The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 29, 1907, Image 3

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Hoyt Want Docltton Uaforo Supremo
Oourt Adjourns
WanlilntiUiii, Murt'li !!. Next Moil llnyt, represent
Inn the attorney general, will submit
(o (ho Hupreum oourt n motion let ml
vunco (ho iiiMnl o (ix-lteiirmimtuUvo
Vlllliimnit In tlm hope thnt tlm cum
van Ixi trliil till hennion nnd licfortt ml
Joiiriiment In May. Inn formal mo
(Ion, which lin Iihh prepared 10 minimi
to IhoriMrt, .Mr. liny l briefly review
tliu progress of llui wIIIIuiiimhi trim
from ll Inception l mul Including IIii
notion n( tlu' Circuit Court of A ixiil
on Muruh 11, mid then Mat tlutt III
motion to Hilviincn In liiimol mt tliu fol
lowing nitvuin:
Find, IliU U n criminal eimo; sec
ond, itcountlttitlonnl quentloii npjKurH
to I mi lni)lvil thlnl, It In n enno of
public luiimttntieo Involving tliu qutn
t Ion whether I liu Immunity from nnol
granted to senator mill tiit'inlHT of
votiKio'N liy tlm constitution extendi to
n mmtwiotf ol Imprlnoiimont nflor legal
vouvli'tluii; fourth, nit lndcxnilent
wilt of cnni from the Circuit Ciurtnf
Aicitl linn I mini dl"inl"ed liy Hint
court us to Wllllitiiuoti.
President Appoints Two Mora Com
missioners on IniluttrUI Peace.
Washington, March 1H. The tirenl.
dent lixlny np;xlntd Hetli Uiw, of New
York, nnd Tlwiiiiin l. Hush, of lllrm
Ingham, Aln., ii rt'iriTiHiiluth(fi of tlm
general public under the net ttfcongicna,
nwtnbllnhlngti foundation for tint pro
motion of Intluitrlnl peace, tliu ll of
which I" tint NoUl prl fuml, recently
Awarded llio prenldciit of llm Norwegian
birthing. Thin niinplelo tho admin
Utrutltu Ixsirll. Olhri HH'inU'rii of tint
Ixsird of tiutec nro
Jnlm Mitchell, president of the. Unit
i Mlneworkeni of America, nu llm r-H
renriilallvoof lulxirf Mnrvln HughlM,
president of tho Chicago A, NoithwiwU
yrn lutllwuy company, rei'rencntliig
vapllnl; tho chief (untico of tho supremo
iurt of the United Htnttxt, thiiiieerclarv
of commerce and Inlxir and tho secretary
of agriculture.
Will Curry Relief to China.
Washington, .March 21. Tim United
titnten nrmy trnitnport lluford will take
ii lonil ol prnvlnlonn nl onco to China
far tint relief of tint famine niiffciors.
Tln Wiir dcjntituit'iit ndvlned tho Btut.t
department today that tho tr.ttixitt,
vhloli In nt Hun Francl-co, Is nt the
dlnjxwal of the Red Gion Ottwa for
Immedlnle two In tlm shipment, Tho
tntunxirt will top nt llono.olil nu It
vity to t-hntighnl uitd proUlily will
trrv rijuvlal ;uty of wmgrHMincn,
who uto to vlitll Honolulu n kuwU of
tluullUn of lliy llnwnllftii IiImihU.
Dliplnaln to Vdtersns.
WashltiKtiin, .Mrvli III. Tim l'nlle.1
Hanlh War NVtemnn, DUtrlrl of Co
lumhlii ileimrtuiKiit, tinlny mloptiM n
Tii-olutliMl vlKorniinly ihtiiiHttu'lnit tlm
net lou of tlm i-oimtltutloiml convention
ol Oklnhomn In mlnptini it vlnuo In
Hh coiiKtltutlon iI'Mfniurhl'liiK noldlorr,
rnllorn nml intirlncH, ntul rlmmcterlxlnt;
mirh iirtlou n h ii illrri'l IiinuII to nil
Ainerliiiii hoLIUth, Millorn uml innrlnon
"win liuvn foiiKht In tho mivonil wnr
In whlah tho eouiitty linn Ikhmi cnpiKwl,
iinil who Iiiihi never known ilufitit In
jiny wur,"
Meat Only In Washington,
WnnhliiKton, .Manii UK Tho ork
of tho luterHtntu Ciiumeni oonitiiliwlon
hnn Krnwii no heavy thnt It Imi Usui h
oldoil to (llfcontlnue tho hmrliiKH which
luivo Im'iui condurliMl liy mi'inlmrn of tho
iMiimulwilou nutnlilu of Wiiehlngtou.
Ilorenftor, when it l found nm'Ntnry
to (Miiultii-tliivititlpttlotiH In other cltlm,
HjMHitnl nKenlH will tnko tho tentlmnny
mil reiort to llio coininlwlon mul tho
iirKinncnta on tlm mo will I liennl hy
the cainmlniiloiuuH In this city.
Coal Land Is Reopened.
WiUihliiKton Tho Keneml huul olllcu
hiiM IhhikhI n Htttouicul kIvIiik tho Iceu
tlon .of tho following puhllo IiiihIh re
opeuotl to entry h) tho preHUIent'H nr
" (lurof Mnnilil'JInsI: Mimtium, 2,0tH),.
()IK) Ori'Bon, 710,000; WimliliiKtoii,
:iliO,OI)0 Tho Iniiil wiih, pluvious to
(he onlor of Mnrch 12, luclmleil In Inuil
eliuwtMl us votil huul mul withdrawn
from entry.
Cost of Pacifying Cnda,
WiiHhliialon. Mnioli 22. lhlinonll-
imry nxpi'iiMiM to tho United BtutcH up
to (into cmiflod liy tho Bonding of mi
nrmy of wolllontloii (o Culm, t?i;reh'ato
iibout 2,o00,000, lUVoriUim to IIkuich
which have been prepared liy llio Wur
depnttment. It Iiiih not been ilctorm
IiuhI vxiiotly whou tho incnuy will bo
'collected from Cuba by tho United
8uprama Oourt Takes Recast,
WiwliiiiKton, March 20. The chlof
Justlconnnouimcd today that tho Su
premo court would tako a two weeks'
ircccas, fiom next Monday until April 8,
Itooievelt Dames Ma and Deneen Are
UoomlnR Tafl,
WnnhliiKt'in, Mnrch 21 . "(lovurnnr
!)ini'cn and Attortioy (leiieriil Hload
did nut coiiki to iieu mo on any x)lltua
inntterH lit all."
Tlm iiIkjvo were Hiilmtnntlitlly tlm
wordn llio provident iimoI In bin tulk
with Hetialni llnmihroUKli today when
tho hitler nnkml him nlxmt tho rcxirt
thnt Hatiinlny'R eonfenMico nttho White
lloue with llm llllnolri olllccri during
which Hivtelnry Tnfl mid Ilia luothur
called, wiih for llio pur;xnof IiiuiicIiIiik
it Ixxmi fur Bivietnry Tuft for tho pre
Ideiiey. From uiithorlmtlui romeea II wa
lenrued dxlny that tho vlitof (lovcrnor
Dcncon itml Attorney (leuerul Hload
had to do with the Chicuim A Alton
dciil which llnurcd In the lliiriliiian In
vnitlKnttlon bcfnro tliu lutenitnto Com
uiercoeoiuinliHilou. The prenldeut was
niulmin In hum what wiih helm; done,
or wlmt the htnlo cnliti'inpliitol doliiK
In tho mitller.
Hvretnry Tnfl lniml tho following:
"I hnd nil np;xilntmnnt with tho
prtiddeiit nt 3:30 p. in. Hundny mid
went to the While limine to keep II. I
found (loH'inor iMiccn and Attorney
(leiienil Klcnd with the prenldeiit and I
win liitrtxlix-ul. They left Immeilhtte
ly. Thrro was no (xilltlcMl converm
tlon." Much Land Is Reopened,
Wiuliliititoii The aiv'ictnry of tho
luturlor I "in rcclortNl to entry n Inriio
iiinutlty of Kierniiienl land wliloli wan
wlthilniwu lunt Hiiiuumr on tho tini'O-
itltlnti that it cotiliilncd ileXMi( of
mea'liautiililo iiml. In nil 710,UU0
ncreii are rcnlored In Oickoii and 320,
000 ucna In Wnhintnn. The kcoIoj?-
kill mirvey, nller ejninliilii, reRirlel
Itx Inability In II ml eil indlcutlons In
this Innd. Tlie laud now becomes aul
ict to entry under the Krnerul land
lawn. Onwui land In In tlm I'ortland,
lto-clnir, lUlh-i) nnd U Otunde ills-
trk'tn, tlm WiiahiilKtuti land ill tho Po
ntile, Olyinpla uml North Yakima dis
trict. ,
Bellinger's New Assistant.
WashliiKtoii, Mnrch 20. bind Com
tulrnioner IbilllnK'er nunouueen tho se
lection of l-rod IVuett, of North Da
kota, m muliitant ctiminlniloner, imc-
reed IliU (ieorite I'. I'olliK'k, of Ohio,
who U'coiiii-x chief clerk in tho iroiicral
Innd ollk'c. l'olln'k tnkw tho tilniv of
Jntiie V. Mneey, nsilicucil to Hold cer-
vloo lis InniKN'tcr of xiltvcjnrc, Sir.
llullliiKvr itotcH ha will nillftrk't tho
Held force In order to Hecuro n iiioro
ixirfect oriHinlMtlon, imlaruo hmiih ills-
trk'tii, ellinlimllui; othem, and lirltin nil
xihm-IhI Hucnti under tlm control of field
Extends Sympathy to Russia.
WnnhliiL'tnti. Mnrch 21. Tho oxecu-
thocoiiiK'il of tho Amerk'nn Kcdemtloii
of llxir tixluy llntcnod to liddrMmtl by
.iexm .Miiuyu, repriHeuunK urn iiroup
if Tklt In tlii llrat ilomtin ( ItiiHriln.
itud 4i'lcli(ilnn TchykovHky, reprenentluK
tlm revolultoiiiiry mty, rcKiinllm; llm
question of cooucmk' liuproement, inn-
trrlul aihnncemeiit ami ximioni uiierty
for Hurnliin woikmeii. Tho council
unaulmnuidy adopted reolutloiin ex-
prennlvo ol Ita ayiiinithy In tlm atrti'Klo
of tho lulxirliiK men of ltiunlii for lliolr
frcolom nnd pledKliiKUo-oiH'riitlou.
Theft of Mule Csused War.
Wnflilnuton. Mnmli 10. (Inn mtilo .
n iiiulo iHdonKliiK to Honor Ireno Hal-
Kiulo wn tlm clilef oliject of dinputo
letwixu NlmniKua and llondunin when
Ihey Ikpiii tho ipintrel which llnally
ended in tho war that la tlueateuiiit;
tho ciico of all Central America, nu
eordliiK' to tho olllcial eoinmuninitlons
oxclmiiKil by tho inlnlsterH between
tho two lepubllcri, eoplea of which com
inunliiitloim huvo Ikhui received in
President Confers With t oakum.
WnnhliiKton, March 20. Tho prcrU
dent hud n conference today with It. F.
Yoakum, chairman of tho board of ill
rtrtora of tho Itock Island Hallway
uompiiny, This In tho mvond confer
ciK'o tho priMldent baa hold with Mr,
Yuikum within ten day. Mr, Yoak
um divllueil to ituto tho pur;H)aoot thin
Not Dead, but Sleeping.
WnnhliiKton, March 21. The ship
gulwldy bill la not dend, but tilcopint:.
When coiiKrem rcnHiiomblcs, In Dccom
ter, tliu bill will bo reintroduced; In
fact It will probably bo reintroduced In
various shupesi, nnd then tho frlonds of
snlialdy will Join hands nnd attempt to
putui tomo compromlno bill,
' i
Will Open Antung In Trade.
Wanhliwtui, March 21. W. 1).
Straight, tho Aiuericuu consul Keuerul
nt Alukden, nolilled tho Stato depart
ment today that ho has hfsiinuicoh thnt
tho Autunit custom hcueo will bo open
ch! by tho ClilncBo soon.
Attorney General Asked to Air
Northern Pacific Scandal,
I'hllmtnlphlu, Pit., Mnrch ID, Ho
diirixl to tho form of nllldnvltn nnd of
ilfMitiiiini.U, thonulliciitlelty of which
huvo Iii-cii provml In Ii-kiiI proceoillnKn,
ruvolutloiin concernlnK tlm wholesale
iilumlerliiK of tho rljihtH of ntockholdvrs
in tho Northern I'nclflo railroad nro
nlxnit to Ixi nrcKitntcd Ix'foro Attorney
(ieiiersl Hoiiujnirto. At tho timo of tho
Mill .Moroni rixirKiinlutllou ol llm
Northern I'uclHcrullroml, llrayloii I vex,
then n prominent Now York hanker,
wax tho iirfttldont of tho old ooniiny.
In rebriinry of IH'Jo Mr. hen, us
prenlihtut of tho Nothein I'aclflc, np
;x)lntid from his Ixxiid of directors n
ro-ntllcd "pro(ttlvo committee-,"
clalmliiK nuthoilly to proccvil with the
work of reorKnn luit Ion, M orpin A Co.
went not only reoiKanluitlon tnntiiiKurii,
contracting with themselves as syndl
into innniiK'erH, but they were also nyn-
Unite niilMcrlU'ra, and thus apMred
In u three-fold capnclly, lieliiK Jollied
an nynillcnto sulntcrllKTX with Mr. Ives
and other directors of tho old Northern
ruclflo comiKiny. Millions of dollars
wero mllivtol In nxnennmeuts levied
iixin tliu ntockholdcra of the old North-
em raclllc compiiny, wlilcli It was
thotiKht by the public were to ho mod
to rehnbllltiitu tho cuinpniiy.
Innleud ol ImUiik mi appropriated limy
wero Kathirel In and divided nmoiiK
llio nyndlcnte as coininlnslons aid pro
11 In. Thin is ono tho of feature of tho
"ncll-out" of tho old Noithern I'aclllc
coniMiiy nnd In ono of the ninny nuuiz-
Ink' tlilncn connected with tliln remark-
ahlo reorganisation for which u com
plele InviiitiKntioii In Mug 'temsndeil
of tlio authorlUc at WxililiiKtun.
Plans to Give An Immense Fortune to
Use of the Public.
Now Yoik. March 10. llm Herald
will tomorrow cny that aicordiiiK to a
iiidiiiUt of John I), ltockcfcllcr Jr.'
Iillilu clunn, and who Is ulno a ixirnonal
friend of John 1). Hwkefullor and in a
;xNltion to know of Ida nffalts, tho lat
ter proposes to innko u princely i;i't to
New York City. It will amount to at
leant 100.000,000. It will Ixi partly
cluirllnble and jnirtly eilunitlonal. Tlio
Herald will add: '
"rids man mid that when Mr. Itnck-
cfeller wan couferriiiK with Ids nun nt
Ijikewexxl, N. J., n fortnluht ago, tho
meeting wan not for tho purixma of die
cum Iiik any Immcdiato gift, but was on
tho subject of Mr. Hockefeller'a will,
wlilcli document tlio oil king wan llien
cxmipletiiiK with tho aid of bin son nnd
bin Inwycra. It wns rnld (bat (hi doc
ument will astonlsli too worm wiicn it
Is i nude public
It will. It Is declared, Klvo no loiw
than $200,000,000, for charitable and
educational purMKie, ami It will lxj so
liontowid that tho benefit therefrom
will nluiiMt Ixt (wriM'tunl.
Rate War on (he Atlantic.
London. March It). llerr llullln, ill-
rcctir irencrnl of tho Hamburg-Amer!-
ran HUamnhlp line, who Is hero attend-
Iiik tho shlppiiiK conference, trxlsy aald
there was oveiy likelihood ol a renewal
of tho into war for tho North Atlantic
trade with the Cunard lino. Within u
fortnluht ho expect to rco a declnlon
ono way or tho ether. Further llerr
llullln ileclnriNl tho Uerman linen Iitul
a working agreement with tho Wblto
Htnr Hue, nnd that all ;xYuillilllty ol
friction, owing to tho reminul of that
line to Kouthumpton, luid now Ihoii ol-
Reports Massacre of Jews.
Now York, March 10. A Jowlrh
morning paper tonight received the fol
lowing ciihtcgniiu from Pod Hi I lo, near
Junwick, Itoiiinanla: "Terrihlo inanaa-
rru nl nco hint Thursday. Town totally
dentroyed. All tho Jcwltdt jiopulatlon
nro rnlnisl nnd linunea plunged, wo
link holp MarciiH (lettel, Klias Solo
mon, tilijen Sterberg." llio naiiK8
sigmxl to tho cnblegmm arc said to bo
thonoot leading merchanta of I'odihllo.
It is a place of nlxjiit 0,000 Inhabitants,
4,000 of whom nro Jews. It Is only
30 inllca fiom Kislilneff.
Flirce Dale Sweeps Bay.
Bun Francisco, March 10. A fierce
Mouth nnd southeast galo awopt tho
imv today, whiuli drovo Hiimll emit to
sholtcr, niustsl vcsseln in tho stieuni to
seek jioiltloiis nt safety and nuido tho
ferry stcnmoM roll unpienKiintiy. um.-
sido tlio heads tho gala raged with u
voliwlty ol SO miles an hour, and tho
teas mn high. Foerul vctmols wero
compelled to put buck, owing to tho
rough condition of tlic wentuer.
Torpodo Boat Is Rammed,
AJnoleo, Fnince, March 10. During
tho maneuvers lust night without lights
tho torpedo Ixwt destroyer Kih-o ram
nuvl torpcxlo lioat No. 203. A steam
1)1 no on tho last named vessol burst,
rlillni two men nnd ninrtiillv lnliirlnc
nnother. Tho Kpeo towed tho torrKHlo
lioit nslioro, whoro sua was ucucikhi.
Japan Adds 24 Regiments,
Toklc, March 10. In pursuance of
tho program to inorenso annulments, -
Infantry roglmenU have boon organ
Itcxl, mainly concentrated In Northern
Islod, Tho ni&in bono will bo Kurume.
Hue! and Sclimllz Secured Large
Sums In Day City.
Traction Company Mulcted of S4G0,-
000 Money Taken from Two
Telephone Companies.
Han Fmnclnco, March 10. Ikdoro
tomorrow morning tbiwns, Abraham
Hind, fallen lxx of Ban Francisco, now
on trial for extortion, will have been
indicted by llio grand jury on various
counts, aggregating nearly 100 In nurn
lxr, covering a period of many months
and buned on bribe tunning into hun
dreds of thousands of dollar. With
him will be criminally involved Mayor
Hchmltz, almost a nroro of llm olllcial
of tlio city government and n number
of millionaire of promlncrico In Han
Francisco and In tlm Knnt.
Beventeeii of tho 18 county sucrvls
ors wtint lie fore tho grand Jury today
nnd confexned in detail graft operation
and their inngiiltuda carried on during
tbrii tenure of olllco. Principal among
tint-o wn tlm award of a blanket fran
chise to tho filled Itallroads to trans
form l (Tiblo lines Into an overhead
trolley s)xtem, for Ituef had
mulctixl I'atrick Qilhoun, pnwlilent of
tho comimny, in tho sum ol 1460,000.
Hut tho corruption surrruunding tho
history of tho finnchlno granUxl to tho
Homo Telephone comimny wrui even
moro damnable, nnd explodes (ho chcr-
Ifluil pniverb tliat "there Is honor
among thlovex." Tho boanl of ntipcr
vinors una bought twice, onco by tho
I'aclllc btatcti Telephono company,
which wished to keep tho rival corpor
ation out of tho city, and onco by tlio
Homo Telephone company, which wan
fighting to get an cntinnco Into tho city.
Tho Hue! lie Htates company paid tho
most money.
Thin won biougbt nlxmt by tho pur-
cboxo of Mayor Hchmltz nnd Abo Ituef
by tho foreign concern, and they, with
their ;xx:ketH well lined, cracked the
whip over tho pux?rvlnor and forced
tlm gmitlng of the coveted prlvilcgs
Mont of tho ritiiervinoin hod got 15,000
apiece from tho I'aclllc fitntcs com
puny. A little later tho Homo Tele-
phono agent paiii a number oi tno su
lervlnors t3.U0O each, but Ituef nnd
Soli m I tz, having been seen meanwhile,
tho sum wna considered enough to com
plete the transaction.
The concessions revealed details also
of the Ocean Blioro mllruul fianchlno
deal nnd othors lens oxteuslve, but In
volving In tho nggrepato urwnrdof 1,-
000,000. It is Micved tliat tho super
visors who confomed liavo been prom
ised immunily from prosecution.
Many Letters Received at Land
Office Sustain Case,
Washington, March 10. Yesterday
0cned tho sixth week of tho trial of
Hlnger Hermann on the Indictment
charging destruction of 35 letterpress
copybooks alleged to have contained
olllcial corrct)ondenco of tho general
Innd otlice. Tho prosecution will prob
ably conclude by tho ond of the week
and" it is expected tho defense will occu
py two weeks with ltd witiienscs bcfoiu
tho iiiKi gocd to tho Juiy. To dato ap
proximately 1,000,000 words of testi
mony Imvu been taken.
Yesterday tho prosecution placed on
tho stand seven chiefs of divisions of
tlio general hind olllce w ho reived under
Hermann, and all Identified original
olllcial letters from tho land olllco files
which were answered lu poison by Her
mann us commissioner. All tcatlficd
that they huvo been unable to find in
tlm files copies of tho replies to thctw
lottcrt), tho memorandum In each cam)
stating Boeltlcnlly that tho letters wero
answered by the comtnlstlonci. There
wero no such letters.
Smallpox Hits Paris.
l'arls, March 10 Tho appearance of
a fow aaea of huui1Ikx hero luts greatly
alarmed tho people. Thousands of
H'raous iiuvo iiecu vncviiinieti miring
tho past fow tin yu nnd tho hospitals and
academics of medicitto are besieged by
crowds ol people anxious to bo vacci
nated. Tho authorities, nowover, Hny
tlutt there is no real danger of an epi
demic. Di. Mesqucreur, director gen
oral of public service, Informed tho
Associated Pies that tho reports that
tho situation had grown worse wero
Civil Service for Porto Rico.
Ban Juan, Porto llico, March 10.
Tho legislature adjourned today, after
tlio most Important sctision since tlio
American occupation, 16 bills of tho
257 Introduced being passed. Among
tho measures approved is a civil service
bill which will becomo effective next
January. Appropriation bills finally
wore passed in tho form presented by
I tho governing council,
California Governor Will Not Sign
Ulll for Appropriation.
(in nn . w tn I I If a h.1i 1 D "fj-k I
Cooiit Kx;x)Hitlon bill undernnyclrcurn
stniice. No amount of Inflncnco will
tend lo chsngo his resolution In thin
leaped, wlilcli, ho says, Is unalterable
It Is not becnuso tho govornor Is oppos
ed n the oxjKMitlon itself, but because
ho Is fully convinced in hU own mind
that tho project has boon sprung too
curly nnd at a tlmo when tlio taijoycrs
of tho stato will bo burdened enough to
repair tho damages Inflicted on tho
stato intltutlonn nnd on California
cities by the dlnsstor of last April. In
nxpiiiHing bin views tho governor raid:
"I told theeo people from tho first
thnt I would not sign this bill, that I
would not burden (ho taxpaycra of tho
sUto with a tax tc raiso $1,000,000 at
thin time. In tlio first pluce, thin pro
posed fair I six yenis in tlio future, and
it will 1x3 plenty of tlmo at the next
actsion of tho legislature for the stato
to do her shaio. Another thing, it is
nbmlutoly foolish to begin operatlona
now. when labor Is scarce and materi
als high.
"It in foolish for a man to have a
bousowarming boforo ho builds his
houno, nnd for thij next two yearn, to
say tho least, tho street of San Fmn
clnco will bo filled with bricks and de
bris. Tho bill provide that tho pconlo
of Han Francinco must ml no romo 3,
000,000 as well an tho etnto. Let them
do this and then the stato can act.
Catastrophe In Forbach, Germany,
Mine from Firedamp.
Forbnck, Germany, March 18. An
explosion of firo damp In the coal mlno
at Klelnrosscin, near hero, last night,
mulled In the death of over 100 miners
and tho Injury of 12 others. Tito dis
aster occurred between 10 and 11 o'clock
in n small gallery in which 80 miners
wero at work.
As tlio work of rescue progresses it Is
scon the dimeter was more serious than
tho first reports indicated. Up to a
Into hour 07 dead men had been brought
to tho surface, wlillo 40 men were still
missing. All tho missing have been
given up as dead, as they undoubtedly
wero buried under falling wreckage.
Of Uie wounded two liavo died, and
tlio doctors think tlutt onlr one of the
remaining 10 will recover. The Dc
Wcmlols brothers, ownois of tho mine,
have given 125,000 to relievo tlio Im
mcdiato nccctuitiei of the afflicted fam
ilies. Ono hundred and seventeen others
crcujicd into adjoining galleries. Two
hundred and ten men went Into the
initio at 5 o'clock last evening, and
about midnight tlio news was iread
to the nearby vlllago tlutt a terrible
disaster liad occurred.
Almost tho whole population of tho
count rysldo gathered at the mouth of
tho slinll, among thtin the famalles of
tho men below, lbtin began to fall
heavily, and distrcising scene of grief
weto witnessed as the bodies wore
brought to the surface and laid out un
dr a blazo of elect tic lights.
Many of tho bodies wcto rodlsuguicu
that they wero scarcely recognizable.
Tho woik of bringing out tho injured
men nnd tho bodies of tho dead wan
very slow, the galleries being choked
with wreckage.
Tho DoWendols nro ono of the richest
mining families of Alsace-Loiruine.
Children's Suicide Pact.
St. iouls, March 18. It was devel
oped today through testimony at tho
coroner's Inquest into the suicide last
night of Llcbling Slocum. aged 10. tlutt
sho had entered Into a sulcldopact with
Gertrude Harper, also 10 years old.
Gertrude testified tliat she had told her
mother tliat she was going to tako her
life, and was prevented. J. P.Sllngcr.
tho drug clerk who sold tho carbolic
uoid to tho Sloouin girl, was aire tod
today. He asserts sho bore a noto pur
porting to bo from her mother asking
for 5 cents worth of carbolic acid.
Finds 2,500 People Destitute.
Columbus, 0 Match 18. Adjutant
General Critchfield returned tonight
from Gloccster, O., whore he' went nt
tho request of Governor Harris to Inves
tigate tho Hood situation. Tho adju
tant general reported that ho found
about 2,600 Hood sufferers In Ulocester
nnd other mining towns in the vicinity
In urgent need of relief. Ho purchased
supplies to the amount of f 1,000 at
Gloccster and turned them over to the
local relief commlttoo for distribution.
Many of tho miners lost everything, the
Hood coming upon them so quickly.
Six Die In Virginia Mines.
Norton, Va., Maich 18. An explo
sion occurred In the mines at Green
ougli this morning after several miners
had entered. The mlno Is seven miles
east of Ncrton. As fur as can bo
learned, ten miners have escaped
slightly injuied, two dead liavo been
taken from the mines and four are
known to be In tlio mines and are sup
posed to bo dead. The causo of the ex
plosion la unknown.
ernor Glllett will not sign tho I'aolflc.In 3 COffllfinSCd FOfH lit 8iT
Bnsy Readers.
A Resumo of the Less Important but
Not Lest Interesting Evenf
of tho Past Week.
llunsian terrorists continue to pick
off their enemies.
President Itoonevelt Is anxious to
prosecute Harrlman.
Hoot lias warned the Central Ameri
can states to stop wsr.
Trains are running from Portland to
Ban Francisco via Ogdcn.
Major Goothals has been formally
appointed on the canal commission.
Senator IJurton has been released
from jail and promises to publish his
sido of the story.
The Kant and South Is suffering from
extreme heat, tho thermometer regis
tering 00 in many places.
In a tattle between Klcnraguan and
Ifondurlitn troops 1,000 Salvadorean
wero kilted whllo assisting Honduras.
lioats between San Francisco and
Portland are sailing with every berth
filled and many unable to get passage.
The whole of Moldavia has been rav
aged by rebel peasants. Several hun
dred pcoplo have been killed or Injarca
and 10,000 are homeless, having been
burned out. Jews nie the worst suffer
Hudson Maxim, Inventor of high
explosives, has Invented a new fuse for
shells which promises to revolutlonlzo
armor for warships. Mr. Maxim also
declares tliat Japan could bo In poser
sion of the entire Pacific slope beforo
we were ready for war and that wo are
practically as dcfenaelers as China.
The Transvaal will abolish Chinese
Roumanian peasants nro renewing
the rioting.
Seven alienists have declared Tbaw
permanently insane.
8. A. D. Putcr is proving a strcng
witness against Hermann.
Nicatragua claims a decisive victory
ever Honduras and Salvador.
American marines and sailors liavo
been landed to guard Honduras porta.
There seems to be pood piospects fcr
land law reform by tho next congress.
The San Fionclicc grand jury is
learning more about the bribery by the,
I'uelcrt States Telephone company.
Senator Cullorn, of Illinois, rays
Hairiman deserves to go to Jail, and
Governor Deneen Is believed to contem
plate prosecution.
Under the name of United Churches,
the Congregational, United llrethren
and Methodist Protestant churches in
H states will foi in one largo organiz
ation. Some of the Southern statea
luivo refused to join.
Rockefeller says railroads are over
capitalized. Stockmen are to be prosecuted It they
trespass on forest reserves.
The government continue to pile up
evidence against Hermann,
A strike of longshoremen at Ham
burg, Germany, has tied up all ship
ping. Roosevelt will propose check on over
capitalization of railroads and will toon
declare his policy.
Roumanian peasants have begun a
crunade against Jews and aro driving
them Into Austria.
Tho Colorado legislature hns passed
a railway commission law. Reciprocal
domurrago is also provided for.
Premier Stolynln, of Russia, will
propose many concessions of liberty to
the douma, including free speech and
press, but tliat body was warned not to
go to extremes or It will be dissolved.
Trainmen on all roads west of Chi
cago have voted to etriko If not given
tlio Increase In wages asked Most ot
tho roads will, It Is belloved, refuse to
grant Uie advance and trouble Is looked
Salvador has Joined Honduras against
A New Moxlco grand jury has indict- j
ml six corporation employes lor land
PiMlilent Rlnlftv. nf thn Runtu Fit..
says Roodovolt Is to blamo for the autl-
ruliroau agitation.
The flshetles agreement between tho
United States and Great liritain U bo.
Ing discussed by tho house ot commons.
Germany and Austria are vaid to
nave cnangou ironcanu now iavoruis-1
cuss Ion of disarmament at Tho Hague
peace conference.