The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 08, 1907, Image 6

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    The Minister's Wife
On the following day Sir Kverard call
A nt IZatou place. lie saw Mary, and
they went straight to Dr. Dynevor. There,
ir shaking hand. 1m quietly said that
differences had arisen between hlmeelf
nod Mies Mary, aw tbey bad Mutually
ngrred to part.
Smw, perhaps, mi n canon so !
founded, mw did one feel more out
raged, and never was one is a greater
lttsdon. though he controlled It.
"What was the cause?" be demanded.
"Tbe precise cam. he ami Miss Mary
Tiya had agreed to keep to them
dw," was tbe answer of the baronet.
-It was sufficient to say that tbey were
loih. fully convinced a union between
them would not conduce to their bappl
tins and they had come to the conclu
sion uot to carry it out."
"I will know the truth." foamed the
cannon. "Why do you part?"
"Differeneev" gasped Mary, who had
taken ber cue from Sir Everard. "Noth
ing that I can particularly explain. We
found that a marriage between us would
not lead to happiness, and we parted."
"Won't you speak out?" cried he.
Isrtagtag down his clerical shoe upon the
"That Is all I hate to say." he an
wered. drooping her bead.
"Very well." cried Dr. Dynevor. as he
fitted tb room and shut himself Into
ltl study. This save Ml Dynevor and
the girls aa opportunity of inquiring oa
their own account. Question after ques
tion they poured out oa tho unhappy
Mary. but tbey &tl not succeed la get
ting from her any solution to the mys
tery ; which, of course, bore an III appear-
"I very much fear it is a case of Jilt
is." groaned Atftit Ann. "If the days of
clnsdfa: were not past, one of your broth.
er ought to co out and shoot Everard
AVUmot. Dishonorable craven. Your
father any enter an actios against him."
The possibility of concealment was all
over now, as Mary saw; and she dragged
herself is fear and sickae to her father's
iwcseaee. "Is it true that you hare done
It? she gasped; and the subdan was at
no loss to understand her meaning.
"It soon will be true. Tbe nun shall
be held up a tpectaele to the world."
"Oh. ia pa. you must undo it, you must
undo it! Do not lose a moment. It was
net Sir Everard who broke off the en
gagement; It was I."
Tbe subdean stared at her through his
croar, ugly spectacles, for he bad been
reading a letter when she interrupted falsa.
She laid her arms upon the back a chair,
and seemed to tan her weight upon it;
lie saw that she was trembling. "The
truth, papa, is that I refused Sir Ever
ard; so that if aa action might be brought
on either side it would be on hU. He
came home to marry me; but I I could
not marry him ; and he was so kind as to
let it appear to you that it was as muck
lit fault as mine."
"You broke it off? Of your owa ac
cord Your reason? You do not stir
from my presence till you have given it
to me."
"I'apa," the breathed, bonding ber face
down upon the arm of the esalr, "I I
liked some one else better than Sir Erer
ard." "You liked " The eaaon stopped;
Indignation aud astonishment overmaster
ed him.
"Who Is Itr be demanded, is aa awful
She did sot answer. What he could
e of ber facts looked as crimson as his
own sometime was. "Who hi it. I ask?"
lie repeated, and shrink and shiver as she
would, there was no trading that reso
lute quMtkiB.
"Chart Haumgarten."
A curt letter, couched in the haughti
est of terms, reached Charles Haumgar
ton's cbambora is Pump Court, from Dr.
Dynevor, forbidding him all further Inter
course with the Dynevor family.
"I know the old boy ean do the thing
In style nben be bring his mind to It,
!ot this Is super-extra, Charley," remark-
, ed Klcbard Dynevor, wbo chanced to oall
oon after the misfire was delivered.
'Cliew up, lad ; thing may take a turn."
And a few weeks jl on. Mary
ajDynevor was not dying, no oae said that ;
ljut erery one did say that she was wast
ing aw). Tbe subdein, haughty, cold
fiud implacable, would not see it; Miss
Dynoror bad begun to speak of It com
plalnlngly; Ileglna and Grace grieved.
She bad a touch of low fever, and seemed
unaMe to struggle out of it.
Mary chiefly lay upon tbe sofa; she
was too weak to sit up throughout tbe
day. Hinartlng under tbe displeasure of
Iter father, obliged to submit to tbe quer
ulous remarks of ber aunt, wbo rarely
crated to grumble at the rupture of to
desirable a marriage, Miffering in a let
degree from tbe covert reproaches of ber
tdster. wbo felt it a a grievance upon
them. Mary bad a sad time of it. At to
Charles Haumgarten, be bad gone on cir
cuit, and seemed to be done with for
ever. Kven Richard never beard from
or of blm.
"It Is of no use, madam, my coming
fiere day after day to see "the patient."
tvjmen'hat testily explained Dr. Lamb, tbe
family phyelclan. one day to Miss Dyne
vor, 'The disorder Is on tbe mind ; some
trouble, I believe, Is weigning upon ner,
If It cannot be tet at rest, I can do no
MW Dynevor, now very uneasy, aat
flown to w"lte n Pl' t0 tbe aubdean
ot Oldeburcb. It d "e ffect ol Ma'
log Dr. Dynevor to town. Though harsh
,ad altera with bla children, bs waa fond
t them at heart, ami he did not like to
bear that Mary might be In danger of
dying, lie traveled up at night, reach
ing Kastos Place la the nwrnlng. Break
fast over, he shut blolf is with his
"And now, Ann, what do you mean by
writing to me as you did?" began he, in
his temeit manner.
"I said to you, Ilichard. what Dr. Imb
said to me. And I gave you my opinion
that she bad better be allowed to mar
ry Charles Ilaumgarten."
"I dare say," exclaimed the haughty
"There's not a shade of a chance now
for Sir Kverard Wllmot." went on Mls
Dynevor. "It's of no use thinking of
him. Of course girls ought not to be giv
en way to under ordinary circumstances.
Itut when It comes to this point, that the
girl may be dying, to give way may bo
nothing leu than a duty."
"Iet her see him then, and hare done
nith it," spoke the canon sharply.
Miss Dynevor was surprised at the con
cession, but hastened to repeat it to Mary.
It made ber pale and agitated.
"I shall write a short epistle to hi
chambers In I'ump Court and let It await
him there." sahl Miss Dynevor.' "No
ooubt be will call here as soon as he
reads It."
"Mind, aunt, I must see him alone."
said Mary, a strangely heightened color
lighting her wan cheek.
"You need not fear that any of us will
covet to be present: we are not to fend
of him," retorted Ml Dynevor.
She tent the "ephtte" to Tump Court.
It lay there for some little time. Charles'
was oa tbe Home Circuit, and when its
business was orer, he turned to Great
Whktoa to spend a day or two with his
mother and sister, wbo were staying at
Avon House. Itut be lost no thac la
obeying the summons, when be was back
in London.
Mary received him alone, as she had
wished. She sat back upon the large, Id
fashioned sofa In the drawing room, ber
head supported by a pillow. Charles was
shocked to observe tbe change In ber, ami
thought sbe mmt be dying.
"No," sbe said to him after they had
spoken for some time. "I am not dying.
Tbey think, at least they say, that when
once my mind Is at rest, when we shall
hare parted for good, suspense exchanged
for certain misery, that I shall begin to
get well again. It may be to."
Her bead lay passively upon his shoul
der; and they bad Just settled themselves
Into this most Interesting potltioa, when
tbe door opened with a crash, and in
marched the subdean. Mary's bead started
back to its pillow; Charles stood up. fold
ed his arms, and looked fearlessly at the
"So you are here again, sir?"
"Ily appoistmest. Dr. Dynevor. An
I am grieved to tee what I do tee. She
is surely dying."
"You think so, do your cried the
canos. "Perhaps you imagine you could
tare her life?"
"At any rate I would try to save It. If
I wore allowed. What Is your objection
to me. sir?" he hastily added, bis tone
one of sharp demand. "My cosnectioss
are unexceptionable; and many a brief
less barrister has risen In time to tbe
"I am glad you have tbe modesty to
acknowledge that you are brlefloss."
"I did sot acknowledge it, and I am
not brienVss," returned Charles. "I have
beans to get on."
Dr. Dynevor looked at hit daughter.
"Would you patrosize this sort of 'get
ting oa?" asked be.
There wts a strange meaning Is his
tone, which struck on Mary's oar. Sbe
rose is agitation, her bands eiasped.
"Papa, I would risk It. Oh, papa, If you
would only let me, I would risk It and
trust It."
"If you ehoose to risk It and trust it
you mr do to," responded tbe aubdean,
coolly; "and that is what I have eome
In to say. Hut. recollect, I wash ray
bands of tbe consequences. Wben you
shall have gathered all kinds of embar
rassments about you," be added, turning
to Charles, "don't expect that you are to
come to me to help you out of them. If
you two wish to make timpletoat of your
selves and marry, go and do it. Hut un
derstand that you will do It wltb your
eyes open, Mr. Charles Haumgarten."
Tbe subdean strutted out of the room,
and Charles caught the girl to blm, for
be thought she waa fainting.
"How good he Is to us!" gasped th
young man in the revulsion of feeling
which tbe decision brought blm.
Charles Haumgarten sat In bis cham
bers enjoying an animated discussion with
hit friend. Jephson, the great chancery
lawyer. About a week had gone by slnee
Cbarlea bad come borne from tbe circuit
and held that momentous interview with
Mary Dynevor which bad teen broken In
upon by tbe aubdean. Mary had now
gone, wltb tome friends, to Hrlgbton for
ebange of air, and Charles was, to to
say, a bachelor at large again. Tbe
change from despair to hope bad to elated
him that he bad tomewbat rashly likened
It to Klytium. Hut now a certain ugly
looking bill for eighty-one pounds, bear
ing Charles' acceptance, bad been pre
sented to blm for payment.
Charles declined to pay It, on the
ground that be bad not accepted It. Ho
repudiated the bill altogether. It wat
held by that eminent legal firm, Godfrey
It Herbert Jephson; tbe latter of whom
had now come to Pump Court In person,
bringing the bill with blm.
"I never saw It In my life until to
da," protetl Charles llautugarteti.
"ou ha been Imposed upon."
Mr. Jrptfton laughed. In days gone
iiy they hail Invn very Intimate at the
university together, ami had there formed
a clov friendship; though Herbert Jeph
ton was the ehler by some year. "Stuff
and nonenet" quoth he, "would you
deny your own signature? Iook at It."
Charles had looked enough at It. but
locked again.
"I don't deny that It's a clever Imita
tion, exevpt In one particular. This Is
slged "C. KaHmgarten.' I always sign
Charley In full. Iek over my notes to ' ' v - """"
you. Jepbo. should ou have kept any, t;nslblllty : moreoter. the young barrls
ami s If I eer signed myself la any ter s Irreproarhabk- character a well
other way." . known. Yet Mr. White knew that be
"If you' never did It before, that's no had come In ami-bought the Jwe'ry.
reason why you might not have done It "It I altogether absurd, said CbarW.
on this occasion." was the unanswerable , M w"t W mistaking me for some ote
repoe. I''"- I bought Jewelry. I should
"How do you say It came Into your wve paid for It In cash, I toll you; net
bands. Jephsonr he aked. T bill."
"We received It from White, the en. "What shall you dT" asked Mr. Jeph
gmver and Jeweler." was the reply. "Some MS.
property White is entitled to got thrown ' "I h Wep upon It ; and perhaps
lots Chancery, and wv have been acting he amulet word with a gentleman Ue
for blm. The expanses are draining him, tectlvc"
awl he had some difficulty to par Mr last At he gained Pump Court, having
Mi! of costs. My brother pressed for It: wished Godfrey Jepbn good evening,
one can't work for nothing; ami Mr., and turning Into It In a brown study.
White brought this bill of yours, and a.k- whl.tle high up greeted him. Gating
ed if we would take It in payment. God
frey did to, and banded White the bal
ance." "You ought to have doubted how a
bill of mine should get Into a Jeweler's
They came to no satisfactory condu-
tlon. And Mr. Jephson departed, taking
ib. hill i-itt, hi. .tl.rinr la ike Ur.
la bis Idle. Joking manner, that the Mil
was undoubtedly Charles Haumgarten's
and might have boen accepted la his sleep,
Charles was busy alt day. After
snaUhlng his dinner In the evening, he
went out to call upoa the elder of the
two Jephsons ; fer. In spite of his ar-
tlon that bo should do nothing, the affair
was giving him concern, and he deter.
mined to look Into It. Godfrey Jephson
was is hi dining room, but came out of
it at once to Mr. Haumgarten.
"It is Incomprehensible to me bow you
can deny the signature." he said, eater-
lag upon the matter at once. "If you
saw my signature or Herbert's, you would
know them. And we In the same way
know yours. I recegnited It the moment
I saw It. White it a respectable man;
there's not a store upright tradesman In
the city of Loudon; be is not one to say
you accepted the bill If you did sot. It
Is most strange that you should disown
It, Mr. Haumgarten.
"Did White tell you I had accepted
"He told Herbert. I have not bad
time to see him."
"Go with me to him now," suggested
Charles. "He will not ssy to my face
that I have bought Jewelry of him and
paid blm wltb a bill. I never saw the
man In my lite to tar knowled?! and sev
er was Inside hi shop."
Godfrey Jephson, til Intereit and cu-
riosity aroused, agreed to the proposal;
and they proceed! in the dunk of tbe
evening to tbe Jeweler's, la oae ef the
loading tnorougbtaros.
"You go forward first." whispered
L Marios, -and eater upon It. I should
like to watch hU eotiateaane. Ill come
and confront htm at the ruAt time."
a saw inti ui unarh-s to knit
orow nme.1 . r. jotmsons lace as
be advanced to tbe Jeweler. The shop
was brilliant with ga. Charles sat down
-., i .,:,-, , ,1 , .,i ,r .
.JrL't , . tv
This bill, began Godfrey Jepbson.
taking It from his poeketboek, "was due
to-My, ami proseote,! tor payment. Mr.
Haumgarten refuses U take it up. He
i.. i ',.
"list how can Mr. Haumgarten say
that?" returned tbe Jewelor. "He ac-
cepted the bill ia my presence."
"Mr. Haumgarten says that he dos
not know you. ami that be never was In
your shop to hit recollection." w tinned
the lawyer.
wiw imumnHitrH nfliini Muni lr
ward, and the Jeweler's eyes fell upon
blm. "Why, that that is Mr. Ilium
garten '" he uttrel, though In a Umo of
"Yes; I am Charles Haumgarten. I
There's some mistake here, Mr. White,
tkr I utinAt M mlar nl Maw fa I. tk.t
you told Mr. Jephson we have had deal-
logs together" I "" fwwwhtww wis .n mm h ii.
"Hecause we have had thorn returned' "UT, "? " "'. Chester," quietly
tbe Jeweler. "Tbe questioa Is. bow Is It f "rB,J Charles. "I have this evening
that you deny It? I recognize you fully teB f"n' Br' '
now. sir. You purchased several articles own " na ' , r r
of Jewelry of me and paid me with this " "f1" dle"lon ' '''
bjj 1 lure. I have teld you that Tomklas
"I never bought a shilling's worth of "" "ltb Wfl. 1 l. B'lfc,.w "'"" c ? ?.
Jewelry of you In my life," replied Charles l " If ,ke , ,lt,
Haumgarten. "Hut If I bad, I should not nat ",lr " 0,f mj fkmU"u"l n
have been likely to pay you by a bill. If , qufvr.!'r " e,ra l " J" M" . L
I bad bought Jewelry, I should pay you1., "Ua 'r"1 ' t1h,BS VT'JUt'
In eash for It" ill U somewhat annoying to find the as-
"And that is what you were going ta ,'r,,?a f'rsl ?M"""l' '
do, sir." returned Mr. White. "You ask- l" V,"?'.""' "'. k,'?"r V,8 ,a "
cl me to make the account (Hit, and I did xnthuiX l"it " dU 'f' ''" now
so. You laughed wben you looked at tbe I -and CbarlM MW U dWn '
sum total. It was so much more than I Charles stayed with blm until ten
you bad thought for; and you took out o'etoi "ad then went borne to his chain
your porketbook and counted tbe bank n ttlng himself In with bit latch
notes In It, ami then said you had not
much more than half enough with you
aud the shortest way would be to draw a
abort bill, say at a month's notice. I
had no objection. I took a bill stamp
iroui my desk, drew out the bill, and tbe arrival 01 bis clerk, he wat turprlscd
you accepted It at this very counter." by a visit from the Hlsbop of Denbam.
"It's all newt to me," replied Charles. Tbe bishop opened bis business stand
"1 repeat to you, Mr. White, that I never Ing, saying be had no time to sit. It
wat in this shop before to-night. I never appeared that he wat trustee for some
signed or taw tbe bill; I never bought thing or other, a vtrr trivial affair, but
any Jewelry here whatever."
(To be continued.)
For every ton of genu I no Ivory Im-
ported Into Great Hrltaln there are Ira
ported three ton of Yegetnble Ivory,
Tho latter come, chiefly from tbe re-
THc:LT' "in80" VT';f
It It obtained from tho seed of th.
ivory-nut palm.
The Minister's Wife
CHAITKK XVIII -(lntlmted J
The Srureler amwarvd mvstlfW t'er-
J Charlues lU.imgarten did not look
Upwaru. tnaries perceirwi m w "
whiskers of a friend of his looking out
from the window of some chambers not
far from his own.
"III. Haumgarten! Come up."
"Can't." Have some work to do."
'Then take the consniuencc."
A shower ot something Ibtuld was In
a . i v. w . b aj.ii
Melioration of descent. Charies llanm-
gen made a dash, ami disappeared up
the stairs. Peter Chestera grandson
of that old Mr. Chester who was once
rector of Great Whltton. rrsrlved ITurtes
with a basin of hot soup in his band,
"You'd have caught It nicely. lfJ'
basin and all ! Just look at the peerious
"tuff she concocts for a Mlow. dying,
SJ . ' " amfd throat. I
told her bvef tea. and she goes and makes
Charley knew of the storm that Peter
Chester, who. like himself, lived In his
chambers for economy's sake, and hi old
laundrr had together. "Is your throat
no tetter?" be aakrd.
"Much you care whether It's better or
worse!" retorted Peter Chester, a slight
young man. with a delicate fare and
blue eyes. "I'd never go from my word,
Haumgarten. You promised to come In
and sit with a fellow last night, but
deuce a bit came you.
"I added 'If I could.' Peter."
"Well. If you could not that's to say,
as you did not you might have t Joe
in to tell me set Just get III yourself.
I and bow lively your evenings would
lie with your throat In flannel, expecting
a fellow who never comes:"
! "I was coming In at eight o'clock, when
old Tompkins called In, and talked oter
old times. Hvery quarter of an hour I
i thought he'd go; Instead ef which he
stuck on till eleven o clock
"You'll shine at the bar, Charley,
when you caB invent a white lie after
that rapid fashion, and sure a man ia
j the face as you tell It."
"Tomklas was la my chambers."
"TomkitM might bo. itut you were
..xvh,t 4,, , ,,,, fr
VM4r Chester was looking it him. and
u.gfcun , mm provoking manner,
i x-,1. . .. vu kou uv. .
mfHt,tJ 0f u, lUnmgarten." be said. "If
JfM dw ri,,. to j, ami enjoy your-
' eelf. utead of palng the evening with
B .wk tkulBi lU9ttt . . wNy )M
.WoaM admit It. Only you might
Lare JfoWrtl Mt a word. Who was
k. Udr7 c Charfcy; confoseW,
,,.,, or fc, conscience."
,r Ul ,, W(,t te ,.
f,M, ,, ,,,,, 1 ,, .j, U . ,,
j8 the dark."
oh( sf emirte." mockingly returned
.rt.r Cboster. ttt a lrutr te j,
M Mk t4M ,, MSmtrmt ,,.
..wttJ j JfM kwp t w qlll(, .Wko
was the lady?"
"What lady?"
"That you escorted last night to the
1 Haymarket. Grand tier; first row."
I was not at the Haymarket lat
sight," returned Charles.
"Ok, but you were," answered Peter
?"" ' n .T.14' . ".,"U
. kef
tbe following morning, while
Charles wat at bis breakfast, aud before
it touched the rlgbta of tbe church, aa be
solemnly worded It, and an action at law
was unavoidable; If hit young friend felt
sufficient confidence in himself to do
, Juttlce, he would tee that he wat
appointed leading counsel ; It might be a
,,,fJ ,'. b,m ,n bJf ?.r?,e?l0D
'- rpl'e Bb.nT
p,rtlcuUr, from the M)icItort, together
J wJti, brcf ru wrju 0M or
ikii point. If you will give m hi "d
ink. to which )our attention must 1h
hleHy diverted, and then If you think
you can master them. I'll mention you to
the solklof.."
"If your lordship will be a the Iroubl"
of sitting to my dk. you will ml all
you require at band." said Charles, rW'
Ing to pilot him to It.
Down sat the bWwp. and wrote rap
idly for five minute. "Have you some
blotting paper?" he asked.
The Wotting par Is under the parr
you are writing Hpon," eiplIHl Charms,
and the bithop drew it out.
Heading his head, be stared at It
through his pectacle4. Then, turning hU
rw face to Charles, he spoke In a lone
that ought to have annihilated him.
"Do you give this to me to use, sir?"
Charles advanced quickly, Iwtked ami
stood confoumM with teiathm. On the
blotting pad. while and deow. for the
top sheet mint have been taken on, was a
fancy drawing In pen and Ink. bold, clear
and well done, of a half dotew billet girl
In very airy elunw. Tbe color lUw
to Charles' fare, he knew what th
bishop was. What on esrth, would he
Judge, must be his privste pastime. If
he could adorn hi professional ibk with
such sketches, and set a bishop down to
regale his ayes with them?
Charles tore off the sheet la a heat.
"I assure you, my lord, on my word of
honor, that I know not how tm- -those
things came there. Some one must have
1-ea here but night unknown to me. and
taken the liberty to leave a reambrann
behind him."
"Allow me to rwmmd you to burn
It, sir." said (he smndallied divine.
"Yes. but I will ftrst of all cmUavor
10 Identify the offender," was Charles'
t'p row the bishop, hit head efed.
Charles attended blm dstalrs, but hi
lorsUhlp did not sak band with him.
Hark tore Charley, two stairs at a time.
Joe's mother, who lived mwr at ham!,
and came ia to attend to the work at
suied tirno. was then rtanovlng the break
fast thiags.
"Were you here hast night white Joe
was out. Mrs. Tuff?"
"Yes, sir. 1 had sosm es-sadsvg "
"Who came in?" IntermpSed Chart.
"Nobody ratm sir. sot a stags !."
"Who ha bees into thi room thU
morning?" eontlased Charies.
"Only me, sir. ta mi It to rights."
"Did you do this. tWr asked Mr.
Haumgwrtoaw poshing the aWet Wot
ting paper ussier ber eys-
"Me!" cried Mr. Tuff, wbo was a
sharp-faced little womss In a neat stuff
gown and white rap. "Yost mttst he Jok
ing, sir. When I saw It tboev Is dusting.
I thought what odd looking hssuos they
was. And I put the writ in f sapor nnon
'em to rotor 'em up a hit."
Charles resorted. "J wouldn't do
itr he remarked.
"Joe!" said Mrs. Tuff m tetsmMs
meat. "Why, sir. Joe would sot dare do
ssseh a thing as that. II couldn't, either.
Joe haven't so talent that way. When
b was a little to. I'd give him a imsmHI
and piece of flr and loll him In draw
the eat, but It would corns out more like
a pump."
"That Jtwt brings u rosunl to my ar
gument, that some one else has been in
the room," said Charles. "Now I want
to and out who that is."
"It must have !) done in the day
time yostorday, sir."
"Tho last thing, before dinner yester
day evoaiug, after Mr. Clay loft, I wrote
a note at the table ami used this blot
ting ps'l." returned Mr. Haumgarten;
"ami 1 left It at I used It. much marked
with Ink. DM Mr. Clay wme In last
sight far any purpose?"
"No, sir. Am) If ho bad, he'd not
have left them disrespectful things behind
That waa true enough. Hut Mr. Clay,
Joint clerk to Unarm ami another young
barrister, might have let some use in wbo
had s amuvd himself, some lawyer's
dork with a hasty brief, who jxMwwd
more skill tbau discretion. However, the
woman persisted that no person whatever
bad entered, and Charles Haumgarten
thought It a mystery which wemrd, for
the moment, ineapable of solution.
Kilting down toll I desk, be began to
look over tome papers. A few in I mites
later, and Charles: bad occasion to open
one of tbe deep drawers oti cither side
tbe desk. He took his bunch of key
from his pocket and fitted one Into the
lock. Jlut It woubl not open. The lock
had evidently U-en tampered with and
bo bad left It In Hrfect condition the
previous evening, Mrs. Tuff was called
in again.
"Will you believe now that mnn nn
bat been at mischief in the room?" de
manded her mntier. 'They have been at
Hie drawers; I cannot unlock them."
ribe stood, somewhat Incredulous: n,l
Mr. Haumgarten, taking another key, tried
wis upiHHiie drawer, it opened readily,
but be gazod at It a If tratisllxed. "ImoV
here!" he sharply uttered.
The woman ndvnnriil and atood behind
hi chair. It was full of paper nnd
parchments, all In a mass of Inextricable
confusion, ,
"Now, listen, Mrs. Tuff. Yesterday
evening, after I bad written tho note I
spoke of, before I scald It, I opened this
drawer to put a parchment In 5 at that
lime It waa In ierfert order, and I locked
t and left It to. There It tome myttory
lu all this."
Mrs. Tuff could dispute facta no long
er; sbe bad to give In to the evidence of
her own eye. "Sir," the tald, "what a
good thing H U that I waa here last
night Instead of young Joe. v ,.
!l4.e IHUInwl IllHI ut lining it iu. ,
' I don't know that It 1 a tf n,.
sigtiiili-wtiily retorted Iter uissur. -j
im. t mini be that you ilropiwd sainvp d
night and let some um) got 111. '
Hie woman whs Indignant at tin.
nation. "Mir," relumed she, 1 , ,,n
)oii nivtisssl me of doing it ni).i (
ay that. I ilott'l think I as uiui i ,
I down last night, for I thought 11 a (
opportunity to clean uut Hi mptM
I sin! that's what I was duittg iii.. wt
vteiiltig. Hmti rguv mutt iii M
I last night through your leaving tin
n the Hiaag diMir.
'"Ihrwtigh what, do you sayr" i,,
ber master.
'The latch key, sir. Ytm left n N j
dmtr when you went suit the .t.ii, t)
"I don't know what )ou nirsti, J
Tulf. I did not leave my key in ill fc,
laat night or any other night."
"Why, ja, sir, you ilhl," ms Ut n
swr, sMkeH Im a lone of riiwntrifci
"Kls hw hiH I have got In'"
"What are you dreaming uf
You hate your own key."
"Hut you lok mine from m hi
night, sir. Dom'I you remsml-fr a
addeil, seeing Mr. HaNmgarteii sppi
not to ramprehemt. "When I wo Ud
I found the lalrhkey In lb l ,r. 114,
know you had left It there fur ai. brtl
thought It uot a safe thing to i, if,
ymi'll forglte me for saying it " I
Charles Haumgarten lookrd at ti
wvman In amatement, for li"t i;Pil'.1
of what she wa saying rou.d I .!
sImmI. He wrderml her to el plain. I
'h woman felt hurt. "I'm neordfvl
ed, sir, I know that, ami my yi in
sometime at fault , but tbey sm nst
bail that I cmild mistake anjlmdy t
for my own master." j
A sllenc rii. Mr 'lull rhMl
pad It In alarlng. Char Irs tigssd "i
ber la retire. An uncomfiriaM fsJ
clung Im him all day . go whr to wJ,
he carried It about with him. run ts .
courts and into the penr of t.
In the evening he went to rail t K'
lie, he bad not done so since Ml
went In HrfgbloM. Dr. Iti'..r wsi h
In lows, and, much to Charts' sorted
he found that .Mary was also to mvi
bad returned that day. t'pn toieg 1
milled, the maid, wbo had, a to ks
atlemlwl Mary. crossI lb hall
"Vou are b again, KarahT he r.
"Ye, sir, w eanve up lo day." the j1
answered, and proceed! ki elplala V.
reason. Th family they were otaytr
with at llrlghton recelvisl news f t
dangerous Illness nf a relative at Ctostr
bam, and hail lo speed thither st oaet.
Instead of being shown to lb drt!
rwHN a utual, Charle was mrkibd
a small one off 0" dlHlng riMim, and M
Dynevor came to him. Ily the Here
of her Aaiim wig, her rald ryebrst
and her haughty lone, Char)' asr IS.
1 tu i' thing was ami.
Then It i Mr. CharU Haumgtrtrt
she eicltlmed. as if his appsrtf
ed a doubt. "WbM the butler anaott
ed your name, I told blm be wm' b s
lakn. May I Imsulre tbe iirport I
yosir tlsil, sit?" i
Charles toufhsd. Ml D)vr vl
ubKt lo change of mood and maaa-l
but be did not let Ibem tntuble hiat, H
than the boys and g'r's did. jZ
to take lea with you for n 'J
Miss Dynevor. And Mary has i hoc
I bear." waa the answer.
"Yw. she has return..!." sUfliy ri
sisasdod Mi Dynevor. "Hut )av
be aware that It I not eenvralmt te '
alM Mm ll.! .mIh, m
Charles looked at ber, there wa sa(
thing In her voice, her mannrr. that 1
had never met before, ami his fxi'i
quirkenwl with a sne of com lug tm
"Or at any future time," continued tj
lady, who had not taken a seat, or adl
Charles lo do so.
"Hut whyT exrlalmerd Char!'. mVM
have I dne?
"You cannot really nee.1 to lo)
Charle Haumgarten. and It will h f
llctibirly unpleasant for me lo law
you. said she.
"NevertbebHM, I must press )ou Ml
so," said Charles, "I cannot "
a charge blindfold. Ml Dynevor"
Hbe drew herself up, the IIsii-h ('
iM-ewird to bristle. "I saw yu in a 1
uaibm, sir. Hie night before tat at n
play, which which -which In fact, p
fectly shocked me. 'If that dear d'"'
gentleman, the late dean nf Urnham, l'
.1.1- 1 1 .1.-1 . 1, t. .,1
w-rn iiiis, 1 urisunsti 10 myseii, n1- "-a
hne disowned his son as wr mutt
from this hour.' And I catua strait'
home, I atow to juii, sir, and a-ijualo!
my brother, mid said sitlllcleut to
nieces to satisfy them that you wert
blark sheep, Hlntv Mary returned,
have eiplnlncd to her; and and"
course she will give you up."
Charles had lUtrtied to her with M
enre. "Now will you please tell me. MJ
Dynevor, where you .aw me, and
the 'sit unt Ion' tnlglit be?" ho sun! "
she bad roneluiled.
"You are truly bold to ask It, Co"'
liaumgnrlvn," she retorlcil, "Hut
else could I expect? No, sir, my 1
intinlrntlon I closed. Our Interview "
an end, sir."
(To be con 1 1 11 11 nl.)
'-r .smiia i;sriuills"
"Hut of i-ourso you know, my '
n Krent tlenl of tho l crcnni U ,e
Jurloiisly mliiltiTiitiil."
"Ym, Gwirgc. Hut If I don't pflt '
somebody tUo will." Cleveland l'l
Dealer. i
Not llsnclly Uiiniplliiieiitary. J
I'lmt IlnriiHioriiior Yeu, my oM dJ
Oy tiwd lo liuiloro mo not to Iwcob1
nn nctor. 1
Ktvuiid IliiriiKtoriiii-r It wat i0,
of you to nceedo to hU wltliw.-C'8'-'',
mini Plain Denier,
Kach year nbout 100 sea vcmoU V
lost without rvcord.