ir rfy- W I ft IbbWL The Minister's Wife By MRS. HENRY WOOD CHAPTER XIX. (Continual.) Sho swept away majestically, leaving 'Charles to make an Ignominious exit from (be bouse. Hut Charlea was not In n hur ury to do it. lie wanted to explain, jet with whom? The su1k1.mii was so hot an J .peppery, especially In the first blush o( .an affair, aud that an explanation with :hlm generally did more harm than good. Apart from tint, what explanation had 'Charle to jive? None. None that would be believed. Ai h stood thua thinking, 'the room door was idowly pushed open .and Iteglna appeared. "She's pine. Isn't she, Charley? Was hc very dreadful? "Very," returned Charley, shutting the 3oor. "When Aunt Ann tin a grievance, no one can com up to her, and It a many n year since she had such a grievance as this one," went on Iteglna. 'Oh, Char ley, what fun It wnI bow did you pluck ip the courage? and who was It?" "Just tell me what you've heard," said lie. "That you were at the Ilaymarket Theater, In Its most conspicuous place, bcaulng a lady with painted checks. We cot It all out of Janet. Aunt Ann's maid. You should hare heard Aunt Ann in her room last night, old Janet says, and all the name she called you!" "I suppose this baa been told to Mary?" "Trust Aunt Ann for that. Who was the lady, Charley?" "1 wonder, Iteglna, whether you'll be lieve me If I tell you something?" "Try me. Perhaps you are going to ay It was Gertrude?" "Gertrude Is at Great Whltton, you know. I don't know who It was, Iteglna, for I was not at the theater at all. I 'was In chambers all the night. I've heard of this already. A friend of Peter Ches ter thought he saw m there Just as you describe. It must hare been some fellow who bears a resemblance to me. Can't you get Mary to come down to me? Do, Iteglna. And you will please tell her from me that there's not a word of truth In the tale. I must see ber for a minute or two." "She will hare to smuggle herself down the staircase, then i Aunt Ann Is sure to be on the watch," returned Iteglna. "I'll go and see." Very shortly Mary came stealing In. 8be was looking pale, but In better health than before she went to Ilrlghton. Charles tood before ber in agitation. "Mary, before I attempt to greet you, let me assure you that the story which they hare got up about me Is utterly false. You will not believe it?" "Ob, no, no," she wildly said, as she burst Into tears and put her head upon Ms breast. Ha was about to clasp ber In his arms when the door was ilung back und Dr. Dyneror walked in. To Charle' confused astonishment, he found that all was known. The repudi ated bill for Jewelry; the lady with paint ed cheeks on bis arm at the theater; the imllet girls on his blotting pad. The last item had been confidently mentioned that afternoon by the bishop of Denham. The subdMn rang the bell. "The door for Mr. Charles Uaumgarten," be said -to the set-rant. Charley has Ho was seen "Docs Uncle Ilctiry know you are here?" idie suddenly nuked, "Why, of court.' he does. I van with him for half an hour before he went out, I have his best wishes, Gertrude; and your mother's also. Ah, my dear, you can II ml no excuse tor turning from mo uow." Gertrude rose, lie placed her hand on his arm and they walked together up the path. Irfidjr (J race looked at them from the window with a smile of welcome. Sir Kxerard nodded to her. remembrance rushed Into Iady to go over It again alone, been rettln Into a moss. - , .7 7 i " rcmcuiuranco rusueu miu nauj at the play m night In strange company. ., hfnr, a Moo of , , ,10r Again, the old bishop of Denham. calling ,.... . . ,. ., v. -,,. ,,, ,hll lUlf- at his chambers, found some very unor- CIIAITEIl XX. The trees at Great Whltton grew 'bright with the tender green of Spring, and the hedges were budding into leaf. Jrtrude Itaumgarten was slowly walking through one of the country lanes toward Avon House, enjoying the freshness of the morning. The sun shone, the skies were blue aud unclouded, the air felt warm almost as that of a summer's day, and the birds sung with a rapture that is ho exhilarating on tJiese days when all nature Is springing Into new life and beauty. Leaning over the small wicket which was placed only a few yards from the large Iron gates at Avon House, stood Iord, Avon, looking at her as she ad vanced. "Vou are back at last, Gertrude?" -At last?" she repeated. "Why? Have you wanted me, Uncle Avon?" "Not at all. Hut I have been watch ing for you for an age. What are you carrying In that small parcel?" "Feminine matters in which you can scarcely be interested," laughed Gertrude. "I've been matching silks in the village for my screen work, and It took me a long time, for I wanted many shades. Then I went on to see old Mrs. Whit taker, who grows more deaf and crotchety day by day. Are you watehlng for some one else, Uncle Henry?" "No," replied Lord Avon; 'I was only thinking, Gertrude. I am going down to the rectory presently; your mother wants me to ask thm to ooiue in to din ner." - "Oh, pray do," slid Gertrude. "It will make It less dull for them, and for us I wish you would tell me something," she continued, after a pause. "Well? What do you want to know?" be Inquired, certain in his own mind as to the nature of ber request. "The letter you were reading at the jreakfast table I chanced to see the writing, you remember, and said It was from Charles; upon which you put It tastily into your pocket, telling me that I saw too much and too quickly. It was from Charles, was It not?" "Yet. You are quite right." "Then why did you rush It away In that fashion, and pretend that I was mis taken, Uncle Henry?" "liecauso I wished not to draw your mother's attention to It. I did not alto- fair and colden as those of vour favorite f ether understand lbs letter, and wanted blossom.' thodox pen-and-ink sketches on his blot ting pad. Charley forthwith went down in his lordship's estimation, and lost somo work the bishop had Just offered him. 1 should like to hare seen the good man's face," broke off Lord Aron, laughing. "Hut U that all?" asked Gertrude. "It does tiot seem a very terrible affair, If there Is nothing more behind It." "It certainly sounds rather like a case of much ado about nothing," as.uted the earl. "Hut It Is not quite all. Charles has been going In largely for Jewelry and can't,-or won't, pay for It." "Docs he ask you to help him? Is that his reason for writing?" "Not at all. He distinctly disavows any motive of the kind; does not Intend to pay the bill himself, or allow any one else to pay It for him. He says he knows that Dr. Dyneror Is about to acquaint mi with the whole affair, and wishes to give me first of all his own version of It. Among other changes, the engagement with Mary Is broken off." "Hut that Is serious," exclatmed Ger trude, much troubled. "It will ruin both their lives. Who has done It?" "Dr. Dyneror, and on account of these matters. I'm sorry for Charley, and sup pom I must see Into It," concluded the earl, passing at length through the gate. He walked away. Gertrude went slow ly up the garden and crossed to a nat ural arbor formed by the Interlacing trees, and there sat down on a bench orcrshad owed by the flowering lilac and drooping laburnum. "If she and Charles should part for good, would Ererard return to htr?" shy ly wondered Gertrude, with flushing checks. "He said Why who Is this?" She half rose In her astonishment. Strolling down the broad path from the house came Sir Ererard Wllmot. Could It be he? Gertrude gaxed as one In a dream. Sir Ererard walked across the lawn and held out his hand. "I am so much surprised," she said, as ber own hand met his, and her lovely face turned to rose color. "I had not even heard that you were expected." "I came down from London this morn ing," he answered, as be took bis seat beside her. "When Avon was last In town he invited me to come to him for a day or two. Having nothing particularly on hand Just now, I thought the occasion too good to be lost. You are not sorry to see me, MIis Haumgarten?" "Oh, no; why should I be sorry?" flut tered Gertrude. "We must all be glad to see you, for it Is dull here. I often wish myself away." A moment' silence. Then Sir Erer ard took possession of the hand again, and bent a little forward, his face, slight ly agitated, turned to hers. "I am given to plain speaking, as you may remember, Gertrude; I cannot beat about the bush with One phrases, as some men can," be said. "My dear, I came here to-day with one sole object that of asking you to be ray wife. Ob, Gertrude t don't say me nsy again 1" She bent ber head and her changing face. Mia Haumgarten lost all her dig nity, and burst Into tears. Somehow he did not regard it as a bad omen. Per baps be was an expert at Interpreting signs and tokens. However that might be, he put his arm around ber and drew her gently to him. "My darling!" he whispered with im passioned fervor. "I see that you will not send me away." And Gertrude bent her face still lower as she murmured: "Perhap you have not heard Mary Dyneror and Charles tbelr engagement Is broken off." "Gertrude, don't you know me better than thatr be rejoined. "Did you not know, did you not see In the past days that it was not Mary Dyneror I loved, but you? When you refused me, refused even to listen to a word I would have spokeu, I turned to Mary In I fear I must say It vexation of soul. My dear, why did you treat me so?" Should she ever be able to tell him? Not yet, at any rate. She had mistaken bis frequent visits to the sick daughter of a lady staying In the place, friends of her own and of Lady Grace. A foolish, gossiping woman bad whispered to Ger trude that Mr. Wllmot was paying so much attention to this young sick lady that their engagement was an absolute certainty. Gertrude believed It, and be came at once so resentfully Jealous that when Mr. Wllmot, not long afterward, spoke to her, In her pride she retaliated upon him with Indignation. No, she could not tell him all this to-day, or speak of the sore repentance which bad ever since laid upon her. She drew herself to the end of the bench, put her hat on decorously, and es sayed to converse upon indifferent topics ; the beauty of the day, the scent of the lilac, the song of the birds. "Do you see that laburnum?" sho asked, scarcely knowing what she suld. "It Is my favor ite tree; the most beautiful of all trees; the most graceful of all blossoms." "Yes," be replied, "I almost agree with you. The country people call It 'gold chain' down with us," he added, smiling. "Down with you?" "In the country where my home is; the fairest county in the heart of Eng land. Soon to be your home also, I hope, Gertrude. My darling, may the chains that bind our future lives together be as Just no, In that very garden, In the days long gone by, had she loved and listened. Listened and loved and yielded to the lm passionate rows of hliu who alone uiml) n beaten of hsr life Gertrude' father, Kyle Haumgarten. CHAPTER XXI. Hand locked In hand, they stood to gether In the dusk of crenlng at the cham bers In Pump Court, gating Into one an other's eye Cyras aud Charle Haum garten. It was the evening after Charles' Ig nominious exit from the house of Dr. Dy neror. He had been busy alt day; had been in court, the Junior counsel In an Insignificant case; had made one at a consultation at Lincoln's Inn; had been occupied In other ways. The only per sonal thing he had found time to do for himself was to write a letter to Ird Aron. And now, the day's work over, and his dinner over, he was mentally de liberating as to whether he should at once apply to the police for counsel In Ms curi ous dilemma, or wait and see what the next day or two would bring forth when he heard the sound of a visitor ap proaching, The Minister's Wife By MRS. HENRY WOOD CIIAITEIl XXI. (Continued.) "Evcrnrd Wllmot," repeated Cyras, In surprise, "lie was over In Wellington, where I did make his ncqiinlntance. What's more, I was able to render him a service, which I know he has not for gotten to this day," "What was It?" "Don't ask me, Charley, for I can't tell you. If Gertrude has chosen him she has done well." "There's nothing certain about It yet, I fancy. Only, a bint was whispered to nie that Cyras 1" burst out Charles, as an Idea flashed across him. "it was you who came to my rooms here the night be fore last I It was you who pilfered the key from my old laundress," Cyras nodded. "I took the key from her hand, and let myself In with It," "Hut you need not have played up Old Harry with them, Cyrns; turned the draw, rrs Inside out, and ornamented the blot ting pad to the bishop of Denham'a pious horror and my own confusion." 'The blotting pad! H)h, I left that as a memento of my visit ; I had no card case with me," laughed Cyras. "Aud for the drawers, I had only a fancy, Charley, for seeing what you kept In your lockers," "You know the bishop of Denham?" "I ought to do so. He used to read me lectures an hour long. I remember he once told my father Hint he might to A frentlftmnn nt fee unit ftsv msnneps bad run up the stairs to the door which ! 'I' over mo the severe rod of correo bore on It the name of "Mr. Charles tlo-' Haumgarten." Knocking with tho silver "WH. was here the next morning head of his very elegant cane, hs had , rlr.- and In alt Innocence 1 gave him stood humming a tune until the summons blotting pad to use. ou may, per was answered by the boy, Joe. "Master , hfll". '" ' I' " Ms opinion f In?" he cried, airily, and walked forward , "' v'"n ,0M ' met ws ouirageu without waiting for a reply, as If he knew his way about the chambers, as well as Joe himself did. The boy stared In a mate- men t ; he bad never seen two people so ee. Charles thought his brother never would cease laughing. It was the best Joke, he declared, that he bad heard for many a much alike as this gentleman and his . " mntter. "Hut there are other things, Cyras," Charley, lad!" Joe beard him say In" ""' resumed, "and they are not in . itntlon I ou 'inre bee1 fixing my name to a bill." All tho mirth In the elder s face gave place to astonishment. "Forged your name to a bill 1" ha exclaimed. "I declare most solemnly that I have never done any thing of the kind, Charley. You may put down as much folly to me as you will; but forgery! You are dreaming, lad." "You bought a lot of Jewelry from a man named White," continued Charles, salutation The resemblance was certainly wonder ful. Height, figure, features, eren ths voices were the same. Only In the ex pression of the two countenances a differ ence might be seen. That of Cyras was gay, light, laughing, as If he had never In his whole life heard of a thing called care; that of Charles was thoughtful and rather sad. And their resemblance to tbelr late father, the dean of Denham, was who, of course, was no longer at any as great as It was to one another. ' " know who had so mysteriously "Don't you know me, Chsrley?" personated him. "You paid him by a Intense surprise bad struck Charles bill purporting to be accepted by me. Anu dumb. "Yes, I know you, Cyras, my brother; but I can't believe yet that it Is realty you." 'There's no mistaking the likeness," laughed Cyras. "Look at yourself In tba glass, and then look at me. Folks might vow we were twins. You arc silent with surprise, Charley." "I am more than surprised!; I am be wildered. Sit down. How long have you been In England?" A few weeks. Hut most of It has melts In Pitrls. 1 brought about three hundred imiuiuIs with me, and It's all gone, I've telegraphed out to old llrlce to send me more," "Why did you not pay the Jeweler at the time )ou bought Ills goods?" 'The bill came to so much mora than I had thought for and I hadn't enough In my pocket. Oh, it's all right, old fel low." 1 "And, pray, Cyras, If I may put so Ixild a question, for whom wvre nil those pretty things bought?" "For one and another. Home for my self. Some for Gertrude, Home to send out to Wellington." lhetl Jdll will go with me In these people about the hills, Cyras -the Jeweler and tho tailor?" resumed Charles, after a (mil so. "I'll go now, If you tike. I don't want to let jou In fur anno) mice, brother mine." "You have let me In for a good deal of that already, Cyras. Were you at the Haymarkrt two or three nights ago?" "Yes." "And there you were taken for me. nno was trio Mily7 it was hair over Irfiudon the next day that i had hern there In suspicious company." "What u Joke!" exclaimed Cyras. "I knew I was being taken for you, Char Icy," laughed C)ras, carelessly. "Some fellows nodded to mr, and one or two soke, and 1 nodded bark again and kept up the Jest." "A iwrry Jest for me, Cyras. I was engagitl to bo umrrlcd-to Mary Dyne vor." "I'm uncommonly clad t hear It." cried Cyras, stretching out his hand to grasp his brother's. ".Mary was the nicest of all the younger girls; as nice as Cyrllla." "I said I was engaged, Cyras. It Is broken off now. Old Miss Dynevor saw me, as she thought, at the Ilaymarket with some one I had no business to lie with; and she went home and told the suhdean. The twit time I railed In Eaton Place he turned me out of doors, and bade me think no more of his daughter." you " "Hut the bill's not due!" hastily Inter rupted Cyras, lifting his head In surprise. "It was due a day or two ago, and" "I made no memorandum of the date. How time tiles!" "Hut why did you attach my name to It?" "I signed It with my own name, '0. Haumgarten.' I made It payable here, for I hail no settlnl address In Iindon, with all of you out of It, north, south, east and west. That bill due! They been spent In Paris, not In England. I'e ! lldVt bring it to you, did they?" been sticking to work like a brick for a long time, and I thought I had earned a holiday; so I came over to the old coun try, to see you all. When I arrived I found you had all flown In different direc tions; you gone on circuit, and Ilerkeley Square shut up." "They are staying at Great Whltton with Uncle Avon. You should have sent us word that you were coming, Cyras" "I couldn't. I steamed away from Wel lington the very same day that I made up my mind to come over. The fact Is, Charley, I but I need not bother you by going Into everything." added Cyras. "How is the dear mother?" "Quite well." "And Gertrude? Is she as pretty as ever? Any chance of her getting spliced?" "Well, I can't say anything for cer tain," hesitated Charles. "Hut I should not very much wonder If wn heard of a wedding before very long. It Is Everard Wllmot." fTo be continued.) Jrraer. Tho Island of Jersey la ono of tho oddest corner of King Kilwnrtl'a realm. Anchored within alKht of France, orig inally peopled by sturdy Norman, tho Jontey folk of to-day present it utrnrigo racial mixture, forming n little world wlioro French nhruga are to bo een on English Hhouldcr. Within Jurscy'a limited aron of but ten mile ono way niid mIx In another may bo found tlio most varied coastal scenery, tho rtchcut follngo and rarest (lower, tlio narrowcMt of picturesque Htreet or lane, tho oldest of farm house, tho quaintest of fisher and farm folk, tlio Htrangest of (IhIi In tho St. Heller market, nud tho largest cabbage HtnlltH In the United Kingdom I Scoren of bayH, no two alike, Indent tho coat Komo with pebbly beaclicn; others with whlto or red sand door ; miiio bounded by towering cliff bearing ancient castle on their fuimmlbi; boimo Hlielvlug gently from tlio upland. Whlto lighthouse warn tlio antlor of tho over-present danger from tho sunken rockn lying In wait for their prey. Fair to look upon in n calm sea, tho coast of Jersey I yet ono of great peril to tho mariner. Four-Track Nowh. Turtlo eggB are highly prized In countries wliero they nro abundant, and though once commonly eaten In America, aro now seldom offered. Of course they brought It to me, be lieving It was mine. And I disowned It, and It's not paid yet ; and there's I don't know what work about It. It was a pret ty close Imitation of my handwriting, Cy." "It was my, own handwriting, and no Imitation of any one else's. I wrote my linuio as 1 always do, aud always have done. A we are alike In person, Charles, so we are In writing. You know It." "You have given mo little opportunity of knowing It of late," was the reply. "It must bo mouths since ou wrote to nie, Cyras." "I'vo made your letters to me do duty for both of us," returned tho free-aud-rasy Cyras; "and have sent you one of our splendid newspajiers In return. I have no end of business letters to write now, besides looking after the shipping; o that when the day comes to on vud 1 don't care to set to work again." "You seem to have taken quite a busi ness turn," remarked Charles, only half believing In his brother's Industry. "I took that a long time ago. It' a posltlvo fact, Charley. They are going to give me a sharo In tho concern." "And what about this bill, Cyras?" "Oh, I'll see to It," said Cyras, airily. "Don't let It bother your head, lad." "Have you any more bills out, Cyras?" "One more." "And made payable here?" Cyras nodded. "And what I the amount?" "Can't remember. A hundred pounds or so. It' a llond street tailor. I was obliged to have a regular rig-out. Colo nial tailors don't do for London." Charles Haumgarten recalled a rumor he had heard about a month beforo that whlscrcd Inqulrlo wvre being mado us to his finance. "Cyras, do you want to ruin tno?" ho cried, In a startled tone. "I must take up theso bills if you do not." "Take up tho bill!" echoed Cyras, "What for? You did not accept thciu." "Hut tho people think I did." "Jtubblsh! Lot them think what they like, I'll go with you to tho parties and show myself, and convince them of their error. Charley, lad, what n long face you are drawing! Just a you used to do when we were young boys and I led you Into a scrape. Didn't I always get you out of it then? And I'll get you out of this. In fact, you aro not in It." "How will you get me out of It?" "Uy paying the bills myself. I'll set tle all up beforo leaving England." "Why not pay at once?" "Can't," lightly returned Cyras. "Money runs away over here; It simply CIIAITEIl XXII. Cyras suddenly became serious. Tills has gone further than I Intended," he cried. "All my life I hare been gelling myself or other Into scraps, and 1 sup (Kwti 1 shall do so to lbs end of tht chap ter. Aud the best and the worst of It Is that I generally manage to cume out in worse colors than I deserve; as on this occasion." Charle looked up. "Have they been traducing you a well as me?" lie asked. 'The lady I treated to the theater was no other than Mr. Carrlngton, as good a woman as ever lived, although, as Tuny Lumpkin' would say, her cheeks are as broad and red as a pulpit cushion. Hut It Is all genuine color, Charley, Just as sho herself Is a genuine woman. "What brought you there alone with her?' 'asked Charles. 'That I was with her aUmr was an ao cldent," answered Cyras. "I treated Ikem to the Ilaymarket, and look three of Ike best seats. At the last moment, Just as wo were about to start In the cab, Car rlngton' old father came In to smhhI the evening, aud he had to remain with him." "I think you were Imprudent, to say the least of It," laughed Charles. 'The lady was wonderfully got up, I was told." "Like all bora colonists, she I fond of any amount of fans and feathers," re turned Cyras, "It was her first Intro ductlon to a Iondoti theater, and a great occasion to ber, and she put on all her war paint accordingly. Hut of other paint she had none, Charley; she Is loo honest and good for that." "Where aro the Carlngtnn staying?" "With his brother. Ho' a widower, and live at a pretty house, up Chelsea way. Decent, Intelligent people, Charley ; though, of course, not up to your mark." "And where are you staying, Cyras?" "II You may well ask It. Finding no homo open to mo on lauding, tho first Individual I drop;ed iion, after leaving tho ship nt tho docks, was Harry Hrlcc, He Is In Somerset House, you know; get ling on, loo; and was bound that morn ing on some expedition to tho customs. He told me you were on circuit; thought Ilia mother and Gertrude were nt Avon, and said I must come to them at Norwood. Down I went. Hut Norwood's out of the way for a fellow who wants to knock about town, and I came hack to a hotel. Then I went to Paris with Tom Howard, And here I am back again. And now you Know nil, unariey." "Quito enough, too," laughed Charley, "We'll go to White' uow." And Cyras agreed with alacrity. Tho Jeweler's shop wa lighted when they reached It. Mr, Whltu ami his ns slstant were both In It. Charles walked forward; Cyras hold hack a moment, "I hear that bill I protested, Mr, White," began Charle. "Yes, sir, or about to bo," answered .. , i .,...... . mo jcwciit. ami i muni say i am sur prised that n gentleman Ilka yourself should allow thing to como to such a pass. If It wrro not convenient to you to pay It now, you might have renewed It." "I toll you again, a I told you be fore, that tho bill Is nono of mine," said Charle. "I never bought the articles." Cyrns walked forward aud stood beside his brother. "Look at this gentleman," said Charles Haumgarten. The Jeweler gaxed In amazement, uow at one, now at the other, "Whnt docs It mean?" he cried at last. "Who are you, sir?" turning to Cyras. "Well." cried Cyrils', who looked iu the whole matter ns nn excellent Juk "don't you know m again? ' "You must be twins I" exclaimed t perplexed man, ' .... . j a as. "Nut at all," said I'yra. " n brothers, but not twins. I'm two yea older than Mr. Charles llauiiigarlen," "Hlr," said lbs Jeweler, I II ruing t Charles, "nlliiw mu to nsk why you dl not explain to in" that you hail n liroiln who bore to you so remarkable a Ilk ness? It might havo solved the mystery, "Heeaiise I inner thought of him at s In the matter I did nut know he was I Enxhiud. Of course, Mr. White, juu nu exonerate nie," "A If every one did not!" Inline Cyrns. 'The trouble, Mr. While, hn arisen from my careless habits. We o, niilsis nre pwterhlally creles, you kuo Making no memorandum of the dste, I d not know the bill was due, I have bee spending most of the Interval In Pari where time file, une forgets how qulckl; It will be all rlsH now, nud your hi will get paid without your troubling unites! It." They next railed upon the holder o tho bill, the Messrs, Jephsoil, who In lltei turn were equally surprised, the ride cynically remarking they might have lis, the wit to know that Cyras whs at th bottom nf the mischief. And then Ibejf, went back to Pump Court, when Charle had ordered a substantial supper fori Cjrras' l-'lirflt. Then Cyras grew confidential lie spekl of n certain fair daughter of Mr. Jauen the second partner of Ilia S'ew ',elaiil lions. Sh and Cyras wrre private!) engaged; and be declared that l( l rout, J only win her he should throw rarvlessnes In the winds and beeome a steady ns Old Time. m "Her mother, a well l-oru English worn an, favors It," oWrved Cyras. '"8hf thinks there must be any amount of lt ent gwxl In a iteNH's mi. Mr. Jaiisen op xts It; (tot Ibat be objects to Ut ier' siinally, but mi th senre of my want of prMetfts, He tld m nlMt blank that he wtniM l her to mi were I able tu become a imrtnrr III lb firm." The dlWcHlly Is Hiwiey, 1 silpposej. Cyras?" "Just so. Four thousand pounds, Thy . would give we a small shsre III It for1 . that sum." 'And yu hv net got It?" "I have never saved anything." "And what ef the young Isdy herself" I "I only wish It rested with her!" snst swvrrd Cyras. "She wwuld soon be iMlneJ Ah, Chsrley, If I could only encompass1 that partnership, It would steady me for life. If I have to part from her writ." I don't think I should care what went r with me, or what the end was -erlii4o ruin." Is Charles was silent. He retnembereiV 0 how passionately be and Cyrns had luteY each other as boys, although Cyras sll.h - , put upon him and Irrannlie over him J and he asked himself whether he slioulT r give up his own marriage fur a lime, antj save his brethsr. He hsd slxiut two thou sand pounds wit by; part of It It haV saved by degrees, ;mrt had come to hlinl by a recent legacy, If h gave that In Cyras, his own marriage must h del)ed, but he knew Mary would wall for him, It would be a grievous dlaapMutment ' both of lhi, hut ah mi Id dlsappolulinenl be placed In esMMiNirUun with his frtenl less brother's welfare -his welfare In this world, and, It wight be, In that to comet The other two tmHisaitd would no douM be HMHagsHl amung Ihstu - pfsibly b lrd Avon. "Vmi have net told me her name, Cyrns." "Anna. Anna Jansen. To me the pret tlest name In lite world. Ah, Charley, If you only knew hsr!" (To be continued.) An (lid Mw lllll. Of course there la nothing new tin dor tho sun, nud history must bo more or Iims iHtrrotllke; yet It la n blow to llud that wo nro not originating nny thing, even In our Investigation of current nhtise. The Stute Historian nf New York, In compiling wiino rwonls, recently brought to light soiuo nuieud (iiunt to laws, confirmed at "ye Gem-rnl Court of assize held III New Yorkr, beginning on yu fith & ending on yo 8tli day of Octulwr, H170." Tim follow lug cntchcN tho eye; "Whereas, diver Complaint ban been miide of tho groat nhiiio of brink Ing dend hogg Porgo Into this city A It not being dlMvrnlblo how lung they have Ihi'ii Klll'd by reason tliey nru( too often brought frozen, ho not ropit bio nf being preserved by Halt which tend much to yo dlsrcpiilacon nf that Commodity when sent nbnmd, nud yo .Merchant who Export It Into Wanner Climate, for yo reason aforesaid It Is Ordered, That henceforth no hogg or hogg hIiiiII lie brought deud to this plueo either fur sale or payment of Debt, except It sliull bo In cask well Salted A Packt according to yo Law, otherwise muniik't or dried of which all person aro to tako No (lev. mm llieyj will answer yo contrary nt their Per-1 rlllM." When wo nttoimd to outdo our re doubtable nmwtflta, wo do "It, It ap pear, nt our own "PerrllU" of dead j failure. - ) The Mlllloinilrn's OlHiiise. ' 'That millionaire yonder ma cheated mo out of n fortune." "How? Wouldn't ho lot you marry his daughter?" "Worse than that. Ho novor had a daughter," When iipooiu becomo discolored from eggs scour them with lino table salt. This will removo tho discoloration, which Is caused by tho sulphur In Un egg. SsWasUm fgn"-