The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 01, 1907, Image 4

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    Hi' VTiVi'V
i wii 1 1- ri iinnrrrrr " '" rrnr
I i
1 I,
The TownsJte of BEND
J wOy Xv 0i.Q.7vA u
H "V t "V iJV X.N. r. t r-V XX- ."Vc: rQV N 1
3' 4 .J VA.'7 X. Os I I 'Si V s"
H X. y N. v WVfs. " N- . i -
I ar
gaAir.i3i.iuJufcxaij, i. ,wfi
INoticc to Stockmen.
Lakmvikw, Or., Feb. 15. All
persons desiring to graze their
stock with the Fremont and Goose
Lake Forest Reserves during. Uje
season of 1907, tre required to
inke application fer tills pfivile.
and secure a permit from the super
visor heme entering or crossing re
serve hums. Uk reg alar applic-'
U011 blaiiks fbr Kraung permits can
be securJp by writing the under
signed aCLakevitw, Oregon. Ap
plications for grafting in tlte Goose
Lake Forest Reserve should be on
file in this office not later than
March 7, 1907. All person desir
ing to' use the Fremont Forest Re
serve, which is the territory north
of the township ln.e between ton 11
ahip3o ami yt south) jpfeoijid aub-
- mit their applications not tatter than
' March 20, 1907.
A general stock meeting will be
held at I,akeviw MarCTt f and H.
Tlte object of the meeting will be
to make grazing allotments and to
decide 011 definite divisions between
cattle and horse districts, and -sheep
range. Similar meetings will 1
held at Paisley, Or., 011 March 15,
and at Silver Lake, Or., March 20,
fbr the convenience of roeidents liv
ing near these places.
All sections of the country adja
cent to the reserve should be well
represented, so that a fair and
equitable adjustment of the range
60 YEArtS'
Trade Marhb
AnT.ina imilaa a kOlr'J and dtKrlptlon mtr
EDlcklr tuettuin our upuiou rr wnetoer u
(Sou Sirlct r eoSodeutW.. HANOBlipX on 'ttuti
tent tte. Oldet euer 'or .orTotMiU.
fstcnt taken tbrouuU Muuu A Co. retain
tptcialtutUi. without ebirje. la tba
A hindomelr tllaitrated wetWr. UrsMt (Ir.
tJfvgiiA jaagjjeaiBirUiJkj
may be secured. Therefore, all
stockmen depending on the forest
reserve for grazing are urged to at
tend one of these meetings. Very
truly yours, M. L. Krickso.v,
Forest Indpectorfn Charge.
by buying thfa
roltahle, honest,
high grade sew
ng machine.
National Sewing Machine Co.,
I.. Tm 'lmi 4!0'z liMfll t DHlVCB COLO
I' S I.B'l OSicr, T.akrricw, IM r(OM.
I'rbrMcr , H7.
A .uCcfrat CMtot afS4alt having twM AM
miBioBe vr -wiiiMHi 11 Mu. coHiraum,
agauiM MoarHraa rnuy rlo rnj hum laljf 4.
ivu. far hH mc I. (u i a. r M '. w. by T Dor
oa, hr
an c
ranmtf.wwMni u i. aiwna ini aara
. f i, .. a. -.. ..
T IMiw ha. wbUIr atMBdMrd atd Irani that
be h ckaand bla rcaMrnn Ihrrrfiom fur ruurc
itb but naat. tbat nald traat t ul
Mfura apua ana ntitivntol by mv party aa ir
rutna br taw. and tbat aarh ralWr alMI ralM.
d iDoa and cultivated bv tmui nan
- -- --- , --- - - -. .
luiivav by taw. and that aarh faHnr alltl rl.
nud lint tbraamc w not due to nltllary or lutal
vwmrn tn uk Mnn wtwt wwr nr mmvj.
aaKl uartlra arc notuual to imnr rr
- -.- j-- - .--
pvnd and orfcr rvtdtMcr laocbtmc aaU altMn
tionat too dork a m mi April ll, 1907, hrfar
KMa. V. t Cumtnliahnar. at lWtrd. omaa.
that Snat tirarinx wUlbrbatd at lo clock
a. m um April HMfiri. bribe lb (taaiatar ud
Krcrtvrr at tb Dnilrd ntatr Und lUScc In
I,alvtw. UraiaMi.
Thr wld cowlnHant hartng, In a proper aflkla
rtt Slrd lanoary in. iuo7. art fcrtfc iaeu wbkb
bow (bat after due diligence pcraoaat acrvtr of
tkw twtia en not be hmmW, It U heteby ordrtd
ana airrara tMt Mcb notice be lrn by ne
and proper pubHcnHot)
W-aj .S WATSON, fUr.
U. S. I.and OOor, IjiWrrirw, Orccoa.
Hobruarjr 7, iuj.
A .ultrirnt roalrat aMdarlt bavins bran Slrd
this oakr by Willi. m II tttaau. ooatraual.
KainM naanatea'i miry .10 juai.auae June 11
iwm. for MM arc i In i a. r 10 e. bv C. C Hick
ardaon. conirktrv, to wbkh It ia .llegptd thai aald
C.C. KIcbartMiii ba h bully abandotted aatel
tract, that be baa chaanrd hit reatdawco Ibrrr
front far more than ! month last paat. tbal
Hid uact U not wtllrd npon or cnltlvited aa rr
qnlrctfbylaw.andlhat auch failure Mill caiata,
and tbat the unit U not dwe to mttltary or navat
Krvlcr In Ibr army or navy of the Initcd Mates.
Said parttra are beieby HutilUd to appear, re
ixmmI and oaTcr rvidntcc touching tald allran
lion at w o'clock a in. mt April 9. tour, before
II. C Kllia L. ri CowwuHioHer, at Hrwl,
Otegon. and that final henrlnc will be nrbi
at la o'clock 1 m,m Aitrlt , 1007. before toe
Kcgiater and Kecrivcr at the Lniu4 Stolea land
oflkee In Lakrvtcw. Oregon.
Tar Mid contcfcUut bavlua;, in a tiroper afsda
rU, tbnl Jaaimrr 10. 1907, art forth fact hlb
bow that altar due lUligenc HrrMl aervlca of
tbl notice cannot lw madr, It U hereby orderol
and directed that anch nolle Iw utveu by iiw
tud proper publlcallou.
utri J. X. WATKOK, KeirMar
Illtl'AKTMKNT Ol' Tllll 1NTJIKI0K.
U 8. 1.aml alike, f akeview, Orcgou,
, February 7, iw.
A autlicieiit coutrat afridavit having been. Clul
In tliii office by Joaeph 14. Hunter, oontettant,
Kaint homcalead eutry No. J7o,.malc Auguit
S. 150J, fure!!i. vtifU, ate 7, nHnU wc
1. tpji a, r lie, by C I, O'llrlcii. contrattc, lu
wbicb It li alleged hMC, I, O'llilrii liaa wholly
al.iUiiloiRil Mliltract, that lie lia cliaiijjfil hie
rtiuK ikc tlitrrftom fur mort than Ik month, lait
tu.l that wul tract la not arlllul uiuin
and cultivated by Mid arty a rc'iulrcil
by law ami that auch foilun.. .lilt cxltt.uudthkt
the name la not due to military or naval ttrvlce
iu mc 1 niiru ninit army or navy, wlu
Iiartlea aie hereby notified tu unnrjr. rraiMiinl
and bfTer evidence touching uld allcgallou at
10 o-cincK a 111 on April , i7, ueiore
11 C )lli, a U h CoininlMloiicr. at licnd, Ore
gon, and that final hearing will be hthl nt 19
ociwkn 111 on April 30, 1cju7.11e1urc111CKcg1.1er
and Krcthrrot the United bute I.aii'i Olticc In
laLe irw. Oregon
The aaid coiilettant having, In a proxr nffiila.
vit. filed lauuarv 10. i7. att forth fact which
how that after due diligence pcrnonal ncrvjcc of
tnia nonce can not ixr mane, 11 n nrrcoy orucrcu
ud directed that auch notice be given by due
and proper publication.
ins as J. N WATHON, Kegl.ttr.
If you love your home and fam
ily subscribe for-T-he Bulletin. They
need iu
Oi the Deschutes River in Western
County, Oregon.
CciHcr of the new Irrigation Dcvclopinuiil covering
J S i T
f jv ; tjjht
Z J S i 7
i i f'l I I
13 a t t
I,! I l
'hljl I'l'l'l F" J 4 s
if J 'l t I U 4 t '
H it X. 1 S
N I P E It
I 1
1 n Laud ofScr ijikoiew, nregon,
rVbraary t, ivo?
A Mkfftckat oHjiral olbaUrM bavtaaj h Bbw)
In ihl ufflc by Willi II. Moat. coM.deol,
againat boaratal mtrv No Ma mad !
arr . iw), for aK arc 4 lp i a r 14 e, by
O T ai.r.B cvaintrr, iu wbM b M t alb-gat Uaal
mUn T apraa hat wholly abaadarard wld
lr..l that hr lui (baaard U iwMraca that
from nave than iaT atoalha laat paai that
MM trn i aul aettlnt apua aad ruUirnird try
aid party aa rlr.l by raw, and that eara
Sillarc Mill ctlM. and that lb aum la Bat da
la Hitltary or aaval amk fa thr Pulled Stair?
army or navy,
bow partira or krtrby notlSrd In appear re
pond and oTrr rvid-aor toachlaa aaal aUnrajaaa
at o'clock a. a cm April ij 1&7, twrnrv II C
atlie tf.H ComatiMiourr. aVtad, Oraaao), a4
that inal hrartug will be arid at 10 a-efork a. m.
oa April . tMf before Um tUaiaur aad ha
ceWer at ta Vpiunt atola Ua4 draaV faTahT
ThcaauTcaateaMiAlMrtaa. raaaroper afrMa
vlt nted fannar ia. . mm CmiI. tm mm
bow that afUt due dlTlaaac perianal arrvlr of
thia ikMIc an tu U raadr, a la hereby urrlerad
and dlrrrtcd that .urh nutlce be given by 4a
mm v, n,inrcaarvw.
- J. N. WTvON. hrgtatrr.
V. S Land OfScw, MtarvWw. Oreavn,
yabruary i, 1007.
A viakiral naalaat afadavtl having tru tied
lu iliiaofac by Jaaoph H. Haater, conteataal,
agaiuat homrtleod entry No. aWy, made March
J5,ivoj furattaaV. !,w arc 5 ip i ,, r 11 .
by C Mllkr, , r..nlcUe. in wbteh II U allrgad
that aald A C Miller haa wholly aUn.lonrrT." M
tract llial he kathaagel hut raraidrm Ihrrr
from fur inort iImh ai muutba loot paat that
uiil tract ia uf Mitlaii upuii aud .alllv.ird ay
aaui pany e4ir.rrd by law, a ad that aa
r"!""!" .M,w mj iw, aai
rlllkr K,,ll . mlm mA llau. .4.. aa 1-
to hi uiiliury ur naval eervkc la Ike I'nltad
ii v or navv
bald perilr are hereby notlSrd to ppar. rr-
tlun ai
aad ar vdna toacblu Mia !.
at i" '
i, i lock m on April i o; before
- bfiiiai ll oa I-,- mm.. i-i u aa J a.
ftntl Ibat Awil hting iV Im ld t ia ydck
" " vMiff-ru amaiica iiui uaicr lu
itmtw. uiegon
Tb aola aualjHBaui bvlaa lu m.m a.t.
vitUadJaaaary io, 1907. ti fWta fait which
mmvw inmi aiicr a
thia notlca cau at
.1.1 mMimmtm.1 limm
tar dii diligence Hrrauaal aervier or
M"?1 "."- " rtoy ordeird
Itroprr ptibillcatlaa.
J- " WATrtOK, KeglHer
U. . Mud Olfica, Ikrlew, Oregon,
I'ebruary 7, 1907
A colt alfliUvll hating Ueii Sled
III IhU office by Joaroh N lluuur .v,i.w..,,
agaiuat houtraieod entry No 74i, made AugHt
, looj, for aSiiet ami niittit . m. li. ,1 ,
r.!ae y..w J O'llflen, ooiite.1 In wlilcli it l
a Urged that iwif W. J (t llrleu haa wholly
liiidoiie-l tald tract, Hut he ha changed lib
rt.Ma.ti... tl,rr.,... rA ...a.. i..... -1.. ST77...1 .
' J'l ij'' aW tiocl I not Milled upoH r
...,..,. , ,, p,,,y .. rrpiireii uy law, ami
that Mich falluie .till axlat. nnd that Hie him I.
,.,.0,.i,l.u.,. "'",y r ''"vl rice lu the
Unltwl HtMt army or navy,
Bald t'tlaaiirc hereby notlfir.) o appear, re
lIHiuil and ofTer cvMenic touchliiKMld allegatlun
alloo'clockainoiiAprll 10. i7, Ulore II. C
llll, V H couimluloticr, at llewl, Oregon, nmI
that final heating will lie held at 10 o'clock, u 111.
on April vi, lyo;, before the XtRlnter and Kecelv
er at the United Mate. Land office In I,ukevlv.
Til,. lllH Imvl.iB I.. . ...
I. it . I -"'t--tt. llWlt HI I'lOpcr HIIIIIH.
vit filed Janiuiryio, 1007, act forth fuita which
enow luni ancr Hue diligence erwiMl aervlce iif
lltl. niillrj,.,, ..... I... ......... 1,1. t t .. . . 1 .
..... ,. ..,. ,K inane, 11 1. ucrcuy uiurrwi
and directed Hint auch notice he glteii by due
mi pror piiimcauoii.
m8aj J N. WATHO.V. KegUlrr
Everybddy reads Tlte Bulletin.
m .i.
A V t.
H 1 JpJ-.IU
h AVE,.
f X
i t j f
II llT'l" I
If M f $ 7
i I
Ttmbrr Ijiad, Art a( Juc j r
V Land OaVw, Laarvl.w. iirrna
termSev ij. iua
Notice U brrahjy gleaa that la oaaipUancr wwh
la prawatuaa ofta act of CaagaM a? aa t.
17 eamirJ "Aa act IW la of tla,hr Uatb
atatatrtCallrata. Onguh, Krvada m3
WpbiagtoM terrtlury. oa ratiradew In all the
rW toad atata by act nf AMgnal 4 . tit
Ubrnlag petwMia bav lrd In ihta uaVr tbHr
worn atoteeaaau, ! rN.
Kainia V WhiiMlt
of Head, raaniy of irwa. ta'.MOrrga ..f
autrmmt yf,z foe Ihe liuhaar of In nH
wW arc n. taK and aMrU aar Ip ti a
r 11 in
Meaij L WpialHi
of Brad, raunly of trouk. aUI of orvgau, aworM
auiraaettt NaiwIUiW aartHaa or lb wH
".arKaw)(.tMlaS-n, art ij.iiii.. i
That lay trttl aaV proof iu ib that the Uad
aaht M ian vaiaolrle Ibr lu tfitwr or taa
tffwh-Mnmrt aorpna. ataTta rdaMtoh
laalrctoiMtoaatdtoad-brtutat' a 1 mawlaaliai
r H.C. Mlhaat M.ofbWU. Zt rnaraTai
krad.tMiaan.oa w.daaarfay, tbr ijth day of
March, rv7
Tfw y . wltaeaara, Aaaa K !trU.
Kmm.v Whltattl.l'rrd A. hrMHw. I'raarta
II. Matloa, Henry I. WhltacU, aUaf oVrad Ora
goa. Any and all prrww. dalwlag advMMly Ihe
Jr ."ada ar retraaalaii la U Ihrl,
rlaiin In tbl urnr oa or Utfaea la aval ink
dav tt Manb. lac?
Mm j N WATIM4N. aegMrr.
TlBib-r f and, Ad at jna ,lra
U. B. Und U, Th ImImm, lirra-a,
jaaaary i, 107.
Notkr la hriebv ivrn thai lu rmanli.n. nk
m ." wy m ui a
naiurd perooaa bar lUd la thia oSUe
lacir Bwora atatraaraU. lo-wil:
Mary A. Moaru
Vfl"kM.itn4Ulyof -pokaiw, Kate of Waah
ber 17. lauA. aw Ibr rntrcboae of lb mjtmii are
"Ibiaa. r rtr.BdloUiad.ofc7tp .,
Ida Maaulr
tinpokanc county nf Hpoksu. atal f Waah
ngiuu, wori. .laument Mo, jaj, Sled Noteui
bei 17, ii, fr h-.mrchaaofth Kney, nH
mit ! aKK ii. tp it. 1 u e, w at.
AilharM Vaaaall
..fl'alUClly,uH.nlyo llaV. atal of Oregon,
worn -uieweni No. jtu, 6T l)eni ber 4
iau, forlhejntuloMaoriM, wHnwU of kac aa
tpiae, r ije, w ta. " '
bal tltaw M.III ... ...n. ... -.
'?'!! .T" ".? w,?r vl4W rrtHillair "r
Ion llMfabH Ilia 11 for aarlcullural trurtio and
l? aataMlali tbrl, , Ulm to ab.Tiirl.
lhTi,W.r.,l Heaver, at The UC. oT
goa. Maul, (,,, ,y7 "" ""
TlMyiww wiluka Ida Magulr and
THY, Ar ?"""". '' . Wa.lilugT..', l T
i.-.!i ..' ,H""l',."r," 'l Morrlwrn of
lliid. Drrgou llar'nc I! Ilawaou of The
IM lra.iir.gou Aillmr M. Vniaa"; liiiiila vlt
aallaiHll'harlral, ll.,.,klna ofl'a iJ , CI ? CiIT
guii. Uuinia nurbird ..f Miiliiu. iirrami.
WrdW.,,a,!!,,;'51' " w -". !&
M'"M MIUIAKf. T NOLAN Krguler.
Crook County Really Co.
Keal Estate Uouglil and Sold.
l.lfo ami Accident
oypivM in luu.i 1 riN miii.iiiMii m. ...,..,...
YOU OUItllt to runil 'IMir. H..11.11..
It glvca the NIttVB
Part, of Crook
At Gateway to
the Great
13C1 L
liTe Town has Grown
ulntoat entirely in tno tm. the- ist
ofllc (Ulittg only from AHil 8, lycj.
lk4 )uu tfXCtlKrut public kIio-.N
mih! complete public wtr wotk.
The Pilot Butte
Development Co.
Proprietor Townsite
coti:st notici:.
1.1 1 AkrUI Ml l-r Till INTI Kl'-tr
l' LaadiiaV T ImIIh ur...i.
J.aaary 11. t;
A arlaajs(.inbjH aaVarH b.nag brrn pled
laiteaSbM ky bwat.a h Mauirr ktw,
jralaM hoMaalradr ,iy No liv Vtmn, i,.m
Tiaa.tT Wzhjri'xmf. : ". -..-'i
lOaBsl n. Matl " - laa ataaVi.ia U a. .
balaaallaha U Wial ha wholly abar..ii,..l
aaMlraW thai h ha thangml M ittiiwt
Ibtlcllttui ue 1 (,, t awmth W.l M.i
,,, I tract I IH-I tilrt uuaa N.I .wtlKau-l
by aaM party a raaalrad by bit that tald at
Ugerlatawaor aa not 4a. to hta vrnpfay aval la
ib traty. aary marine rota of tbr I ail.l
raaiuja Hat af war, mh) partlea an h.reby
raorajre) n aparar rrpurt and oar rtidHr
15"(" Hlla ! oVtork a m mi
MVir4 "J.lwr Jl. C fail. l',n m hi mtitm. N ,!, ,. an I
thai Baal bearing Will U hrbTat o ta. to
1 March 11. iyT hrfoe la InMn al h
lvr at lb Ultra atottiUtiiMtH la Thr
a.vC Smj4 I.aaary . rj. trt fc.nh f.t
ha-h h that attrr da dtllan prmiual
Mo tbu twtlo tan aot a . It i aiby
r4ead4lrrrtalhl audi aatKa be
ny dag proper eatMtoiMaj
Tlaihar Lt. Act jatM , itift
V. a. Uta Oeaaa, UlurvWw, Orrgim
DtcaaiBar 1,
. W1al hatch given thai III cvrnpUaac al.h
lhailkMarib Art June 1.
ij. raiiii..i, ' An art rut t a aal of Itatber Uu.t.
lalatararcallbrala, Oreaoa. Nvd awl
Waaklagtao Territory, a eafaajiiad (a all Ihe
public Had (tot by act of Aaguat t. .,
rraa A.Mcaiajatai
of head, toant af Crank. atl of Oregon,
hMibtedayMrdla tbl elac hia rwaraauir
B'71 ! " 9 JNMdta of laa aSarU
ara)( ad lMKwf fate . by i a, r ir w ni
And arill ear proof to .kow that thr
Inn4 aCMaAtla aar raiudM tWluUrabet or
ion tfcaa lor aatkaliaral parpna., and 10
ealatillaa kl. lAiaM a., miij UhLi - -
C. KUK V Coa.iatM.oaar. at bla aeomlu
atVrca'' "" " ' " "
llrnaa aa wltacweai rraacie II. Marlon,
of UMlaw, tieigoai Hary U Wallaetl. William
WImo.-vrt Debiag. all catud. uragoa
i.V a.M.1 .ill . ,.,. aljtlu. - - '
Jh prTjrbr land art rtqMMI3 to SI
their clalaia In tbl aras m ar kiaV(a ilb
day of Match, 107.
14 nil j H. U'ATMN, KMr.
TlMiber Iih.1, Art Jniw J.IM
V. a. Unt OSiot, Ikrve-, Oiegon,
IlrcinUr it, iau.
Nolk la bereliy given Hull In mrnulbiurf with
lb proftttuiMnfih Act or Ciuigi of June f,
17. eHllllr.i. "An act for lh wtiof lliuber UhiU
Im 1 l!iiataof CalKuuiU. t)igou, NevaiU. anil
Wathlngtou Trntwy," a (uUet lu all Hie
public IbimI tuia by act lit AlignM 4, lV.
Chrl M. WeyniiHitli
nflleiiil, county of Crook, til ofOtcueti, Iw
IhU ilay Sle.l in thi oftce li tat awoiii lliuiit
Mo. upo for thy ihiicImm ul lh tnwf, lot 1
mid 4, a 4 and lot 1, 1, jnn.l 4 c,li ti , r 14
v rv in
Ami will urrr tirnof lo .how that the land
aoMglill.inorc valuable fur It lluiber or tuiir
than for agricultural purixi and lu e.tulill.h
lilt claim to Hid Unit fwfot. II C. Illlla, I).
H. OiiiiiiilwlAiier at hi nfllcc at IMuil, Orrgaii,
on Weiliiivwluy, the ijtli day of Match, iy7
lie" inline u wllucMr Itltner Nljwoiigtr,
Uiurleall llnnin, A. II, I'.laheitat, liil.y It.
Iitowii ami Jnliii While, all of Dciul, Orrguu,
Ally ailll nil tirtani clflllillmr a,lvt.r.lo Ihlt
al(CMlf.rilMd land, me rrtnic.te.1 10 file thelf,
ilalma In thi otlko oil ur befure aald Ijlb
Jl-w J, U, WATftON, iUl4r,