LOCAL BITS. V. I Diiytnu of I.iiiillinv was a Ilcml caller yesterday. lU-tiu'inber the r.ruintiu's dunce on I'rldiiV nllit. I"t-lj. 23, Arinond Terry has rented the lien -ell place near Powell JIiiUch, lv A Or Mi in was in Mend Tnes lay from his lioinesleud in 1013. l)r W S. Nichol left Wediieit lay uiornitiK lor a InmineM trip to Hoi'-l River. A I., (lomlwillie tell Wednesday iiMtiilnn for Portland and other oillMdc uiiit. Kill wr cent ent on glove and mittens at Motrin's Keinl-AtiniMl Clearance Sale. Tin- I'. II. I) Co. hnN a crew of men cutting timber on the Peter ell eighty south 01 town. The Pilot Unite Inn received a liia. lare, new steel rane this week to lie installed in Its kitchen. Do not forget Merrill's Semi Annual Clearance Sale. Instill); un til March r. A reat price cut on every article in stock. J. II. Wennndy will soon huild an addition 14x16 feel onto his house and will use it for an cxprcM and xtaxc office for the new line. .Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Sellers were nt Silver Lake this week. They went to examine a timler claim filed on by Mrs. Sellers preparatory to making proof. "Hilly" Kobison and Leo Pelarskc returned from Priucvillc Tuesday where they had roiic after hay and (raid for tile Jicild Mvcry & Transfer fltahlaJ. C. A. Chapman will soon have the house on his homestead built and ready for occupancy. It is n icvcii room structure, 34x38 feet and 13 stories 111 height. II. C. Hllis has just completed a fine new Uun on hi town property. The builclinj: is i8x2dfect with 13 foot post, with Mails for four horses and 11 liny loft with a capacity of two tons. Quite a number of Bond people have made' final proof on timber claims this week. The number in cluded James Urectt. Percy Waler, Lawrence 0. Retd, Mrs. Hertha Morrill and Miss Caroline Anne. S C. Caldwell was one of the pAUK-nucr from' Mend Wednesday morniiiK. While out he will visit his daughter, who in attending Willamette university at "nnlem, and will attend to other business mat ters. I). A. I'Mudlcy of Holland was a Hcnd taller yesterday. Mr. Kind Icy is gradually working into the dairy business and will have a large steam power plant in operation next summer. He is now shipping about 60 lbs. a week. T. A. Rutherford. C. M. Mililil and m)ii, Claude, Ted Henry, Waller Wliently. George Couch and Mesdaiuus J. C. Tullar and V. I'. Dayton were up from I.aidlaw Wednesday attending to laud busi ness before Commissioner Kllis. C. M. Muriel and Mrs. Dayton made dual proof 011 timber claims, and Mr. Wheatley made a filing oil a 1 6o-ncre desert claim' near I.aid law. There nre those who are proph cnyinfj that npriug is here. Mon day geese were seen flying to the northward, the birds arc coming back, and the big red nuts have come out from their winter quar ters. The flics arc buzzing on the window pane and the crocuses In the flower beds are .sticking their noses above ground. All these nre unfailing signs of the advent of spring according to some. , Harney Lewis mid Milt Roberts returned Wednesday morning from fclamath Falls where they have been vyorking with a surveying cjrew on the government's reclama tion project nt that place. "Har ney" says the government Is put ting in n tine Irrigation system, riuttuit. in nYilcfr concrete work In Vie canals, tu'nnelSj ,etc All Vrlriges are atcct and every part of the wpr- & irsclass. "Milt" 1'elt Wednesday for his ranch near Sisters. jQlm'tt. JoWes, fon of O. W. Jones of I-Well Buttes, n young uwn about if years ol age , was MHk Costumers Wanted. I have just brought a few cows Fft f..l. Cf 1..1. .f t.o... k.a .nit.1l Those wlshiug milk should call, on we NEW DAILY STAGE From I3ENP to SMANIKO and 'All Interior Points New and Up-to-date Outfit Special Attention to Traveling: Men The Most Scenic Route in Central Oregon IJest Eating Mouses on Any Stage Line PROMPT ATTENTION OIVICN TO KXPRI-SS and UAGGAG1? PAST PRICIO HT A SPIiCIALTV Por Rates to Unci Locators and Timber Men, nddrcstJ I. . MINOR, Hcnd, Or., or W. J. HUCKLIiV, Agt., ShonlKn, Or. brought to Priueville Sunday by Slitnlf Ivlkius for examination as to his utility. Drs. J -M wards and Hyde took up his case Monday aiid pronounced it unsafe for the young man to be at large. He was com mitted to the insane asylum. Jones is tcui)orarily confined in the county jail jwiiriing the arrival ol the asylum officials who arc to take him to Salem. Journal. J. W. Ilnrrhou was visiting in Henri yesterriay. He came clown front the Court Allen ranch where he is reeding a bunch of cattle dur ing the winter. lie reports that Charles Graves of Oriel! recently received news froni a relative that there arc three crews of railroad surveyors working in the eastern part of the state under the greatest secrecy. No one knows what com pany they represent. The men arc paid in cash, thus rendering im txmiblc the disclosure of their se cret by the cashing of checks. Some report that Millar's crew hrts fin ished its work near Odell atid lias disbanded, others that the crew has not disbanded but has gone to Hums to take up work on another line. MV and Mrs. Vic O'Connor and Miss 1'itzmauricc of Redmond were Mcfld callers yesterday. Division Wins.,. Last week wc announced n price cut in Maple groceries a division of profits in fa vor of the taxpayer, or the man who buys groceries'. The result exceeded our fondest expectations. Our little "ad." brought many buy ers into our More, who bought lib crallr. Some bought n trial order of our cut-price entitled goods, and later returned and bought in case lots evidence that they were much pleased. These reduced prices are still iu operation. BUY NOW! New Petite .'nine, rcfjulnr price mi6J4c kt It).; now , 5c 5c limit witter Cnjtile Soap, formerly 10c jkt twr; cut price Pull Cream Cltece, rcrtW xc jwr Hi.; now I'otiro. Vanilla, former pries? 500; now ,. . . Minced Sea Cliiuin, former juice MK", now Crcuu ninl Illack Tea, formerly 50c; now,,.,. 15c 25c 15c 30c I(cllpc Mush, formerly 15c, 10hr now Iju Is Union Meat Co.' RMouMcrs, -i An frwli, former price iPc, now 1t"L Armmir'ii White floating Soap, gj-, was loclMr; now,,., 3v Salmon, l H. can, 3 coiih now ar R)r, , M M t I M t I M M I I t AmJ a Crescent Wheat I'lakcs, same a OCT-. Puree, now 3 for juOK Oil Sardines, formerly lot: - now. ................ . ...... v Perfection Stock Catsupviia 35c; C-, now ,,t XjOKs 1'oiiutnlti Apricot., fohuer price wan 35c. now. , , . , 1'oiiutnln Ornpts, formerly 35c; now Good Coffee, ww 10c, 20c 20c 15c 25c 25c now, ...... 4 1 1 ..... , . Laundry Soap, formerly 35c; now 7 for Tomatoes, 1 enna 1 .foe for Corn 1 rn, former price 15c; 10c now T.ik Prcneh' l'runei, former QSV price 10c; now.. w..iUit.,. O l'ountniii Vcacfis,' fohiier price rJfn l'ountftln Strnwberriei formtr ly 30c; now tit . 25c EVERYTHING IN THB DRUO LINE Prescriptions filled by nil Kxperitnced Registered Pharruatlst w:& NicHdi; Dr. Turley has had a phone put in his office, No. 38. Merrill is helling hats cheap dur ing his Clearance Sale in fact the price is cut iu two. Manager Kllis announces that the telephone company will resume work on the Sisters extension to day with n crfcw of eight men. S. C. Caldwell will purchase a stock of hardware while at Port laud and will open n hardware .store iu his building in n few weeks. As The Hulldtin goes to press, a message is received from Shnniko that mail was received there last night, that it will reach Priueville tonight and that Henri will receive railroad mail tdthorrow night after n wait of if days. W. P. Vandcvcrt phoned from his ranch at the Hig Meadows that the river there is out of its banks and overflowing the whole country, that it is the highest it has been for years. Monday the Deschutes at Henri reached the highest mark recorded likewise for many years, since which time if has been slow ly going down, yesterday having dropped five inches. The rise, however, was only n foot or two and there was at no time any dan ger of damage from floods similar to those so prevalent on other streams. The Deschutes in the Henri country is absolutely safe and reliable. COUNTY NGWS NOTES: (Continued from page 1.1 iportlmcn from Hcnd whether iu or out of hunting mxsoii. However, n Utile lilnl toll! me that the "hig three" by threat, twreuasion, ami .tray hullcU did inaniiyle to tag a gootlly lot of the Dig Meadow' choicest thicks, and by dent of utnuocuvrlng and couuUIuk did hide said duckd away from the KBIIlc warden W-ltli the gool weather eje and the worthy constable with the big stick. Now the miiwtlou is this: When the wagon was rcnrchtxl did the "trig three" have the ducks Iu their socks or iu their stomachy or did they throw sand iu the good weather eye of the game warden? Or did they have any thick? Samettody knows but they won't tell. U Hal Three hunters went n hunting, And uotliink could they find, Until they enmc in Priueville And that they left behind. The tlutciiuum says "It's Priueville," The ltnglishman says "Nnyl" The Irishman said "It's the cud of the earth, let's go hc other way!" Little river has overflowed its banks and the DochUtcs river at the Mcadowa Is two feet higher than usunl and still coming up. Will lloguc has rented his new hotel. x ,. ,lo e or last wV.) livery fliC; ntoumt lere Is enthusiastic over the (livjsii of Umouiity ,w 1 The sternly rains of the justvcek are taking nway the show and causing1 he river to rise. We heard a map say the other day that the Iteml "lUUly" was worth more than both the Priueville paper. Ohl Mr. Priueville VoW'ro a hot old town, You are the warmest lit the country around; Go down your stWtls most any night, Yon can set up a gam', you cau set up 11 fight; n-t- r 1 1 it . Grafters and hooVcr amhdiixhigarouud, Ohl Mr.rrlnevllle you're h hot oh town, We will soon have 1 to iult tnrowuiH mud at Priueville fts real estate is get ting too high in our country. Powell BttUe Items. Grass growing these days, Good for those short of feed. Jim Green is now at home on his homestead getting Id a crop, no'tlier house for Powell liutles and a new settler 011 ditch laud, Mr. Sliattock of Spokane, Wash., being the timii; C. If. Hills is doing the citrx!Uter work. Motes Xiswonger wont to Priueville one liny this week. It Is rctxntcri he started t 3 o'clock. Ones lie wHiited to get to town ttefore people were up so they would not see him coming from the west. That's rilil, Mim-. don't take liny risk. The Crook County Journal says that Powell IlntteMmle nil siuued the re- iiHinttrMHce except two. Well, the edi tor mutt have his e(- screwed on Imck wurds, 11 they all winm for county di- vikiou except two and one of those nets rather sick, or doesn't sem to feel well. I'rinrvllle la nittch concerned about the welfare of the new settlers in West ern Crook ami the hard row they will have in the new county. Oh, well old man, let the son go. Some day he may return to eat tht fatted calf. Don't worry, old 1'riiwvillv, about the way wanl Iwy. lie mutt sow his wild outs. If you enn't find x'! nei;hbors around Powell Unites you had Iwtterscll out, move out, jump out, crawl out, sneak out, or any other way to get out, and let some neighbor move in. Many who were out of water got their citterns full of snow water during the re cent thaw, some have wooden rcsenoirs, some Have cement, the Irttter proving the beat nud chcatcst in the clitl. Very muddy roads to I'rincvillc these days but the bright clear days arc fast drying them tr. One Powell Iluttcs rancher has kept n stoic iu his holt house all winter and never hits tunny eggs cither. (Too late tax Utt irttk ) Nice sun shine very acceptable. The silow all gone. ltcryouc thinking ol plowing and seeding, Mrs. J. A Ktliotl has been erysick, alto Mrs. Keilly. Many have been down with the grippe. Pelix I.inster of Ilcnd Is talking of clearing his laud in the olll river bed and putting in a crop. Three more homesteads taken at row- ell Ituttes. Ranches around the buttes are O. K. A Powell Iluttes rancher set a trap for a wild .cat. He got one one lame cat. Some deer are being killed in self defense. Lots of water now. Don't have to buy of water dealers at the buttes. Notice. Came to my place four miles west of Redmond about Nov. 10, 1906, a light reel heifer apparently coming- three years old, branded A on left hip, and having two slits iu left car and a notch On upper side of right car. Owner 'can have same by prov ing title and paying all costs with in time provided by law. J. T. CumtOKit. NRtf ofNWtf Sec. 26, Tp. 15, R. 12. The Deschutes Telephone Company Telegrams forwarded to Auy Part of the World. Direct Telephone Communication with Portland, I'rincvillc and all Pacific Coast cities. Public Pay Stations In Dank lluldiug at Iteml, at Laid law and Powell IJutteS. Messenger service to any part of Crook County south of Crooked River. TEi Central Ore gon Banking (8b Trust Company .." iNcoaroKATED 1904. Capital $25,000.00 Transacts d Genera! Bank ing Business. Acts as Administrator, Ex ecutor or Trustee of Estates Issues Drafts arid Bank Money Order bit all Fdreign Countries. 'V") tm,i Interest onJTlme Deposits f t Safe Deposit Boxes. Fire Insurance, DIRECTORS:: A. M, Drake, A. I.. Goodwlllie, President. Vice Trcs, J, M. Lawrence, Secretary. V. O. Minor, Cashier, IWND, OREGON PILOT BUTTE INN A. C. LUCAS, Proprietor Tables supplied with all the delicacies of the season First-class Equipment Fine Rooms and Beds All stages stop at the hotel door LIVERY AND FEED BARN IN CONNECTION Good Rigs -:- Reasonable Charges C. D. BROWN BEND, DI'AMJRS IN Centra! Oregon Real Estate Timber and Desert Lands a Specialty ', We buy or sell your land no matter where situated. Wc can sup ply you with any class of land at any time. Call on us or write for further particulars. IUkhkr SlIOI' AM) IlATHS IN Hon: i. Hotel HUOH O'KANE, Prop. MOST CENTRALLY LOCATED HOTEL IN HENti. Sample room in connection. New House, New Furniture, Reasonable Rates. Good Rooms Always Reserved Ibr Transient Trade. Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company ANNUAL DIVIDENDS Nearly 30b SATISFIED policyholders in Crook County. A. V. CLOTHIER, SPKCIAK AGENT 2. F. MOODYi O.ENERAL Commission and forwarding MERCHANT. shaniko, ;-BS!r.oREaoN Large, Commodious Warehouse. ConsigntnentsSolicited Prompt attention phi to those who favor tnc with their patronage.. Bend Livery & Transfer Stable W. J. RODISON, Proprietor. LIVERY, and FEED STABLE Horses Boarded by tub Day, Week or Month Flrst-CJass Livery Rigs for Rent. Those No. 15 noml trt, txlwctu MlnnnoU anil Oregon, RALMi SHELDON General Blacksmithing and Wagon Repairing HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY Our shop is located Timber t.ind, Act June j, 8;S. NOTICE FOR PUJ&IOATION. U. S. tDd Ofllcc, Lat, Oregon, jtnuiry 34,1997. Notice U hereby Wu that In compliance with the provisions bfine Act of Cougrcu of June 1, 1S78, entitled, "An act for the (ale ol timber Und In the itatei of CallfornU, Oregon. Neradt, and Washington Territory," at extended to all the public land Mates by act or Augiut 4, 1S01, Ullen V. Knarr. or HeUti,. county of Crook, tate of Oregon, hai IHU day filed in thla office her sworn state rue ut No. jioS for the purchase of the sc) ne sec h, sK n)(, and neK w!( of sec jj In tp 11 s, r 16 c, ww. Aud will oiler proof to show that the laud sought Is more valuable for its timber or stone thau for agricultural purposes, amd to establish her claim To said land before II. C. Kills, U. 8. commissioner, at his office lu Bend, Oregon, ou Monuay, iuc ijinuiyoj April, 1907, Hattie Monls, of Bend, Oregoa; Uart Nicholas, r. ii. Marion ei ijiiojaw, urcgou. Auy and alt persona claiming adversely le above-described lattda are rtabtftrd la the above-described lands are rtebeVtcd lo lie thclrclalms in this ciflke on or before the said aie inciruaims in tats 01 1,5th. Bay of April, ia;r (t-au J, It. WATSON, Register ZJ (&, COMPANY OREGON AM. KINDS OP Bend Corner Bond and Orkcon Strkkts F. O. MINOR, RESIDENT AOENT Bend, Oregon. opposite Baptist Church. Timber Land, Act of June 3, 1878, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V. 8. raud Office, The Dalles, Oregou, January , tons. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the Act of Congress of June ,t. 17. entitled "An act for the sale of limber lands iu the hlates of California, Oregon. Nevada, and Wsshliston Territory," as extended to all the Fubllc Laud States by act of August 4, l8ot, Settle Ertcksou, , of Bend, county of Crook, state of Qrtgou, hss this day filed In this oAce hersworu state incut No. 1769. tor the purchase of the n s; ofscc I, tpiSs. r 10 c, lot 6 aud uc awjf ol sec 6, in tp li s, r II e, w m And will offer proof to shaw that the laud so'ight is more valuable for lis timber or sloue than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim io said land before II. C. Hills. U. 6. Commissioner, at bis office in Bend, Oregoa, on thciJith dsy or April, 1)07, he names as witnesses) Letter N. Meuear, Oliver It, Krickson, K. A. Smith, Charles 11 Erickson, all ol Bend, Oregon, Any and alt person claiming adversely the above-described lauds arc requested to' file their clslnis In this office on or before said isth day el AprD, 1907. j. fl-aia MICHAEL T. NOLAN, keglittr i Mk$, GXQKOYf BATX3.