The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 11, 1907, Image 3

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    Proposed Oregon Tax Law
(Cmilluiiril llnlil Utt Mt-ok)
12. A nliitomcnt of tint number of
iiiIIim of iniilti, branch, double, iiihI side
trucks owned or loaned by mild company
In ciieh comity In this Mute, staled Hop
iinihdy. III. A Matcineiit of (ho cnllro grms
fpiililH mill ni't mruliigri of (ho coin
jHiny from operation mill nthcrwlx,
added nopnrnlely, for that fiscal year
muling In (ho calendar year cloning
March 1, preceding (ho rujKirL being
II. Such other facta or liiforiiintloti
of u like or different kind hh wild Ixmrd
may nxpilro In tliu form of return pre
hcrflMtl liy It.
The board In hereby glvrn Um jxiwer
to prwrllxi such direction i, rule mid
regulations to li ful lone I In answering
nny of the requirement of thin section,
or n herein Biilhorlwl, us In Km judg
ment thllll lH ImwI Cllh'llllUfd to lllHlltll
mouniey mid iiniformlly In reporting
tliu facta.
(lllnnk fnrnlahcd liy Ixmrd Peitnlty
for rcfiwml or neglect to rKirt.)
Section (I. Hhiuk for mnklng (lie
stnteinimlx provided for In section eight
(H) of thl net shall I hi provided liy the
mid ImhuiI. I'rnvliliil, tlml tliu rexirtx
heroin provided for ahull not relievo
the iomiuy from making nny other
ri'orl required liy law to In made lo
nny other ollfoir. In in nny roniiHiiy
falls or refutu h to make nny Mutemcrit
or fiirnloli nny Information required liy
(hi net. tin Ixiard shall Inform itaelf
u Ik1 It timy nit lo the matters neeen
rotry to lt known In order to illxchnrKo
itn dutle with reMVl to the prniwrty
of such oouitiiy . Any oomuiy w liloli
nlmll refute or neglect to nrnko the re
Mirt rwpiired hy thin net within the
time HN.olflwl xIhiII l nubjeel to n xn
rilly of 500 fur eeh day of the omitln
nance of Mii'h neglect or refuel to lilt
such report, to m reentered in n pniMr
riethm hnaight in the imme of (he state
of Oridim In nny court of (vuiijHJtmit
(IWwrd to determine vhw nnd prepnre
nwewmetit roll Mileage lwla of nji
ixirtlounwnt.) Section 10. Sulxepieiit to (ho (IIIiik
of (he rcjxirt required In (he preceding
rwllotw, and prior (o (he first Mondny
in Octuher In tiich year, it nlmll Ixi the
duly of tliu Nild ntnto iKj.inl of tiu com
mlMionern to prvjinro nn nsoxMiiont
roll, iid provided In nccdnn live (6) of
thin net, iixn which they nlmll rinon
tlie true cosh vitluo tiH of the lint dny
of March At the hour of 1 o'clock u. in.,
of the yitir In which the nasonsmont in
made, of nil (lie property of the com
jamle herein enuiuenttod subject to
taxntlull under till" net, which mid
nH4(Htn)iit nlmll not Ui tlunl until re
viewed n n herein provided. Tor the
porH of nrrivlitK nt the amount and
clmrncter and trim ciinh mi I no of the
property UdonxittK to hhIiI ooniinli)
tut HppwrliiK iiimi the infewMiiHmt roll
for the iHirMi of aweiii-nt for tnH
titHi utMler tlm net, (he iwld lxwr.1 nmy
prwHmlly innKH't (he jimjMrty Uilmtif
!ii to wld comitttiiefl Hud mny take
into onldiTtitioii the rcMirto llieil un
der (IiIk net, tlie reMirln and rediriix of
wild cniutniM llled In the olllco of nny
prior olllccr of thin Mute, or nny county
thereof, the etirniriK xmur of wild com
jiinlcH, the francliiKeH nod ncclal fmn
clilncK owned or iiinil liy mild iMiujxinieti
eald fmncliiHiM nud hho1uI fniiiclilinw
not to I hi directly ikwhhicI, hut to Im
taken Into comililenitioii In dctcnnln
liiK the miIiio of tliu other pniHirty),
the afneoiKHl Milimtinn of nny property
of mid ivimmliH, uxmI In the opem
tlon of the huiducim of the ooinmnleK,
mid liy law required lo ho nimerncil hy
)imty iihc(hom, anil mich other vi
dence of a like or different kind an may
Ui olilnlimhlo Ixiirliik' thereon; provld
t, that in no event fhall any ,reKirt or
valuation hy a county niwcwor, ir evl
denco ait IiiIIiIh act provlilid, N) conclu
nlve uKin Much liourd In arrlvlm? at the
itmount and clianictcr and tru cmdi
Milne of tho proHrty Indention to wild
o)iiixinleH, ami hy thin act to Ik
HrtMMviil for purixmcm of taxation hy
wild Uianl. In dotcrmlnliiK tho true
mh Milne of tint pniperty nutctHfiihlo
for taxation hy the wild Muto IkkuiI of
tax eoiuiiilDoiouurrt of the ix)iiiiihIoh in
(IiIh act iinumeralml, when nald com
juinlcm own, leaxu, oH'ratto or iihu rail,
ilM) nr wlru liiioM, or properly jxirtly
within and imrtly without thin Mate,
If tho Ixiard hliull valiKitlio entire prop
orty within mid without the HtatoiiH n
unit, uh iirovldiil In tho next nod Ion,
tho Nilii Iniaril nlmll 1h controlled In
UM'erlalnliiK "lu pnipurly milijcct to
taxation In Oregon hy the proportion
vlilch tho niimbor of iiiIIch of main
truck (numiiliiK thuruhy main, ntom,
nnd lirauch Hiiuh), iiiIIch of wire, or
mlloM of iniiln plpo linen controlled nr
iihciI hy Mild vomiiuuy, uh owner,
Iiwhco, or othurwlfu, within tho Htatn
of Oregon hcarrt to tho entire mileage
of main truck uh nfonwnld iiiIIch of wlro
or main plpo llmi controlled or uml hy
hi Id coinpiiny ait owner, lwuco, or
(Diitcrmlimtlon of value as iv unit
Deduction of proporty Imiilly nrnioiw
Hectlnn 11. Tho wUd hoanl, for tho
purpoxo of nrrlvhiK ut tho actual ciifh
value of tho proporty UHaoaoKblo hy It,
an herein provided, may wiluo the en
tire iroKirty, lxtlh wlllilu and without
tho xlato of Oregon, rm a milt. In mxo
It xhall value tho ontlro jiropcrty an n
unit, either within or without tho ntato
of Oregon, or IkiIIi, Nild Ixxird rhall
make didiiutlomi of tlm projK'rly of
xuld conixiiiy nltuido outnldo tho nluto,
and not nmnectasl directly with tho
hiiidue thereof, iin rimy Ixi junt, to tho
end that tho fair proration of tho
proerty of nild compnny lu thin ntnto
nmy lx) nw'ortnlned. 1 tho inld honrd
vnluo the millre property wllhln Hid
xlato of Oregon ax n mill, It xhall mako
ilixIuctloriH of the property of riilil corn
nuiy rdtuntu lu On'on, and nMcxtNHl hy
the comity axeoxxorx, to mi amount that
hall ho junt; and for that purjxxo tho
ifjunly axxexforx phall ho and they nro
hereby required, ( the nnUl Ixmrd re
iputit tlie xhiiic, to ccrllfy to the raid
lxmrd the axuiwable valuo of the prop
erly of Mild (VjinjmnliHt nwedxnblo by
them, but mich coil I (lent Ion of nxxexxed
or uxxoiHiiihlo Miliicx bt liitmidol to Ixi
advliHiry only, nnd not concluiilvu upon
tho raid Ixmril.
(HulhVlcncy of dercrlpllon on roll
.Mileage to Ini xtatixl.)
Sictlon 1'J. IJxin xuch raiMixomont
roll nlmll Ini pliuvd, after tho immo of
each of the coii)tiili'n iiminimxI under
tho provlxlonn of thin net, n general de
scription of tho piorwrtiM of tho mid
nirnpntiliw, which xliall Ixt deermxl to
iucliiile all of tho properties of tho raid
(oiutrilei llnlilo to n?m4ut for Uix
Htlon uielcr thlx not, oikI, lenixl, or
occupied by them, wliether an owner,
lee, ociiiHtnl, or otherwise. The
mtid defcrlption may lw In the Inugiwgo
of thlx rut an contained in nectlou nix
(il) hereof, or otherwlMt. Hut no no
Mwiiwut xlinll Im Invnlldnlixl hy u mix.
tke lu tho imme of the onrxirntlou nn
eed, or by an omlnflon of tho rmine
of the owner, or the entry of n iimiw
otlirr than tlml of tlm true owner, if
the projKirty n generally correctly do
M'riUxl; nnd provided further, tlml
where tliu nnme of tho truo owner, or
tht) imliiM of the owner of reconl, Iopmi,
or xviiwnt of nny proMrty nwexfiiblo
iindfr the (irovUionx of thlx net nlmll
lxt given, xtich nx(xxinetit xhnll not Ihi
held luvnlld on nceouiit of any error or
Irregularity lu thodiicrlptlou, provided
xiirh ilexcrlptlon would Im Hiilllcleut In
n lcx of conveyance from tho owner,
or on account of which In n ("ontrnct to
convey a court of equity would decrtf n
conveynnco to Ini rnndo, rending tho (aid
dofcrlptlon In connection with tho do
llnitlon of property nxM-Kxnblo under tho
pmvlnloun hereof an III thlx act contain
ed. l'Min xtich nxxexxrueut roll nlmll
Ihi plnci, opMfllto the immo of tho
coinHiny, In n iroHjr column, the rig
gregute main track mllcagu an dellnol
In xetiilou 10 hereof, milon of wire, or
main plN line, nn tho caxo may be,
within the ntnto of Oregon.
(AMtirlnlnment of value of main nnd
branch linen nud nluo ormllo.)
ration 1.1. Kald ntnto Itoard of tnx
coMimlMiloucrn xlmll thertUMiii axcer
tnlu the value of the xevcnil branch
1 1 mm of thu xflld coinwnleK nltuattxl in
thin ntnto, nud the mileage thereof, nnd
nlmll nxcertnln tho value per mllo of
the tmlil branch linen riRt'tlvoly by
dividing tho value of each of them ty
tho mileage theretif. Tho Mild lionnl
nlmll thereuxm dixluct tho total amount
no uncertulucd an tho value of branch
Much from tho total value of tho prop
erty of the vnlil companies nxxentmlno
under the provinloun of this art M) nn
certnlned nn nforrwtld; nnd nlmll there
uV)u uncertain tho value wr mile of
main lino of mil, plx,or wlro by divid
ing tho romnlmler, after deducting tho
value of mild branch linen from the to
tal value In thin Htatc, by tho number
of m I lex of Much main rail, pipe, or wire
lino In thin ntato, nnd the quotient ob
tained unnforcnald xlmll be deemed nnd
held to Im the value per mile of nalil
branch and main Hum rcxpcctlvoly.
(Apportionment of iiHicxnnuuit to court
tlcri luvonllng to mileage.)
Section 14. For the purono of tie
termlulug what amount of the nxnexn
meut made under the provlnlonH of thin
net hIiiiII be apX)rtioned to tho nuvornl
count lex in this ntate in, through,
acnixx, Into, or over which tho linen of
Mild companion extend, the Mild ntnto
Ixiard of tax cominlwdonorn nlmll multi
ply thu value Mir mile iih alxive axcer
tainol of the xevornl main and branch
lines by the imbinor of milcH of nuch
main and branch linen in each of the1
countloM aforexaid, nn reported In tho
HtateineutH rnndo by tho Mild compiinicH,
or an otherwise iiHcertalnixl and determ
ined by tho mild board.
(Notice of Mltthijr of lonnl to reviow
axxonnmont .and apportionment
Section 15. Tho unld Imnrd nlmll
give throe wcekn' inibllo notice in some
nowxpupor )rlutc(l at tho ntato capital,
netting forth that on tho llrnt Monday
lu Oct boor It will attend at thu eapltol
and publicly oxalmne the amnwHinunt
roll hy It made, and review tlie numo,
and correct all orrora in valuation, do
neriptlou, ipuiutltlcn, or iiunlitlea of
proporty by It nnnoxxablo and lu appor
tioumout of iiHHOHriinuiitH uindo by It;
and it nhall bo tho duty of tho porxonn
and eoriviratlona intnrtwtiHl to appear at
thu tlmo and placo appointed. 1'roof
of nuch notice mny bo rnndo by affidavit
an hy law provided, Hod witli tho nee
relary of Mild board, on or before tlm
flrnt Monday lu Octolxjr In tho yeur
wlicu nuch notice in printed.
(Hoard to meut unnunlly an ntntod in
Section 10. Tho Mtld Iwnnl nlmll
meut at thu eapltol of thu ntnto oil tho
flrnt Monday of October In ench yenr,
iih ntatiil In the notlco j)roxorllicl lu
tho preceding xtctlon hereof, nnd xlmll
then Imvo Ixjforo it tho nnxexnmout roll
rnndo by ;', nx prexcrllH.-d In thin net.
Cltevlew nnd correction of nrnennment
roll nud npiHirtlonmunt Omitted
projMirty aeion'cd).
Section 17. It nlmll then bo the
duty of nuch Ixiard to rovluw, examine,
and correct tho nimonnuiunt roll liy It
rnndo, nud to Incronno or reduce tho
valuation of tho iirojMirty therein nn
niixxisl, no that tho name nlmll bo tho
full caxh value thereof, and to umvut
oiiilttod taxable proporty by It nnnexn
alile in trio iiianner lioreinnftur irovlu
nl, and to correct errorn In npiwrtlon
meutn of nnxexnmentn therein. If it
nlmll nponr to nuch lxjard that there
In any real or pornonal projxjrty which
by law it In jierriilttwl to aimexx which
ban In-cu by it nwen xel twice, or Incor
rectly axcerfel nn to diwicrijition, (junn
tlty, or quality, or nnxexxel in the
nnme of n iwrxon or eoriK)ratlou not the
owner, le?s.-o, or (XXMipant thereof, or .
iixm'xfhI under or beyond the actual
full cnxh value thereof, or which In not
uxf oHmblu hy nnid Ixmrd, but which linn
lieen rwcniied by it, mid lxmrd may
mnko proper correction of the name.
If It nlmll nppear to mid Ixmrd that
nny real or tMjrnonnl proKrty which I
nxfoxxable by It linn not Ik-cii nxnoniiil
iix)u mid ameiHimunt roll, nnid lxmrd
nlmll nrxcMM tho name at tho full canh
value thereof.
(Notice of IricriHixe or change In appor
tionment I'ctitioni to Ins written
nnd verified Tlmo or filing.)
Section 18. Said Ixxtrd nlmll not
change tho apportionment of any an
rwnmont or increnne tho valuation of
any proerty on nuch nxrtMHirnont roll an
provided In tho preceding nKtion with
(Hit giving to tho couiany or person in
whoxo niitno it in aixoMcd at leant nix
ilnyn' written notice to nppear and
xhow catixe, if any there In, why tho
aportlomnout of nuch nnxenmeut nhntl
not Ihi changed, or tho valuation of tho
nxMwnhlu procrty of nuch coinany or
pernon, or noma part thereof, to bo
npccillcd in nuch notice, nlmll not bo
Increnned; Provided, tlml nuch notice
hull not be rii-coexary if the i.'rxon ot
compnny npjKsir voluntarily lniforc nald
Ixmrd, nnd Ihi there notified by a mem
Ixt thereof that tho proerty of nuch
pernon or corporation, or noino npecidetl
iKirt thereof, in, in the opinion of the
board, axtcued IhiIow itn actual value,
or that nuch nportlomiicnt in, in tho
opinion of the board, Incorrect. I'otl
tioun or applications for tho reduction
or change of apportionment of n partic
ular nxi-emmont nhall lie rnndo lu writ
ing, .crlflcd by the cith of tho appli
cant, Itn president, necrotary, managing
agent, or attorney in fact, nnd 1h filed
with (he board during the flrnt week it
in by law required to Ikj in imwion, ami
nny iK'tltlwi or nnpllcwtlonnotso made,
verillel, and filel xhall not Ihi eonaldur
ixl or acted upon by tho boanl.
(lloArd to complete review in omi
month, nilling uoutinuonaly.)
Section lit. Tho nald Ixxml, nitting
for tho purono of reviow lug tho nnid
roll nn alxive provided, nlmll continue
itn retxioun from day to day, exclunlvo
of Sundays and legal holidays, until the
examination, review, correction, nnd
cqualimtlou of tho nald rolls Hmll be
completed; but It nhall complete nald
examination, review, correction, and
equalization within one month from
the time it In by law required to meet,
nnd, unlexs nooner completed, nt tho ex
piration of one mouth from the time
the boanl in herein required to meet
tlie crimination, review, correction,
nnd equalisation ot tho nald asxexainent
roll nlmll bo deemed to bu complete.
(Itccord of action of board).
Section "0. Corrections, nddlttlons
to, or changes in the nnid roll nlmll Ira
entered in a column therein headed
nubstantlally "as reviewed," and tho
ontricH in nuch column nhall bo tho rec
ord of the action of audi board. Thu
meetings, sidings, nnd adjournment of
the Mild Ixmrd, nitting for (he purposed
of review, nlmll be recorded lu ita
(ltoll kept on file na public record.)
Section 21. Said roll, when so exam
ined, reviewed, corrected, and iieualir-
isl by such Ixiard, shall bu kept on fllo
in die olllco ot tlto said ntnto Ixiard of
tax commisslonero rm a iubllo reconl.
(To bu continued next wcok)
Ileal AthlellcUni,
An nngllBlt nthlotlc authority nays
that 35 is tho maximum age for n good
athlete. 1 'crimps most pcoplo Imvo no
ticed that professional athletes wear
themselves out young. 1'rUo lighters,
Hprlutera mid clrciu performers quit lu
early prime.
Hut nro tlieso tho real ntliletos?
How nuicli more truo an nthloto Is
thu wcllqirenerved farmer, who, nt 05,
can pitch aa much liny na hla sou or
Tho best athleticism la that which
holds through tho ripe years nnd ena
bles a mnu to alt Ida liorso ns erectly
at SO us at -0. Cleveland I'rcs.
In a Condensed Form for Our
Busy Readers.
A flosumo of tho Lets Important but
Not Lots Interesting Evonf
of tho Past Wook.
.Inpnne() lalxirorH mobbed n white
man lu California.
Hallway em ploy i threaten to tio up
all roadn In the United SUitex, Camula
nn I Mexico.
Oklahoma towrw nre miffering from
want of fuel. In hoiiio placet) een thu
prieo of corncobs In prohibiliv.
Secretary IJltchcjck brw ordorwl nil
fenceri on public ilurmiin torn down.
I'rortocutloii will follow refuxjtl.
William C. Selllck, n I'rovidoncc, H.
I , clergyman, Niyx tho bible in not nn
luxplred writing and la full of errorn.JJ
Heprenentative Jonen will otulmvor
to necuro survey of a number of Waah
Ingtou ntreunw by government engi
neers. 1'. J. Honey boa tendered bin reaig
nation to thu attorney general. Ho
will devoto bin entire time Ui the cjmw
axnlnxt San I'rHUcihCo graftr.
Tlie prenldent luta offerel I'hllip H.
Stewurt, of Colorado Springx, the ig
nition of eoininiwioner of tho general
land olllce, to Ini VHOMtod March 4 by
Cormulxxlonur Itlclwrdn.
ltecent heavy ruinti have cttuacd
euoriiHHM nvulancbert of mud to ntart
fnnn the top of Mount VenuviuH. Many
f irrrw aro Ixdng Inbl waxte ninl the lcwn
of life mny Ixa henvy. Six lxlk have
already 1hmu found.
CongrexH will iiutborizo n new nurvey
of TIHiiKX)k ly.
A fire In a Cokonburg, l'n., mil mine
did $400,000 dampio to thu projierty.
Tlie government baa won the first
round In the Stuudanl Oil prosecution
ltolief work among tho ntnrving
Chlnexe ia jirogreaing vory natisfuc
torlly. The French government lma ontcred
(ho Miuntruction of four more auburn-
riue Ixmtx.
Governor Folk recommended many
reforms to tho Minaouri logialuturo in
his mcaxngc.
(ieneral von der Ionitz, protect ot
police of St. Petersburg, lma Ixtin na
NisaiimttHl by terrorist.
The Chicago municiivil judgo lma do
iMMiiiotxl the nmyor and joliticiann for
interfering with juatiiv.
Donutstic Fruits Apple, common to
choice, 6O0ji76c jwr box; clioico to
fancy, M(--60j jHitra, fK?1.50; cran
lwrriea, 11.601L' jnir barrel; icr
aimmonn, 1 .00 Kr Ixjx,
Vegetables Turnips, OOi'OH per
nack; enrrota, 00cn jwrwicU; InxU,
$1 .2o(,l .r0 er nack; homeradlsb, 0
10c wr pound; aweet potatoes, 2)
Sv jK'r pound; cabbage, l?4-c jnir
ound; cuulitluwer, M.-5 Hr dozen;
celery, f!i.7o(&4.'.!o porcnito; lettuco,
bend, IlOo er dozen; onions, 10)120
Iter dozen; boll ixippora, 8c; pump
kins, So per pound; squash, -o per
Onions 75eM or hundred.
l'otatoea Oregon Httrhunks, fancy,
11.:10; common, 75eA8Qc.
Wheat Club, 05iOflOcj blueatem,
08o; vallov, 00c; ml, 03c.
Oata No. 1 white, 252(1; gray,
llarloy Feed, 21.5022 por ton;
brewing, $22.60; rolled, 2Jt24.
Hye C1.401.45 jwrowt.
Corn Whole, f20; cracked, $27 per
liny Timothy, No. 1, 1314 per
ton; Kaatem Oregon timothy, $1410;
clover, $8038.50; cheat, 17.50(8.60;
grain hay, $7.608.50; alfalfa, $11.60;
votch hay, $8S.60.
Hutter Fancy creamory, 32)vf3)3fic.
Hutter Fut Firt gnulo cream, 33c
per H)iiud; aecoud grade cream, 2o lena
per iKHind.
Kggs Oregon ranch, 3032Uo tHr
Poultry A vorago old bona, 13(314o
per pound; mixed chickens, 1213o;
aprlng, 1415o; old rooatora, 010o;
diexxisl chickens, 14 Q 15c; turkeys,
live, 17Q18c; turkeya, dresstxl, choii-e,
20--'o; geeso, live, 1213c; ducka,
Veal Pressed, 5,)tio per pound.
Hoof Dresse! bulls, 1 2o jor
K)uud; cows, 46o; country steers,
Mutton DreBsed, fancy, 80o por
pound; nnllnary, 07c.
Pork Dressed, 08o por pound.
Hops U14o jwr pound, nccordlng
to quulity.
Wool Kastorn Oregon aver a go beat,
1318o por pound, according Jlo shrink
ago; vnlloy, 2023o, according to flno
nossj uiolmlr, choico, 2G28o.
" "IffWiV1 1'l'fflfH
KhIdIiiiT Hfrd Corn.
Tho iN-st way of raining corn for
wed, aa followed In the Wot, ya ('.
W. Morrill In TrlState rnrmer, In to
projHiro a need Inil or textlli? ground
of from ono to two acre far rernovel
from other field. To begin with, no
ear ahuuld In uaed ivlileh In Imperfect
from which to Milect grain for thu
wed crop, nelectlng nuch tyiw of corn
that you wish to grow, the work of
wlectlon ahould bo followed year nfter
year, neloctlng tire beat car that show
an Improvement over previous years.
Any plant Hint la deficient In any re
quirement nhould not he allowed to de
velop u tunnel, nud especially a barren
Aa to corn feeding, tlw weI plot
ahould not nuffer for want of plant
food. From field cxK?rlmentn with fer
tilizer on corn In the Went Inst year,
on noil of nrernge fertility, a higher
xjr cent of potash than onllnnry fer
tilizer contain gore rcmarknble re-
nulla and would undoubtedly give sim
ilar result on the average land of
(Georgia. In Coorgla lant year wore
umsI more fertilizer with com than
wa wvor used In year Ix'fore, nnd with
proper fertilizer nnd more attontlon
to the M'lectlon of need, and lutcnalve
culture, tlrcre la no doubt or reason
why the average yield of well-bred corn
nhould not bo Increased In tho South,
and oxpoelnlly Georgia.
aiurlntc Winter Applra,
Many grower must be reminded of
the Importance of getting fruit to tor
age a promptly a ioaalble after pick
lug. Tlm United States Department of
Agriculture ha demonstrated that
fruit deteriorates more In a few tlnya
between the time of leaving the trees
and the time It reachen atoruge than It
(1(hti In a many month of storage at
a low temperature. m
It wn formerly thought nccoMary
to put apple In piles In the orchard,
to "sweat," but thl lia lecn ahown
to have been a mistake. Don't do this;
but, on tin contrary, send your apples
to storage at once. In refrigerator cars.
If the weather Is warm and tho dis
tance la great. Many of the beat ap
ple handler want their fruit In storage
before night of the dny It la picked. If
at all posalute, and there la no doubt
that they aro right In regard to this.
Western Fruit Grower.
afe Corn Shredder.
As the corn shredder has killed and
maimed a great many jxople. the be
low suggestion for reducing the danger
of using them will bo welcomed. A
man who ran one of them says : "To
unchoko shredders with safety to the
feeder, take a croquet ball and saw It
In halve. Then bore n bole In the cen
ter of the tint aide of one of these part.
through to the center of the oval side.
Then Insert the end of a broom handle
In tho hole, beginning nt the tint side.
Fasten this with a wedge or nail. Keep
tlila tool In a convenient place, and
when the machine clog stir up tho
fodder with the ball cud nud all la
right again. Try It."
Conrcnlrnt and Chen p.
Thia feed trough, recently llluatrated
In Reliable Poultry Journal, la aubatan-
tlnl, cheap nnd easy to conatruct. The
length la forty Inches nud It Is suUlcleut
for twenty hens.
Ynluo In Cutllo Food.
Tho value of cattlo fooda depends
largely upon their digestibility. There
la more protein lu straw than corn fod
der, but the latter la more digestible.
Some coanu fooda nre valuable, how-
over, In assisting to digest tho concen
trated fooda by giving bulk to tho mass
nud separating thu materials, especial
ly when tho coarse fooda are reduced
to a tluo condition. Kven If but u por
tion of tho straw foods la digested, they
nro prepared for tho manure heap by
tho animals and nro thus Increased lu
value compared with wasteful uao.
n H!
rircoril Price for I.nntla
Tfm following from Orango Judd
rnrmer show what profit some men
undertake to mnko farming:
Ten acre of farm laud In Christian
County, Illinois, wold for $15,000 a few
dny ngo, or fSOO nn ncre. True, tho
land lie Just outside tho city limit
of tho county wot, but It I not to Im
nit Into city lot. It will be used for
raising fruit nnd vegetable. In other
word, the purchaser, W. O. Slmpaon,
exjxx'ta to make tho Interest on hi
f00 land, nud conaldernble profit bc
Till show what careful, Intelligent
farming nnd gardening will do. If Mr.
Hlmimon can make money on hi high
priced land, need hi neighbor on
farm equally productive feel dlacour
aged 7 We In thl country mut prac
tice Intensive ngrltftilturc. Thcro 1
abundant crldencu that this will pay.
Inflnenre of DrhornlnK.
Fourteen cow wore subjected to tho
tuberculin text by tho Wisconsin Sta
tion and then dehorned. The milk of
these cows, a reganl yield and com
jsltlon, wa compared with tho milk
of cow dehorned but not tuberculin
tested, of cow tulwrculln tested but
not dehorned, and of cow neither de
horned nor tuberculin tested. Tho re
sult showed on an Average a decreaso
of about 8 per cent In the yield of
milk for the flrnt few daya after de
horning, but a loan of only about 2 per
cent In the yield of butter fat. De
horning, therefore. Increased the fat
content of the milk .027 per cent Theao
result are noted aa being In accord
with tho result of Investigation at
other experiment station which nro
cited. The tuberculin teat waa appar
ently without effect upon milk accre
tion. llnndi- Hoot Wnxher.
A handy root washer can be bad by
making a slatted cylinder with hinged
top and banging In trough. Cylinder
can be mado any size, but one that
hold ono nnd one-half bushels Is bet
ter than one made larger. Flil with
pnrsnlp or other root, book down
cover nnd turn slowly a minute or two.
Lift from the water and empty.
Sheep-Shenrlna Mnchlne.
Sheep-shenring machines are a great
Improvement over hand work both In
cleanliness of clipping and In tb tlmo
required for each animal. It requires
some skill to keep clipper sharp. Upon
this much of the success and ease with
which these machine aro bandied de
pend. It la necessary to know bow to
handle a sheep while clipping It.
A man who has had considerable ex
perience In shearing sheep by hand
will understand thl part of the work
and can usually handle n machine clip
per with great east. One man nnd n
boy with a machlno can handle about
twice aa many sheep In a day as Is cus
tomary when they nro hnnd-shcarcd.
Every purchaser of a sheep-shearlngi
machlno should get a good sharpener
with it.
Ileat Crop fur 1Mb.
In the spring and summer, ryo and
clover are used for pasture until tho
pigs weigh about clghty-nve to 100
pounds. Then barley is added until
some early variety of Hint or aweet
com la ready. Only a small field of
this last Is necesaury, or an amount
autllelent to carry the plga until thu
field corn Is denting. Then tho pin
nro turned In small areas of tho field
corn at n time, until they nro fat Hy
fencing In and using these crops In this
order tho cost of growing plga Is re
duced to n very low figure. Wo know
of several farmers who nro following
this practice and aro highly pleased
with It
rixril AViikc on Farm.
Fixed wngea for a "dny'a work" Ih
not tho proper modo of contracting.
There la ns much difference In a day'a
work between Individuals na In tlm
value of the products of the farm. Nor
can any method bo devised for deter
mining tho value of n day'a work on a
farm until tho labor has been perform
ed. Wherever work can bo done by
the piece It ahould Im tho rule, though
this cannot well be tho caao on a farm.
Auiorblitir I'oHtri of Milk.
In nn experiment rnndo to determine
the absorptive povvors of milk, thero
was Inclosed lu Jars u portion of milk,
and lu different Jars, but not In connec
tion, different substances, glvlug oft
tlnvora. At tho end of eight hours a
portion of the milk was drawn from
near tho bottom of each Jar, by means
of a pipette, so ns not to disturb uny
part of tho milk. In every ono of fif
teen trials tho milk had nbsorbed tho
tlavor to auch an extent that It bad,
penetrated tho very lowest stratum.