The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 22, 1907, Image 8

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The Townsite of BEND
Oi the Deschutes River in Western Part of Crook
County, Oregon.
Center of the new Irrigation Development covering
assgEaaaasEatngflftai JJHwni
1 ' M' 7ClJ
fj Krs. ii
y " 'FIR
X rvss j'
l J S 4 7
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yxX x xs xf ZC Xa. yVX(7o .
X x XxX XTX ATA vvv XX X.. Xv. , AAV
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n u 1 t i
1 T I 1 ' '
At Gateway to
the Great
: Tilii Town has Crown
almost entirely In two yents, tlic
office Jntini; only from AprllH, 1904,
llciul lms excellent ptihlic scliooln
nml complete jmollc wijtcr works.
1 1
r-OR inporaiation
The Pilot Butte
Development Co,
Proprietor Townsite
.Madras Randier Will Use Sub-surface
Packer This Year.
The "sub-surface packer" or
dered by J. W. & M. A. Robinson
& Company arrived the first of the
week and was immediately bought
by Jh 1. Robinson of Culver, who
will use it in connection with all hi
spring plowing. Mr. Robinson
has been a resident of this section
for nearly a quarter of a century
and is a1 "convert" to the princi
ples of dry farming known as the
Campbell system. His experience
in this country has taught him the
lesson that conserving the moisture
in the soil is the most important
matter with which the farmer has
to deal in these semi-arid regions,
and he is profiting by that knowl
edge. The sub-surface packer
which he has just bought is the
first one of the kind advocated by
Mr. Campbell to be brought into
this locality. Messrs. Robinson &
Company of this place have a
number of others ordered from the
factory but owing to the car short
age, there has been great delay in
all shipments from the East.
They expect them, however, in the
near imure. rioneer.
Eggs for Hatching.
Blue Andalusians, thorough-bred
stock. Best winter layers.
Wm. P. Dow.niwO.
50-1 Bend, Or.
Secretary darfleld (live Order that
Will Benefit Many Gntrymen.
An order has been issued by
Secretary Garfield to the effect thru
ipphcations for patents to public
lands in Oregon by settlers shall be
lasteued with all due sneed. It is
stimated that this order will affect
lully 1,000,000 acres in this state
iloue and that patents will soon be
issued to this land.
It is not intended to issue the
patents promiscuously. Wherever
'here is any doubt as to the good
faith of the entryman, or where it
is feared there may be Iraud. the
usual proceedings of investigation
will be gone through with. Where
there is no such doubt, however,
patents will issue as soon as pos
sible. Of the 30,000 entrymen whose
applications have accumulated in
the general land office during the
"hold-up" orders, probably one
third are settlers in Oregon. This
order will therefore transfer title in
a vast acreage from the govern
ment to the individual and will
make available for homes as well
as for purposes of taxation about
1,000,000 acres of Oregon land.
The order will be received with
satisfaction by many homesteaders
in this region who have been
awaiting patcuts for many months.
The Deschutes Telephone
Telegrams Forwarded to Any Part
of the World.
Telephone Communication
with Portland, Prfneville and all
Pacific Coast cities.
Public Pay Stations
in Bank Uuldlug at Bend, at Laid
law and Powell Butte,
Messenger service to any part of
Crook County south of Crooked
Tinktr Laud, Act ol June J. H;9.
U. S. Land Office, Lakrrjcw, Oregon,
January II, iot.
Notice la hrrclr (Ircn that In wltb
V H. Land Office, (.akcrlttr. Oregon.
I'ebrnary . I;
A uftVtmt conlt t affctanl harm; torn ntnl
Intni.oHke by William II ftiaat.. ciilfrfanl
again. hutnntrail entry No ?47 made Inly 4
isuj. for ti t . to 11 . r u . tiy T lo
Kn,cotf !, In wnkli It I. altl Ihal mm!
T Itorxan ha.wlHitly abandon! aald tract Ihal
he ha. ehanacd hi. tr.trtelier therefrom fur aui
than ms month, la.l Bart that Mid Iract u mil
willed upon and rultlraled l.y Mid party a. re
quired hy law. and thai Mich failure Milt eai.u
and thai the hm la tuA. ilue lo military or uaval
Krtice In the fulled Mate, arm or M'v
haul partiea are hereby nutiaed to appear re
pond ami oiler evident (oucMnk mm! allega
tion at toorlocLa m on April II. Iy7. Iiefote
II C tttll. V . h. Commlokiner, at Mend. Oregon,
and that final hearing will hahahl at loo clock
a m on April II. IVW. Ufort the- Regtaterand
Receiver at the United Male. Mud Mlftce: in
Lalrvlcw Oregon
The uid contestant having. In a tirojr affida
vit filed January lo, IW, art forth fact. ahK-fc
how that after due rilUgcure pcrvMial eervkt- iA
thl. notice can not tie made. It la hereby ordered
awl directed that auch notice be gtrtu by due
and proper publication.
mt-ay J. N. WATSON. Kegl.ler
U. S. Land Office, Lakeview, Orcien,
I'cbruary ;. IJ
A sufficient conte.t af&lavlt having heen Akd
In thl. office by William II rllaat. oinle.Uiit
agaln.t hom.lead entry No. yioi. made June it
not. for kV aec la In 11 a. r 10 c. by t C Kkli-
arifwu, eonle.tee, in which it I. alleged that Mid
C C RIchariMin hat wholly abandoned uhl
tract, Ihal he haa changed hi. re.dlcnre there
from for more thau aia month, la.t pa.t that
aatd tract 1. nal .etlleit unou or cultivated a. le
quired bylaw, and that auch failure alltl ealat..
and that the aatne la not due lo military or natal
wrvicc In the array or navy of the Tailed Klatca
f t Land Olfice, UVevlew. Drrgon,
I'rbruaiy a. v,7
A Mtfftctenr lunleal afH.Utt having I wen AM
III IhuorrVelir William II enertaiil.
acalrm IrameHnulriilrvNu vw. made I'rbru
'JL'J- "" ""H ae 4. In II a. rue by
CI T Bean, c mlertee, in which It la alleged ihal
Mid!) T npmn haa whollv ahandunrri mu!
lrak ihatheruta changed hi. leMnVnce Ihtrr
from M more than Ma month, la.t mm that
Mkl Iract la nl .etlle.1 upon and rnltV.aled hy
aald Battv aa rrwltrd hy law. and Ihal mkm
failure Mill e.i.U and that I he uw I. not doe
to military or n. wrvlc in the United Malea
army or navy
fc.Mp.rtir-.. re hereby notified In appear re ',ue w m
apoiiit and offer rvKlencrtnuehing Mid alkgalioH I ,J" w ""
T.i . ,u .. """"! 11 if 17. rienaee II t
Kh. .. -""'Mr. Mend, frtegon. and
that final hearts; will he heM al in o'clock a m
on April ;. I7 Wfore Ihe Kegltlrr and Re
ceiver al the United Mate. Land Office In lle
view UreioH
The aald c.Hitr.l.Hl l.alnr. In a Metier afllrfa
vlt filert January in. low;, aet forth facta whkh
imw Ih.t after ilue illllgenceerMMMlaervier of
in,, mm enn rim ik mane, it 1. nereliy arileie.1
nnd dlreelnl thai inch notice be given by ilue
anil proper publleallori
TtmUr l.awl. Atl otjuni 1 ,
V S, l.aml (imce The lalle., tlfegon
January 1, iyo
Notice la hereby given Ihal in complMnrc win
the ixmi.inii.i.rihc A.I f iimgrrM of Juiie
1.4, enlllle.1 n ait for Ihe Mir uf Hmlwr Un.l
inthe Malea of California iNegoai Nevann ai
Ma.hingtanTeirlluey a. e.lemled 10 atl th.
CW land 4 hy aai of Au.mI 4. ,aM. Ih.
lowing name have rUed in thV.ecv
their orn alalementa. to-nt
Mary A Monroe
of npokane. cutnly of ikae aula uf M'a.h
Ington .ofHMalriiirui No h iU4 Novem
her I- f for Ihe pwrthaM of the aaMli -
ii.itn.,iiiT.m iu.. 1 an.. 1 or aec . la. le .
Ida itagnne
of fipHkane, county of KuaVnne. Mate of Waah
Inglm.twwn.lalemenl N JM. file.1 Nnrew
ber 17, ivuA, for Ihe Iwrth.w r,f the MKneK. nH
!( ami .)()( Mcji.t.H.,f ije, w m.
Arthur M Va..all
ari'alUCItv;iMnijr of Nk
aworn .laldiillrt No.
ivuo. fur the lAIrcha.c
A -",r wi irrvgnn.
file.) December ,
haul partlc. arc hereby notified to appear, re
iiu aiirga
the provt.loua or the Actor Cougrcaa or June J,
it7, cnlillcd "An act fur the Mlc of timber laud.
in tne atatca or California, orrtou, Nevada and
Waahiuiton Terrllore." at eafended to all the
public landstalca by act of Augu.t 4, i$9, the
following pcraona have filed In thl office their
.worn alalcmcnU, to-wlt.
JHnicr Niawongcr,
of lie ml, county of Crook, .talc of Oregon, awora
.tatemtnt No, a, lor Ihe purchaac of the uwj
ace 19, tp, a., r, 14 c., w, ui.
Joacpbluc M. l. Weymouth,
of llend, county of Crook, stale of Oregon, aworu
statement No. jjh, for the purchase of the t'A
nwj( ace, , tu. ji a., r 14 . " m.
That they will oflcr proofs lo show that Ihe
lauda sought are more valuable for th limber or
tone Ihcrcon thau fur agricultural purposes,
and to otabllah their claim, to aald lande before
II, C Kill.. U. H. Commlaalouer, at bla official
rJacc of business in Vend, Orcgou, on Monday,
he ijtn day of April, loj,
Thevnamcaa wilneaacal Charles t). Brawn.
Cbarlca M. Weymouth, Klmcr Niawongcr
Josephine M, I. Weymouth, all of Vend, Ore-
Any and all perron, claiming adversely any o.
Ihcaoove-dcacribed tanda are requested lo file
Ibcir clalma In this office ou of before the aald
ijtn nay ul April, IW7,
ft-aia J. N. WATBON. KcgUtcr,
Don't borrow Th Bulletin' from your
ueluhltor uaMt'lba for it.
pond and offer evidence touching aa
Hon at 10 o'clock 1 m, on April a, 1907.
II C Kills. U rt, CommlMloner, at llend
O-cgon, and that final hearing will be held
at 10 o'clock a. m. on April aa, ly7 before the
Herltter and Receiver at the United blatca land
office In Lakcvlew, Oregon,
The Mid coultstant kavlng. In a proitcraffida
vtt, filed January lo. 1007, set forth facta which
.how installer due diligence personal service of
thl. nonce cannot be made, II is hereby ordcrrd
and directed that auch notice be given by due
ana proper publication.
J. N. WATSON, Rrgl.ter
U. 8, Land Office, I akevlew, Oregon,
February 7, 1&07.
A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed
In this office by Joaeph N. Hunter, contestant,
against homestead entry No, 174a, made August
jS. IV"l.rorscKaw,sw!faetf,sec7, njjnejj'a.e
It, tp n a, r 11 e, by C I. O'iiricu, conlrslee in
which It ia alleged aald C L. U'llilcn haa wholly
abanduueduid tract) that he has changed hi.
rr.Micncv incrrirum tor mora man six inouins la.t that said tract ia not settled upon
and cultivated by uld party aa required
by law. and that such failures still eal.t, and that
the Mine ia not due lo military or uaval service
In the United States army or navy; aald
parties are hereby notified lo appear, respond
and offer evidence (euclilng aald allegation al
1 o'clock, a. m, ou April 8, 1977, before
II. ,C. Kills, U. A. Commlaalouer, at llend, Ore
gon, and that final hearing will L held at to
o'clock a, in. on April , lv7, befcre I Ik Register
and Receiver at Ihe United rllalca Laud Office in
rakeview. Oregon, .
The aald contestant having, In proper afida.
vlt, filed January 10, 1037, act forth facl.'wWch
show that after due diligence personal service of
this notice can not be made, It la hereby ordered
and directed that such uotlec be given by due
and proper publication,
i"-S J. N, WATHON. WcgLtcr.
If you love your home and fam
ily flubscribe for The Bulletin. They
need it.
V. ft, Land Office, Lakcvlcw, Oiegou,
February , 107
A aitlfidcut conteil affiilavii !, aii
lit this blficc by Jowph N Hunter,,
agaiu.t liume.tead entry Ns Mo, made Match
?5. lyoj. for.aKiieJf , ul,.eV m i.Iuiii. r it e
.V . S Mil er,iiile.le, in which II I. alleged
that aald A. C Miller ha. wholly abandoned Mid
Iract, that he haa changed hi. residence there
from far more than sla months last pat Ihal
uul tract la nut Milled upon and cultivated by
aald party a. required by law, and that sucli
failure still exists, and that Ihe same is nut due
tu hu military or naval aeivice In the United
Male, army or navy.
hald par lie. are hereby nidified tr appear, re
spond and Offer evidence Inurtiln ul,l ii...
lion al lo o'clock a in. 011 April 11 iy7 before
II C Kills. V H, Coinnii...ner,MenVi;Oiegou,
audlliat Anal hrarlng will Ik held at 10 o'clock
a. in on April 11, Uro?. before the Rrgl.ler and
Receiver at Ihe Uulled Malea Land Office III
Lakcrlcw. Oregon.
.Th.' .!'' wtealanl having, In proper affida
vit filed January 10, 107 set forth facta which
.how that alter due diligence personal service of
mi. uoi ue mane, 11 is nereby onlrml
and directed that audi uotlec t-cgivenbyducand
proper publicallan.
J!t!J- J' N' WArMN Krclnter
U. M, Mud Office, Lakcvirw, Orrgou,
I'ebiusry 7, 107
A sufilcleilt cunteal alfiiUvll li.vlni. lM ai..i
III Ihls office by Joseph N. Iluuicr. colitealant,
agaln.l homestead entry No, 1741. made Augu.t
II. lyii, fur aMueV; and li!.cK aec l. In 11 a,
rile br W. f. O'lirlen. mnle.l.. Iin.lil.-Yi 1. I.
a legrd thai aaUl W J. O'iiricu hat wholly
Abandoned aald tract, that he has changed hit
residence therefrom fur inure than all nioiilha
last na.l. thai aald tract i. uoi ttit..i n... .
cultivated by Mid parly aa required riy law, and
that audi failure, .till exist, and that the same ia
not due lo military or naval service In tht
United Hlates army or uavyi
hald parlies are hereby notified lo appear, re.
apoiid and offer evidence touching uid alienation
at ia o'clock a 111 011 April 10, 1007, before II C
Kills. U H. commlsdoner, at lie ml, Oregon, and
that Anal hearing will be held at 10 o'clock a, in,
on April jo, 1007, before the Register and Recclv
er at the Uu led Mate. riffu-e In r .v.i.i.
rirei-fiii. '
-- ''
vlt I
ahaw bat after due
iifthe wUnwir bf m- mi
If IV a, r II, w 111
That they will offer proof, to show Ihal Ihe
lands aought are Inure valuable ftr the tlinU-r or
aloue Ihrrron than for agrleullualpuiw..aiHi
In e.labll.h their claim, lo Mid laud, befoie
the Kegl.ler ami Receiver, al The Dalle., Ore
gun, 011 March Jo, lyoj
They name a. wltiir.K.. Ida Magulre and
Jl.ry A Monroe Wa.liluaiou. It. I'
Ahali of Howard, Oregon: Michael .lloritwn af
'." iriegoii, kiarriier n. ihiwhiii or The
"1 ,r"'.,J.,ru.n' A'lhl" VatMll, leunle Vaa.
sallamlCharleal.. Ilopkln. or Fall. Ctly, Ore
gou; Kinma Marblrd of Munlavilla, llrrgen.
Any ami all pers,.ii claiming adversely any of
Ihe alnvrxIcKrilmt Unit, .re rr.iue.le.1 In file
their claims lulhls office 011 or befw Ihe Mid
J0O1 day of March. Iv7
Tim'l-n1 A t Nn. 1 -1
I' H LaudliM.. Lake-1. w IHvgo
lK.en.Ur ir iyo 1. heiehy ,i,.n IK.I in ..mtplu.we - ih
hr p.. .,!.. .,h. All ,rfi-igleM al June 1
'".eiilllM. art I. Ihe Mlenr 1 1 Hal, l.n.1.
'KT"SI T'"1"" -- in all Ihe
r- m-a naie. ., Ml AntnM
fled A
ha. IliM J
nenl Mb
tt Oteeu
hU nut M.I.
I cwni. or 1, una, etau
day AIrd in inu ottw. u 1
HcKandHl..nlt ol-nu-lfns r iae.M
And wlU aakv Mae ... -. .....
u-j . .. v. , r- " " -www ina. lac
-w. -. v. wrav enrwanii
5f..'". bw agvhli,.
NOLAN. Rrgl.ler.
In the Circuit court of the Male uf Oregon, for
Crook rouuly.
Julia C Lynns, llalntllT
Kwiicer II. Lyons, Defendant.
Tofipeucerll Lyon., the above named IVfen
ORKilON;'5 'aM, '' T'" "
You arc hereby required and cui auded to
..w. .,-... IBIIMIM MI.U MlCsllIlM VtJU III I I If -iMSv-y faurl. In Ihe cily of I'rluevlll, 0,r,on. JJ
or Ufore May 41ft. A. I), 7. and If you fall lo w
appear and answer Ihe above ii.inrd I'lalnllfT for
waul II icrcof will lake a Decree for Ihe relief il?
i!!fin?.r,V.,!h"Co,i,",U""' ""' 'urlhiillr
Intlull oflhe marrlauecoiiimei 1.,. ..!..,.... ..
Iwetnyouaiidlhellalnltir, th.tahebr allowed
tu tiMlwr m
llMtaaMkaB, niul I..
rsUvlmat law at-M. ImD nLa. aa
a' Mia. is a . . " mmt . "" '
MMCn.iT' "" W"-4' ' ! dT7"
.-'iiVtr.!.' " 'ra)lnm II. Markm,
M ewman SHrveii Iwmng. alt al Hew. Ittegoa
da'y MlrK ,,."tfC - W VTfc.'SwriK
JMtt J. N. MATmiK. RgMer
TlmUr Mnd, Art June ., ,aa.
U. ft. Und (Hfiee, UletUw, On gon,
j.imary yt.l'fl
iu lake Her funiirr name and Ihal .he recover
her cost, and dl.lmrsiiieulinflhl..ull and that
11 --.- . "..Ml ju.l l flgm
Tills auiiiiiiuu. Is aerved ution you by tml.lua
lion llitreofln ihe llend llulwlln: a weekly "iew5.
.r pulillsied in llend, Oregon, fo, Ji " full
an, coii.ecutlve weeks, roniiiieiirliin Hh he
l..ue of March ijlli, A P IIW7, by order of e
;:- " -... ;i..y juug oiKioug county
rmWU-ndW..Mby".c. .7 Vo'guT,, Te,.,
iMien v. Knair.
MaVwV""'""1 "" ""eTJiaVw 57m2
And will oflcr proof lo anow thai 11. t.m.1
migM Is more valuabl ft Hi llnibVr or .lone
-mm:l2ui?.!yH.i-fc')l C. Kill.. V a
"sim". "
,.. - - j(ammaxs f , ae-i
isTiimnsTi. aira
Ih. !i-.""a. ".. '7,?",. "alining adversely
). N. WATBON, Reil.l.r
Timber Mud, Act ofJiiHr 3. tnn
u, A. Mud Office, The Ihilles, On vT
January 1, 10, l.
fie aald conlcslaut having, I11 a proper affiila.
filed January 10, 100;, act forili facts which
w f hat aflee ilue tfll!nf u..u,ii.i .ui ,.r
thlj notice can not be made, II ia hereby ordered
and dirccttdthal such notice be glvcii fiy due
and Draper publication.
" J, N. WATHON, Rrgl.tir,
Everybody retds Tht Dulletlu.
iiij w. IMuyka,
Attorney for riainlllf
rsr.. :.V' .": ,.h.j.r?."."v'i't
fond fuV-Dc d NVTj; Ulncd in .,1, er" ZT.
orusou ly The I; lol Unite Development com
imuB lur i.ui 7 UI JllUCaC 111111
lla-ll.l m...l I... a...
asalailrd lo toui and ih.f 7'lf -. 1 ". " ,. ''. ".""
ahaD not hay been made good, ami all atuouit.
due 0.1 aald llond shall not be," 1 .j i
April 15, W. Mkl lloiitl w . ih. Im,' J
canceled t7 Ihe uiidcralif lied,
1. . . r,,",'".;r,l!'""l"VBtiirMBMTCil,
Jleud, Orrgou, March 3, l7. ji.4
fjfct Oil the llfltlfl wnirnn ..,! J
The flulletlu cvti-youe doca.
"- " nngusi 4, !,
nettle Ktlckaou,
April, 11107, -"- wiuroaaiu nth day ol
'"!! iUflfAKf. T.NOLAN, R,.t,r.
Rend TJia Uullclia.