The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 28, 1906, Image 5

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New Ymr'n chiiIh can lw proem cd
ill (trnnt'H.
C. C Clime wwi in Henri Wednes
day Itoin hi kiiicIi viiMt or town.
II. J KHIii WM ftltttiiliiiK to bind-iic-hm
innttriN In Henri WedneiMlay.
John Steldl Hiiri wife left Tlimt
day on a luiniiieiw and plttNMir lrli
to Miunenotn.
School will Ihj otwued again,
alter tlif holiiUy vacation, on Mon
day, Juiiunry 7.
Felix Muitter and family tno now
located in their fine new lemrience
near their imvvinill.
KeuicitilxH' the Imnri boys' dunce
on New Veur' eve, Motidny nilit.
riiiimmun 50 cuiitM; ladle free.
There will be ClituUlnu linden v
or oervlccH in thu church Sunday
(.-vctiniK. IwKlnnhiK at 7:30 o'clock.
Mr. hikI Mrs. F. C. Knwlew
moved front Redmond onto their
ranch cant of Henri the first of the
The theme of Hev. Taveiior'a
vrmoii lor next Sunday morning
Mill k. "TliScrtt of n Happy
Home "
Get your order in early for the
in initnoih New Year' edition of
I'll Orrjjoniau. Send one to your
f'tPiiiN. A. II. Gmant.
The Hullrtiii family is indebted
J. I. Vrt lor the uifl of a flue
ruin hickeu for their Christm '
niirr It wan tbc fitiett ever. The yoMiig folks of the Van de
Mr Mrs. II. C. I'M rPte. I "i !"?! T"1 VP lo fhir( ran?"
-.r. licnd ot a eiKhborh,KKl1a'ThVyie",,?W" C.l ? Uv
. .ihe....Knnthc Allen IMnw, ' -,,f b' P1,", whUe , l '
.in-h near CHnc I'tllt. ChrUtma !&.rt mme " Xo to iiiI the
,i,v holiday week. The parly com-
I prises George. Grace. Claurie ami
lad Weal and CarlyWTripleU Arthur Vauricvert anil Kenneth
"ie in the timber south ol town i Minor.
i itc-rilay getting out tome big log't I .-. ...
Ik: haulrd to torn for stove 1 ,Thf .. !,""" . company u-m
Nick Welder and K. Smith were I
ih eicrdy putting up crow.- (
f Itla ntaal irirAl.tM ! a ' lata A
...-. ... .(vf.M.ii m wns km n
phone to I placed in the new tei
'! m-c of h'clix I.itmier.
Mr. nd Mrs. I I). Wiett were
11 'st and IioMcm to 11 few friends
m .1 v. iirittniM dinner. ihoe m
ut were J. 1. Wel. G.
1 tt and John Sisemore.
W. Trip-
- 1
W. 1. Yiiudcvcrtcamcdnwit from ,
jtlu- r.uich to spend CbrUtntM with
nts lamily in town. Uter he went ,
I" Frmevillr to jmrtkipate in aornr !
..oinR" b) 4 )u.Ke at that place
The buMitewi meeting of the1
I..ilir Aid society of the Metho
lit KniMxp4l church will meet nt j
Mis Oaldwell'a Wednesday after-
.. - . I
hi' oii, Inn.
Come early and bring
1 friend.
To the People of Henri: I have
I' uteri the Triplet t hnrbeuhop and
am prujMireri to give goori, clean
n-rvice, clean towels, otc. I solicit
a share of our patronage. J . C.
TllORf. .ll-.j.J
Mill Marion Wiost wiwliea to
thank the lariiea anil all who
kindly lieltHrtl in drilling the chimin
lor the ChriHttiia enntatn and in
the work of making the CI11 istnuiN
. xercisoH a succenti.
If you are losing your hair try a
iJKittleol Thorp's Herb Nourish-
uu-ut It is guaranteed lo stoni,.,,,,.,..,! n.,.i .iiu.wvc.i ..t .1' ' it..
ailing hair, remove rinurirulT, ami
iroditcc a
new growth
W. S. Nichol.
of hair
'or sale by
How About That
New Year's Dinner ...
(ioiug to liuvo BoiiH'thlng of 11 fontt
lire )ii iiotr mmcr klart tm- New
. Vmr In 11 proticr iiianner tiyontliify
h the wniitnof tile iuiu-r 1111111. You
mil liinl help hi Nlrliol'H giocun ilcnait-
Imciit. Here tire jiut t few tnciiiory jug
KtrHof what wc lime for that New
i"ir Hillniii-i
Cninbcrrics, Prepared Mince
Aleut; Raisins, life, (or Fruit
Cuke; Cnnncd Goods, Nuts,
llf Atpny Klndsj Mncnronl,
BpiccH, 11ml ninny, many
.other kooiI things.
Wo Can Fill Your.. Larder
with tho Best of Eatablep.
MNO Prescriptions filled b'iln
experienced Registered lhartn,ncist
O. S. Crocker left lait Sunday
moniliiK tOHponri thu holiriayM at
thu old home in Portland.
Henri merclianlx rcjmrt a very
Mtlxlactory Chrinttn IjiimIikw
Many out-of-town people did their
trading here. They arc learning
that Iknd toret are Rood place
ut which to do their flopping.
II. C. KIIIn and Nick Weilcr
went tip to The Meadow laNt Fri
day afternoon mid put in 'phones
in Ihe'reiiiricnceuof II. Frank Went
Mix! Millard Hawthorne. These
two phoneH ate on the new Rostand
Frank Hensley and wife were in
Henri Saturday attending; to bus!
net from their ranch near Forked
Horn llutte. Mr. Iletnricy has a
liomenteHd and some ditch land
there and is well pleased with Des
chutes vnllcv as n crop producer.
The public school of Henri closed
last Friday afternoon for a two
weeks' vacation, the crowning
event of the day beiiiR the holding
of Christmas uxcrc kcs in Mrs
.Smith's room. A Christina trie
in all it lory made the little folks'
eyes sparkle, and a pleasing pro
Kram was rendered.
IS. Gamut hasjnst completed a
new roof on his residence in the
Arnold ditch district and has also
dried a fine, large veinnria. Mr
Garrati wtUMileatchilect and build
cr. His friends nnnonnoc that
ths improvement look suspicions
and that "theie may lie omcthli'K
loin . "
iuivto mm wk 10 jhu up crow
tttts on the note amr U'ull inti
to acrommortate the wire for the
I.intler 'phone. Four trim
.. . t t I
cMrryuiR 12 wire eacn or
,ol . wires had lieen filiwl. An
other evidence ol iuereiuHMl busiuei
In Henri.
I.. I). Wlent returned to Henri
4 I If rrt at uleelit (( an atoiit -,. T
three week. HuriuK thnt time he
ban been engaged on an exploring
expeuioou in i lie .Metoiluti river
region. On completion of the work
" ,u"1 '"-""'y "c exjiecis 10 go to
Warm VK to continue work
,rom ,hc Mctoliua north.
The aack of letter and regiatereri
mail that wmk reMrtcd lout laM
e.-k was not lout but had been
earned from Priueville bock to
4u tlkMt islnll.. 1U. ....k.. .
Hhauiko by mUtnke. The stage
I'toiu Slimiiko mid the one leaving
for Slmuiko pnllcil up to the Priue
ville poMoffice alout the same time.
and theilriver, who was just leav
ing for bhaniko, got hold of the
wrong wick and carried it back to
thu railroad,
Christinas exercises at the union
church Monday evening called out
a large attendance, and the cantata,
"The Capture of Santa Claus,"
was pleasing to nil. Miss Marion
Wiest had drilled a chorus of about
.jo voices so well that it was n treat,
indeed, to listen to them. After
Smiln f'liiiw liml lu..,. nmiu.l.i
,...... ,iimriimi. niwi ' . ,,,:,;,
. - ... j .
III the hoilie WCIIt llOtlll- rnrruttirr n
' large sack of candy and nuts.
Christmas exercises at the Cath
olic church were enjoyed by a
goodly numlwr. The church had
been very prettily decorated and
was lighted throughout with can
dles, a handsome tree stood in the
corner, and a pleasing- program
was given by the children. Candy,
ixmcoru, apples and nuts were dis
tributed to the children later in the
evening by Santa Claus. The suc
cess ol tire evening's exercises is
due largely to Lon Pelarske, who
labored faithfully in decorating the
church and tree.
Deer Aro Plentiful.
Deer are icported to be plentiful
on the desert in the southern nart
of the county, and two were killed
within two or three miles of Red
mond. The deer arc driven out of
the mountains by the snow, and
come dbjA to the desert to feei
during the winter season. It has
not been many years since, large
herds of them rohtaed over the
desert unmolested, but the settlimr
up of Ul0 Central egon country
iiuTiiuiwuifu nicir iiumocr in cue
past teu years. Madras Pioneer.
KB tr
Cents on
HcKinniiiK on December 1 1000, and continniiix
to January I, 1007. I uillrioall
Denial Work for Just Half Price
or for 50c on the Dollar.
It s-hotild be distinctly uinierHtood that woik
done fir this price will lie s yoori ns the best
no cheap work or cheap material. My regular
charges will be resumed after Juiiunry 1.
Tho Central Ore
gon Banking d&
Trust Company
Capital 525,000.00
Trnnsncts nClcncrnl IJimk
Iiik Utislncss.
Acts its Administrator, Ex
ecutor or Trustee of I-Istntes
Issues Drafts nnd Hank
Money Orders on till Foreign
Interest on Time Deposits
Safe Deposit Boxes.
Fire Insurance.
A. M. Drake, A. I.. (mkxIhIIII-,
l'reahUmt. Vire I'ren.
). M. Iwrviirc, Secretary.
I'. O. MliHir, Cailor.
V. A. of Redmond Will Have
Tim o on January 7.
The local camp of the Modern
Woodman of America at Redmond
will hold a public installation of
officers on the evening of Saturday,
Jauunry 7. A big time is planned
ami the Woodmen expect to treat
all who attend to a very pleasant
Polhnviug the imitallation exr
cises there will be a basket festival
or supper. All the ladies are re
quested to take a basket containing
enough toothsome viands to satisfy
the hunger of two.
Tim evening's program will close
with n grand dance.
A bill look between Priueville
and O'Neil some time ago, con
taining Link checks mid other pa
pers. Checks have been cashed.
Kinder please return to J, P. Haley
at Laiillaw and receive reward, it
You ought to read The Pullet in.
Commission and forwarding
Large, Commodious Warehouse. Consignments Solicited
Prompt attention paid to those who.
favor mt! with their patronnge
Bend fcivefy & Transfer Stable
; ( W. J. ROBISON', Proprle'tor.
i.l, ui SV l!
glgstnCings JLiveryRigs lor Rent, . TpNo, ,15
OMiit itrltt, tetwetu MluueiU aud OrtKoo,
the Dollar.....
HcnJ, Oregon.
pjp'5 Wf
tte vounAl from die
worries and catcj which have
worn vow nerves. Dnnl of
iKe wonderful witen here.hoie
rtnutkable Drooerties will bnnz wur
relief from rheumatism, chrome con-
fo'pitioo. lodijefiKxi. kidney and
bladder troubles and many nervous
disorders. Thu splendidly equipped
sanitarium possesses every medical
resource, provides every luxury of the
fineft hotel and offers all the comforts
of the home. Located amid the
mountains where mignificrnl scenery,
delightful wa!b,and fine fuhingabound.
tAfermatto at fe tqulpmtmt, arrm
mutailtnt and raft chnrfultj tupptltd
upn rtauttt
notwrtlno Klves what every woman
mont desire a perfect complexion
It Iirlngn thnt soft, smooth, frli.
clear tint to tho chMk that donotea
youthMIneM. It will brlnjr beauty
to thoan who lack It; it wilt retain
It for thono who already poeM It.
It wilt enable you to lurnuafulty
combat th rarai-(v ot weather nnj
time. Don't doubt don't arsue. Juat
try Itnbertlno Your drasRlst will
Rtvo you a freo sample. All drug
alata keep Hobertlne.
Bend, Oregon.
id 1 icc nunoi nun uic am 15
mtijM ' - -.
HAINCS, sSBm9nX" jf
Slaughter SaJe!
Havlnp; purchased the Chapman stock of .dry
goods, etc., the same will be sold at greatly
reduced prices. Thps stgck must be sold at once
1 a
to make room for a fine line of winter goods.
We have some fine bargains in
Dry Goods, Shoes, Ladies and Men's fcurnisJrings,
Crockery, Tinware, Etc., Etc.
11 L n-,.:
A. C. LUCAS, Proprietor
Tables supplied with all the delicacies of the season
First-class Equipment
All stages stop
' 1 1
Good Rigs -:
IM--AI.KKX IK AM. K!N! O;-1 .f'
Central Oregon Real Estate
Timber and Desert Lands a Specialty k
Wc buy or sell youi land no matter where situated. We can sup
ply you with any class of land at any time. Call on us or write for
further particulars.
WlBB nwRanaa
in i" w
F Hotel
New House, New Furniture, Reasonable Kates. Good Rooms
Always Reserved for Transient Trade.
Massachusetts Mutua
Lafe Insurance Company
Nearly 300 SATISFIED policyholders iu Crook County.
Timber Laml, Act ol Juue J. lilt.
U. 6. 1 J ml OITict, The Oatl, OttOU,
N'ovtmUer JO, lfA.
Notice It hereby given that in comminute with
(he jvrorUiont ot the Act of Coiinr. of Juhc j.
SV. cntllleit "An act (be the male of tlmtwr lanoa
m the Dtala of California. OrK. Neva J:, awl
Wathington Territory," a rxtetHlU to alt the
public Una state by act of August 4. I'i
Jauiea lire n
of Ikml, County of Crook, lale of Oregon, lus
thta ilay filnl In thU office hi sworn statement
No 6u for the purchase of the cMuwV awl cH
swy olaeciS, tp 19 s, r lie, w m
And will offer proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for its timber or
stour than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish hit claim to said laud before II. C.
Kills. I'. S. Comuilssoncr. at his office iu Ucud,
Oregou, ott the ulh day of I'ebrusry, 1907.
He uanien as witnesses Percy U'aUei, Peter
Simon, John I.. Kever, Joseph N. Hunter,
Charles U. ltrown, Charles M. Wcyntoatb, all of
Ucud, Oregon.
Any and alt persons diluting adversely the
abore-describetl lands are requested to file their
claims in this office on or before said 1 jth day of
I'ebrusry, 1997.
d7-f8 MICUAUI. T. NOLAN. Kcglstcr.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878,
U. S. Land Office, The Datlei, Oregou,
Octolscr jo.'jjo.
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with
the provisions of the Act Ut Congress of June 3,
1S78. cutitletl "An act for the sale or timber lauds
In the states ofCaliroruiit, Oregon. Nevada, and
Washtugtou Territory," as extended to alt the
public laud stntes by act ufAugust 4, lis J.
Percy A. yvalier
of Ilend, county of Crook, state of Oregon, has
this day filed in this office his sworn statement
N. JXJ, for the purchase cf the ueV of sec i,t
19 s, r u e, w ut
Aud wl',1 olTer proof W ihow that the,t((rid
sought is. more valuable far its tlmter or stniie
than for agricultural purpK's, aud to establish
his clal m to aald laud beloFi. II. C lUlls, U. S.
Coium tsslouer. at hUofficiln Ucud, Oregon, on
the lUh day of I'ebrusry, 10y
He names as witnesses: ltrtieit A. OrlfBu, Jos
enh N. llunirr. William 11. .Stasis. Albert C
Lu'.as, L. H. McCanu, Joliu St.ilUI, all of Ucud,
Any ami all pe
above-described li
persons ctalnilti.-r aderely the
llandsarcrrijyMUtl to fttetheir
Mce OhTJrbelllre laid UiHliCy of
claim in this brace
I euruary, 1037,
Uj-fB MICJIAKL V UOCUl, liegUtcr.
awwmannniu neSM
Fine Rooms and Beds
at the hotel door
.. . . - .
Reasonable Charges
!Tt Corj
17. S. Laud Office, The OaUes, Oregon
December 4 x
A wffieknt contest atBdavlt having been 6I-.'
In this oifice by Ilewtle A Vill.liin, contestant
against homestead entry No. 11J15, made Oclob
en. luii. furnKU NKU. KKSKK. V hi.'. ,
Sec. u. Tp 19 A-, K i. K , W M by Oeorge VV
seliucli, cunlestre, Iu which it is allegcu thor
uhl Oeorge W hchuch has wholly abandom I
said tract, that he has changed ais resident
therefrom for mort than six raoMbi la.
past, that said tract is not sctthKl utoi
and cultivated by asid party as rrauirr.'
by law, that said allese-J absence was not ilu.
to his emnlovtnent in the aruiv. 11a vv or nianm
corps ofthe United State In time of war
parties are nercoy notineu to appear, respond
and offer evidence touching said allegation at
lo o'clock a. m. on January JJ. i'7 before
II. C Hills, a U. K. CommtMtoocr at hU office in
llend, Oregou, and that filial hearing will be heM
at to o'clock a. iu. on February 1, ita. before the
Register and Receiver at the ,U b Land Other
The Dalles, Oregou.
The said contestant having, In a proiwr affida
vit, filed December 4, I96, set forth tact whub
ahow after due diligeuce persoaal service of this
notice can uot be made, it la beieby ordered anil
directed that such notice be given by due am'
proper publication.
Timber Land, Act Junes, ''"
U. 8. Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon,
November a, 1906
Kotlce Is herehvelven that In compliance with
the provisions of I the act of Congress of June .
1S7S, entitled "AnUct for the sale of timber lands
in the States, of VCaftforula, Oregon, Nevada anil
YaahtugtoulTctTilory,, u eatiuded to allth.
public laud states by act of August 4. l'J.
UcrthftO. Morrill
of Bend, county of Ctook, state of Oregon
has this (lav Hied In thU'offlce her Sworn state
I incut No. 37. for the purchase of the ikH of
(ecu, tpiys. r lie win" l
And wilt offer proof 'to show that the land
sought la more valuable lor lis timber or stone
thau fur agricultural purnbses, aud to establish
her claim to aald lsnil, before 11 C. Kills.
U. S. Commissioner, .at his office Iu Ueudl Ore
i;oii, on the uthdayof febjuary, iy?.
She names a witnesses: Joseph N Hunter,
.Michael J Morrison, Hotxrt J McCaun, Ku
Wilkliisau aud Arthur li. Morrill, all of llenu
Any and all persona claiming adversely thi.
above-described laadsare 'icqucated to' file tliei -claims
In thU office on -or 'before said ijth day ot
l'cbruary, 1907.
d7.f JdlcUivHt, T. NtLAN-UegUI;t,
"There's NEWS in The Bulletin