The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 22, 1907, Image 3

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Fulton and Hoyburn Unwilling to Sup
port Charges.
Washington, Mnnih III, In it roxirt
lllllllo to lllll llOUSII, Kl'pleSCIlttlllVII Lit-
tlcllulil, of Maine, chairman of tint com
mitten on in'iidltutcH III lliii tlcirt
intuit of Agriculture, defends tlui I'mea
try liiirciiii of Unit iluirtimiut.
Tlio recent attacks inndii uHiuGlfford
3'lnohot, chief furenlor, by HviinUirs
1'oltoii, of Oregon, mill llcyhiirn, of
Idaho, on tlui Hour of tlu smintu tint
held to I xi disproved liy Mr. Lltllnllnlil
lifter nn examination of Mr. I'lni'liot
iiiiilur imtli. Ki'iiiilm Fulton charged
Hint tlui I'otvsliy bureau vinn the "worst
oikiiiiIiihI ili'jwHtiiicllt of tlui govern
ment," niiil blamed It for (ho html
immU In the 1'nr West. Upon cxnin
Iiintlon, Mr. Llttloiluld fcund only one
llnw lu the entire organisation of I ho
liurititi, which was only mliior In clinr
rider, nml Immediately remedied on lilt
uiggeallon. Ho rliowiNi timl thv mini
(rnuiinoi winch Junior union coin
plained were nil iHTiK'trntiil Miint tlui
bureau of Forentiv mm cntahlliilicd nml
when Hint IimiiiIi ol tlui government
was under tho control of tlio Inleilor
Heiintor Fulton declined nn Invllntion
to appear Mom Mr. I.lltli'llcld'a com.
mlllw nml (.'mm cxninliiu Mr. Plnchot,
ni illil Mr llii)lnirn, whot'liHritiil that
nt n meeting of tlio ndvii'Atcstil furestry
lit Unite. Idaho, hint summer lie Inul
bee n howled iIumii mihI OJX'llly lllHllllllI
liy employe of Mr, Plnchol'M biirntu.
Mr. l.ltllellold lilumt'lf wit present nt
tlila meeting, utnl ttnttd Hint tliern
were not to exceed twenty forester In
tin nudlencoof l.fiOO nt Hint meeting,
nml Senator llcyhuru hnd rover men
tioned tlio matter to Mm.
tVresldtnt Find Holding Up ol Tills
Hardihlp on Honiara
Witthlngton, Mnrrli H Prenidi'iil
Hoosetolt today sent tho following let
ter to llin mhti Inry of tlio Interior ran--culling
his order of February 12, relat
ing to the iMonuru of evidence of tit to
llinlrr tlm ihiIiIIc lntlil laws
"Mynrdcrof February 12, 1U0. re
luting to tlui Itnim nl evidence) cf titln
under tlio public In'iil Inwn U hereby
otncelliil for the rtHimm tlmt emigres
-1I4 lint npprnirlnto nn amount sulll
clcnt to fimlili' tin' roininlmloiu'r of tlm
' land ulllui pronrly to carry out
tlui purxtM of that order, which wero
to hnvn such examinations iuiiiIf of nil
.application fur patent an would Weill
"Into tlio Ikiiiuiiuhi of title to Ikiiiii Ihlll
4Kltli'rn ntiil lioinoiimliciiii would rwlucn
llli'Kal vntrlttt Ion iiiliilininii ntul hrlng
tlio work of tliv ImikI ollk-o up to ilntn
Wltu tlir niiKHint nctimlly npprnprintwl
ll In not oiiililo to miry mil thr onliT
oi to piovlilo with ivrlnlnty fur tliv ill'
lii'tlmi ot,limnl without itiuoliiK miiixi-
MKMtlllo lntriUllIp lO IxHW HiIh fl'ttllTH
mill hmiirinnkpro.
"In onltir to ncroiupllrli nn iniicli nn
rnu Ixi naiuiipllfliHil with our piwciit
incmii in nrtiwiitliiK llli'pit mnpiiHitlon
of public Imiiln, tlio cuiiiinlrnlutu'r nt
tlio lii'iuirnl liintl olllro will ilotnil nil
IiIm mnlliibtu lli'ld nml oilko fun-u In
mii'h iminni'r, liyronri'iitnitinnor otlmi
wliu', n will nn cfTtl olv i In kmhiIIiIo
with tlio iiutunl nppMptintloii rwtrlct
It inul, tiifurcii tlm oxUtiiiit Inwn nml
proimitn tlm Ihhiii lido m'ttloinrut of
public IninlH liy liniiii'Hiukori.'
Norlliwilt Poitat AlUlri.
AViihIiIihiIoii, Mnrch U. Wiuililimtun
Turn) routiii onlnrinl c-lnlillfluil Miiy
10 lUtliiio, IoiiKln comity, rotito 1,
iKipuIiitlon :U0, fiimlllitt K5; Wnllu
Wnlln, Wulln Wnltn couiily, routo 0,
M)itilntlou not Kivi'ii, fiiinlllcn )'.'().
Mniirleo W. Blnplon Imn Uon np
pointed n'Kitlnr, John H. Uulixi nulutl
into, rum I cnirlor, rotito l,nt Hiulluott,
Ori'tfon Kitmiiti'rH appointed: Cor
IkjI, NuwuII P. (IIwimhi, vieo V. II,
ltcwl, lemovisl; Ilmnl, lVrcy (I.
MIiiih, vUhi II, 0. lkill. nitlKuisli Mn
liloton, Krncit A. Tnlwr, vloo V, 0.
Jknn, ronlKiuili Wron, lU-orRO W.
lluvey, vico Itlolmnl WIMo, rvHlKiKnl,
Ammunition Not Querded.
WinhliiKton, Murvh H. Tlmt nui.
;;;xu.y ;:h n ih
liv i m' uiruiM negro nolillem, nml iliuti
it in KrHililo for riolillom to otitntn ex
tra ainiimnltlon wua hroiight out In tlm
Jlrowimvlllo Impilry tolay. Thin tentl
inony whs glvon by Cnptuln I). V.
Kllliurii, of tlio Twonty-nlxHi Infnntry,
which leglment privedwl the negro
Medium nt Fort llrow n. Tlio wuno w it
lU'Hndcohtroil tlmt cllltoim of IIIowiib
vlllo mado thrcatd tlmt they would run
negro troopi out of town.
Forest Renders for Idaho,
"Wiuihlngtoii, March 0. Tlic Joi'pw
Ing furcnt rungom linvo been npMtoil
In Idnhoi W. A. Wlckomlmtn, J. W.
lllll. II. A. Itoigh, C.T. (Irny, J. I..
Wooden. 0. K. Iloyt, of llolnot G. W.i
lludnnloutt, llndgerj C.I1. Huff, l'rleit
Itlvori H. O. ltro, Wcbtoni J. I). Ma
Cnll, Mrdo; U, F. Jolunon, Mouolmiif,
D. II. Ketby, 0. K. Herrloh, Alphlj
W. M. Cnrrbell, Wolsor.
Tuft Will Attend Opening of Flrit At
lambly In beplomber.
Wrtnlilnttton, Mutch in. Hivrulnry
Tn It V proMHMil vlnlt to tlio l'lilllpplmn
III HcploinlxT Id ntli'inl tlio 0ninlui ol
tlio lllMt rhlllpplluirifHKiiihlyhiinilliitjt-
iil iitli'titlou towfliil tlio now IikIiIhIIm'
lxi.y to Ixi criHitiil for tlm inlnnilnrn.
Tint nimcinlity will i'oiull of 111 muni
Imrn iipK)itlotuil iihiii the Ininln of ono
ildcptlu for mull 11,00(1 piTroun, nml
provision In uimlo to Incriimo tlui mini
Ixt to n totnl of 1(K). II will In n kcii
ornl wny cornfiioiiit to tlui American
lioiiro of niprcni'iitiitUcn, wlillii tlm
I'lilllppliioroiiiinlnnloii will corriiM)ml
to tlui t'uitixl Hlnlin M'lintu, nml the
ncte of tlio lumvinlily tt inn t nn'iirc tlio
npprovnl of tliooommlMloii Ixiforo they
iMVomn liiwu.
I'hi'tloun nro to Ixi lioM on July .'10.
Hivrctnry Tnft will ntnrt for tlio Inlnmln
III AiiKimt, nml tlio llmt imiu'iulily will
coiiwiio In Hi'ptomlxT. Huli,Hiioiit
oltvtlonn for thn iiKfcmhly nro to lw Imhl
iitMin tlio II rut Tuiwlity nftiT tlio llmt
Momlny of .Novi'iulH-r In o-ld nuinlx'rixl
oorn, llmili'li't.'ntcii to hold ullk-o for
two ynim.
The idivtloii Iniv of tlio I'hlllpplmi
lilnmln nipilnii llmt totem tutmi lm
nwtpn 2ii ymm old, I'ltiii'im of tlio
Philippine. Urn Aimtritllnu lllol
rVnlriu In to Ixi umI, nml hciivy h'IibU
tlo nro pnncrlUil for corrupt pmi'lkrci.
LnrB Are In I'end o'Orlelle Moun
tnlnt Open to Sotllert
WmIiIiikIiiii, Mjn'li 1(1 Tlm ToreM
rrrvlco Ihih nvrlvnl m,tko tlmt .172,000
nrri of Inud In htmi'imiNninly, Wnnh.,
hiuo Ixi'ii rclonxil from tmnxirnry
wlthdrwnl. Thin lit ml lit U'Ut'cii
the IVnd il'Ori'lllo rlwr on tlici-nKtmid
tlio (Tolvlllo nml Columliln rivim ihi
tlio went. It In irllK'llilly iiiiHiiroyci
mid iiHMitititliioun, Tlio nrott m orlir-
Innlly willHlmwu cihIIuk I'xnmlimtlnn
to ili'trrmuln niillnhlllty for nddltlou tn
tlio I'rit-nt IIIvit nntloiml forwt.
Itn -oIimm' n niimiliicliditl liy tlui
forvotor Inoiiimi of iiuiiu'niun pnitifU
ly K'tthrn nimimt Itn nvcrvntlou nml
UxiiiifO pMlivlluti of tlio wutumhodtf
wui not tmiwtnry In onlci loismtervo
nuy MriiwiiH luuil (or Inluntloii pur
IHwiii llrportn of oxilinlnotn chow Hint
It iiM'hiclly u hrmh hind nun lunch
lmriml oM'i, HkmikIi n niuill pruxrtloii
In tlintwriil.
Tlm rolitinl Inml will Ik Hiildivt to
M'ttli'inont for 00 ilnyi lnrforo Uvomlng
nul'Jivt to omry.
Will Tranjfer Inipectori.
Wiwliltiittivn, Mnn?h 12. Hivrwlnry
Klmun, of the ilt'iMitmont of Coiiiimiii'o
nml IUir, In Kitmtly illnHitlnlltxl with
tin prwont ini'tliixln nl utimiiilxHit III
pxmIIiiii, nml linlny iinnuiincttl Hint
umrkixl refill in in to Ixt lininixllntoly
ImiiiKiirntixl with u view to Incrourcd
ellloleiK'y of wrvlco nml rixluclnu tlio
chnni'fn of illciuitor. Ho hurt dlrnMcd n
ohniiKO in tlio htntiou of nil lnrHHtor
of Inilln nml iHillern tliroiiL-hmit tlie
Uutlixl Htnton nml will nxk coiiktihi
noxt winter to nuthorlio lilm to kivp
lun rotors oonllminlly on the movu.
0t Deserved Promotion.
Wjmlilnnlon, March 12. No govern
ment olllohil oxer ctirued promotion
iiioio tluiti I:. II. Newell, vlio win to
day mado illre'tor of the reclniuntlnn
rorvlco, ntuvtiillnK O. I). Wnlcott. Jlr.
Nowoll cntcnxl tlio government norvlco
III 1HHH, llmt iiuderlnkliig guunnil Irrl
gutlon nurvoyn and Inter tnklng chnrgo
of the hyiliotfrnplilo Imreiiu, when it
wnn fmtiuil. For 1H ywin ho tin ilo
Milixl hi entire timu to ytmlylug tlio
renourc( nml initiation ionallillitlea
of the nrlil Went, nml ho In now better
InforiiHil on this mibjcct tlmn nny other
living mnn,
Reopen Much Col Lend.
Winhlngton, March III. I'reiililrnt
Itoonovolt will nlgii nn onlor r(Hlorlng
to tlio public domain pnutlmlly !U,-
000,000 mren of liiml recently wltu
." .""". .. .,..?rmr.i."i ' .
urros, Hlnro tlio wltluimwni oxpertH of
the (leologlenl turvcy linvo lecn cngiig
ed In HHcertuinlng tlm coal Ixariug val
tin of the w-lllimwn land and, whllo
tlm Inml to Ihi rentorvd to entry In htlll
olnnnllleil iih coal hind, it In uudorHtood
Itn viiluo nn mich iIcm'h not wurrtuit ex
climlun fr'ii public entry.
New Dins for Life Saving Tur.
WunhliiHtoii, Mnrch 12. Hid will
iigiklu bo nponod April 4 for tlio con
htructlon of n llfo Having tug for for tlio
Htntlon nt tlio entrance nl tlio ntrnitn of
Fucn. Tlm department hopes to get
lildn from tlm Piiollle eoiiHt. In previ
ous compel ItlotiH 1'iiHey Join a, of
Wilmington, wre the lowttit blddera,
nt $180,000, but their bid exceeded tho
iipproprlntlon CnugrrHi I ni nIiioo In
uroated thin, mid now $:'0i.000 Uuvnll-
Enropa and Soulh America Will be
at Jamestown Exposition.
Wnnhiiigton, March 12. In addition
to tho grmt IronclmU of tlm Atluutiu
fleet, comiiiaiided by Admlrnl Kvnun,
tho imvnl dlnplny nt thu Juinentown ex
rxfiltlon will Include noino of tho fluent
veimeln lu tho foreign nnvien. Theco
nro innf tly of tho crulner cIiih, but nn
thn miuorid vewndn of thin typu aro
i'iiinl (4i Inittlenhipn In nlro nml mnruely
lenx fortiildnblo lu npjxiiriiiice, they
will mnko nn iiltrnctiro fhowliig.
Tho Nnvy ileimrtmotit him lwn ml-
vlreil up to ditto of thu coming of tho
following foreign nhlpn;
(Jrtut lliltnln Tho nrinorcxl crulpcro
Ooml IIojmi, llngnhlp Argylo, Mnpntend
and Itoxburgh, under coinliiand of Itinr
Admiral Neville.
Franco Annored cruUorn Klilicr
nml Victor llcgo nml another crulrer
to tuko thu plnco of tho Juiu lbtrt, ro
iflitly wrecked off tho African wnt,
commanded liy Itiiir Ailiulml Thierry.
Jnpnll rlio erillrern Tnugukn nml
Chitore, under eominnnd of Vice Ad
miral IJuln.
I'ortugnl Ono rmlnor, irulxtbly tho
l)ou CnriiM.
Aiintriit Tho nrtnureil oriiicor Chnr
lea VII nml nmitliir crulner.
Italy (Jne urmoiixl ciulnur and one
protected ciulwl.
Hw'toleu One wamhlp, not jet
llntill Ono to threo warrhlpn, not
yet iiiiiiimI.
Argentina One to threo wurahlpn,
not et iimueil.
Chile Tlifl erulr-er Ijenlenn.
llelgliiin Will mihI n military delo
pit Ion nml China n tullitmy ami naval
Much Speculation as to the Cause of
Calling of Special Session
Ikilno, Idaho, Mnrvh 12. Ituinont
nro rife tonight that there will Ihi Home
ntarttlng (emuitlonn tin the iifiilt of tho
aitting of tlm United Statin grand Jury
beginning )oitorilay. What thmi Hint
tein uru U not known, but there nro
mnny nurmlieii. lllnUitro given that
imme H-oplo high up In the m'iiIo will
lw linohiil. There nro cne Mudlng
in which iiernoua nro under indictment
foi nllegixi tlinlx-r land frniid cnuft lu
Waphlngtuu county, but it necnu prob
able theoe will not lx) brought lo trial.
Colonel A. It Greene, nptlnl ngont
of the Interior department, hit Ini'ii
hero for kiiiih weekn, nml it In nppnreut
that the tenratloiin promii-ixl nro ir
tinlly tho rinult of bin work. It lit
known tlmt lm ban Ihx'H IiiMi-tipiting
aomo eoiuplnintt iimde by cotitrnclont
on rtvlnmatinn workn, but tho under
Htnnding hurt Ihiiii that it wun tdmply
nn Interior deirtinent nmttor, tho
eoiitmctorHooinplniulng thoy bno not
Ihiui trentetl fairly
One of tho liinU ghon out la in rela
tion tn tho Hivtmn Una Mirwjrt for tho
gmcrnment. Another it that kiiiio
Inud mntteni lu the vicinity of Kho
nhnno Fulls nro to Ixi limftlgntcd.
There in a crooked net Ion lino tlieio
which thrown tho fitlln lutonnotherrec
Hon from that In which it nhoiild lw
embmced. Thero are other rumoni In
volving name of prominent pcrrotm,
tut nothing dullnlla linn el Irakiil out.
Nine Inches at Atlantic City Drifting
and Delaying Trains.
Philadelphia, l'a.. March 12 A
heavy nuowntoriu, which uccm.1 to have
I'eutereil nlong tho Now Jemoy cit
and Knntcrn Ponnnyhiinlu, visited this
nectlon today, Snow fell continuously
for 16 bourn, ton depth of neven inched.
Iteportit front Atlantic City uliow Hint
tho fall of tmow there wan nino inches,
with un great it full nt other count
Throughout Pennsylvania tho storm
wnn nlinont us fevcro. At l'ottnpvlllo n
fall of eight I nchen U reitortrxl, nml nt
IxKkhnven thero wni a full of ton inch
ch. At Wllkcslmrro, Scmnton, Allen
town, llnirlnburg nnd other points in
tho eimtorn end of tho ntuto, n nlinllai
fall In reported, nnd In many rcctlous
tho public roods nro clomil to tiulllo.
Tho ntorm wan nccompaiiled by n
high wind, which canned dilftlng, nnd
tnill'o on tho rallwavd, juntlcularly in
tho mountainoud eectiona, was returded.
Standard Oil Not Scared.
Chicago, March 12.--J. A. Moffett,
prealdent ol tho Standard Oil comiaiiy,
of Indlann, now on trial In tho Fede
ral court lieio on n chargo of having ro
celvod rebates, denleil that reproMiita
tlven of tlio oil company had mado n
Biiggentlon to tho Fedeinl nuthorltlea
that tho coiuiviny might lie willing to
plead guilty to tho iudlctuionta against
it, "Any such ntatoment la without
any trulli or nasta ot met wiuuovor,
raid Mr. Molllot. "Tho Standard Oil
coinuiiiy la not frightened by any pros
pect ot conviction."
Send British Ship South.
Victoria, H.O., March 12 II. M S.
Shearwater la loading tdorea uml pmvl
alona at Hsqulmalt for a trip to South
America to protect Hrltlih Interest cn
dnngored by tho war In progress be
tween Nicaragua and Honduras.
Adverse Decision In Cases ol
Williamson, et al.
Williamson's Appeal Dismissed and
Olggs and Oesner's Writ of
Error Overruled. '
Portland, March 12. Thrlco tried,
filially convicted, and facing rcnlonccn
of Ixith flna nml imprisonment for com
plicity In tho Oregon land frauds, J, N.
Wllllntii'ou, ex-congrewmnri, Dr. Van
Geniier nml Mnriou lllgga linvo mot
with an ndvemo ruling from tho Circuit
court of Apronla. sitting at ban hruti
clwo. Ily n decision liandiil down yen-
toriliiy I no Appollnto court con II rrncxl
thn conviction of Van Genncr nnd
Illggn, overruling tho long writ of er
rors that I hey had taken from tho find
ings of the lower tribunal. In tho aiM
of WlllluiiKuu, tho appeal wnn dismis
sed for tho reason tlmt a slml'ar appeal
ban been tsken to tho Supremo court
of tho United States.
Although through n technicality the
appeal of Williamson Is thiiH dismissed,
tho decision Is nn clearly a victory for
tho government In his cute nn In tho
eases of Van Gernier and Illggn. The
ox-oongriiiman'n npxiil was taken
upon oinctl) tho Ntmo grounds on
thoooof lila co-consplrutoip. In their
enea tho decision wun absolutely ml-
vorre, which is eUivalent to an ad
verse decision In the Williamson ap
peal, no far an tho merlta of Uiocaso
mo concerned.
There was Imposed ngnlnnt William
twin a seiitcnco of 10 months' Imprison
ment and n ftuo of (500 and n similar
seiitcnco wus pronounced ngjlnit Iligga.
Ikvnuso of nn Owner's ngo nnd im
paired health tho court mado tho im
prisonment in bin case only live
months, hut nihil tlmt ho should tiy
a fine of 11,000.
If Hie law in permitted to tako ita
course, tho mandate from tho court of
Apixitla will Is'iio In about 15 days.
Application will then bo iiuulo by tlio
Federal nuthorltlea tohnotho mandate
entered in the com t hero. Following
that an order foi the imprisonment of
nn Gesner nml llig8 will m Issueil
by tho United Stntra marshal. Tho
bearing of Williamson in the Supremo
court will prolmbly ivour within tho
noxt threo muntlits.
Limitation on Destination of Immi
grants Resented,
Toklo, March 12. A ousetion luut
nt iron regarding the lost clause of nrtl
olo second of tho treaty between Japan
and tho United btates, which bus been
cited by tho government at Wash ngton
an authority for tlio statement tlmt tlio
Japanese government hitlierto htm K-en
latuiug passports limiting tlio tlestlna
Hon of emlgranta. ThoTflaiiiorta sim
ply certify to tho nationality ot thelt
iioldem and tho placing of a restriction
on them by an administrative measure,
la tlcclnrcd hero to bo iinautlmrlzs.1 by
law- nnd nn infringement of the personal
right to travel guaranteed by tlio con
In low, how over, of tho attitude ot
the American government, in not call
ing for tho enforcement of the clauao
mentioned, it la thought that tho limi
tation so placed will lx left unquestion
ed. Kven then Japanese jurists bollovo
that tho action of tlio American govern
ment in ictttricting tho destination of
holders of paaiporta will not bo upheld
before n couit. Adminlatratlvo action
and litigation slnco tho San Francltco
school trcublo have brought tho clause
into promlncnco, nnd Jajwn has begun
to Hiuurt under tlio alleged humiliation.
It would be no surprise should presauro
be brought on tho government to have
It abstain from Issuing passports limit
ing tho destination ot their bearers.
Will Soon Lift Embargo.
Tncoma, March 12, Indications
point tc nn early release from tho em
imrgo on tho shipments of lumber over
tho lines ot tho Northern Pad 11 a and
Great Northern, which was Instituted
six weeks ago, Itivllroad olllolals report
good progress In clearing up the freight
that HCcumulattM in Uioyarda nnd sldo
tmcka nlong tho Hues during tho Hoods
and snow blockades. Tracks on the
Pacitlo division aro rapidly being put
In good condition, and trallio Is nearly
up to thu volumo attained boforo tho
Drastic Anti-Trust Law,
Sacramento, March 12. Tho onsom
bly this morning passed Curt w right's
nnltl. trust law, which is almost identl
ca with tho Ohio anti-trust law. It
la drastlo in tho pcnaltloa that It pro
vides for vlolntione, nnd la sweeping in
ita dollnltiona ot what constitutes a
trust. Tho bill now awaits tho gover
nors approval, nnd goes into effect CO
daya alter it Is signed.
Movement Refuses lo Dovn and the
President May Accept,
Washington, March 11, Politicians
In Washington are trying to figure out
tlio mooning of tho sudden outburst of
tho Itoonevolt third term boom bore.
They regard oh especially significant
the typewritten memorandum given
out by Iteprescntativo Martin, of South
Dakota, after a conferonco with tho
president, vigorously defending tho
third term Idea.
Thoy linvo renched tho conclusion
Hint the president realizes that tho
third term movement mast lw allowed
to run right on in order to head off tho
tirogn-M of the booms of reactionary
candidates, Tho prevailing opinion
hero remains tlmt President Itoosovolt
personally will go as far on ho can to
prevent bin own rcnomlnatfon, but will
stop at nothing to assure the nomina
tion of a (ucceiwor In accord with Ills
Rather than reo them succumb, many
bollovo that tho president himself, if
properly approached, would lake a ro
nomination, providing no other cnndl-
dalo satisfactory to himself and friends
In strong enough to unlto the next Ito-
publlcan national convention.
Russia Will Not Allow Discussion at
The Hague Conference.
St. Petersburg, March 1 1 .Professor
de Martens, Russian Imperial councillor
of state, who has been making a tour of
tho capitals of Europe for tho purpose
of determining tho program to be dis
cussed at the next pence conference at
Tho Hague, In expected back in St.
Petersburg this week.
The introduction of any measures fo
the limitation of armaments la regard
ed hero as definitely excluded, because
of tho attitude of several of the powers.
United btatea Ambassador Kiddle lias
inquired at tho Foreign omco here re
garding tho rnodo of admission to the
next confer jnco of certain South Amer
ican and other states which did not
participate In tho first conference. lie
was informed that practically all tlio
signatories hail agreed to Uie method
proposed by Russia, namely, notifica
tion of acceptance of tho regulations,
tho signing of tho protocol of the first
conference and tho number of delegates.
Refuse to Wear Clothes Because In
fected With Leprosy.
St. Petersburg, Mnrch 11. Four
hundred jalitical prisoners nt Smolensk
havo gouo on a very original strike.
A week ago they rcluscil to put on
any clothes and slnco then they liavo
walked around stark naked.
Tho reason is that tho prison author
ities took away their own clothes and
gnvo them clothes made from the poor
est grade of burlap unfit for making
bags. Alter they had worn these
clothes n few das nearly all woio suf
fering with a rash covering their whole
IkxIIcj, but still the prisoners did not
mutter. When a number of them had
been infected with leprosy, ono morn
ing all of tlio clothes, blankets and
sheets were thrown out ot tho prison
ers' cells and they declared unanimous
ly that tliey would go naked rattier
than run tho risk of contracting diseas
es from wearing the prison garb.
President Considers It and Will Push
Construction Rapidly.
Washington, March 11. Forties t ions
of tho Philippine Islands formed the
subject of a lengthy conference at the
Whlto House tonight rxtrtlclpnteU in
by the president, Major General Frank
lin Hell, chief ot (tan; urlgatiior lien-
era! Murray, chief ot coast artillery;
Secretary of tho ivavy Metcalf, nnd Cap
tain Mnton Sargent, of tho naval gener
al board. There Is available at tho
preterit time for this purpose $1,4.15,000
nnd tenatlvo plana nliemly have been
prepared for carrying out tho project.
Theeo wero carefully gono over today by
Secretary Taft and Generals llell and
Murray and it was tho secretary's in
tention to be at the Whlto House to
night and Join In tho conference, but he
was unavoidably kept away.
Will Bridge Gap of Time.
Washington, March 11. Asa result
of consultations between Secretary Hoot
and Director North, head of tho Amcri
can Tariff Kxpert commission, which
visited Germany relative to tho making
ot sumo tariff arrangements before tho
exultation of the German order bus
pending for a j car tho application of
tho German maximum tariff rates to
American exports a now arrangement
will luwe been made which will urldgo
over tho period ot timo between that
date and tho reassembling ol tho next
Those 600 Not Avenged.
Danville, III., March 11. In the
trial here of will J. Davis, charged
with manslaughter, owing to the Iro
quois theater tire at Chicago, In which
nearlv 000 lives were lost in 1003,
Judgo Klmbrough today held that part
of tho Chicago ordinance on which
Davis was indicted Is void.
In a Condensed form for
Easy Readers.
A Resuma of tho Less Important but
Not Less Interesting Evenf
of the Past Week.
Tillman snvs third term will bo tho
iseue in 190a.
An Austiran officer predicts an Amer
ican-Japanese war and American defeat.
The Interstate Commerce commission
is after Uie coal toads of Illinois nnd
London woman suffmgiibj declaro
themselves ready to wtar hort hair to
win their cause.
Tho G. A. It. national encampment
will bo held at Saratoga, N". Y., tho
week of ScpternLcr 0.
In a clash between American troops
and Cuban rural guards at Saint
Clara, Cuba, fivo were seriously in
jured. Oklahoma's conititution Ins been
completed. The Initiative and referen
dum and direct primary laws of Oregon
havo been copied.
Roosevelt has demanded Ilarrimnn's
deposition and his backers will tako
away control from him so he will lota
all his railroads.
The railroad presidents havo con
cluded the) have no mandate to present
to the president and have decided they
want to obey tho law.
So great has been tho Japanese Im
migration through El Paso, Tex., that
Mexicans have been displaced by the
brown men after assisting them to en
te this country.
Dowle's funeral sermon, written by
himself, cursed his enemies.
Haniman wants railroads excepted
from Sherman anti-trust law.
Finland has just held its first elec
tion under universal suffrage.
Tho Japanese agreement has been
carried out In Sin Francisco and Wash
Schmitz and Rucf, the San Francltco
gratters, liave lost every point so far in
tho courts.
The total deaths duo to the disaster
on tho French warship Jena lias now
reached 103.
Speaker Cannon and other members
of tho concessional party at Panama
express surprise at tho amount of work
that lias been done on tho canal.
Kx-Senator Ilurton, ot Kansas, will
probably staj in jail an extra month
because ot his inability to pay his fino
of t2,500.
Homer Davenport will send ono of
his Arabian hones across the continent
to prove tho strong enduring powers ot
that breed. A cousin of tho cartoonist
will ride the animal.
The improvement in Archie lloose
volt's condition continues.
Paner manufacturers throughout tho
country will advance the price of their
prouueu soon.
Roosevelt has told Governor Gillette
that legislation by California will pre
vent Japaneso exclusion. 1
The strike of Portland mlllmen lnav I
close down somo business houses Jliat il
nave nevu tur luaiijr inuro.
Stuyvestant Fish, who was thrown i
out ot tho Illinois Central presidency
by Harriman, has gone to Uonld.
Fifteen nassencers on a Los AncoW
trolluv car wero bndlv inluiod bvA ,J"
Southern Pacific engine striking tr "
A Chicago grand jury la after Uie so
called church and school furniture
trust. Tho indictments chargo the
trust with controlling 80 per cent ot
the businoss of tho country.
One ot the Japaneso wanhlps coming;
to Jamestown will havo great attractions
(or naval men. It has a speed bettor
than any of ours and was tin I shod lu
less than two years after tho koal was
laid, which la bettor timo Uian Is mado
In American yards. The vessel was
built by tho Japanese.
Tho people of Oklahoma aro to voto
on prohibition,
M. Petkoff, tho Bulgarian premier,
has lieenassosslnatcd.
Nicaragua cs accused ot spying on
tho American minister.
Premlor Stolypln promises not to dl.
solvo the Russian douma,
Nicaragua Is raid to bo prepacrlng
force with which to attack Honduras by
Tho Kansas house, has passed the.
senato bill providing for 2-cent passen
ger fare.