The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, February 22, 1907, Image 4

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    Ti&mumi !! i n ,iii.iiF.-ai.iATavg
I tPI a r Wk lis m h Wm
x. X. nv xv -w.vy x v,x.-' a w w v i rr i
f X'VzSKv TyCy 7xN! rfr:i ' x a
xS5 z V L .x Vx x vv- M' V
xJvV fX ,v Xv-yx SC Vv"" s '. ""7"
xOxskV f f 7
, r--n-. -ITiriW,,,J,.!:.,TMnMFWwi m mm i mil mii i lining
ivs'jup to juDan bell.
Culver Taxpayers Want Graft Money
Returned to County.
The Madras Pioneer has an in
teresting letter in its last issue,
Voicing the sentiment of Culver tax
payers relative to county division
matters. It also "touches up" the
fccv. H. JL Street and adds to hi
present degree of fame. The arti
ele follows:
"Editor Pioneer: Asseveralbave
teen writing lately in regard to the
new couuty, we of Culver wish to
say a few words. All we have to
say is that if the taxpayers of the
proposed county want the division
and are willing to shoulder the ex
pense, whose business is it? We
nre surely capable of looking after
our own affairs,
"And the people of Haystack
precinct don't nropose to be guided
by the Rev. Homer Street. He is
too well known hereabouts, having
lived here at one time. The peo
jAe here have not forgotten the do
nation work done on his ranch,
When1 (he neighbors gathered in and
grubbed sagebrush and fenced aud
plowed his land. Then when the
improvements were made he sold
them and pocketed the cash. So
his writiugs now have not much
weight with us Haystackers.
"Judge Bell has acknowledged
that the expenses of the delegation
sent from Prineville two years ago
to tight the creation of Stockman
couuty were paid out of Crook
county funds because some of the
rtobertlno Klvea what every woman
moat dealrea a perfect complexion
It prlnjtu that soft, imooth, freiti,
clear tint to tha cheek that fcnote
)outhrulnes. It will brlnr beauty
to those who lack It; It will retain
It for thoie who already poeieaa it;
It will enable you lo aucceaafully
rombat Hie ravage of weather and
time. Don't doubt-don't arsue. Juat
try rtobertlno Your drugeiat will
fflvo you a frco cample. All drue
Kisu keep Itobcrtlne,
1 '
'i JMf yfN I
N 7 ArXOs .
a " X-oy.yN 7771
citizens requested it, and that he
was one of the parties that received
ixart of the moner. Inasmuch as
Judge Bell says that if it was wrong
(we are sorry we have a judge that
doesn't understand the law) ht
would replace it, now we, the tax
payers of this community, propose
that the money be returned to the
county funds with interest, and if
not, we propose that the expenses
of the delegates sent from Madras
and Bend to work for the new
ounties be paid out of the county
funds. We help raise these funds
and expect to see that we have fair
play when we do happen to find out
any of the 'graft.'
"Several of my friends have re
quested that I write this article for
the Pioneer, and in doing so I have
voiced the sentiments of a number
of taxpayers of this community.
Mrs. W. II. Phck.
Culver, February io, 1907.
Did They Count Them?
George Millican came in from
his Pine Mountain ranch the other
day, says the Piineville Journal,
and brings a story that is enough
to make the heatt of the hunter re
joice. A number of vaqueros were
looking for cattle on the desert and
ran across a band of 350 antelope
about 12 miles from Mr. Millican's
ranch. The cow boys ran into the
band and stampeded them. They
could strike the auimals with their
quirts. It is said that it is no un
usual thing for large bands of ante
lope to make their way to the desert
from the mountains after a heavy
fall of snow. This year the snow
is unusually heavy.
Tradc Marks
CopvniQHTa Ac.
Anron aendlnf a iketefa and description nay
lufrkl iLAeartAln our ODlnLon twmm wutthar an
1 frto
Infenllon It probably pUntbU, Cotoraonlc-
tlrmitrlctrconOJnlIl. HAHO&OV onpalanta
oni lie, uiaeu tatocj rcrtaeunuf
I'iUdii Uiea uroaan nana ,
urn liunn m 1
in VAAalaA
tvtelat nctiu. without cbr. In to
Scientific Jhnericfltn
A bandiomelr lllottratad k1r. latinl dr.
mlallon of anjr cltniioo Journal. Tarui, It a
rcirt four montUi.lU 6V14 brail nawidealtra.
.kkilAliv 60 YEARS'
Two Days Without Pood.
Manford Nye had quite a thrill
ing experience a week or m ago,
says the Prineville Journal. He
left the ranch of George Millican
to go to his home on Bear creek.
The heavy fall of snow made
everything look alike to Mr. Nye
and consequently he lost his way.
He wandered around on horse
back for two days and nights be
fore he ran across familiar land
marks. When he finally got his
bearings he was 30 miles from
home. During his exposure he
wns without food or shelter. He
did not even have any matches
with which to build a fire.
Dcnd Teacher Honored.
At n meeting of the Crook coun
ty Kducatioual Union held Monday
the followiug officers were elected
to serve during the ensuing year.
President, Mrs. Margaret Hlkius,
Prineville; vice-president, Miss
Ruth Reed, of Bend; secretary,
Miss Bertha White. Prineville;
treasurer, Miss Cora Ferguson,
Prineville. The votes for the dif
ferent candidates were close, the
successful ones winning by n small
plurality. The Union will take up
active work in outside localities as
soon as the weather permits. Jour
nal. After reading The Bulletin you
have that satisfied feeling. Sub
scribe for it.
Timber Ind, Act of June j, j8;S,
U.S. Land Office, Ikevlevr, Oregon,
January 11,1907
Notice Ii hereby gltcn that In compliance with
theprotlilotiaoflhc Act of CouxrcM of June i.
l7. entitled "An act for the rule of timber lamia
i" h ttea ofCallfonila, Oregon, Noada ami
Washington Territory," u caTeinltri to all llic
ttuUie lanil aUtea by act of Atigua i, iB.J tlic
following txraoni have filed In tills office their
WVIU fcWlCIUCIUI, 10-wll.
K.tnier Niawonger,
of fiend, county of Crook, atate of Orrgon, awom
atatement No MJ. for the purcliaac of the nw Jf
aec. ij, tp ii , r. 14 e., w m
Joaephlne M. M. Weyiuoulh,
of llenil, county of Crook, atatc of Oregon, aworn
atatement No, tjiy, for the purclmae of the eh
mw aec 11, tp, ii r 14 e , w m.
That they will e.fler proofa to ahow that Ihe
(audi aought are more valuable for the timber or
alone thereon than for agricultural purposta,
and to eatabllah llielr clalnia to auld lamia before
II C lillla. I. H, Commlaaloiier, at hla oOicial
iilaceofbualneaaiii jieud, Oregon, on Monday,
Ihe 15th day of April, 1907
They name aa wiliies.ea, Charlea I) Ilrown,
Cliarlca M. Weymouth, Hlmer Mawougcr
Joaephlne M. M. Weymouth, all of lleud. Ore
gon Anr and alt neraoiiarlahiiliivaitirriu.ii n ...
the auove-dcacribetl la ml a urc reiiietcd to file
tlicirclaliiii In ihla office ou or before the aald
Ijthdayol April, iuot,
rtU J. N, WATbON, KcKUttr,
On the Deschutes River in Western Part, of Crook
County, Oregon.
Center of the new Irrigation Development covering
t ' " I " pwmm
W (M " 4J.
WmI m ' .L- 1 liil I i In i i i -ii
j'f. I S 4 S i J
ii to f S
J X J 4 t 7
t H 1$ X r to f S
t r
i )
Land to Clear.
Parties engaged in clearing lauds
are invited to submit figures on cost
of clearing 55 acres in Si of SKtf
Sec. 22-17.12, 3 niilea northea'at
of Bend, Oregon. H. Snxink,
Wilbur, Washington. .6-.o
by buying thta
reliable, lioncit,
high grade tew
ing nuchlae.
National Sewing Machine Co.,
'22!'tM.A2R .""otyper
" iwaainfaIIrXt UIHiril Ellin
DpWi Autontitla uXIHBal
CMvl (JaBwB
l !
"l I I I I
t J 4 S C
'i t 1 t 7
I 1 i
A V C.
' J 4 J"
i 1 I 7
. j y s 4
h AV E..
2 J rf 4
' ' Jo ' '
it u ie 1 t 1
1 r
Tlmfcer Aet f Jhn j i-
V h Uh4 OaVe. UVrtw, hm
,.'" " "7? ." iwiiMwiimn ana
IbfttwtiUiitriiriitil C'rwij. To, Jaa, .
it, 'niHIaaf 'AN act far the aU VllW( Utkl
la the Malta ofCaltluoiM !,, HnwU iZi
llJt?.,iJ,J!J,M!, i ,J" all Ik
MjMk Um4 tet bjr 4 of Ahc 4 , k
MbMiMg a ha.e tle4 H UU lalr
won UUMtU. la HI
llMMM V WhltMtl
'fKrMd riMHI yat Crank Hale of f Hrmim o,
aW n. .K-awfe .Md Hea,K aHltlail ?.
it tttA ataaaauiaJw an I'tuL -a -a- t r. .
I .uum,r.t X Man for IW pub u( lb mm
JKj',ratt4KK(A, lM, , ,1
That thry IH rVr lf tf ht . kt Ike laud
! -Nlli MMe .lua0e for tu timber
''V "'alhl.uflWtaliiUcei.f twHwlTTt
They name aa wltHe.Ma Anna I' Ml
ion T '' Hh,ui' all "fX-Hd. ore.
' " J N WATM)K. HegMer
Tlwlrr l.awl, Act erf Juue j. laj
U. 8. Iiid Ome, The lUllea, (hh.
January i, iirt
.-, r.Tr.r'ff.T.' v aiwiaw,,
Notice la hrieliy glrrn that In ewwi.lUwe with
theprovialwiaHriheAttf.lCongieM i.f iyJIv
is- rut i r.i a r. .i. r".V7TV '. '"." i
iVth, au VaolCa.lfVrMU; 'oiTg' WZlTXi
..llowlng named w.ayn. Mvc AM J, ihiaiinie
Ihelr awuru atatcmenta. to-Mlt
ilarv A Miuiru.
pfHpokaHe.comityorrlpokaiie, atate of Waah
ii. i i a. r , ,, ,.i' r. :':".".': .;,.c,v -
-; --. ii in I'umiair oi ihe
r u e, w iu " " " "'
Ida Maeulre
fifnuane, couuty of Hkaiie. .late t,f v.,
Ingloii, awuri! alalemeiit No. yirf, flint Novel
tier ir, im. for Ihe ixirrhaae tffllie anJiiViJ , .
Alllllir 11 Vaaaall
of I'allaClly. county of I'olk. atmr r Oiraon
aworu alateineiil Nn .... i..i ..' ' "''"",
io, for th. purehiac of iiii ;m?5 iV
li t'i a, r i j e, w m, " ' ' KC "'
ai ii ;,. .h..: r ir:xr:''v. "ie """-er r
to ,.r. j .i, ".i".!'; ; ..."i,v ",",.i:"'i.Hmi
Miry A on, of H VrlSK r, &&'?'
rlirts until a Kri .!..
itaitaTi mr.r. .wv.'i'w awoii or t,
..tlaml liliSrlr, I ' u,k ,, VTt ii'i!lll' X
" . ' -. ru
Jnm MICIIAIU. T NOI.AV Ktgl.ler.
Crook County Really Co.
Heal L'slale Bought and Sold.
cue unu Accident
0FK.Cg 'HUTtlWnutHj, MMOn
You ought to read The Bulletin.
It given the NKWS
At Gateway to
the Great
The Town has Grown
linot entirely in (ho cut. il;e j.
office ltiug only frojii April X i.v ,
Ikml h cxcrllcMt pnMu ',
mik! complete public wnlcr wotlt
The Pilot Butte!
Development Co
Proprietor Townsite
I'l i cmtii ir m Hit , , h
t l.andnMat, ihu ,, , ,,
Nim'I .
A mnVteat r . aNUa.u i,. t. awl
mlka.scr by Jb J M....I.. . ,.rt..i.
Mlk Nuaarairadejttr Su iiv. .. .1 ii. .
wciWhlaim(wii,,., ra.w
liiam I. Mi, 1 tunleaiw, i wh ,, , ,,,t,i
Ikal Hkl iottm U . , 4,1 ,.4
jMtMKl ibai be baa 1 a. ,,.. . . ,...!,.,
Ibrfelrnni U mutt I ban an , . .t 1-..4
that aaM lra ta k. Wr, ..
bv aill te..b m ... . 1 . .
ledatWM KatM'lwh, h n i , , i .a
17 . " ""T ' aaariaw .i t I In. I h if
Matn m Haa. J . -.a ...... .. , ,.
MMIM laiMnr itaaMHl il . II. r t .Wa
,SmUL'"1 " alWualKHiir a . m
". - " -" ,. . hip n , pn.
Ibal Kwal bilH will 1. ,t . a a m
im March il lawf befutc H. , i. I a.
tL "' "" ' ""',, e ,., lb.
Tk. ul.l .. .
r1"v "? JaaiMnry (v,. t ( , i ,..1
1 J T7 IW.I.IW ajiar niiigri,,.' ).ta,,iMi
wvlwol IbU kM4lc mu4 be Nta.l. II hntl-y
?l ?S " Vf 4HrU ' b n,k. I. ,. .a
"' MIC1UIII, T MilCS g.g..r
Tlaabar Und, ,e June j l;1
.N'OTICK KOU runiikUTio.w
M. Uhd OiHc. Witio Oirgoai
Iki'mUr ir iw
X4cra beteby Ivh that III runinliaiue hiiH
WWoHaiuMTll ... . . .. . : ., .
I'lMl A bll.......
t,.-J.,T?',,a WIS."1' uf CK. "tale taf Oirg
t,L?r W.M" A ,h IHHha .
elOMr! awl HeU, ai'Mt J(, ll ,, , ,t ra
l.mi'ij.')'. .""'' I"ff .. .'' ."'.'. JM
i..ii. .i i ""ir raiwaoieior II. iiininr
,.?1iii i "'.'.'"fagrkullMlal iwitiuaea, aud 1
f- Imi ''' . ,UU U'W l aabl'laiid Uluie II
ii.,L i ..' " " tiHl.4ir, at Ida i.iThcIm
"imci.. 1JJ7""' " ''"'y "' 'l,,v "'
Mm iibih .. ...i. .. .... . " w""aaa I'rauria II M
Vi. """i "'' Henry I. Whltaelt WiU'-ai
WLenian, heveltll.lMiiB.'illofiiend.oirgoii
ii'.LA1"! ",. If'""' claiming aderlr
illt ui tl. ""''""Iteoii or Iwfoie Ihe .aid 1 nil
ay oi March, 117,
Timber Land. Act June j.iajK
V. H. Land lllhcc, l.akctleiv, Oirguu,
,. , ,
ihe Vimi'J ''"''i?,'"' Hial III cumpllaiirr (lll
In ii.!..i lnl,r.AlJ,f " "" "" amfttirtliutrlaMi.U
wJ.i.i;., . , Tlv" !""' I'ltgmi. wrvaua ami
,..v Ht w, arMiUal af, l
L'.lQrlra. M VL'a.a.......M.
I.M.di,l,Si,,li,!y.V?c,K,ki """ f Oregon iu.
Nn .vf ii1" ,,ll.u'fe 111" anorii aiaUiiirnt
iiiri. ..if,1""""1 "' "'"" 1 '"" '
e" ili I 4 "1'"" 4inl4c5,tpVia r '4
And ulll i.rr.r r ... . ....
aumhi I. ...... ...'.'.T'.'. " ' l",..,,1" ",r ""
HiaT. .... .1 .. " ."" ,ur limber iirine
Ii ! rtil,M",M" '!,i"' l''"J-. "ml I" r.iu
u iw I "1 ""I'"1""! f'tlute II C- Hill., I
on . L" "l,rr, ' "Hi at llend, Oregon
oil Unlnrailay, Ihe nth liny oi March, ion
L'liutuJi7Fi1. "" wlll'ee I Imtr Manoiiger
....... Miit.i neiiu ifiegui..
nln.t..ia"i I1'"'" claiming udveraely Ihe
J&J.'rt'1 l'"lte reiie.trd Iu lilt llir'r
UayofMuicu.ivo', " ur "c,ure """ ' ,B
iMprtto4MaribArl tof Cuugir.; ..I JuMe i.
Jzfi "'"" ', A aet for lb aale of I imlf r U "
iMthcHalMctfCallkMHta. OiegtMi, Nr.a la awl
UllLIUlilnu 'fa.ii.... . . T la. .. .. -
"". Ji N. WATSOW, iUoliiet-i