i Pure Blood certain If you tako JIikhIV HurHnpurllla. 'I'lllH IH'CUt llll'lill'llli) nilMM lliiwn i.iiiiiIIiiiiu fmM mill holla tlml npjHmr at all nciikoiih; yiriirf miriiflllii unt-.id unit 1i..ii.i .... piuii mi ........ ...... ,-, rniiu llll-lllil 111 t'l VI'IMIl, ilittitrl Itm'lf I'liiiiillv wull to. anil hIkii fiiii.u iKu. ' ' ..... ..J.l- f)nh ami all rilotiuteli I rouble ciiich iIihi. Milium mill ftii I it f tlk fiiii'i.u ii....ti..iiii i ...... 1. 1.... P'"" ' .. uimn nui iuiiii mjllllll'N, KVDUHJ HIHl lllllb lirt'll li'l'llll, J Onrsntnhs IV Hmmx b prefer inwIWnn In tab. i( ftiriti. Ilil HnratrltU I turn put up H sIhmsi- ., MltiiMlirllr. KiihUIkiM Hell Ih Ihn usual ,"" '.,. aiilil fiirni Maraalalia liava Lli.ull.illw 11.- ...... "'...!"" "-iwiii.iirai.n, allMlflll lull. Ml W; wink ' (U'AiUNTcr.t) .under tint PimmI and Drugs Act, Juno IK), 11KXI. No. 321, B) ''- a" Hr VI n, mi li it iM H(lll B.ta allb, A ftlnnr' IiUhk, The singer Mt tint Mill (if tho practice if i;ln panted heavily, "I mini; one huii- jffted ntiil nliirtyeU mite tlmt Unit," U mill, "without oiifn taking breath." "Indeed! Tlmt mint lm n record." '.No. Tin record la held by four tjtv Pounds, I'uiiitiU tiig threat hum Jml mul sixteen notes without rcaplr itton In IMK Tim renin! previous to list wn hold by 1'nrliirlll, with three lend red notes. Norman Halmomt hu ling Imu hundred mul rlghiy-nweti pete In till way, Tin averog man ttM hardly slug flftr not without ktthliig; to tin1 atugcr two hundred would bo nothing. Philadelphia Hullo- tto. A llfurd In Wilbur Away. t Miss Acuin Jack Hansen Uu't fat," i ti he? Ml n Nrwltt Net flt nil: lic' qultn Jjrsrtiful ami iiium-ulnr. Vliy ' Mt ANriim I li!nml to mention iMm to IIm Jlltir. ami iba ubt: "Oh I liti't bn illieuiilncly luuO" ' MIm Newllt Ab. yon. Kli rrjpflwl Mm mihm wrvkn neo and nlic mail l' ' wum bn ilklu't i4uo away. l'lillailnl Hln TrcM. 1 lln Calnra Affrl lxlilllr. . Tlicr are kkJ and rrll rffecta cren la color, not only In the limrlMIc ar- raiiKPinriit of tbcm to Hi" trnliHMl ryo !of an nrllit. but In plain itrry-ilay nsl ami bill and crrrn, to any uotblne of oltirra, Acrordlnic to Mntlral Talk far tho J'llotnp, If a (xtikiii m rvnnnml In room with piirjil wnll. ltb no color tut purplo aruund him, by Hm rml of n uwiitli tin would bo n rnrlng mndiuan. ficnrlft hn crcn worw fff-cta. Illur l tfry dipri'liiK ; lirliro "tho blura," (Irrrn la (jullo MoUiln. and yellow llw tin good rffrcta oil tho rliloli and (ptrlta of tnoit proplt A Kla Ihat tlrnnsht nralli. Courtablp In Hpaln la rrsulatnt by It atrlctrat ftbjUPltP. A l c drniwii, n yoiinjt man la nenr Ml lotin with Ida flaiMw. Nwr Malaci a bwuitlful yrninc sir! of 30 WiHtlttiM mlclilo by ilrlnWInc it nip of ottte In whlrh ptlMiru Jwd lwi dUaolvwI. It appear that tho clrl had ln drlv rn to the ilwd by thn odrir cow turn t a of nHichlMim who bwniuo nwnro that luil.Klvi'ii h'r aro'thirt n kiM. 1iSRtm-Mnll. i I'uur Clirlaliiina I'nrr, A di'li'tntloii of fellow towiiiinnii-n n ri-iitly I'lilhsl on Itufut Id Civul. of Midway. Ky., lo niiicrHliilnti him on tint mt'lpt of a ('anifRlo initial. Am hl friend Hem tnklin; lenvo Mr. (.Viiiilm Mlnlieil (hem nil u merry ClirlMimi". "And I hope." lip endpil. "tlmt you'll lime n morn bountiful dinner t tin n fell to Ihn lot of a yoimi; friend of in I la in t yi-nr. "lie. thp xir clinp. wait aloppliiR at n choap New, Vnrk boanlliiK Inuite. nud on t'lirlitmni day. niter ho bad eaten ii turkey neck, a potato and a vptlntrr of ddrn mlnre pie, the landlady until to III m, aa htt no Jut ua (ho weak jwiffeo waa broiiKht on: mi.'ddrrr !dro-tla-.tabJe, Mr. Kmltli. '"I niiiKt. madam,' Mid Kmltli, cr I in ly. 'It'a hard noml, and my teuth aro not what they ued to Im.'" Ill Cnnalnnrr, A atory la told of (ipnernl Sir Alfred lloraford, wIm Mleted In n n-IIUalu army. A Miller onre MiiiKht hla pwr mlMlon to marry, mylnic he bud two Khm1 coudurt bait( ami I'-V In iho parlnga bank. "Well, ro own)'," Mid Kir Alfred, "and If jou come bark thli day year In the aame mind you ahn'l marry. I'll keep the vacancy." On thp aunlreraary the aoldler n-Hatel Ida repipat. "Hut do you really, after a year, want to mnrry)" "Vc. air. very much." "Hcriceant major, tako hla imino down. Via, you may marry. I never believed there wna ao much con atancy In man or nomau. Itlcht face Quick mart-lit" Aa the man left tho room, turnlmt hla head, he aald : "Tank you, air. It lati't tho anmo woman." An i:nrll lllddl. On one oraialon when bo waa buay (reMdeut Lincoln received a tllc6 tltHi of men tw were entli-nvorltiK to hurry the miliic of wmiio ctty bill. When they entered I.lncolu lookwl up cnively. and Nthl: "If you call the tall of a aticep a 1e ww many lega will tho aheop Iwvey "Five." aald the ajMikpainan. "No," Mdled Unoln. "It would only liave four. ChIIIhs tho toll a b woiiWu't make It one." The delegation decried In dlacom flture Si.ndny MwKntlne. M-f-! i lTTfi T IM'ff Ii" iW" AYcficlauIc IV cpnMllonror As almllnllnj ilicFood mulUcfluln Unft the Stomacla nml Uowvls of rromolcs l)iecallon.Cliecrrul neasnntUlcsUontoliwnclllicr Opliini.Morpltliio norUtuiraL KOrUAllOOTIO. UyJM Smi' JtxJm uiwfaJ-Cir- W iwa-iw---- - AocrTccI llcmcily forConstlpa- V-nt Sour atotaaclt.uinrrnocn Wofps .Convulsions .feverish ica arollQB9QFSiEBK FncSiinilo Sifinntur or NKW YORK. gISTORA For Infnnto and Chlldron. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars tho Signature of F t Ifv fT Alt EXACT COPY Of WRARRCn. In Use For Over Thirty Years GASTORIA " tm wtuaoP"T- "Ooctor, nlmt la khiI to Inko to cura tlio rcdueon of my none?" "Tho pledKe." Houalou I'okI. Knlcker rrlmltlvo men plowed tho earth with u ahnrKtned ntlck. Mocker Von don't menu to miy ;olf datc-il buck that furl KclaHfira. "The iloctom linvii finally njcn-od Ukiii (ho ciiiim of Jlnk'a lllneaa." "Did tlu-y hold nnother i-ommltiitloiiT" "No il Mat-mgrtmii." Headllijht. "Men-, hold my tunn n minute, will you?'' "Klrt I'm n niemlier of Con KreMj" "Never mind, Vou Iwik lion t ''II tiiko a cliniK-o." Courier Journal. Mra. Ilenpock fthamc on you for KrowlliiK atMiut Dr. HoIiin. Didn't he Jii't brim; you hack from tho Jawa of death mid llPUN-ck (wearily) And Jmck lo tho Jawa of life, Borrowed. Woman Now, If you don't lenvo at once I'll call my IiuhIiriiiI and ln-'w nn old Harvard footbiill player. Tnimp lidy, If yer love him dnn' ciill him out. I lined to play wld Vale, Judge. Cynthia Oh, what n world thin la for ii woman; I do wUh tho Iird had made me n maul Molly Why, my dear, iiuiylxt bo did mid ' you Jtiat haven't found lilm yet. American HiK-ctator. 'Then' la only one ordained mhvdon nry In the world for 000,000 lieHthena, your excellency," aald tho cannibal. "Wj-II, I gut mine," aald tho cnunlbal chief, ruhbliii; hla lljia. Vonkora Htnteamnn. "John, dear," wrote n lady from the continent, "I em-lomi tho hotel bill." "Dear Jane, I cnclo u check," wrote John In reply, "hut pleaw don't buy any more hotel at Ibis price they aro rob bing you!" TltllllK. "Why don't you let Willie play In the utrcvt with the reft of the ktilnT Mild Mr. WImi. 'Tin Hfruld It will iniII hla clot Ilea!" wua tho wlfe'a niiHwer. "Thiinderiitlonl" excliiluieil Wine, "wo mil buy clot lieo, but wo can't buy brulna ("Clipped. Mr. Dnnl (to her liulmml, who amolla a utroinc cwiiim- of k'hh iiik whero and la iiImiiU to atrlke a match) Vou'ro nou-r after looking for n leak wld a IlKhted iiinteb. .Mick? Mick IlouijJ your whlatJ Thoy'ro wfety matchei! Ilalf-llollday, "Doctor, can't you kI' mo aomettilnj: to relievo my alei-pleiwnoHar' "Vcaj I could prcacrlbo n aeilatlvo, but dnica would do you im real Kixxl. Inatend of that let mo recommend n lan:e, fat onion, to lie cnten raw Jimt In-fore ko Ink to U-d." "Why, doctor, thafa ex actly what keep mo awake." "How Mn It poMlldy have that effectr "My wife eata It." CIiIchko Tribune. Ilolmiti Vou IimiIi nil broken up. old man. Wbat'a tho matter? Cralk I iiille.1 on MIm 1'ruynn laat nlclit. and 'no ixwiier had I entered the wrlor tlinn her mother appeared and dcumndiM to know my Intentlonn. "Tlmt mut bnvo U-on rotln-r omlmrraimliiK." "Yea; but I that waa not tho worxt. JutU " tho old lady llulahcd ajieaklnc MIm I'niyn 'ahoutinl down the atalnt.'Mauimn, mum I ma, ho lon't tho ouo!,M Umdou Tit- HltH. A Si-otHiuan tho other day wont to n Iondii dentlHt with n toothache. Tho dcntlat told him ho would only cot re lief by ImvliiK It out. Sitit Mtm, thou I iiiuat hue Raa. While tho dentlat waa Kottlntf It rwuly the Swt beuu to etiunt hla moiioy. Tho dent ltd wild, Houiewlmt tiwtlly. "You neetl not py until It'a out.'; Tho Scot replied: "I ken tlmt, but na yo'ro nUait to inak' mo inwinM-loim t lldt Want tU HfO hoo I utan'." Sport Int: Tluiea, Tho publlc-Hplrltcd lady nieoti tho llttlu boy on the atrcct. Tho I.ndy I.tttlo Ik), luivvn't you any homo? Tho hlttlo Hoy Oh. yoH'in, I've K'ot n home. The l.ndy And lovlnic nrinta? Tho I.lttlo Hoy Yw'in. Tho Lady Aro they brliiKltiK " "l to bo n k1 nml helpful cltUen? Tho I.lttlo Hoy Yca'm. Tho I.ndy Will you nk your mother to como ami hear n talk on "When Doe n Mother'a Duty to llcr Child HckIiiV next Snturdoy after noon? Tho I.lttlo Hoy (explosively) What'H th' iimttor with you, inn I Don't you know mo? I'm your Itttlo lioyl Cleveland I'lnln Dealer. A I'rrroitnllve of tht rulptt. Doctor Hnwin, u Now KiiBlnnd clorsy mau of Ioiik K, was reproached by n friend with mo pronouuclatlon which wa not "iicconlluK to Welmtur." m..i.ui iivi.il iii iiln imrlsli. and tha Ulliniv. ... - . --. - douKhty old dlvlno wan not llnjwawl to Iki BimblMM with the dictionary, "What rlKiit mm vonsiur to iuimiw my pronouuclatlon?" ho demanded, htiUK'htlly. "II" B " of W l"lrl8"' loner. "' M ,0 ut hU l''""K, Hon from mo, nml not I from lilm." Ilenriloil Vulluro l.urwoi.1 lllrd, Tho lament bird of prey In tho world la tho bearded vulture, which measures from wIuk tip to wlK tip s much us ulno or ten feet Could aim irrni- Hnmt, "Dor.toc, my wlf aaya lit la setting deaf," "Tell her It's becauio the l getting old.!' "Do you bellrra Iip la di-af enouch for that to be wfc?" Ilouaton I'oaU Only One "OROMU QUININC" Tht l I.AXATIVK IIIIOMO Oullilne fllml Urlr ntflMl iemxllM mimpiIkhx ilteett Tim flrtl ml rirlaliol Cold fMt Ii WIIITK I'ACKAOK Willi r.Urk nl Ifl lettering, ami bean Die lnlure ot K. W. OIlOVK. . In I lie C.'fimlnK llnr" Hiiabauil Maria, tlila la eolng to b a cloiely contrntfd election, and we've got to get everybody out. You'll have to hurry, or you'll bo too late. Wife Oracloux, John I I can't vote lO'dar. Tln-rp'a no in In lalklnx about II. I haven't a thltu Ihat'a fit to wear to the polla. Mothers will find Urf. Wlnriow'a rjoothlna limp tha tMit remrdr to urafor tbelrcbllilros lurloj tbo teathlnt pierloi, Jrla llnrk nl Hint. Ncwcil When you any nnythlns that innkcH your wlfo misery what doca li! do threaten to return to her pur enta? Oldwed Worae tlifnl'thnt She ro penta iine of tho fool things I aald during our cotirtahlp. Color NpIipok In Knap. A woman who wanted aoap of a certain make nuked for u blue cake. "It doean't come In blue." aald the clerk. "It la nuido In yellow, white mid croon." Tho woman aemed itlaatiwlnteil and finally boucht another brnud or aoap In tho dedred tint. "Tlmt la n queer, fad," aald the clerk, when alio had cono out. "Many women nre carrying tho color achemo to audi extremes nowadnya that tbcy-uac aoap that mntches the furuUhluci of the room. In order to meet this demand manufacturers arc turning out Kiaps of almost very known tint. The color they ore mot deficient In U blue." New York Sun. Ifnrmonlnna Itplntlnn. The Mnrrjuls del Orlllo, tbo first liualmnd of tho great Italian actre, HlHtorl, had aa pcraonal valets only tho iiiont riulck-wltt'.-d young fellow who could help lilm In tho practical Jokea In which bis eccentric Mul de lighted. In one Instance, says a writer In the New York Times, the mnrquls was sitting at n plnno, trying some church music, when n new oppllcant was ush en.il In. He did not stop playing, or oven glance round, but began to ask questions. The answers evidently did not npixMil to him, for he suddenly struck a loud chord and, following the tunc of the music, chnutcd In a heavy voice: "You will not do for me." Then ho rose, and without a look at tho man started to walk out of the room. The applicant quickly stepHil to the piano, and striking the keys with both flats, chanted back solemnly lit the aame air: "I'm very glad of It, becauso I don't like you a bit I" Anyone clxo would have had the man thrown out for hla Impudence, but the marqula piiuicd at the door and smiled approvingly. "I guess we shall get on nicely, after all," he said, pleasantly. "See my mngglordomo und leak to him about terms." PILES CORED IN C TO 14 DAYS. I'AZO OINTMK.ST Ii nareleo I teenr aaf coeof Iclilnr, I'llr.il, WMillnfor protra-llDf lln In 6to II dfor montf reliindedJOc ij-alrm. Hallway Maxnatc I don't see how the sccldrut could have happened. We run our road on the block ayntem. Cnreaaonable I'erwMj I know It. You're o buay running out blocks of watered atock that you can't pay any at tention to tb way you run your trains. Shale Into Your Shcf Alten'i Foot ' A powder. It aakea H)ra ornewibova (n-leMjr. It Ii a certain core lor wratlns. talloua and het. tlrel, arhlne lt Polil tir all HmrrUn. 1'rlro ae. Trial park. axamaill KHKK. Adilrcu Allen B. Olnuted, Lcltey, New Yolk. Conipnrlanna. Mrs KroM-HliodrH Still, In the city there la more coins on. You havo ever mi much more variety than we do out here. I Mrs. Avnoo Ah, me, yes! In the laat I year I hare tried cooka ot aeventeen dlf- ! ferent nationalities, and haven't found one to ault me yet. Don't Push J The horse can draw the load without help, If you rcduco friction lo almost nothing by applying Mic&Axl KliGrea.se to the wheels. No other lubri cant ever made wears so long and saves so much horsepower. Next time try Mica Axix Grease. Standard Oil Co. 2awr44 37ES i!lM-iTIfcl IkViH-t L .fv''nHr ENGRAVING Write Us PLATES fOR PIUNTING HICKS-CHATTEN Portland Oregon FITS Stimulate tho Blood. (Iran Ireth'i 1111a em the great blond purl it r. Tlicv ire laxative mid h'oed Ionic, t ey act rtpially on I lie NipI, the kl-lnejn and the tki , t Ha ileantllig llie Kit-in by the nn Ural titlol of tin- b nly. Tliey Mtmtilate the Wooil mi aa to enable nature to tlir w oir nil m irHd liuniom nnd mire i-ll tmnUliii art lug from nn inipure t ito of t o McxkI. One or two taken rtrry nljit wit proe an invaluublo rt-iiutly. lviio . jilll contnl"!! one p-nln of solid ex tinct of nrnpnrll'n, widen, with other v lunhlu v-g tnlilo produci. leake It a MuckI purlllurofexcrlleut character. Ilrandreth'a I'll s hate been In ue for jverncenliiiy nud urw a Id in every drug nud medicine rtorr.clt.icr plain or sugar ousted, A I'pellr Uiperlment, A very' pretty effect may be productsl by using some nulllnc dye In nowdenil form In alcohol. Till a small glass with tho alcohol nnd drop the smallest portion of the dye on Its surface. It will shoot down through the liquid, like a strand of color, dividing Into two branches, which will subdivide again Mini iif-iilii itnlll rnii luave. nmiariilillt. " - " ' nounca uaiociuiK'c. nupisnun an Intertetl plant In miniature growing ramedlr. and ir ootutantiy faumc to cure before your eyes. An arrangement If &;ll)$fc mirrors tuny no mane to in row me re- llcctlon of this on it screen or a wall, nnd the enlarged shadows will be very Interesting to watch. St. Vltoa Paar and all Serroaa OI-u .Im -.mJt .m II Lllli'. IIM.I .vifri ilniiorr. bona for KllKK S trtM botU an4 lrtauaa.ur.iuii.iviinc,fcaMrfwvDw " . I Not Quite In Ilia I.lnr. Kind Hearted Woman Why dia't you give up your Idle, uaeless way ot living and make a man of yourself? I don't suppose It ever occurred to you that even a person ot your itamp might tie useful In settlement work. Goodman Gonrong No, ma'am. I've done a little flat workln', but work In' a whole settlement Is too dog-gone rliky. , There la more Catarrh In this aeetlon ot the country man iioini uiajca pm ...., and until the laat lew jean waa auppoard he lnaurable. FraKrratmanr 'earattuetorapro ma....m...i i, i.wi .iiua,a. ami irccrtLulocal ,. ..! ... ...mlanllp ffBlllnV Ifl HUM with local treatment, pronounced Utneuratle. tlelencebai proven catarrh to Us a conttltu ttonal dlaeaM, and therefore leoulreseoiiitltu- DR. C. GEE WO VoaCerfol Home Trealnenl Thla wn -AtittX CO-!- Doe r M rallxl cr. at bmiw ba cur a nH wlllKMI ilr tiaiSat art. ttn tit ti ill. Ha run b ttvxw woodtrrat I hi n" brbs l" a. b'xta, barka aad rural w - bat an ntlril nn kninrn to Ri'.ll-ml a I- him Id ih a cvMtnr lir ircti Uiim or tbOMO liar m'i M r mKju-i. Tli a I luotdnr r knows toaa..tanofov-raOQOinrr ni rmdl awbJcni banaMaacfaafalr In ditUrant dlavaaai. Jle ruaraa mute racatar-b.a bmvUnr, threat lb DoialVara, ni-nrtaa rat, ilomacb. titrr, k!4 trri, tir.: hi buivrU et I ititnoolala. Charen mod' -al. Call ami hLn. la Unta cull or tba c-.r wrfi fTMan aao-lrircotan. bn4atamp. CO.NhlU TATIO.N lUKK. Addnaa The C. Cec Wo Chinese MetCdne Co, 162W first SL. S. C Cor. MorrlMO Mention paper Portland, Ortffoal II Ilnpiirna i:rrr NIkM. At tho end of one of tho, nos-dons nf the world's convention of t)io Woman's Chrlatlan Teiuiwrunco Union lu Bos ton, Mrs. U M. N. Stevens condemned the habit which so many men hnvo of going out between tbo nets nt the theater, "I am In hearty sympathy," snld Mrs. Stevens, "with a woman whoso hus band wild heartily to hor, nt tho end if an Intorchtlug drama: " 'Jove, what a play. I don't bellevo there was n dry eyo In tho house when the curtain went down ou the third 1 act.' "'No.' said tho lady, bitterly, 'but thcro t-cemod to bo tho usual number of dry throats.' " TWJCE-TOLD TESTIMONY. A Woman Who Has Suffered Tells How to Find Relief. Tho thousands ot women who suffer backache, languor, uritmry disorders ami oilier Kidney urn, will llnd comfort in tho worth of Mm. JanoFarrell, ot 000 Ocean nvo., Jersey City, N. J., who Buys "Iroiteratonll I Inuo said boloro in praiso P of Ikinu's Kidney Pills. 1 bail been having heavy back aches nnd my goneml health was affect ed whon I began using them. My feet woro swollen, my eyes puffed, and dls sy spells were frequent. Kidney action wna irregular and tho secret ions highly colored. Today, howover, I am a well woman, nnd I am confident that Doan'a Kidney Villa hnvo made, mo so, und aro keeping mo woll." Bold by all dealers. 60 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. tlonal uleaf, ana innreium nwrawaiiuM tlonaltreatmepu llaU'a Catarrh Cure, tnanu. laeturedbyK J.Cheuey ACo..Toledo.Oh o.t; the nnlr conttltutlonalcureon the market. It It taken Internally In dotes from lOdrou to a ieLK)onlul. It acta directly on the blood and muo hs aurlacea ol the .yatem. They offer one hundred dollars lor anv cao It lalU to cure. Bend lor circulars and teatlmonlals. Address. K.J.CHl..NEYd;CO.,Toledo,0 Bol.l by llrUR(lala.7ae. Hall's r'amllr lulls are the belt. , Thr Sufi Anaifrr. "I have already said 'No' to you, Sir. Vere." said Miss Hute. "I don't seem to bo able to mako mysolf plain, al though I have tried" "Ah, MIks llute." Interrupted 1'orcy Vere, "you couldn't do that, no matter how you try." "Well er of course, I shall nlwnys bo glad to have you call upou me, Mr. Vere." Philadelphia Press. ThisisYourPiano D ID m Mr k- hin atooil the tut for orcr v rears. and arc atillln the lra'l. Their abaotute certainty ofetow'h.tlitlr uncommonly larKeylclJa of delicious rrsctaMcs and beautiful rlowets, make them the moit tellalile and ine moit popular crery. ahcre sold oy an ucaicia. ivwf . Seed Anuual iree on request. D. M. FERRY CO., OitrOlt, MICH. B L-MM---i I 55ffffi Tha !.adrlc riano baa rbararlrr at lit own. UwMans lalulliirljr mtwulM IU rbarm. TMv la lu -hh-r .-barartrrUtl -mc rrDard a ad ayiapatbvtir. ao a4rril la IU awn-tana and fwllr that you manrl at 111 Hiirrv. frwu tkt Wr Mi tha prlMlph aa fliMl ta (ti IS alm-at wuaHly at a rvrlata frlir blh . lu lo at aw tb Nral of vfvntMair: few rwaith to axatjr -W i rMiM fWlt wliboat any addltlwia cliarB far ratat -. TV- abT plaau U I'ljW I prkr II f 3 d. lltcd at yaw rallruad atallwi. with atoul ararf and InatmrlkM ta II dMirvd r May vr fST.SK raah ard lb baUiirv Ir wwitbly er iiuartHrly payaMwta. Wa (Brnlat tkbt to oak. walnut or mibasany SATtsrACTIOM OUABAUTXCS bra y Irak a Ilk Sfcrftaa a. Clay A Co Pint jm kiaiw lb ia-lr la rtakl Kt-tt piaa I I'lHnl ta UU Senrva. On vvlv -as uwr. - au la. rVt tbv Mandli'K of tUK uk pria la a suaraala last all IMtr daalltfi wilt t. aattalartury. Ilraldra IIh ImIwIs pIlH an- mk irnu fur StWawav. Kaal-. A K. Cbaarv lltfrrtt. Maam A llanlln. Tarkanl. l'arbr-r Cuaoti r liati-y. hlauaHwy rJaMTaaa. Sim Ins. Williii, llamlaflan an. I ilrmlrla. anbn W alao all nricaoa and Vlrtar Talk I 'C MaibliM-a. WV k a S-- ais rata a Ean at tw. Writ fur ratal. r. prlrra and trrtna lu tarv aud mttllu that Ivu aaa tb adrtrtlaeatret la tUa papr. "the house or quality" Sherman, Clay & Co, SIXTH AND MORRISON STRCCTS orroaiTC t omcc. aaavuiaa rosTUKO tint uxui swunt inimcsxii men V, N. U. No, to-o; 'IlliN trrltlnt; tolertlaersiIui luvniiuu litis jiiar. W. L. DOUGLAS $3.00 AND $3.50 SHOES iF"i&S W. U DOUGLAS $4.00 GILT ECCE SHOES CANNOT BE EQUALLED AT ANf PRICE. SHOES FOR EVERYBODY AT ALL PRICES Mmi's Shoes, S3 to WI.SO. Itoya- Kline. .! to UX.'iS. Wuuu'n'a bliona, SUtoMLSO. Sllaae.'&Chlldrau'a hluia,J.'43 lu Hl.OJ. W. L. Douglas alioos nro tocoguuod by oxtHirt Judges of footwear to bo the bout In stvie.Ut aim wear iirouucwun tuts country. rcu part ot tha shoe and every detail of tho making Is looked after und vratohed over by skilled shoemaker, without regard to . time or cost. It I could tako you Into my larce factories ntl Ttnv-ktnn. Mm. nnd alinw vou linw curcfullv W. I,. Uouclasl shoos nro maito, you would then understand why they hold their shapo, tit bctto near longer, mm aro oi greator vmuo man any otuer niaKes. w. l lioniiut name ana nrli. aikl uilrrltir 1I1WL ItUI CWvr tutltU uitU crcfajfrcJy, r'1 ua fir s? . r aHT yjBh. mmm U, ..M.V VI..MW .I..... M... .....w. ...wn.w. and I'Hra It tauiicd on Ilia Ivltoin. whirl) prulrrt. II j. 'I'ukv .Ni hulialllulr. Hnl.l l.y Ida Iwl .N rclwfrcy. CutJloif iutI7r4. W.1.1IOUU1 IhaffMnvrairatiut fclrh liua ilwUra rTrrf wtwi . ,H, llrotnii,UK PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Color more toods brighter am faster colore than any other dye. One 10c package colors silk, wool and cotton equally well un4 W uarantccd lo give perfect results. Ask dealer, or we will send post paid at 10c O tuKaage, Writ far fice booklet how to etis, leach and mU celers. M0NR0C DltUG CO. ValomUlc. Missouri ,3