The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 15, 1907, Image 5

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    LOCAL lifts.
I'ifly r cent cut on lovei nnd
VilUeiH nt Merrill' Hcml-Ainnn
"Clciiuiice Sulc.
Alfalfa jind rye huy, wheat nml
polled Imtloy Kriilii, "tut potatoes
for wilfc toy Ami Anne.
Yellow, white aid purple cro
Ctiici ImVe Illicit in full bloom thin
j, weal: mi the Drnfcu biwu.
The Demi MdOnritile In making
KoiK price cut on its tmiircaioik.
c;ul tiicir ml. on the ftrwt w,v.
V. It. Ouorlu, Jr.. bcCl for Port.
hud Sunday morning nftcr attend
in); to IiiihIuc.hs milliard in JJetid.
, The Hcml bond will glvie n St.
.Patrick' dance tomorrow night,
Saturday. Lot everyone attend.
The Merrill Co will moii have n
tine liuu of millinery good for -wle
Save your oidein Tor rtpriitK nml
Milliliter lints.
J. N. Hunter. W. II. tftnat niiiI
A. L. Coodwillhi wr tiiiMiciiiiK
liuiiiH Itr Prliunrllhr Wednesday
mid Thursday.
ho not forget Mfrrill'a Semi
Annual Cltnmmt Sal, latlrtg un
til Mirch 15. A great price cut mi
1 yery artid In mock.
Rtr. Tuvenor'a theme for ht
next SUttdny eveulog aermon will
t "Pub Sunday, or the Tri
umphant ltntry into Jerusalem "
C. M. Weymouth. Fred Shoo-
I neat, awl Mr. ami Mr. Henry
W. WMUHUt no final Koof on
timber clatwrn Wefoe Commiiwioocr
Kill thU week.
Paul Kmoiner, after an extended
residence In Ileud, wilt leave to
morrow inn-iilug for the old home
ai Waileun. Minnesota, where he
will reside in the future.
A uutuhtr of limber ember out
fit'twt lit Hcpd yeMcrdriy morning
aiul went .south .to crtttsa timlcr
lor n Portland firm. It is the Mine
crew that cruised In the Sinter
country hint fall.
Morrill's Clearance Snlc will be"
continued two week's longer, or Un
til March 15. The cut prices he is
offering ate selling Jiii goods rapid
Jy. If .yen want bargains in clothing-;
drew goods, etc., call on him.
Big; Cut in
Stw I'elltc Prnnw, regular price vTr,
piisfijfc or JU.. mm OL
Hard Water Castile Jfcwp, formerly -toe
jht lar. cut price iw
i'tdl Crwiu CIimim, iwjrjuUr f h
irlb.:nuw Is7
I'wr ot VmillU, former rire
c; now
ttitrl few CUum, (rwr pUe
kh, how ,
wrreii and ttUck Ten, CuriMrl
Vci now
iviipM Mmli, fonswtljr iy. iO'ir
1 until Mant Co.'a ghfeiMeu.
frwh, formtr jKke ife. now
Wunwr's WhlU I'hMtlng Nwp
wr loclMr: now
minion, 1 Hi. can, sawa now 'Jizr
for v &0
- ivM-ent Wheat ltake. wi OCp
1'orot, ikhv a for iu-
nillfcnlliiM, larinerly ioei C,
now l7V'
I'erfeetlun Stock Cataup, wh ,m?:0 C
ur XCU
I'ouHtalu AnrtMiU. fonnar price 9 Ap
hiu J3C. now xiVv
lomiuUi (tupaa, formerly 5".
now ..'
- .kx1 Coflo, was ,
miulry Ihwp. foriHarly S '"" "b Kf
sc; now 7 for UV
Mimtowi, cam 2SC
in. former price Jjct IOC
rKe 1 euch l'runea, forow r Q ) V'
1 rice 10c; MOW., 1 v? V
Minulii Veache. former tuli'e
jv; "'
tintaln HlMwIierriea, former- Eip
U 10c: uow ZfVI
-INIJ irowriptiiM)8 fiUod by nn
Springtime is here with Its housecleantafc and ge'ri
cral rejuvenating. Get In line and paint Up a little-.
I have a line and dandy and complete line of
Paints, Oils and Stains
A lot of iYUV stoves, from
the big kitchen range. A
from. Come and look them
Stoves $2.50 to $60
Bargains--Evcry ono of them
J. I. WEST, - - i Bend, Oregon
Mn. C A Jones left this inorii
uitiK for I'ortlitnd.
Merrill it H-lling huts ehcnp dur
ing hi Clearance Sole In fnct the
price is cut in two.
lleclc Hoxsie. a registered lar
ber from The Dulles, ha; arrived in
lUnd ami mnile arrangements to
efn the Tripktt shop.
Mr. ami Mrs. I'. I,. Tompkins
left Iteml last Monday morniuK for
Howl River where they will reside
hi the future if that place suits
5. C. Caldwell is seating; the en
tire room in his building prepara
tory to puttinx in his stock of hard
ware, lie expects the stock to nr
rive liclwceti the 1st and lith of
April. "Mill" Stephen Is helping
iu the scaling.
C. II. Dinwiddle, county school
siicriutendcnt, writes The llullc
tin that "No legislative enactment
of the recent legislative assembly
affecting the school laws ol Oregon
....II lu. ( Cgwtt ...till fn. ,i nrf
Hill ill luiki. un,.. ,-), vw
at which time we hope to have n
copy of the revised school laws iu
the hands of all school district
A. I,. Goodwillic is making scv
crnl improvements t nrortnd his
place this spring. One of them is
the building of three 'stone pillars
a few feet from the south wall of
his house. The pillars arc built of
native stone In the rough and with
green vines growing over them
us is the intention will give n1
very pretty effect.
II. l. Davlta is in Ileud from
Wilbur, Vnsh., and will remain
here for some. time. Last fall he
was here flim" purchased laud under
the I). I..& J'. Co.'s canals. He is
acquainted with irrigated lands in
Washington and is very favorably
impress! with prospects iu the
Ileud country. Monday he went
out witli Mr. Chapman to the lat
ter's homestead near Powell lluttes
and looked over the laud iu that
Japan's Unl Attitude toward America!
Amvriemi lltotliiMii: I conic 10 liny
lmiil of freedom ttlwiil 11 yer mid n half
huo. Hlme then I am freely enjoying
American lilxrty. I notice, here, oven
mall lxy and girl ore kimt. rJicy
treat me, l range' -Iwy. jiwt a tlielr
fiiiulllar friend. , . ; .
During the famine In Japan, about
tliii. time. Iat yer, 1 was in ,Sct1l 1
school On Any, the principal called
me to hl oirice, and prothichig one
dollar he told ine, tlwt that money wan
collected among low third-grade piiplU
to ulM-ritM to the relief fluids. 1 lien
be Hntrtl me to take It to the Japanese
eoiuiil. which 1 did wlhigly.
Afterward I heaid that a little ai" 1"
that urade had lead, liefore claw, from u
?.....k -.mi. luiiliHile itoi e almiit
the famine, and then she had prwpod
to collect money for tho lHMir Miller.
Her icuneal wa proimiliy annwered,
utul iHfiiiiy after pennv, nVket after nicV
el.lroi.Md iu to la" which fluallv
I.. .... Ilia! mi.' llulllir. Uil IIMH I"
tlioM- teitdcr little heart which did Hot
li-kitate to Miniiauiue wiiii i"
muiie-mrlckeu 1" a far reuiole- am !
. tl t-libn
'TT".:",' .V..,-fl.,4.i rluhl
American Bre."r. " . 7 ?.
roiunne. are fully ex.Ia iietl from this
nice Utile lo-y. 1 l is ,u!1 0,ll
Willi thow little' Qhlldren. I rt u Itow
freely enjoying ur KeoorltJ ai Id
kluiluew til ll ttiuil 9T ltuiin. . U
f "... iill..V Innrll llf Inllll VOllf KlIUl
the tlinkV little heater to I
line assortment to choose
you are dolui: ihi nobly My country,
my nation, including fin fifty million
people have been iMthiug in the nhowers
of your kludnoM nml geticronity for
n toux time.
Since fifty years nun the American
Coitiunidore I'erty went over, nml
iinene I Inn for the rest of the world
bow much do we lo yo? fann
wat a liiixl of a liaby, then. She did not
know what to do. It wm votir country
which iua the firnt and fair treaty
with Japan. Then the advitetl hi, and
Axed the cuttoni duties at a fair rate.
The JatMitete government believed from
beginning iu the sincerity of yonr coun
try, and whenever anything hpjcned
with any other country, the Japan kov
ernment first lakeil with the American
minister, and atkrd him what to do,
and bw to do.
In the development of material civili
ati4)i) we had n Krent aid from your
country. Iu the development of edtica
lUm and democratic ideas which are
the most important MrU of the real
civilisation, you have helped us to a
threat extent. America xnt us many
HiiMtonarie. America cttahlished
many colleges nml schools in Jaian.
They lucateil the many Japanese,
many of whom have since become prom
inent men.
Moreover, a large number of Japanese
was educated iu your Country vlio re
Umiwl to lanau. and cducatci their
eop1e. A large uumlicr of the Japan
ese is now iu American schools; many
of them are carcil for, by American
fnmilics as their own sons.
Then It is miitc iilaln since Americans.
hne done nml arc iloiui' so much for J
the cdticntlon of the Inpancse, that her
democratic Ideas would thus be poured
into the hearts of the Japanese a ureal
Imlr'.d, America did a great deal In
every way for Japan. We owe very
iniicii to your country. Aim noininj;
will explain plainer and shorter thnn
wiiat my irieuu iiuimie A-Ki-ia siys,
"America is the mother of lapan." It
is a belief nuipng us, that if c had not
the muthcrly America probably wc
could not make sucn rapm progress in
half a centurv.
In the latest u'tiMlan war while
America mantaiiihn:.n strict neutrality
she aided my country so far as she
could, both materially and morally.
Wc nrc i-ratcfnl tto yonr country. Our
ho-uus swell villi thsukfulncss See
what a strong moral influence America
lias in Japan. lie American minister
OriiKUiu, who is, I think, now the am
bassador to llraall, had a ureal reputa
tion among the Japnue3 Mud cut circles.
HeiiMMlto l'O from collcre to colleue
sneaking to students. lie would rattier
Ik called l'rof. Grinmn. Dr. Harris,
who is called "the father of the Japan
ese" in America and who presides oer
all the Methodiat churches iu Japan nml
Korea, is welcome even by Itudhlsta.
What did rjriuli I-to, the author of the
Milanese constitution, many times the
nrime minister nnd now the real ruler
of Korea, sav when he was starting for
Korea? "What I want to do Iu Korea
is what Dr. Harris and George Kenunu,
(the famous American writer) have sug
gusted to me." You may not know in
the very diplomatic department of the
Jukiiiohc government there is nu Auieri
onn pdvlscr who has wrved for nliout 36
Awl even very simple, unlettered old
faimem, who listen oauurly to their edu
cated miii'h nml griimlMurs wonderful
talks, will toll you that thuic is a coun
try called America who is always kind
to their country.
Since the two wmntrlo arc friumlly
conueetud by " glorious ti, if aii
trouble may happen, it will be settled b
iHith governiuculif, with n uood will, ami
liy a peaceful moans. Thu Jaj,iiieso
Boserumeut is always trying to promote
tlie mutual fueling, nnd nut to hurt the
American interest and the American
sentiment. One is not allowed by the
Kon'rmueut to couio over here to Ameri
ca, if lie has money enough, uulesn.ho is
u uriidiuitc of a liigh school, or any
other M'hool corresppudlug to it, and he
belongs to well-to-do family, nud his
iR'isoiwhty is good and pure, which the
Kov eminent sees through jhiIIcu.
AtHiut two mouth ago, when the
jupdiiese traiuiug siiuatlrou was expect
rd to Mtil over, ami visit Auiericau ports,
what did the Japanese here say? They
wne anxious to weleotile the glorious
hIiIim'uiuI men from home, hut since the
iiuesliun iu San lTanen.eo was still un
settled, that would noj. he u good tliuu,
inl, did not the Japauesu goveinmunt
ullamhm it undertaking promptly? ;
Then whv are wc ,o iuinIous 'to re
iiullii friends Vlih Amerlcn? HecaiiM It
Is ortr inurnl'obllgatlonj ami hocause It Is
nttiirintely nccensury flit thu ecuritj- of
our very existence nud prosperity, Ja-
Fit r.rwnTifinm
psu Is the only country who, rising irorii
n different race, Is enjoying a mil
equality with the world powers, ll Is
naturaf, If very often we become the alrtt
ofjcnlousy, So of ten the voice 01 "ief-Ifiw-perU''
win raised aealust lis.
If w'e hnMc mine Uiffercnl thoughts
nml some different custom, human
hearts heat JfW the same. Japan rrlilU
lc undcVstddA thoronuhly throughout
the woYld, tor at least, by the Unglleh
speak lui; p&pte.
Klght nftcr the IloxeJ- war-, whe'rl
Chinn ws brought lo the Tate of being
divided mouc the ixjwer, it was Great
Britain, the United Sutcs and Japan,
who cried together that "apau must be
ircscrwil as she Is." When the Anglo
apaiicc alliance was organized wc bc
Icved America could not join it only be
cause of the nature of her institutions.
Those talks, that Japan wants war with
America Ik-oi'isc she wants to jjet Hawaii
and Philippines bccauM: she wants to con
trol the Pacific ocean for herself are all
foollrh and absurd. Just one year ngo
there were muiiv rumors which raid.
Japan wanted to purchase the Philippine;
nnd now they say, Jnau wants to get her
uy lorce. wont a cnangc It HI
If Japan hnsniiynmbltiou on American
territory, which rightly belongs to licr,
tueujnpnn will ic a robber. II Japan
wants to control a highway ocean, for her
selfish puriose, which must be used for
the good of the world at lnrge, she will
be a roblcr, too. Whatever excuses she
may make, she cannot be better at all
than a robtjcr. Will Japan when it is
her time lo try hard to promote her civ
Miration, to tr to be understood thor
oughly throughout the world, thatl
the Japanese are a peaceful and right
eous nation; when it is her duty to fix up
the wound iu the hearts of her widows
ami orphans which stilt hurt; when her
people are iMtirntly paying the same
heavy taxes a thoe at the time of
war, lie preparing for a robbery war
against the most righteous country, to
to whom site owes so much, ami where
man) men, papers nml religious Indies
are all her true syuiMthixcrt? Oh, it is
horrible even to think of it!
When I am writing this I am think
ing of onr book "L'ncle Tom's Cabin."
Once I read it, ami I wept. Truly the
power of kimlpess and sympathy from
the very bottom of a human heart are so
strong. Jtvon that cold nud dreary
heart of the negro girl tochefl with the
liuruhig lips U that dying, little, angel
ic UvsiiKfliue' America has done more
than Itvn. Is Japan still indifferent' I
she a Hone? Hut. you know- the lion
cits did not forget her benefactor.
Why is it then, that some pacrs Utile
of a war so mnch? Hut do not let rue
jmlge them. I.nit Christmas time, a
certain paper hi Seattle, that hail been
writing on war-topics, appealed to its
readers to snbsCribe money for the
Christmas presents for those kept In an
asylum. When finally it got f 180 from
the Japanese, while f 110 from the Amer
ican, how it praised the Japanese
which they did not deserve!
Thus far I wrote. I do not know'
whether I tumlc, you convince that there
would never Ik a war between the two
couutriesor not. Those papers have
had suci a great influence on you, and I
am but a poor, miserable stranger-boy;
for his cries who pays many considera
tions? I will tell you, if Japan wants n
war, If I be allowed to join the Ameri
can army, 1 will rigiit lor your country.
I wiU'fight against Japan although she
Is the lii' me 61 my emperor, my
my brothers, and my friends, whom I'
dearly love!
any love
Irrcthrctl. His the twentieth century!.
Do not let ns repeat the same history)
with that of the nineteenth century,
when crimes were committed under iv
bcaruffnl name, War! war! war! and
when will a war cease? If the two couu--trics
in a relation of mother and daugh-,
tcr still have to meet face to face ns en
emies, where is Christianity? Where
is humanity? Chriit ever lives iu our
hearts; not only lwcnuse he is the sou of
Ktcrnnl I'uther. but also because he
died for those who hntc him. Man is
not born to enjoy selfish fortune, hurt
ing his neighbor' happiness. He is
horn entirely to do good nnd work for
another. Nations should have to. do so,'
nud then no doubt wars will forever
extinguish. All of us must dfe Wore
the dawn of the next century. Iet ui
strive while we live, nnd try to get a
glorious victory iu this century.
Por Sale.
Rhubarb plants, good thrifty
ones. Enquire at experiment fnrm.,
H?o Central Ore
gon Banking 2
Trust Company
Capital 525,000.00
Transacts a General Bank
ing Business.
Acts us Administrator', Ex
ecutor or Trustee of Estates
Issues Drafts and Bank
Money Orders on all Foreign
Interest on Time Deposits
Safe Deposit Hoves.
Fire Insurance.
I) I R 11 CTOU S:
A. M. Drsku, A. I.. Oooilwiltie,
Prwililont. Vice PrM.
J. M. I.uwruiico, Secrotary.
-. P. 0. Minor, Cuglilur.
JlliNpvn -.v..ry ,OHKGOK
i un r ii fT'
nirsM mi
A C. LUCAS, Proprietor
Tables supplied vVith all the delicacies of the JfeaTron
Pirst-class Kquipnient
All stages stop
Qood Rigs -t
Central Oregon Real Estate
Timber and Desert Lands a Specialty
If Wc buy or sell your land no matter where situated. We can sup
ply you with any class of land at any tirne. Call on as or write for
further particulars.
Shop ano
IUths i.
New riouse, New Furniture, Reasonable ' Rates. Good Rooms
Always Reserved for Transient Trade.
Coinifiission nd forwarding
Large, Coannodtoas Warelroosc. tosHgHBeats'Selicitei
Prompt ettcntfon paid to (hose who
-. favor me with their pairjrj . ..
Bend Livery & Traiisf tirStaftle
U Very, and 'iPEfi6 stable
First-CIass Livery Riffs for Rent. TJwb Ne. 15
Bond street, between Minnesota and Oregon,
General Blacks ftuihinS. and Wagofi Repairing
Our shop is located
From BEND to SHANIKO and All Interior Points
New and. Uptodate Outfit
Special Attention to Traveling: Men
The Most Scenic Route In Central Oregon
Best Eating Houses on Any Stage Line
For Rates to Land Locators
F. O. MINOR, Bend, Or., or W.
How AboXib Your BusmeSs
$ifr tf lWmat Ioes Itf Look Decent?
? fcttUil y Or does, it ipake,you fol , sour e$-
pry timett lopkt,? ,.U
of printing to The Bulletin.
Fine Robtite and Beds
at the hotel door
Reasonable Charges
-- "-
Bead, Oregon,
opposite Baptist Church. j
and Timber Meu, address
, Or.
J. BUCKLEY, Agt., Shnnlko
it doexgiypyqtn; jn)
It torints the decent khL
vt niwuvM