Proposed Oregon Tax Law (Cimtliiiirit (rum Imi wwk) Assiwmr lo glvn cortlllcnto of assess. mi'iit Penalty for refusing.) Section "I. Any twrson mwonscd for tiny year limy demand of tlm UMiwiir nn nineiui eortiiicutoof turn fact, ami iiMin tin refund of Hut ussi'SHor to give tho mum lu slinll Imi lined III 111 sum of f 100, lo Ik collected liy tho jmtmiii Ilcniniulliig tho miiiiii In imiii'lloii III Hid imiuoof the irly Injured iH'fiiro any JiinUci of Hid iM'iico In mid county. (II At" C(iliii , JIM, vtlUitiiit rlmiiKti ) RAssoMnioiit roll What lo contain.) Section 25. Tlmt section 3071 of llio ('tales iiml Htntiitofi of Oregon, compiled niiil nnnntutnl by lion. ('barb H. IM- llimiTliml William W. llottotl, Imi Mini the mine hereby In amended lo rend n follows 'II i itotxHHtr slmll col down In Dim if- rwssiuciil roll, In evirnlo columns, iiiiiI nccordtng to tlio lsit liiforiiuitlon lie loin obtain 1 'I'lic million of nil tiuiibh tiorroiin in lil county iismwmiIiIii liy lilm. !. A det-orinthiii of tiifli tract or imr- ! col of Inml to W taxed, sN-oifyliig under seiwmte hituU tlm towiinhip, rung, iiml cii't ion in which llu mud litis in Irate not divedlng u quarter section ittvnrding to tln goiemim-nt stiriey, or If diilded Into lot iiml blocks, then tlu iiuiiiImt of tin' lot Hint lilix-k. U 'llm iiiimlM-r of hciv nnd irt of nn hiti', ns nttir n tin mim rati Imi n- tVrtllllled. Utile I JlH HHIIO n) divided Into block nml lot. -I llm nil nmli tit Iim of Mich parcel of Inml taxed. ft. Tim IhxhIiIh HTWHinl proimrly owned by or to Imi Uixed to Midi imtwhi n provided by Inw, hihI tin full mli nbu thereof, nnd iiomif im allowed. II. Tin total wihuttloti of all proixrty tiixil, nnl nml (mtmhiiiI. For iivenlsiHV the nwenMiient roll nuiy Im divided hi it to show seirHtc ly nwconiiii'iitu of real proNrty or lamln iiiul lot, ami nwemunenU of mtmiui1 iniM-rty. (IVimlu llir Miwcnt toll t lilll-lil ln In tt tut rnHnlffftf, h lulM nl roll In tiMii riiMONiin l"lM bUMVfl IMW, H rlmlliK l h'l 4rHil ll'H-riif. oh itur I mnl tin MHMPMillr cwmlMirMHM nil unwrlMf ,( if not mm wtw Uimi tt mrtrt In ft llll tlftft ) (City, village, or town In which lot an situated to Imi named.) motion 80. WIiuh hits nn situated In nny city, village, or town, a pint of Mhlrh clinll luixii Uiui recorded, tin city, village, or town In which the mum urc ritontcd fhnll Imj rKclfiiil In tbu am mvnt roll. (NorliM(f ) (Tntt pniiMTty Itpnnwmilntlvo char actor of holder iliwlKtmttnl.) (Sw-tlwi 27. Tlmt nvthm 3073 of the (lm nml HtntuttM of Oregon, ix)iiiillml nii'l nniuitiitiHl liy I Ion. t'lmrlt II. IM llii-r ami William V. Cotton, Imi himI tin Mtmc htrchy in miifnlil to ntul nn follow N. When any jhtikih In (t(MWl an trim ti'i', Kuiinlmn, cxctilor, nruiliuliiintrnt ir a ilcnlnntitloii of bin rtiriHntiitivt i'bnnictiT chall Imi mlilisl to bin iwnu', nml miclt iiwcwincnt chnll U cntcrxl in n c'Kintt lint) from liix imliviibial ii riwmmciit, ami ho clinll Imi iikkwimI fur tbu nu I ami Momtl imMrty bolil by lilm In niuh n'inicimtiitlvu character at thu full valuu then-of. (Nu rlikiiitP, nrI'l In irnulr tlil ronl, I Mrll ivftl, iuitx Mill I utMtixt at full tjulue ) Accwnmcnt iiml taxation of unillvltli! Inlcnmt in real or Mirnotialin)iM'rty.) rH-ctlnn -H. An umllvloVI Intcnwt in lamln or lotn, or otlmr nal projMTtv, limy Imi iimhwih! nml tnxil hh inich. Any ihtcoii ilcnlrliiK to my the tax on nn iimllviihil liilcnwt In any nil I prop- orty nuiy ilo hi by niyliiK llm tax ! Iti'tor a Mini ixpial to nucli pniortlon of tlm entire taxim charniHl on llio unt Ire tract iih tho Intercut xil(l on Ikmihi to tbu whole. (Nw, Iml f ompro Itcremie Ijiwi WmIiIiik- lltt,Nllll6l.) (Ileal jmiiKTly llow ilwicrllMil.) Buction W. That urotlon :iU74 of tbo ohH nml HtatuU'H of Oivkoii, winpllisl iml nnnotatcd by Hon. Clmrlcn II. Itub HiiKcrnml William W, Cotton, bo ami tlm niiiiu hereby Ih iiinciuhyi to read iih followii: It thu Inml iiMKCNced lo Ion or other than n miIhIIvIhIoii aixxinlliiK to tbu United KtatcN mirvey, unlrrni I ho nuiui Imj iltvlilcl into lotn ami blockH ho that it nin Ihi dollnltely iIuhltIImxI, it hIiuII Imi iIckltIIkmI by nivliiK tbo ImiiiularleH tbcrwif, or by rufitronco to n ilcwcrlptlon tburuof by iiuinler iih contained In tho diwcrlptlon liook iih boruliiaftor provided or in Mich other manner iih to nmku tbo loHcrlptlon curtain. (I'prmlu ninnl mimtior, rcfcrtlnn In n tie rrli'tlnii Uiok iiiliilliH"l n ft ii'riiiiiiil roc orillntlui tux rnlli'i'lor'a nntru In llou nl iiii'lo fttnl Imiiiiila ilorrl'tli)ti. Tlili I'ruvliluil la borrow i'l (rum Wftililngloii.) (What hliall Ira tiulllolont doncriptton in iiHHonHiuont.) Koctiou IK). That ncctlon 3075 of tho CodoH nml Htatuten of OrcK'on, compiled nml nnnotaled by Hon. Charlon II. Itch linger and William W. Cotton, bo and tho wiino hereby in nmondod to read iih followHi It Hliall bo mifllclont to doHcrlbo landn in nil pnxvtHllngH relative to tho hhhchh. iiiKi collecting, advortlHliiKi or Holllng tho wimo for Uixch, by Initial lottor, ah LrevlatlojiD, ilgureu, mictions, und ox- '"'1, J IMimnitri to iIiwIkhiiIo tbu lownxblp, nuiKc. hh'IIoii, Mirt of rectlon, dlHtaiico, cniirHc, iMtirliiK, umldlriKvlloii, nmlalm) thu iiiiiiiIkt of IoIm nml hlixikH, or jmrt thereof. (SiirlmiiKP, pir-. liifttnillfx llm turmlMlm liliinvlmliiiia In mrriHixinl wllli linn dull ttarlly iiMt.) ( Dtwrlpllon IxNik ConlonlH.) Miftlon .11. Tbiira nlmll Im kept in the nlllce of tlm tux eollii-bir n Ixxik, to bn known iiMth(iiliwrlitloii hook, which hIiuII Imi arnuiKiil by onlnr of m-cllntm or land elalimi, lownnhljiM, nml rniiKCH. Tlm iiHnitMor may enter therein, under tlm proiMT niiiiioriciilhiiidliiK, any tract of laud by a mctcx ami IxinndM diwrlp tlou thereof, hIIiiiiIihI within niich Inml eliilui or HK'tlou, nml hliall give to inch tract o( laud ho drwrilMil nml entered a iiiiiiiImt, to Imi llKUittil iih Tax No. , ami tlm IiucIm In ench hiicIi rt' tlou ami laud claim nhall Imi iiiiiiiImtiiI coiiKcoutUoly. Kueb iiuuiImt nhall Imi pliutil on tlm iiwtfMiincnt mill tax mlln to llldldile that certain piece of real en Into iMtiriiiK nucli iiiiiiiIht in tbo do H'riptlou Uiok, nml dwrllx-d by incti-H nml ImiuiiiIn under nucb nutiilMir In tbo ilencriptiiiu Ixxik; ami In all protx-d-InitH fur the itHMtwiiient, levy, ir iiilln. tlou of tnxcrt, or will) of property, or other pnctiMllnpt for tillitiion of ! llniUeiit taxcM, wild ditilKiiiitlon rdiall brtii Miilllelent dwK'rlpt ion, nnd it hliall mil Im iiHiwHry to enter In hiicIi pro ceealinijtH h dettcrljitMHi of Much tract by mete ami ImmiiiiIm. (Sew. MHni'im lleH ltwi W.IiIhIh, IWM, r1lH 17 ) (l)lvlnl(in of lUwutMiueiit nmdo ujnn whole tract I'aymeiil of tax on Jrt of tract.) HiK-tlon .12. Any imthoii dcHlrlnt? to lty laxeH on any ptirt or imrtM of any mil itilnto hereloforu or hemifter hm rpt(l an oim nil or tract may do hi by applying to the tax iidleetor, wImi mimt rnrefully imenllpHto ami urnvr tain tlm relative or pn)irtlnmte value wild jirt lMHn to tlm whole tract iih. HTwed, on which ImhIh tbo mwwuiont miMt Im dlvideil ami tbo tax wllecteil nwonllnKly: I'nivlilpl, where tbo iw hiwmmI Miliuit Iihi of the trad to U dlvld e exciili f'.',000, a liothv htatlliK tlm iIIvIhIoii iiitixt 1m m'lit lo tlm known neutral owncrrt lutentitel in tho tnict, by n'k'lhtenil mail, unlet they nil ap ply to tlm tux collector to divide tbo nn Honrtincnt; nnd If no pnitenlupiliiHt hnid iIIvIhIoii Imi OIinI with tlm tax collector within llftiTii iIuvh from ditto of notice, tho tax collector hliall duly aixvpt poy ment and Ihoio envlpt on tho appor tionment it by lilm tiuule. In caw-H when' protiitt in llltsl to tutid iIIvIhIoii, Hit matter xball bo hetinl by tho coun ty court at Hh next roKiilar wtmlon for tntiwictlon of county Inminctwi, ami tho county court nhall mako a lliml dlvlnion of tho hhIiI nitMerMUieiit, iiml tbo tax col lector hliall collect, aiwjit. ami receipt fur wild taxcit hh df terinlniHl nnd or tlenil by tlm rtuinly court. (Xrwr; rMiftr ft twMtit itialUr ilftlut III VViuhlNKIuM ) (IjuiiIh of unknown owner How don- crlUnl). rM-ctlon .13. That ncctlon .1070 of the CihIcm and .SlututoH of Oregon, compiled ami annotated by Hon. Charleti li. Ikd linger and William W. Cotton, Imi und tho hnmo hen'by Ih amended to rciul iih followH: When tbo untno of tbo owner of landrt or IoIh liable to taxation in no known, Much land or IoIh hliall Imi do hcrilKnl im that of unknown owner or unknown owner, iiml tlm vuluo thenof net down in tho HHnorwuiunt roll, In tho wtuit' manner that lamln of known own er an nipilnsl to Imj dcHcrlbcd, ami tho va I no thereof deHlKimtetl, If tbo nmiMTty on nucli iiHmwiinent roll hliall Imj urntiiKcd III thu onler of Hh loco tlou, nml not In alphaln'tleal nrnuiK'e ment by tho owuer'H name, then the landH or lots of hiicIi unknown owueni hliall lie liihcrted in their projxir plaiv na-ordinn to luiittiuu. Klmll. ll rrfcrf nee to llio nrriiimiirr ol Uml In ftvntil - .. :i ' t i .. . i .. l. .- ... m lllrktun r. I'm'. 710 ) inn to ur, w( a (Form of aHHOHriiiieut roll). Section 34 , Tlmt section 3077 of tbo CodcM nml Htatutcri of OnKou, compiled uml annotuttsl by Hon. CharlcH II. Hob lluuer and Wlllinin W. Cotton, kinml the wtiiio hereby Ih uiuemled to read an followHi Tho iihH?h,sinont roll hIiuII Ihi niudo out In tabular form, In Hopimto col iiiiuiH, with approprlato beatlH, after tho inaniier HHcille bolovv, with mich ad dltloiml ixiIuiuuh nu may by law Ihi pro Hfrlbod or iih may Ihi doomed neocKtnry, ami for convenience may Ihi divided In to lairtn ho that arwoKMinentH of lamln, lotri, or other real nnd pergonal etatcH, appear In Heanito jvirttt thereof, hh nearly an convenient in tho following form, varying (ho Hnmo ua tlio ulrcum HtanccH may retpilro! I.OTH. 1 1F If 2. ! u X 11 i g; 03 2tl USDS i i ' r "i i "i nrrM " It... I : n Xinoe( l'ft)rer....... ('llftHHtT ol UmIiimiio.. i ' AlllIlMI,., Cllynt , , Vlnn nl infrrlnmllM ihI ttwk In ViiIuhuI irmrliliirry mhI wlint 'C M v KhhiUt el mll w i m 9 S "? VftlMH e. gJt - j " "" " - -. Nunilr ol mll V. u li VftlHS S. " i Nnmlr ol mllw g-ljJ VMM. j Mbdm, nM H arriMtiiH X -. - S iHiftrpt l lk s . " X VIhp p( ttrm ifltrlilhfrjf. liH- himiIi, tmt, Me m llMHxtiwM tHrHllr, He NHiflU-r l lierte. Vlu S'Hmbef f pfttllo V , NHinlf ol hw VftlM Number ol wIh ...u W llrmi Vftlunel ftll rertlr K-iPinptloln Tolftl YftluvoltftiftU ptoitT-... m (I'rorlitp lliftt the roll mr be itlrdlr.) for roiurnlrtirf The lorm of mil ueJ bjr nrarlr til the rounllr U iifi.llr.l br the wrflrT ol Ulo rarrrlr Ixfftuie It It mllrl for. anil It If rallixl for nirrrljr brramo It ha here to fore latiiUMHl It libate.lonihi'K'hemeofaiariiDirnt whirl) In artrrt irlur In the art of V. anil li brtlrr ilralf nnl to the old law than the prrc rnt Kcrralroutilpa In the ttale InrludliiK Multnomah hate fouml rhanitrt from the com mon form iTrjr, ami preriito (ifrlal formi of roll iImIkiikI ti inpfl their nptxli and ei-rlenpi- The formt rwrtmmnHll herein are Uateil upon the eiporlenre of tiieli euuntle rnmpaml w llh the .rrnil uiual form of roll. aHlreilHl(iirllormltaililonef the bonk IttMi parn, dlrl'llim the roll at to JoU, lamli. awd rttial nrorlf If detlred.) (Additional columrw In roll Kntrkti to Imi made thendn.) Kection 3fi. Hint ncctlon 3078 of tho Codex and Hututen of OroKon, iximpllol ami annotatiHl by Hon. Cluirlcd It. Ikd linger and William W. Cotton, bo nnd the Niine bvruby U nmondod to read nu follows: In tho nKseMtnont nnd tnx rolls of tlio Hevcml couutlcH, In nddltlon to tho col imiiiH olriowhem provided for, there hliall 1m lidded coltimnH headreHpectIvo ly " CitleH, " " School District, " 'Amount City Tax," "Amount School Dlntrlct Tax," nnd If then lx a jiort or other muntclil taxing agency In mich county, additional cnlumuH for tho name of Mich jxirt or other munlelial taxliiK agency, ami for tho amount of mich port or other tnxoH. It nhall Imj the duty of tbo hevenil county uhsoshow In iimkinn their iiwctwinentM to enter opjiortlto each Item of KirHrty tiHricsseil, in lta apprt prlato column, tho name of tho lncor Mimtsl city or town, nnd tho number of tbu Hchool district, uml thu name of tbo jxirt or other muulclnil taxlm; agen cy, If nny, In which each Item of prop erly tiHHo.sscd Ih taxable. (Nn chance, exrepl to provide that porn anil other municipal taxing axminlei, If any, thall boiilven rolumniln the roll.) (To bo continued next week) rat's .Aae. On a motor car tour of the County Mayo, which tho Karl of Altumont mndo with "Malrrtln." nn Irlnli kos noon, for Kcncrnl Hiislntnnt, they piins oil a neat llttlo cottngo, with a pretty tilt of garden. "Who Uvea there?" nsked tho cnrl. "Ih It thero?" Malrrtln mild, I ml lu ll ii nt ly. "Sure, doesn't ouhl I'at Mur phy llvo there." "Oh, does hoi" Bald tho cnrl, not knowing In tlio leant, na ho coufeswa In IhigltHh Country Life, who "ould l'nt Murphy" was. " 'DitiI ho docH," Hnld Malrrtln, "and him a huiuthrcd If he's a dny so he Ik." "Ono liundrert years oldl" tho enrl Bnld, In ustonlahinont. "Deed nnd ho U,M reiterated Malrr tln. "Ilo been dead these three years, nnd ho wns 03 when ho dlod." AVartulnir U. "HunnltiB for nny ofllco this yenrl" nuked the mrm with tho bulbous nose. "Not yet," answered the man with the clmiamoa beard. "IJut I'm legclng for lT" SHOWS OIQ DEFICIT. Postal Dopnrtmont Runs Oehlnd 610, 010,000 04 In Year. ' Wunhlfifttou, Doc. 11. The nnminl reKirt of l'oHtinntir Ooncral Cortnlyou hIiowh rwoljitu for tho jmut year woro 107,t;i:,7Hi;.tl5, while expenditure woro 178,44l778.8. Tlio deficit Ih $10110,005.04. Th jKrfitrriiuitor general iIIhcuwoh thu deficit but miyn ho In hi concerned ulxjut that than nlxnit tho olllcivucy of the dvpurtmeiit. He attribtitH the failure to show a profit to the growing public demand for Increased jKtal fn ollitloM. Tho deficit in not charged to uny ono branch of the corvlce. Tho romnrknble cmciuncy of Home leiiitrtmontH Ih coiumcntiil ti)oti, pnr tlctilarly of tbo reglntry ccrvice. For hnlf n century nil causoh -of Iom, In cluding burglary, theft and lire, have hhown a Iohh of only three one-thou- inniltliH of 1 Mir cent. Mr. Cortolyou recoininondH that a deputy pontinoater general Imj nppoInUil, who nhall relieve the burden Ixirne by the pontiniitor general and his four ruslHtantif. The dc'jortmvnt hnM 320,000 jhtcoiih in itn employ ami it in reoommemlotl that the ilcputy'h Mwition be made permanent and tlmt ho hlmll Ijo general manager of the iMmtnl rcrvlce. (ireater accuracy in htalintlcfl In n-cotiiinendeil and Mr. Cor telyou nnkn that provinlou le made for exjKjrt HtutlntlcImiN and accountanti. The congeotlon of mall In Now York City In indicated and attention called to thu new xMtolllco building, a alto for which ban Ix-en noiiilrel at the pro poiel termltiul atation of the I'unnnyl vaula railroad. PRESIDENT CASTRO ILL. Chief Executive of Venezuela Removed to Seacoast Town on a Bed. Fort do France, Martinique, Dec. 11. Itellable advices here from Venezuela hot forth that I'rciddunt Castro nan moved down to the llttlo reacoaht vil lage of Macuto, near Im Guayrn, lout week. The president in docrlUil as Udng very ill. Ho made the trip from Caraca in n IkiI. When he arrival nt Macuto, ho npiH-ared to 1ms absolutely uncouhcioun. It in generally believed that be ban no chance of recovery. Violently worded pouters hove been circulated in Caracas declaring that no one in today deceived regarding tho gravity of l'rwidcnt CoHtro'a illncnn, and ItiHiotlng that thu exorcho of the executive xiwer Imi ajured through n vice president, which Is piuvlded for in the coiirtltution. Fur n long time ast tbu pouter continued, only routine government mattera luive Im-oii nttendiil to, and Important (uentiona are Imlng bul in ulxjyancc. (ienernl l'arudiii, nn ox-revolution-IhIh, now in exile, Im organizing u ceri oun innurrcctlonnry movement, nnd do claruH that be will ston take tho Hold. Ho claiins to have 15,000 ritloa nt his dl'poriltiou. FROM PRESIDENT'S VIEW. Gives Reasons for Dismissing Former Ambassador Storrr. Washington, lVc. 11. rrenldont Itoohovelt tonight made public n long letter nddrwhisl to Secretary Hoot, giv ing corriiipomlonce between tho pnl dent and ox-AmUimiador ltollamy Stor er, In which ho cays that Mr. Storor's refusal to answer bis lcttora and the publication of various private let tore justified tho nmbiurndor'H removal; that Mr. Storor'a publication of private corriinwndence was peculiarly ungentle manly and that ho (tho president) bad Htnted with iilicolute clearnoM hia pool tlou, the reason why it wan out of the iiicatlon for him an president to try to get nny archbishop mndo canllnal, though 'cxprennlng his admiration for Archlilshop Ireland nn well na lendora of other donominixtlon. Tho president' action follows the publication of a "conthlentlal lwmph let" which Mr. Storor Inst week nent to the prcehlent, tho cabinet nnd the hen ate und foreign rolatloiiH committee. Shlnamura In Command. " Victoria, H. C, Dec. 11. Tho eteam. or KaguMuru brought news tlmt Ad miial Blilnniiimira will probably com maud thu JannnenersuuiulroiKcoiiHliitlng of tho crulcera Matauahima, Itnuku- hhlniii and Hnshhhire, which will leave Japan next month for Honolulu, San FranclHco nml tho l'uget Bound. Tho vohscIh will Imj commnndeil respectively by Captains Xawa, Nonmguiclii mill Ynmngatn.. Itoxirt are current that Hear Admiral Tomerka, ireuldent of tho Yetajlnia nnvnl college, may alo nccomimny tho tleet. Sampans Sunk In Squall, Toklo, Deo. 11. A number of unto.-' pans (small harbor boats) belonging to thu Japanese cruiser Chltoso woro sunk In a squall hero today wljllo sho wns returning from n trip. A number of tho beats woro overturned nnd 00 men were drownod. UKtiiUN oiAit nuns w mam COAL FOR CENTURIES. Southwestern Oregon Could Supply Entire Nation for Ages. Marcliflold There In 400 eiiunrumlltn of oo I laud in Coon county, princitnlly nlMiit Mnrnhfield, according to the Coon liy folio of the I nit til Hlntoa geological mirvey. From Mnrhi1eld the ooul area extend)! north eight miloi', ennt six miles, nouth "- miles and went nine miles to the I'nclflc ocean. Tliore are four velne, tho first three nnd one-iinlf feet thick, the second sev en feet, the third ten feet nnd the fourth from four to six feet. Coon county ban 5,000,000,000 tons of cool, taking an average of only two feet thlcknesn. While Pennsylvania mini's 70,000,000 tons of anthracite per year thin Mnrchflcld body of cool, even If mined nt Unit rate, would last over 70 years. Should Coon county exhaust her conl in it hundred years Curry county has enough aol nrcu to quadruple tlmt of Coos, so Southern Oregon cannot mine her conl In 500 ywirs, even if the Penn sylvania fields would shut down and tho entire country ilrow its supplies from Houthwcidcru Oregon. W. 8. Clmndler, vice president and general mnmigerof the Coos liny, Itocc burg A. Fustcrn Ihillnnd & Navigation compiiny, now the Southern i'ucilic, is thub est authority on cool in this sec tinn for he in not only engaged in min ing nnd shipping conl, but he hni pith ored u fund of scientlllc knowledge from his uspocintlon with tho government geohgi8ts and surveyors who complied the Cxs county folio. Mr. Clmndlro gave the conl nrcn nt 400 square miles, divided into three so(nnite Uisins, tho Newport, llciivor slough nnd tho Couuuillo. The largest of tliehe is the Heaver slough nnd the smallest the cwjort bnsln. School Fund Statement. Salem As shown by the statement of the condition of the dlfforent funds under the juiiMllctlon of th state hind board, the total amount duo on out standing certificates of salo of school, agricultural college und university landi nt tbo close of the month of No vember wits M-",454.'Jo, as npiiutt 1501,5111.77 Octolier 31, nnd 1741,. 437.(1'.! for tbo samo month Inst year. These figures show the steady deemwo in the amount duo these funds from year to year. New Mill for North Bend. North Hem! C. J. Johnson, Arno Moreen, W. I Ilnssettnnd C.A.Smith, Minneapolis capitalists, luive been on Coos luy for several days looking for a site for a large sawmill. Tho Minne apolis men luivo been heavy purcluuors of timlwr in this section for tho past two yours, ami they nro raid to own now nearly 100,000 nres of timber hind in Coos and Curry counties. Avnilublo sites for large mills nro all taken up on tho west side of the liy, and a location will Imvo to bo on tho east sldo Hats. Cure for Pass Problem ftilem "It would bo far lMJtter if tho stnto or national government would enact n law making It compulsory for railroads to Issuo free transportation to stnto nnd reileml otueinls, their agents or representatives, tlmn to enact nn unti-xkss law," raid Stato Tniisurer elect lioorgo A. Steel. "As the law now stands it is effective onlv insofar us interstate transportation is concerned and lias no injuring upon pnes within the limiu of any shite." Lumber Heaped High. lXillns Tho lumber interests of Dallas nro languishing for wunt of trans portation. Short tiino is being run at tho mills, while the lumber is piling up mountain high for want of cars. Munufiicturors are indignant, ns nro tho business lieople gonemlly. There Is no telling how soon till nuiy bo compelled to shut down completely, when 600 men tributnry to IXillns would Imj out of employ mont. For Irrigation Project, hi Gmnde Tho (5 rand Hondo l'loc trie company has ordorcd n -000-horse power construction plant, which Is to bo installed on tho Llttlo river, east of Covo. A portion of tho power develop, ed will Iki used in boring a tunnel -tl,. 000 feet In length through tho mountain rldgo between tho Mituiin and Covo. The principal purposo of this tunnel is to supply wator for irrigation in Grand Hondo vulley. Great Strides at North Bend. North Hend According to tho most rollnblo business buroinotor, North ltend has nmdo wonderful strides during the year. Tho postofllco receipts for tho month of November, 1000, not In cluding money orders, nro 03 por cent In excess of tho receipts for tho corre sponding month last year. Lumber Prices To Bo Advanced. Astoria Notice 1ms boon given by tbo local mills tlmt they lmvo advanced tho prlco on nil grades of lumber $1 per thousand, offectivo from Docombor 10. UMATILLA COUNTY'8 FRUIT. More Than 300,000,000 Worth Ac tually Shipped This Year. Fomlleton According to tho report of County Fruit Inspector I'vnns, nmdo to tho state hoard of horticulture, 00,- 000 worth of fruit ban been shipiK-d from Umatilla county this year. This does not include tlio largo amount ship ped ncrowi the lino to Wnlla Walla nnd sold ns Washington fruit. Tlio prices figured wore thoso actual ly received by the grower, und tho aver ages for tho different kinds of fruit nnd berries were as follows: Apples, 111 rents per bushel; pears, f 1 per hunhel; peaches, 75 cent Kr bushol; prunes, .1 to 4 cents per pound; berries, $1.50 per cmtn; grapes, 50 cents por box; to inatxs, 34 cents per Imjx. Tho report also gives the number of ncres devoted to tho growing of each kind of largo nnd small fruits, tho total being 1 ,050 acres. Tho applo industry lends with a total of OH.HL'O trees, while iHiichciJ! como second with a total of 43,142 trees. Moro tlmn 200 acres are planted with strnwborries. Tho insjiector re-sirls n willingness on the port of nearly all orcliardists to ccopcmto with him in tbo extermiu tlon of tho San Joro sailo, codlin moth und other fniit pests, but ho closes by raying: "Umatilla county should and would outrank nny county in the stAto if tho growers would tako more time for spraying nnd thinning." Contract for Government Wharf. Astoria Acting Constructing Quar termaster Cooper, of Fort Stevens, 1ms received notice from tho War depart ment at Washington tlmt tho contract for constructing a government wharf nt Fort Canby 1ms boon awarded to Fergu son & Houston, of this city. The con tract price is $0,200, nnd under tho specifications the piling is to Ijo treated with creosote to protect it from tho ravages of tho tctrcdo. Potato and Onion Sale. Shorwood Potato nnd onion raiscro nro also experiencing tho same difficul ty us hop men in making shipments, und nt tho least calculation 20 cant could bo utilized at tho present time in relieving the surplus accumulation for the year tlmt bids fair to greatly de teriorate before reaching market undor the present lack of arpplo nnd reliablo transportation nt a critical timo. Smallpox Case Closes School. North Powder Ono roso of smallpox in tho town caused school, with 120 pupils, to close, and prevented church and Sunday school services last week, which is luird on pupils and teacher of the public school, his they lmd just had tho whole of Thanksgiving week. PORTLAND MARKETS. flutter Fancy 3!!Jc per pound. creamery, 27H Kggsc Oregon ranch, 35337Hc por dozen. Poultry Average old hens, 13(3 13c per pound; mixed chickens, 12 (nU3c; spring, 1314c; old roosters, 810c; dressed chickons, 14 16c; turkeys, live, 17 turkeys, dressed, choice, 2122)c; geeso, livo, 10c; ducks, 16(n10c. Fruits Apples, common to choice, 50(rt75c por box; choice to fancy, $1( 2.60; poors. $l(7i1.50; cranberries, $12(i13 por barrel; persimmons, $1,60 per box. Vegetables; Turnips, O0c$l por sack; carrots, t)0cfjft$l per sack; beets, $1 .26(ii)l.50 por sack; horseradish, !X 10c por pound; sweet potatoes, '-( 2io per pound; cabbage, lJtaMto por pound; cauliflower, $1.25 per doz en; celery, 7500o por dozen; lettuce, bend, 30c per dozon; onions, 1012Ha pordozen; boil peppers, 8c; pumpkins, lJic per pound; spinach, 45o por pound; pnrsley, 10015c; squash, 1Q 1J-4C per pound. Onions Oregon, 75c$l per hun dred. Potatoes Oregon Hurbanks, fancy, 00c$l; common, 7585c. Wheat Club, C5Q00c; hluestem, 07tl8c; vulley, 008tt7e; red, 03c. Outs No. 1 whlto, $25 25.50; gray, $24.50025. llnrloy Feeil, $21f321.50 por ton; browing, $22.50; rolled, $22.50021. Hye $1.401.45 por cwt. Corn Wholo, $20; cracked, $27 por ton, Hny Vnlley timothy, No. 1, $11 12 por ton; Eastern Oregon timothy, $1410; clovor, $78; cheat, $7.50Q 8.50; grain hny, $7.608.50; alfalfa, $11.50; votchlmy, $77.50. Veal Dressed, SQBJc por pound. Hcef Dressoil bulls, 1 Q 2o per pound; cows, 45c; country Bteors, 5Q5)c. Mutton DresBetl, fancy, 80c per pound; onllimry, C7c. Pork Dressed, 08o por pound. Hops ll14c por pound, according to quality. Wool Eastern Oregon uverago boat, . 1318o per pound, according to shrink ago; valley, 20 21, according to flat ness; molialr, choice, 2028o,