PROCEEDINGS OF OREGON LEGISLATURE Tint following are noiiin of tliu morn ItiiiHirlitnl niHiHiin'H pniod by Ixith iouMN of tlui legislature at lliu session Jllntl'IKllll. . . . . II. II. 3d, Hums For puin foods wtttl leyiitntlug limmllng of mini). , II, 63, It'lvUloil Of lltW CHJIIItllll (IV)r rn-ordlng conditional sales of innchlnery. II. M. 67, Henls Per for corxmi. lion cnplliilUed for looto tlmn l,000,. 000. II, l, 01, Join of Lincoln nml I 'oik For convention of district n'IhxiI IawnI. II. II. 76, MeCiio Providing eleik of master Hull warden. II. II. K4, Freeman AutliorUlnic dlr x-ltloti of rstntn it dlicetcd by will m ttliiiut order of Probata court. II. II. KB, Freeman Awsliig ltnk tilcnk. It. II. HO, Freeman Defining xiwois of county U-nnln of cqunlliatlnn. II. II. HH, Froemnii Utvy mid eoHee dun of Iltl1t. II II. M), Fireman Mom ullk'lmt system for renrtrini'iit nml uunlloh. II. II. 07. Htwn For display of buildings HAILWAY8 GIVE AID Colonlit HfllBi Promote tlio Upbuild' inK of Northwestern 8tates. Iiw one-way colonist riitos lo tho II. II. !!ftl. DrtVnv Allrulfilv..i.lln.. INorlllWCMlt llfO ItllltllflU largely III BOt- of street or Alley In iiuliic.irKrrited ,IH"K Up Uio states of Oregon, Wanhlng- lowiwoii Mtltl(iii of on hum of nhtitlltig ton and Idaho. Theso reh.cod fnn-s pniiurly only. II. II. tfol, Dnvtiy Pinning stiito ptlnter on Hal enlnty of $ 1,000 put mi lium beginning In 1011. II. II. 270, Vnwler Iiicmislng fi-cs for mlinliviloii to tlm lir. II II. 271, Freeman Making 1 1 ok personal proHrly. II. II 270, Iktrtutt of Uiiinliltn Ap propriating 110,000 for ownilloii of xirtngii rnrnl lit Tim Dulles. II. II. 21)7, Fnrroll Extending limit on Inmate Inl.or to iiiermtitllo hourcr!. II. II. .'102, lrciiiiui AlxllnlittiK f-H pulil dMrlit itttutnit) In dlwirco nuieM, 11.11. 301, Dobbin Creating Tenth Jinllt'liit illNlrk't. 11.11. ;I17, Pike Creating Twelfth Judicial district. II. II .'121, C'omintl Revising nml roiiiilllliK ntuto Intiil Inws. II It. .'iM, Newell Abolishing $1 ruid miII tux. II II. .'till, Reynolds Increasing rnl nrl of atiperliitundtiiit nml iiNdstnnt physicians til uliito Iiimhio nmtliiin, ll. ii. ann, i-ieomnn Autiioriung t'liltwl Mate ttriK on k'IhxiI II. II. 101 r I('mA'proprlntliig nherlffn to replace hint Ux d-d. ft, 000 fur jwliol Imiu for mwder llsh . II. .11(4, Perkins Allowing conn wnrden. 'ly fmlt lnsieelur actual traveling ox II. II. 102. MrCue lltNiiilrlnit N'hool H-tiM. lut-lets in leiMiil to stale stiixulntriid i Aiuonir tlm inoro Itnixiiuuit hills out within K (lay nftir minimi H'lnwl wlilrh with vel.d by tlio governor urn. meeting and to IhiIiI tit lml ItHir Tliu Hpiprlntlon bill for Drain nml month of le.Mwii to lm entitled to share Monmouth schools. TIiIh action una ot apporllniiiiintit. (taken on tlm ground Hint cauh rchool II II. 1 2J, Join of CIm'Uiimii Kx' rhiuM lmv Ihhui provldol for hy nil tmwIliiK lirovUliui" of liitltlntln inl IihIimmmhIuiiI hill, nml th Kornor nlmi LAND MOSTLY TAKEN Mermen Declare Forest With drawals Come Too Late. tiro iHtrlinpn the itrmtcut fnotor In In ilncliiK liiimlKmtlon oulnido of tlio pub- llolly work of tlio vntioim uIiiiiiiImim of cointui'rco of tlicno lnti. Tlio mil- utun nro woVklnu Imml In hit nil with tliu roiiimoiclnl Ixxlloo iivcrywliuro In tlm ruulflc Northwiiit to Hwullthu num ber of rwlttorn In thin territory ColonlHt rati ara tint now In Wititcrn rullnxulliiK, biHnt no tlmo provlounly biuo limy Ikmhi no offwtlvo In diverting tnivol thin wny hm nt pruumt nml tho blitit eolonliu moreinunt in tho lilt tory of tho ruclflc Nortliumt U prollct l for tho four npriiiK nml fnll iiiontlm of 1007 wliun Um rcluctxl onowny furcn nro in cfTout. Tlm (trow th of tlio woiilwnrd inovo inont I dtiu to tho Ixittor tulvvrtlHltiK ami oxnloltntlon iiioUkxIii of coiiiineruiul IhkIIm nml mllloniU nml to tho KrowiiiK domilty of jiopuliitlon In tho IJuit, when many nro nblo to II ml inoro coiiKi-nlnl r-iirroiwdliifcu by inovlni? nwny to n xrt of tho country win-re thoto In nioroot Ihiw room, whoroelliiuito In inoro cun hlo tho yenr nrouml nml whoro Intid In cliraMtr nml lore worn by icikiiUhI crop pliiK for yM. Thcro comlllloiiH conuioiiio 10 mo cotmtnnt "trok" wctilwnrd which 1m n HlKiillU'nnt niovi'im-nt in tho hhtory of tho Aincrk'nii coiitliii'iit nml which dntcrt from tho ilnyH it tho Oillfornln urKonntitri of '40. Hy pmlrlo K-lioonor DOOR LOCKED ON EMPTY STABLE RAILROADS ARE BLAMED. Otharn Dofnd Pretldenl't Policy and 8y Action Will Stop Further Timber Speculation. refiintiHliiin toeltJo. wHintlw nml ill trktfi. II, It 142, (Jrny Crtwtloic wiuiinU ubiu for A. It. HiirUnk Inwl fund for nn orplittint' limn. H. II. 143, (Irny Kxtmllin cbrl r.moii for t'hliimp pliiniit. II. II. 160, McCmo TollnMUflfnlmon oititHmlri tlmt the xoplo do not wniit fiHir iiommN. twintr Kn)' hill provldliiK for pir 'iIpIiiiikiiI of wiiKt of public oinployoH. JoIiiimhi'h nml bill. I IU'pnintntlvo IVrklim' bill K-nnlt tinit onlmrilUlii to kill hlrda wlilili do ktinv I'tir n. ""irirVo'l, Nowrll-IncUiK PI Tlm uu-n-uro hy IVnol, provldln for proprlnllon rtnto Library wiiiiiiImIoii .' uwMim. to 10,000 r Milium. "y IIInmIi dwnKlni. Irrlpitlon Inw. II. II. 107. ttvrlilit Allowing i'rillnii tho olllro of -hom.', dairy oMiiity rlorkt to rriiUtrr rlwtoni othnr nm riMiuit'ry InaiKi'tor. Ilinii In liUnllliw nml uImIIIiiHiik cmd. jnc,N,v bill clmnuliii: IUIiIhr lawn. "TiiuJitm:.. ... w..i.i -1 'frr '"" '""'""" """" II 11. 181. lUrrnlof Uinalllln IVf ni iiihh-i ""'". ...".. mid by rlilp tho plomotn cnino to eettlo 'inlrwl ' i. vwt HlMomcMi. Klnco tho tunwun. P'vle In dv , tli.i-ntnl rnllrondH hnvo Ik-oii built, tho "Ko, raid a It mvoiid Konvrutlon low found an nutlor iiMnlc of rwikliiK out tho K'nt Went but thj inovoiiictit lm by no imiuiM cndc'l ami In on In Ktontur voluino tlmn over buforu. HITS ROCK OFFIEUREKA. tulttliiK win of flrmrina nml ninmuni lion to Imllnn. If II. IHH, llniwn ImnlldatliiK wllln of unimirrlpd jioii ul"numit to llndr Hwrrlnuo. II. II. 100, Iktriilt of Wiinhlnnton rrovldlni for comt ruction of cmnty KMiila on mutiny iuviphhi num. All bill" rmitliiK now dlftrlct iiRfl oiiltiunl mx lot bit or IncmialiiB nppro printloiii for falrn, Stockhotdera Mutt Pay Up. Miilforil Stoi'kboldoM In tlio Mcl (onl A Cnitor liko mllwny will i-o for . .. .. ........i ...nil iuiiu.i in iuv inr 01 I'ortland, March 7. Opinions vary nn to the prohnblo effect on tho tlmlx-i and luinbor Induatry of the Btnto tluit will rcniilt from tho wholooalo wltk dmwal from public entry of tho oddi tionnl 4,061,000 ncrcn that have been nildmi to oxIrIIiik forct reoorvcM by tho dln-ctloti of rrraldent Itoonevelt. lw Kora, tiuiix'rinrii nun iinnocr 111111 ujmt iorn. bowovor. nro very Kcncrnlly nirreid on one linixirtniit fact, nnd that Ih thnt nny pioceelliiK tnnt nwy now 1 tnken town'dH protect Itift tbo timber hinda of the ntnto from liirtlior donieua tloiix of HKoculntoru nnd land thlovef will lie jutt nlxiut on eftuctivo an to plnco the lock on tho iituble door nfter tho mnrohiiR been atolen, insofar as furnlnhltiK protection to tho prevent tlmlor Knmtli of tlio Htntels concerned, "rractlrally every aero of merchanta ble timber Innd not nliendy Included within tho forcut renerve provloua to tho president 'a wbolwnlc order wan nc- tilrcl hy tlmtx'r innu Bpecuiawjoi or KliialH ah IOIIK un iwo years loail tlmlKT land dealer. There Ih no prmpect that tho lo)lK nml lunilxirinK Indus tilen will sutler nnv leilousftetbnck on account of tlio enlnred forest refoivcn. -ir. .iiunn, of tho firm of Mann A MontRomory, however, feiM that 0110 evil will result to the lowing Industry. He rays It Is true Individuals aro placed on un equal footing with corrntlons and larger In terests in purchasing from tho govern- tltnbur thnt is located on Innus within tho nucrves, but ho says tho dltllculty will lw expcrlcncoil by tho smaller doalor In gottlng tho timber 10 puitlinBod off of the government land nnd to market. "I bcllovo President Hoosovclt did exactly right in withdrawing these lands nnd in doing anything else that will tend o protect tho timber Inter cuts of tho slate," raid Mr. 1'oulsen, of Securo All Practical Men That Work on Panama Canal. Augtistn, On., March 4. ''Wo nro down and out," snld .1. J. McDonald, president of the Panama Construction comimny, In dlscuwdng tho rejection of tlio bid of W. J. Olllvei fortbocon struct ion of tho Punninu cnnnl. "They lmvo taken tlio mnttor out of ourlmnds, nnd it now rest wltli tho president. Tlio responsibility should bo placed whero It Ixslongs. "1 cannot sec why our olil snouiu lmvo been rejected, oxewpt that it is duo to tho far reaching machinations of tho political Influences that lmvo worked against all bids that threaten actual construction of the big canal. It is hardly necessary to ray that theso in terests nro thoso of the trnns-contlncntal railroads. "YOU Will noilCO inav, uiio uj unc, tlm nmctlral men who have Ix-en Wen tiflod with tho canal lmvo been picked off by big financial Interest. It Is not dlfilcult to traco tho relations. This is, very jKxjr business, however, for tho canal is bound to come, If not during this administration, Uien during anoth er. It Is inevitable. "I cannot sco wbcro tho president and his associate! nro right, nnd do not sco how they will bo nblo to dig the canal. Sooner or later the ditch will liavo to bo dug under tho unHtnefBiiico munnc'iiinent of n constructor who has floured cost down to a minimum. Our comny was wining 10 penorin oer H..n of the aureement roouirsu oy uio government. It was our understanding Hint, when tho conditions imposed by tlio government wcro met. tho contract went to our comjmny. Wo have made every preparation at considerable ex penso and were prepared to begin shov eling dirt on or Ixjforo tho tlmo limit of 00 days." NEWS OF THE WEEK In a Condensed Form for Bnsy Readers. Dec HAPPENINGS OF TWO COITCINErm GREAT MONOPOLY BROKEN. Steamer Oakland Another Victim to Humboldt Dar. Knreka. Cnl.. Mntvh ft. Humboldt bur claimed another victim today when tho t4iimcr Oakland, In nn attempt to reach tho insldo entrance, mn on the n-ka of tho south Jetty. For nlmost nn hour tho Oakland remained on tho rooks, nnd tho lr tug Hanger was call ed to her nsslstnaco by tho llfetwving cicw. wncn mo tug rrociim .v.i(,, i,n.i.,,i, romnmiv. "Too fiiA iivinriii. rn- . - - - . washed tho ii iur.if Wn-hliiKtou-To'e-MiiiHiiy will Ihh to y up or ioImiio -SSS air A sv; SwSTt . who Is ondoHVorlng to Hiieeo tlm water 'out of tho "eontrolllng li tnwt" stook. of wny II tr.v I.. Lunl niut IrtulH nt MMH'lllfd llUltH-H 11. H. SSI. l'rituiwu Hwulrlng Jmlg incut dnblnrs lo make mtli ns to iii nlnn of property limy ebilm. it ,, II. II. S.11, Vtuihbiirm Aiilltorlxlng tlm tninsfor by niiio txiuso of proxir ty aclnl during dlrnbllity of Inraiio II. II. Sll, FrwMiMiii Compulnory nam Inw. , . ll. II. .MIS. Vawter Doputy llsh wnr dun for rkiiitbmn Oregon nt l,000 wi 1 annum. . ,. , I H. II. 3(13. Mayor To prevent so!lri tntlou by attorneys of dniiuiKe sulls for. pcrwnml lujurlen. ,, I iwr ton; l.nsturn Oregon timothy, 1. II. ll. ;ui7, wnn mm niin v.,H m, r 1 1. ,,1 su; ginin nny, t,H1-Appn,printingfSO,(KHf,1r wimrnt lfn',f'n( 'fH) of liitmt oiin'rtllloili wHHlbystiito. i,iiirKBoy orenmery, 32KQ35o 11.11. !1H0, IKilililli I'or awwHuiH'iij' 1. ..,.!.... 1 IU.-I4..W nnd dlvlflou of H 1 1 Hiisrtini ts -."'- tax between InUirwded coiiiium PORTLAND MARKETS. Whrnt Club, 70c j liliiestem, 72o Mil ley,-70c, lot!. OHc. Oats No. 1 white. S0 grny, 2H.60. Itnrley Keitl. I22.B0 jht ton; blow lug. $23; roll'il, I23.fi024.60. Rye 11 .4fll .60 Htr cwt. Cm Whole, 124.60; cracked, 22.60 per ton. f Hny Vnlloy iiuioiuy, o. 1, ins. Cnntnlu Kmger, of (iikivI Hid. A till! wnvc Oakland from her perilous ixwltion, but nlwi tore off her rudder, ror rev enil hours sho drifted helplessly and porlously near tho rtjks. The llfolxmt, cflininandetl by Cnptnln Hennlg, put out. . . At litis time tlio Oakland itispinyeu lUstres Hlgnnls nnd onco inoro tho tug Itnuger went to hor nssistanco, towing her this tlmo Into the buy, where sho wus benched In n Uvdly leaking e-oudl-tlon. 1 hero nro Bovonil lnige holes in livr stern. Tho Oakland wont on tlio rooks idxtiiL 1.000 feet from tho wrtvkeil Co rona. Hoveral nttempls liavo len mndo to rench tho Coninn by tho Hum Imldt bnv llferavlnc station, but all were futllo. Ono trip tho lifeboat barely ewsniKtl destruction on tho rucks on tho north Jetty. much of theso lands has already been lo1i1i1in1 nn bv timlier land speculators, and It Is time that further speculation along this lino wns Mopped." "Tho withdrawal ot tlieio timiKr lands," snld John Pi-arson, of tho Western Timbor company, "will only hurt tho limber speculator, who will bo practically put out ot business." WHAT NATION DOES. Iliitler l-aiioy orenmery wr. I",m,l. . , -,- nutter ri- nisi gr"uiti t se leas I ......I. M...w...1 .tr.i.1. rrnnlii :. v nu.v "i..-..i.i-pifiiiiiiuiiiii,i'wi. " ii. 11. 'i", i"v"" " .jr iKiumi. wilo of liquor within two uillc ol nn 1 ,(pt0rt.8on rttiioh, 1717Jc por Indian ruhool. Idoxuii II. II. 3H4, KnowleH IVruilttliig 1,0..i,r.. Average old hens, 14G)15c eounty eoiirts to levy tax for scuip wr .m,i; mlxetl chickens, l.H14c; .1... 1 . . l-ouiivien. , . II. II. 3H6, Hums I.egumllt'g mniiu fncluro nnd taw of ohis nun iirinnn. II. II. fixxl 11 ml l.ii I i 11 II. II. 301, Notthiii Regulating llfo Inaiinuio vompnulos H. II. 403 Ciiiiv .' . I I....II..U ll5l'Ur. spring, irjersnuu w""i ,Ti i old rooHters, t10c; dresne.! ehlokcns, ..Mn... 1...1..VM iivit. i:u.vilfic: tur- ami, lluriiM lliiuti Iiik M'"0 kl,ys. drerswl, choice, lHQ'-'Oo; goese, dairy eminnlsaloner to pulillHli H , k 1(i0iHo. I. ..1111.. "V' :'. r.' .. 7K...ft1 K lull AUi'eS ."iin.ii iiM i- Ixix choice, 1.60W3.0 1.1. Thi-mIim. a ir.r.1 26 nor . .. . I I'KUUIIMITI "- .-v- . .. pboll -iiwri'jwing .16j,,.j.5 ,Hr s uk 5 Dcels, salary of Inlior comiiiissiouui . ,-v"w ji.ssg DAKOTA ON ROCKS. Dig Hill Liner Strikes In Bay of Toklo and May bo Lost. Yokohoma, March 6. Tho Great Northern steamship Dakota went tudioro In tho buy of Toklo last night. All passengers are safe and tho agents The Dakota struck on a rock off Shi- " " ' Puts Stop to Many Evils States Can not Control. New Yoik. March 7. Senator Dev- erldge, addressing tho Indiana associa tion ut a banquet hero tonight, mndo a vigorous defenso of a central govern ment as against tlio doctrluo ot states lights. "Tho states," o Bald, "could not make internal improvomonts, so tho nation mndo them; tlio states could not prevent tho rcuttering of oImvciio literature, fo tho nation did It; tho Btntes could not suppress lotteries, so tho United States did It; tliu states could not end tho poisoning of tlio Ieoplo by adulterated food, so tho nntlon Is ending It; tho states could not compel the sanitation of packing houses, tho inspection of ineabi, so tho compelling ll; tlio states country s tor- Farmers Ara Now Free to Make Al cohol Under New Law. Washington, March 4. Tho dena tured alcohol bill, which went to tho nrreddcnL for eiimnturc. will have tlio effect ot breaking tho StandaidOllcom pany'a monopoly of this new luei pro duct. Under tho provisions 01 inn bill Individual fanners will bo permit ted to manufacture denatured alcohol for their own needs or for salo and In large or small quantities. As tho orig inal bill was drawn, denatuied alcohol could only bo produced by largo distil leries, and tho Standard had complete ly monopolized the entire product. It was to preeervo this monopoly Uint Senator Aldrich endeavored to amend tho pending bill, but, to ins iirnrtao. n lanro mnioritv of tho senn- . .-, n- -- 1 , 1 tors turnetl ngainsi mm, nnu ins umciiu ment wns lost. Senator Fulton, who had received ninny nppeala from Oregon farmers on behalf of tho new bill, vig orously nttocked tho Aldrich amend ment, na did other senators from the Northwest, oxcept Ankeny and Hey burn, who stood with Aldrich nnd against tho fiirmew, Heyburn making a ..wvli In favor of tho amendment, whloli would lmvo nrohlbitod Individ uals from manufacturing denatured nl cohol. STEAL MAIL WAGON. Busy in ...... --" I. ..!.! .. .,.... l... . . - ..111 I X'.ll.... a.i.l 'L'Ulllll nut IHUrvi .u . ninnina, a vinugu ' -. ; 1 . A , , ,.,. Irt n.-vin,. hom alinrllv llll.T tl O OlfU'K. 11 I .'., . " '" - i ."'.. ...W.V.J .... -. -. . ..rt... - II....I... I iffivi .60 nr suck: liorsemdlsh, 7 " .' . ...... I..,. It'niuir per annum. , ,, ... 'jjr iwr pound; sweol potntiwa, 3Mc per 11.11.412, Jnckson nml I'lko Mnk ',,,!,' ral,oor, 12.60 per dozen; Ing u ycnr'H resldunco In stnto iiiyesiiir J . . Kr cnito; sprouts, Oc or to aduilsrlun to Soldiers' homo nt Rose . rh,)lir,( Uo per pound; nspiir- 11. 11.414, committee on Soldiers homo Increasing appropriation lo TH6.000. ... II. II. 416, Soldtois' homo coinuilt too Increasing salary of ooiiminndnntiit homo to $1,000 per annum. .. II. II. 420, wuys nnd means coinnilt-teo-Approprlatlng $20,000 for now bullditiLiri at Sluto 1-iilr grounds, II. II. 246, Chimin Requiring pun p0w. ordinary, 00o. ncrshlns to roveal parlies In Interest. I porkDressed, OGJIdo per pound. 11.11.240. Dyo-AuthorUIng estiib! il-8k" lr iwuiiu, sl.mont of li g . i laoi u.-ir.w.- , 'r Vr . on, onHin nverngo lt. tlgllOUS HOllOOl iiistriuis. PMI,PI -- IIUIIM, ISI'UI" l"'1 I'""""' , ()nlon!.-0regon,l)0c$lperliundrc.l. 1-olatiHW Oregon llurlmnks, fanny, 11.36; No. 1 choice, $11.26; com moil, 76c$l. . Veal llrossod, 60o per jiouihI. llccf Dressed hulls, 2K3(fo por imumll cows, 4 H5c; eHuntry Btccm, I8,ti?ifinn-I)rwl. fancy, 8Ko por accord- Vnol l-.n-lom Oreoiin nverngo pcrinuncnt Kunoinkl. shortly is thought that tlio hiiiiosiiki ngm, wnb mistaken lot tho Jognshituu light. Tlio vessel sustnlniHl much diiningo nnd sprung a heavy leak. Agents oi tno tiicuiiiiiiiiii, u sent to Omlmnrti to arrango for tho rnlvngo, aro returning this afternoon with passengers nnd mails and details of tlio accident Tho steamer Dakota Is miiKtng wnier freely and It Is feared that tho Uniting will bo di lllcult. Seattle Striving for It. Washington, MiirVh 6. Sonttlo Is making a hard fight to secure tho gov nriiinont miro fwxl Inlioratory soon to hn iwiiihllehed In tho Northwest by tho Aurloiilluml ihiDiirtinont. Sonator Piles liim been nnncnlod to by tho clmiiilier nt Kniiiinnreo nnd Is exerting his oflorts In behalf of his houioulty. Monnwhllo Rnnntnr Iloumo. siiniiorteil by tho iwtliiitdnhiimbor of eoinnioico. Is In- slBtlng that tlio laboratory bo locnted in Portland. It Is ptohnblo tho con tost will not bo closed for somo llttlo tlmo. On Sands In Dover Strait. London, March 6. Tho Rod Star lino Btenmor Vnderland, Captain Elioff, wlilah Bailed fiom Antworp on wuur- "Thocoitstltutlon Is our ordinattco of national llfo. nnd not tho articles of our national dentil. It was meant to free tlio hands of tho American pcopto and not to tdmcklo them. Marshall so interpreted it in tho courts; Lincoln so Interpreted it In tho council chandler; Grant so Interpreted It In tho battle field. And today lloosovolt Is follow ing In their footsteps mid thus obeying tho will of tho American pooplo." 'IT I: 260, Davey-Irov.dln to. "ZEiM"' " rinnnont record of election loturns In Wh"a,nr ,wllr.d. i win sands. Mayor Schmllr Is Home, Ran Francisco, March 7. Mayor Schmltx artlvixl in tho city at 2:16 this aftoruoon on tho belntod CoiiBt Limited train at Los Angeles. With him woro tho mombeis of tho board of eilucatlon, wlionivoinxinled him to Washington. Schmitx declined to talk to any of tho nowsntinor renorters, saying ho would itwuo a statemont on tho wholo Japaneso situation. In respoiiso to a question ns to whulher ho would bo a candUlato to siKveod hinisolf, ho deolured thnt ho "would stand by his guns." and that ho would not bo driven out. Daring Theft It Committed on Street in Chicago. Chicago, March 4. A United States mall wagon, containing threo pouches, two of which were filled with miscel laneous mall matter and a third with rolgstrecd mull, was stolen from In front of tho Stock Kxcliango ouiiuing, LnSailoand Washington streets, to night while tho diiver was making a collection In the building. At the time of tho theft tho street was crowa ed with pcnsoiiB, nono ol whom saw tho theft. While tho collector was insldo the thief drove off with tho wsgon. which was enclosed by a screen, tho door fo which was locked. Two hours after tho robbory the wa gon was found threo miles distant from tho down town district. Tho screen luid been broken and the pouches taken. Tho nostotllco authorities say ttiey to not know Just how much Jowelry tho tvidHtored nouches contained, but be- llovo tlint tho thieved secured fully $6,000. Milllors In New Palace. Ban Francisco, Mnreh 4. Plans for tho now Palace, hotel call for n mngnltl clont olght-story building along clnsslo lines. With tho lot, It will represent nn outlay ot $7,000,000. Assisting tho Slmrons, tho Nowlands and Ludy lies koth in financing tho project are tho CrockoiB, Raphael Weill and John C. Kirkpntriek. Tho equlpmontt of tho hotel will surpass anything known to tho West. Tho liotol will liavo an imuioii8o court, as of old, n palm gar don, a cafe In the oiien court, vast ball rooms and a roynlBiilte for noted guests. Avalanche Thrrato'B City. Naplos, March 4. A mountain In Potnern, noar tho village of Monte murro, Is slipping Into tho valloy in a series ot landslides and threatening to overwhelm tho village Tho peoplo nro fleeing in panic Only a low Bpur tlio uo- Light-hour Day for Employes. Sacramento, March 7. Tho assembly this afternoon ptiBscd and sont to tho nnvoinnr n lil 11 nrovldlna nn olchthour .inv fnr inniliutoni nnd inotoimen and of the mountain U nreventing other employes on strootand Intorurban struotlon of tho ylllngo and tills resist- rallwaj'B. lanco apparently soon will bo overcome, .at Portland. A Resumo of tho Lei Important but Not Let Interesting Eventr of the Past Week. Radicals liavo elected officers of tho Iltualnn doama. Jeromo has decided lo recall Mrs. Thaw to the itind. Hearst lias won another decision In tho New York mayoralty contest. Tho suonr trust lias been sued in a Now York court by a crushed ilval. Romevclt is crcparlng to clcso tho gates against Japaneso Immigration. North Dakota solons passed a law providing a 1. cent passenger faro. The woman suffragist bill has been talked to death In the British parlia ment. An electricians' striko in Paris put the city In darkness and demoralised tho nowBpacrs. Tho Spanish minister to tho Untied States says the battlo of Manila bay was a victory of lion over wood. rnnl.lim Preston, a Texas million aire, committed sulcido by taking poi- eon. Physicians iounu enouRu u w.u deadly hydtocyanic poison In his sto mach to kill six men. Tho Kansas legislature has voted $10,000 for the Seattle fair. There Is a promise of harmony be tween the czar and tho doumn. President Ronilla, of Honduras, claims a victory over Nlcaraguan troops. A rich copper strike has been made in Nevada not a great distance from Tonopah. Harrlman offers to co-operate with the government In settling the railroad controversy. Thaw's lawyers announce that the defense is through. Jeromo will tend tho case to the Jury Tho news ot the acceptance ol bwei tenham's resignation was received with rejoicing at Kingston. Tho attorney general has decided that tho new Immigration law excludes Btato aided immigrants. Four of Portland's largest sawmllla aro closed on account of labor difficul ties. Nearly fifteen hundred men aro out. Railroads In Nerbaska will comply with tho 2-cei t passenger fare uw, but will not grant a special rate of nny kind. Tho Russian douhU has oponed with radicals in control. Milliners piedlct more expensive hats foi this season. Jeromo defied tho Judge In the Thaw trial and wus sternly rebuked. Grovor Cloveland objects to stato re strictions on insuranco Investments. Tho Nortncrn Pacific will lose rich, timber land through tho now forest re serves. Kngland says her navy Is equal to that of any two other nations of tho world. Secretary Taft nnd a number of con gressmen' are going to Panama, Cuba, and Porto Rico. The upper house of the California, legislature lias voted down tho pro posed woman suffraso. The transport Thomas haa Just sailed from San Francisco with a full cargo o! Bupplies for tho troops In tho Philip pines. Hy tho oxplsloon of 1.000 pounds of dynamite In a ttorohouso near Mount Carmel, Pa , 40 persons were Injuied. Tho property loss will lie $160,000. Governor Swettenham'a resignation has been accepted. John F. Stevons has been appointed tomporaiy chalrmati of tho Isthmian Canal commission. Tho congress which has just adjourn ed passed appropriation bills aggregaU Ing a total ot $010,048,080 The Standard Oil company ia on trial In Chicago for accepting rebates from tho Chicago & Alton railway. A Missouri Paolflc train was hold up at Pittsburg, Kan., and tho passengers robbed. Oio man who rcatstou waa shot. Tho steamer Dakota Is etlll on tho looks In Toklo bay. Much of the mall has been removed, but tho baggago haa been lost. Hill and Harrlman have corao to an agreement regarding Puget sound ter minals, but nothing uas oeen yieiueu. ouch county -