The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 18, 1907, Image 3

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    Proposed Oregon Tax Law
((.'uiitliiiiisl (roiii nrek)
(Appeal from tuition o( lionrd.)
Section 'i'i Any iHirnon or corpora
tlmi whonhittl have petitioned for th ro
liu'tliiii or c'latigu of apimrtloninenl, of
u particular iihhi HMiituiit, or wliio an
nenrimeiit Iiiih Ih'uii Increased by (hit nald
ntulo IhhihI of tux commlnitloncrn, nit
ting for purisme of review, who nhall
lio aggrieved liy tlio action of Mich
Ixitinl, may appeal therefrom to thn
circuit court. In tint ensoul individuals
resident in thin "Into 111" iipixiil nliull
Iki taken to tint circuit court of the
roiinty where tlin Individual roubles;
If taken hy nn Individual who Ik n noli
resident of thn ntato It hIiiiII Im taken
to tlin circuit court of tliw county In
which tho cuiiital of the ntato In wttunt
ed; If taken by a corHimtlon It hIiiiII
I mi tnkcii to tlio circuit court of tho
county In which thn prlncljml plnco of
liuidneni, If a ihimentle coriwirntlon, or
residence of thn umuiiglug agent or at
torney in fuel If n foreign corporation,
iiiiiv lie, Thn npMwl nhnll Im taken
mill Mrfcrlil in tliu following inatiuur
ami not ntht'rwinn:
1, 'I Im irty desiring to appeal from
tho nit Inn of utich liottnl may cause n
invito, to lxi nlgned hy himself, .J I iil f,
or attorney, to ho filed with tint neerc
tary of mid lnl within live, days, ex
cluding Sunday, from thn time tlio to
view of thu nald iuhhsiiiiciiI roll U com
2. Within ten tiny of tho giving ol
ruich notice the nald wrty, to Im known
fin the HplM-llntit, shall fllo with thn
clerk of tint circuit court for thn protxtr
county n transcript of tint iHitltbm for
redtitlion ol nsfesniiicnt, or so much ol
thn record of tlin said lrd nit may lxt
unwary to Intelligently present thn
questions to ! decided liy tint circuit
court, togither with a copy of tint order
or action taken hy the said Inurd, tho
notice of it p xtil, ami tint rcconl ol uio
filing thereof; Identifier thu raid cir
cuit court shall havn Jurisdiction of tho
natter, hot not otherwise.
The apMitl shall l heard and do
termitied hy tho circuit court In n mini
mary manner, and nhall Im determined
int an cqultahlti cuiine. Hither thu ap
pellant or any county to which any mr
tion of the assessment complained of Im
or may he aportioucd aa npjxdleo nhnll
tat entitled to the. compulsory nttenilanco
of wltmf"t, and to tint production of
InkiVh and itM'rit. If, urnm tho hear
Int;, thn court ll lull tint amount at
which thn property wan ilnally asnenrd
hy thn Mill IxHinl lit IIh actual full cash
value, and the nssnwnieiit won mado
fairly and in, good faith, ll idiall up
prove such nsnosiiiiient; hut If ll llmhi
that thu assessment was miido at a
greater or loss Hum than tho actual full
moll valuo of thn property, or l( the
Mine was not fairly or in good faith
niaile, it nhnll ret anldo such assessment
nnd delermino nuch value, ami a certi
fied copy of the order or Judgment of
thn circuit court shall Im niilllcient war
rant fr the apportionment, levying, ami
collecting of tuxea ngalnnt nuch lirojier
ty and upon audi valuation no determ
ined. No proceeding for thn npKtr
tmuuiciit, levying, or collection nf tnxoa
ngnlnst any prormrty nhall Im Maycd by
reason of thn taking or iMtndeiicy of any
ripHaJ from thu Ntld iKnird; hut In
went the nsscrtsmont U decreased hy
the court on appeal, tho tax collectors
of tint several coiintlcM ithall refund to
thu person or cortKiratinu Jtaying nald
taxes on ruch proHtrty any exctwslvo
iinioiint of taxes collated, nnd nuch tax
collector rhull ho reimbursed therefor
liy tho rnveral munlclpitlitlcM to which
ho may have dlidiumtl any nuch execa
rive collectloim, and in event tho iihhcmh
incut In Incrnaretl hy tho court on np
mmI tint proHrty nhall Iki liuhlo for thu
tlellclency on thu amount of hiicIi In
crtwHttl valuation. In event any rwtp
Kirttonment aa U'twcen count Ich Im
mado hy thu court on appeal, corru
hkiiii1Iiik iidJuMtmentH nhall hit iiiaihi hy
tlio tax collcutom of tho count Ich affect
ed. Tint provlnloiiH of liiw iivnrulnit
cota and dlHliuraemeutM on itpjHvtl ahall
lat applicable hereto, Payment of taxcH
vlillo appHil In MiiidlnK nhall not outr
nto an a waiver of tint appeal or tint
rlnlit to a refunding of taxo found to
lio itxcctulvuly iihfCHxcil,
(AaHei'Hineiit final when rnvlowcd Cor
titled to county clurkri ApporJIun
uieut and collection,)
Hcction li.'l. Aftor thu wild roll him
heen reviewed hy tho until Htnto hoard of
tax coiiimlfwlonera tho iiRscKiuiuutH
therein ahull ho deemed complete.
Kaid hoard ahull thereupon certify to
tho county clurkM of tlio aovural couu
Ilea in, Into, through, aoroHN, or over
which thn Much of wild compniilca run
tlio number of ml lea of main and
brunch liucH of tho nald compauicH,
nml tho reapcetlvo valuea thurcof appor
tioned to each of mich countlea; nnd
tint Hovorul county clorka nhall there
upon apportion tho amount certlllcd to
thulr reapcetlvo count Ich iuiiouk tho
cltlcri, towiia, Hchool dlhtriclri, road
dlulrictH, porta and other municipal
taxluu ukciiuIch and dUtrictH In propor
tion to tho loiiKth of mich main and
branch lined In each of Hiich niunlcl
palittoa, tnultlplyinK tho valuo por
tnllo aa nbovo niicortalncd of hucIi main
mid branch llnea hy tho length thereof
in each of HUclwuuniciprtlltieH, nnd np
.portioning tho result to audi municipal-
lllen, and nhall enter tlio wimo In tlio
iianerNiiieiit roll which him been made
hy Hut county naaiwror and cipmllzod
by tint county lxmrd of (itiullmtlou nnd
rnturniil to tho clerk. Tax on ahull ho
levied and collected iixni thu iihmcxh
incut ro mado In tho aiumi manner
oilier taxca uru levied mid collcctl,
and at the Nimo tlmo and by tho ruino
(I'iiKth of tine In minor aiilxllvlitlonn
to Imi rtHirt.d to county clerk.)
Kcctlou IM. To iixxlnt tint county
clerk in apjHjrtloiiliiK thn raid aw ecu
mini between thnrevural miiniclpalltlea
or taxitiK HKeucica or dlntrhta in hlit
county, hit In authorised to require, arid
It In hereby uuidu thn duty ol thu never
al JxTfoim or corfxiratloriN liable to na
ri'Miiiunt under tho provlnlonit of thla
act, to rcjv'ft to tho county clerk, under
oath, thu length of main and branch
lined In each city, town, rclnxil district,
road dlntrlct, jxirt or other municipal
tnxliiK nn-jncy or dlitrlct In mich county.
(Itrnord Quorum" TurnjKiraryonicctN.)
Hcctlon SA. A rw-ord of the proceed
IriKN of nuch Ixmrd rball m kept at tho
nipllol oM'ii to thn Inspection of thu
public; a majority of tho board rhall
comttitiito n ipiortim to do bun In ecu,
hut a Icpxor nuuilmr may meet and ad
journ f torn time to time. In thn a li
ce n to of either tho chairman or thu
accrctary, the hoard rball apoliit a
tuniM)rary cbulrinan or recrulnry.
(ApijlutuiPtit and dutloa of ai'Crctary
tiirlnil aiMlnlance,)
Section HI), Hald Ixxtrd nhall, at It
drat mci'tlriK, hy n majority vote of nil
thn liieinlH'rx, nlect onu of the appoint
ive iiiemlxtrN thereof an rccrctnry, who
nhall rervo an ruch for two ycttra, and
until bin micciKnr In apiKtinttil and
ipmlllled. Ilia rilccetor nhall ho
olwtnl liy a llku vote. Tho nccrntary
nhall kep a record of tint proceeding"
of tlin IkkuiI, which rhnll Imi certified
hy tho chairman ami recrutnry, and
kept In tho olllco of thu Mild Ixiard at
thu rtatn capittil, mid rball perform
nuch other dutli oh may lxt rciulrel
hy law or hy raid board. Thu other
apjxdntlvo member nhall perform nuch
dutlca aa may Iw Miavlally ntiulrwl hy
the hoaid. nuch Urd may apitoluU
and remove at pleamiru rucli otiier
clurkn an may Iw nccorrary, not cxwwl
Im: two In unrulier, at a ralary not to
exc-el $76 per month each.
(CoruHuratlon of appolntlvo membern
and clcrkii Traveling uxpennea.)
Hcctlon '-'7. Tho memliera of nald
Ixxml, except thn jjovcrnor, recrctary of
rtatu anil rtatn trciixurer, nhall rtwlve
m coiiiwsniatlon for their rervlcctt tho
follow I UK amounta, to wit, iho rum of
dollara per annum, jxtyablo
ipuirter-annually, an thn nuliirlcH of olh
er ntatn olllcem are jtahl. Itrtcli of the
liiemlHTM of raid Ixmrd nlwill Ihi entitled
to riH'eivn Ida llecnlMMrJ travcllriK ex
Piikhm while traveling away from the
capital on tho bui'liieoit of thn lamrd,
which expHtmcM nhall Ihi lttmltHl hy
tho jM'rroii incurring tint name, and
when tho ramo In approved hy the
chairman nhall Ut aid Uhiii warrant
drawn hy tho recrctary of htnto uixtn
thu rtatn trenxurer out of any fundii not
othcrwito rpccltlcully appropriated by
(FcH'lont Where hold To Ihj furnlah
h1 with olllcc, printing undnupplien,)
Section 1'H. -Thn raid lxiard nhall
hold Itn n(uhir nomloiiH at tho Htnto
capital, and nhall Ihi furnlrhcd hy thn
aecretary of ntato with an olllco at tho
ntatu capltol, and nccttwiry ntippllea
nnd iirlntlnu. In tho Hamu manner na
other ntattt olllccra. Hald Ixinnl may
hold hunnIoiin at any place In thin ntato
when deemed necennnry to facilitate the
dlrchnrKo of Ita biuinemi.
(Kxaiulunttnn of wltnctuca ltooka and
Kipcrn l'onalty.)
Section l. Tho raid hoard, or any
mumlHir thereof, in conformity to thu
reaolutlon or rulca of tlio ltonrtt, nliall
Imvo thu jHiwer to Huhpoena nnd ex
limine wltucaen, to mlmlnlnter oathn,
nnd rhnll havo acccna to and tho itower
to order tho production of nny lookti or
imMtra in tlio bund of nny pernon,
company, or corporation whenever
neeennnry In tho prosecution of nny In
oulrlea deemed nccvaaiiry or proper In
thulr olllelnl caplclty, Any pomou who
nhnll ulHolwy nny nubpoonn or aubpounn
duccri tecum of tho nntd board, or nny
member thereof, or rofuno to ttwtlfy
when reUirel no to do liy nald ttoaril,
or any memlHtr thereof, nhall ho deemed
Kiiilty of a mlsdumeauor, and upon con
viction thereof nhall ho punished na
provided liy law therefor.
(FuIhu HtntoniunU or tcatlmony Per
Hcctlon 110, Any poroon who ahull
wilfully present or furnlah to tho nald
hoard, or nny member thereof, any
Htatouieut required under thtn net, or
which may horcipilrwlhyBitldhonrd, or
nny member thereof, undor tho powora
In thin net contained, which Htatoiucnt
ahull ho fnlao or fraudulent, or nhall
llvo tcatlmony before nald board, or
nny member thereof, which shall ho
fulno or fraudulent, uluill lat deemcl
guilty of porju,'", nnd upon conviction
thereof ahull ho punished na hy law
otherwlno provided for auch crlnio.
(Fllllnir vnenncy Majority of nppolnt-
IriK ofllcent nufflclcnt.)
Hcctlon 31. In eniio n vacancy nhall
occur hy reaaon death, realKiiatllon, or
removal of either of tint nprxilnllvn
mumhera of nald Ixtnrd, tho uovnrnor.
accrclnry of atatn, and atato treaaurnr,
actliiK Jointly, nhall nppolut n Hiicccnaor
to fill out tho unexpired term of tho
meiiilxjr whimo olllco In tlnm modo va
cant, and In making hucIi iipp ilntment
they nhall not npiMilrit n jairnon Irom
tlin Hmiio M)llllcal pnrty oh thn rernnln
liiK apolntlvo incmhcr. Whenovcr In
iimklriK appointment provided In thin
act, tho Kovernor, necrctary of ntato and
ntato treasurer ant rc(ulrcI to act Joint
ly, tun action or vote of a majority ol
them ahull ho ttufliclcnt if they aro not
(Allowance of witnewt fccMnnd mllenno,)
Hcctlon .'12. WltncaicH tintlfylii( Ihi
foro thu nald Iniard, or any tneinlier
thereof, nhall Imi allowed tho nainn feca
for tcr (Hem and rullcaun na nllotrctl in
civil caunea In tho circuit court, and
tho natuo nhall lxt paid hy warrant of tho
necrctary of ntato iion tho ntato trcim-
uror iixin thn cartffleato of any tncrnlMir
of nald Imard. No tender of wltneaa
feca or inileunu In advance nhall bo
in cenaary.
(HhorlffH to norm proccrn, etc)
Hcctlon .III. It nhall Iki tho duty of
tho nherlffa of thn novcrat counticH to
nervo nil p roc cur, kihiih and nubjioeniiii
retiulrrd by raid board or any mem
Imt thereof, cud to inako return of thu
rarnu to tho raid hoard.
(Itcciilnr inectlniffl of tho board
Claim mull ted.)
Hcctlon .11. Tho raid lioanl nhnll
meet on tho neoond and fourth Wednos-
dnyn of each month to ra ujtori nil
trial tern pronirly coming iwloro uie
hoard for conrlderntion. All necenrary
co ta and exx'iineii of raid board nhall
Ihi audited, ujhju procr vouchora, and,
iijkjii order of tho Inmrd, bo paid out
of tho ntato trearury utwn warrBnta
drawn by tho necrctary ol ntato.
(County nwwuof to file oath on to full
enrh valuo onrcnauiont by him.)
He'tion 35. For tho purpoao of nn
alntliiK tho HAid lxwrd in nupervhunk
tho nmemineiitM mado In tho neveral
oountlen, and that nil nnrcanmcutn of
proHirty In thin ntnto bo mado nccord
IriK to law, every county naaernor in
thin rtale, nt the timo of tho return hy
him of hi cvtuciit roll, nhnll tnkv
nnd nubacrilHi to nn oath in rulntun
tinlly tho following laiiKiiaK" and form,
which oath nhall bo forthwith filed by
him with tho raid atato board of tax
comintrnloncrtf, namely:
St ah or Om&ox,
Count ol....... .......................
I, (mmr of iixiiot),
IrflNC Ih Jttlr ippolnlfd, qvtllfiMl inl !
Iflc iiinin el Ihr above rumnl eounlr. uo
Umnljr ifr lhi t hc Jlllffnlljf and to
tkr bti ( my Mtlljr aiwifd ill rtrtir In
nM cnly, Mh by la I am prrmlltrd to
Hrw, at tkr full oatli vatur thtrrof; thai I
kr net wilfully anil ltvolnlly omlltr.l to
hh any trn er woe!!, ' tttl
vrr or umhr thr full ch vaVut thrrrof
anjr Hpttly or claaa of propttlf htctrrr.
(SMitwturr at awitor).
SUttrW in4 in te Ufaie rat ihli
Uy of I...
(Signature 'ami title of efliccr).
(Oftctal mI.)
(l'enttlly for omlanlon to fllo oath or
nmerrt projHirty.)
Hcctlon 30. Any nascwor who nhall
fall, neglect, oi'-refuro to make nnd
nultrcrilHi to nn onth nn nforexnid, or
nhall fail, neglect, or rcfuro to filo the
name with tho nnid ntato board of tnx
coniminalonore, or nhall wilfully nnd
knowingly omit to anaesn nny jtenion or
property hy him nrnewahlc, or rhnll
nawH tinder or over tho full enrh valuo
thereof any property or clara of prop,
crty whatever, nhall bo deemed utility
of a inlrdoinennor. Tho judgment of
conviction of nny nuch araernor for n
violation of tho provlnlonn of thin nee
tion nhall of Itrelf work a forfeiture of
hia olllco.
(MemborH of board not to accept pass
or gratuity )
Section 37. It nhnll 1ms unlawful for
nny member of nnld bonrd, directly or
Indirectly, to nccept nny freo pars,
frank, or gratuity whatever, from any
pernon or corporation liablo to nssesa
nicnt under tho provlntonij of thin net.
Any inoniUtr of nnid board violnttiiR the
provtrlonn of thla nectlon rhnll lx
deemed guilty of a mlrdemeuiior, nnd
tho Judgment of conviction thereof nhall
of itself work a forfolturo of thu oilico
hold liy such member.
(Comivtnlea llnblo to nnaeaament to
itinlntniu olllco In date.)
Section 38. Kvory railroad company,
union ntution nnd depot company, nnd
electric railway company doing bualncna
aa nuch within thla ntnto, nnd every
heat, light, power, water, pm, nnd
electric company doing bualnoaa no
nuch, us ono nyrtom, jmrtly within thin
ntato nnd partly without, or no doing
hiiHlncna in than ono county of
tho ntnto. nhall entnbllnli nnd maintain
at noino fixed point within thn ntnto n
principal oilico, una nnuu iimininin
thcrcnt h nocretnry or nmnnglng ngent.
(Tcrnus person, company, corporation,
how construed.)
Section 30. Tho torma person, com
jmny, coriorntlon, or nssoclntlon,
whenovcr need in this act, nhnll apply
to and Ihi construed to refer rcnpectlvo
ly to nny pernon, firm, Joint stock com
p.tny, unnoclntlon, nyndlcnto, coixirt
nornhlp, or corporation enpnged in car
rying on nny Ininlncsg, tho proporty of
which Is Bubjoct to taxation undor
tills net.
(To bo continued next wevk)
Senator Gearin Speaks Against
Roosevelt's Policy.
Jnpaneie Children Qet Equal Educa
tion In Separate Schools, ttayi
Senator From Oregon.
Washington, Jnn. 8. Senator (icnrln
covcrcl hlmaolf with glory in bin
npcech in tint renato yentcrdny, In
wlilch lie udvoculcd exciiinlon oi Jnpnn-
do coollofi. Ho oxhlhlUnl oxccptlomil
ability nnd charm aa n Hjxnkcr, and
pronenltMi nrgumenta that wcro oyo
oiHinero to even renmorn mm vo mo
tlironiM In tho ttallcricu. wlien tlio
wnnto convened nt noon, tho gnllerlca
wero crowded to their limit, in antici
pation of n lively dclto on the Jlrownn
villo affair. Hut Oeurln had given no
tice that ho would rtxiik immeliatcly
after tho cloro of tho monilng husinera
uriil nenntorinl courtcay derruinded tlutt
ho Imi heard, notwlthntanding i-omker
nnd IxIgo wero Miger to rcnurnn tho
fight over tho negro troop ipicftlon.
Mr. Gearin critlcincd tho stand taken
by l'lerldent Iloonovolt on tho Jnpnnerio
quef Hon na to bin Interpretation of tho
oxUting treaty with Jnpnn, nnd cluirged
tlmt tho prcnident'n po-dtlon In regard
to tho Introduction of cheap Inbor na
npplieI to tho Chineao wna Incomiirtont
with bin recent inennngn to congress in
repird to tho treatment of Jnpnnefo on
tho l'ncific OMint.
Iteplylng to Uio clnlrn in tho presi
dent's menrago Hint tho trwity with
Jaiwn guaranteed protection nnd right
to attend public nchools in nil ntato in
tho Union, nnd to nttend Uiom in com
jmny with whlto children, Mr. Gcnrln
denied emphntlrally that tliero is nny
provision In tho treaty which by nny
nort of conrtructlon am lw mntlo to nup-
jtort nuch a claim. Hornyn tlint noth
ing la rnid in tho treaty na to tho right
to attend public nchools, and tlint tho
specific enumeration of wlint was In
tended by tho frnmcre of tho treaty
nhowcsl tlutt nothing nhould lxt left to
Inference. Ho quoUsl from tho treaty
to rhow thnt tho Japanetw realdenta in
tills country may Imvo tho privileges
enumerated only by conforming to nil
tho lawn, pollco nnd curtains regula
tions of tho country, like nntivo citl
xcus nnd subject, nnd tlmt this meant
ntnto town w woll na Federal tows.
"This goxcrnment might na woll
ntnnd upon tlint Interpretation nnd de
ciino to consider it further," lto mid.
In udvocntlng n inotllflcntion of tho
treaty which would restrict tho Unml
gnttlon of tho Jnpnneao coollo lalwr,
Mr. Gcnrln said thnt no long nn there
tolKtrcr nro permitted tocouio Into this
country In hordes thcro will las con
ntunt nnd growing dUaonalou on tho
Pacific const, which eventunlly must
bring nbout n rentrictton. Ho npoko of
tho influx of Jnpnneno cheap tolior an n
threatened peril to every Industry nnd
enterprise- of Uio United States.
Railroad Men Declare Proposed Law
Washington, Jnn. 0. Tho Sherman
bill for universal intercluvngmblo mil
wny mileage books nt tho rate of 2
ccnta h mllo wan tho Hubject of n hear
ing today beforo tho houno couimlttco
on Interstate nnd foreign coimnerco.
Georgo Nicholson, third vice presi
dent of tho Santa Fe, tuiid tho bill was
bo broad tlmt it practically attempted
tho fixing of '2 ccnta n mile aa tho max
imum rate, for nil railroads In tho
United States on nil passenger htidlness
nnd urged tlmt it would woik great
hardship on many mllwnyit to mako
nuch n reduction in their earnings.
Mr. Nicholnon discussed railway
paasea nt length nnd urged thnt the
now antl piiKs lnw should not lxt given
iiH n reason for tho rcducion of railway
faree. Ho nnld tlmt IiIh mllwity found
ttlmt 12 per cent of Its passenger
trnlllc in Juno of Inst year was on
jwtsea to roll wny employeu, but tlmt
of Its pnsaongor business only 2 per
cent waa on passed.
Make Cars Do More Work.
Chicago, Jnn. 8. Aa n menus for re
lloving tiio shortage of freight curs, rep
resentatives of n numbor of Western
roads today decided to form nn orgnnto
ntion to Ik) known ns thu Cur Ktlleiency
hurcnu. The puroso of tho bureau is
to ninko n concerted nnd Bystcumtio
effort to incmiso tho use of cars now in
existence, by insisting upon more
prompt loading nnd unloading hy ship
pers nnd consignees. Tho hendqunrtora
of tho bureau will Iki In Chicago, nnd It
will bo managed by mi exoccutlvo com
mittee. Experimental Irrigated Lands,
Washington, Jnn. 8. Sonntor "War
ren has Introduced a bill providing for
etabllBhin r er'mcntnl farjns on nil
.nt-t irrigation projecta, to bo
uwter tho sapervlaton of tho sccrotar,y
of agrculture
increase In Dutlnots May Necessitate
Increasod Appropriation.
Washington, Jnn. 8. A projXJHltlon
to ' Increaao postal clcrkn' tuilnricri and
tho propoHcd abandonment of Uio
"lck niamp" on Ictlcru nro dlncuaacd
by First Anaintant I'oatAuuitr General
Hitchcock In his annual report juat
mado public. 1'nrtH of tho report glvon
out In ndvnnco Imro nlrMidy been
liaiidl(xl iy Uio Anaocinted I'rctiH. Tho
report shows tlmt at tho close of tlio
finail year O6,C0O postofflocri wero In
operation, nnd tlmt Uio total number
of employer), not including postmasters
nnd unfllstant postmastcrx, was nearly
160,000. Tho total personnel or post
ofllcm of nil claiwKH njrgrcgatod 205,288
Tho gain in postoflicu revenuo in Uie
your, nbout $10,000,000, was unoxpoct
dly largo, nnd Uio returns for Uio pres
ent fiscal year thus far indicate that Uio
iinprccodented gain Is Iwlng main
talnnl. So great is Uils gain, Mr.
Hitchcock points out, Uiat Uio addition
al appropriations required of congress
scarcely will be sufficient to maintain
tho service.
Tlio department has tutablinlied a
uniform rent for postoffico boxes, elim
inating entirely Uio dlsslmllnrity of
charges heretofore prevailing. Tho
roto to mado according to a carefully
graduated sailo, and runs from 10
ccnta a quarter in nmall fourth clans
offices to J4 n quarter in Uio Now York
City office. Mr. Hitchcock reports tlmt
use of specially cquipjed automobiles
In tho collection rcrvlco 1ms proved so
successful in ISaltirnoro that Uio de
partment is now planning for n similar
collection service in several oUier cit
ies. "It is believed Uiat in largo cities
automobiles can advantageously bo
sulwtituted to a considerable extent
for tho horse carta now employed bo
generally In collecting mails, liy tho
iiso of automobiles a much npeetllor
collection nervico can be organized
without added expense. Unquestion
ably tho motor vehicles can bo modo an
important factor in tho postal nervico
ns it already to in oUier business en
terprises. RECORDS BROKEN.
Thousands of Foreigners Driven to
Our Shores by Unrest.
Washington, Jan. 8. Tho fiscal year
ended June 30. 1000, produceU a re
cord cclitMlng all former figures on tho
subject of immigration, according to
the annual report of Frank Sargent,
commissioner general of immigration.
During Umt period, Uio report says,
tho population of the United States
wits increased by the admission of 1,
100,735 immigrant aliens nnd 05,018
non-immigmnt aliens entered at its
ports, making tho total admiridons 1,
100,353. Tlio Increaso over tost year's
record of 1,059,755 was 100,608.
During Uio fiscal year 1005 the de
partment rejected 11,480 aliens, and
during tho past year 12,432 of tho Im
migrant nitons tlmt is, those who in
tended settling in tho United States.
"Without exception," tho report con
tinues, "tho countries from which wo
formerly obtained tho greater port of
our f or'el pi population, and which aro
inhabited by rucea nearly nkin to our
own, Imvo supplied us with smaller
numbers during Uio past year than dur
ing 1005 Ireland, 17,050; England,
16,218; Swedon, 3,281; Germany. 3,
010; Denmark, 1,220, an4 Scotland,
1,111 less. On tho other liand, tho
four most considerable gains are:
Italy, 61,041; Itussin, 30,708;
Greece, 8,974, and Turkey, 5,105."
Tho Immigration from Austria-Hungary
amounted to 205,128; Italy, in
cluding Sicily nnd Sardinia, 273,120;
Russia and Finland, 216,005; China,
1,544; Jnpnn, 13,835, and tho West
Italics, 13 050.
Tho commissioner again recommends
pennltieti on steamship companies for
bringing aliens nfllicted with danger
ous or lonthsomo d lewises. Tho presi
dent's suggestion for closing tho Mexi
can bonier to all aliens except citlxcns
of Moxtco is also urged. During tho
early part of tho year, tho report nays,
the "whlto nlavo" tratllo was cxten
Blvely revived. Many of the girls and
women imported for immoral purposes
wero brought through Mexico and no
cured a right to citizenship by marry
ing Chinese born In this country.
United States to Third.
Washington, Jnn. 8. A statement
issued today by tho bureau of ntatlstica
of tho detainment of Commerce and
Ijibor announces thnt tho country
ranks third In tho value of manufac
tures entering the world's International
couimervo, tho amount of its exports
for the pant year having aggregated
more than $700,000,000. Tho exports
imvo never oven approximated these
figures before nnd tho valuo of Amcr
ienn trodo In tho fordign markets, tho
report ndds, is twice na great now ns
olght years ago.
. Gave Tahiti to Great Britain.
Mclbourno, Jnn. 8. According to
tho Ago, missionaries in tho I'nol(lo
islands declare that France has ceiled
Tahiti to Great Urltain in consideration
of territorial concessions in Burma or
furthor India (Indo-Chlna), Tromior
Deakin nays he to wlUiont information
on Uie subjoct.
In a Condensed Form lor Otir
Itosy Readers.
A Resuma of tho Lest Important but
Not Lest Interesting Evonf
of tho Past Week.
The pope has Issued an encyclical
denouncing French church laws.
Tlio hurt homo car lino in Now York
City Is to 1) equipped for electricity.
Thousand)! of Chinese in tho famino
district aro living on grass and roots.
Congressman Charles Curtis lias been
nominated for senator by Kansas Re
publican. Hearst has won the first point In his
appeal to oust McClellan as mayor of
Now York.
A resolution has been introduced in
the Idaho legislature favoring exclusion
of Japanese coolies.
Japan has given no rennon for not
sending tho squadron to visit tho Pa
cific coast as planned.
Alaskans are endeavoring to havo
tho president's order withdrawing coal
land from entry removed.
A move to Ivcstigato Gugcnhclm'a
purchase of a senatorshlp has been
squelched by the Colorado legislature.
Tlio Union Pacific will probably bo
ordered by tho Interstate Coimnerco
Commission to sell tho stocks of oUier
Firo tlmt started In a tobacco waro
houso nt' Lancaster, Pa., spread to
other proporty, entailing a loss of fl,
000,000. Russia Is preparing to build several
Tho 1007-08 Japaneso army and navy
budget carries $05,000,000.
Tho president to expected to nend an
other message to congress on negro
Tho train service between San Fran
cisco and Los Angeles is at a completo
ntandrtill, owing to washouts.
Several Jnnancse have annlled to
Texas Federal officers for citizenship
papers. They wero told to wait.
It to conceded by many tlmt Hearst
stands a fair clmnco of wresting tho
New prk mayoralty from McClellan.
Congressman W. A. SmlUi has been
mado tho caucus nominee by Uio Mich
igan legislature for Alger's place in tho
Wheat Club, 00c; blueitem, 08c;
valley, 00c; red, 03c
Oats No. 1 white, $2520; gray,
Barley Feed, $21.5022 iter ton;
brewing, $22.60; rolled, $2324.
Bye $1.401.45 per cwt.
Corn Whole, $20; cracked, $27 per
Hny Valley timothy, No. 1, $1314
per ton; Eastern Oregon timothy, $14
10; clover, $808.50; cheat, $7.50
8.50; grain hay, $7.508.50; alfalfa,
$11.50; vetch hay, $88.50.
Butter Fancy creamery, 3235o
per pound.
Butter Fat First grado cream, 33)c
per pound; second grado cream, 2c less
per pound.
Eggs Oregon ranch, 32H33c per
Poultry Avcrago old hens, 1415o
per pound; mixed chickens, 13014c;
spring, 1415c; old roosters, 10llo;
dressed chickens, 10017c; turkeys,
llve,17017)cs turkeys, dressed, choice,
2022c; geese, live, 1012o; ducks,
Veal Dressed, 6H0c ixr pound.
IJoe f Dressed bulls, 1 02c per pound ;
cows, 405c; country steers, 55lo.
Mutton Dressed, fancy, 80o per
pound; ordinary, O07o.
Pork Dressed, O08c per pound.
Fruits Apples, common to choice,
5075c per box; choice to fancy, $10
2.60; pears, $101.50; enmborries,
$11.6001- per barrel; persimmons,
$1.60 per box.
Vegetables Turnips, 00c$l per
sack; carrots, 9Oc0$l per sack; beets,
$1.2501.60 per sack; horseradish,
010c per pound; sweet potatoes, So
per pound; eabbago, l?i2o per pound;
cauliflower, $1.25 por dozon; colory,
$3,7604.25 per crato; onions, 10
12o por dozen; boll peppers, 8o;
pumpkins, 2o por pound; Bpinnch, 40
6o por pound; parsley, 10015c; equash,
2o por pound.
Onions Oregon, $11.25 per hun
dred. Potatoes Oregon Burbnnks, fancy,
$101.30; common, 75000c.
Hops 11013)c por pound, accord
ing to quality.
Wool Eastern Oregon average best,
1318o per pound, according to shrink
ago; valley, 2023c, according to fine
ness; mohair, choice, 2O028O.