The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 29, 1907, Image 7

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r nr ttuU
:.. CTfM
W. A. MlUliell, dealer III Kctierel
merchandise, Martin, Uewrtlesi
Mr vrlla lost In well-lit Torn 190 to
(W pounds. We saw lin couM not lire
liitiR. Hlio wm a skeleton, o wn con-
uIIihI an old physician. Ho told her
to try Poruns,
'Mm gradually commenced Im
proving end itettltilt a llltla etrenith.
Sim now weighs lod pounds. Hlio )
itslnlng everyday, end doe her own
housework and cooking.''
Mlnnlcr hlil Miss Knits ndmlrn
your palmitic) lhrtdwr 1 don't
know. Minder What illil alio say
.ntmiil IntuiT IMibler That h could
feel that I put n great deal of myself
lino my wrl. Hllppii'r Well, Hint a
llimlwv Moldier Is It? The picture.
I showed lu-r was "Cnbcs In n Mend-
CtiMliln'l llo I' lllm.
'Hunaklrur nf swmwa In life." re
marked Hnjai, 'IImto goes n innli who
Ima Mi hundreds uf mini o Iwlilinl tliv
apltr their slrtmuous efforts tu ovwiiiku
hi HI."
'Indeed I" pxclulmiil Totmtlx. "Who
la Iwr
"Oh." replied llolax, "he's n motor
man on n trolley our."
Hit lit Oilier Nli1 Olijeeleil.
Attorney (for lh defense) ln you
know anything about Ilia mrrlU of tlili
Venireman d should nay nut, It hasn't
ny turrit.
Altornry- We'll tali this limn, your
air.r i wri m
Contngtoua lllooil Tolson linn liroiiRlit niarpBiifTerhifr, misery nnd Jimn.
Hon Into tlioM-orlil thnii nil .other (llacnsrscomuluiil; tlieic la harUIynny
limit to itt jwu-crti iorcvil. Jt is tho blactiwt nml vilestitif nil tli.ion!cr,
wreckln: tticli-osof tliono ltnfortunnto cnousLlo contrnct It ntul often litlnjj
trniiBinlttcd to Innocent oflsprlnff, n UHbIUIiir It-jincy of BufTcrlnjr nml shame.
So hlchly conUnioun la the trouble thut innocent persons mny contract it
hy usinB the name lahlo ware, toilet articles rr clothinjr of mu in whose
lilcxxl the treacherous vims 1ms Ufccu root. Nottmly is it n ivowerf ul poison
j but n very deceptive one. Only tione
know by tlic little pons or ulcer, vrbicu usuauy nnpenrance urai, u.
tho Buifciinsr wliich is to follow. Jt comes in Uieiorm of ulcerated luouth
nnd throat, unsightly copjier colorvd Bpots, swollen rjlamls iu Jthc sraln,
fallln-r lmlr, oilenHivosoiertnnd ulcers on tho ltoily, nml iusevcrrs cases the
fniKcr nails drop off, the bones become diseased, the nervous system isshat.
tcrcil nnd tho sufferer becomes nn object of pity to his fellow man. Kspcci.
nlly is tho trenchcroua nature of Contagious Wood Poison, shown when the
infected person endeavors to combat the polsou with juercury nnd -potash.
Tlicso juiucrals will drive nwayull outwnid eymptonu of tho troubhs Jor
n while, nnd tho victim is deceived into tho belief that Jic is cured. When,
liowcvcr.tlio treatment is leftoll hofiudsthnt the poisoulins only 1cch driven
deeper into tho blood nnd the disease rcappas, nnd usually iu worse form
Ixxnuso these strong mineruls hnve not only failed to remove tho vims from
tho blood but have weakened the entire system because of their destructive
nction. vS. 8. 8. is she only leal nnd curtain cure for ContaKlous lllood Poi
son. It is mndoof n combination of licalinff Woal-mirifylug roots, herbs
nnd barks, the best iu Nature's great laboratory of forest nnd field. We
offcra reward of for proof that 8. S. S. contains n particle of mineral
r I.. --.. f.. QUO nna Jn in tti
s. s. s.
PURELY VEGETABLE circulation that nosigns of tho discaso nre
ever seen ngain, nnd offspring is protected,
Write for our special book on Contagious Blood .Poison, which fully ex
plains tho different stagesof tho trouble, nnd outlines ft complete homo treat
ment for nil suffcrersof this trouble, No chargo is made for this book, and
if you wish special medical advico about case or any of its symptoms, out
physicians will bo glad to furnish that, too, without barge,
TIik lliitfiirnoli,
Hero nrn two esuijM mi tlin lltigun-
Ullt iiy CIlll'lIKO public HClllHll pilpllH!
"Tim lliiitiiiiolH iin' people lu I'rnnre
Hint nrn follower of Vktor Hugo.
'I'lmlr lender I u mnii mimed Jimiii
Vnljcnn tlmt wns n thief, lint K.t nm
tcrlcd iiml turned out well, The Hugo.
ikiIh nrn U'ry good niilo. A lady
niiiiiiil l.viingcllim wrote n loutc imem
iiliout tlii'in. Imt It iliin't rhyme."
"The lltiguetint I llw iinmii of n Mil
HiliiK like n slc.iin roller tlm I tliu tin
mil lined In Inillii to rim iivit Hoplr.
It mikhIiiiI tlii'in tiiilctith iiml wim wry
rrihlc. It hml eye Hihili'il on It like
n drngon uinl niHirlwl tlimn whni !t
nn riiiinliiB. Thry hi uo liuii"iot
rimy iiHiri'"
"Hrnnlor. eirrilMxIr n mtnmi'iiilliin
Iiml hikhnIi Jim HM'lx IIm ollirr tiny on
tin KtilJt of llir triinU."
"I think mrU II pretty fiilr
"rnfiirliiimlfly. I llilnl Ih-ht II. What
IKMltlnii illil )nii InVrY"
"llltwi jnii, I'l Inki miy. I mnii
rifnl, lumfvrr, In inwiiri nirli Hirly In lli
riintnirrrny that ll lllnn Ihr only
corml anil n-lal nm."
Tllll III llllll.
rliiniiir Thrrn una II IhiiI. holil lilir
cUr up lii lh clrla' iiillie thr utlivr
Uii)irYu ilmi't iy. Anil aid tlin
drlii )ll'
IlillllHT I utmilhl Niy m. Tlii-y naro
tin rullmti ji'll mid tin' tmruliir lmu't
aloppiil riiiniiiig ywt.
AHrlrnl litilniirf,
Miyta lt HMMibrtH tk rhlhlrro of
"M-luil am nn ilnln lUt fori" aotntv
IhhIt lifl Iiltti.
Tliy woulilirt Mann ler a rfirrm
iIiibi." riplalnwl Mii, "aihl I had to
turn It Into a rm.n
Nn rrm lilt rl rnrtal. Imwrrr,
amiMMl M of Mm It far political
piirHi. ,
hup Mint Illil,
Iiwyrr (cr Mamlnlft wlln'-n)
Art Jim 'iri Jim illiln'l diram thai, Mr.
ItiiMli? My ll' way, do yen brllrvr In
VlllMHNiit an a emhthI llilnr. Imt I
know ihrj jiMiic Inn wiHlmisi.
Iiwjcr O. Uy d, d llwjr? Can you
ini'lillmi a xcllW' InMnnrr
Vtiii Vr, lr. Yihi rrmHiliT. Mr.
Kili'lmiii, jron (miIiI km f't Ik ilhr day
thai you hid tm-n owing mi a yrir. Vli,
I alr.U.B.1 ltl tllt.lll LjafltPM llinf Vlll
I Iran t. ..... . .. ....... .- " j
ut inn on lh nlrrrl and paid II. I mi
ro urongiy unprrii wiiu iiwi urraio
that I huntrd you op lit nrit ilay, yon
rroiillrrt, ami dunned you fur It. Culcajo
. . rt.....k lm Ihl. AllMn Af Iht)
MURlirlhHllullifr dlMaui pul w;lbr,
nun no. i It a lixal iIIm. h. iiMrtU'llol
r.weJI. anit ny oumunily Iltlnat lo nun
wlih loral trtmnl. inouuuBtl It lueuratU.
, hMufii ralaich lo I a ounil lu
linnal i1Imh, ana llmmlota rvqulrra ooi.nllu
lluiialtrlwtul llaH'aJalarrh l . Wfu
1 UrmiKl Uy V I n.cMy.Vi .Tpld,liliU.,li
lbMtilrMnllilloital ruttran lb nTVai II
li iatu lBtMMllyliul"ilrom iJttt
IfiiHtenlul i.riillirilrou IbaUwit )
wuV7Htut(aptlibiti. ThrB.roa
hundlfl ilollaia lr awr raw llfallatoeur.
, nit lurrlrsoUttanil iMllomnlaU.
, Ailtlrm. r 1 illl.NEVACa,Xelolo,0
IHttll IIT I.TUVBI"'. "' .. . ,
lUlt'i tautlly I'llli ' "'
'HVnnlt m to ak you, madam," aald
th lawyrr, who wa a frknd of th fain
lljr, "ymir ral rain for vanillic a dl
orrn front your hunlmiid."
"II lun'l lli mui I thought 1 wai
marrying." riplnlnrd Hi fair rallrr,
"My dmr madam." rrjolm-d Ih law
)r, "Ih appllrallon of that prlnclpU
would brrak up every bom in ma oun
. try."
who Jiovclcnrncd by bittcrcxpcrlcncc
very bottom of the trouble nnd by cleansing
tho blood of every particle of the virus nnd
mldlrifrrlch, healthful qualities to this vital
fluid, forever cures this powerful disorder,
fin thorotitrhlv does 8. 8. 8. clentlBO tllO
"Whnl una II Kraiiklln wildT 'It
you'd linio n llilinc Midi ilono '"
"Toll ymir iiMik youM uko It ron," In
Icrrnpliil Hilhhilha.
AKi'Mt-l'il llku to Mll you tills IhiIII
of inuaipiltii I'Xliiriiiliiulor. Mr. Jiu'tt
mui No, lni'! I'm u mntiuruetuntr
uf iiioiilllii ni'lllnu.
Mlntri'M (lo eolonil ik)--.Mflrla.
la your llltlo clrl u hrluht flilld? Mnrlu
-'ml alio nm. Kimndlmoa Ah think
shn'a n lit I lo loo rdilliy.
"Ky. dait." "UVII, aou." "What'a
n iNtlratrlNiir "A imtuatrlan, aon, la
olio Mho doiwn't hnvi tlmo to net out
of tho wiiy of nn unto.'
"Hn you will mnko ilnah for tho
North I'nlo hy nlrahlp. llnvc you tho
ahlp yt" ".N'imi, imt oxnclly." "How
fnr nhiiitf urn your prepiinitloiisr "Wo
limn tho ntr."
Mrs. Juatirott MiTiiiun My m-w
homo linn Ntnliiiil kIhm In nil the win
dows. Mra. Nolynt lllltaiioli Now
thiit'a tixi had. I'Mii't you nml om
thlni; tlml'll tnkv It out?
I'adily (ohllilous, on tho I rook, with
train HilvHiH-lntCI Wln-rc will I cateli
tho mprww for huhllnT HlntUx.ninnHT
Yo'll itileh It nil mit y If y don't
Kol off the lino mlKHty ipilck.
MarflHint-l wnuM ho j-'ml to clvo
you tho portion, y.iiHtf man, hut I
mnko It n ruin to ompkiy mnrriiil iihmi
only. ApiHh-aut ll: anl(Hi. ilr, hut
lure you nu uimmrrlwl ilauclilt'rr
Jnck'a Mammn TtH-ro wi-ru thnt
slkxm of cnkit In tin cupltoiird. Jack,
and now thro aro only two. Mow dim
that ImpixiiT Jnrk It was o dark In
thotv. mamiua, that I ilhln't ih-v tho
Mm. (IndatKiut Mr Imshfliid Is co
nllpotKiiL Ills hulloiM nrt forcrnr com
Ink off. Mr. Orliu Porluiira llioy nru
imi miwd on prviK-rly. Mra. (ladahout
Thnt's Jtut It. Ilo Is ao raretcaa with
Ills sow Inc.
"Aro you chlrf winlntTr of this con
ecrni" nnkl an oxellod Individual of
tho suhilltor. "No, sir, I'm not tho
t'lielni-vr. I'm the IndliT." And In pro
ctxlisl to "IhiII down" six shorts of mat
tor Into a mite of six lino.
Ijiwjm I any, doctor, why aro you
nlwnya ruuultiK us lawyers iIowiit lloo
tor (dryly) Well, your profixwdon
(tut-sn't mnko nncols of moil, dix-s It
lawyer Why, no; you ivrtnlnly havo
tho ailvnutniio of us thorc, doctor.
A family rwvutly purrhMil n cow,
crratly to the oxdlcnitiit nml joy of
tho chllilron of tin hmilKiW. The fol
low lm; Humlny na tho dowurt, whk'li
i-oiislstiM of lew rrtMM, wh plaost on
tho talilr, IIk .tyi-ar-ohl noli of tin fam
ily niuuiUlH-od proudly ti tiff asotuhleit
KUta: "Our cow made thnt!"
An I.hkIMi rector was tiiiryliiK ono
of Ida parlatdoiuTM In tho iluircliyanl,
when ho was liiternipUtt hy a womnn.
"You must wnlt until I lmo flnlshod,"
said ho. "No, sir, I must r-poak nt
oiicv." "Well, then, whitt'a tho mat
terl" ho liniulnit. "Why, sir," cxolnlm
tsl tlin x-xr woman, "you urv hurylnic
n mnii who dliil of the amnllNix next
my poor tmihand, who never had It."
A hurly, hrond-shouhUin-il limn
panned thruush tho iriiteni nt tho (Vutrnl
atiitlou nt Jersey City, nml hurrleil
with Ida two solld-liKiUlnj; suit entri
toward r Pulluiiiu (Hirter who stood
atlltly nun ertvt hesldo tho stew of n
pnrlor on. nttitched to the train. Tho
pnamMiKer, who was Iouk ou suit eusca
hut ahoit on breath, nskeil the proud
IooUiik imrtor; "D-h-h this irnln stop
nt ItnhwnyV' "No, snh," replied tho
iii'k'ro, In n superior iminuer. "Phis
train do nut atop nt Unhwiiy, anh. It
do nut uun hosllnto nt Itnliwny,"
A Kontloiiiim who niKMit Ida tlmo vis
Itliik iimoni; his friends, wenrliiu' out
Ida welcome lu Ida own tiolK.ihorhood,
thought ho would visit nu old Quaker
friend somo twenty miles illKtnnt. lie
wn cordially roci'lvwl hy tho Quaker,
wlw, llilnkliiK tho visitor had tnken
luuoli pnlus to eomo so fur to see him,
treated htm with a Kn-at ileal of at
tention nud -Kdlteiu'SH for nvornl dnys.
Ah tho vlxllor showed no signs of lenv
I ilk' tho Quaker bevnmo uueasy, hut
boro tt with pntleiuv until tin eighth
day, when ho said to hint; "My friend,
I um nfrald theo will never como
HKfttii." "Oh, yea. I shall," said the
vlslt-jr, "I havo enjoyed my visit very
much and stinll rertaluiy como ngaln."
"Hut," said tho Quaker, "If theo will
naver Iciitc, how can theo como nnluT"
Rays th nutu with Ids ir at the phone,
"The lluo'a illaconneeteil, I own,
Hut the upper ami nether
Aro fastened together,
Ho I talk to myself when alone."
Harvard Umpoon,
When n teacher whips a pupil, tin
pupil's mother has a good deal to say
uhout hor child having always boon
dellcato and unllky other children.
-ftotv II Knew.
A wltnoM wna being oxninlnrd as to
tho anulty of one of tho Itimntca of tho
nayliim. "You hold that tills Inmnto la
Inanne, no your n lawyer nskra. "i
do," wna tho firm renponso. " hy nre
you so aura?" "Tho man," tho witneaa
snld, "Ka-a nliout asserting that ho la
Hnntn Claua," "And." sold thu law
yer, "yon hold, do you, that when n
man rim about naaeitlnc that ho l
Hnnta Claim It's a clowr proof of his In
sanity V "I do." "Why?" "IteHiumV
aald tho wlttipa, lu n loud, Indlj-nsnt
voice, "I hapjH'n to bo Haiita Claua my
si If."
The train was culled th limited, but
what was limited alwnt It It rnu at
n unlimited speil, tho Incivility of
(ho conductor nnd tho hrakemen was
unlimited, n was tho rapacity of the
"It's n mystery 1" exclaimed tho llttl
parly of foreigners.
lint In u moment tier riitrrru the
J r n w I in; room enr nnd their wonder
'nt miiira. It's the cofxl In (lie of the
lecorntlonsl" they whlntierod, and. re
iiioiiihcrliis their manners, pretended
oot1 to notice -Puck.
TITO . Vllu1 tlSBP 1 ll NfrTPMt IltM
rllO t-rmMnllr rwrwl tor I'f. KHiw's lfM
!"r. lllrr. I"4 'r VHKYl lllll.l hU. sr-1
trrXlM. It. U. Jt-Klln., i.Ulll Ann ht, rbiu.,!'.
llilliMnu II In.
Mli ItMli You are bHIer, are you
not, Mr. IVntbertopT Yon were not lixik
lug at all well the lat time I saw you.
Mr, IVntbrlop Why, when did you
in me last
MIm Ilrdpep At I h Kncllhatn rrce
lion. You nrre Aallilne, I ibiuk, with
Miss Flutter hr.
Shake Into four SIkxs
Allen's root I'smi. A poniler. It Basket Ugh:
or newitHM-s frolesty lllia etuin rtarefMr
writing, rslteui ana ll, tlrnl. suBln I.
bol4 by sll IlmffliU. I'rlre . Trlslpsek.
gemsllfl rilrill Addreu Alln B. Olnutnl,
UUuy, York.
The llamnrlnl.
Mr. hepew threw ahle lb papr In
which h Irad just read that aa a Heualor
he was a Jke.
"In lint ras," he said with decision,
"t will not rentgn. I wouldn't spoil a
joke for anybody." Philadelphia Icdcer.
Mra. Wylde Mr. Wlnkley Is quite an
unusual man, in't be
Mr. Wylde Oh, I don'l know.
Mm. Wylde Oh. hut h Is. Why, I
saw him leaving Mrs. Wlnkley at a
street comer the other day, and he took
off Ids hat and was Just aa polite to her
as If they hadn't been married. Somer
vllle Journal.
Worth Knowing About
If vou nre-l a firs!- I Iniadte, there If
nitliii liler nor safer than that old fam
ily llrandrrlh'a I 111 . Karh mil
rontal is one gram of -old oiracl f
amaiwirllla. w Irh. with other valual lo
v grtoldepnolucls, msko It a Mood pur
ifier of ctrellmt character. If you are
troubled with o ii-tlmtlon, one pill at
lilk'ht wi I allurl ureut relief.
llramlrritli' pi fsarothe mine fine lax
alla tonic pill your grslHlpa Mil li.ed.
They liao Iweu In um for oee a century
and are sold lu eery drug ami medtotua
stoie, either pi iu or sugar -.oatwl.
Aeenrtllnar to Ills Tolly.
The prwumt chief Justlco of Ontario,
Sir William Meredith, Is a mnn of lino
prvtw-ncc, with a !onlne mass of whlto
hntr. Ono night he was speaking In
Toronto nt a turbulent meottnj;, when
he wna sharply Interrupted by strl
dent voice from tho top gallery:
"Aw, Wlllum, ro an get your hair
Inatantly Mereillth threw back hi
magnificent head, nml, fixing tho of
fender with the stem eye of tho prac
ticed examiner, exclaimed:
"My Irletid, If my memory wrTcs
mo, I once had something to do with
getting your hair cut."
Thoro were, no more Interruptions.
Mpplncott's Mngaihif.
Thsl Is LAXATIVK IIUOMO Unlnlne. 81ml
Utlr nstaeil remeillrs toiaellmes itreele.
Tli nisi sml original CoM Tsblrl Is a WIIITK
I'AOKAUK wllli blsrk snit ri-t lelierlng, ami
Usr tlic tltunum ol U W. UUUVIi. af.
lint In Che Colli.
"Old Fullerplunks, wlio died a month
or two ago, didn't leave you anything;,
hey I thought he was a near relative
of yours."
"Near lie was closer than the shrunk
en jacket on a sixteen Inch gun I"
Mica Axle Grease
Best lubricant for !' la the
world lonjj wearing and very ad
hesive. Makes a heavy load draw like a
Utht one. Situ halt the wear on
wsgon and team, and Increiies the
Mining capacity of your outfit.
Aik your dealer for Ilea Axlt
Lrw twf
I, (!
Color more needs brighter end fatter colore tkaa mnt ether dye. One 10c package colors silk, wool end cotton equally wH et4 hs
(uarantscd ce live perfect results. Ak d.altc.aew will eend pott paid at 1r svacUce. Writ fee free beesM hew t Va.
Elsach end mU color. M0NK0C DUG C0 Vlewg4. Mhaeuri.
Does Your
Heart Beat
Yes. 100,000 times each day.
Docs it send out good blood
or bad blood? You know, for
cood blood is good health;
bad blood, bad health. And
you know precisely what to
take for bad blood Ayer's
Sarsaparilla. Doctors have
endorsed it for GO years.
On f rtiiM rtn. of hA hlnodl, r ilarsl'h
llvpr. Tlill prrMl fm,it.lton. fmtiitovt
r.uliiitts'stliH AJHMirlfl ibio th t,i-1f
ln.lra'1 1 1 tl f rpmM-i fr"ftl II tir 4Hf
lilllll) Ilifri K1! Ill I!! "a
AJ9r mil. in i i.n. aii t-b-wij
W B"S " m " r viBtfi - --
KsdbyJ C A7-rCa.L9wall.aUt1.
Aio nr.aub4lu.rtrs t
7 1111 I0CS.
Li Kyi O ctiLm pixrotuu
Hlcka Mlns Dally sang rlth much
fetdlnz at the coiwert last night"
Wicks Ah
lllcba Yea. Buo spent most of tho
time feeling for the right note, Somer-
vllle Journal.
PlltS CtfttO H 0 TO 14 DAYS.
TAO OINTMKKT Ir gsrefilel loeurs sny
rtMol lehlrtg, Uttol, Ueedlnger ptolraJIng
4k4 la 6 te II ilsf r Bwnej rrlanJrJAM.
Mm. Homer (rendltig) An onll
nary piano contains about a mile of
Homer--Huh! The one next door
sounds like It contained a wason load
of tinware.
Mothers will nod Mrs. WJnfloVs toothing
Syrupthstxstrtnedr toBMlog ihsirctnurea
SurlBg the KeUilng partod.
Sniut Old Prrllnsr.
(Iladys I feci sure be has never
loved before. Penelope Oh. I felt the
same way, dear, when lie used to make
love to me!- New York Preen.
Tlin Kltul ou IIuvo Always
tnro ol Clin- II. Fletcher, nnd lias been inndo under his
JicrMiunl atttpcrvislon for over HO 5 ears. Allow no ono
o deceive you In this. Counterfeits, Imitations nnd.
4.7nst-ns-pooil nro but Experiments, nnd endniigcr tho
lmiltli of Children llxpcrlcnvo ngnlnst llxperiineut.
Cnstorla Is a liiirmlcss substltuto for Custor OU, Pnre
RorUs Irops and Uoothlncr SjTiips. It Is Plcusunt. It
contiilns neither Opium, Morphlno nor other nrcotlo
substance. Its npo Is Its guarantee. It destroys "NVorm
nml ullays l-'ercrlhliness. It cures Dlarrluen uinl AVlnd.
Colic. It relieves Tcetliiuir Troubles, cures C'oiiMtlpntlou
ntul Flatulency. It assimilate? tho Food, regulates tho
Sdiinacb and llowcls, glvlnir benltliy and natural bleep.
Thu Children's Panacea Tho 31o tiler's Friend.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Soars tho
In Use For
W JT jW J If. V"
--- r er 4 w
$3.00 AND $3.50 SHOES vi&Ws 1
Mali's Shoes, M lo 81.00. lUiya1 Mines, S3 lo UI.'AJ. Viumru's
m.,1.1. rut,kll.So. UUaa'L-hllilniii'lioM.4l3loiJJO.
W. I IKiujIm shoes are recognized by export Judgosonootweat"
to bo the best In strle. fit and wear rrouucedm thta couutry. Kacb
part ot the shoo and every detail of the niaklrs U looke.1 after
and watched orer by skilled shoemakers, without regard to
tlmo or cost. It I could take you Into my larm factories at
llruekton. Mass.. ar.d show vou how cart'lullv W. I. Douirlai I
Shoes aro made. yn would then enderstand why they hold their thapo, fit bettei
roar longer, ana are 01 greater Tata iniu any oiner manes,
W. I. louiUiiii.r4rli,,'rtonlhl-tl.lhriirrtilKwrtTr.rfiirt klsh
fo4 tViVr ArmliviiJwWiuirtVy. Caftii-v
priwa arfl lnlrn. 0t. Tkr nil
r A.,.. ... ..M..Hr Tiirmww --.-'-'
Are always reDOrted when
Seedt are planted Why ?
best on this Coast. Our
.Annual tells all about our
fcrtuuers. incuoators.
Aik U SMk Nt.
l Tims. SkivVv
Portland, Oregon
JuUibhtl - YtaCeElMwkas
OftM C'-.wn. 1 nrMrn Wrrk,
Invia.ll, Plal..t. HI'"' rllllBfl,
Mi ool ruling., ft.
te7'rirltrHr.H -OllTLA,OnM!
With a-piga l'i,-irail look lei, glrlsir TJXO
Uteslor llrsxln tusllnniii. rra and IMlrf.
snl a Souvenir Picture, 7silln.,lO"olTa
free for A sna imr ilrslers name. AVtm
I'aciaa Cout Boisx Co., OsXUrnl. tat.
Woaiufcl Hoca
TbU wrJl CW
B Daeior I, call
gr- st Wrsuiw b car a
q4 wtibant rwra
n iti I rv gTta i9
ti Olo. II rem U
lb wn4rfal I k'i-b-vi
hrrfes iw s. bo-Is,
tMrks tsd rr(trJil'
bt sn estmir sn
known la & . Itu Set
rr la lbs t:r 'rient!io.orir
braitn mo-4l. Tbm .uwaidec-irkniiwa
tkstrUanolOTrrMQditlrr rcmtdi -s.WBloa
bB-MSBee-ralyln tSIBrrtaS diwsMU. lie
rmru mlerrara:srTti,aiibBU,lasr,UiraX
,tH tuusiura. nervou ms. sumur h. liver, SI4
Br. l " lmx1rU ot t--fUnoaIJm.
CbsnrM BKxJrrUa. (.all a&i sm him. lm.Uata
out or U oir wrlla fr Uu - r-l etrcalara.
Mad staaiv bjl't TAT1UM 1'IltC
The C Gee Wo Chinese MctEdne Co.
1 62 H tVrt 5, S. t. Cor. MerrtsM
llntislit lias borno tlio sluna-
Signaturo of
Over 30 Years.
I "lis r?f." If?
; iiuhuivu, invwU.Ma
lvi W (l?tr vvtrywtrra.
jffijjSlgg'l'erry Sn1 5SWla
fMtiiflMrsre n ,1 aa (soetujtctjTt
PVi'til tr!wi,iiru(:rrBill-,gew
W frcmlbe start lrsl.seo L'
Mr do'i Is si J. snllctr "" !iMp t
M. rjolntmrou at lurml ft J
H W. isaWn fn riivracaii AaaAmm
m h ior pkxi i'Ti w, (-! jpw
I ata.i tale. 1 srnmi.fororrr Mr
J Jk yrjrrarf. l'JOTU Atuua B
4BJjgv free ca rr-;uci. gram
v-)WD " FCRRY & co.a4H
kLKasCV. Detroit, Mlor,aUBFT
-'asaa.-B-ga.'gs-a ril hVaWass
& Lik
f&Us: M
faWV3 f ZJf
The Finest Gardens
Portland Seed Ca's "Dlamotwi Brarid"
Because we sell you the kinds that grow
handsomely illustrated and descriptive
Seeds, Plants, Roses, Spray Pumps.
uroouers, rouury ana oeo supplies.
260 Wi W L s WKUI ule
Cu. Sms N Jol I'm m rH-ov
SfoKn, Wash.