The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 29, 1907, Image 1

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NO. 2
Columbia, Southern, Co.'s
Books to Be Examined.
State Land Board Determined to IHish
' Trouble with Irrigating Company
' to a Speedy Terminating
The invc4tlKttt!on of the Coltim.
bin Southern Irrigating Company
is now on. The Mute land board
has authorized King, Gucrlti cc
Kollock, of Portland, which firm
nlso maintains nn office In Hciid,
to cxiiniiuc the account nuil leifrn
the fiimnciul standing of the coin
jxuiy. If access to the company's
hoqV.i is refused, the trouble will
be, tnkcti intq the courts to force an
The Portland, Telegram, in a
recent imuc had- the following
"special" froi" Siilcm regarding
this, Double with the Columhln
Southern Irrigating Company which
opurutcs on the west .tide ol the
Ucsohittus river with headquarters
nl I.aldlaw and which di veils its
water, not from the Deschutes river.
but from Tumcllo creek. The
Telegram nays;
A a pifllttilitary step tn commence
mcut of 1okI proceedings against the
Columbia Southern IrrJKMK Company
by Atlorjiey-Oenrra.1 Crawford, for an
aqcoutitliiK. P'li the apqutmrilt of a
receiver, (lie stale Unit Writ this morn
ing altil a resolution authorising the
fitjii of Ulng, Ouerln A: Kollock, of
rortlaml. reprecutlng the Columbia
Southern Water-t'scrs Association, tu
employ nervaMry expert accountants
fc iniestitfale the accounts ami financial
ttt us of the company. This proceed
In); Is to Ik- conducted without ccute
to the state, it Is practically a fore
none conclusion tint the coniiiy, of
which R. W Wilson, of Portland, Is
prvsidvut, will not submit to such an
elimination, In which rtelit the case
Mtjc takn into the niurts for thor
ough liMfsllMUoii.
Outing a discussion of the status of
the riw this morning Iwtwcen Attnr-tMy-Ociu'ral
Crawford and Attorneys
W, . C.uetlu nud John Kollock, the
altoruey-geucralcxprcsscd serious doubts
as to the legality of the transfer of the
contract from the Three Sisters Irriga
tion Con psny to the Cohinhta Koutlirrti
Irrigation Company, and from the latter
to tfr Columbia Southern trrlnotlni
Coiupaiiv and It was his opinion that all
the officers and houdholders of the
three companies, Including President
C. Sam Mtilth, cx-shcrlff of Crook coun
ty, nud M. H. Drink, secretary of the
Thnv Sinters CotiiMiiy, nuil President
W. A. I.ildUwand James U. Lytic, of
Portland, of the Columbia Koutlicrn Ir
rigation Coiiiniy, colihl lc held re
sponsible for aiiv deficiency, fraud ot
violation of the state'a contract which.
may br found to exist. The Oregon
Trust .V Savings Rank, of Portland,
twrids a first mortgage upuu the property
uow tu tlvv of the Columbia South
x tltlgiMlw: CouiMuy, and if the at-lotuey-geucraP
deductions are upheld
by the courts this Instrument and obliga
tion would be invalidated,
The question arose in the lioard meet
Ine as to whether the tltto tu the land In
the scgiruntlou would revert to the gov-
urnmeni 111 111c event mat iuccouiMiuya
contmct U canceled but it was thcotiln-
louof Attorney-General Crawfonl that
theltitlt) would revert to the state only
anilHIwl the state could proceed with
the (reclamation project. The govern
inoilt would have to bring suit to set
aside the piteiit Issued the state,
A Move That Favor Intension.
The Hums Times-Herald has n
note to'thc effect that railroad sur
veying crews have ngnltt taken up
work on the "Sage Hen" route
and says that "should they finally
decide on the Sage Hen route, it
WQUl'LIlidicatc thnt they propose
Corvallls to. hastern
I connecting with the
Euslou." The 'surveys
to urc on the Oregon
considered that Mar-
recently secured the
Jastern. is there any
in the fact that lijs stir
again begun work on a
had been abandoned
Mwould be the best one to
nn extension of the
Eastern? People In
CortotiNi & 1
Central Oregon sincerely hope so
nuil tlmt the extension of the above
line will noon be commenced.
Mend's Mayor Join llio Uenedlcta and
Weds Mia draco Jones.
A. I,. Goodwillio and Miss Grace
Jones were milted In marriage in
Seattle last Tuesday, March 26.
The wedding was a very quiet one,
no inventions were Issued, and only
relatives were present. Mr. and Mrs.
Goodwillle left the same day for
n trip through California and will
return to Iiend in three or four
Since the incorporation of Hcnd,
Mr. Goodwillle has been mayor,
holdliu: for some time the distinc
tion of being the oungcst mayor
In Oregon His olhcial position
and connection with the Pilot
Hultc Development Co. as its secre
tary nnd treasurer has given him
n wide acquaintance through this
section, an acquaintance that will
wish him joy in his new role of
Miss Tones for some time was a
'iiost opular teacher in the Bend
Sciiools utul has always taken n
leading part in Bend's social life.
She hus scrit the winter in Port
laud and will be gladly welcomed
back to Ilcnd as Mrs. Goodwillle.
Church News.
The doors of tlc church will be
open Master Sunday. We shall
gladly receive and welcome anyone
wishing to unite with the M. h.
church next Sunday mopiing, on
probation or in full membership.
Subject for Ivastcr morning ser
mon- "The Church Glofious and
Triumphant." Sunday evening:
"The liastcr Message."
The time of our quarterly confer
ence has been changed from the
and to the 7th and 8th days of
April. Please bear in mind the
dutcs of this important meeting.
Kv. C. T.witNOK, rastor.
Tho Deschutes.
'Mongsl mountains bold, where frost
sprites Imtd
Thuir carnival of high glee.
Thou hadsl thy birth and hurried forth
' To seek the calling sea.
Through grottoes deep where echoes
Through caves where ijenll revel,
O'er jagged rocks, with thrills and shocks,
You seek a lower level.
You slip and slid and spread and glide
'Mpugst meadows Krecti and tender,
Along hy brink the trusses drink
A,ud droop the willow slender,
I.llic of gold purpled leaves hold,
Quaint barques where fairy lovers
Woo and wed. while overhead
The witching moonlight hover.
Oh'thc blue, blue skies, and the brown,
brown hill.
And the cloud that drift lietwccn,
And the piuca that sigh when 11 hrcere
wafts by
I, ike the cchoo of a dream!
Aiuldsi thy brakes, the wild fawn slakes
Her t Id rt with water sparkling;
The plaintive swan chants her death
WitluV thy shadows darkling,
The. opnlcd trout dart III nud out
Among thy Inuldcr primal;
In thy iicllier sky, the eagle's eye
Sees his reflected rival.
You foam and boll nnd seethe and coil
Throuuh canyon dark and solemn;
You pluug nnd roar nnd torrent pour
(Vcr many a rocuy column.
Tlum nit rich In Red Men's lore,
Their legends round thec cluster;
Tlum hast seen their council fires.
lMt seen their nrmle muster.
In tlie magic hull where Memory dwells,
Thy picture fndeth never,
Nor is there one more fnlr to me,
Thou beauteous, changing river,
IUva 1, Smith, Shnuikn.
Ekics For Hatching
Indian Runner Ducks. Eastern
prize winners. Wm, P. Downing,
Ilcnd, Oregon, 1-4
ligga for Hatching.
Prom Pure-bred White Plymouth
RocUs, bred lor heavy winter lay
ers; large, Uniform eggs, fertility
guaranteed. E. P. Battn,
50-1 Bendl Or.
E. C. Park Gives Pacts for
non-Resident Readers.
Do not Like Recent Order of the Coun
ty Court Farmers Work to Sweet
Strains of "Canned" Music.
RitnuoNO, March 35. We have had
some tetter during the wsi week from
various jwrls of the country. As the
facts we have tcn called iixm to give
will probably I of interest at least to
uou-resldeut readers of ther notes, we
reproduce a few of them here.
A to our climate we call It exception
ally fine.1 The winters are quite mild to
us who have come from the Dakota,
Nebraska and Iowa, The jxist winter
we have had an exceptionally targe
amount of moisture for this section.
ProlMbly enough with what wc are still
apt to get to almost mature fall grain.
Starting with September I, 1906, and
taking the months in whfci the precipi
tation that falls will be available (or this
season's crops, we find that since the
above date up to March 18, there has
fallen 15.82 inches of moisture In rain
nud snow. There statistics are taken
from the recohl of Obtcrver Grant at
lleud, who is supplied with a full set of
government instruments. This precipi
tation, augmented b) what will yet fall,
will make available probably about 18 or
jo Inches for the 1907 crop, according to
the Rend station, The yearly average
for the Mst four year ha been a frac
tion over 12 Inches.
Itarly spring grain and twtstoes will
probably require only one Irrigating.
The seeding of spring grain at this time
is well under way. The ditch company
has an abundant supply of waer which
It furnishes very liberally to tVf settler.
Our altitude Is joou feet nnd the p(Os
jwcta seem to be thai all the hardier
fruits including apple will do well here.
Hardly any one bift who is setting out
fruit Including from 15 to 300 apple
tree. Owing to the short length of
time that the oldest settler have twen
on the segregation it Is Impossible to
give any very definite information. The
apple trees that we set out ourselves last
spring have not, most of them, made a
very great growth, but wc noticed a few
day ago in transplanting some that the
root development vjas very good Indeed,
so wc look for ltlcr top growth till year
and in the future. No one'a cherries so
faro we can leirn did vcrjr well last
One enquirer want to know about
church privilege and religious condi
tion. We have preaching every Sun
day. Mr. Oeorge of I.aldlaw, a Prcsby.
terian minister, and Mr. Tiivcuor, a
Methodist minister of Rend, alternating.
A Presbyterian thurch has been organ
licit and meeting are held In the hall
where all large gatherings arc held.
The eucher cb met Thursday as
Mr, and Mr. II. V. Tinsley are both
under the weather.
Mr. and Mpt, R. A. Kendall had an
uncle from, New York visiting them for
it few dnya recently.
Mr, nud Mr. Mcl.alllu entertained at
cards Saturday night in honor ot Mr.
dud Mr. I., I.. Welch,
Mr. Tinsley Is clearing and fencing
for A. W, Morgan. Several score of
farmer are doing the same thing for
We came near forgetting to mention
the Rlacc I.augshau rooster that we re
ceived Thursday by express oil the way
from Arlington, Nebraska. He t
surely an elegant bird nnd come through
tu fine (hapc. Stop and see him In
We do not care to make what should
be a Imtch of new note merely n list of
real estate transfers so wu are not giving
the name of buyer who have Ueu In
the jwst week though there have been
quite U number with several sale. One
party went through going on to Silver
There I talk of organising a new
school district to the south nnd west of
town. Personally we should like to see
a strong central school with such pupils
as arc too young to walk furnished traui-
jtortaliou. Such a scheme ha been
found to work very favorably In Nebras
ka nu wine of the older states,
Do not Like Order that Forces Pay
ment of Road Tax In Cash.
Tumalo, March 27. The people here
about are very Indignant hi regard to
the order that Judge Dell has made to all
road supervisors, as he ha ordered all
the road taxc to lie collected III cash
and turned into the county court. Tills
order will cut out alt who wish to pay
their road taxes In work. The people
claim they have more time than money
and we think they will not submit to
any such arbitrary order. It will make
It too hard on the people, as they will
have all the cash they can raise when
they get together their county taxes,
without having to raise cash for rosd
Mr. Piukham of I.aldlaw was at Turn
alo yesterday on business.
Hightower & Smith are busy sawing
lumber at the Dorranec mill.
Charles I,, and John R. Wlmcr arc
hauling hay to Rend. They find a ready
market for hay there.
We are glad to see T. A. Jensen back
again. He will soon commence putting
In a large crop of grain.
V, P. Ground was nt Tumalo Monday.
The old gentleman is not having the best
of health, we arc sorry to say.
J. II. Hdwards, Sr., and J. II. Hd
wants, Jr., p&ued through Tumalo Mon
day. We are sorry to say that the old
gentleman IMwards has been In very
poor health lately, but he informed u
that he has Improved semewlut in tha
last few days.
Mr. Drake's team passed through
Tumalo yesterday with a four-horse load
of telephone supplies for the I.aidlaw
Sister telephone line. We are glad to
see so many telephone line going up In
till region for all such enterprises go
far toward building up our country.
Mr Clark of Latdlaw passed through
Tumalo yestcTday. Mr. Clark owns a
fine dcscft claim one mile northwest of
Tumalo. He inform u that he may
conclude to take up hi abode on hi
land later. We hofle s will, for we
need many such enterprising men as Mr. ,
Clark to help us build up e country.
The ltdgcrton boy have returned
from Hood River and llyc taken up
their oIkxIc on their homesteads two
miles went of Tumalo. They report a
rather tough winter at Hood River.
V e arc glad to see the boys lack in this
country again. They intend to improve
their land extensively this summer.
They have fine laud and have an inter
est in the Gibsou-Pulliam ditch and
water right.
We saw our friend, C. W, Thorn
thwalte, on the streets of Tumalo yester
day. He is now on his homestead two
tulles west of Tumalo. He has a fine
tract of land nnd also owns an interest In
the Gtbsou-Pulllam ditch and water
right. Mr. Thornthwaite i now con
ducting a harness shop in Rend. We
have seen some of his harness work and
it is first-class in every particular. A
good harness shop has been much needed
in Rend for a long time.
Kosland and Die Meadows Notes.
Parmer fqr mile around on the
Meadow can do their spring plowing to a
catchy two-step, a stirhlg ipa,rcli, or even
the "Good Old Summer Time." Mr. H.
V. West has the latest in q lonophoiie
and I have heard neoiilc civ it It the
best canned music they ever heard, !e-
lug plain ami distinct.
Mrs. J. Carter of Roslaud has Wen
visiting Mrs. Prank West for the past
few day.
The fish are jumping and it is quite a
temptation not to angle for 11 big "dol
ly" but have patience it i Only a few
more day, nnd theu
We understand that Mr. Cornell ha
rented the old stage station on the Van
dervcrt place, and will conduct It us n
stage station instead of going on to
Pretty cold these- night. It was 17
above sero the night ot the Jjth, al
though the croaking of tho frogs earlier
In the evening beguiled us Into the be
lief that spring was just approaching.
A St. Patrick dance was glveu In the
new hotel at Roslaud, ami they do say
that they whooped it up until broad dav
light, aud then some. All kind o'f
eating and a good time generally was
enjoyed by all who attended.
Many Are Working to Ad
vertise the State.
Tha Schools at Work and the p(der
Ooys at May-Low Ratea'gtill'
Urine Prospective Settlers.
Portland, Ore., March 25.
Mr, E. I.. Lomax, G. P. A. Union
Pacific Railroad, Omaha, and Mr.
A. M, Clcland, G. P. A. Northern
Pacific Railroad, St. Paul, urcc all
commercial and industrial bodies
throughout Oregon to mail adver
tising matter to them at once, as
the colonists rates do not expire
until April 30.
Senator Hourne asks the Oregon
Development League through all
of its organizations to at once com
municate with the director of the
Geological Survey at Washington
City, and insist that this state be
given more liberal recognition in
the development of it mineral
The business men of Portland
are preparing an excursion for
early in May; they will visit all
points on the O. R. & N., includ
ing some side trips, between Port
land and Boise.
Mr. M. A. Rigby, Burns, school
superintendent of Harney county,
offers a gold medal to the pupil pre
paring me ocsi composition on
Harney county. The pupils in
high schools at both Ashland and
Med ford, are competing for cash
prizes for the best article on their
city and surrounding country all
competing articles must appear in
some news paper printed outside
the states of Oregon and Washing
ton first $5 00, second $3.00,
third $3,00. This is a pattern that
should be adopted by every com
munity in the state of Oregon.
Mr. Frank K. Welles, Pendleton,
school superintendent of Umatilla
county, has taken up the matter of
having the pupils of his cc-unty all
write letters for publication iu out
side newspapers. He has person
ally written to evpry teacher tu
Umatilla county.
Eugene has determined to be
come one of the best advertised
cities on the Pacific coast. The
people of that beautiful city appre
ciate the liberal recognition given
the university by the state of Ore
gon, and are going to show tbeir
appreciation in a practical way.
The streets of the city are tq be
paved; the city and the university
arc to be advertised with the very
finest printed matter; the univer
sity is very much encouraged as
the increased number of high
school graduates give it a splendid
opportunity to grow.
Public soeakers who have recent
ly appeared before the high schools
of the state say that 6q per cent
of the pupils have coma to this
state within five years. Doesn't
this furnish a marvelous vehicle
for advertising?
Publicity matters are especially
busy in Portland. The Admen's
League gave their famous annual
banquet which for spice rivals the
Gridiron Club of Washington City.
Wodnesday night at the Portland
Commercial Club. Thursday night
tho newspaper men of the city eu
tertained the famous muck-raker,
Lincoln P. Stefleus.
The Oregon climate and its
health giving qualities were iu
evidpuce at the Portland Commer
cial Club Saturday night iu a bot
tle pool contest between the Hon.
George H. Williams, ex-attorney
general ot the United States and
Col. John McCraken, the former
84 aud the latter 82. Col. James
Jackson, of Governor Chamber
lain's staff, a retired army officer,
kept the score, while Professor I.
W. Pratt, Portland's veteruu nud
honored teacher, filled the position
of referee.
The home-builders axe coming)
the colonist rates are still on and
Will cotitlnue until April 3; $34
from Kansas Cjty and 'all the Mid
dle West from Oklahoma to Min
nesota Included; $xq ' from St.
Louis, and $33 frflm Chicago.
ifE$pF localInterest
first Bees In Bend.
Probably the fi,rst swarm of bees
(o arrive in Bend came last evening
for A. J. Grant. They came in
good shape and were purchased of
Jack Qommers of Prineville Mr.
Grant now expects to live on hon
ey during the summer.
Case of Wood Poisoning-.
C. A, Chapman is in town this
week from his homestead, so as to
obtain proper treatment for a case
of blood poisoning in a finger on
his right hand. A few days ago
Mr. Chapman noticed a small erup
tion on the finger which soon be
gan to give him trouble and upon
consulting the doctor was informed
that blood poisoning had set in. It
is proving quite an unfortunate af
fair, as Mr. Chapman was very
busy getting in this season's crop.
A Chance In the Dear Creek Road.
E. W. Richardson and I. J.
Wilkinson have fenced up the Bear
Creek road where it crossed their
land and have opened a new road
on the township line, Mr. Richard
son reports a distance of four oc
five miles. This changing of roads
onto township and section lines is
something that is bound to come to
pass. Another recent change has
been made on the road into the
Arnold district, Ed. Brosterhous
having closed the road across his
homestead, he and Arthur Ely
having opened a new road on the
section line between their ranches.
A SmaH Blaze.
J. N. Hunter had a narrow
escape from, a serious fire in his
residence las.t Sunday m,qnjirig.
The family had. just eateq hrek
fast and were sitting at the table
when tyil:e Morrison hurriedly
opened h,P dqqr qnd told them the
house wa$ are, the roof around
the chimney being ablaze. Lucki
ly the fire had just started and a
few buckets of water put it out.
The chimney is. a metal concern
with a "saddle" resting over the
peak of the roof und wi(h the stove
pipe running directly Intq the "sad
dle." One leugth of the s,tove pipe
had slipped, into the one below it.
breaking the connection with the
chimney proper and allowing the
stove pipe to tip to one side. This
threw the sparks and heat directly
against the boards of the roof,
thus causing the fire.
Protest Entered.
W. P. Meyers appeared before
Commissioner Ellis this week iu
behalf of A. P. Douohue of Port
land to enter protest against allow
ing Mrs. Bettie Erickson to re-ad
vertise on a timber claim filing.
When the time arrived for Mrs,
Erickson to make final proof set
in the original publication she and
Mr. Erickson were detained in
Portland as witnesses before the
federal grand jury and could not
make final proof. The federal of
ficers agreed, however, to see that
her interests in the claim were, pro
tected. She failed to make appli
cation for re-advertisement within
30 days as prescribed by law,
claiming that she was kept from
doing so on account of the deten
tion in Portland. Mr. Donohue
maiutains that she was excused in
time to make application within
the 30 days, and that by failing to
do so she forfeited her right to
me ctatm. Attorney mason 01
Bend appeared for Mrs. Brk-knatt.