The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, February 01, 1907, Image 5

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' Winter wnic a btudncw via-
Hor in IIcihI ycittcnliiy. ,
V Homteof Kosliuid was u
lend visitor on Wediumduy.
Imiic line of shoe for men, wow
i and children nt Merrill'.
i II 1 J McDonnld left for Port-
n I Mouduy on it ImihIiium trip.
T A. Itutlierfbrd of Luidluvv
Sv.i'i usitniK friends in llenil liiHt
Mr itnl Mrs II. W. I.tikln air
px)H ll m Jieiui urvout tuu join hi
In. uijiitli.
I. II iuul Kol)t. McGinn vre
Jn Ilud i"lrilay front tlieirliomu-
(III -ids in 17-12.
Ii- T.ii!i!ntt CHiiie down from til
U ' till itiutry Weilueaduy night
i' .1 i '.v iliy in town,
lit Tuveiior'tt tlimn for Sun-
t tn-iriinik: will I: "How to
Jjuil-I for Tune and Kicrnlty."
Ntwii'oitiri Hint I'lilhcr Ilickcy
Is itiit' ill with pneumonia In the
iSt uncut hospital nt l'ortliiud.
We ntf M'lliiiK leoods iw client) as
11 in W Hold l a liviiiK profit. Step
iu .aid see loryouiMM. Hill MitK
In in U .ISlf-
Mm W. H. Wilkinson arrived
ffu Dctid on the Wednesday ovciiiuK
:.t.iKC alter h visit of several week
a Portland.
W K Oneriii. Jr.. and Hon. K
II Ktnif ltHve otxstiod an office in
Bl'.iUl.Tti'l nml arc ciikhkcu in Ui
U M tKC Of WW.
Thr fuiesl iliNpUy of valentine!
leur on sale in lieud can Ik: .seen
!.' tile txstofFice news-stand, where
It i an- Ikmiijj sold at cost.
Mus Marion is MUiTeritie
Kt.)") an attack, of la ftrippe this
k ,itnl litis Deeil tt 11 dole tonllcml
ti) lur mIiooI dutiM n purl of the
It mc
N'cws reaches Html Unit n lby
h was lorn to Mr. and Mm. V.
'i Hnrinau on January i.t. Mr.
It riii.111 wan lornierly cashier for
I) 1. Jfc I. Co. .at Hand.
The regular monthly ImsincM
o-rtnn: of the Idlen' Aid .Society
wdl meet with Mrs. II. K. ytch-
s.'.l iwxt Wednesday afternoon,
K-liruaiy , at 3:jo o'clock.
Mrs Kintiia Troy Sullivan writer
' in their place near Sutlers, the
I llpvievv Ranch, that Mm. lier
, ird Leon nd recently shot and
i.ilU-d m wiM rat one utile north of
Mr Sullivan's howe.
C II Allen Is stiendluK a few
I is in town with his wife and
ItUKhtcr, who are now located in
ll-nl with MiiW Hthel iitttiidiug
hool Mr. Allen U fcedhiK about
; 1 head of cuttle thin winter.
J W. Harrison is wintering 40
J.uil of inttlcon the C. H. Allen
Much at the HIr McidowM. Mr.
Harrison is one of a company Hint
ii-i eutly bought 1 too acres of land
nt Heaver Marsh with the intention
'' nptKini; in the stock busiuojw.
The regular monthly consecra
tion meetuiK of the Christian lln
deitvorsociely next Sunday even
lu; Topic "What Christian Kn
'leaver menus." Text, IMiil. 2: i-rH.
Leader, Miss V. Violet Keed. All
Have You Joined
The Procession?
l'cople front nil over the
country nre leartiiuu more
tlinl more from day to day
UaruliiK that Nlcliol's ia the place
wlieie (;ood goods me found and
rght prieet kept on tap. There's
a great procession coming to his
Mote every week have you joined
t' IfMtnt, do so nt once
Qet on the band wagon!
Go with the bushl
It will cost yot uotliifijV indeed,
jou will save money. ,llc litis ev
prythiiiK in the grocery Hue .front
the cleanser of dirty ( hands to all
the dainty nick naclcs, spices, etc. go to make the fiuwit cnbking.
His store is a refuge for the
'roubled. Jiotiscwife.. ;-
TKV UIMf vns,
' L-
iilNU Prescriptions filled by" nn
members arc rctticW:d to be prcs
uut to icskjik1 to roll call.
llest line of gloVe.snnd mittens in
Dctteliutes county at Merrill's. .5tf
I0I111 C. Stiles and MIhm U'lm.i.-
Updike weic married Wednesday
evening tit I.aidlaw. The ceremony
w performrl at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. I'red Wallace, with only
the retail veil present. Mr. and
Mrs. Stiles will start housekeeping
nt once on his homestead adjoining
The Ixijiket social at the Haptist
ihliieh Wednesday evening was a
very miccewiful affair, $70.35 being
rea lined. Thu prie cake for the
mofct popular girl in town went to
Miss lva Morris, who had 735
votes. The amount raised by tliis
eontuil was $15 y. The money
will be used to mtcr the church.
The rapid thawing of snow,
aceoiutwiiied by considerable rain-
urn miring me piiwl week, has
changed the desert country into a
very wet one. Water i standing
in puddles everywhere, large ponds
are being formed in low places and
the mound is t'ettiuc a thorough
soaking. A great blewing for the
dty farmers.
Mr. and Mrs. lohn Oecrturf
treated a few of their friends to a
most delightful sleigh ride Inst .Sat
tirdav evcniiitf. the olituclive ooint
of the tide being a visit to a large
cave lying about three miles citit
of llcud on the Hear Creek road.
Ilrtisli was carried into the cave
and a blazing fire sturte I which lit
uti the underground chamber to
I q felt ion. The ceiling of tlic cave
MBumenpio'oieciiiigui 1 lucuigu-
KSiik"-?y- -ftn OlLSKi", yi'
;iiooat-iiic.Tcar ii 13 some ioojio
VfccTtTTBrl(r'$5, 'Irf S-MW
moon or cu siiajje. 1 ire trip mauc:
u very pleasant nud interesting
evening, esix.ti.illy to those who
Had never visited a natural cave
The party consisted of Mr. and
Mis. Uverturf and daughter Her
nice, Mrs. Michael Morrison, Miss
Moulder, Mrs. I,. I). Wicst, Mr.
nud Mrs. P. I,. Tompkins and Mr.
and Mrs. Chns. I) Kowc.
drain Nut Damaged liy I'rcezc.
No bad effects resulted to the
growing wheat in this section from
the severe cold weather last week.
The fanners say that fall-sown
wheat in growing nicely. When
the cold spell came the ground was
covered with snow to a depth of
from three to five inches, affording
amide protection from the frost.
This week the weather has been
uiiuftially fine, and "the snow has
been gradually melting nud sink
ing into the ground. The outlook
for a good big grain crop next
harvest is better now than it has
been at this season for several
years past, although the area of
fall sown grain is much smaller
than it wns Inst season. Madras
Not Dead; Only Married.
Last Sunday this quiet little
town was thrown into n high .state
of excitement over a report that
Ralph Spcucur, editor of the Cen
tral Orcgduinii, hnd suddenly and
mysteriously disappeared. Va
rious theories were advanced ns to
where he hnd gone nud why he
had so suddenly vanished. All his
usual haunts were visited, but no
one hnd seen him, nud his disrtp
ea ranee began to worry ns well ns
mystify every one. Toward even
ing Cojh; West came to town and
lie was soon informed of thu matter
and after listening to nil the rumors
and surmises .suddenly burst out
laughing nud said, "Spencer ain't
dead, he's just gone to lieud to get
married." We won't say anything
more now, but just wait till he gets
back!!- Central Oregoninu.
New (joods arriving weekly nt
The Merrill Co.'.s popular store.
ilotiortlno Alfes wlmt overy womnn
inoMt dcilrci a vcrtoct comploxlon
ji lirlngH that nott, Hmooth, fresh,
rjoar lint to tlia etieck that Ainno
youilifuliieM, It will il Scanty
10 tliow who licK Itt It will retain
It for Uw VhP nheu'ly poeM It:
It vlll HHbo fa to nucceaatully
pombut tlio raeARWt of weather ami
tlino. Pon't itodln-ao'W rKua,Jullt
try nobt'rtlpo Yoir AuK(t wtlt
Hlyu you a frfO BiunMo. All lrun
Klvts Kel ltobertlnp.
livery Wosk Witnesses Sales of the
I). I. & I'. Co.'s I .mid.
KniiMONii, Jit 11. iH -Mr O'Connor
cnlli our iittciillon to an error In one of
our recent column 11 lent ion I(tr ny
the eouiMiiy lm not rulMMl lti price m(
III Inml but Hint the Mute )mt iiM'leHre
tulluktmeiil of rata. We Kindly umke
the correction. lie slste further Hut
wile. of court'. Hrc slow while nntiw U
011 (lit ground. The bent dny for the
month wm i(i,h when mott of tectum
1.1 In I7-I.( wm wM l eight or ulneentl
em 1 Hrtius who will pm'mlily t out in
the fall to settle on It.
The continue)! eohl, sUiruiy hhI
KUowy wenther Iim KtiiMfwJMit relrdel
ninti-rliil (levehiiiiiuiii for the iteiit w
llwt more time anil attention Iwve Itcen
given to ilevelopiaenl of nsoHal nature
tleinK only one n( Ilk! (pmiiHm (tcople
hih! no l!tielaii, we CflHitAt my what It
doing in the (Miotic I field.
The dance giveH by MIm Morgan nt
the hotel Tlltunli.)' hl(ht wn wull at
trmleil and everylKxIy envyel llieni
selves, an uual.
Mr, nud Mr. It. U. Immetee enter
tlutl friends at dinner yeaterday.
Mr. and Mrs, Newt. Cobb of near Sis
ter Imvu heeu visiting frleinU in Kcd
fnoud. Secrl IihIIm met with Mrs. McQueen
one day hut week and formed n 011 eh re
chili. 1 '
Mr. kowlec IMS j(w to Ohio oil Ihi(-
Caruter are lmy jwIUhr up a rcsi
deuce and building 011 the fnir ground'
ami I). I. Ji I. Co.'a estcrimHl farm.
We uudcrotand tlwt Mr. Getter h
charge of the work.
lUnnk f'.Uaa ha rcturnwl from an cx
tt?dcirwyt3TrortlaiMl awl other imiiitSjl
TiieicolQHeJJisI c p -itwl in Mime llmel
tui iiiciiNi, ifrcy, !ih nun iinirj-
ucut to I'lincvillc Thtirwliiy, returning
next da).
Hauling hay it the order of the day for
tlkc who ran ee it ami whose horses
can timid up to the work.
Several rcjuru are in circulation
which your reporter has not been able to
verify. One is tlwtt 1'. C. Kowlec ha
wild the hotel ami the how owners will
take powoMion before long. Another one
is tlmt Messr. McCalTery a nil Young arc
going to put up a btacksmirJi shop. Wo
enruntly tom tlmt this one is true as it
U mighty luctiuveiiieut tb have to go to
I'rinevilte to get a horse hod or a screw
thread etit, an 1 then there in the daugor
tlmt folk from this section tighl get
Prinevllle ring around their necks and
not be aide to vl home again.
Mr. Jnde returHetl from Shauiko
I'ridaj- SihI M,r, Minna on SumUy. Ihith
rewrt the road rather slow.
StaKMof the' It., M., S. StK Co. are
running now about every otlier day. The'
cauiMuty keep eight teams at the Mor
gan stable and are running right through
oil good time.
Ithrct Pros, have Wen putting up ice
for milliner use, as has also Prank Mo
CaiTcrv. Papers from the old home in
I own slate that the ice men are ntlll look
ing down tljclr noMM and so arc the eu-
luiucm u 111c iroeci 01 n.iviug to mj-
60 cents n hundred next summer for
manufactured ice. Wc uikli Mime of
them Could buy a little ehuuck at Ave
cent a pound. U would make thorn
think it was something to le handed
do'wu as nn heirloom to their children.
Mr. 5!cCalTery got ready to Commence
building oiHirntioiu, having started hi
foundation, when the weathur interfered
ami the butduc is nt a stand still.
What a louuxttt itt n teaixit has been
raited by 11 litllt4alk about county divi
sion. One wouhl think, from thu amount
of talk that the magnitude of the qilcs-
11011 mvDiveii vih comuiansurate Willi
the si;c of t!io county instead of twine
out of all irox)rtion to it.
U. L l'ARK.
HlKhtowcr ft Smltli Purchase It and
Will Run Uoth AUIIs.
' Ti mai.o, Jan, if.- Hichtowcr & Smith
have taken over the Uornuicc milt nud
have iKHiht the'lelvlii tiinlwr and will
run both inilli in the future.
There is some talk of dividing the
I.aidlnw school district. Seems lo be
the fashion to divide up. l Hut this would
be u Kood division if the sfhnol ( house is
centrally located iu the district.
Mess's iUlla nud Unite o( Kcuil, drove
out here .Monday iu iutruU of the
Deschutes Telephone -Cauinaiiy. They
state there is nfydoutit.but, Tuninlo will
he Supplied with the Hell telephone sys
tem soon.
John Kdwards passed through here
Monday curoutc to llend.
i" j' -
Mt. tifmlinii of Gmss Valley, was h)
Tuiunlo Tuesday nlht. He is huyiny
hides aYidJ"nys the top notch for them.
Wev(U(eoou to have'n ..fattiierttTtele
phone system estahl.islje,d, iliipnouout
the ?elterii shlo of tlus Deschutes ttVcr
A little sleet, a little wind, nud' now n
Chinook, The suaw is inciting fast.
(osland nhd HIk At endows Notes
(Too ll for ltt unit.)
A vrrv fili.Hiit fiartv wnn t.lvpn IahCT
Ljjnltirday evening at tut- home of Mr,
vaxint;i( fii 1 niniiii. .i:vn. ..Jiirviw,.
dsuciug and ksiiic were indulged in liy
rAi.iu,..n .... I,,... 11. tK mw h.t..Im
all. A leature 01 tile evening was a
soiME and dunce rendered by Mr. Hob
Cut net wooi I, and a suipptlou supper
ent every one Ikmii luppy. Next!
The new hotel at Ko!aud, altlHiueh
not qnile completed, in oihth to the put.-
fir. ami irs. wiiiism
Iloutie are
Ktulal iroprietors.
first cla
fell Minltli I em1lng a couple of
week at Itoslaotl filling, eye glasses.
We understand the thermometer reg
istered 11 below, St Ort Allen's during
the cold Mp.
Two brand new lambs at P. A. BIkhi
quist's ranch Iwrn oat dxirs in tin
severe eohl spell and doing fine. Heat
that. DUNOKK.
A Pew Pertinent Questions.
TumaM), Or.. Ian. 32. liilitor Bulle
tin: Will yon kindly allow me a little
pare in your valuable Mrcr? I want to
oak Ihe I'rinevilte people, and more
especially the honorable county court,
what they lisve done for western Crook
county, ami what they have not done
for western Crook county since Judge
llell ha Iuul control of the county
court? We would like to ak the honor
able judge wliy he lias turucil down
every road petition that our ople have
Mrnt in from western Crook county since
he has had control of the county court'
And I would like to ask the jud(c wli)
lie made the cople of western Crook
comity m many nice promises when he
wu securing otes for the judgeship
and why he ha Men fit to turn a cold
shoulder to everything that western
Crook county has asketl for since he lias iu office? I well remember when
Judge Itell came over to Tutiulo seeking
votes for his honor'n election, how en
thftsiastie lie was for the good of the
poor (teople of Crook county ami how he
alfl he inteudeil to see that the people
had eood roads and uood liridec if he
waielected. Ihshouorsaid that there wan.,
f u.ooti of road fundi then in the county
as elected lie was
cl 1 will see that the iicoplc
rutuN Iwdl nut lu-urd up the road
funds iu the cohiUv as the other
county courts have dune but I will have
it xjient on the roads where it 1c1oiik."
On the treiKth of Ins honor's nice
promises I went to some extwuie and
!eut a jjreal deal of time and got out a
petition atkwg the jndxe to grant us the
meoly wui of fr for thepflrpose of
reiMiring the roads from Tutiulo to
lieud. The petition was signed by So or
ino tax payers and representative inon
of thin part of the county. I sent this
petition to the honorable county court.
In alKiut hovel! or eieht months the hon
orable tmlee Kitt out tlic honorable road?
mau-r lo exaiHiui me iumaio-nemi
rood ami 1 heard that the road master
inlcmieii lo reiK-rt adversely to our
jietition. I then wrote to the road mas
ter ami aiked him to let me know on
what ground he intended to turn us
down. His answer was to the effect
that the Tuinulo and llend road wm
uood enough, but he sutufeste! that if
our people would give fioo that he
tuougiu iw coiiki gei ine couniy court
to give f Jo... I tli en wrote to Judge
Dcfi and ealletl hi attention to hi nice
tromie wheu he was out here scekimt
our voles for his election and he wrote
me that he would tee what could lie
done for u. I suppose the judge is
still busy seeing about it for I have
heard nothing further from our potition.
Hut from what I hear, his honor intends
lo chuck that wonderful 14,000 into
that new court homo foundation and
when his honor ccts done milkiuu the
people of western Crook county he will
put it all into that court house founda
tion. Then he will have a good lot of
rings mid staples fastened to the lloor of
the foundation and then chain the west
ern Crook county people to it when
thev visit the county seat, in order to
keep them from molesting his honor's
county imslucft wtitio lie is. holding
them up t'r taxes,
That foundation proposition reminds
me of the first court house that was
built iu taucaster, the county seat of
(.Continued 011 page 8.)
Iht Central Ore
gon Banking (2b
Trust Company
Capital $25,000.00
Transacts a Cleuernl Hank
Ing Business.
Acts is "Administrator, I:x
ccutur ol" Trustee of Estates
Issues Drafts nnd Bank
Motley Ur.ders ori dll Foreign
Interest on Time Deposits
Safe Deposit Uoxesj
tFire Insurance,
A, M, Drake, A. h. Gooijitiille,
President, Vice l'fes;
J, M, Lawrence, Secretary.
V. O. Minor, Cashier.
'HErtbyv V.f pitrfe'tfXXN
treasury. audit lie w
going to,sto.tlistLUp.watxuL1 on the
road,. I theiiTOlctrinttyiouorjsjsittcriS
.ttoji tojilie ((rful'niirUon'offtbejgfid
(roin Tumafo Id Itcnd and ilie'lionorable)
JMUkV "" 1. V.. " .WW,,, WM .WV3t
A. C. LUCAS, Proprietor
Tablca supplied with all the delicacies of the season
IMrsl-dlasfl HqtiipjUent
All stages stor
flood Rigs -:-
Central Oregon. Real Estate
Timber and Desert Lands a Specialty
f Wc buy or sell your land no
ply you with any class of land at
IlAttlS IN
New House, New Furniture, Kcasbnable Rates. Good Rooms
Always Reserved for Transient Trade.
Conimission and forwarding
Large, Commodious Warehouse. ConsigofflenlsSoHcited
Prompt attention paid to those who
favor me with their patronage.
Bend Livery & Transfer Stabte
W. J. RODISON, Proprietor.
Housks BoARDbn nV tub Day, Wbek'or Month ;
First-Class Ltvety Rigs for Rent. ' 'Phoae No. 15 -.
Donil itrttt, between Minnesota iDdOrrsoo,
General Blackssuthing and Wagon Repairing
Our shop is located
dnd Town Property
BOUGHT aud SOLD. Timber Claims and Homesteads located, sur
veyel atad estimated. H
Qet.qn thie Band WagonU Join the Prcxicssion!
Everybody rehds The Bulletin. Do yotit
Fine Rooms nnd Beds
at the hotel door
Reasonable Charges
matter where situated. Wc can sup
nny time. Call on us or write for
Bond and
Oend, Oregon
opposite Baptist Church.