The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 22, 1907, Image 2

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State Legislation Everywhere Is
Having Its EKect.
Claim It Prudence to Stop Construe-
tloh Until They Know Where
Money I doming From.
Chicago, March 14. liallroad presi
dents agree that tlio general disposition
nil over tho country to attack the romla
by means ot hostile bills !uut reached a
stage where conic decided action mutt
bo taken or the country will suffer se
verely. As a matter of (net, tho roads
already have suffered tremendous
lowed, but eventually tho heaviest bur
den will fall upon tho public in dimin
ished and inferior service, general re
trenchment, cheaper equipment and
the abandonment ot extensions which
would develop new country.
The greatest danger, acctirding to all
authorities, lies in tho great crop of
two-cent rate bills, lcpirdlcsa of tho
conditions in tho states adopting Uie
bills. In the Kast it is posslblo to main
tain good service at this rate. In tho
West it Is not,
Benjamin Wlnchell, president of tho
Rock Island system, probably best
epitomises Uio senso of all the replies
received to messages sent all presi
dent asking for an opinion on present
conditions and what was necessary to
reduce tho danger of poorer service.
Mr. Winchcll says:
"If tho Interstate Commerco com
mission does it work wisoly and
sanely, as I believe it will do, tho rail
roads have nothing to fear. They will
uct oven iustice, which Is all they ask.
I am relying on the sound sense of
fairness of Uie American peoplo to stop
Ixforn the situation becomes acuta
financially. It is a mistake to say the
railroads are retaliating by reducing
tbeir service and abandoning great en
terprises. It is simplo prudence, a
bowing to the storm. We are forced
to stop building new lines, buying curs
and other equipment until we know
wbeio tho money is coming from. It
is simple business sense, and not retal
iation. "I am heuttlly in accord wtlh tho
plan foi railroad presidents to confer
with President Roosevelt. Wo must
take Uio publio more into our confi
dence and break down the distrust. Co
operation witli the government in
laudablo refouns is a good thing."
Treasury Theft Has Not Yet
Returned, However.
Chicago, March U. "If tho man
who got tho $173,000 from the sub
treasury will send it back through the
mail or by express, the chances are tliat
he novcr will bo detected."
This observation was made yesterday
by a high Federal official working on
the disappearance of the money, and it
represents the hopo of tho government
authorities, so far as can bo learned
from anyone engaged in tho investiga
tion. The hope tliat the money would
; returned in some mysterious fashion
l)o mateilallzo.
outy Treasurer iiantz admitted lor
lint time that there is a remoto
libility tliat tho cash in tho sub-
suiy is not 1173,000 short. He
oade it with a reservation.
Defects Found in Dreadnaught.
London. 3 larch 14. According to
the Cbroniclo today, the official ac
counts of Uie Dreadnought's behavior
on her trip to Trinidad are not alto
gether supported by piivato letters.
Tho engines worked well, but the heat
In the engine room exceeded anything
ever'.exnorlenced bv tho.-o on board
OwiiV to tho great size of the ship, her
maneuvering qualities at slow speed
were not equal to those of small ship.
It Is stated tliat tho big battleship can
not keep her station with reciprocating
ships at 20 knots, and tliat for night
maneuvering without lights, in dona
formation, tho chip is out of the run$
Will Carry Out Agreement
Washington, March 14. Following
the recoipt of a telegram tonight from
President Walsh of tho 8an Francisco
board of education, announcing tho
carrying into effect ot the agreement
between tho president, Becrotary Root,
tho San Francisco mayor and school
board on tho Japanese question, Presi
dent Icooeovelt tomorrow will sign tho
passport amendment of tho immigra
tion bill. The case pending to tost tho
constitutionality ot the law segregating
Japanese children, will not bo dis
missed. Pennsylvania Streams Swollen.
Pittsburg, March 14. Dispatches
from all sections of Western Pennsyl
vania report heavy rains laBt night and
rapidly rising waters. Streams are their property was Insured, and tho uu
already beyond their banks and much thorltlea were obliged to foico peatants
territory is submerged. ) to work to check the fire.
Answered Letters, but Copies of An
swers Not Found.
Washington, Match IB. Evidence
decidedly damaging to Ringer Her
mann was introduced by tho govern
ment today in tho trial of tho ox-land
commissioner for destiuctlon of 35 let
terpress copybooks, alleged to have
contained ollicinl correspondence.
Charles 1.. Dubois, chief of suroy di
vision; 1). C. Sherman, formerly Her
mann's financial clerk, and John S.
Wile, another clerk in tho land olliee,
all identified several letters taken from
tho files of tho laud olliee, all pertutn
ing to government business and all en
dorsed on tho back, "answered by
They nil agreed that this ondotfe
ment signified that Hermann himself
dictated the icplics and that his an
sweis wcro press-copied in what were
known as tho commissioner's "person
al" letter-books. It was also brought
out by tho government that careful
search through tho letter-books now it;
tho land office failed to discloso copies
of tho answers to these particular let
ters, thereby strongly Intimating that
tho letters must luivo been copied in
tho books destroyed by Hermann ns
chi red in the indictment, and tluit
tho books, theiefore, contained official
No stronger ovidenco in support of
indictment has heretofore been given
during tho protracted trial. In fact,
most uf the evidence submiitted up to
this tiino has been designed to - show a
motlvo for tho destruction of tho books
and had no direct bearing upon the
actual cliargo contained in tho indict
ment. Today's evidence is vciy strong
in support of the indictment, and whllo
It is circumstantial, yet leaves little
doubt in tlio minds of those who liove
followed tho case that Hermann's so
called "private" letter-books In fact
contained much correspondence relat
ing to the business of his oltcu.
Government Will Not Interfore With
Movement of Southern States.
Washington, March 15. Informa
tion received today renders it clear
tliat Uio immigration authorities, as
one result of the several conferences re
cently held, in which the president,
Secretary Straus, Attorney General
Ronaparte, Commissioner of Immigra
tion Sargent and prominent men of the
South have participated, will interpret
the existing immigration law as it was
Interpreted in the South Carolina cine.
The attorney general has held that tho
Immigrants landed at Charleston, 8. G,
last November, are legally in tho coun
try. They were induced to come to
America by authorized agents of South
Carolina and tho passage money fur
some, at least, of them was paid by
the state, 'and others by contributions
of the citizens. bevcral other Southern
states have decided to seek immigra
tion along tho same lines as were fol
lowed by South Carolina and it is un
derstood they will not be interfered
Roosevelt Receives Resignations and
Appoints New Members.
Washington, March 15. Tho presi
dent today received the resignations at
members of the IUhmian Canal com
mission of Rear Admiral Hndicott,
Ilrigadier General C. P. Haines and I).
M. ifarrod, to take effect tomorrow.
To fill tho vacancies he announced tho
pointment of John F. Slovens as
chairman of tho commission to succeed
T. P. Bhonts. and as commissioners
Lieutenant Colonel (ioethuls, Majors
Gaillard and Slebert, Civil Knglnncor
KottAcau, Dr. Gorgos und Jackson
Ex-Senator Rlackburn will have to
await tho retirement from tho commis
sion of Mr. Stevens about April 1.
Ad) b'rjoirts New Copper Deal.
jruuu Jfclll'jn, .Mill,., .'ihivii
Judge Knupicn, of tho United Status
Circuit court, today admitted that yes
terday he Issued a restraining order for
bidding stockholders of the CalumetA
Hrcla Mining company from holding a
meeting to vote proxies in tho Osceola
company, and hearing on an injunction
whs sot for March 25. Judgo Kmippen
refused absolutely to discuss tlio matter.
Tlio action beforo Judgo Knappen was
instituted by Mr. Roynton, attorney for
tho Uigelow interests in tho Osceola
Sell to Insurance Company.
Milan, March 16. In tlio town of
Romano, near this city, 2,000 persons
wero today made homeless by a tiro
which destroyed tho greater part of tho
village Tho people wero Indifferent
to tho spread of tho flames, because
. 1 l-L-
Attorney General Pastes on Validity
of Procedure.
Salem Attorney General Crawford
hat filed his opinion in the validity of
the polltnx collection with District
Attorney John H. MoNary, upon a re
quest (torn tho latter. House Mil 325,
which passed tho last legislature, re
peated sections 3011 and 314'.' of Itelliu
get A. Cotton' code, which abolishes, tho
I polltax law of 1854 and amended
in 1870 to exempt firemun from I ho
polltax roll. Tlio net ot 1885 and sub
sequent amendatory acts providing for
tho state revenues cover tho entire
ground of the section enacted In 1851,
providing that stlo revenues shall b 5
mills on the dollar of all taxable prop
erty and In addition to the II polltax.
The attorney general holds that after
tho repealing act goes Into effect on
May 25 tho polltax cannot bo legally
collected; that tho assessment would
not have, the validity of n judgment un
til it Is enteral on the roll. As the
roll would not lo made up hefoto the
act take effect, the assessor would have
no fuithei authority to collect tho tax
or make up tho roll, and that there is
no authority in future for sherifls to
collect tho tux.
Plan to Finance Normal.
Salem Tho maintenance nt the Mon
mouth Slato Normal school has revert
t to tlu shoulder of tho buurd of re
gents. Under the provision made by
them at a meeting here, n regular state
ment of the contingent excuses. ui
well as the payrolls, will be tiled with
tho secretary of state, as heretofore, and
several banks have agreed to advance
the money on them, requiring an as.
slgnmcnt of the payrolls over to them.
The memliers of tho board will individ
ually Htund responsible fur thenavment
of tho hypothecated seturltlos. This
unx nractlciillv tho only courso they
could follow, as there are no funds
available by tho state, arid (joverncr
Chamberlain could not tako imv stets
towaids securing assistance, even if he
wore so disposed.
No Encampment This Year.
Rnlitn Ttnv-nrnnr rluimlw-rlnln has
been officially notified by tho War de
portment ol tho abandonment ot tlio
remilar nirav annual encampment, on
account of so many of tho men lwing in
Cuba, and tho largo number that will
ber required to go to the Jamestown
exposition. Tho department, how-
Mvnr. piiIIm nttnnttmi in thn f.iftt that
during one week to ten days in July,
camps or instruction tor coast uriyiery
mil mu jiiini, iiini mo iijeiiiiAJrn m m-
Orexon National Guard nru Invited to
participate Assistant Secretary of
War Oliver asks tliat preparations l
made, together with a list of men who
intend to attend, und forwarded to the
Ooird of Shsep Inspectors.
Salem Governor Chamberlain has
named tho new statu beard of sheep
coiiinilsdlonci, :.. Tlio new officials are:
First district William II. Stousloff,
Salem, term of two years; district em
biaces Clatsop, Columbia) Tillamook,
Washington, Multnomah, Clackamas,
Yamhill, Polk, Marion, Linn, Rvntnn,
Lincoln, La no, Coos, I)ougla, Curry,
Josephine and Jackson counties.
Second district Thomas Itoylan, An.
tcloio, term ono year; district compris
es Wasao, Crook, Lako and Klamath
Third district Dan P. Srnythe, Pen
dleton, term three yean; district com
prises Morrow, Umatilla, Union, Grant,
Wallowa, Raker, Harnoy and Malheur
Grain Bags at Nine Centa.
Pendleton An order for tho purchase
of 600,000 sacks was mado by ihu uxeo
utlvo committee of the Gralngrowors'
ssfoolatiori in this city. The name of
tho firm of ImtoitcrH or manufacturers
and the price paid lias not been given
out, but it Is thought that tho sacks
ar mado in Portland and they will
not bo more than 0 cents apieco deliv
ered in this city. Tho contracts for
120,000 of theso sacks hnvo been signed
by Morrow county growors, who naked
for and woro given permission to come
In with tho Umatilla county farmers.
Howe Succeeds Williams.
Salem Governor Chamberlain lias
appointed ox-Slato Senator W. A.
Howe, of Carlton, a member of tho
state board of agriculture to succeed
Jasper Williams, of Albany, drcoasod,
and President W. II. Downing, of
Sliaw, to succeed himself. Ho also re
appointed Drs, A. O. Smith, of Port
lurid, Alfred C. Kinney, of Astoria, and
O. J. Smith, of Pendloton, on the
board of medical examiners. Their
terms hud expired.
Commission Approves Rate.
Salem Tho Oregon Railroad com
mission has given its approval to tho
existing rate of $ 1.25 per thousand on
lumber in carload lot) from Astoria to
Seaside on tlio Astoria & Columbia
River railroad.
Commissioner Campbell to Atk Ship
pers for Many Datalli.
Salem Ono of tho Important under
takings of tho Oregon Railroad commis
sion Is tlio collection ot meurato infor
mation regarding tho shipment of pro
duce in carload lots. CoiiiiuNsluncr
Campbell Is now arranging with tho
' lumhci companies to have tliem rciiort
to the coinmlS'Moii every application lor
rasr, the mimlxr and Mud, the date of
application, and tho date tlio ears, were
furnished; tlio iiivln loaded, sinned
from the shipping (Hiiiit ami the desti
nation. The commission will also ar-
inngo to Irani when the ear reach the
consignees and when they otutmloadid.
Infotiimtlon will Iw withered also con
cerulng shipments of other ptoducts
than IuiiiIkt. The puro.o Is to place
lie tho hands of the commission figures
which will enable It to net Intelligently
upon controversies that are likely to
arise In tho future. I ho reports will
show tc what extent tlio oar shortage
is duo to scarcity of equipment, delay
In loading, delnj in shipping and de
lay 111 unloading.
Crop Outlook Good.
Milton Farmers in thit section of
Ciiintllla county nro very optimsitlc
over the prospect of a butnor wheal
mid barley crop this coming season
Tlio fall wns an Ideal one In regnrd to
rainfall, theie being plenty uf moist
ure in the ground More tho selling in
rf winter weather. The snowfall In
the mountain distMts tills year has
been umiaually heavy, Huh conserving
the water supply for tho siiumuifr
months. With tho supply ulmidy pro
duced by the thawing out on the low
land or light soil dlstrlits. It leaves
littlu question us to tho adequate sup
ply of moisture.
Crop Outlook In Harney.
Hums Tho winter In liainey county
is over and the snow in the valley bus
gono off with a warm rain. There Is
plenty of snow In tho mountains to
keep tho high water over tho swamp
land and make good crops of buy.
Stockmen luivo turned their herds out
on the range, which Is better than lias
ever boon known fur t.iis tlmo in the
voiir. Fnrtnern am iireinirimf their
ground for spring crops and everything
points to n siioccrstiii vctir to tno limn
ers of Harney county.
More Trout for Oregon.
Oregon City Two hundred thousand
ttisteru brook trout have been received
at the Claokauuir United States bureau
of tlshcritM station fr dUtrllwtlon In
Oregon, ami 1(H), 000 ralnlpow trout have
lieuii receivixl from California. Hiqwr
iutomlcnt O'Malluy has ctarlel it sub
sUtlou at Eagle Creek for slcelhwul
Wheat Club, 71S72e; blurstom, 73
74c; valley, 70o; red, Dl70c.
OaU No. 1 white, $20; grs), $28.50.
liar ley Feed, $2222.50 per ton;
browing, $23; rolled, $2.1.50324.50.
Ryo $1. 15(5)1.50 Krcwt.
Corn Whole, $21.60; cracked,
$22.50 per Inn.
Huy Valley timothy, No. 1, $14(3
15 per ton; Eastern Oregon timothy,
$17018; clover, $0; cheat, $0; grain
hay, $010; alfalfa, $14.
llutter Fancy creamer), 32K35c
per pound.
Hotter Fat First grade mciim, 33lc
per pound; sivond grudo cream, 2u lets
per pound.
Poultry Average old hens, 16c
nor pound: mixed chickeiif, 14c;
spring, fryers and broilers, 2022to;
old ront-tcrs 10l2o; dressed chickein),
1017c; turkeys, live, 1315o: tur
keys, ilresHMl, choice, lHQlIOo; geese,
live, 8o; ducks, 1018o.
Eggs Oregon ranch, 17K1H' is1'
Apples Common, 76c(ail.S5 per
lwx; choice, $1.502.50.
Vegetables TurnljiH, $lfS)l.25 per
sack; currotH, $11,26 jxr sack; U'dts,
$ 1.2.6 1.50 per sack; hnrseiudirli, 7
Ho jier K)iind; ciiullllowur, $2.60 pur
dozen ; celory, $3.26fjl3.60 jxir cuilo;
sprouts, 0c; radishes, 30o per dozen;
ospanigus, 1012J4o per pound; thn
barb, $2.2502.60 por box.
Onions Oregon, 7600o icr linn,
Potatoes Oregon RurUinks, fancy,
$1,35; No. 1 choice, $101.25; com
mon, 75o$L
Vonl Dressed, 5K0o por pound.
Reef Dressed bulls, 33 por
pound; cows, 6 Q Co; country
stoers, fl7c.
Mutton Drossed, fanoy, 1010Uc;
ordinary, 80o txir pound.
I'ork Dressed, uuo por pounii.
Hops 012o por pouiidi according
to quality.
Wool Eastorn Oregon avcrago Itost,
13018c nor noiind. Bocordlng to shrink-
ago; valley, 2O023o, according to fine
ness: mohair, choice, 2703UO per
Officials and v,u,Mi:tori m Idaho
Work Suspected.
Holse, Mil roll 13. Evidences uf graft
ill the arid laud reclamation sorvlco of
thn government has Uen dhcovorcd
and is now in KMsessloii of the depart
ment of tho Interior nt Wellington.
Action looking toward u number uf In
dictment Is uiitlclmted, The princi
pal evidence, so fur ns dlroloscd here,
relates to grafts In Idaho, I tit it Is
said that similar conditions exist
throughout the service and that utllulals
In nearly nil the Western slato where
irrigation work Is In prognts will have
to answer.
The IVdeml gnind jury, now In ses
sion lieie, will prolnihly take the mat
ter up, mi far its this stale Is affiled,
If the new secretary ot the Interior,
James It. (liirlleld, savs the wotd, and
ihvldtH to (mulsh evidence now In his
iioikohhIoii. Agents of tho ileputrmetit
iiavo Urn iiindiictlng an iiivcllgatlim
for soiiio time. Their dbooverle In
Idaho are said to t)plly conditions In
othei placid, and a reorguuluitioii of
tho deparliuent Is raid to bo In plus
lcet. The charges In geiiml are that en
gineer und other official of tho tic
jxtttnient are "tandlng In" with fa
voted contractor In some Instances,
and In other iuttiiuce luivo thrown out
bids In order to make commissions on
the puri'liaro of machinery by tlm gov
ernment and to profit In othei way.
In Idnhu tho llolre-Pnyettu Irrigation
projivt has Ihvii under special H'rutliiy.
EvIdeiK'oha Ihii secuieil Inuring
on the rliHitlmi of tho contracting firm
of HiihUird .V Carlson, having head
quarters at Holsv, with certain deHirt
ment official. It I ehurgeil in affi
davits now on file that this firm has re
ceived many special favant and expln
n it Ion has Utm skel of the reason for
All France Appallrd at Disaster on
New Uatllethlp.
Toulon, March 13. The mvviltr
mngHZilie on Ixord the 1'relH'll Uiltli
ship Jena blew up at I 35 o'elu'k )
terilny nfleriHsiu, mid as a result Cap
tain Adigard. eommandir of the Imttle
ship; Captain Vertlei, chief ct rtaft of
tlio Mediterranean squadron, and from
70 to K0 bluejackets are dead, vvhlln
Item Admiral MaiH-eruit and liutidreds
of men are suffering from Injuries.
Naval circle nre aghast and tho publio
Is stunned by tlienppalllngcntnttroplie,
coming so soon altt-r thu loss (.f the
trench siihmarlnn lxit Ltitln, In which
10 men nut denth.
Tho entire niter part of tho Jena was
blown to piece. Tho bodies of tho vic
tim were hurled through thu ait by a
succersion uf explosion ami umlo
stricken workmen at the atseiial lied
for their live from the v.cluity of Hie
drjdu'k. Kiiri on UmhiI the Jbiih
jiintiM 1 ovciInsui! nil tho stone quays
and MiflHlned srl(Mi InJiirliM.
The primary eaitrti of the wvldnlil
whs the preiiHitiiiu oxploflon of a tor
miIo. What eauel Ihu ixplMloti I
not known, but the powder magazine
of the Jena were set iHiJIru nnd the ir
suiting expliMlons irsetktilly ilcstroycil
what war consilium! one of thu lnt
vewidi of the French navy. Thu Jcnii
had jilnt iindergono Ihu final oonstriio
tlon of her hull ami iniiohlnery, tho
latter irt having U-eti partly over
hauled preparatory to joining thn
squadron today.
Sailors of Wrecked Steamship to be
Sent Home,
Yokohama, Miiroh 12. Tlio rrew of
the wrivked stunner JhikotA has Inhmi
discharged Tho Eiuioiiu will lo
sent to A merlin on tho American
steamer Tremont. Tho Asiatics will
ho sunt to Hongkong. Tho majority of
the tiassengur left here will takit thu
steamer Slhurlu. Their hotel and other
oxjKinsc woro i Id by thu (lurmt
Northern Steamship company, owners
of thn Dakota,
Tho American consul has sent $160
to tho governor of Chihii prehtituro for
distribution among tho fishermen who
iissInIisI In the rccoiio of tho American
lis'engors No salvage measures have
yet leu tiikwn.
An official Inquiry lias been arranged,
step having been taken for thn preter
vii tlon of evidence Ciipluln Fiauuke,
of tho Dukotii, is still at tho scono of
tho wreck, awaiting thu dttilslon of (ho
Uncle Sam to Make Torpedoes.
Wellington, March 13, Admiral
Mason, chief of tho naval bun an of
ordnance, has completed plans for tho
construction of a torpedo factory tit tho
Nowport navul station, and uxpeots to
advortiso at onco for proposals, This
will ho tlio (list tlmo tho government
has undorhikuii to mako Its own torpe
does on a large scale, Tho now factory
will glvo omplomcnt to at least 200
skilled workmen. It Is proposed to
mako every part of tho torpedo except
tho steel Husk which contains the com
pressed all.
Cengrassmen Arrive at Colon,
Colon, March 13, Tho stcomor Pan
ama arrlvod today with 63 congress
men, who are desirous ot Inspecting
uio wene on mo canai, j
Damnnc at I'illstiurii h'sllmalcil
Ten to Twenty Millions.
Whole Dullness Center of the Smoky
City it SuhmerKod When Ice
Gorges Go Out,
Pittsburg, Pa.. Mnich HI. With tho
tiipld i cling of the wntura In the Mo
nongaliolii, Allewliany and Ohio rivers,
eondltloiiM tiro iMsumlng normal pro
portion. The appiuaelies li thn
lirldgis nre nor clour ofwjtrrand
street car service In tho Hooded district,
has been resumed-
At t o'clock lait night the river had
fallen almost right feel. At that hour
tho stage mu 2D feet and dropping six
Inches nil hour.
Ten square mlt were lliumlnled.
Thu los Is suinumrlKil iw. follows
Ijv-m In output of steel mills, $3,
000,000. ah III CHitMtt of other ludintrles,
1muM In wmkss of oinployes, $1,H37,
777. Dsmnge to Iwhrttilal plants, IV
500,000. ,
Total, $H,IW7,tKM).
VnrliHis othsr eslliimle ao Indng
made, ranglHg from $10,000 000 to
Iteirls from iiiiihsphw Western
Pennsylvania towns are to thn effivt
that (Tie lliol U sulwldltig.
The water In this city reaell 37
fett at It n. m. jelerdy, tho hlghesl
slagoever nirili-d. .Moro than 100,
(HID ixrrui were teiii)Mrtt thrown
out of einployiiirtit; twty triifHirta
tlon company In tho city was Interrupt
til; skllfs rarrlcd bundled of eopl to
their place ot Isisliiesi, sml tlio ulllu
at Ion of wagons and ho'ses as it nvry
nnees, which did valiuiblo serviir, was
dlfcontluucl, on lug to tho strenuous
protists by the Humniiii s-cuty
Twenty falalitlw luivo uvurl lr
Allegheny county, ill not ly due to high
water. I
In a fire that threatened the entlie
Mount Wushiugtoii secllnii ( f thn city ,
25 hmlniM slriiolurm ami dwelling
wero ihwtroyeil or dauuii,l tishiy, ran
Ing it loss mtiuMtod nt t200,(HXl. Many
ol the dwelling were tenement or
swrtmeiit hciutM,aiid there wire many
iHirniw eoixM.
Tht stroetura wore ino-tly of fraiuo
is.iwtiutlii arul, leao of a break in
tin water main, the only available file
quenching nmlerlaU vvsrt eheiukiil
irnm HXtliigiilstmrsnml bucket'
Two atteuiH were made to t"p the
llames liy tlyiHtmltlng building on
either side, but inch time (ho wreck
age oaught Hie, It finally limned Itself
Substance of Idaho Irrigation Frand
Charges by Inspector.
Washington, March HI Hecrolary
(liirlleld Is working on a rcxirt tent to
his preilecesiMir by KHtilal Agent A It.
(Ireene, delalllng nllegiol frauds which
ho Ixdlnves he has uncovered in ivinnee
tlon with tho ronstitirtlou of thn Itolso
Pa.vetto Irrigation projivt In Idaho.
Mr. Oreeiio, so it Is rcKirtod, allegea
lliero ha been collusion Uttwirn "n
tractors on the Deer Flat riwnrvolr dsui
nnd Itd'liiination Englneor D. W. Itos,
It Is-lng ruinonwl that Mr. Oreeiio
charges that tho contractors, in return
for favors shown by Mr Hois, mado
III ni a present of 12,000 iierei of land,
Olllcluls of tho reclamation service ab
solutely discredit tho resirl, and luivo
tho utmost eonlldeiH'o in Mr, Itoss. It
I their Ixillef that Investigation will
show Mr. Oreeno to lsj in errcr,
Three Drown In Ohio Town
'nnwvlllo, Ohio, Murcli Hi, Thrro
Hungarians wero drowned herons tho
result of tho Hood this moriiing, A
icuo of foreigners wero living In u
houso lliat was surrounded by tho Mus
kingum river, which ovrrllowod during
tho night. When thoy started to vvndo
In ti in I tliri-n unrn eulluht In thuciirrollL
and swept out Into tho river, Flood
conditions through Miiskiiiyiim county
are unpremlcnted and growing worso
linnrlv. Tim M imVt lllflllll fl 11(1 Lleklllir
rivers are out of lsmnds in this city and
uoiug miicn damage.
Another Naval Disaster,
llro.t. Mnn-li Id. Tliero was another
accident to a French warship oft this
port today, Jiuring mrpouo pnienco
llm rml. .Infi.nuo hIiIii FiilmlniinL wilH
struck and seriously diimngod on tlio
water lino by n tnreun. collision mats
uirn at inu-n nrinlliid in thn veSMfll'H
sldo and sho was towed Into port In u.1
sinking coiifiiuon.