The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 08, 1907, Image 7

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B' tt Ihe I rumpni inTrinrmi von
(ilium m re-ru-iio.
L., cl,iiinliiu too much (hi Perutin
ltil,iti!iiilii II to Ixt nil elffVtlvii
r. . . ..i... ..i.. ..,. i...i.? ii...... ....
ilf I'T IlllHltV V.1111IU IIMIV "!
sit Hif 1 1 1 tt t IVrunii In hi nwll
pthn riiuitrh iiuncdy? IM lit no
lllio tinted Hlntm ip iihIih)'
, cl Hi pfiiH'iiwi mirieui ti
At, fur n HiiHMV, urn ii)Kiiiii'iii in
India uindeiialn, i.r tvlltHi ftnl.
j,it'iili I mntin llnHiViiy nya nf
.Lr il icmwiy, una 11 m (aiireiv
CM ll llltl WealllWIlt of llffSVtl
it ii i inlirHiiiM, clir)inti tiiliiiiH
ullrM"l'. tttOllh lhl"IHlH (c.
,,( alnmacli), climiik li.Uw-
il r li'rti. cKUnimi imi ii new lea-
i, incfi, nml in ill tnml urn-
anwinl'iiiirn ol wit" Ihmiw imkmi.
t Hln riC..IIIIH'll'lnI fill 10 tfH4l-
. I . .. ..-. I. ....- ..I .11 -..- .......
(tA'Hl '' "m i1'!!" " iiiPt-n! nvu
S.IIO ' "
laotrM n.fixllMilur rerunn, wiry.
l ef' lai'laawl III lIlH I'llllHl
44m I i - i - nMtiry ni ii limie, Ko nlm
hIIm i iiil u a stotiMK'hk nml na
MIC for Uil' IHllCiMI IhellllllHll.
C(4rNi r ! In another linrtilhnt
pftM KM I'jivllitnl drug that Inia
tt my large y Tlmkwl by tlm I
4m 'i"fiMi"ii for tin l fifty
m. i' n-la nr t I found In
7 few drug atme. The. I nlliol
itH I'iHiittry enya id Um action
aMnxi lltiit tt In used n n bitter
fcan-l 1 1 the trcniiient of dyeottlitty,
I in n Utmllfwtl dimi it aul'
Mtt'T i'llllllie.
I. HI nf i titli. Miutlher ItietMllMttt iif
I-m I i UM l.y Um I'hIIwI hUt-
ji!. ry a mild stimulant nml
M' li act on ih lnn.v-h mill
Mi ni Itim I. Il nrta na h etlmuutitt
Ike gnitourli a)' HNilintm.
la) iH'iiniikrytlltl, eh route !)
ry aid diarrhea, nml aorne ehrtmte
1h- ( the. UtT nii'1 kWliwyp.
l to iu fur n ftpv UV f ltl
i cf l.t h m.Ih thttik frf
m w n Crtlntrli ffiily. Tint lt
Inm-i l llio tMttlntiiy of Ummk w)m
f Hlliil it.
An An Anrp(1(tlf. I
Kihvnrd IIonkwhIit. foinnliT nml rfl
tor nf IIih OiiwiIiii Urn, imil n hIiicitii
Iiiii nf nn. lie IihI.sI pi. tttrM Hmt In
iIIimiIimI miuiiHi work, wi ciilh-il tin.
tiriNwIuiilNilr iirurHi Hint Hiru nicrHy
riiiiicli nml liurrliil Kkfl.licn nml m
i-Mllwl KirlrNliN ilml iMim mi llliiuiciw to
tlwlr orlKliiHlK. A )oiuik' imliilitr
hIhihii! Mr. ItiweHMlcr ihiii ilny n r
IthII of ii iimKiihI frlwnl.
"rimt n ixirlMll wf Kmlth!" tlio Mil
tor KXrlalNinl. -r-j nti-r Iihh kimwn
"Oil." !! nrtlut oxrlftliowl. " illiln'l
try for n llkim. ihi know, f trjw
for mii tnwi m, effwt In KrHyi."
l Utiow n Hin In ,Vh York," toilil
Mr. fMHHttr, "nlto ImiI IiIn jtnrirnit
iwlnlnl lnt yir. It cmi I lilm fl.ifxi.
l lm hh nry proml of It. WIm-ii It
en in Iiohm- li klHmnl It to liU muk.,
"UVII. Mnry.' Iw mM, . do you
IliiM llilx trlrMlir
M'Hr. lr.' mlil llw rw. Mf lovt
ly. It'NlM'autirul. ItVillvlii..' i
"Ami. of mhiiw,1 Mid my frli'iiil,
')MI knm- wIm It lr .
M,()li. of iHHir do, Mr,' mIi tli
rook. 'Of tirtih, of UMim.' A alio
fMfc l ktit draw In iwartr to tlio
plrlurH. MiidrlHK It mow nud morn
liitlf llf aw4itSk. hta -It.. .. I.I tta I
l""" v "wi"Ti I'm, mt mini. 1 1 m
The Old Monk Curo will
liH;li'ii o i a contracted
li..,', o . . a jiKy,
Don' I play Kium with ptln,
but leiidi (tiiglly j tutineu.
I'rlf 23i mil Me
milieu. M
llrf Iprorllf .
ffHow titlioot," rirUlnmt lli rlloi
nrun, "I am not ahnl t Mr thai
li'il tuf alart lu Ufa by rlllH iiwi-
fw oiifhtn't to Im atkamnl. ltliT."
rt4 a man In lb awllr. "Tht
HI""'" eat )ou your atari lu hII
HThoutanda of Volerana With Kid
nay Troubtat.
"UrxH-rlcncc ol IVt I1 W. Mnrtln,
umi ini'iriiaia oi ixiiivar, .mo., in
J tint llkn ioimihU
of i.tlirrn. M r .
Martin my: "I
think I Iimvo lw.1
kldny dUitoic vr
alii on IIim war.
During' an 'HKig
iiihiI my h"irf l
on iih nlialnlii(t
toy lawk Htnl In
I Imv Ihwi told I
a l! itliiK lu'lnf)- 1 IhuI luttMMH
l ill till" dark. liMiUl'IlM Hlld illuv
. . . .... ... -. ..... ... .- - J
W ainl tlio nctl'iiiof I lit lilinklfr .mwi
i'Mular Alxtut tlirHywmnK" I
UinV Klilnt-y 1'IIU, nmt fmiml
Viral fillrf that I OHlUllllwl. Hlld
Ui a mu.iMiHtivi'lv mIitI tlliW) vif
'ly ill of khliicy tnmhU',"
l hv nil dittlrrn oil o'hta n Ixit
r MiUxirn In,. Haffnl", N. Y.
!" Hill kllli(),
I'nlil. fur llirr.
W. IIHirkf Orirnii, at n Uwyora'
lainmt In Nw Vork, drttrwntml Ioiik
"Hh w maki alwrt mtrorlMw," laid i
Mr. (Wkran. -will twvrr And lilinw-lf
In Hm oralmrntMlnK lllii of n
frlmd of mint) laat month.
"My frirnil, hImw n rartnln php of
hi wn lll, ti ami Hmll In n
lmy vMlif. for an adttiniMnL
M')n Hunt Krottntir iwl im JmtM.
"Vonr mmr.' wna Hm rtidy, 'I Imtf,
Im maklnx nn adilrr In nnntlw
mnrt all lb mornlnK, and llud myaulf '
cumiiMfly lMiitlHt.'
-Vrry Mill.' aaht th JiMlgc Ami
hr ealW tbf iMt rain.
"Aiwthor chm1 row and In hit turn
anki-d for an MiliwrnttMmt.
"Arr y oxhaiHml. ttxiY aaUl tint
Jink. 'H'Mai Urc y bw (tolnur
M,yir Immhk-.' Maa tho ammcr. 'I
lv hm HltflMsi te my iMrnixl
,rirr n Half Ofilnrf.
Two Kan rrnnrlm-o mrtHttira. broth
rr-lii'!rov, tartit lift) wnti ycara ueo
on tint nniili'lloti nf n building nt
MontgDHiitry bihI (.'lay ain't, In that
city. A fi'tv ilnyn nito C. II. Kwalti. oiiu
of the mmi, Mbo la atlll nitlut nild
atrntis nt 7U, Maa Hiii!o)i-d on n nor
tftmNirnry niritrturc Knlne up m tho
nam aMit. Whlli nt work lii wna n
prtwrhwl )) aimtlwr ohl lunii, not ho
ha Ik nml harly, and na auriiimil to
riHonl4' In lilm hla hmtlwrliilnw, A.
M. Adllnatnn. ubom Im lind not aHtii
Imi) thy bad worknl toK'tluir thvri'.
VpIww Hrlfr- -Ww mnntt't arrap
nf ma for our flrt iic awre htmil.
Velbtw lilllor Well. um thin olw
about farallnc tm rblrktma. ami hate
th ImniiI rtwul, "IfVO Kmrmtla ShmIIohiiI
YHInw HriwrU'r IVrliajw thla alory
wmild In lHtlr. It h nlmt n ramt of
Uh' mUn that lltd orfrhoard. W'n
nmld u.i thf md, "I.OCO Solua Ixmt
nt Hen." KsrltMUK
latbrr atte In ih) longrr watsl.
Mantifnrtiirrra u It In a roinirtwl
furiu, InitMil nf iron, lo make rogu'lintlt.
Frrn CataloKua and Prent uma
r.virjiriit liitiTcl(. ti m'hIh, plntita,
oh' , alioold l.iiva n topy of th I'ort
Inml HhiI ioiiiMin'a U)7 fiitilottiiH,
yhk'li U f(H ('ii the nakinK, ly inn
tlunliiK thin nxr nml aillrcHtliiK tliom
nt l' rtlnml, Oiiitou. Tolln nil ulioilt
their apltMidld pri'lillutiHt.
Mnthtr will AnJ Mrt. WlnnoWi thmlhlat
Bjiuji trw Uit rrwtilr to um tut ttilrlillJto3
AuiIuk tb Uotiilua tiluJ.
In l.ruHl 1'iiriii.
"If I tboualit u wer Rlnx to play
tar faU. .Marl.n Mid Ilm nroVnl Jimtijt
w)er, "itf ttif crml tmrn nxm I'd bold
)u hHIi a writ of ha hfl rorpua!"
That will nut Ir in-cm nary." amllrd
MUa Mar "I'm nut nolns to run
"KoT" b HbltMrnll morlng nearer.
"All rigbt. No nrat will do Ju.t aa
Onlr One "linUMO flUINIM"
That It l-AXATIVK NHOMU (IttlHlw Wml
Ullr HMI trw'll. hiibmIhwii ilrfle.
Th Hri n.l fliMl M TM U VVIIITK
PAUKAOK wlltl Mark 0 If! lllfltiK. llJ
UM Ue .lHlui. bl K. N . iHO U .
.Nol Wrll ij.Urn.
"If tint Kenator will pardon tat for In
tmutttjtMC khH," blandly apuke on of the
otbor Krnaiara, ip la not atlektnc to bla
"My tfit I" tlitinJcred tba fiery atatra
man. "Thla la not a trnnon, air I Tlxa
la a roar I"
Wliiriwtt Iip rontlnurd bla roarlnj.
Cblraso Tribune.
TITO I". Vltm lor nit nil Ncnroot
Mo tnMdllr rarMl tif lr. KIlua
J.mV- JlmiMtr. h.r.,1 f.r I'llKK IlltUl l
UtktU. Dr. IU IUK'Ud., J4L.UI AieliHL. 1
i at. Vltui nor nit nil Nrnroot Ti'UM
ItllU tirr.
I bIIUftlH
, i't.u.,r.
m?WM!km)l) BLOOD
'jHh. R. jfJ-nL Jtok A R diseased
Pnla-t.t t .. t ...A.1. a.a 2 aa 1 n ai M Iai nt Ilm llallfl tt t llaVIfY fltlfl
vm.lllii II Jl')k IIIIIVI llll 4llllitlitl.14lt.IW. ft Wft taa.iv.a v. . .........
t, nt tlio i miitiiinii c f iinirinir noiicH In the cam, mucoun droppiujc mck
l.ll ... . . .l. I Ikkt . 1 ... ...1.1 ..U...I. . I. .,11.
wi' iiiroai, cxiiiiiiiiai uawKiug; nun hiiuiiik, vie, n-"ii wi u .....
S it H u l.l.xxl (liHcumt in whirh tltu entire circulation nml the i;rcntei
,of tht. kvult-tti ut IhviiIvmI. Crltnrtll Id tlua to I'll! lirt'Mtlce of nil CXCCM
l ..i I i.. il... il I i'l. T !.... 1 t.1..-..r. n...l 1l,....1a rminniittv liiv.
'..V, .11.111 111 1Q J.NK 1 ,IU J,IHI( J,.,IIVJ. ,11... 4rv..v. ..v....... -
'etorjiMnnd dull in their nctivii nml imtcnil of cnrrj'In oil the refuse
... . .. .1. I -I.. 1.... li. . . ..... .....I .. orlA nnlil 1.1 I'lA Salf.lt1.
'HiUi mo iHiy, iciivu Ik io iii win iuiiu iiiiu i.i'4 . " v "
1 li talrril nti l.v tint titivul nml tlimtlf'll Us clrctllntlotl lllstrilltltwl to nil
m cf tho flystem. Thorw imiiurilica i:i tho Wood, irritate nml inflame
uiiirrvni inriniirnncH nmi iismich oi inu ikmiv. nn ic iuuhuhiiik
colli will Btnrt tho pecrctlontt nml other tlli;tiatini; nml diiwjrrccablc
.i . . ...... . .. ,i t r ,1... 1.A..1.. ti.rt .ft.
llltl luiftfm. nfTnld nil .tnrld if It.M M'llf. Itfilll lin.4 A tlffllt. 1 till
'"fTi tioso continually plopped tip, pains nbovo the eyes, Blight fever
.. ...... .1. ... .. 1.. .. L .. Jl. .1 ......... .11nrlr,i,l n.til
WW KOCH, me lilOUUlCU 13 UIISCI 1UIII l.lC tlHIIU tlVH.'l.l
'it -.. I ... .1.1- -1I..'.. ft- l.i n .niln nf
V&PSP&lNlVZ time to try to cure CntnrrU with Bpwy,
I i- A,. .....a 1. 1 M .. 1..I..I..I.... ,. t..1. I
nl.i '"" i lnl DTurjr.ii.nii -ll8lietl, llllllllllllDlia, CiW. kiUV.ll .v...-
W hear or. but no irooil ro . . . i.i. it' i i ,t.n.rnr
I. J tlinn (. " " - ""n "'Ot rcncil inu dkji, nun vim, iunivi
liing more thntt tcmiwrnrlly relieve
tecomfort of tho trouble. To cure
It permanently tho blood must be
i;hly purified nml thenystom cleansed
poisons, nml nt tho same time
Jioncil nml built tip. Nothing equals
. for this purpose. It nttneks the
i nt its licml, rocs down to the very
of tho trouble nml makes a complete
itiiiff cure. 8. vS. S. removes every
t of the catarrhal poison from tho
mnklin; this vital Btrcnm pure, fresh
nlthy. Then tho itiflnmed incni
bejrlu to heal, the head is loosened
trcd, tho hawking nml spitting cease,
ion is built up nml vigorous licaltli
oiunch mid digestion nml nets ns n
are Buffering with Catnrrh begin the
".u."u.-inrwiiiq nn u MiuuincucVof your case nml our P,y?-c,an31wA1i
you lltcrntlirn nlmith Pnlnrrli. nml frl0 VOU BDCCinl IUC(Hcal ftUVlCO
t charKc, S. S. 8. is for Bale nt nil first class dntg stores.
CIimoiiw of SI rtli oil,
"InTfutl'nthiii don't hi lo bf held
In the iplrlt of routtcMiy and forbmrance
that ihmt prrvalM," remarked the old
time ntnt e-mail.
"No." anerel Senator Sorahiim, "the
ItttatltMi l bwotttlHg illlUctilt. I'eople now
ImJiI invwetljmtUrtM berauxt they really
want lo 8lil MtinHhlHg 04it, lHleail of
Hiifety far Ike xake of mwtblHf their
mlmU." U'nhiiitm Star.
I'lltS CURtl) IN 6 TO 14 DAVS.
I'A7() Ol.STVIK.NT Ii ru.ifiitrel tiimrt any
raefl IrbliK, blind, We.lna or protrwtlnc
pllr In ( lu II day t tir woivey rvluntled Wo.
Ilrlltril SlnUr Htm (li.iiil.
"nurliij; our iiiurtuhlp." wild Mra.
Weil! a, "jKMir John ihteliinsl ho would
diV for mi' and ho did."
"ImlinHll" fxeliiluiitl tho aurprlM'd
"Yw," eniillnuM tln fair widow. "I
did tin? eiHikluic myndf nml he dlwl of
Thara ti morn Catarrh tn thla aeetlan ol Iht
etiuuliy than nil ullivr illaiea put luiietker
ami uulll llielaitlew yeartwattuppoiwl lubt
III 'iirawe r"r nBrtHnmaiiy ir.i.uini. r.
, ii.iiiur it taicalilliea.a, andirtrlUHtloral
r.n'llv ami 1T ciitlaiilly lalllnn to cura
t. nil I oral tteatm-iit, pronuuneoit II IticuraUlu.
ilii liatiiror.ii ralarrli to Nt a eiiitttjlu
Initial illMax.aiiiltl.eratiirereqiilreaouiiilltu
ll..iiallratuiaiit. Haifa latarrh luio.iuanu-
la.'liiraii ny lit niu'jr v t u , ,uiuiu. .nv, i.
IbaiiHlypuiiitUiitUHialruiatinlliemariei II
It taken Internally in dun Iroin tOilruiJtna
lettitoniiliil. It aria directly on thoblmttl and
iuuc .in turUnti ol the .yttem. Ther olTar one
hundred dnllara (or anr eato It tallt tocuto.
Band Inrolrculara and loallraoiilali.
Ail.treat. K J.rllE.NKY Jt CO., Toledo, O
Bold I.r lrualla,7N).
llall'i family 1'ilU are tho UiU
Troulilit fur .Vol laliitr.
To aiuiiKKlu n liutunu Bkoloton Into
Cniinda from Dtdrolt n iiumIIciiI mu
ilont ilroawd It In fomnlo nttlro nnd,
visitliiK It by bin ahlo In n huir.'y, erosn
cd over tho hflundnry line. After lie
Kot ntfily into hla lioiiw ho learned
Hint tliero In no custom duty ou skc!o
filxly yrnra ni;o Allcook'a Plaaten were.
flrrt lot rod iu-imI to tliu p hllo. Tlioy uro to
ihivth world'aalnndiird tdiiitera.
Ihlt liiwntlim hut Ixvn one of the
orenlt'tt hlonaliiKa liiinzltuihle nnd ntVorda
Ui iiulckwt, eheniwat nnd U-at menna of
hcnlfiiK nnd rvlli'i for rertnln ullmcuta,
ilm hut ever btMii dUcovercd.
Alhwk'aiiro tno orlKliml anil Komilne
puioUNiihiateranml ro aold by diiiKKta
(nev ry purl of thoclvillied world.
Not the New Knidund Vnrlelr.
"Oh, they're real iiwcll peoplo." anld
tho Clilenco num. "An old 'Mayflower
family,' I liellovo."
"You menu their nnceslora ennio over
In tho Mnyllowor?" usked tho visitor
from tho oust.
"Oh, no. I menu they innilo their
money In 'Mnyllowor Hums Oldest
brand o hams In thlB section." Catho
lic Stuudard and Tlmua
OrnllKt tllirliinlnilr.
Do not ptfl I ho ormiKi'K hut ll'-o
tno io.i'ti of IhiMii nml Inki out I lit)
winla Who nml Ni'il two lnri Ull-pifli-il
iciiiiiiiH. I )i thla work with a
hnrp knife, hh lh allia mnt Im rtry
thin Hiiti nil Um Juice nml IIK-Beillf
II. iiiIiIIiik I'lHiueli MHier to iimke thrcu
'limrta of lliil(l. I'm fruit ami liquid
liiio n hlono rnrk. iovf r nml aft lu tin'
ii lliir nil ulxht. lu tlm ifHiriilnu turn
Into h prwrvlnic kftth' nod I . r 1 n -l
alonly lo h Ki'lillc holl. Klliilncr until
tin frult-rlml la wry timler. Nm til
low u Kiitml of aiiKHr for omcIi pint of
llipilil and mid thla to the fruit. Ilo.l
HKiiln until din rind hxika elenr nml la
'ry li'inlcr. Taki' from tl' Hre nnd
tthwi twj turn Into Jelly KlHaaoa,
It oni ot tho constitutional dlx-atca. It
maulfctta ltalf In local at lit and palna,
Inflnrned olnt and atlff muFtle, but It
cannot to cured by local appllcatlont.
It retpilrea ronatltutloiml treatment, and
the beat Ii n cournc of tho Rrcat blood purl
fyliiK and tonic mcdlclno
Hood's Sarsaparilla
which tieutrallwf tho acidity of the blood
and bulldi up Iho wliolo ayatctn.
In tinual Il'iuld form or In chocolated
tahleti known at Onrsotobo. lOOdotwatl.
j Each year brings u tncreaaed orders
for our eds Vhy? Because we tupply
only Ihote that produce Mtufarlory and
profitable crops. Ve know, afier many
years of experience, what sorts are best
to plint on this eol. Buy P S.Co's
' Diamond Brand" Seedj, the best for
the Vesi. Our new ICO pare Annual
Catalog and Seed Planter t Guide. Mo.
2C0 free on reouest.
Portland, Oregon Spokane, Watb.
1'itro I'lirrr.
Drain tin llipior from a 'an of corn
clmp On iitrn vttry Mm, mid lo It a
jilnrt of Maltiil hkIit nml kIiiiiiiit nt
tin' ahh of thr run' for mii hour. Ituh
throiiKli n colHtiilcr. return to tin tire,
mid n tiH(Hilul of aucn r nml wln-n
thla mi'lla ftlr In n lahhtiHKViful of
butter rubbed to n iwmIi with n Inhlt
aootifu or Hour. Stir until amooth,
then mid ahiwly to a pint of rn-iildlm;
milk Into which n pinch of ItakliiK hmIh
ban been ntlrnil. When innr tht Ixill
Iuk iliit remote from the tire nml pmr
Knnlimlly. U-allnj; nil the time. um;i
two wi'll-whljMtl ifjisa. SHon ami
mtrvo ImimtllHtely.
H0WAII0 IS, Ilt'HTOK -AMytr a'S CTierr'. '
iMdnlle.rolora'K.. kpoim.ii prj rt 1j '
I lKjlll, l'olMk ipailmn prj rt
Hlllrrr.l. u.1.11 1II..1.I. Hnf.7 ll.l..t 7
(rlr, l. i jani'ln l. a. Mallint; .im- I r-1
rullpr 'll(ifnloaa..ii''a(i'.n. l.i.iria il .
.trow. . ruiOU!!. lilrMMl 1 aruioaia r.
UHimX 1111 k.
Oi illllw
I tHlllllliFWV1' 4biiVbiiV,1iibiibW
nHHAT l T J H J i I i 41 I Pi ( F-llallallallaH
1 HHaH3i!'BirArJi !! IrW!"!
"n b t t Hnnkft mlrf, tilnli. ,wr
r 1 ram t ,. aai Ih W llaVW I.. Wlaahlt mtm mAt aUI
),rr ' v- "if' - r -- - - - . m
ali't ' " ' lli'i "( 1. irrta larnl
si . attra 1 li HHl.r I ! l 1 "!
ail. il lb ill. H'M r Imale elto eet Iu1l s
n, . r iroir.ral" lliftu ar blt. tl,tV
u.Jint.'lnl ii r faciork K" It K. slew
M. Aiillioiir unit Aalit'iH. Iilalni.
Catalofuc rrec. Tancenl, Orccon
P. N. U
No. 9-07
IYtTIIEN nrlilnn londre!
V menll.n llila pnper.
rtltera pleat I
Ronnie I'lllnlnr),
Tho cook vjIh will nut takf crest
en re In her prejieirotlon of miullh jrotn
tiHM ahotild not umlertnki' to nmke
them. Pare nml ll raw jtotHtmii
vory thlu oier IkwI of lc-eold water,
n tlmt the Hlhttt will drop Into tho
wnter iK'fon tlwy liavi tlnio to iIImiiI
or. After nil nn rut. drain nml dry In
n towel. Try lu deep Itot lard, akliu
out. lay In n colander for Iwlf a min
ute, drop hkhIii Into Imt fnt. wlien the
alltva Mill awell or puff up: skim out
and ntvo hot.
rbncnlitlr Itrlnlra.
Melt n Iwlf potiml of butter In a pint
of Mllnj; wnter and atlr In crailunlly
thrc-iuartera of n pound of Hour. Stir
until tho flout foanea to. atlck to tho
aldra of tho inn. Take from tho tire
nnd when root whin Ui ono at a time
Tfe.ut firKfi, well iK'nlen." Hef Mi tlie U"o
for an hour, thou Jtour Into creased
(H-lalr Una nnd Irnke to a coldnn brown.
Whrn ruhl cut a silt In the aldo of each
pufT and till with a cream iJ)Jliuc. Ira
the top of tho eclair with ehoeojatu
llnkril Mpnuheltl.
Holl a half iMckant of timKhettl for
lialf nn hour In aaltetl water. When
(wider and well done, drain; put In a
buttered taking ditli a layer of twgiet
tl, aprlukl with ilrletl hretiil erumbf,
ehiHiH, crated, ami hltn of butter. (Hit
In more ajaiKhettl. ami prin-eetl like
thla until the 1IM1 Is full, havlnc the
top layer of crumb. I'our lu enough
milk to till nil lutcratlivH, and hake to
n cood bniwn.
Cclerr nml Nut litlnil.
Shell nml hlaiii'h n cupful of Kucllah
walnut iihwIh ami net lu a cold pine
until dry and rrl. Cut Into hits of
uniform tdao enough erlci) i-elory to ,
tnnke u cupful. Mix the celery ami nut
meats together and atlr Into tlttmi
eunuch mayounalH to moisten well.
Put Into a chilled howl llmtl with M
tuce leve, jnyir uu4.vonnalM ilrwwiHi;
oier It and nut In tho li-ehox until
I'm I Ink fur CnUe.
Kxeelleiit fntftlinc for eake la innilo.
with milk liixtead of eran. Allow four!
tahleHMH)ufula of milk to u cupful uf
nuciir. nnd itml; until tlio sirup stilus
a thread or forma a soft Iwll Itetweini
the llncem when dnipHtl In cold water. '
l'hou heat the sirup until it Is thick ami
white. Maple sugar Is delicious uied
In this way, or chiKiilnto niny ln msod,
with granulattsl or light brown sugar.
Vend n I Inu Mlnet I'll".
Wash, ire and chop twelve apples,
mid one cup of water, a little elunuiiuui
ami nutmeg, grated rlud of a lemon,
ono cup of sweet elder, one cup of
sugar, butter slxe of an egg, ono cup of
arodod ralslna; cook till tender, let It
cool, then till the pies and bake till tho
crust Is brown.
Corn NpoiiKe Cuke.
Sift together two cups of com men!,
ono cup of Hour ami que level teaspoon
each of suit nnd soda. Heat three eegs
with ono level tnhlcsiioou of Sugar;
add tlm egg mixture to the Hour; pour
In two cups of pour milk and mix well.
Ilnko In ono loaf,
g! i il ai
The Spencer Seedless Apple
Is the most remarkable discovery
made in fruit culture during the
last century. No seeds, no cere,
no waste; rich, red color; com
mercial size; good shipper; ex
cellent fkuor; splendid keeper;
a market leacer; no bloom, frost
dg.. Everett, Washington.
Thin Muvnr Cookie.
Mix four, slightly rounding tnblo
soous of sugar with three, tablespoons
of melted butter, two tablespoons of
milk, ono egg. two level tenSpootm of
baking towilor nnd Hour enough to roll
out very thin. Cut lu sliajK) and bake.
woritl of music it is the 'standard
ther pianos are measured.
I.TIl. wuava!. I '
Kmarann AltRelua
A. 11, Oha.e I'Uyer
Klnabury I'layar
hloaa Ooltar
TalklK SlaoltUaa
nd lt.cnrilt
We have other pianos. Read the list and you
will recognite familiar names of old, reliable, stand
ard makes of plunoa. We call your attention to the
Sttlnivay, at $S2S.OO and up.
Packard faoo, Ludwlg $37S
Cable $3SO. Wnxsbury $32S
and f3q. Wellington $383,
$275 and $263. We also haue
a fine six octave Organ, $80
Write to us for Catalogue, prices and terms. Do sure
and mention that you saw our ad. in this paper. Our
principal stores are located at
Steluway Deafen
The Home of Quality
ay & Go.
i 'd