complaint
id roiiiiiiaiided In
il.lni ,.r t.a .t...u
named llalntlff filed against you In Hie ahote
usiuetl Court.lii thecilynf l-rlnevllle, Oresoii. uu
nr lie lure May 4111. A. H, ly7, and If you fall In an
nfa ami au.wer me anuve named riaintlff for
want lliereof will lake a Decree for Ihe ".lief de
manded In htr Complaint, lo-wit I'orthe ill..
utluu orthe marrlaice contract now existing Ik
ween you and the llalnllir. that ah. he allowed
lo lake her f-'rmer name and that she recover
her coala and dUbUraitieiiU of (hla suit, and that
ahc have such other and further relief ualn the
ruil and In equity may seem ju. I and right
This tiiinniiiiia Is served iiimn yon by imbllfd
Ihn tlicrciiflii the lleud Mull, tin' a weekly news-
INllier tlllliliaheil III lleud. firm,,,, t..r J. r..n
Mini coiiaecullve wceka, cnniliienclnir wllli the
,-., ..mvii 13.11, n if, 1707, uy oruer ot the
I oil. W. A. 11.11. Cm 11 1 v ImfJ. rV... l, '......
".ro ladeandeiilercdar I'luevllle 011 life
,,,a,..w. lil.ltn, t. ill lyiT.
1 1 Ml. W. IIA1HU.
S' Alloriiey forl'litliilfir
Notice la hereby given that you are delinquent
In the payments and provUlona of a certain
llond for Deed No. roj. leaned to Oliver Tboih
lornsoii hv The, I'llot llull Development Com
tiaiia fur fjit vof Mock idof iirn.l. u,i i.u 1.1...
assigned to you and that, If said ileiiq,in,Cy
shall not have lieeii made gotaj, and alt amuuuls
due on aald lloud mil pot luve Ueii paid, by
April 15, 1907, aald IKiuil will al thai (line hi
canceled by the uuderslgucd.
'riiKi'iMir lurrrKDHVKUti'iiKNTCu,
Ilend, oregou, March 3, 1907, j
..-..,.., .,,nuiiiiisi purHMes, and In esiaUl.h
her. Isluilo said Isml ijfwe I.C iSlhT 17
mniliiltslsiicr. at hit offirr In lieiHl, Oregaii 011
M.iuday.ihe.jihdayof Awil. Vw. '
. hlieilsiiiesa. wltursMSi A II K.i.L.,,., ..
ilattie Morris, i.r n.ivi
la-aaiOdts. i. - d Ikl i -i a .
I' II. Marion oflil.Tiw ".'."A.: '"" ".
""!'!.. J" N- WATHOf' lsir
Timber Land, Act of June 3, if,,,
V, H, Laud office, The Dalles, On tiK
January t, 19,0,
n.?! . ' 1 ""''v.glven that In compliance wilh
sm'ImI lite. .' (l,c.A,il of" Cmgrrs.' of Jhii.
u-. !'.,"' ..'"1 lf! U, Oregon, Nevada and
11 nsiiiiiiiuii irrriiiiru i a . a
i-Mbiie i:.n,i Hi.Y.-riiiHr.rVuK, ft; ? ,,,c
Ileitis Krlet.,,..
Hll!!li;,,,,.;rr,,,e,rw,nl, ' ",W '
Get on the band wagon and read
The Bulletin everyone does.
nun win offer proof lo ahow 11..1 11.. 1....1
"iiigni it imnc valuable for lit limber or . 7. -h.n
for agricultural iiiiriiosei, a i to eat.i i.n
ber clahn lu MUI lamf before II 0 Ulllt 1 "J"
K"'""'HT.t hi. office lit iVcd. oVilh'-
ins win uayorApill,
!'.",.t.,. " wllnessct,
Read The Bulletin.