General Debility Day Iti nni) ilny out thnrn l Hint feeling Of vraktirtNs Hint mnkcN tiurtloii of Itself. I'OOll itocil tlllt fttriMIKtlldl. HU-rp (loon not refresh, It I hard to iId, Imril to bear, wbnt llumti! I i cany, vitality In on tliu tbb, unit tlio wiiolu nliiii lurtcri). 1'or ttili condition Inka Hood's Sarsaparilla It vltitUii' Ihii mood mill itlvi) vigor mm tot It) to nil tlio orjtnli nml function, In imiml liquid form or In chocolnted lablcli known ui Onrantnba. IWdoicull. Nni n flitiiil rinn. Oyer It Isn't always a good plan or it mini to try to make it iiuiiiu fur Mmself. Myer Why not? (Iyer Well, I knew n limn oneo who Irled It, nml liu was arrested fur for cry. llrulnlllr. Ilrre tlio fnr weairrn orator wninl for- iVl'llt. 'Tcllow cMir-im." he rirlalaml, "ordi narily I nay mi atti'tiltun lo ramiiflleii ftliiliiler, tint iIik oniiilliliiln on llm iilln-r ticket lii" lll nlHiut urn wi prlriti'ntly ml imillrlriKlir tint mrlx-a ranee lirni riswil In lie n virtu mill I nni collie lo innill It I in wllli'iiit trinvrH!" "J on runt ! liiMrr U'lliiwnl a limn VHtli "liiirt Imlr, a Hi Wit neck, nml n bull- nni: tare. "Why nnt?" ilrniniiiltsl the nrnlor. "'iim 'a nrln III nil. AtiywIirriM ii tlili Hlnl yutrrr got to bare clima plsliln' at Irani two nunc? I" Rlnrr nf n Kltrtnfliin. "Blip wasn't oiin lilt llkn tlin glrlt who liidtilgo In public lllrtiitlons; mm was m lull nml cold anil stately," began tlio far conductor who obscrvi-a ttiliiK. "When mIik cot In at With street I saw her catch liU eyo Imiiit'illiilely. "IId M'oiiicil ludliTcrciit nml ttirncil IiIh head away. Hho wpicosrcil Into tin) sent next to hint irml ho bet'iiiiiu ab sorbed In looking out of tln window. "Hho went to all sorts of trouble to attract his attcnlloii, (lint girl. I miw her iiiyMcir. I'liiiilly hIii- Jangled Iht chatelaine loudly nml liNiknl at him alluringly from beneath her long-lushed eye. "Then In turned nnd garcd at her qurMlonliigly. Him smiled, n bright, unnhaNhcd miiIIc, with tliu whole cur looking at her. "Koiiiothliig In that smllo warned him, and" hero tlio iiindiictor paused Impressively ami tried to hide the twin kle In his eye "Imi reached out two pink, rhnbby little liiiiuU to grasp her dangling cliiitclnllie. "Well, sir. aim kissed one of those. chubby little lunula mid pinched bli little apple red checks and then naked the woman who held him a 'mention. 'Jticsa It was Ida mother and alio naked how old he wan." New York Hun. Mothers will nml Jin. w inflow's rjxthto Sirup the foil remedy to uwfurlliiirclilldioa duiluK the U.'tlilii t,ilod, Hi-Islam are llm Kmitpat ainokpra. Oil ImiiiiiiU Indue uwil for each n,nti, wiiimii ami rbllil. Aihlr from Dili, Ml, 10') ixiuudi of clear!! ara Imported annually. QIMIAN LOVE AND REVENGE. "Clrlaln" t,r StnlinKiinr. Tim origin of the tie of mahogany a anld to Imve Imcii na follows: A JVeat Illdlnii trader hrollicht hiiliie sev ernl loicn of mahiiuaiiy na Imllnat for III" hip. The trnder'a bmllHT. n Iiiidun pbyalrlRii, Impi-iiril In hulldlni; n jimiae. nnd bU brothpr atieeiHilPit that the loRa would -re for tvlllni: t.enma. B, ,,,, , Ac tins on lit iniNHiil. t oelor snv ,, ,,.,, prurrn in 111a worKiiieu niiiiriniiKiy, mil tlirlr toola wrre not nhle to make nil Im preaalon on the hard wood. The doctor jjrderrd frrh IimiI-i lo he uind. and nt kiiKtb PUn-niteil In llndlns luipleuielit jlilili would cut the tliulH-r Dollulitiil jrltli Ida dlarovcry he ortleroil a bureau to lr made, nud 10 beautiful wna It tlmt It attracted Keneral nttputlon. Xpw York Tribune. TORTURED WITH QRAVEL. SHIt, l Ulnca Uiipk Doan'i Kidney PIIU Not SIdrIo Storm Hai Formed. Cnpt H. 1 C'rute, Adjt. Win. Wntta ( , v., Iliininke, n., riiya: "I h u fie r I n lonif, 1 limit time with my Ihk'I', and felt ilnK vy and Untie and tlrnl all the time. I lit fnuii my nan- ill ttelulit, !i'jr, to 170. ZVi ' lS&.lt MS few IVrutlnr r'orxlupt r n Slui.Urr t'nuapa NMllitra lliirh Trmililf. A curloiia atory of lnve and rrtenm eoinea 10 11a from the far caat nod tlio fait that It la the love and reretiKO Jf n Javaina monkey doean't nliatu tho hiiuian Intereat In the nnrrallr Nor ahoiild the furl Iht fact that the a tin the crew of n mp atixnner nhnte all confidence, In Ita tnilh. It npix'ara Hint the aallon who manned thla ateamer had collected In Java a iuiiiiIxt of tnoiikeya for apv. ninth e ptirpoaea nnd IIicm? ro con fined In the hold. Allium: l bciii wore two unuaunlly In telllgptit aluilnna win) were rcleniuil durlns tlje oynce and Iwrtnlttrd the freedom of the chip. Unhappily n aiiddeii alorm cnuio up nud 0110 of the playful creature wan waahed over. Uinnl. Tho remaluliiK one, who hnd not een hla comrade' sudden taklni; off, aenrched the ablp fiu huura and llnally betook hlmaelf to the rlirelm:, where he remained three daya, refin ing food and aroldlui: all cfTurta to cap ture him. No doubt he held the anllora reajmn albli; fur the death of hla partner nnd It would nppear that he una formula!' , Ine a fccheine for retent'e. Anyway , Ibn third 11 1 i;b t he releiifi'il all the iiion- I'rlnnrv iwa " ' ' "" ' ' r ' "")" "" .,,,, IW1 trt. illinium inane ine iiuaeniine lor til .. ... .m. ,.v-, CoinliliiMlloii 'I'm, I. Here la an Implement which la equally tiH'ful In pullliiK tacka and 11ft lin; the atoto lid. If there la a cnrM-t which need tak lot; up, run nud get the Htnve lifter. Thla tack drier la tint like the ordi nary article of thla nature. It can nl waya Imi found when there la lire III the miiKc. It la an en ay cueaa that the Mote lifter doea not atray fur inuiy from the fire. and when It la needed to pull tacka It ahoiild be an oaay matter to find It. Thla lark puller la made In two pivoted aectlotiH, mi that when the hk'IIoiih of thn handle are drawn toKether. the two jioluta of the tack puller open out. In thla way It la atnilhle to Kct a (Mod atroin; hold 011 the tack ami force It out much more readily than with tliu common tack lifter. I l-tsr jg:rrrT f 1 i) "V. l'rrw'f"-f'r fjf .'"U. ' "lT'.v'-'fP"'r -,V ' , I.X.V., niiifiL. ' .i.u..'.,-. nf u "''wr' tj 1$tfi'V.; .,.:.. Jcf'c tg .-,: - iJ".'!,WWiwstri III ft ') 'bW y J ' Vl wmwww")i V ')' ' x' 1 vk .,. &J ' Arum j f i IH " ' " mm-mww 1 , i. ' - i ,1 . . f U ' uar.rui. 7ou anlLIIUInu llrrnil. Into a pint f ImiIIIiik water atlr n halfteaniMNiiifiil of mlt and take from the fire. Add terminally enough Hour to make a very Nift dotneh. Hwt hard for from ten to firiivn inlnutefi, then cover with a thick cloth and ect In a tery warm room for elxht hour. Into a pint of lukewarm milk Mir a tia pwniful of mtlt and eiauiKh flour to make a MlfT bntter and work thla Into the llrat mixture. When well mixed cover again and ct In a warm place to rlae until very Ilcht. Turn Into 11 wooden lain I and knead In enotich flour to make an ordinary bread doimh. Make Into loflVfi. Hd tin-He to rim.' and, when llglit, bale. aitiril Bjfyf8a' incut nnd I liavo M "'"''' ',''"' ''" nl"' whIcIuhI and I A lKiL had to ut 1111 often ' faftiiRlit and It waa only after n inimlr I kA J nt nlislii. I latd ot ,1"'1" '""' ,K',,,' """' overlaytnl that luHtdaehea ami dlx xy ppella 11 Inn, but lliy worat riulierliiK' waa from renal Colic- After I lietotn lirliix IKntu'a Kid ney 111 Im I (iiHiial a i;ruel Mone aa IiIk h 11 Ihiiii HI nee then I lime inner had nn attack of snivel, and liato pick the balance could I hi captured mid e currd. And In all the foray a and fierce rharttea the revengeful monkey waa In the ran. Whatever may Im? contended concern tin; tho rciiMiuluj; power of the brut creation, there hate been many lu Q up to my former health nud weight, tmirca riH-ordiil of their remembrance I am 11 well mint and kIvo I)o.iii'm Kid ney I'llla cmllt for It." I Hold hy all dealera. 50 con la it box. Foater-Mlllmrii Co., llufTalo, '. Y. (U paat Injurlea. And thla fact would cent to islvo the atory of monkey ve'i gen nee Mime acmhlmico of truth. t'levelaud Plain Dealer. BAD BLOOD THE SOURCE OF AIX DISEASE; TJvcry part of tho lwdy in dependent on tho Wood" for nourishment nnd strength. When thin lifo ntrcnm ia flowing through the system in n tttntc ol Eurity nnd riclmesH wo nro assured of perfect nnd tiniiiterniptctl liealth; cenuHo pure tilootl ia nnturc'ti mtfctjunru nahist disease. When, however, Uic Imdy ia fed on weak, impure or polluted blood, tho pystctu is deprived ol its strength, disease genua collect, nud tho trouble ia manifested in various ways. Pustular eruptions, pimples, rashca the different Kkiu nffcctioua Show that tho blood Is in u feverish nud diseased couuiciou na 11 result of too much ncid or the presence of eomo irritating humor. Sorca nnd Ulccra nro the result of morbid, unhealthy matter in the blood, nnd Rheumatism, Ca tarrh, Scrofula, Contagious Ulood Poison, etc., nro nil dccp-scnted blood disorders that will continue to grow worse n3 long na the poison remains. These impurities nnd poisons find their wny into tlio blood in various ways. Often n Bluggish, inactive condition of tho nystcm, nnd torpid state of the venues of bodily waste, leaves tho refuse nnd waste matters to pour nnd form uric nud other nciiln, which nro taken up by tho blood nud distributed throughout tho circulation. Coming in contact with contagious diseases ia another cause for tho poisoning of the blood ; wo nlso breathe the genua nnd fliicrobca of Mnlarin into our lungs, nud when these get into the blood in ufllcieut quantity it becomes n carrier of disease instead of health. Some rc no unfortunate ns to inherit bad blood, perhaps tho dregs of some old oustittttiounl disease of ancestors is handed down to them nud they nro constantly annoyed nud troubled with it. Had blood is the source of nil dis ease, nud until thlu vital fluid is cleansed nud purified tho body ia sure to inh'cr in some wny. For blood troubles of any character S. S. S. ia the best T-'inedy ever discovered. It goca down into the circulation nnd removes nny ind all poiaous, supplies tho healthful properties it needs, nud completely mm permanently cures uioou diseases ol every kind. Tho action of S. S. S. is so thorough that hereditary taints nro removed nud weak, diseased blood made strong nnd healthy no that disease cannot remain. It cures Rheumatism, Catarrh. Scrofula. Sorca PURELY VEGETABLE nml UIccrS. Skin Diseases, Contagious jiiuuu j'uiaun, tie., iiiui uoca mil. leave 1110 ilightcst trnco of tho troublo for futuro outbreaks. The whole volume of )lood is renewed nnd cleansed nftcr a course of S. S. S. It is nlso nnturc'u greatest tonic, inndo "entirely of roots, herbs nud barks, nud is absolutely mrmlesa to nny part of tho system. S. S. S. is for Halo nt nil first clasa Iruir stores, Uook, on the blood nud nny medical ndvtcc free to nil who write, . THE SWIFT tiPZCiFlG CO., ATLANTA, OL, f'-fv- . 6?: .. 'i7,WW" wsHr.1 V' . : f'j V . V. SiHrtyiimn.iaTrat! ':' r. t.y.' TheWinningStroke If more than ordinary skill in playing brings the honors of the game to the winning player, so exceptional merit in a remedy ensures the commendation of the well informed, and as a reason able amount of outdoor life and recreation is conducive to the health and strength, so does a perfect laxative tend to one's Improvement in cases of constipation, biliousness, headaches, etc. It is all-Important, however, in selecting a laxative, to choose one ot known quality and excellence, like the ever pleas ant Syrup of Figs, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., a laxative which sweetens and cleanses the system effect ually, when a laxative is needed, without any unpleasant after effects, as it acts naturally and gently on the Internal organs, simply assisting nature when nature needs assistance, without griping, irritating, or debilitating the internal organs In any way, as it contains nothing of an objectionable or injurious nature. As the plants which are combined with the figs In the manu facture of Syrup of Figs are known to physicians to act most beneficially upon the system, the remedy has met with their general approval as a family laxative, a fact well worth con sidering in making purchases. It is because of the fact that SYRDP OF FIGS is a remedy of known quality and excellence, and approved by physicians that has led to its use by so many millions of well informed people, who would not use any remedy of uncertain quality or inferior reputation. Every family should have a bottle of the genuine on hand at all times, to use when a laxative remedy Is required. Please to remember that the genuine Syrup of Fins is for sale in bottles of one size only, by all reputable druggists and that full name of the company California Fig Syrup Co., Is plainly printed on the front of every package. Regular price, 50c per bottle. " t p -;i Lta.-.-.. -iV.-. 3 , . - '?"":'; 1 ' , I '':- - -urn Wv w-V TOMMfH rj sr t 1 . . . - : C ..I tit.. r -. . a' r-i -1 -l i in. -.i.bfc.jy in.1 ii- t-oviiiviiii. My. Ciirimiiul I'lkri, Krifih boiiie-iiiiide cocoanut cake are nlwnya acceptable and tery eaally made. Klthrr the freah or the denKl cattsl cocoanut can lie uwd, the latter being lexa trouble, and the former much Ix-ttcr. Put two cupfuU of cranulnteil incur nud one-third of a cupful of wa ter oter the fire In n Hiunll nu'ate nance pan, and aa nviii aa the ayrup bubblea up, and roHa from the hinioii when tried, It Mmuld be taken from the lire nnd two cupfuli of nKimnut ndded by ,1, t?r,H(- HllrrliiE- ,ilil mifiiipli tit fulr It 11 i . .1... .. i . 111 A Snrfrltctl Crule, . .... -1 iu....k ..I ,.... r -rtemember." aald the nielodrnmntlc eiimu may ,. .,, ami tne caiioy ii- n utiwn arc iMnt , ,,,, ,fe t!nt uu'ii ri'Hiij 10 drop 1 ruin n iniiioapiHin i on aome oiled iaor. QuforniaRg Syrup (q Sfcr Frfcrclico. Col. I i-,' . ii-,.i',;k.l &Vsu K -t "" mis -J'ft ... S . . .-.r iM.iTHnMr?tiim. ""'- Mtm W-ljij .'V.l U t'r:T "'Vlif few York.JliVCJ AVronc Time of Year. Panienccr I uprOM! Jou knoir, Sam, that your boir iro outline a melon. Domn't It make jour mouth water? Pullman Porter No. uh. I done loi' my Intrreit In mrloni fur illi yeah, lilt would be illrf'uiit. o' coV, If dcy wui cabvln a 'pomum, iuTi. BU Vltoi Dun ani ill Nerrom DIkmm 3 iwrmimnnjr rami nr it. mio imu mm ItMiorar. Nncl fur niKK I3lrui Dum nd triktlM. Dr. 1U ILKIIar, Ixl.Ml Atcli bU, ltiU.,l'. lull priclllt trnl va aepllcatlon. Control and I'm lrwnrkiotlItl. lXa(insct Luboaal - UOUJ FRUIT TREES, VINES, PLANTS BERKSHIRE SWINE, RcKbtcred) SHORTHORN CATTLE, 'Registered) BARRED AND WHITE ROCKS PACIFIC NURSERY CO. Catalocue free. Tangent, Oregon aeeiliiir. The dally awccplni: la one of the thliiRH that can Im lewned conaldent' bly If one la In i-armmt nNiut KrtvltiR atrenctli. Ily plcklnj; up tlio airi from the llMir and wlpluc the dint from the furniture even the fninllr hIIIIih- room need not be awept every day, audi Wo, tho underilgned. naro money cannot buy," "Vet," ntiRwercd tho liniieounlous pcraon, wearily, "but I had uuough of them Ions iiro. What I want now Is a clmnce." Washington Star. URGE ENGLISH BERKSHIRES Mow' Thla? ! We offer One Hundred Italian Retran) for any caie of Catarrh tbal cannot bo cured by tlall'i Catarrh Cure. r. j. t,iir.r.t a i.u., rrora., toieao, u. Known r. j. All the btil breed Ine and lndiiduallty. Younc tok on hand at all tlinn. t'orrw tonileiire lollclted. hatltfaetloa suaran tel Aldrr-i D. I. KtVT Perodale. Orecon the liedrooma will iln verv well ullli n Chener lor the lait IS yeari. and bellere him toe iieorooma win no terj wtn wmi n p,acf,r honorble In all huiineu traniao- KoihI awccpliif; once a winik. Iiom and financially able to carry out anrou- HUli Timrla, Inatend of wiinIiIiik the illah tow el n tlrnpe Tniilorn. To n (jtmrt of Concord craiH' Juice mid n cup and n half of auptr and n half cup of well-wiiHlied minute tapi oca. Cook together In double holler for hnlf nn hour. When iwrtly coolwl add the Htlllly beaten whites of two cuk'M. Hake In buttered pitdtlliiK dlnh In quick oven for fifteen inlnutra, Serve, when cold, In kIiihnch, with n tahleaiKion of awcetened KrnK Julw. Sold by all Uruzctili. Uall'i ratally I'illi ara the beiU tho blood and wucoui iur tein, frlce 74c. ir botue. TeiUmonlali roe. Ilratloni tuade br their firm. W kit di TaUAZ. Wholeiale Drureliti, Toledo, O. WiLCiNo, K inn ah & Mabvin, wholci&le fru(. fUti. Toledo. O. even- ilar. have n cimhI hiiiiiiIv nnd wiimIi . iiriiniiireti taiert internaui, a.-f ,, ' ' , " i inicuirectiy ujon thoiu all toKether once n week, but not laiei of the iji with the family waahlin;. I'ut them to aoak oter ulKht In atroiiK huiIk. and In the moriiltiK put them oter a nIow (Ire to conio to a IkiII. nnd lioll alaiut fif teen inluuttM. Take them out and tvnah throiiKli two watera, then put nut to dry. They will need very little rubbing. BIG MONEY for you In NEVADA cc0c!gpcnrd MINES i.fflW-'iii cJ?CK!0N;Bf;ker Meamltlrhei. 228 lumber Cichante Utile Today PORTLAND. OREGON GASOLENE ENGINES uwr lUily Marrauted. IIA. All iliei ao-1 it) lei atloweil prlrea. Writ for catalog-. RCICRSON MACHINERY COMPANY Portland, Orf en. RUBBER STAMPS Best In America We make Ibcm Wo do not take order and peddle onrltabber Mamt. tvli, Ete. Wo manulactiua our own (roods. Oar ciulrraent la tho newest and Uit mi ney ran buy. W rite today for our "Uubberfelamp Catalogue." Tin: ikutn-iiodson co, Portland. Orecoa fjD PLATES fS)o xrrrrrJ Ml V nPWTAI m mmuss I 11.1 ULIIinU V.V. DENTISTS B One Ihlnl off regular price for ihort time, br II A Miurdeiant form.rlv of Tlio Pallei. and lr K A Hitler formerly of A rllngton. are with ui Tlieywlll bo (lad to meet their old friend. Third and Couch Streets. Portland. Occcoa. Cruel Tliruat. Tho Itnnl Such n atupld, ntsent minded janitor. I gave him one of my pooina to mall nud Instead of dropping It In tlio man box on me corner dropped It In tho wnstepaper box. Miss Tabasco Hut why' do you call him stupid? 5 Se S. Onion (MliUir, Half a cream cheeac, mm teaHjHton of anchovy panto, two plcklea and two tablespoons of pickled ciirl onions. Chop tho plcklea, and atlr Into tho an chovy piiHtu and cliceau. Spread this mlxturo on tonat. and dot with tho pickled oiiloiia. Thla uuautlty uiukoa olght portlona. Oruuue JlteriiiKiie. Cut up orangea In small pieces to uiako a thick layer on tho bottom of a pudding dlah. Mako a thick boiled custard and whun cool pour ovor the orangea. Mako a mei-luguo of the whiter) of tho eggs, aprond over tho top nud slightly brown In tho oven. Apple ('renin, Six npploa atowed and mashed 'to a pulp. When thu applea nro cold ndd whltea of six egga lion ton very light nud Hvo teasirooufula of augur, WhUk, until Btlff, and sorvo with awcotcnod crotuu llavorod to tasto. TO CURr A COID IN ONC DAY TaVe I.AXAT1VK 1IHOMO QU1NINK Tablfli DriiKgliti refund money If It falli to euro W OHUVK'd ilgnaturo lion each Ihji. a&o AVnrth IilratluM(lllir. Bnplclgh A little learning Is a dan gerous thing, they say. Mint Caustlquo Well, why don't ypu got a little and find out for yourself? A Great Outside Remedy. Most palim are of local origin a ''crick" In tho hack, a tulugo of rheumatism u xoru ursH nil out arUhig from it cold nro al cured by oilUl o application. Theipiick wt Mifvsi, and moid certain inethod a All cock's Hinder, known tho world oter as a unlvorsHl remedy lor pain. Thev net er fall, they art proiniiily theyareclcan ml cheap. You can uoriu'ht ahead l h your wotk whilo tho lint Im; nrocess irocs on. Klitv years' uau has gl uu them a great reputation llutler'a I'lnir. ' Fob. 21, ISiU), (leiiornl Ileiijamln F. llutlor presented to congress tho first Konulno Ainorloau flag, maJo of Amorl can inaterlala by American labor, over constructed In thla country. I'lror to that tlmo all American Rovcrnuient flagH hnd boon iiiiulo of Kugllali bunt ing. Slnco then nil our oillelnl lines liavo been tho product exclusively of American material nud Inbor, There were twonty-elx stars In tho n.n? nt that tltuo. I U0 . Y fca tHA.l .k. ..k f- H i 9 m. vw-. tuc w iut oTcraoycar. w i. . ,--iiijji - l . u 1 I nd are Hilt In the lead. Their aUolule Ik' iLNrMB IN -1 aX'Q I certainty ofirrowth.tlielrtiucommoair llilir Sii ' PViT-1ifci -fill I n:e ylcldi of delicious yegrtablca and I IH illl TT I LHa LHHy Ift beautiful flowen, make thcut the tnoit m lpHi,JKiiiil I ' ' PiW- .ti"m A tcllible aud the moit popular erery. M I lafJli H'YU f MJA TTifr W Rk where bold by all dealera. 1007 .jfl llZnnnSProM rl r-'VJ VTAllT P Annual free on rcquciLH IrTanr.TT-iTM im wgpiisgig, tSw D' " FERRY c0- H 1 1 Jo y.V f-Trnf IA fjWTTiTQ? liJJTiiu-J.'1"'1 rilrtl -tmKk i . CROPS NEVER FAIL III hi t'nnr KiiuLm VmIImv. IiIiiIi.i. tahvr. M,(tu.MUiuli'p Vullry h mrekt-ni aiv air ad lo alrd, iKXWmPr uuiteiop il, irrUau e Unit Hill all h. iniUr Moll it il till Ha rml tailor In Ilia Hvrld. Unci r liuule rlmcM fiun Imiiirm rrottiof rl alfuiratu urtwi, tt.ixo, C"JlnMlwl in lusir fieorlra 'in It It xle I lun to e loktuni mrK on ni -oil n try o' an ! ounv, Aahtoii nurird 'au I, IWM, a revurd ' trva-r. W rilv lur eurt eulir., ' v, c.Mtntin: itt:.i. i:it'ATKroMiAN . at. .llitliunjr uuil Aaliluii, lilitltu. I MAKE MORE MONEY ON FRUIT CROPS rrrTunhorrarrttlt,beOVronalKr(ornnall vr, or lii Imi a tx'n r b or a Eanlen, ihoalii U Liimini in ,ri,inv luv twu WVlll irvlU Oil 6rv, .Tvwar-TirTw!itn, rrtA HOLD UPtl etztci consicleir POMMEL BRANDSLICKES2, THE nsH tjtMrajj. I- i HJ " HUE AIL j fOWE 1 WATERPROOF : CIOTHING. Ijrnaiftflhrbrsl miWilxhwilcndljw fully au'iutieiiMuU b rrluWrdrAlrrJfl'rDviittt r STKKTOTHt SIOHOfTHEFlSH ST. joscru, MISSOUK I Ii th only luwuiln In Awrin vhlrh Ii dnatnl vsiiu.ltrir in tn llilITll or HUM iva eivw iruiu uinuMiiwir iminud,3i to .1 mitm fch nioiith. TIU allaboul (run of Ml k inilH,.iiJ uothlni; tut fruUbow to itrli miIiIvhia. iprir, pruniv how lo HAKKilUHK lluhl.V rroiu rrora. tWintil (rro, ItrKulir pri ItCO, anil MUh lllif rllir m.ta.lM. muF our Kro. Jonalbui riuit llouki-tuo Uii lu nlritm. Three Months Free Weirlloronnilvnt Tha l-niltJl..i.Mni nUu IUKillttliiriuontliiiUulullyrtitoaiirouln trmlcl In Irull. on Unix iiUhI In Cuucon Ixlow Wo orrrrluh rrlwa tor uw iubMMtlivi1io tirpur-Ik-Ulan. W'rlioyuitrniliivanUiulilrwuilnblMHkiil't-fow Fruit-Grower Co , llox JS, St. Joseph, Mo. 1 btwut Vuup Vlt VI! I hi.M ...naifha (..uIaIIm. k. rnit orthrviitonUiil will vlilir iMtjturaiMir'iiuu. m i ii.ltim n, t..(lfv .mi ln.ti.iniaii.p. tnsli hvM. n. .. '. :r: ". :; r - 'l.-i.'-- .,.-.... tnvroiitooo au ciuuifiior luo i Ntmi iMU'vr. li tUrve uioutba' WUI Roan or 1'. 0. Box Numbir . Tow . !U fanautft Trb, vuuiJSSSLJS " TOAIKTO. tjut. iHT0tniiuil. r.N.u No. 1 -07 WHEN writing to odvoitloori l.tuoi. 1 iiimnli.u tlili titMr. I