The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 22, 1907, Image 1

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NO. 1
P. E. Dayton !o Appointed
for Western Crook.
Tumalo Correspondent Report That I
much New Land Will He Seeded
This Spring-Other Noted.
Tumalo, March 10. I'. I. Dayton of
taldlaw ha Iwtu apK)tuted deputy
auruor for the west aide of Crook court.
y ami lia Ik' the regular yearly
G. D. I'utllam n lu Tumalo today,
V. 1), Clark lu. purchased the Nrlll
itetcrt claim one mile north of here.
The P. II. I). Co.'a bhf four-horse team
patted through li'.rc one day Intt week
with Iwo loads of hay.
The equinoctial tturtii li aurely a good
one. A hard rain visited ua all ilay Sun
lay anil It hat been ruining considerable
The new poitoffire of OIt la soon to
he rstablltlxd. It will lc Krvnd hy a
continuation of the Heiiil ami Tumalo
mall ronte.
Mlm Itrnl ami Wletl or lleuit visited
tth Mr. Smith nml I'mrl Illlituer
at the HlghttiMci St Smith mill Satur
lay ami Sunday
Ky and Dryden Uaitnclls returned
Sunday from a builnr-M trip to l'rlucville.
Theyare working mi a contract grubbing
on the Star Ranch.
T, A. Jeiixn rcturnetl Saturday from
a trip through Washington. Me Hill
begin preparations noon to put in n kooI
many acre of new ground till year.
Considerable farming i being done
We announced last week a
Contemplated Change in
And giving our trade the benefit of
Liberal Discounts from former retail prices
on Dry Goods, Gents7 Furnishings, Hardware,
Shoes, Groceries, and all other lines.
WE MUST HAVE CASH and MUST reduce our
stdck in order to get it. Come in and let us show
yoU that we mean just what we say for we know
we! can save you money.
- Bend Mercantile Company -
now. Koine are clearing anil some plow
ing ami the whole vicinity Inkci on uti
appearance of great faith in 11 lnitiicr
crop till year,
Rodmurtd Hem.
Kedmoml, March1 18. Vfewa aeema
scarce tlila week principally on account
prohahly of the flue rain that fell yester
(lay. Mr. Ileneger nml family have moved
on their homestead.
A uoo many chlckcm ore beichmlng
to eep In thla aectlon uf the country.
(. W Moore of Prlnovlllr, was In our
nrlKhhorhood for a few ijaya looking
after hi 40 ncrei west of the river.
A. W. Morgan ami Oeo, Wood were
business vlaltora In l'rlucville, Mr.
Wood brought hack mother team of
Among other who were In tail week
were A. O. Walker, Iceland, Colo,, Jl,
M, Dams, Condon; Mote Myers, Port
land and J, H, JjrifKan of Ilverett,
Vhlnjton. Mr. Walker, who li a
1'rraliytcrlari minister, wai accompanied
by lila wife and they are located In the
Johnson ranch neighborhood,
Mr. and Mn, John Trlsler, who hate
spent the winter with us, atart today for
their home In Ottumwa, Iowa. They
will makeaevrral stops on the road, tolc
Inf; about two week for the trip. They
lutte both enjoyed much better health
thla winter than usual ami are loud lu
their prnlso of Oregon climate. The
undersigned wilt kc them at far at
Madras and will return with wheat.
IIC. 1'ark.
Phono Lino Reaches Slater.
The extension of the 'photic line
into Sitter will be completed this
week The wire reached that
place yesterday and will soon be
connected with the local exchange,
which in in the Alex Smith store.
Sifters people say it's fine and
dandy to have telephonic ccuuec
tion with the outside world.
Must Fulfill Stipulations
of Its Contract.
Suit Will lie Brought by the State
against the Columbia Southern
Irrigating Company.
The Columbia Southern Irrigat
ing Company is apparently tip
against the real thing at last. The
trouble that lias existed between
that company and the state land
board nnu the settlers has come to
a head', and Attorney-General
Crawford has been instructed to
bring proceedings against the com.
pauy to force it to fulfill its con
tract, failure to do which will result
lu a forfeiture of the contract. A
dispatch in the Telegram tells the
story as follows:
"Salkm, Or.. March 14. What
cave promise of a peaceful and liar
monious meeting of the state land
board yesterday afternoon terminat
ed in Governor Chamberlain fir
11 tailing the p roteclinics while State
Treasurer Steel pressed the button
which set the display off. The up
shot of the upheaval is that the
Columbia Southern Irrigating Com
pauy will cither have to take itntnc
diate steps to live tip to its contract
with the state by furnishing suffi
cient water to reclaim its entire seg
regation of 27,000 acres of arid land
in the Deschutes country, or Attor-ncy-Gcncral
Crawford will institute
v . .. ti.
proceedings to compel it to do so,
upon penalty of forfeiture of Sis
"The Governor's outburst was
precipitated when the board hod
tinder consideration a letter from
the Attorney-General, asking the
board's pleasure in the disposition
of an order of last December, in
structing the state's chief counsel
to proceed against the alleged de
linquent irrigation corporation. Af
ter the Governor had explained the
conditions and negotiations with
the Columbia Southern company
lending up to the present status of
affairs., the complaints of the set
tlers, etc., Treasurer Steel inter
posed a mild plea on behalf of the
stockholders of the company, ex
pressing the desire to grant them
some concessions in order that they
may be given a chance to realize on
their investments.
"This suggestion was the spark
which touched ofT the Governor's
magazine of pent-up impatience,
and he launched forth against the
company until the atmosphere fair
ly reeked with sulphurous fumes.
"The history of the Columbia
Southern's operation in Crook
county has been published so fre
quently during the past few years
that it is necessary to recall only
the developments which have led
up to the present situation. In
brief, the company, nftcr contract
ing to reclaim 27,000 acres of arid
laud tributary to the Deschutes, in
Crook county, selling about 18,000
acres nf the segregation, securing
patent to only 12,000 ncres and
having water enough to supply on
ly about 10,000 acres at most, finds
itself up ngainrt a very serious
"Having refused to adopt the
rules and regulations exacted by
the old board a year ago, governing
the distribution of water, by which
it was to furnish r.8 acre feet dur
ing the growing season, the com
pany nppcarcd before the board by
its attorney, Seneca Smith, of Port
land, and asked for n reapportion
ment of liens irom 10 to $25 per
acre. 1 he board agreed to this,
upon condition that the company
enter into a new contract and agree
to provide means for furnishing suf
ficient water to reclaim tlc entire
segregation. Judge Smith finally
agreed to this and repaired to the
State Engineer's office to draw up
the instrument, but when he got
there insisted upon keeping the old
contract and inserting the reappor
tionment claiihe, to which Engineer
Lewis would not consent
"The old order of the board, in
structing the Attorney-General to
proceed against the company to en
force fulfillment of contract, had
not been followed out by that offi
cial on account of the rush of busi
ness iu his office incident to the leg
islature, and the question was
brought up yesterday afternoon
over a communication from the Attorney-General,
asking if it was
still the pleasure of the board to en
force the order. It was, and now it
is up to the Columbia Southern Ir
rigating Company to build a reser
voir and make good its agreement
with the settlers or step aside."
President Wilson, of the irrigat
ing company, publishes a statement
iu which he says the company is
not at fault, and claims they are
acting in good faith. He says in
"The contention of the board that the
company should provide atonic reser
otrsis well taken, and in the fall of
1005 our company made known to the
board its plans for such a system at an
estimated cost of $40,000 to 50,000, but
it was then the governor's pleasure that
we lie put out at business, and that seems
to have been the policy since.
"Since my connection with the com
pany we have not tried to dispakc of any
luiiis In the unpatented part of the seg
regation, nor did we attempt to sell any
water ns is inferred (11 the land board report-
Any provisions our predecessors
limy have attempted to inject into con
tracts if not authorized by law will cer
tainly not hold as we alwavs consult
with competent lawyers and will not be
a party to anything not legally proper."
The concensus of opinion among
the settlers on the company's seg
regation is that the company has
been woefully lacking id good man
agement and that there ore sufii-
(Continued oa pajje )
Colonist Travel to Oregon
Influx of Spring Visitors to the State
Ureaks all Previous Records A '
Great Publicity Campaign.
Portland, Ore., March 18.
The campaign of advertising which
has been conducted during the past
90 days by the commercial bodies
of Oregon composing the Oregon
Development League, is bearing
fruit. Much credit for the success
of this campaign is due to the press
throughout the state, which has
rendered valuable assistance in ex
ploiting the colonist rates which be
came effective March t and which
will continue until April 30.
The rates are the lowest ever
made by the transcontinental rail
roads, and homescekers, quick to
take advantage of tbem, are pour
ing into Oregon in constantly in
creasing numbers. While many of
these have come through to Port
land, larger numbers have scattered
to various parts of the state. It is
now the duty of our citizens to
make these strangers within our
gates feel entirely at home. We
should show them every attention;
give them all necessary informa
tion; the effect of a little encourage
ment, a little ueighborliness, dur
ing the nrst tew uays or weeks,
will be marvelous, and as the new
comers become better acquainted at
close range with what Oregon has
in store for them, they will be
thoroughly glad they are here, and
will wonder why they did not come
However, it must not be forgot
ten that these low rates will contin
ue for six weeks more, and that
great work may be done in that
time. It has been said that "Per
sistent Publicity Pays." Euccne,
Grants Pass, Medford and Ashland
have become firm bclivcrs in this
doctrine; only last week the com
mercial clubs of those cities, assist
ed by Tom Richardson, manager
of the Portland Commercial Club,
inaugurated vigorous publicity
campaigns and raised good sums of
money forpdvertlsing purposes.
If other communities, not al
ready active, will hut follow the
examples being set for them from
week to week, and advertise to all
the world what they have to offer
to homescekers and investors, the
population of the Beaver State will
surely d,cm,bje within a very few
A goodly number of these home
seekers are coming to urook coun
ty and more will undoubtedly Jol
low. Everyone should raake.this
business to welcome these Strang
ers and show to them the adJfc
tagesoflife in Crook county, esneer?
ally iu Western Crook with its fer
tile soil, irrigation projects, great
pine forests, running streams and
clear lakes full of trout.
tiorrlblo Accident.
A roost distressing accident be
fell the little 17 mouths old baby of
Sam Sippy who lives on the Mc
Kay. Monday Mrs. Sippy was scrub
bing the floor and had just poured
some scalding hot suds in a tub to
begin operations when the little
toddler in an unguarded moment
fell into: it, A scream notified the I
mother of what had happened but
before the little unfortunate could
be rescued its right sidennd should
er were fearfully burned. Dr.
Belknap was sent for immediately
but he hardly think it possible
for the child to live. A piece of
skin the size of a dinner plate came
off and one convulsion is succeeded
by another so that the chances of
recovery are slight. Prineville
Plan to Reclaim Lad Near Paisley In
Lane County.
Another large irrigation enter
prise in Central Oregon has been
launched.. Contracts have been'
entered into between the state land
board and the Portland Irrigation
Company for the reclamation of a'
large tract of land near Paisley in
Lake county, the contract involv
ing' the expenditure of $121,000.
It is estimated that the cost per
acre of the irrigation of this tract
will be in the neighborhood of 525,
as the proposed plans include the
construction of a large dam 60 feet
high, for a reservoir, 15 miles
above the lands to be reclaimed.
Water will be taken from the
Chewaucan river, and the company
agrees to maintain all dams, ditches,
main canals, laterals, flumes and
other works, which are to remain
their property. No land can be
sold until the ditches are built and
the company has been notified that
they can sell land. This land is
entered and will be reclaimed un
der the Carey Act, and the inter
ests of the settlers arc safe-guarded
by the contracts.
Rev. Father Mickey's Comlflg lslt to
Protracted sickness and the un
usually severe winter haw kept
Father Hickey from making his
Bend circuit this year as he had
promised. The reverend gentle
man has been suffering from pneu
monia and aggravated bronchitis
for two months past, and is still in
extremely poor health. He has
written to some of his Bend people,
however, to say that he will be
with tbem the second Sunday after
nosier nnu win remain a weeic or tJ
more teacbingftbe children and giy- 11
ins a series of discourses for adults l
in the little church budding which
the Altar Society ladles liave fixed
up very tastefully. In a
sue of The Bulletin will be
fuller details of the clergynjette
viit and the rplicions Mtercisfi-
be held during his stay here
T?ntbr Wlflfiv title nlrffiiv ut- nn
m. M.te. ..r .a ... WWV.J rvt VM - ..
ahead several large hQes o,f clmrcl;
goods qnd orn.qtn.ents. and will take '
with him, some more when corahs
His visit is looked forward to. wit)
pleasure by all and especially th
little children.
, f
A Freak Bjx,
Mrs, Murk brought us a freak
egg this week which is most pecu
liar. The egg, before be'i hrok
en, appeared to be normal jpou
being broken there appeared nn
egg within the egg. Instead of a
yolk there was a second egg, just
about the bize of a yolk, but soft
shelled, Mrs, Murk says that in
all her experience with chickens
and eggs she never saw the like bo.
fore. It certainly was a curiosity.
Laidlaw Chronicle.
A subscriber writes to The
Bulletin and says:
"I have read every copy of your paper
with nrait Interest and eonUder it a
first-clAM country paper. Am sorry ou
failed iu getting your new county est
tabllshed as you certainly were ensHled
td it."