The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 18, 1907, Image 8

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pi the Dchutfefc R-ivter itt Western Part of Crook
County, Oregon.
Center of the new Irrigation Development covering
The Townsite of BEND
-r Ii I
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Altnlfa. S-l.
.eel of alfalfa awrapM larger-tan
rI clover nwJ and &bows lei tend
cay to punile In Its colorinjr- Good
iU are of an obscure greenish or
:ldteti yellow. Defective- seeds are
jrw aixl gwrllr ahdrelMl. as hi
ciorer. Tbe 1mm i not ecy ranitant,
Imt In all jcwk! uupJv Uir are fre
qMtljr deddllx kilnj- ttupeU Feed,
ctrtregly eouvex w we fWe and con
cave on Ue oiwr. .From tiiose the
tihpo ranRcs u short, wide teds,
4WeOnw Ut-Wedl.r traacute oblique
q at in Jarjjer end. A typical seed
VMWiw 0.W by 0.OB by 0JM lnea.
.. rir-ln la the Orchard.
Mi are are many warn of carina for
a orebanl. W work our land In corn
s Ummc IMMiiblo, in ordw to eultl
tt 0m tree aad keep the land chut?
'. hto la to prevent w bebtK troubled ' by
nbUU. Whtrro tbrr ar no treea
ST w ran Bttt toe rldUMwi I Ack
Jut IB aoU with etorer. If Uw la -a k
r. thto elorrr may b cut for r .,r. i
! tot It should I left and tnme' under
; oark -b tbw land a much aa vikl.
" W r of U .mau iita
orrnanL Mrtn to tke fZ.
1 . Item for rne j-ounjf t y,T it
fold, VlMonri. " ' "
Willi llic Hoot
, no, to . - f-
,o-wir,sbbwd firt,s
?1rS! ow" i be neiUr poor
tkiSnWlnte n,w"Jrs snr la
T-al Sd', '- K than
TLTI . ' ' h"8 vo tW P8tr
'L . ' win do.
3ttfbrar . - ,, i. . - ji.
1" T Don,t Bbut the o"t o'
U.'( ho b0 flte,
, . . ...
Trade Marks
rffff c
Copvricmts Ac
ka an J.( m alo4. am, HAJY4rrfltn tnft
iiulcu ucruin oar opinion free wbtiitr
!iM7trlctl enflleu7 HANDBOOfon I'xcau
l.nt Jrea. OldMt f eocr tor ecuilojptclJ.
rAlUU Uto U1(UU Mww i N aviw
t?MHK. mwtwI w
CIM. 1I1B( TtW. iU W
A hioilr lllnatrll -klr. largMt cjr-
j-ulUou of nr ictetilino louroiL Tf run. M -Trif-
rmonUii, tL BoHbjiJl ntrtOtiuU
r . ' .. -- tCcV nS: .s - Lk
1 New Mall Service Needed.
Culver and Lamonta, seven miles
pari, have the banner mail con
tection of the entire service to the
Deschutes river district, where each
ffice boasts of the snperlativcness
fts poor service. The shortest
mail schedule time from Culver to
r.atnoutfl and rt'turn. seven miles
each way, is just six days and this
plendjid time is ouly possible when
he njails connect as scheduled. A
lette.r from Culver addressed to I.a-!
no nta must fust ro to Shaniko, ,
th en back to Grizzly, then out to
L monta; tlw reply from Lamonta
1 encnes onzziy 111 time 10 miss, uu
stage; leaves next day for Shanik
I in time to miss lite stage at;air
and on the evening of the third da
from Lamonta reaches Culver hav
1 in traveled over 200 miles in tht
round trip. Madras Pioneer.
) Sveryose should subscribe for
U borne paper, in ordtr to et ail
the local sews, but to keep in touch
with the world's dxily erenU
should alto re&d
The Evening Telegram,
Portland, Oregon,
The leading evenint newspaper of
the Pacific Gout, which his com
plete Associ-ted Frees reports and
special lesed-wixe service, with
correspondents in important sews
centers and in all tha cities and
principal towns of the Northwest.
Portland and suburbs are coyered
by a brixht staff of reporters, and
editorial, dram-tic, society and
special writers. Saturday's edi
tion consists of 26 to 28 pages, and
has colored comic pagvs, as well as
a department for children, colored
fashion page, an interesting serial
story and other attractive features
in addition to all the news of the
Subscription Bate: One month,
50 cents; three months, ?1J6; six
months, $2.60; twelre mont-f, ?5.
3 Sample copies mailed res c
Vou pan. net the Ne.v Idea Wom
an's Magazine very cheap by club
bine with The Bulletin.
-. -.
The Deschutes Telephone
Telegrams 1'orwurtled to Any l'art
of the World.
Telephone Communication
with Portland, 1'rinevilW and alt
Pacific Coaat cities.
Public Pay Stations
in Bank HuMing at Rend, at Laid
law and Powell Nuttes.
MeMcngrr sen ice to any part f
Crook Cuunty south of Crooked
JtoWrune gives what every woman
null aVora- JHrfnt compltilo.i
Ii brlnm that soft, kniooth. frh.
tlar tint to the cruxW that inotr
youthfulnM. It Will brinK tHMUty
i,j Uiam who lack It. It wilt rUln
It for tboi who alru)y poraw- H
It it lit trbl yon to successfully
-mhat th rarase of wrsthar anl
mas. Ivn t doubt don't arRus. Jut
try K-.Lh rtln. Tour druasUt will
K'e jou fr sampl. All ilrua
;jk kp Kotxriln.
A ZZ 7 j I-
-'vas:---ar., .0:
MWIW HrHlMU'Kl nniiiiiuiu
8a ayrmgnjTiCna 3
Everybody reads The Bulletin.
I iMIl-.i-MJa'i lUnilM
?i 1 Vf r 4 j
J 4 if 1 J t1 "lJ I
i J 4- s i 7
H I I.. I Ut I -i
i i r"t i i 'i
,4 it m t t
i i i i i t
X J 4 7
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4 IS J It f i
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Tlmtwr Land, Act if June j ifr
V n Mad OOVr Ukrrtw, Of(o
IItoihUt i. lyui
Notice Ii hTtby (ivra that m comptUHcr llh
lhrptaritiotmftttttot CoagtrM of Jaar l,
i7. mtlUni ' A Kt lor thr nW of IIMbcr Uudt
In tliraUtrof CsllloraU. Otcoa. Nr4 aad
Waakiiiatoa Irrrllory." ritr44 U ll la
fahllc Uad rtatr by st of Aacatt 4. . tk
r-ltowtac tmoa h Urd la thl oSk their
mta tutrawat. la "It
Kai- V WaH4t
ottHud. coaaly i.fciouk. Mi ilrof Orrana wora
rtOratrnt No. Mt7 for lb parcluM oTibr awli
M.W Kr r. Mat SMi m)(hK MCi4,lrm,
r ic w m
Henry I- WUmU
of Bead, roaaly of Crook, tOUt of (Hegoa. neora
tabaml Mo. Mai sr the patchaae of the. wM
K. eW"H ! aw'acK ii. Ip n r. r i
That they wBJ oeUr araaf to U4 the Ua4
oHSht I awre ealaabl lor ne Umber or -xoae
I ia for atrlratlaral DarpowM, aa4 to eetoMlah
ibetr rUlai to a4 Uwt before U a. Cuiaaili aaa
er II C Hll at hi orrl ulace of l---ea at
Mend, (Weioa.oM Vi'oaHea iy. the IJth My of
rva. 1997
They aaaw a wltae-at Aaaa K
I maw V HbHMtl. fred A. fthoooaeat. Kfaact
II Martoa. Meory U WhlUetl, alt of -nal. Ore-
Any sad alt net mm claialas, advofwly the
iinc .lr Tlbeaf land ate recjaeet ad to Sir their
Uium in ihwofacaea or before the naat inh
!y of March. i7
J4 ia JS WATaOX, Regiater
Timber Laad. Act Jaae j. leja.
U. S. Uad oakce. The liallea. fweua.
laoeeaioer a, lasa
Notice M hereby atea that la coaapllaace with
ihr prueiatooaof the act of Congress of Jumi.
117a, eaiiuea 'am act lor ta mm of itataer laaoa
in the States ol Califuraia, Oresjoa. Nevada sad
Waahlaatea Territory " as estraded to alt the
paouc iaaa oy bi 01 agon 4. rapi.
Bertha O. Morrill
ul Bead, coanly of Crook. aUle af Oregon,
h this day Bled la this onto her awora stale.
meat Wo. ui f thtt pvrchaae of the ear' of
1 !. tp i'a r it w as
And will utter aroof
And will oiler aroof to show thai the land
Might la aw-e valaable tar Its timber or atoa
1 hau for sgrtcnUaral tmrpoaea, and 10 establish
nr cUsja to asld load haanw II C Mils,
1 n L mm lU at ier. at hla 01 ace ta asna. Ore-
,'jn nn ihr 1 jib day of Pcbraary, lojrr
ahc name as wtloe s Joseph V llsuter.
, Mirluil J Morrlaoa, Bubert J Mdaau, Bay
u iikmaon and Arthur D. Morrill, an ui Brad.
I Any and all person claiming adeeraety th
lUive-deann Ibcd Ua dsare reonesttd to SI their
I . Uim la thu niter urn or before aaid IJth day si
Pcbruary, 19a;
V. h. Mad oatoe, Th Italics. iHegon,
tlvcvnikMPi' 4, !
A auflWtent con tea afadaeit hsviag been tied
in 1 '11 aAce by MeK A Witklaauu, cuaUaUal.
BKiiit horn atead calry Nu 11515. made uctol
r 1 1 .a, 1 VrhKK Nil. I'Jf bhkf. WK HltW.
s- 11 To nia..K 11. K.W M by Osurac W
- Ini. ti roulratsr, la which It u alleged that
HKtt.rorxc W. achach hat wholly abandoned
aail trait, that he ban cbaaged kU l)dMC
rii.r, fruiu for aort thau aU inoalht last
I that aiid tract la hoc settled upoa
ami cultjvate.1 by Mid party aa (malted
i'V law iiui satu aiiesci a tence aot u.
t hit rmulovtueHt III lh army. Havy or mar I He
orollhe L'U1 Walea In lime of war, said
trtiea arc hereby nolUled to appear, rcepoad
au'l .ifTrr evHteuce tuttchlMK said alienation at
u o cluck a w uu January , iw7, before
ill t lillU.a U h Conimiaafoner at hi office In
IIcikI orrgon. and that Anal hesriHK will I held
1 st 100 clock a. 10 011 t'ebruary 1, IW7, before the
I Kegutrr aud Ktcclvcral the V h. 1-Hd Office,
I Th. f llaa. f ron.
I nr aaui conieaiani (taring, 111 a inuicr annta
lt, filed Dcccilcr 4. 19A act furth facts which
how after due dnigeiicc pcrtoual service of thl
notice can uut lie wade, It U hetcby onlcrnl and
directed that such notice he giecu try due aud
proper putlicatlou.
d Jl- It MICUAUI. T, U0U&.U, KtgUtcr.
I I. J S i
ii ii io f t 7
I Z J 4 S t
J -
t f $ 7
. T !
t Th,
. j J"
" ( ii so f 1 7
h AV E.
.i -t 1
: i .
1 r
I i .i
Timber lnd Aft Jasc 1 !
V H UadOgke The IMlle IMrg-n
November 1. iv
Nonce t hereby given that la rnoiplUMv with
Ihep-ovtatoaanflb Act of Coaatna of jaae 1
iS, eatnled "An art for Ihe aal ofltmbr, laada
la the atatca af Califotata ureaoa. Nevada aad
Waahlagtoa Tenitoty," aa raiea I to all the
public Uad autre by act of Aagasl 4, Hot.
Caroline Aa
of Bend, roaaly of Crook, atsle ol Oregoa. haa
thl Ar Sled la Ibta ogle her aen auiratval
No. MM. for Ih parchaae of the Bw(,ak. h
aK ofaec tiaad wkli " i. Ip 1, t II
e w m
and wilt r aeoof to show that th land
sought la more valaable for 11 timber or ataoe
than far agricultural purr , aad to eauhl
her ctalm to ssM Uad before M C Mils. I' a
Commtaaaaaer. at hie oeac la Mend. Oregoa,
oa th ijth day af February 10,
an asanw a wltaessea Michael J Morrlaoa,
Anton Ana. Theodore aubc. Arat Asa, all of
Bead, Oeegoa
Any sad sU neraons cUlmtag sdversrly th
shove-dsacrlbmfuuMls are renur-ed to SI Msrtr
caiiiaooaorh-ssaMijladay ss
Pehruary, .
TimWr Land. Act at Jan 1. 1I7,
0. . land 0t. The Oalkra. Oregoa,
Novanifarr I,, Me
Notice I hereby given thai In rotapllaucv with
Ihe provtaions ol th Act of Cuaaraas of Ian
nr. ratttUd "An act for the aC of limber Uada
In iBeatalascsTCsllfw rtala, Oregoa, Nrvad:, and
Waahlagtoa Territory. ' aa eateaded to all the
publk land ataus by art of Aagasl 4, ii.
James Br tea
ofnsnd. Coaaly of Crook, etal of Oregoa. 'asa
Ibis dsy Mad in this oak hi awora ateumeut
NottsWUmanrc-saeorthseNnvh aad H
KwfasciS, Ipiya, r , arm .
And win oSrr proof 1 ahow that Jlhe land
ought Is more valuable for II limW, oe
staa Una 1 for agncaltaral lairpoae. and to
eaUMtaB his dlm 10 aald land before II c
KUta, V a Commi-oaer, at hi ofKre la Bend,
inesjoo, aa IB 1 lb day of February. tw-
Urn names ss wilaeaaea Percy Wolset . Tster
"l"' u"" ' Kr" )m ' N flualer.
Charts ft Browa, CaarW M. WTeymoulb, alt of
Band, Oregon.
AjyfSndaMnfr-nit cUlmlag adversely th
sbi-oncTibdJasarereoBUdlo ate Ibetr
eiNlala-asneoaorbaid iithdsy of
rwoiji 9WI
d7-f MICHAKI. T NOI AN Begtatrr
Tunbsi Und, Act Jan isyi,
V. S. Ind offlce. Th Oalts. Otssjon.
(ictotmr , in.
MibUc Had state by act of August 4, it.
Percy A. Wilier
'IPVai'ffVf L C,vltr Mait "f Oregoa, has
this dVf Bled la this once hi orn siatemcat
N. j,. fur lh puicbaM of lb ucK of eec is, tp
. r 1 e, w w , v
And will offer m odf to thow that Ihe land
sought I more vstnaCW for it timber or atouc
than for sgrlcultursl purpoae. and to caiabltah
kUcUItu to aaid Und hefotc II C lillla, v H
Cotnmiaaiooer. at hi ofUce in Heud, Oregoa, on
the ili day of t'ebruary, io7
llcnamesaswIlHeaaes HrM( A lirifoH.' Jos
ph N Hunter, William II hUaii, Albert C
Uucat, I,. II McCsnn, John Wridl, all of Bend
Any and all priaout cUimlnie adveraely lb
liie-iw(W UiiU. si rsqucated Io Ale Iheir
Claluit In thl office oil or lielerc ssut itth day of
I'ebrusry, lyoy.
ilrfS . illCIIAllLiT. NOI.AN. KeuWcr.
There's NUWS iu Tlie Bulle'tiu.
iy. entilled "Aa set for lb as- of limber Uads
fa the aisle of .Itforal. Oregon. Nevada, and
Waahiustoa TerrHorv." a &. .. !! .
At Gateway to
the Great
Town has Grown
nlmoftt cutucly in two years, the pot
office dntiiiK only from April 8, 1904
Ikntl has excellent public schooli
ami complete public wnlcr works.
The Pilot Butte
Development Co.
Proprietor Townsfte
T' nlt A t Jas t il-t
.Mil It 1 Mil. ' JlhHATHN
I n IudtnK The Im.., Ofrf ..
heim.r , (
ij..,.t ... ,t.. .
. ,- 1. nrrrify girrri l.ll l iani0 ' W'li
Ihr l illlullt i,l Ih, HI u lwm if I a) 1
lk. ..IiIImI Am k. . .k.- -l.k... .J.
-,- - ...r.-. -wmiiwi n' 1. VI I in. II eiM.
la Ihe Slalra ! 1 alllaraia Ol.gOtl. N.- t . :
Waahlagtoa Ttirnoi, a eraU. 1 .' k
Public Um4 Main by an ..r a(bi 41',
Jsnale Ii VatxM
or raiwvuy, onoaiy ut 1Mb ui, ,li,,r .
ihta da tied la tht oaWe b.i ..... .u 1 .
No jf. for the pure haae of the B. u . I e. -
lb ! k. r 1 1 . a a
Aad wtll ar aroof i abow that ia
vawain to. Ha ImiUi
than an sgrtcuiiwal piiai . 1.. ..1.111.
hercUhnlosa Uad i.eih. Hratai.i ai u
reiver at The bn, (Jr.. oa on in. ,,.t .u,
jaaaary. tj
"no aaakt as ttasrB 1 1a.m. r y t . - -hS
m ra imues. Urrona limai H -ii: m .4
SSTK?;, Z.!!. ' N"' '" " "
MtlelHailb, bath rf B art in.(,i
Any aad all netou .uim,n .!... u n
Twve'eoninel larair i.uu. mi-I . 1. 11m
claliaa la Ihta wdjrv aa or UrfT-i. mi.1 ,, .u ..
F. iter.
aJ' MKNAKLT. Ni.i.av n-...i..
Tlmbr Laod. Am Ian. 1
V tadOAarr I Ikrvirw if,t .
Ib-cvm.i r II r
Notice 1. given tlial 111, nl
thapewrHaaaof the Ai-t r itM. ... 1 1 ..- .
1ST, ealnfad. " Art act for liir vii. ., 1 , .....
Ht Iheataleaof Cailluiaw. tin .on s.. . I
n aaniugton 4 ttr Hot y ' ri, n . .1 1.
pul4K laadauieshy S of Autu.l 4 1-.,.
Fred A Sbuae,ti, m
Bead, canal of Crook aui'r .-I , n.
hsaUiUday afedlu this ofo.r I,,. 1.
asoatNo MM. for lb pui.h... r it .
si-KMal and nt )- of rs it ,pjlt , , ,
Aad ,SH .
"I npl h more n.i 11.11...'-.
atan than for sirrn'uliui), u.. : n
r-lS'r,h .!" '" '" sl Ltd !-. II
k. BUS. I B. CoM.miaaua.rr .1 hi. . f
Bead, oregoa, oa Wdae4ay. ihe ink .1
m arrn lo;
II. K.Ar. a. .llMkkkk. u.. . . ..
ollaMIUw itr.gou II. my I Whi(-n w
.-, ... tmmuj, an m lit imi nr.. ,
." Slid all pjrauu ctaunnig a.1.. ..
Ihe above denrtibarf Uada are it.i.ieai, I u 1
thai. elalH.. tM kAk. k ' ..
day of Match, nsr;.
esSa J N WAki, ,.,.,
Tunhtr Und, Act June j
NOTICH vou puiiucation
V. a. Und OAc. Uktview. inr ,.
larreaila-r 1,, if
MaSlaa la aMa... .1.. au.. ,..
,k.- "V", ""-xe j..- -,, ,m imiiiiaiiCT ,,.
la BtovMaaa drub Act of t.n.k,. ... 1
lK,?'J4.c, fiT ,B saUofiliuUi U
laitwMatoSorCatllotiil. Oregon Nevada ..
2T.TnTi0" TT".,"y ralruded Io all in
puiiile Uad l.v act of AuguM 4 isu.
chailr.M Wcviuukiik
WHtitd roualy ol rr.tok aiale fdreinn In.
tJK rjuy idr.1 in tin. ..Ince hi. w.ii alau m. 1
o vf.r Ihcuuitliaar n( the ahuwU, ! i
at ,1 1 .. , ...Jlj. . . . . . .
ry M
And will titer proof to ahovr that Ihr lam
ught I mute vafuaM for It. timber or M
lhu Pit agrtcuHursI purpoae. and Io
hi clattulo said Und before II c Kiln l
B UmtmUsJoHcr at hi ortce at Itcnd, uregi.u
oh Wadaesoay, tbt ijth day of Msrcli. ty)7
. .J1 atara) a wlineaae l-.limr Ni.tvoiigi 1
Chattes II. ttiuwn. A H rUtrbenel Imlsy I
Hroua sad John White, all of lieml orejoii
.t?)r.,"d,.,u1l'r,!lm rslinlng advcmely lh
lS'r',Atr1 Uttdsar rwiueaiett to flic then
cUiwt iu ihU ixftcc on or before mI.I nil
day of March, lyot
" J N WATSON, Hrnliltr.'
I)on' t Jiorrow The ilulictiu from
uclihlOi--uUc4-lla for it.