The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 14, 1906, Image 7

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j Proposed Oregon Tax Law i
(CiinlltMiixt (mm tail wreV)
HUhdlvldcil I'stnto of deceased pornuriN
How nsscniicil.
Bectlmi 10. That section .1015 of llio
tUOUI'H Hllll rllltllltlHt (ll Oregon, com
Itfllr-d iiml annotated by lion. Chnrles II,
ilSolllngor nml Wllllmu W. Cotton, bt
innjl tlm nmiin lii-riiljy la nuiciidcd to
irciiil iik followiti
Tliu undivided eatnto of niiy deceased
I person tuny )o nicenm-d to tlm holrs or
KhMrlsccn of such person, without desig
nating thiun by iimnii. until limy Iiihii
given notleo to tlm wwofisor of tlm divi
sion of tlm eslntii, nml t)ui million of tlm
MVcrnl heirs or devisees! mul each Imlr
Gin'd devisee nhnll Ihi liable for tlm
whole of mich tux, nml nhnll hnui n
Tight to nroer nf the other hulls nml
devlce their respective MirtloiiN there
f when jmlil liy liim,
(Oinlii innrliliiii (iiuiMt In rrilmi !l& (or
MMinrnl to iH-riipant til an uii'tUhtol eilaliwil
urrrini priton in prnlrliimi Kir !
Eenl lii brlrt or ilfiiirei urli, without tlm
nnllliK lliriu by name, Ii brnail enough mul
liter ratrulaleil to brllitf tlm lai In llielr no
(Ira limn ii mipKiiirni to nine oeeupaiil )
Prrnniiiil proJH'rty -Where nnn'imed.)
J-'cetloii II Tlmt section .'104(1 of
jlin Code nml Statute of Oregon, com
piled nml mumtiited liy Hon. Charles ll
llUdllngor mul Wllllmu W. Cotton, ls
Ami tlm Minn Imtitliy Ik, nmcudcd to
jcml n followit:
J. wry pornou, except ns othorwhw
provided liy litw. nliull m nii-i-Med In
the rounty In which lm reside when
till) allllclll In liuiiln fur all tnmtiln
fiiroperty owned y him, Incltnll ik nil
IM'IMlfinl CfflHIl) III lllll (XMUIffHllllU, Of
'under III Control nit trimteo, guardian,
jrxti'iitor. or administrator: mul whom
there nrn two or inoru ncrmitm lulnllv
fin HMii(ntiin, or hn IriK control of nny
fnicli irpcrly In trtmt, tlm unma may
Bho iiwcwhI to either or nil of Mich pur
ruin, mil ll niiall l nHel in tlm
county whew tlm nmuu nhnll Hit If ollh-
-r of nuch wriMiiii nwlilit In audi county-
I (NiiUtliuiri "irit nttierwlie pmtHe.1
,iyaw"fnr "rirM trnhl. In Urn mr
cee.lltta' trrlliiH " IH nfer In kaiMvttli lh
retlun Willi the oilier rukttgu iucrled.)
I'artnrrn How assessed.)
Section 12 That section 304B of tlm
lc mul Statutes of Oregon, compll-
il mul mnintatid liy Hon. Charles II.
Udllngrr nml Wllllmu W. Cotton. U)
Lnnil tlm Hniuu hurvhy ll ninnuliil to
tihiiI nn folluUH'
1'iirliicrx In incrpfliitlln or other IiiinU
ir.i iny I hi jointly tmnl In tlmlr part-
iirrHhtp nmtin, or Hi-vi-rnlly tnxiil for
itlirlr tmliviiliinl dhnn-rt, for nil prifioti
ly proxirty rmployt-tl In niicli IiiihI.
iicim, mul In rmm tlicy nrn Jointly tax
id, I'lthiT or miy of titich imrtiivm nlinll
lm llnlilu fur tlm Mhola tax.
lTli nM vrllnii mil Hi wnrit "tHfli" wlifn
rli 'lliif u m tlvlillr IhimmIhI
LTIi mnni'lHiiil Hitkri nlur tir ny nl ih
1 Mlmu loimlr lnl for lh i-otximl intit-or
If m.i)it lulil (r Hi xlioU ii, Milh
liitliHl IHIffil ul theuKI IWllllH )
K l''ronnl proMrty of corixirnllonn
Wlmro iowttwl )
Hirtlmi i: That iwtlnn .1040 of tlm
HVkIcm mul htHtutivi of Orco'n, oomplhtl
iiml nnnoUtitl liy Mini. ( hnrlex II. ll.-l-
lliiK'nr muMMIIImu . (otton, I hi nml
tlm Hniim hurvhy In nmuniltxl to nwul n
Tlm partKinnl propnrty of nvcry prl
intu i-oriKiratlun Im linhlu to tnxnlion In
tlmtmiiio iiiunniir nM tlm iwnionnl prop
Iri'ty of n tmturul imtmoii. mul Hlmil Ihi
filiuiniwMl In tlm iimnii of hiu'Ii voriHirn
(Ion in tlm county w Intro tlm prlnclpnl
iiliiro of htmlniivi of Hiirh corimrntlon In
Jouti'l, unli-Ki othurwlHu Holnlly pro-
k'Ultil liy law; litit ll miioIi coritorntlon
11 m i'Iiii'khI In tlm hiwlntwrt of nnvlK'i-
tlon, tlum tho HtcainlioatH or othur
rntur cruft of nuch rorporntlon nlmll Ixt
nNMitwi-l in tliu roiinly in thin ntuto
iwlmrn thu homo imrt or Inirtli of hiu'Ii
ititi'iitnlKiut or other wutrr crufl limy Ihi.
l'lm purHonnl propnrty of n privnto ror-
Iorntlon inny lm hdIiixI mul mild for nny
tux luvlttl upon tho proporty of miuh
Erorpomtlon uh in thu cmo of n nutiirnl
(Tlm iwllon ameintnt ninuliii rorulu pro.
rlilnni wlileli vtniii rMi.v&l.t liv lintillt'illnii l.v
lrinrl l.w, HM'UI fmlmi, IIWI. ihiiv II, nml
IIih iiriiTUIuiii li Imwii iinilllf.1 lii Dm
rxlio iirfUlljr irnvlilMl l)jr lw" In tlm rulo
nielli irriiillllliilKliMl Ailili "iinlpn nlh
Hint lronl lirolrtv nf nrlval rnrixirntliiiu
j . l ," ' . ,' .:". . . - . ,. :
ho iln
-rl'l .tool lniiliiaMii(liirorNirtlim it In
'ii in vf KBitR.Mi in ma miinir Hiiero
ii-ini inn mciniiin'iu urrurr in likrinnil
ilia r III oilier jnuyliluiii ul lb act rvcom
memlcil )
IjikIii Whoro tnxtil.)
Hi-ction H, All lmiriii nlinll lo tnxcil
in tho county In which thu wmio ulmll
II lo.
I (New! tnil rompiro II, A 0, romp., lerllon
IKn; A illillnrtliii. I inmlo In tho mo ! tlie
L Mrnnli "Inivil
' ami "kiM'i" aatliourt iilur
Etltint mitjr lieperliirniiMt liilliorriinily.iilllioiivtli
Hi imminent mUlil tirnerl)r le mdo
I iniMienjr no luanu - liy
uollier cuunlyj (ur In-
1'ilmice, t Hi rilul.)
rrnirai unmil III
N(Morcliuii(llBo, capital mul inachiuory
wiioro tnxkUlo.)
ficctlon 16. All aooih, wnn-H nml
liniirchmullHu kept for hjiIo in this Htnto,
nil Mock umployril tn any oi tho inu
'hnulcal nrlH, mul nil capital mul urn-
ililnory einploycil In nny hrmiolt of
inmiufucturiH or othor bimlni'HH within
tlilH Htnto, owiuhI by n corponitlon in or
out of tit Ih Htnto, or by tiny porHon,
wlmthor rcalillmr in or out of this Htnto.
rthnll ho tiunblo in tho county or city
or othor municipal corporation whom
tlm Hitino may bo, olthor to tho ovnorH
thoroof or to tho poruon or corporation
who Bliall have clmrco of or bo in pod-
'fliwlou of the tmmo.
'( Whan company i taxed owner of stock
not to hn taxiil.)
Hfctlon HI. Tho ownnr or hohliir of
Mock In nny liicorponitiil compmiy
tvhluh Ih taxul on Hh fitjiltnl ntook hIiiiII
not ho taxed iw an liullvliliinl for micli
(I'litlKiil pomonnl proporty tnxtil to
powcwHor. )
rk'ntlon 17. Wlmn pornonnl piopiirty
Ih mnrtKUKi-il or jiliilifiil It hIiiiII, for
thu piirpotm of tnxntlou, m drciniil tho
projmrty of thu jhumoii who lion tlm
(Km-iIiuih A. I ami 17 r reipillrelr -v
llnlia IUI7, SUU ami Ml,, II .V 0 Culiiu , without
chnti )
(Of the Dutli'H of Aurmiorn.)
(Ani-i-ccini'iitK, How Miulu),
Hii-llon IH. Tlmt m-i-llon .1057 of tlm
C'oiU'h mul Ktntiitcii of Uri'Kon, couiplhil
mul nuiintntfil by Hon. ClmrliM 11. Iml
lliiKi'r Wllllmu W. Cotton, bh tho
piiiiio wiih ri-onnelol by ms'llon 1 of nn
net npirovl DocniniKir 21, HIO.'I, nml
fotiml on piiKi I ut ftcipilttir of tho (Inn
I'rul lrfiH of Orison, HtHH-Inl rVnnlnii.
1110.1, Ih) mul tlmciinio liniohy Ii uiiioiiiN
til to riHiil mi folloMH;
Tho nuM'imor nftitr qtinllfylnit "hnll.
on thu Hint Monday In Mnrch in imcIi
UHtr, priM'iirn from tlm county t'lurk
bhiiik nKMimnipnt roll, nml forthwith
prociisl nml numini nil tnxnblo projmrty
within bin county, oxicpt nuch iui by
Inw In lo lm othorwlm nmiwicl, nml
nlmll return to nuali county clerk, on or
Uiforo tlm flmt Monday in Octolor next
folloMliiK, nui'b nmWHmnt roll with n
full nml eotnplelo ainwitnpil of mich
tnxnhlo proporty entered tlmreon, In
cluilliiK n full nml priiloo description of
tlm IiiinU mid loin ohiiixI by onch xrion
therein named, on March 1 of nahl
)enr, nt tho hour of 1 o'clock n. in.,
which dwcrlptlou ahull corriftxmd with
tlm ilnn or pint of any town Inid out
or recorded; nml ld Inndii or town
lotH ahnll Ihi vnlinxl nl their trim cuh
value, takliiKlnto connlderatlon tlm lm
pnieiiientn on tlm land mid in tho iur
riHiudltiK country, tho ijunllty of tlm
will, Hh roini'iiiuuro to trminiHirtntlou
linen, public road, and other local ad
nntnKen of a altullnr or different kind
Tnin cikIi value of nil projx'ity nhall Ui
held and taken to monti tlm amount
ucb proHirty would rell for ut a volute
tary nnlo innilo lit tho ordinary courro
of bimlneim, lakiuu Into ronnlderntlon
it cariilni; ixiwer. No disluction of In-
ilubtiiln(i from nKreriiientn or taxa
tion ihall bo allonel in any race. All
land idiall Ui taxed in tho county In
which tho mu nhall llo; mid, except
an other Imi provided by law. ovurv
Hirnou nhall I hi njiced in tho county
where ho realden nt tho hour of 1
o'clock n. in, on Mnrch 1 of tho vear
when the aKnenameut nhall bo inaile for
nil real and iMimouul nroixirty owruil
by blui within Mich county, but if the
owner of any laud bo unknown, Mich
land may Ihi nwiwc! to "unknown
owner," or "unknown ownern," with
out ItinertluK tho iinimi of nny owner;
Imt no mmoMiuunt nhnll lm Invallilatixi
by a mlntako In thu nmnu of tho owner
of the real projHirty Hnnimnetl, or by thu
omlr-Klon of thu iiamu of tho owner, or
tho entry nf n naino other than that of
tho trim owner, if thu ptoixirty U) cor
rectly dencrilnxl; ami- provided further,
that where thu nnmo of tho true owner,
or tho owner of record, of nny jKircel of
real proixirty nhnll Ihi kIm'ii, Mich nx
nennment nhnll not Ihi held Invalid on
account of any error or Irregularity in
thu dencrlptlou, providiHl nuch t!cncrip
tiott would Ih) nulllcient in n deed of
conveyance from tho owner; or on ac
count of any description upon which,
In a contract to convey, a court of
iMu!ty would decree- a convuyauco to bo
(Tlie amendment rerommen.le.1 makrt ll the
aneetnr't iluly In umi roorty for which
tiilnn other mmlo nt aiemint It tint liv law
imivMisI, niaket the limit nl Ih return of tho
atietMiienl mil tli rtrt Mnnitajr lii Oetnlivr In
iletil olthe nrl Moietajr In Heplemlwr The
nlil lawprovlilH liirtliu kIvIiiii ol notlro that
III Uianl o( riialliatliiii will meet the lait
Mmiitay In AiiRiitl There It nn other eruil
tlmi Inr Hi tlm nl tin) meetlnjt l the hoaril
ll AC t'omp , tectlon .), rriiartt iptnlal
tettliiu ! HtTlliMi Oli, alxivo amuiiiliNl,
lerinll(l aiifilvnilnn ol lime Inr nilnx tho
mil II iiermiarr until the nril Moinlty In Orln.
Ut In purlieu Hi roll It telilom or never
rvailr (nr ixiialliallnn hy the itrtl Mnmlay In
Hepteinlier, ami ih tliuu It unnaUy eitrinleil,
ami the Uianl lueeli when the mil It lllel lint
Ih nlil law proili-l (or Ilia Imanl inevlliiit h
lore the ninr wa reiiilri. lo ni tho roll,
ami at nn other time ThoJiirUillrllon o( the
bnanl It tlmt thrown Into question
Th pmvlilnii loritlvlnx notlro ol the meet
ing1 thu lait Mninlay In Aujcuit It a rcllr nl the
flrtl cmlo In (hit ttate, ami wai iitlKlnalljr In
titiuleil to provide that Hit alienor ami amlltor
hoiihl line! at llio rourthoiiie to oorrert pure
ly clerical errori, etc , ono week before the
riiunly roiirl -.iiillnsl the roll, the board ol
liiauiatliiii nut then l)lnic kiiuwu
alliatloii not then ImlnK known Hlnr
men ine triiemo liat Ih-cii romploivly rhkUKnl,
ami the prnvlilunt aro now, omIiik til rureleit
vdllliiv In amvmlmentt, contradictory ami Im
'I hu nincmtnient rerominpndcd omlti tho pro
vlilun lor the uxiuniliuiol tho lime oinlliiK the
aateitment roll, but xlvrt tho aiieunrlhu laino
limit ai under tho ptrient law ho rouM bouli
on by the ruiiuly court. Omltt tlt'dultlnni ol
realjirnpvrty ami land, which havo been itu
lined In lenllnn 2 nl Hilt act, omlli provlilou
Ihat all land mutt bo aliened illillugulihlnK
anviieil Iruin laicd, icoiertlnu II ol Villa art
In the county where located t umltt jirovlilom
at to aiit'iiment of uiiorcupliul Und at turh,
purmlltliiK tho mimont ol land at tn un
known owner, when the ow nor It unknown, re
Knrillen nl m-cupnucy rruyldoa (or contlder
atluu ol oarnliiK power In iletcrmlulni; vnluo,)
(romonnl proporty How valued.)
Section 10. Tlmt nectlon 30n of tho
Coden mul rltatuton of Oregon, compiled
r.nd annotated by Hon. Olmrlen It, llel-
linger mul Wllllmu W. Cotton, bo and
tho nnmo hereby la nmomlud to read us
follow Hi
All pornonal property not oxompt
from taxntlon Hlinli Ihi valued nt its
truo valuo In caah, aa dollncd In uoctlon
18 hereof, and It nhnll bo tho duty ol
cncli nHncnor to vnluo nil ImprovomentH
on claimed United ritntim huiiln wlthlo
IiIn county iik hiikomiiI jirofwrty.
(Owlli tifnirUlnii Inr a iii'rll ratio nt --tiw
mtiit aiiiriaiatlnti lor r Kolntr unicIi, Hliloli
ylnUlra Ilia i iiiilltu;"iial tiiuvltlum aa to u' V
(nrmlly ami ejulllf J
(I'lntH or niirvoyH nml towtin 1'renent
ownernhlii look or lint Tuxpayors'
Hectlon SO. Tlmt nectlon 3001 of tho
(Uxhm mid HtntuteH of Oregon compile
ami annotated by Hon. Charle-i 11. ISel
HiiKor nml William W. Cotton, bo mid
tho kiuiio hereby I mnonded to read an
Tho nHnnenor of each county nhall
iimko ii pint of tho Kovernmuut nurvoyn,
mid of all town plat within bin coun
ty, nml nhnll note therein, or In a pre
eul ownernhlii IxHik or lint, tho ownor
of each tract of hind, nod of each town
lot; and in cotintlcH where tho am'Mor
nhnll tlcnerlbo thu laud In tho roll In
tho order of ltd location upon tho
ground ho nhnll keep a taxpayer' in
dex for each year, which nhall 1m a
public record nubject to general lnnjcc
tlon; mid In cuch index nhall Ihj cn
tnnil tho nnmo of every taxpuyor
nKnlimt whom any tax nhnll Ihj charged
in tho county, In alihabutlcal order
with reference to tho Unit threo bittern
of tho nurnamo of nuch taxpayer m
hnto nurnnmeH, und of tho flmt name
of any othem, and nhall refer to tho
HiKcn mid linen of thu roll w hero thu
iiHM'Minent of nuch taxpayer may bo
(I'MvliIrt (or rrfx-nt oi'2nlilp book or Hit,
ur rlia aiiriKir'i iiotliif ownerililpon titalt at
at erf-ont Tairrri' Imlei rj. wfitn th
roll It K-wjrrihl'all)r arranxot thall refer to
kihI line ol toll the old law reinlnc to
j.mrlOe merrlr (ur a Hal ol taxpayer-., which Ii
but bait an Index )
(Htock or other pononnlty of nonrcal
dentn.) Hectlon 21 . That nectlon 3002 of the
Coden and ritatutwi of Oregon, compiled
nml annotated by Hon. Charles 11. lie!
linger and William W, Cotton, bo and
tlm namo hereby ii amended to read as
Whenovor anr live ntock or other
pornonnl iirorerty of non-renldenta in
thin ntnto nhall Ihi tMlnted out to tho
unennnor by any renldent householder of
bin county it nhall Ihj the duty of the
wweimor to ni-Kemi the naino nt ita cash
value; and inch ntock or other pergonal
jirojH-rty nhall Iw held liable for tho
jKiyini'iil of tho taxeti thereon In tho
namo mnnner an the iMnoual property
of renldent cltiirnn is held liable.
(.Vorhari)trireit tout wont "ll itoex"
Inileait eC'tleek lorlear up th prrient am
Mxnlljr at In what lint! ol Mock It lotanl-llt
or corporal )
(Annennmcnt roll and npprnlcctnont of
Hectlon 22. That nectlon 3000 of tho
Coden and Statute of Oregon, compihsl
and aunotnted by Hon. Chnrlcn 11. llcl
lingcr and William W. Cotton, bo and
tlm namo hereby in amended to read aa
At tho tlmo proecrbled by law tho
axfcor in each county nhall uKertain
by diligent Impiiry tho iiamiM of all
Hroiin liable to taxation in bin county
who by law are nnHcnunblo to him, and
nleo all the taxable iwreonnl property,
mid nil tnxnblo hhiI ontnto therein
which by Inw la eiHHiblo by him, nml
mnko out nn iineewiiiient roll of all nuch
proHirty, nml appruino tho namo ac
cording to tho proviniounof thu ntattttcn
relating thereto.
(Ouljr rhanitalt tn tiroTld that the anettor
itriiirtr whleh br law ! aAfttuatlfl tir
lilw. Ihui iH-rnifltln the leclilaturs to lar
Ihoilutjrto attcii certain clutct o( itortj
(Owner or nuinnging ngent to funileh
lint of property IVimlty for und
prucvcdingH nfter refiiMil.)
Hectlon l-M. Tlmt nivtion 3070 of tho
Coilen mid HtntuteH of Oregon, compiled
und unnotnteil by Hon. Chnrlea II. llel-
linger und William W. Cotton, 1k mid
thu miiio hereby ia amended to read aa
Kvcry nnnonnor nhnll requiro nny per
hoii liable to Im taxed in hia county und
to Im iiarcMiod by him, nml tho iiuinng
ing ngent or otllcnr of nny corporation
or tiHvot'iutinu liable to bo taxed in bin
county and to Ihj unrCHrcd by him, to
funileh nuch tin(Kiorn lint of nil tho
renl ontnto of imh eron, coriximtloti,
or iiKcoolation nitimto in hia county lia
ble to taxation, nml a lint of all tho
jMrnoiml proMrty of Much Mrou, cor
poration, or HHMK'intion llnblo to taxa
tion in tlilH ntuto, und nhnll reipilro
nuch Hrnoii. iiinnngliig agent, or ollicor
to nmku anth that, to tho bent of his
knowledge mid belief, nuch lint coiituina
ii full and truo account of nil IU or his
property liable to bo taxed in nuch
county; und if nny porm nhnll refuno
to fiirnUh mich Hat, or to swear to tho
nnmo when required no to do by tho aa-
He.inor, nuch pernon nhnll forfoltiuul jmy
to mo iioneenor, tor uio use oi mo coun
ty, tin) Mini of 50, which sum may to
recovered by motion in any court hav
ing jurisdiction of matters of debt or
contract to tho amount of fS0, Should
nny such pernon, managing agent, or
olllccr, when no required, rofuso to furn-
lull nml to swear to such lint tho ansesa
or shall ascertain tho taxable property
of such person, cor()onitlon, or associa
tion, and ahull appraiso tho namo from
tho best information to bo derived from
other nouroea,
f lletlilci ainctuUna teetlnn 3070. lnrornnralerl
auo mo viiviiiiaia oi n. v u. li
.' .. ....... -. .. . . ,- -;---. ---,--
iicutlalt ol II. ii O. Comp., Wtlon "7""u ''" wimii imwu
mult the prorlitom olteetion 3070 lo colved nt tho hands of Mexican employ.
.Voc!,i,,15.:i.7bre7o.nen,l'.,:y,,,'l,r0 ?" Jlio Japaneso nay they were lured
:iomi. Kxtumi
liieludi) uiana
utlnn or atioo
anemori liicrcatet the penalty Irom C.M to W,
II Lxlnir cominou oxnorleiK lhat main- imr.
tout prefer to run tholr chancct ol ha inn to
pay a 120 penalty rather thau mako the ttato
ruvut required.)
(To bo continued next week)
bhort Meeting of Fifty-Ninth Senlon
at Work.
WnHhlngton, Dec. 4 .-The r.Oth con-
grWHlegmiltla.tHenHlon nt noon n.
tordny. It twk thu nennto 16 mlnutcH
ii , It. t.r..ll,..l,..ri.H. n.t i...
..... ...
hotiHo mi hour. Tho neialo recelvc-l
f...... ii 1.1....1 n......,..!! i ii...
amioiiitiiioiitfi for Itn conflrmmion. nn.l
In .....iitU'M ..aif.ii ,f ui ..U...I.M. .iI" reiilringthntthoctof Innrx-ction
i!iill. mm ii. ,..i..n..u i,,i lu,.... ,...
celved before thu Ixjily had been organ
lzel formally, to mnko iioconflrmntlonn
until the preHldent'n annual mecHagu
hud Ir-i'ii recuived and thu HerHlon fair
ly ftbirtcd.
Henntoni I'onroBC, of I'entiHylvnnin,
and Fornker, of Ohio, emtio forward
with rittolutiorm of inuulry regarding
thu dlHclmrge of thu negro troopH of thu
Tvtoiity-iltfh infantry. Ono wnn ad
druwcd to tho jircMldent and thu other
lo the Hccretury of war. After tho rl
ilo of mirprinu bad nHnel and Vice
i'ritddcnt Fiilrb.inkH had miggcxtcd that
it wax iimiMial to trmmact any biwIni-KH
until tlm ir-HldentH mciuingp bail leeu
rccolix, thu ritvdutloriH went over by
iinmiiiuoun conHent. Henator Duponl,
of Delaware, took the oath of ofllce.
llio opening ol tno two IiouxeH wax
wltnewied by mi animated throng,
wnicn iiiiim trie gaiiarien to tliulr at-
IKicity. Huudrodti went nway dlnaj
M)iutl In not gaining ndmlsMon to
witnitui the Hewiion of either ttenato or
Not In yearn have a largor number of
incmhorMulcct of the lower Iiouku of
congrenrt prmonted tbeinnelveH at the
Hptker'H dexk to take the oath of olllce.
Death ban Ihtu uniiMtally active among
the memlHTuhlp during thecloHingilnyH
of thu lanl nerHlon and thu lwgtnning of
tho princnt, and Chaiilain (Viuden feel
ingly called thu nttcntion of thu body
to thu work of thu grim reajier during
thu inontlm nlnco ndjournment.
After thu npiHlntment of the uHtinl
committee to wait ujKin tho president
ami lulorui nun that tlie Iiouhu wan or
gmiizel and ready to reculvu any com
munication ho might dealro to mako of
intenitt to thu public nun-ice, the boiwu
adjourned out of rwint-t to tho memory
of the deccatu-d members. Thu preni
dent'H imwugo will iw recciveil lth in
the ItoiiHO and nenato totlay. Xo bill
wcru introduced In the nennto. In tho
houjki threo were .18 public incanun
and 350 of a privato character.
Work of Congress.
Washington, Dec 4. Thu rending of
the pmddcnt'H uuMngu consumed two
bourn mid "o mlnutcH in tho bousu to
day and won followed clonely by n largo
nuuilHr of memlHtra, wlillo tho crowd
oil jJallerleH gnvo cWwo attention.
Aftur tho ctwtomary renolutlon relat
ing to the printing of the mwsngo, the
lioiwc, nt .:o3, adjourned until noon
Washington, Dec. -1. President
ItoGHowll'H annual imtwago to congress
occupied tho attention of tho Hennte for
two and one-half bourn today, to thu
exclusion of nearly all other businctu.
Thu exception to thbj was tho introduc
tion of n resolution on tho Japanexo
situation by Knynor, of Maryland, and
thu adoption of appropriate retentions
regarding thuw niemlera of tho hotuo
of representative who hnvo diiil slnco
thu lust Mtoiion. Au a mark of further
resect to their memories, adjournment
wtw taken at '2:b o'clock.
Wednesday, December 5.
Washington, Dec. 5. Thu brief ses
sion of tho eennto today resulted In tho
Introduction of many bills, resolutions,
petitions ami memorials, mid thu re
ceipt of a number of coimiiutiiciitions
from tho executive department. Sena
tor Foraker's insistence tlmt immediate
action ho taken on thu pending resolu
tions asking for liilormatioii regarding
the discharge of negro soldiers of tho
Twenty-fifth infantry iIovcIoihnI discus
sion, but resulted in postponing action
until tomorrow.
Washington, Dee. 5. Tho houso to
day, awaiting tho report of thu appro
priation bills, begun Its legislative
grind by panning threo measures;
Incorporating tho National German
American alliance; authorizing tho sec
retary of tho treasury to dupllcuto gold
cortillcntctt in lieu of ones lout or de
stroyed; and amending thu national
banking laws, permitting national
bunking associations to mako loans on
renl cstnto us security anil limtiing tho
amount of such loans.
Worse Treated In Mexico.
San Antonio, Tux., Deo. 4. A dis
patch to tho Kxprcss from Kaglo Puss,
Tex., says: Threo hundred Jnpancso
havo entered tho United States from
Mexico through Kaglo Pass slnco No
vember 1. They nro loaving Mexico
because of ill treatment which they re-
into .Mexico wnn promises oi good pay
and pleasnut work on farms, So invit
ing wero thu promises that Japaneso
immigration societies worked to got
Japaneso for agricultural work,
Thursday, December 0,
Wnnhlriiion. Dm). f5. .Tlm mmnln In.
i . . ". "' ----- .
Uny ndopteil tho renrrwo renolutlon ank-
Ing tho prenhlent for information re-
Kard,nK ""J. d,,mrKJ' LXh? ,nem
twfl. "'. f,' Twontyflfth infantry,
f mI " ' tho 'wker resolution dlrcc t-
'"K ih ccdary of War U trnnnmlt
MnnnMmnn the namo nubject.
l rennUir Id-vurldgo intrrxluced a bill
I ""'V . B."'0"!1 tho. 'nMl n?Iwtloii net
",m" !' Pn'u ' "' packer. Another
amendment miuircn that tho date of
ItwtHvtlon and packing or canning nhall
bo placed on each package.
Wanhlngton, Dec. (14. Tho boure
by n vote of 110 to 101 today defeated
tho bill of Littleflcld of Maine remov
ing dlncrimlnationn agalnnt American
nailing vchpoIh in tho chanting trade.
Thu delmto rnged for four bourn and a
half and the renult of tho vote wan a
Mirprino to the friendn of the tnconure,
who openly charged itn defeat to the
American Federation of Itlxtr.
Friday, December 7.
Washington, Dec. 7. My n practi
cally unanimous vote thu botice today
panned thu bill limiting tho regulation
of Interntato commerce Udwecn thu sev
eral states in articlea manufacturi-d by
convict labor or in any prison or re
formatory. Tho bill was introduced
by Hunt, of Mliwourl, a practical ntone
tnanon. I'ndor the Wllnon bill, which
becaiuv n law in 1800, convict labor
innilo gwxls may enter into active com
H)tltlon with the goods manufactured
by "freu lalxjr" nml under this Federal
law n statu could not pans a law that
would prevent tho shipping into tlie
ntato of prlson-mado goods of othor
Tho sovereignity of tho state waa tho
nubject of earnest debate in tho house
today, growing out of tho consideration
of n bill to establish a game preserve of
nearly 700,000 acres in tho Olytnpln
forwt reserve in the state of Washing
ton. Thu bill was passed without divi
Our Army and Navy Prepared If Japan
Wantt to Flftht.
Washintgon, Dec. 4. Nothing which
has been said in thu whole range of
comment on tho ossibllity of war be
tween tho United States and Janan bos
surprised certain Washington officials
so much as tho seeming unanimity of
opinion in inu country that wo aro ut
terly unprepared for a fight with the
Thero Is a prayerful hopo that no war
will come, but, If it should come, tho
strong probabilities aro that the petal
mists, and they seem to abound in
every section of tho land, will find that
they havo looked upon tho prospect with
blue glasses.
Congressmen havo como into "Wash
intgon from even' district and all of
thorn seem burdened with tho belief
that, if trouble comes with Japan over
tho California school question which
is a minor matter or ovor tho enact
ment of a Japanese exclusion law
which is a major matter tho Philip
pines will lm lost to us, temporarily at
least, within a month.
Tho Japaneso will not tako tho Mill
ipplnes, or, if they do. they will be suc
cessful in an exploit that will brine
them such honors of war na few people.
Spokano Dealer Hear From Entire
Inland Empire.
Spokane, 'Wash., Dec. 7. Stimu
lated by tho heavy fall of snow
throughout thu llig ltend, Palouse,
Walla Walla and Coeur d'Alono coun
ties last night, local coal dealers wore
today Hooded with frantic nppcnls from
lAiwiMon, loiinx, Davenport, Pullman,
Wallace and other cities for coal.
In rcsponso to this demand els
wholesale coal dealers, who supply tho
entire territory affected, issued a
signed statement declaring they bad
coal hero in sufficient iiuuntity to sup
ply tho entire Inland 1-hnpIrv, but that
tho O. It. &. X. and Northern Pacltlo
railways were refusing or wero unable
to furnish cars with which to deliver
tho coal. They criticised tho railway
for placing them in a fulsu light by ad
vertising reduced rates on fuel mid an
nounced their Intention of appealing to
tho Itallway commission for an Inves
tigation. Must Appear In St. Louis.
St. Louis, Deo. 7. Tho clerk of tho
United States Circuit court today re
celved notillcatlou from tho United
States ninrshiil's office in Now York
that service had been onlered on John
D. Rockefeller and others in tho gov
eminent suit against Uio Standard Oil
company recently tiled in St. Ixmls. In
addition to Rockefeller, tho following
joint defendants with him wero sorvod:
Henry II. Rogers, William Rockefeller,
John I). Archbold, II. M. Flagler and
Oliver II. Payne. They will bo requir
ed to enter au appearance hoio.
Main Talk Osfore It Will Do tho Ap
propriation Dills,
Washington, Dec. 3. Tho passage of
tho appropriation bills mid an llttlo
othor general legislation tut possible
such in brief Is tho forecast for tho
short session of tho 60th congress, which
will begin at high noon kxlay.
There lias not yet been tlmo for na
general nn exchango of views among
momlwrsas Is ordinarily desired by
lenders Ixdoro expressing tholr views.
but all seern to regard tho present situ
ation as so slmpto as to need compara
tively llttlo Intercourse to arrlvo at nn
understanding. It Is evident, for vari
ous reasons, tliat It will not Iw possible
to do rnticch on tho appropriation bills
bofore tho holidays, and tho clrcum
stnnco will liavo tho effect of condensing
tho consideration of tho 14 regular sup
ply measures into two months.
Considering that tho nggn-gato of tho
appropriations to bo considered will
approximate $ 1, 000,000,000, somo sen
ators and members express tho opinion
tliat congress cannot do bettor than
give all of its tlmo to these measures.
Tlie report on tho ship subsidy bill
probably will bo nn exception to tho
rulo for no general legislation. Tho
friends of tliat measure liavo never been
moru Insistent than now. They aro
extremely hopeful, and yet very appre
hensive. Tho bill has passed tho senate and Is
In committee In the houso. Tho com
mittee lias heretofore been qulte'ovcnly
divided, but tho advocates of tho bill
bellevo tliat they will bo ablo to get It
out in due scnMin and they hope for its
consideration when once reported to Uio
Japanese Government Ask Too Much
for Her Subjects.
Washington, Dec. 3. Tho relations
between tho United States and Japan
as a result of Uio attitude of the Japan
eso government toward tho California
authorities in school matters havo be
come acute. An erroneous Impression
as to tho president's position has been
widely circulated.
Tho president absolutely concurs
with tho opinion of Secretary Me ten If
tliat tho Japaneso have no cause for
grievance nnd tliat no treaty right lias
been Infringed. At the outeet tho pres
ident took tho stand that treaties su
perseded nil state and other laws. Now
lie is convinced tiiat, in giving tho Jap
aneso students 'equal educational rights
whllo separating them from other
schools, all lias been done tliat is ne
cessary. Outside of racial differences, there is
another reason for segregation, and
tliat is tliat many of the Japanese stu
dents are adults. Tho president will
stand strictly upon treaty agreements,
but ho thinks too much is being asked
by the Japaneso government. It is
kiiown tliat tho presldont feols tliat tho
Japanese, witlt an enormous personal
conceit and tremendous personal ego
tism, aro trying to Imposo upon tho
peoplo of San Francisco and Uio Pacific
Government May Enlarge Facilities at
Bremerton to Meet Needs.
Washington, Dec. 3. Tho Navy de
partment lias received a report of tho
special board detailed to look into tho
situation nt Uio Pugct Sound navy yard
with n view to determining tho lino of
its proper development, year by year,
In order tliat thero may bo eventually,
nt that cstnbllshpient, such a complcto
plant for repair, nnd possibly for con
struction, as will bo needed on tho Pa
cific const.
It is pointed out In the report tliat
It would bo of advantage to naval Inter
ests und of vnluo to nuvnl efficiency to
depvolop thu Puget Sound plant Into a
uutlcslilp yard, with facilities for doing
tlio largest kind of work, and nil with a
view to the clmnco tlmt It may bo neccs
Kiry to lmve, convenient on the Pacltlo
coast, a means of repairing ships of Uio
Puclllu and Asiatic stations.
Wrestle With Spelling.
Washington, Dec. 3. Tho subcom
mittee of tho houso committee on ap
propriations, which has been consider
ing tho lelgslatlve, oxecutlvo nnd judi
cial appropriation bill, has completed
its hearings. The subcommittee fol
lowed Uio old method of spelling In pre
paring tho bill. Tho full coniniltteo
will tako up tho bill today and it will
be for It to decide whether tho old or
tho simplified form of spoiling shall bo
used. It is expected tlmt tho bill will
bo ready to report to Uio houso noxfc
Coal Famtno Closes School.
Minneapolis, Deo. 3. Tho coal situ-
atlon in tho country district 1ms be
come worso since tno cold snap. Ono
dealer said tlmt GnrrctBon, S. D,, is
about to closo its schools bocauso of
lack of coal. In somo of tho tqwns
near Garretson residents liavo threat
ened to movo away if coal Is not fur
nished soon.