MISTAKE COST LIVES Trains Collide In Kansas and 33 Are Killed. FIRE CONSUMES WRECKED CARS Many Victims Aro Burned to Ashet Most of Iho Dead Were Mex ican Laborers. Topeka, Jan. 3. Four whlto men, a negro train porter and about 30 Mexi can laborers lost their Hves, and 65 persons were injured when two passen ger trains on the Chicago, Hock Island A Pacific railroad collided head-on (our miles west of Volland, Kan., at 5:10 o'clock yesterday morning. Tho tniins were Not. 29 and 30, run ning between Chicago and F.l Paso. They met on a sliarp curvo with fearful impact. Adding to tho horror of tho collision, tiro from the lamps in the cars and from tho locomotives was com municated to tho splintered wreckage and spread rapidly consuming five of tho forward cars of train No. -0, west bound, and burning a number of tho passengers. All but three of thoso who perished are thought to have been Mex ican laborers, who wcro on their way from Columbus Junction, O., to Mexico". Tho otlicials of the company place tltc blamo on John Lynes, tho ID-year old telegraph operator at Volland, who fail ed to stop train No. 21) at his station after receiving orders to hold it there until No. 30 had passed. Uy tho light of the flaming wreckage, passengers who wcro uninjured worked heroically to save thoso who wero pin ned fast beneath the mass of splintered timbers and twisted iron. GENEROUS TO COLUMBIA. Burton Agrees That Jetty Work Shall Not Be Interrupted. , Washington, Jan. 3. After a confer ence today with Chairman llurton, of tho river and harbor committee, Senat or Fulton expressed the opinion that Oregon will bo generously dealt with in the river and harbor bill now in process of formulation. Ho is satisfied that tho bill will provide for tho completion of tho south jetty at tho mouth of tho Columbia river, for which engineers recommend an appropriation of f 2,450, 000. Ono million dollars will bo ap propriated in cash and a continuing contract will bo authorized for tho bal ance, so that the work may bo pressed to early completion and without unnec essary delay. Tho house committee is apparently inclined to deal fairly witli the Celilo canal, though it will probably appro prlato lens than tho 1750,000 asked fur by tho engineers. If this item should be cut materially, Senator Fulton will co-oporato with Senator Files, of Wash ington, and there is a very fair prospect tliat the amount recommended can lw secured by a senate amendment. BODIES ALL MiycD TOGETHER Parti of Men, Women and Children in One Mass. "Washington, Jan. 3. In an ondeavor to identify the mangled bodies of the victims of the Terra Cotta wreck of Sunday night, a grow-some discovory was iwide at the morgue today. What was supposed to bo the mangled body of a man attired in a suit of "popper and salt, proved to 1)0 the remains of sever al of the unfortunates who died in the Sunday wreck. Tho morgue master had all tho pile of human flesh and articlec which had been gathered at the wreck removed to tho "dead room" today in an effort to establish identity. When ho delved into it, he found a piece of a baby's ekull, a man's foot badly crushed und encased in a shoe, tho hand of a woman and a portion of a human face, also fingers, toes and other parto of women's and children's bodies and those of men, all ground into tho black coal dust and with pieces of garments mixed into the mass. Utah Officials Pay Fare, Salt Lake City, Jan. 3. A party of Utah h hi to officials who arrived today from Los Angeles on a dolayed train over the Salt Lake route had an unusual experienco January 1, when tho antl pasa law went into effect, and tho train conductors refused to honor the compli mentary transportation on which they began their journey from Los Angoles. All wero compelled to go down into their pockeU and dig up full regular faro for tho distance traveled after tho expiration of thooldyoar. Tho govern or was in tho party. Grazing on Oregon Reserves. "Washington, Jan. 3. During tho season of 1007 tho Forest servico will permit tho grazing of 220,000 sheep and 10,250 horses and cattle in the Eastern division of tho Itluo mountain forest ro eorve, and 240,000 sheep and 28,000 horned and cattle in tho Westorn di vision. RESUMES WORK. Both Houtea of Congress Down to Business Aftor Holidays. Washington, Jan. 3. Defense of tho discharge of the three coiiiinlcs of the Twenty-fifth infantry, members of which wore guilty of the llrownsvillo shooting, was made in the senate today by Culberson, of Texas, who thus pre sented tho unusual spectacle of a South ern Democratic senator as champion of u ltcpuhlicnn president. Foraker bo pin a reply, but was not nhlo to finish it on aecounSof a soro throat and se cured an adjournment until Monday of tho debate on his resolution instructing tho military committee to Inquire into the president's order. Ixxlge offered an amendment limiting the inquiry to tho conduct of tho troops, thus avoid ing nny question ns to tho president's authority to discharge them. Culberson said great injustice had been done tho people of llrownsvillo. The conduct of tho negro soldiers had lieen very irritating. IIo related that on August 4, tho day before tho "shoot lug up" of the town, a criminal assault had been committed by one of the soldiers on tho wife of n reputable cit izen. No arrests had lnvd made for this crime. Culberson defended Cap tain McDonald, of the Texas Hangers, to whom Foraker lu.d referred, because of Major lllockson's reference to him as a man who was "so bravo that he would not hesitate to clturgc hell with a bucket of water." Senator Nelson introduced a bill to prohibit the silo of land on which are situated beds of coal, lignite, asphalt, petroleum and natural pis in the gov ernment domain until such deposits have Itcon exhausted. Provision is mndo for leasing for terms not exceed ing one yar for the purpose of having them explored. Persons making ex plorations and discoveries are to be given tho preference in tho right to lease and work tho deposits. Senator Piles today introduced n bill authorizing tho appointment of an ad ditional judge for the Ninth judicial district, another authorizing tho ap pointment of an additional customs ap praiser for Paget sound and n third ex tending the privileges of immediate traneortatlon on dutiable goods at Port Townsend. lie also offered an amendment to tho pending child labor bill. Tho senate then went into executive session and at 2:55 p. in. adjourned un til Monday. Washington, Jan. 3. Heprcsentntlve Morreil, of Pennsylvania, introduced a resolution today fornn investigation by congress of recent railroad wrecks. Tho resolution states tliat the wrecks are supposed to be due to overwork of omploves, and nut tames tlie speaker to name a committee of five congressmen who shall have full power to subtoena witnesses ami require corporations to furnish records and all information desired. Friday, January 4. Washington, Jan. 4. The "omnibus claims bill," carrying an appropriation for claims under the Iiowman ami Tucker acts, was before the house today and was discuMed for five hours. Speaker Cannon announced tho ap pointment of Itepresentatlve Kngel bright, of California, for a place on tho committee on mines ami mining, vice J. N. Williamson, of Oregon, removed. Tho sneaker based this action on the ground tliat Mr. Williamson had failed thus far to attend a single mkm of the 50th congret-s. lie lias been con victed of participation In land fraud in Oregon. FIRST AND ONLY EDITION. Japanese Reds Cannot Long Maintain Anarchist Paper. San Francisco, Jan. 4. The case of T. Takouchi, of Ilorkeley, publisher of tho Revolution, will bo reported to the government at Tokio by Japanese Con sul Gonoral Uyeno. "Wo will make a roport of tho Ta keuchi incident to Tokio," said Secre tary Oyama, of the Japanco consulate yesterday. "Wo can take no action in the matter hero. It is in tho hands of tho local authorities, but wo will report tho matter to our government and send a copy of tho Revolution to Tokio. I think there will by no tecond issue of t'o publication. It is a publication that must cost somo money to get out, and tho half dozon or so young men wiio aro associated with Takcuchi in tho publication cannot bo very flush of funds." United States Commissioner of Im migration Hart II. North has been quiotly gathering evldenco against Takcuchi. He will forward tho re sults of his investigations to Washing ton. If arrests are to (be inado orders will be tent to North. Miners Strike for Eight-hour Day. Grass Valley, Cal., Jan. 4. Six hundred and fifty miners went on striko yesterday. Kvery union miner, witli tho exception of 60, who ure em ployed in four of tho smaller mines, Los gono out. They demand un eight- liour day. A peaceful settlement is I .probable. SHIP MAY BE LOST Life Raits Washed Ashore From City ot Panama, BAD STORMS HAVE BEEN RAGING Vessel Sailed From San Francisco on December 31 for Ancon, on Isthmus of Panama. San Francisco, Cal., January 5, A dispatch to tho Cull from Santa Crux says that a message received late last night from Waddell Homii, on the const 40 miles north of here, says that tho Pacific Mail steamship City of Panama has been wrecked and that most of tho 1 It) persons on board aro helium! to have perished. The utesfiigo states that four life rafts havo boon washed ashore fully provisioned. The City of Panama left San Fran cisco on Deeemlier 31 for Ancon, on tho Isthmus of hinnnw. Two of tho life rafts were found at Waddell bench and two a few miles farther south. All were plainly marked "City of Panama." They con tained stores such as are thrust into boats which put off from wrecked ships. One of the rafts contained a Ih)x of crackers and a cask of water. In tho boats were also found oars and boathooks. Two of tlie rafts were lashed together with mi. Terrific storms have leon raging ami it is deemed iinpossihio that any rafte which may bo alloat can survive tin storm. Tho impression prevails that every ono of the 00 na-ssengers and 50 member of the crew who left San Francisco has perished. It is lolieved that the City of Pana ma encountered a severe storm shortly after leaving San Francisco and tiiat she put wit to sea. Returning closer to shore to continuo her trip to the south, sho met witli another storm, which rondered her helpless. Whether sho was torn to nieces by Iho gale or driven on the rocks is not known. Helow Waddell beach wreckage is drifting ashore in vast quantities. Handlers are patrolling the aitore, watching for bodies which may drift upon the beach. San Francisco local marinors refute to believe tlmt the City of Panama 1ms been wrecked. They Mime she Is in distress in the storm ami tlmt her life boots were washed overboard. REMODEL INSURANCE LAW, California Legislature Will go to Work At Once on the Matter. San Francisco, Jan. 5. Immediately after the legislature convenes next Monday the first step will be taken to remodel tho insitmncu laws of Califor nia. Ono feature of the now insurance laws will bo a provision compelling foreign insurance companies to main tain very substantial deposits in Cali fornia hunks as a guarantee of their good faith in dealing with policy fodd ers. I no attempt to imps sucli n law will meet witli strong opposition ami a small army of insurance lobbyists is expected in Sacramento. An effort will also Ihi made to re quire all insurance com jinnies doing bus in cm in California to make full statements as to tlw securities they hold and to require tliat they jKireluise arst-eiaxi securities. Government Will Appeal. Washington, Jan. 6. Tho recent do eitiotM by Judge Kvans in the Federal court at Louisville und by Judge Mo Call in the Federal court at Memphis, declaring uneonstitutional tho employ ers' liability act passed at tho la-t ses sion of eongrofS, were brought to Presi dent Roosevelt's attention today, arid tho announcement was made nt the White Houso tiiut the president will direct tlmt an appeal Ihi taken. The president is greatly interested in this act and earnestly recommended to con gress that it be passed. Nebraska War on Lobbyists. Lincoln, Neb., Jan. 6. (Seorge L. Sheldon, in his inaugural address as govonorr urged that the lobby lie ban ished from tho state house, and insist ed that tho legislature enact a law mak ing it illegal to give or accept railroad passes In this state. In the houso of representatives Representative White ham offered a resolution which pro vides tliat "if any lobbyist shows on tho floor of tho houso while this body is in session tho sergcant-at-armi is in structed to ojeet him, forcibly if neces sary." Iho resolution was adopted. Allow No Laws Against Japanese. Honolulu, Jan, 5. It is believed hero tlmt tho Federal government is preparing to take steps to provent the passago by tho territorial legislature of any measures to discriminate J against the Japanese. ARMS SHIPPED TO OUUA. Secretly SmiiRRlod and Troops Aro Now Searching for Them. Havana, Jan. -'. A statement Is made heie that several thous.ind rlllos and machine guns represented to have lieeu landed In l'inar del Itlu province and hidden in tho woods near Muriel, have Uhh as secretly taken away. The recent movement of trout and isillco, which was considered mysterious In the light of llowrnur Mngoon s statement that there win no fear of an uprising in Culw, is explained by this announce meat, as it is known that the move munt was in the nature of a search for these arms. The H).slblllty of a clash between Culwns and American Innqn Is considered remote, as their relations art good. Tho natives, however, are plotting upiiiist one another. Just who Is rcsjioiislble. for the ship ment of the arms into Culm Is not known. One theory is that the arms were purchased by the former UUml junta in New York and shipped too late to Ihi used III the lust movement. It Is fewed that the arms are now in tho K-sesion of tho negns in the province. There are Indications tlmt it is going to Ito ililHcull to repre dis order by the growing Iwnds of negroe. who are burning corn llekl ami totwreo Intrns, robbing estate ami stealing oittlc. FAVORS RAISINQ SALARIES. Senate Committee May Restore the Amendment Rejected by House. Washington, Jan. 2. The sub com mittee of the tytialo committee on a im propriations, which, for the Ut week, Ims Itecn considering tlie legislative, executive and judicial approprtallou hill, lias considered tlw question of In creasing tlw salaries of senators and roH:s'ntatives. and now it seen prob able tltat tlie tub committee will recom mend an advance of Ml per cent on con gressional salaries. Tlte subcommittee is practically uimnitiMHis in the opin ion tliat such an increase tliould ls matte, Imt there is a general feeling tliat the lwe should Itave intcrtcd tlie provision. It aim looks as if the committee would recommend tliat the Ktvitena for increasing the salaries of tlte vkv president, seaker and cabinet oUkvn sltoukl !e eliminated unless a corrv sjionding increase is secured for senator and member of the howte. Many members of the committee think the senate rltould 1m given an 0f portunity to tws on the subject, and will advocate the incur; -wit ion of an amendment ih the bill by the commit tee covering the entire subject. RAILROAD IS NOT LIAOLfc Employer' Liability Act Declared Con trary to Constitution. Louisville, Jan. 2. Judire Walter Kvmim, in the Ftsleral court today, de clared the employers' liability act un enwtiUitioftal. The decision whs given in the ease of tlie administratrix of N. C. Ilrooks vs. the Southern I 'mi He rail way, am! Is Itc-lieved to U the first lianded down in connection with this act. The aliened cause of action occurred in Kama. The hindatnd of the plain tiff was killed in a railroad accident and suit was brought under this act for f 25, 0(H) damage and an amount sulll cient to cover the eot of cxona Inci dent to d'-ath. Tlie court holds tlmt the act in effect would regulate com merce within tho stale as well as Inter state commerce and is therefore uncon stitutional. The demurrer f the Southern Pacific railroad to action for damage is sustained. Livestock Convention Called. Denver, Jan, 2. A call Isis eon Is sued to nil live stock asroeiiitions, live stock producer und mem)Mr to attend tho tenth annual convention of tlie American National Livestock losocia- tlon, to Ih held at the Ilroudway the ater, Denver, January 22 and 2.1, 1007. Many imKrtnnt question are to U considered, among them inferior rail nmd service, from which shippers have suffered so disastrously and for which the association has already taken vigor ous stops to relieve. The subjects of forest reserves and grazing lands nre also to lo considered. Ask Protectorate for Cuba. Havana, Jan. 2. It is rctwrtod tlmt u jxiition for un American tirotectomte Is reaily to tw sent to Washington from HomcdioH, tho wealthiest district In Culm, signed by "00 native Cuban. Another petition from Cienfuegos is soon to follow, signed by several hun dred proiKtrty owners. In other jwrts of tho island, it Is stated, similar pe titions aro in courso of preparation. A weekly nottsjiuer udvocuting a pro tectorate, as u means of settling the Cuban situation, will probubly bo is sues!. Nw Laws Begin With New Year. Washington, Jan, 2, Yeslerday marked the beginning of tho life ot sev eral legislativeaeta of congress. Among them ure tho free alcohol law, the pure food law, theuntl jus section '.of tho interstate commerce law, tho modifica tion of the navigation laws, 'to simplify enrollments and licence, and a law with reference to tho licensing of drug gist in Uiu District ot Columbia. OFFER HIGHER PAY Secretary Hitchcock rmjinses a Flan to Keen Employes. GOVERNMENT SALARIES TOO LOW Scores of Postal Clerks Rntlr.n tfllcloncy of Service Will Uo Jeopardised. and Wnidilnictnu, Dec. .11. Failure at this time to Increase, materially the iMiuwiiHitlui of iKtslnllkv employes, thus keeping j wee with the advancing wages lii other lint of employment, will seriously jeopardise the clllcltmey of the service. This statement was. taken front the annual resirt of First Assistant Postmaster tieiierul 1 1 Itch cock, maile public today. The lieisl of new legislation to make the lal ht vke under tlw iireuiiitaiK,ee iiMin at tractive hi onler to nitniu tirweiil em ploves ami a an incentive for good men to enter the service Is treatisl exten sively by Mr. Hitchcock, who preront u plan for the consideration of eotigress. Hesignatloii from the serviie have inervnsed at an alarming rate ami the staiMlard ot men going Into the Mtrvice Itas gisatly deleriorateil in the last lis- cal year. Mr. -niteluss'k's reisirt shows tlmt In the first and second class otttceK tlwre were apiroxlmately SU.IHKI clerks In the grade ranging from HUM to 11,000 ami ot these clerks i',.1 Id or hixmii is..i imt leui n-sigueii iiuriiiK the year. Of 2.1.000 letter carries at taehed to tliee ntllces, 1)01 or alsait S.tl jier cent voluntarily left the service. Mr. Illuiieis'k recommend establlidi lug for lth elek ninl tarries six gmde of ciiinitensalloii. the huiiiwI salary to l. tMM) for the initial grade, f StM) for the secitfal grade ami for the four sue- cetsllllg gntden fDOO, fl.tMM), 1.1(H) ami ft.SUU rH.si'thely, himI pmvliling for tlie aovaweiiictit of clerk aiel iar riers in first cmm oIWt (mm MH) Ini tial gnvle to f.sOO alter Hie year's ser vice, Ui WM) alter two )ear service, to f 1.000 after three years' service and for tin advancement of clerk hiiI oir rier in second ela iilllce to f hOO af ter line year's service ami to fUOO after two ear' servUv. FOQ CAUSES WRECK. Thirty-five Killed and Many Injured In Suburb of Wsiloppion. Washington, Dec. XI. An appalling disaster resulting in the tleutli of about 35 iierxms and injuries, as far aa can !e learned, to alsait 50 eronH, tsvur red alsait 0X0 o'clock last night on the llalttmore A Ohio railroad at Term Ctta, a suburb of Wahinalon. The Frederick City, Md., ImwI No. M, on the Mint of pulling out from (Ih sta tioti, was run into by a train made up entirely of eight empty oache ImmiimI from the Went for Washington. The engineer could not see the block on account of the heavy fog ami piling cd ahead on Ids mission of death. A dcitse fog ami driiillng rain iifevslled during the day and the night ami to the inability of the engineer of the rear train to see the signal showing tlmt another was In the block Is nttrllHited the accident. The guide at the place where the accident ooeurrisl Is down ward and the tracks were slipery. The wm-ked train was iMiiite. of an engine, siiKiklug car ami two day oochos. The two rear ivwehes weie reduced to kindling wood, and Iho rear of the smoker was teescoSs. Ko great was tho Imistct that the lornl train was Miitterisl along tho tmek for a consid erable distance. Fortunately the wreck age did not take fire. Traffic was delayed by tho accident. nun ii nun uiier iiiidiiicni iiemro urn i i. ... . ... . r, . . .. botlics of the dead could o luought to the city. There hum an entire absence of any attempts at theft, As soon as poeallilo the Isslles wero covered mid laid aside to await the coming of thu train seat irom the city. From the apisniranco of the I todies It Is believed that marly all of the vic tims were killed outright or died with in a few minutes after tho accident. Report Filed on Townilto Fraud. Washington, Dec. .'U.Tho riiwt of William Dudley Foulke, sent lo the In dliiu Territory by President Hoosuvolt toreKtrton tho lownsllo frainl, has Ih'hii received by Secretary llllelicoek and by him turned ovur to tho law nll. ceis of the Interior ilepartniuiit. lis piihlleatioii will not lie made for some weoks, If at alt. It novers but one fixt ure of affairs In the Indian Territory, and until other rotoils Itoarlng upon similar matters aro lecolvod by the secretory nothing will be given out In relation to the subject. Olve Pope Money to Fight Franca, Homo, Deo. 31 Tho pope Iiiih receiv ed many iinixirlanl donations to holn him In Iho dllllcultlcH with France. They include HOO.OOO from HuiKiror lnincis Jtwepli of Austria and $400,000 from Cardinal Vaslmry, archbishop of Umu, Hungary. EUROPE CIIIIM'LED, All Communication Slopped and Somo Lives Lost by Hloitn buidon, Dee. ail. It ha eoii niiuty years sIium (Vntial KuroMi Keiieially lias suffeiiHl so seveiely fnun Ml ,ictlo visllatloii it it ha (hi week. I'mn, I'lance, llelgliiiu, WwiKerlaiitl, ()er. many ami Austria-Hungary thu mllm lulu Is repented of heavv snow slorms Interruption of vehicular, telegrHphle ami mlltiwd eoiuiniiiiliull.tii, Iimm of life and general discomfort, While Omit llrllnliiasa rule emaiNHi winter w wither, sho he sulleied this year to mi almost iinpriHili'iii.,(k.r,, Aceoidlng to reHirl tonlglit rm uoitliein Miiuta, the storm I glowing worse. The Initvy snowstorm which U'Hiiu several days ngo still ointlmie. They are accoiiiiuled liy violent gi(i and even thunder storm in somn place, mid have resulted la a mtLmh rullrond noiilent near Arlxiralh, Hvt,i. laud, In which iiImhiI 50 Hron wem killed or siifferetl serlou Injury. Hailruul traltle In the north of Cng. land and iioclnlly Scot laud U Iss-om-lug comiilololy tlisl up. Ijtrgo toivn like IMlulHirgh, Kumlee and Perth aio alinoot Isolatisl. The telegiHhlr rer vles are dlit)inlMs und would be completely ueleM leit for the extension In recent jeer of the underground wire. The siHiHstorn, eHitlniie with equal severity In Noitheru Wale und in Ireland. DMEDQEH TO DIQ CANAL. Commission Calls lor Uldi for Two With Pipe Lines. Washington, IHw. SV ltevle. iw cifiratlo4ia Itave lttsn iireimretl by th Isthmian ('turn I com m iw is mi for ii iililme dreluM to m uwsl nt la Itora ami Crlftolwl. t'rxler tlie ortKiim) siMnirlcatlixis bid were asked for ihi these dredge delivered In thl country. The new ssiltcMtlon ask for piopisal delivereil rendy for work In Panaina, i me en the PacHk side of the iMliriiua ami the o titer ihi the Atlantic sole. PrujMwal are also Mkc ihi the machin ery kms'ked down In Panama. Tliie dreilge aro required for haiUtr work, a well a (or drelgirig at lb end of the canal. The commission now ha lvodli"'r dretlgen at work in Panama aiel a third drislge ol tin tie rer I pi ion I hum' building. The (st of tlieo drislge varies from fltM.tHH) bis! 10S.500, ami It is Isdlevisl that Urn cost of tlie pltoline drislges will lt nlsHit tho same. The eomiiiliHi alfO Im two Mii-goIng dredge Iwltding near HaltliiHire. Knch of thre I 300 feet long and l rowhlc of going to sea uieUr It own stmui nt a ed of eight or ten kiKits an iHMtr. One of these will l ul,ou the Pacific side of the tone arsl the other on the Atlantic. HILL WILL RETIRE. His Son to Assume Active Control of Great Northern. St. Paul, Minn.. IW. 8VI President .lames J. 1 1 III, of the (ireat Notthern rallrwd, Ute empire Isilkler of tint Northwest, will rnire from the active management of hi mammoth enter prise July I, 11107. The iiniioiliHf. meut I creilltetl to Mr. Hill himself in a conference lteld with Twin City lawl lie num. Mr. Hill's successor will Is IHils W. Hill, vice president of the fircat North ern, who in reality ha been In active charge of the road fur the tat three years. I.. W. Hill jstefesses to a con siderable extent the remarkable gen i as of hia father. a ha been demonstrated on more than one (mi-unIoh He ha also ln carefully trained llu the way of hi iwrellt, am! Itesldes iHweiiig iialiitnl nbllliy, U thoroughly po-tod oa to the Hill uiethiMls ami mi1IcIim. Humors have len current at the I- ginning of the faint few year tltat Mr. inn would retire, mil the muuiutto lm kept ns hard at work as ever, m-pito his 07 yimrr he I ns strong intollivtual ly a 'JO ymr ago, but he feel that thu Is entitled to a rest from his hart I la Intra. In n public speech delivered some time ago he raid that lie wn pre wiring to lift some of the burdens from ills I nick. Ho said he hoped that he would devote considerable time to rind ing, u pleasure which he has not N-ea able to pursue as much as he would like. naliull Prepares for War. Tunglor, Morocco, Dee. 20. Acconl ing to the laisl Information obtainable, ltailstill has refused to resign his gov ernorship, and Im unit his hnroui to tho mountains under tho protection of a detachment of Kahyles, mid is prepar ing to meet the force of War Minister (lablmsat Zlnat, Tho war minister entered the city In state today and went tolhognind mosque, wheto ho solinen ly rend a littler from the sultan dis missing Halsuli from his irovernor- ship for causing Injury to thu conn Transports May Take Food to China Washington, Deo. 20, Quarter master (leneral Hiimphrev has nntillcl Hccretary Taft that ho 'has available two transports in which supplies for the Chinese famine sufferers may lie sent. These are tho lltiford and the Warren, inith at Kan Francisco, Secre tary Tuft . uivon the roconvenlmr of con gress, will ask for authority to uso ono of those vihooU for tho relief mission.