r-v t ,v w f v t fti ?f ' MP 'iTHE BEND BULLETIN "Forexry man b square deal, Hess and no more." no CHARMiS D. KOWK ltDITOK SUBSCRIPTION RATES: JBC J'tirNtHltHINlHMHIimlIIHMIMMMll Bti montat.. ..................,... . Vrhtee month......... ............ (Innrlnbly la adrance.) .$1.50 FRIDAY, MARCH i, 1907. There is an enterprising family "living on and improving n home stead about four miles from Bend and one of the oldest children daily walks thnt distance to attend nhe town school. The desire that prompts a x4ycar-old girl to walk eight miles daily in order to get an -education deserves the reward that naturally comes to the diligent .-seeker alter learning. A seeker after a country better than the Bend region has returned here satisfied that this is one of the best spots on earth with the bright--est prospects for the future. Here after his time and money will be -spent in obtaining more and more -of the fertile upper Deschutes valley land. And he, by training and education is a man competent to judge. The man who has a little stick-to-itiveness and remains in this section is sure to reap a bounti ful reward in the years to come and not so very many years cither. Cvideuce of the increasing settle ment of this section is again seen in the move by residents in the Tumalo neighborhood to divide the Laidlaw school district and estab lish another school about 2 ) miles east of Tumalo postoffice. The "development of the upper Des- chutes valley is going iorward by steady and sure strides. And the Tlittle country school bouse is one of 4he best and most, promising char acteristics of American civilization. 'T,et them multiply rapidly. In getting its account last week Of the defeat of "Deschutes" coun ty in committee, The Bulletin got one point mixed a trifle, due to a phone that was working poorly at the time. The member of the committee who had the deciding tote was Mr. Hendricks, who was pledged to defeat the creation ot -amother new county, "Cascade" county. Mr. Hendricks was friendly to "Deschutes" and under stood the justness of our claims but deemed it unwise to possibly array Belknap and Mefryman against his fight iff opposition to "Cascade" county, by voting rn frfvor of re porting the Deschutes county bill from committee'. Tlius ft was (hat the vote stood three to two against reporting the bill. Every indication points to early construction on the Harriman lines through Central Oregon this spring. It also appears that the Oregon Trunk I,ine will soon re sume grading up the Deschutes river, thus allowing what is sup posed to be a Hill project an en trance into the rich timber and ir rigation districts of Central and Southern Oregon, In the mean- time what is the matter with the Corvallis & Eastern? Will it al low its rivals to pick the cream of the territory of this rich inland em pire, of will there be many busy construction crews thrown onto its survey as soon as the snow leaves the mountain passes? There is a feeliug m f he aft that long rieglect 'ed Central Oregon is about to come into its own as far5 as railroad trans portation is concerned. A Terso Paragraph. bilvtr Lake Orcgomau. I,ast week's Crook County Jour nal donates nearly two columns more of Its valuable space to the r'Rev," Homer M. Street in anoth er vain attempt to prove the Bend Bulletin a liar. If the Journal cannot find better argument against county division than that advanced by Street it would do better to fill the space occupied by him with patent medicine advertisements. When people want the truth they do not usuall look to a religious pervert for it Mud Slinging a Farce. Lai an Chronicle Another thlitt that was shown up to plainly at Snlctt wns the fact of the mud MiuKitiK of the ''rincvillc ring and press nt A. M. Drake and "lit townsitc of "end." When it came to n fiRht at SaIciii did thec people openly attack Mr, Drake and hi townsdte? No. They knew better than to do that, as this until was intended only for the "purpose of creatine strife among our own home people by attempting to work upon their prejudices. They could not come before that com mittee and say that this fight was only a towitsitc boom inaugurated by Mr. Drake for his own uain. Confronting them wns n petition signed by over 550 of the voters and tax payers or this pro posed nee county asking for its creation. Alo appeared the D. I. & P. Co. and two of the largest timber companies of the county asking the same. This was backed up by a population of io and a valuation of over two and one half mil lion dollars. Furthermore, the bill which was introduced was a fair one and contained no joker or load for any sec tion of the country. The expressed will of the people of Laidlaw wns de ferred to in the matter of the time of the temporary location of the county seat and this although a very large number of the people of the county favored the first plan of having the temporary location for a five year period adhered to. The writer can say and gladly does say that he worked in this fight by the side of Mr. Drake for three weeks and probably is as familiar with this situa tion as any one in the county and we found Mr. Drake one of the fairest and most zealous workers we liae ever had the pleasure of associating with. West ern (-rook county owes to Mr. Drake a lebt of gratitude for the wort he ha done in paving the way for the future establishment of Deschutes countv. UV say again, if the l'rineville crowd could make good why did they not attempt it before the committee and show up Drake in his true colors? because tnev knew the stuff they had been circulating was nothing but falsehood and that when they were confronted with the facts they could not meet the issue. Homestead Relinquishment and Desert Assignment For Sale, About 10 miles northwest of Bend, 320 acres nearly all fenced, 70 acres under cultivation, perpetu al water right and yi interest in the Harcrow and Wimer ditch. Splendid grazing range adjoining, sosw timber; $300.00 worth of farming implements go with the place. Price $3000.00. Call or ad dress. Hcoufcs & Johnson, 215-3& Jamieson Block, 50-32 Spokane, Wash. Ejnp fer HtcWr. From Pnre-brtd White Plymouth Rocks, bred for heavy winter lay ers; large, uniform eggs, fertility guaranteed. E. F. Battkn, 50-1 Bend, Or. !lF YOU WANT FOR YOUR REAL ESTATE OR BUSINESS I CAN GET IT hir Matter What Your Property Is Worth, or In What Town, City, State or Territory It Is Located n.nlLr. JULYS' frfl7'"" 1d t" y OtllCT '(Ii") l MCtlOllly MfC tO tlUCC Oil HIV fl.l B number ol new propertlca. ami I am jut uie to wll th propcrliM ami make crtwuli meiiri In mm iSeMAtfB.l55aT ""'", "k" " widlUlde.. TbTt "Jiby RaWM?-??. whv not put your property among the number that will I tate- Irary, l17'ti.?iP5il ? . ' at l,,c cl0M! ?f,hc "r! ",t ure ,rt w' " "y year, but it will firtt I neceary for mr to " Ul" more t,roi.tlr. I want fn f,.i?:".,,,finl.,?'w'"!htrou'',r.r-"ja home without any Um). or a what It U Worth, or whtrr ii to me today, I will tell you ftj LVUJJ'IVIC piBU ami termi for handlln hould decide Ji)ow wa reuirenieuti David P. Taff, The Land If Vou Wont to Sell FWI In, Cut Out, and Mall Today Hate Kud, without cost to mt, a plau for finding a cath buyer for my property which counUti of, ..,. Towu ...,., ...County., following la brief description ., I Mt I Lowe it calU price. 1 t Name,.,,,, . t4Mta(AuIr(M I v r . J! Problems That Confront The Irrigator. POTATO CULTURE. I'Tom I'ariuerV thillflln No. JJ Iwinl by the V. 8. Ilepartiiitiil of Apiculture. SIZK 01- SliliU 1'IliCHS. Ill the site of the seed piece plautcd the practice of different farmers varies widely, some advo cating a liberal use of seed and others claiming equally good re sults from small cuttings. To nid iu settling this question the state agricultural experiment stations have made numerous tests of seed pieces of different sizes. Taken separately these experiments show a certain amount of divergence in results, as might naturally be ex pected of tests conducted under widely different conditions. How ever, the majority of these tests, and especially the figures express ing the average results of alt avail able American experiments, may be safely taken as indications of what the farmer, under ordinary conditions, will generally, but not always, obtain. The effect of sire of seed pieces on yield ol crop will be treated yiclu 01 crop here under three distinct heads: (1) On the total yeild; (2) on the gross yield of salable potatoes, and (3) on the net yield of salable potatoes, i. c., after deducting the amount of seed planted. Kl'FKCT ON TOTAL YIKbD. In making up the averages be low it was found practicable to use the results of 19 tests of single eyes v. 2eye pieces, 4 tests of 3-cyc cut tings v. quarters, 17 comparisons of quarters and halves, 44 tests of halves v. whole potatoes. The re sults ol other experiments less completely reported were used for the purpose of corroboration. The following table shows the average results of these tests, in cluding potatoes of all sizes: Average differences per acre in total yields f rota different seed piece llu. Per cnt Kxcess from use of a-eye pieces over i-eve nces.26 ai Quarters over a-eye pieces. .15 16 iiaivcs over quarters 34 is Whole tubers over halves, . .31 18 If we compare' all the total yields with the total yield produced by single eyes we have an increase of 21 per cent for 2eye pieces, 41 per cent for quarters, 67 per cent for halves, and 96 per cent for entire tubers. The total yield resulting from planting whole potatoes is -- I ftoUjuarMullbribmacW iinr ami a neia lorreoi men to nna liuyen. !-aiil lot orit-or k-o out ofliuilueu. lean ai.ure vuu lntn not ,.!, nut . ...rii lauy ! Inni.H how and why Uyou will fill out the Mink letter of lii-iulry bel I can qukkly concert Hie projxrty Into catli, a free: of charge: leiml''fi" vT.,T,.2'?Im"0".! "J11.1" y, "llll "f -rent value to you, tten lfoil Icuottoiell. ou hid better write today before you fortt it. aulio buy any k nit ol a farm, Ilouie or liuilnrw.tu any puttoftlic coimlry, tell me your i. I will guarantee to nil them promptly and latl.lictorily. Man, If You Want to Buy Fill In, Cut Out, and Mall Today 1 deiire to buy property corretpondiiig ippronimalcly with the following peelficatioii, Town or clly . County , stale,. ,. ....State., Mt4 ( Trice between M 4 -. I - Keuurkn.. . ( Name f practically double that obtained by planting single eyes. Thus fur we have considered only the tottil yield, i. c. large and .small potatoes, and have found that the total yield increases sonic what uniformly as the slie of I he seed piece is increased. Hence, if it is the aim simply to .secure an enormous yield without much re card to expense, in contests for prizes, etc., n lavish use of seed is justifiable. The farmer and gard ener, however, nave to consider other factors than the total yield, for a heavy crop may consist very largely of tubers too small for the market, or the great expenditure for seed when large pieces arc planted may more than counter balance the increased yield. Be fore noting the gross and net yields of large or salable tubers, result ing from seed pieces of different sires, we may consider the cause inducing a somewhat rcgtilnt in crease in total yield uccompatiyiug the use of larger seed pieces. Several causes operate to in crease the yield when huge seed pieces arc planted. The larger the cutting the greater generally the number of eves and the number of stalks. The young shoot, before it develops a strong .system of feed ing roots, is dependent for imm inent 011 the material stored up in the seed piece; hence the more abundant this supply the more vigorous the growth of the plant and this increased lux uriance is not confined to the early stages of growth, but in marked throughout the growing season. Investigation has .shown that sever ing the connection between the seed piece and the growing vine, even after the latter it thoroughly rooted, reduces the yield of pota toes. The danger of partial or entire failure resulting from1 an imperfect stand is nfttch greater with small cuttings than with large seed pieces. The small pieces with ex tensive cut surfaces arc liable to perish should the season be unfav orable, cither through excessive moisture or drought. The sprouts from small cuttings being weaker reach the surface with difficulty, or fail entirely on soil not properly prepared, 81'PjtCT ON GU0M1 8ALAIII.K VIKI.D. By averaging the results of the experiments referred to above, we find that the actual increase in the potatoes of salable size due to us- CASHl ri T rillf.I. real prlrll Li'vJit nr. On the con. lirbix-rtle m I illil the tnt a .11. iwBiiiioiiii TiiuKnaim mil. biuinrtt: I '.. . . :.;.. It doeii'l miliar below nitd. mall Tt ml win Hire oii 415 Kan. Ave., Topeka, Kansas and f 1 will pay dowiiaud balance..... ! ,, ' . Addrc.. NEW SERVICE IS ASSURED MAIL KOUTli WILL START MAHCII 20 lotnl nepnrtiitont luauca AUcrli'- incnt for IroponU to Carry Mall over Route Petitioned I'or. That Western Ciook will i.ooii have the new mail service ctittoucd for .some time ro in now practi cally nyturcd. The department Is now nskiiiK for bidi for ourryiuj! the mail over the new route, with the Intention of bcKinnliiK the serv ice March ao. I I). Wleat N iu receipt of the following letter fr wauled by Senator I'ulton, u letter thnt the senator received from the )oslnl department. The communi cation Is .self-explanatory, and fol lows: W.lSIII!MfTN', Kelt. S. UOT" Hon. c W. I'tiHon, I'nllcil .StatM Senate, Wali ItiKtoti. I). C Sir UeferrlitK tu the icvernl coiiiiitttnlratlott iccrhctl from you ami to your rooal mill at till of fice with reference to tltr eilaliHihitieiit of a itar route aerWee wllli a view to the Improvement of mall facllitle ill the Meatrru rt of Citxik county, (rKii, I hate the honor to Inform you Ihal till matter hat hectt rate fully ItnevtlKalril liy an nucnt of the department and, after a due eomtiletatlim ol 111 rektrl. an ml crt(emcnt ha thli day Iktii IkhimI for irotwaU for i-arryine. the null fntm Sluulko liy Ywiiil;, Mitilrav CwUer. Udltuotiil and MiilUw to Hctul, wveu lime a week, and. in the ccnt of the receipt of a anltahle propovtl at a ! onalife rate of iy, a rtmtract for Mtelt crvlce may he let front March , fjkij. Very reiiicetfully, V. S. llAl.t.K.StltJHmt, Second AwitUnt l'mlmaitcr (ienetal. Vhc call for bids itpcciflcs tlmt the mail imt be carried from Shun iko to Ileud within 34 hours uud from Ilcnd to Slmnlko in 20 hour, llids must le submitted by March y ing larger .seed Ioa-s: pieces vn ns fob Average illfTereurei per acre In khm m1 aide yleUU from different eciijdccc llu. Per cut. Kxccm from iik of a-eye piece over i-cye ik..j.i 11 '3 tS iu of the an in- Quarter oer -eye piece, . iu Halve over quarter ,.!., Whole ttter over halve.., 1 1 Kvery increase In the site seed pieces was followed by creased groa salable yicll. KHl'KCT ON NUT .SALAllU CMOf. Before concluding that the large- est need pieces are the most profit able it becomes necessary to deduct Irom the crop the amount or need planted. It is plain that the in creased amount of seed potatoes required when larger piece arc used may more than counterbal ance the increase in yield obtained. The true teit of profit ii the market value of the crop produced, less the cost or seed plautcd. Should the quantity of peed pota toes used l)c subtracted from the total yield of large and small nolo toes or from the salable crop? If Hinaii or unsalable iced potatoes rue planted, then the former coifrsc is the proper one, but tduce large or medium tubers (cither entire or cut) ore generally selected for seed purpose, it seems best to subtract the seed froln the salable crop, thus ascertaining the net salable yield. The following table shows the actual average results for the net salable yield; that is, the crop after deducting the small potatoes and seed used: Acrnne difTcrcucc txjr aoru in net ml aide yield from different cil jiIbco llu, Pur cut, Kxccm from like of a-eyc plecci over i-eye pea. 15.11 Quarter over 3-cyc piece. 7.0 Halve oyer quarter , ilalvcn over whole tuber. . n.5 The amount of the net crop rose with the increase K salable in the size of the cultiiifi employed, but when the whole potato wns plant ed the figures declined on account of the large amount of seed potatoes which had to be deducted, The nbove figures indicate n very slight advantage In planting halves rather than quarters when the price of seed and of crop produced are the same. As n matter of fact, spring prices arc usually some what higher than fall prices, A high price for seed potatoes may make it profitable to plant smaller pieces (n, for example, quarters) than would be economical where seed and crop command the same price per bushel. (Continued next week. ) Are you a subscriber? If not, subscribe uow. ,s v,wv "m ' Mnn Kclurii- to lleml Coimlry h.i llllllKll III l,i I.. I . . . . "'"'I ' ".anil Here, l.rorge If. Hlmmnus. otic 0f .. successful ranchers ucnr i,,a wutt In llcud Saturday an, SbV tm his way home fiom m, cxlttu ' trip through Idaho, i'ttti, .. ado and California. Mr SuiiraoM hud left with the Intention ol i. vesting Iu property elsewhere could find anything that ,,iMm him. lie comes back more Hunt,, cr satisfied with the fertile up Dcschutori valley mid ts veryt-. tlmsiuntle over the future of ft region. Ilcsayn that lie intcofc to Invest heavily in deeded Im here and prophesies that land li. alKiuls will be worth u an ia, in three years. Mr. Simmons says that m hh,, many have their eyes on the Ilrj country mid he wits repeatedly t&: that there would be 11 nrc.it tufioi of settlers here as soon a the ti road came. Mt. .Siuimtiii i, t, cxicrtciiecil itrlgtitor and 11 ceitik ly is flattering to the llcud counttj to have him so cntliii'la.Mie over t after having vlsltctl the U.d of lit irrigated lands lu these other statu I'or Sale A few pure-bred S. C Whht Leghorn Hoostars, by Mrs, 8 C. Caldwell, 50-1 1 For Rent. 100 nr.rcs floor cil and ue! fenced; laud of 1. 8. Mc.N'utt near Uidlaw. Sec C 1. Ilexker or W l Myers nt Lrtidlnw. 50-s. Taken Up. Jllnck hone came to my pUcti about ov. 30, branded ICon nt;h: htillc; weight 750 lbs. Owner plcav cull lor same and pay feed bill. W. K. I.AWSON, 50-53 Hcdmond, Or. Get 011 the baud wagon and rci I he Uullctiu everyone does lUinua-tll. Kliif w it omm t John K Kotlw-k KlnC, Qucrin & Kollock ATTORNnVS-AT-l-AW nrrict' IUaL CulMliif . .. IWlhl, Of . la McKay PMc ,. . ISMtlaiU, ttf HiUI nitration iIt.n ta nufillou. rri1i r l Walrf. li-orvT anj Otrff lal C -itMrti 1.1-' I'llACTICK Is AM. I'HDItKAI. AND SfAfl Court. C. H. ELLIS Carpenter and Builder TDK COLDliX KfLK IS M MOTTO KriMrneW .lu(Cif rOWKM. llt'TTlW PRjNItVM I.I OHItttON OMKMIS ThcDcscfiu.es Telephone Company TclcKram I'orwardcd to Any Tart of the World. Direct Telephone Coiuniunlcntlotl with I'orthiud, l'rineville uud nil Pacific Comt cities. Public Pay SUitlons In Hank lluldliiK nt llcud, nt Laid Inw mid Powell lluttea, MewMinj4er service to any jurt of Crook County aouth of Crooked River. TlmUr Mii.l. Ad ol June y 1 Wi NOTICJS FOR PUIUilOATlON. V, H. .ami ORlcc, IkcvlCHrlOrfuii, January 11. lyi" Notice It littfl.y lilvcn that In compliance Hllll Hie trovll(inof the Act of CoiiKtr of Jim .1. . fiitiltcit "An act for I lie Mir uflliulr lainl. In tlirilatraorCalirornla, Otruoii. NcvuIm ahil Waaliliigton Tctriliiry," n cxtnulcil In all Die imlillc Unci atalca liy acl of Augiut i.jtyt. llir folluHliik' tirraona Imve fllcd lu till, oftic l''tlr awuru ilaleiiiciila, to-wil. Kliucr Nl.wongtr, or Urinl. county iif CkmiU. atale iifOrvtuii. i)r atateuiciit Nil Mtt, fur the piiicliaw of tin nwU c. !), tp, 11 a., r 14 r . w in Joarpliluc M. M. Wcymuiitli, of Ilcnd, county ofCiook, itntc of Orcguli im rn lairiiicui nu. ,uiy, wr inr purciuM in inc c- iiW 'C Ji.lp. i,,r4t., w. m. Tliuttliry will offer ptnofa lu ahovr llia lh' latitl. aniiulil are inure valualila fur the llmt'tr or tune thtinin than for agricultural jmimkhic., ami to r.tabll.li llirlr claim 10 aahl lamia iKfore 11,1:. itliK, v. n. i;niuiiilMioiicr, at lit. nmciui puce oriiu-lucw in lleml, Oirgou, oil Momlny ihc 1 Sill lqy of April, igo;. Tliry nania a MrUiicaaeai Charlra I). Iltuwii Charlca M. Weymouth, miner NMunuir, Joaepliltic M. M. Wcyuioulli, all of lleml. Ore- 1(011. Any and all ncraouaclalniiiiir ailverulv lur ol thaaliovc-ileacilheil lamia aro,rtiueui) to lila ttielr claliiialu thlaofllcc oil or hifuir llir Val'l jiniinyoi April, IW. tt aw J, K. WATbON, KKlUr, . 4V,W -