The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 08, 1907, Image 3

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Saturday, Fobruary 23
rtnloiii, Feb. 23. 'Iho legislature
which adjourned today wont iloun In
history n t lit iml lavish Oregon Ims
ever linil. A grand total of (U, 000,000
linn been appropriated.
'Mm miimtti riifilnixl In iiitiml llm lm
lull changing III 111 Unit II I II law. I
Tin, Ikiiihii rivMifmlilitriMl ti t'ulji nf ....,- I
: ; .;:." "" " ,n
lerdny mill mihih two hill giving farm
IiiIk lefH nml tlih-Hlinriiii'ii lionx mi
cropi for money duo them.
Iwluisod by nearly every nNMwwr In
iht statu, tint lilll providing for mi
iKiilliililn rynli'in of iipmwiIiik tho tlm
Ixir 'mnls of tho Mnto wont down to dt.
fiiit In tin retutti.
Tin Iioidh finished up ltd hmdm nl
II :t0 Imt II wax SoVli.-k Mora tho
M'lintn nitx through, nml It wnx nnw
wry for the Ikhhu HiooiiIIuiihIii pmmIuii
until Hint lime.
It win nlllHlUlicnl to tlio IIH'llllxilH of
tin li-glslnturt that It would ho iihiii
I'liiitwiltiiit to buy ticket ul tlm iliixit
than to xty farm mi Hie tinln, I'iuhxi
would not tin, it tin niiw mitl-mim law
l III I'fTtV't.
Aiming tho i,t liujKirlmit mmlii
I HIIIIM'llsl Wll tin, llnlMCH lHlklllK
J)IH, which, though wIhiohIihIkwI Ui Iw
iiiilKWIIVl, M Ix-llcvwl to ItttHHIHV
"iwihiiio for tut riNumii l
hcgliinlngof hlulo supervision
Horn, lor M. fl.Mllli.r, of l.lnn, whm
lllll IllltllOr Of II hill tllill linn ,u,u
11111, llJIIIuiJ ........1.1 .... I II 1
I " irn i.iviuiiik nir lllll KWfllllU
oi ntirpIiM funds lii tin tol treasury to
Iwuks giving security ami mylng In
toiwton dully Imliineew,
rS.umtor I'. .1. Mlllur, of I.liiii-Mmloii
Mirunxl tlm imrwiKu of lillln for tliu ch
talillnliiucnl of an institution for tint
fi'iililifiiilniliil, an liiNtlliitlon for which
there hit Ixmhi Ktunnil dmmtml In ,ir.
tier to place iimliir I'ontrol iii'lnwiof
Ixiiiilt' not lit for the itsvlum Imt
ought not to Unit forgo.
Noimtor Kk'hol fathered two hills
that will I ui n considerable cffcrt. Ono
provides for llm working of huxlmmfo
who full to Miiport tlmlr fauiilliti, ami
Win puymcnt of (1 .fit) u ilny ti, tin, fom
Ily for tlicli support. Tim other pro
vliltm a uniform Insurance xillcy,
Honntor Omhow will Ik remoiiilM.rod
klmlly by all Jurors hereafter, for lie
hivunii thu enactment of a law raising
tlio fwn of Jiiroro from (2 to (.1 a ilny.
Hminlor llnrt of linker win antlior of
llm 1)111 which
What the Legislature Accompllihed
Ourlna, (ho Honlon.
Hnlrin Many liiiixirtant lillln i.
Ixitli InMinin of tint ()uKon li-Klnlfltiirii
nt tln fwnlon jimt pihIwI. nml a isnilil-I'lnhli-liiiiiilr
wern iMntUol. The up.
propilittinini nn viry liirKt hiiwmiiiIIiik
to miiiii? .1,fi00.(HW nml no lilll ipcl
ntlnlmt any eoiuililt'tnlilt niiHHint of riv
lllltt iy iirw iiikIImmU.
Hihi'ihI IiIIU for ti'W nnt'iiun Mr
ilrfiiitixl. Ainoiik' tliii wnn tlmt of
Ki'prtHH'ritnthti IiVhIn to tax tlmlwr
lioliliiiK (HI tlm IuiIn of f rulnliiKH nil).
iiiIIIhI to nrfHirii ly lluilr owiirm.
A not Inn Mm that pri'intnl hy tlm lalo
ii. ..ii:.... ,.. .ii... - ..."
.-. i-.,,, ,,, ...Hiunr.imiii.1, Ii.-JH ,,uriK ,,, ww,.t,nt (,fu law wllloll
...-h..mC .,., .K h,,k' wir. mi,, ftln ,1i0)(, , 17 6000 tli
vloic.rKiintlMM ui iMr niIU llxil nKmi.t that in) l-j uuvrv, for acU
not raruliiK- A thinl wan that of Uv- faiixliiK ilwtli.
ri'fiiittlvii Hi'ttli'inler for collation ufi u ., .. J . , ., . ,,. ,,,
Iaw oi. Inn.1 tlmt Im.l ,h,1 tn-ntlw. ' ... " ',r l" ' wl l,0.,,,IM w,,Ifc,,h
III llitt la.t ,1. yM,. ' I ,,M , l";wl I-roviaiittf for tlit ap,K.lnt-
.... .. ii... .i,,ui. .. i wuiit )f two niiiirniiiv court i,oininltilt)ii.
""" ' i'iw.Vi ii.-iwiiin.ii. '.,, , ,.. n,,.,,..,,., ,....,...,
... - l.nifrw IIIUIVIII. fll V. Illfi lljl
with Hh woik.
plni'if rinlrlctloiiH uiion
IiHturliiK of fur.Kii aliwp In (Jrt-
j,Miii, mi nx to protu't Onon ului'inncn.
Ki'imtor Mnlarkfy Intrixliiciil ,m.
mwniiivn whk-li will lit) of foiiMliliiralilo
IniportiiiH-ti. Onii llmitu tlm houit of
lalxir of trHiunnm, flnntluir nmkiti llm
IioxUihI'h cMirlitiy the miih' x m wlfu'i
ilnwor, nml tlm tlilnl provliltw lor thu
IhiIMIiik of n hrhlKB th thu Wllluiu
tin at Ohwivo. Unix affonllin; tlm
inmiix of takliiK llie trniim off I'ihiiUi
ntnit In I'iiiIIhihI.
Sciintor Mulll of JwLikiii rt'ini'iii
Ixinxl the uIiIowm ami oriilimix liy m
Pnlouio Fnrmon Will Curry Their
Whont lo EIvtort.
WaviTly. Waxli.. 1'i.lj. an. - Tin.
fiiriiuiriiaiiil whmitKroworHof thin IIh.
trlul hnvo ilivhltil to ilo away with tlm
"mick profit, " ami iluviilom for luuiil.
HiiK whiiil In hulk will Ixi ho IiiiIIL nil
ml IL I. tlm n,0,,, l,, Hl,"k,,ni A ,,,Ih,1 Hlwlrlc
III of iKII.k. jf"'"l,1 A Wr )'"'""l"tlO IIKH'tlllK WIIH
ii vn i in-ii, in uiii.iiiiu iiiii manor inor
oii(hIy illM'iinxl hy tlm fiimicM. Tho
nii'uiiiiK wan aildnwitxl hy a rcprofontii
tlvo of tlm ohiviitor 'oiiiiiny, who rx
pliilnixl tho iiilviinliiKiHi to ho ilorlvixl
from tlm farumrM hamllitiK I""'" Inxtnul
oi hwkwi Kruiti.
Tho couiimny will ho orKnnl toim
nhlo tho wliHitKrtiHcf to hamllo IiIh
Kiiiln in tlm tnont cvonoiiileitl iiimuior,
nml thi'iohy mu tho prloo of enckii,
whk'h nell for from 10 to 11 ccntH ouch.
Tlm farinnrH fwl that I hoy hnvo Iwen
lniwixl tijKJii hy tho "ciiuk KrHflr"
Ioiik oiioiikIi, and lli.y hnvo to divided
to flop huylriK wwkH ami hnmlle tholr
whent In hulk.
Wiikoii Ixixif Hint will hold 100
himholH of rollout to haul to tho oluvit
torn will poxt the tin morn hut $16 micIi,
mid thto Ikixoh enn Ik uhwI fiotn yor
t' yi'iir. All elovntora will Iki xiii1iiih1
with tho iiifwt inwlcrn iiinchincry for
tho liandliiiK nml cliitiiliiu of era In In
tlif imift icoiioiulcnl inmiiivr. Whint
win lx hamlliil fully a cent n himlml
clicniwr tlinn through thu wnri'liouciii In
mho1h. Wnu'on iltnntm nml fhlntilni!
wnlon will Ik provld(l at every eleva
tor. Thi'co oUivntora will proWihly I
hullt all through tho I'nloiixu country
thin KixiKoii, no fnnni'ni all oor ljintcrn
WnrhiiiKlou nru mulouH to do uwuy
with nick".
Judge Stafford Refuses lo Dis
miss Hermann Case.
Protection Has Two That Hermann
'Wroto to ex-Reglter of Rote
burg Land Office.
inoiiitml wn that of llm Portland Ixmnl
of trrnlo, fm control of tho watt-r kiw
or of tho lnto. Another wim that for
it 1(10,000 appropriation for oxtormlou
of llm M)rlnfo run I to Tlm DnlleH.
Firxt of nil tin tiiiMi'tuiKiitr win Hint
for n nillruol coiiiiiiImIoii. Tlm hill
for thin Inw wax uitiixlucod hy Itupre
rental lo Chaplu nml tho three comuilit
niiineix ntrmdy hnvo lwii apMiutx
T K Catnplmll, ('. II. AUditam and
Oiwnld Weitt.
Koprci'iitntivi Jmtwi, of 1'olk, In
father of n nmitwuful hill npproptiatiiiK
((K),0H) for fret h.-kx at WtilmiH'tto
fiilln, i".mtlliK III mi tho rmtiiMwl kv
niuwiit'd NpprnpritinK an nihlithximl
mini nullk-ieht to pruvi.m the lu'kn ami
UWUltHili the iii.
KcprtwentHtive lUton, of Iiif, hmt
the erixlll of ImviiiK iHHiurtl oiutetnieiit
of n lull Kfwi'tiiiK ti th Statu uuiverni
ty nn nuutml rtaiMlliiK approprwthHi
ltepreentntlvo JnekMMi, of DoukIn,
IntrixliM'ed a rmvewful hill npp -priut-liiK
$100,000 fur NmUmhiI (iu.iiil arm
often Iteprtwoutntlvo I'erkliif, of JAckmui,
)mx thoctixlit of MViirhiK for friiltinen
it law to pment falim lalxillin; and
hrnndltiK "f u'kcd Unit, anil of mmth
it law to prevent fnlo marking of our
fery Ktick A thinl hill of hi hmiiiIIx
oirliiirdlntM to kill hlnlx that deMlroy
cnii, hut thin hill In In tinnier of it
Ilepienontatlvo Klunher in hit her of n
fliKYewifiil hill creatiiiK nhwp wiiiimln
Ion ii ml a fheep In-iH'tnr. and nullior
Henntor Kny ptenneI tho inerchnntu
every w lien liymvurliiK tho eiiiwtinnit
of a law whk'h provide (or tlmpiriilxh
inent of wiiijw of puhlic einployiii.
Him-Ii etnployii nro very often Judgment
proof without iiuch n law.
Heuator Heholleld futlmrcd numlmr
of llilmry lawn, ami Iihm hud tint cciihuh
law aiiiemlixl hi that it In now milted
to modern conditions.
hVnntoi NottliiKhniu lntontix him-
. rolf in tho iiii'iroveuieut of puhlic niontlii
nn uiwl, ami nei'tiriNl tlm oiinctiniuit of
a law foi tho Miiiiluiiwit of miwutx
KUilty of eutk'lui; away children umlor
II H ypttrn fur liuinoral nirxni.
KOMtor lliuichuiii wan father of n now
forenl tiro law, tho eltteUiney of which
I ha yet to Ik hhown . It rtHulion tho
lUM'lititi tit tliAl ilulirlji of Imfiftiti iituirr
"' illiinn Mltil llntr&i tiia runtl I Ltt lii. itilti.
i inniT ' t"- '' iMiiin iti iitii
kuni ai to the
practiVHl working of tho
hlucKtcm, 7Scj
Whent Clnh, 7(V
alluy, 7(V; rtxl, OHo
OrttM No. 1 white, IW; uniy. $S8.o0.
llarloy Feed, $!iS.fi0 imt ton; brow
itiK. $M; rollixl, $!M.0(il4.o0.
Ityo $1.4R(al.ri0 permit.
Corn Whole, $11.80; cracked,
$!2!t.n0 per ton.
May Valley timothy, No. 1, (II
in cr ton; liiirtcrn OrcKiin timothy,
$I7(S1H; clover, $0; el unit, $11; grain
Ixint' iiiNiMvtorri of tho hurertiiof aulliiiil liny. I 0 10; nlfalfit, $H.
ItidiiHtry to exorclno jxilk-o owirH In lluttor Fancy irwtuiory, 31'Si:t6c
the Mule for orndUstthui of nheep kmiIi. ht ouml.
Heprci-enlntlvo Hotllemler'n lull vim-1 Hutter fat Find ttnido rrcain, ,18J,o
cd laith houfCM to npproprlato $100,000 per pounds woml Kiiulo oiwim, 3o Ichu
for tho Heiittlo oxMinltloii In ltKHi. I nr pound.
HeprcHentatlvi lidwnr.U win pro-1 F.KK Oregon ranch, 18ltc Hr
uioter of nil liiixirlant oiuu'tiuont to doxeu.
ntlHo tho per capita tax of h-IiooI !! Poultry Avorago old Iiciih, 14
tnetf lo $7. lncpcr jKiund; mlxixl chlckcim, H
Itoprcneiilatlvo Yawtcr of Jm-Um It Ljc; HprliiR,13S,llc; old nMwtorn, 0
had a hill Wno.I to create ono Ixninl of 10c; tlroiwwl cliiiikoiiH, HlBo; tur
icKimUfornll thonurinnlrt, iilno toap- koyH, live, lflc; turkoyn, tlrivnod,
proprlalo $40,000 for tliu AmIiIiiiiiI nor- choice, I820cs Btftwo, live, 010oj
mal. Itcprwentiitlvc Iktrrctt of rum. diickM, l(l18c;.
tilln cllil tho Minn foi tho Wewton nor- Appliw Coniinon, 7fc$l.W5 jwr
nml, in tliu mini of $315,000. Fonalor box; choice, $l.n02.&0,
liugluiry necurod eimutmont of lilt bill Vcgotahle Tuinlpx, $ll.i.'5 per
providing (.'1(1,000 for Moninoiilh and wicks cariotH, $101,116 per nick; In'otn,
Itepreneiiliitlvo JttckHoii put a Hmvemiful $1. or nick; hornonidlHh, 7
ruler on It impropriating (27,000 for Ho juir pounds tweet MitutHW, 3lo
Dmiii li.r..u....i..iu... furl,. .i Itmi. iuir nouud: nittllllflwcr. (2.60 per doz
' """I '!' T1lllt t Vt I -' - W -
lou mviirwl piiHngoof a (126,000 ap
propriation fur now hulldiiigH at thu
Wiito Agricultural college, and Honutor
Joliiixon of a $76,000 npproprlnt ion for
llopronouhitlvo Hca'ri t iiuthot of mi
I'liiu'tincnt creiitlng tho olllco of cheeno,
dairy ami crcuinory lutpivlor, iih ilcp
"ty to tho atato daliy cominlmdoiicr.
iieprcfontHtlvo DrlHcoll intronuccu
ens iiilory, ;i nu(uii.o cruio; ppniuin,
He; rhulu'iib, lluKrpmiml; UHjviiragUH,
17c per iKiiind.
Onloim Oregon, $101.16 Hr bun
dred. Potittiwfl Oregon lliiilmnkH, fancy,
$1.10; couiiuon, 76i-0$l.
Vnil Driweil, 60o per pound.
Iteof DrcHHcd hulla, 2)iQ3io per
iKiunds cowh, -Hi Bo; country
Farmer Holding Back Produce
Batter Prices.
Chlaigo, Fob. 2(1. Tho farmum'
trunl had arrived. It linn utrctcliixl it
hlg, utroiig hiimlx over thu Mitex of In
dia tin, Illinois, Iowa, Kentucky, Win
eoiifln, Knnnas, Nehruakn, Oklahoinn,
Mlaxmiri nml Texun. Itx knotlixl lln
gen hnvo plhxl up uilllionH of liuxhela
of grain nml fruit and thnuxamU of
I mil of cotton Into n mountain limp,
nml thu triiMt hua raid to tho doalcra of
thu world:
"You can't hnvo nny of this until
you jiy uh what wc think it coming to
im. Now do your wont."
Kwr rilnco early laHt fall, bonrd of
tmdo men nml phlppent of grain hnvo
Ihx'ii talking nliout tho scarcity of earn.
To that hcarelty they lutve attributed
aliuiM-t entirely thu fnct that corn,
m luii t aiul other farm pnxl'ucta do not
movu to tho iimrket centoiri with more
iiiuitu. iiio iiiwrtii oi carp la an overv-
day theme In tho ppcculntivo nml com
eadnl goip. riutt there in a great
deal in it uoUxly diHiiutoK, but a utill
uioro pignilk'iiut phonomonon of tho
day la tlmt grain In bolng held Iwck Im-
CHimti tho fariuora are ilnterinlnod they
pIihII got the prieu thoy have act on
tholr own proxrty.
Wufhlngton, Fob. 20. Jimtlco BiJif.
ford today overruled tho motion of tlio
tlofoimu in tlm trial of Heprcovututlvo
lllnger Ilvriiiaiin to tnko the oum from
tho Jury and dpmirn tho chargu on tho
ground of fatal vuriaiiro lietwecn tho
imllctmout and tho evidence bv'ora tho
Krniiil jury. Hearing, were rcpumed.
Tlio trlul wan halted hut Thumdiiy.
when Mr. Worlhlngtoii for the dcfeiipn
inndo a motion on tho evidence eubmlt
tcil by Ilcruiaun'p former pocrctnry,
Hough, nn to hia lent iuiony before tho
grnml Jury. Mr. Worthlngton ali-o
arguiil that tho prosecution could not
nddiii-o ovldonco of conaplincy on the
imrtof.Mr. lfcrmmiu with otboia to
defraud tho government out of public
land In order to pIiow n motive for thu
dcMtructinu of lecorda, dm alleged hy tho
piopccutlon, on tlio ground that Her
mnuii waa not on trial for contipinicy.
After hearing tho argument on Tliuru-
ilny. Juxtico Hliiflordailjounied tho trial
until todity, In order to consider tho
jMjinti inado hy tlio dufciipo.
J. T. Hrldgo. ex-regbtor of tho land
olllco nt lUwebtirg, tentiflod that ho Iiad
iccolved many letters from Hermann of
a private character tlmt ho had destroy
ed. Two were found In bin denk when
tho dwk wits broken oon nt tho timo
ho wiih auMiHinded in 1005. One of
tlux-o mention) tho tmmo of Agce, who
la identified by tho government with
what hnx. Un designated uh tho "Ageo
ooiiaplntcy." It wnN idontlllcd by Mr.
Ilridgeii, Dintrict Attorney linker ftnU
iug that bodeaircxl to pbow tho intl
nuttely friendly rolationri cxlttlng be
tween thorn. Ho further paid Hint tills
tnuiMiction In which Ageo wiw Involved
took place whllo Hermann wm at tho
hind of tho land oflico, and tlmt ho
ribould luivo kuowledgu of it.
Two Hundred Thoutand Dollar Theft
Uncovered In Chicago.
Chicago, Feb. 23. Tho Tribune to
day pny:
Ono of tho lnrgeat If not tba largest
UieffH from the Unltwl Htatea Ireaa
ury haa Immiii uiiHirtbod In Chicago. '
Komowhcro liotwcen $176,000 nnd
. (200,000 wan etolen from tho local iul-
trenHury Jaat week. Tlio money has
diwprM-urcd oa complotely uh If It had
vnniidiod from tho earth.
Tho authorities here and In Wash
ington hnvo been working night and
day on tho jobbery sinco it wan discov
ered. Chief Wllkio, of tho United Btatos
Secret flcrvlco, has Ix-cn kccnlng Inform
ed hy telophono and tolegiuih of every
development, and, iv.-eo rding to tele
graphic advlcefl, ho will leave Washing
ton tilay to tako personnl cliarge'of tho
Secretary Bhaw, of tho Treasury de
partment, was tdd of tho big theft
when In Chicago lost week, and woe In
conference with Sub-Treasurer William
Koldenwick and secret servlco official.
Tlio money was Htolen cither a week ngo
Saturday, tho next day or Monday.
Tho chances aro It won abstracted on
Monday. Tho loss vraa discovered
All tho money taken wan in lnrgo
hills bills of tho denomination of
$1,000, $5,000 nnd $10,000. Just who
discovered tho Ioph tho sub-treasury olfl-
cinls would not admit lout night
Neither would they tell from what de
partment tho money was taken, nor
how tho lost was discovered.
In a Condensed Form for
Bnsy Readers.
A Resumo of tho Less Important but
Not Less Interesting Evenf
of tho Past Weok.
ho bill for thu nut creating tho Portof alcorn, 6Hfl)jO.
Columbia Dlatiiot of Miiltnonuib, Co- Mutton Drained, fiu-y. 80o per
liiinhln nnd ClntHop count Ioh, for regit- pound ordinary, ll(07i
1'itlon of towngo and pilotage t tho, Potk Drwwed, tleiUc per pouml,
nnutli pf Hio Coluinbht rlvor. I HoW-8V,'ai0Ho kt l'i"d, accord-
Kcnntor M. A. Mlllur, of Linn, Inw lug to ipmllty.
If) IiIh credit it compulsory education Wool-Hmdem Oregon avorawo Ik. ,
li which nromlHOH to Im tho mint ia18o, ucconllng to n!irliikiiiw vul
"flivtlvo mcuHiiro of tho kind over pro- loy, 20 2!ic, mwnllnii to IIiioiimsi
poscl In Oreon. inolmlr, cholco, 2730o por pound. ,
Elklns File. Long List of
Railroad Statistics.
Washington, Feb. 20. Sonntor HI
kins, of Went Virginia, has jiirt com
nletisl nnd lllel in thu pcnato la minor
ity iuK)rt on tho niilnmd rate law. It
prcHcntn it comprehensive history of tho
coonomio development of American
riiiliiKiilx, together with exhnuxtivu
tnliliMt which tend to show n couptiintly
divrcnslng freight and jxtssongor rule,
and thu rcjiitlon bi'twceu such rut ex and
thu price of comuKxlltica mid cost of
Tlio nvomgo imsiengor rato," rays
the remirt, "adMinced allghtly from
1870 tu 1880. During tho next 24 years
thcto wns a decline cmml to 17.85 nor
cunt of tho nvuiniru for 1880. Tho net
decline fioin 1870 to 1800 averaged
10,14 por cent. Thu decline In the av
erage rato per miio per ton oi trelglit
wim 58 71 per cent during tho years
from 1870 to 1004, tho ruto fur tho
earlier year Ixdng nlxnit two mid ono
half t lines Hut of the latter, nnd tho
not Having (o tho shippers averaged
11.00 mills per ton per mile."
Iliu roixirt says tlmt tlio cost oi
tiauxportatiun in 1001 wua nearly (2,
000,000,000 lens than it would hnvo
been had tho rate, for 1870 still prevailed.
Dry Farming in Malheur.
Valo, Or., Fob. 20. Persons hero
from Pendleton mid Will lit Walln stuto
tlmt thoy will takjuppomoof tho bunch
laud just west o( Valo anil usuilry farm
ing methods, Thoy fool certain that
tho soil In similar and bettor Hum Hint
around Pendleton, on which such excel
lent returns aro being nmdo. No dry
farming has over boon tried In this sec
tion of tlio county, and the. outcome la
lining prophesied us it failure by boiiiu
of tho old settlors, but who nro
studying thu situation statu there can
lie no doubt as to success.
Secret Service Men Have No Clew to
Identity of Thief.
Chicago, Fob. 20. Although n score
of detectives lire nt work on tho caso,
tho theft of (17.1.000 from tho aub
treasury in this city last Wednesday
tuHims us far from solution as tho day
on which the robbery was committed.
Tho genonil improssion prevails that
the thief must have been it government
employe, nnd reventl of those men aro
boing clooly watched, hut, an far na
known tonight, no tangible ovdlonco
bus been discovered.
Among thoso under mirvolllttnco Is
George W. Fitzgerald, who was In
charge of the toilet's nigo from which
the money was nbitmcted, but he In
sists that ho has no knowlcdgo of how
the money disappeared.
May Be Killed Entirely to Avert Big
Treasury Deficit.
Washington, Feb. 25. SInco Chair
man Tawney, of tho appropriations
committee, called nttentlon to tho prob
ability ol a deficit of (100.000.000. in
consequence ofjjtho large appropriations
nuiuu mis Bcpsion, mere lias ucen con
siderable talk around tho capltol about
defeating tho river and harbor bill,
thus removing tho possibility of such
Tho rivor nnd hnrbor bill ns mssed
by tho house carried (83,000,000. As
amended by tho senate, It carries (92,
000,000, nnd tho prospects nro that, if
tho conference committee agrees, it will
report a bill carrying in the neighbor
hood of (90,000,000, or approximately
tho amount of the deficit predicted by
Mr. Tawney.
Friends of tho river nnd harbor bill,
slnco tho rumor started, have become
nctivo In urging prompt ngreomont on
tho bill in conference, so that it will
not run the chance of being talked to
death In the lost day or tno of tho ses
sion. If tho report Is delayed until tho
middle of the weok, nnd a few senators
determine to kill it, they will hnvo tlio
bill entirely within their power.
United States or Mexico Threaten to
Interveno in War,
Washington, Feb. 20 Unless Nica
ragua and Honduras speedily agree to
arbitrate their dilllcultiosin rcsponso to
tho suggestion of the United States nnd
Mexico, it Is not improbublo Hint inter
vention will bo resorted to In order to
bring an end to tho present hostilities.
It hecomo known today that within tho
Inst day or two a second noto wns sent
to tho piesldentaof Nicaragua and Hon
duras, in effect conveying this threat.
o replies hnvo boon received and,
whllo In ntllcial circles tho bopo is ox
pressed that further bloodshed may bo
averted, I hero Is an underlying belief
tlmt it will lw necessary for olther tho
United States or Mexico to step In and
force an arbitration.
Stoamer Empire at Old Game.
Washington, Feb. 2(1. Advices ro-
wived by the Stuto department today
through Minister Coica of Nicaragua tiro
to tlio o fleet that the small steamer
F.mpiro, which In tho past hns II cured
conspicuously in filibustering expedi
tions, is liolng utilized for thu trans
portation of munitions of win from
Salvador to Honduras. Minister Corea
will request this government to hnvo
tho fteainer Newport Intorcoiited by tho
cruisor Chicago, bolievlng that slio cur
ries, supplied ultimately Intended for
Forty of Crew Perished.'
Cimcn, Island of Crete, Feb. 2(1,
All tho passengers on board Hie Aus
irlun strnmor Imiiorlntrlx. which ran
on n rook rrluay ovenlim neat uipojoruollnts' woitn ot Jowolry nnd pinto,
KlnnhonUo, woro saved. Forty inuni-. dostroylng nil thoy could not enrry off.
liora of tho crow, of whom !)2 were Aus Ofllcora nro searching tho mountains for
trlnua mid eight Indians, porlshod. I tho robbers.
Bandits Get Big Plunder.
Kl Paso, Tox Fob. 20. Handlts
raided tho hnclonda of Joans Urnngan
Salons In tho village of Dunuigo, Mexi
co, Sunday night. Aftor making pris
oner ot Salens and Ida servants, tlio
bandlto robbod his safo of (7.000 in
gold nnd gnthored up many thousands
Fulton Would Give Congress Author
ity to Create.
Washington, Feb. 25. Senntor Ful
ton bus offered his amendment to tho
agricultural npioprintion bill, prohili-
King tno creation or further forest to
serves in Oregon, Washington, Idaho,
Wyoming nnd Colorado, except by nu-
thorly of congress. Senator Lodge, who
threatened to miso n point of order
against tho amendment, withdrew his
objection nnd it was generally ngreed
that tho ninondmont would bo permitted
to go In tho bill if It was not delated.
This is satisfactory to Mr. Fulton, nnd
ho expects to have the amendment ac
cepted br Uio senate when tho bill Ib
taken up.
Western men in congress nro thor
oughly uroused at tho Forest servico for
lis attempt not only to legulnto all gov
ernment timber bind but public range
laud as woll, and In consequence legis
lation recommended by tho president,
looking to tho leasing of tho public
range mid tho reservation of nil public
timber land now In reserves, will bo
Japanese Will Investigate.
Seattle, Fob. 25. Tho Japaneso asso
ciation of Scattlo has appointed a com
mittee ot five to nmko a full nnd impar
tial report on conditions existing In tho
Puoitio Northwest, as regards their
countrymen. Tho result of tho com
mittee's investigations will bo sent to
tho government ntTokio, through tho
Jnpuncso nmbussndor at Washington.
A. Huttori, president of thu ussooition,
declared that tho meeting was not culled
as a government function, but merely
through a eensa of national pride to in
vestlgato conditions.
No Hope for Seattle Fair Bill.
Washington, Fob, 25. Senator Piles
hns about abandoned hope ot securing
tho passago through 'the sonata this
session of Senator Ankony'e bill appro
priating 1700,000 for tlio Bcattlo expo
sition. Senator Halo refuses to with
draw his objection. As tho bill cannot
pass tho Iioubo this session, the whole
mnttor will go over to tho noxt con
gress, whon It stands a fair chance of
Tho Nebraska legislature hns nnssed
nn anti-pnps bill.
Tho IlrHish premier favora nction on
disarmament at The Hague.
Reform of land laws will go over to
tho next session of congress.
Uusslnn terrorists hnvo planned n
wholesale rnnsencre of officers.
Tho president may create many for
est reserves before tho now law takes
Forty-two Greek laborers wcro In
jured in a imoahup of a construction
train on the Salt Lake read at Lolth,
Railroads affected by the 2-ccnt pns-
Bongor rato Jaws posted in several
states will combine to carry tho fiirht
i to the courts. J
Fighting between Nicaragua nml
Honduras is now general. Tho former
seems to have the ndvantace. though
Salvador is helping Honduras.
Sylvester It. Rush, of Nebraska, has
been appointed tpecial assistant to U o
nttorney general. Ho la to hao chargo
of the land fraud Incstigatlons in tho
Northwest. He lias liad much success
In convicting land thieves In Nebraska.
Chinese fa ml no sufferers aro dying
by thousands.
Hill has purchased the Astoria A
Columbia River railroad.
A number of senators nnd representa
tives will visit Hawaii this summer.
General Koslevsky wns assassinated
after Joking about threats made to kill
The National Arbitration and Fcaco
congress will meet in New York April
14 to 17.
President Roosevelt nnd Secretary
Root have been asked to urge tho peo
ple to help tho Russian famine suffer
ers. A Baltimore & Ohio express train
wns wrecked near Connellsvillo, P.,
nnd two jiersons killed nnd eight In
jure!. The Iowa legislature hat adopted a
resolution calling on congress to call n
convention to nmond tho constitution
so that United States senators may bo
elected by direct vote of the people.
Tho San Francisco water board has
revoked tho franchise supplying the
city with water on tho ground that tho
company has been collecting excessivo
rates. Tho property is estimated to bo
worth 15,300,000.
Tho French ticcuso tho church of hav
ing meddled in politics.
Tho St. Paul railroad hns stopped all
improvements till popular wrath cools.
Sixteen children and their teacher
woro burned to death in n Montreal
Grand Duko Nicholas of Russia nar
rowly escaped being blown up by a ter
rorist bomb.
, Stoessel is called a coward by Smir
noff, ono of tho generals ut Port Arthur
during tho slego.
Fire at Los Angoles destroyed proper
ty valued nt (200,000. Firemen rescu
cd 12 peoplo from tho flumes.
A British naval paymaster nt Vic
toria, U. C, is to bo couit mitrtlalcd
because Ills carelessness caused a loss ot
Tho Engl if h parliament will arrange
a loan of (5,000,000 for Kingston, tho
money tc bo used to rebuild tho busi
ness portion of the city.
George Von L. Meyer, former Ameri
can ambassador to Russia, lias returned
to toe United States to beet mo post
master genonil in President Itoosovolt'a
Tho Texas senate has voted to exon
erate Senator Railoy.
A Denver man 1ms confessed to kill
ing his wito that ho might many an
other woman.
The senato has approved of nnother
Federal Judge for tho Northern district
of California.
Tho senato hns refused to consider a
mensuro to reduce tariff on sugar, to
bacco and rico from tho Philippines,
Secretary Shaw will leave tho cabinet
March 4 to become president ot the
Carneglo Trust company, ot New York,
Pittsburg has Just had a tiro In tba
heart of tho buelnees district, the loss
amounting to sovorol bundled thousand