The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 14, 1906, Image 5

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It A Mrlflili WIIH 111 IlL'tlll TlieH
fjny from IiIh up-river ItoiuvHlvud.
Omul Iiiih a ureal iitnortiiieiit of
fipytt lor the little chup'H ClirintiiiiiM.
Tin Imiul h iiliuiiinit' to uive u
Fnruud bull New Veiir'i eve. Puller
IjiHtllculiirii Inter.
MisH I nun Slither returned to
Hlctitl Tuesday evening uftt-T a visit
of Mcvcrnl teekH in l'oiilmid.
I'nr H.ilo Siimll limine ami lurn
Rud one ui're t splendid gulden on
Fiver Mm K J McCann. y)-.o
'Pill 1 1.1 til I IvilVH U'lll I'lVl IIIIDtlll-t
lif their txiuilliir diuueH Saturday
plight It will lw free to everybody
Ii vmt .ite lookini- lor mltH for
the little folks, you had better ace
IGrant about it. i-i)
lU'v Tiivcnor will oreach in the
R.l.i.r. li C....I .. i.i. until. i 1 F lie unit
Iject will lw 'The Kind of Men Ood
A II Grunt hut recently re-
Reived a new tniuiniiiin tlicrtuonie-
Jer from the government It wut
feared that the old one wan not do
ing correct work.
Mr Mr.iln- entertained n few
friend at luncheon today hi honor
lof Mr Carney, who in vimtiug
Mrs C A Jouet.
C W. HuiImmIv of Portland
IikishmI through Ik-iid Wedncitdiiy
on hit way to Silver where
Ik- ruiiH a n.iwiiull
A It. KutrlxMiet Is huvitn- an ad
dition Imtlc onto hit hhIooii build
ing, the addition mmituriux
leel. It will be lined for a pool hull.
Carl N' Khret mid Hurt A Ken
dall ot Redmond wrre in Bend
Wednesday to f1t on timber cluitnt
The rlaim lound bv thete men lie
near Frank West's much mhiiIi of
Join Meredith, I.. Kdwnrd
Pricket Mtifl John Wmkel of CHue
Fullt werv in IWihI Wwlnewlny
Mr Meredith made cominutation
proof on a hoineteiid before Coin
uiiMiioncr Hill
J. C. Thorp, formerly of I.nidluw,
lnm muilf urrNiitfutiieiili wherchv
lie will run the Trijilett barbershop
during Crenl Triplctt's kIhiicc
east lie oucd the shop for bus
met Wedncfcduy.
If yon are lotting your hair try a
Iwttle ol Thorp's Herb Nourish
litem It i guaranteed ,P
lallini hair, remove dandruff, and
produce a new growth nf hair
For mk' by W. S. Nichol. ,vtf
A coiitett ram? will be heard lw
lurr Cotumikiouer Kllit next Mon
day in which Loin I). Hrirkton
bring content agaiiit Nick Stiiith
on In homrtttead noutli of lie nd
Attorney Myer of I,aidlaw will
appear lor Mr Smith.
HImer Merrill, Harney Lewis itr.d
Carlyle mid Creed Tripled were
quite attccewiful in tin ir hunting
i trin tit) river last week, They sue
deeded in vetting five large -.wans
pup w
L-IJIL lil& .
7t "I'J'V-u iv "ji'.jii "i hhj
' HMH'
iiik! a. few ducks nnd gees, It woh
grout sport but very hard work, the
boys say,
Clirlitinni comes but oncc-nyenr,
Make the children happy by get
tlui; their elfts at Grunt's. 3ft 39
George Whit.ictl, Jr., who has
been spending n large part of the
Hiiiiiiuer camping in the nioitotn'mi,
returned to Hend last week and will
remain here lor koiiic time.
Creed Tripled will leave Sunday
morning for the old home in North
Carolina. He will be gone five or
six moutliH, and during his absence
will visit the cxoitioii at James
town, Va. He cxpcctH to return
to Hend next summer.
Messrs. I'rauk nnd I'M. Sher
wood, young ratichcr.H living about
12 miles northwest of licitd, were
in attendance Friday cvcuitiK at
the reception for Rev. Tavciior
Doth of these gcutlcmeit had a bart
on the program mid gave readings
that were much appreciated by the
large audience.
One of the most pleasant and
.successful nodal events of the past
few months in Hend was the recep
tion, last Friday evening, in honor
of Rev. Tavciior. A large number
of -K-oplc gathered for the occasion,
a pleasing musical and literary pro
gram was given, ami then the
ladie.'i herved cake, coffee and sand
wiches to those present. Kvcryonc
scented to have a good time.
Portland Iiiih been recently brag
ging on the great increase of bust
ncAS in its 'tostofficc, and wc wish
to state thai that thriving city is
not the only place in Oregon that
oh n make similar boasts. At the
do of htiHiuetts Wednesday even
ing, the Hend postofficc had itMitcd
161 money order. Mnce Dec. i,
just 78 more than were issued dur
ing the ftaiue time in November.
The new telephone line will be
completed to Roslaud this week,
and work will be immediately com
menced on the line to Sisters.
Those now having 'phones on the
Roslaud hue are David Hill, C II
Allen, W. I. Vnndcvert and John
Atkiiikou, besides the 'phone at
Roslantl. Nick Weider went out
011 the Roslaud extension of the
'phone line this week and has been
putting in 'phones.
Cents on the Dollar
Hcf-inning on December 1, 1906, and continuing
to January i, 1907, I will do all
Dental Work for Just Half Price
or for 50c on the Dollar.
It s-liotild be distinctly understood that work
done ftr this price will be as good as the best
no cheap work or cheap material. My regular
charges will be resumed after January 1.
Ucnd, Oregon.
Clark Rude of Sandusky, Ohio,
arrived in JJend Wednesday night
on a business visit. Mr. Rude is a
.stockholder in the Deschutes Tele
phone Co.
An iutramursl railwny will be
provided for the comfort nnd con
venience of visiters to the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific
Kxpohition. It will
lc two miles long.
Hend people were treated to sev
era) selections Wednesday afternoon
by the baud, The boys got out
with their instruments and played
on several diiTereut street corners,
advertising the free dance for Sat
urday evening.
A thrill of excitement passed
through people on JJend's street?
last Saturday afternoon when n
team of large horses dashed down
the street hitched to a lumber wag
on, with Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Moore
in the wagon. It looked for a few
moments as though there might be
a .serious smash-up, but Mr. Moore
hud presence of mind to set the
brake real light and succeeded in
getting the team under control by
the time they had reached the P.
H. D. Co.'s office. A barking dog
was what started the horses.
Thi Central Ore
gon Banking 2b
Trust Company
D!l-!KATm l?M.
Capital 525,000.00
Transacts a General Hank
ing Business.
Acts as Administrator, Ux
ccutor or Trustee of Estates
Issues Drafts and Bank
Money Orders on all Foreign
Interest on Time DcposltsJ
Safe Deposit Boxes.
Fire Insurance.
A. M. Drake, A. I.. OoodwIIHe,
l'rctidcut. Vice Pre.
J. M. Lnwrcnre, ScroUry.
1'. O. Minor, Canhlcr.
Santa CSaus Time Is Here
Ob AM. the glad days of the ear Christmas should be one of the
merriest. Old Doc tSt.) Nichol(as) is putting in over-time prepar
ing for the glad event. Arc you making voi'K preparations? Nichol can
help you. lie has a large and fine assortment of holiday goods ft out which
to make your selections for Christmas gifts gifts that will make the little
chap shout with delight; gifts that will bring n laughing sparkle to the lit
tle lasHie's eye; gifts for big nnd little, young and old. Following are a
few of the many he has:
I X'yf.'l, fcS
"ta .w
-.uai pi k 1
H ,
OMElo Radium
Snnnot and ml
Frrfl vounflf from the
wuti'h ntvl elrt which hie
urun vAiir nrrv&i. DnnL of
the wonoeilul wt nerc.wnoie
rematlublc piopertiei will Lanji wie
rK-f from thniniilitm. chronic fon-
fiipttion, iixligcition, kidney and
Jmit 'rnnlili.1 unil m.inv nrnoiii
diwrtieri. Thw splendidly ejui)ied
tinitariunt potseuti every medical
reieurce, provide eveiy luxury ol the
finefl hole! and olferi all llie comfoitt
ol tho home. Located amid the
rnbuntairtt where magnificent icenery,
delightful walkand fine fulling abound,
Intcrmttlo at to tqulpmtiM, atm
moMloai and tutu chnrfultt lupplltil
upcm riqutit.
Por the Little Polks
fttnita Swordi
Stoldter ITNlforMW
DrHini t
Juuii4iiK JticUs
Tj ,
Pop OHHff
lluriMa, nil kiiuU
lliliithig SU
lratng Sot '
StulTed Anitiinl
Mngtr I.atiteriti
Meeliantail Toysi
Uorking lturwi
Koriip lliwkn .
(Kill ltisuttt
Toy WntehiM
Sail Hunts
DoiiiiuooM, C'licckvrti, nil Kinds of Gnutus
' f-
For the Older Ones
Mmttaure Sots
I'lioto ami Glove Hoxim
Tolot Cnto
l.mtit' Work lkmkat Aewrttnent
Smoking Sat
Celluloid Assortment
1'orfuiiie CaM
llottle 1'urfunnw
ltncy Toilet Artialiw
Vflper KnivcH
Vfttoo linporttHl
l'uncli Sets
I'lcttiroti, Medallions
Holiday Cards
Ninas Novelties
Autogrnpli Albums
Ink-standti, Hte.
Solid Oold nnd Cold l-'illod WiUchet
Jewelry of All Kinks
Xmas Tree Decorations, Candles and Holders. Xmas Tree Mats, Xmos Bells
Finest Assortment ol Xmas Candies and Nuts in Town of Bend -Old Fashioned
Black Walnuts and Hickory Nuts
Oranges and Cranberries - Cigars - Drugs & Druggist's Sii dries
Sold nt the Lowest Cash Price. Delivered to Any Part of Town.
PRESCRIPTIONS Fillt I by nn Experienced
and Registered Pharmacist
V T .u
Slaughter Sale!
a-a-a-a-a i-a -wa-a-a-w-a-i 1 w,,,.,.,,,, anwi . .. i n in m 1 a-W
Having purchased the Chapman stock of dryij
goods, etc., tlie same -will be sold at greatly
m ... ... 1
reduced prices. 1 his stock must be sold at once
to make room lor a line line of winter goods.
We have some fine bargains in
Dry Goods, Shoes, Ladies' and Men's jFurmsfongs,
Crockery, Tfinware, Etc, Etc.
A. C. LUCAS, Proprietor
Tables supplied with all the delicacies of the season
First-class Equipment
Fine Rooms and 'Beds
All stages stop at the hotel door
(Jood Rigs -:- Reasonable Charges
Central Oregon Real Estate
Timber and .Desert Lands a Specialty
I Wc buy or sell your land no matter where situated. We can sup
ply you with any class of land at any time. Call on us or write for
further particulars.
Siior an
Hotel Bend
Bond ano
New House, New Furniture, Reasonable Rates. Good Rooms
Always Reserved for Transient Trade.
Massachusetts Mutual
Life Insurance Company
Nearly 300 SATISFIED policyholders in Crook County.
Agency Plains Farmers Want Appro
priation (or Drilling Deep Wells.
Residents of the Agency Plains,
a plateau comprising over 100
square miles of wheat laud adjacent
to Madras, will shortly prepare aud
circulate for signatures a petition
to the Oregon legislature asking
for an appropriation for the pur
pose of drilling deep wells for water
on the plains. The amount of the
appropriation suggested is $Sooo.
The farmers point out that if they
knew beyond question at what
depth water could be found iudtvid
ual wells could be drilled by the
farmers who could go at the work
with the assurance that their prop
erty would easily be increased in
value more than the cost of drilliug
the well, but at the present time
few, if any of them, are prepared
to go to the necessary expense in
experimental work. Futherraore,
they say that to solve tne water
problem of the Ageucy Plains would
in time prove a good investment to
the state, as the increased taxes
from that region would more than
repay the amount of the appropria
tion iuto the state treasury. Pio
M. W. A. Elects Officers.
The local catno of the Modem
Woodmen -Pilot Butte Camo No.
9794 held election of officers last
Saturday evening and also initiated
C, S. Benson iuto the nlysleriea of
the order. It is. reported that Mr.
Benson was perfectly satisfied by
the time the boys got through with
him. The officers elected are as
follows: Past consul. N. P. Smith,
venerable consul, W. S. Nichol,
worthy advisor. C T. Cottor: ex-
ccllcnt banker, E. A. Sathcr; clerk
N. P. Weider: escort. Ralnh Shel
don; watchman, Frank Hodson
sentry, Frank Orcutt; forrester,
William T. Stephcus; manager, one
year, C. S. Benson; manager, two
years, A. L. Goodwillie, manager,
three years, M. J. Morrison: physi
cian, U. C. Coe.
A Wise Hen.
A. II. Grant has a very peculiar
but valuable hen. She is a good
layer aud furnishes his larder with
her full share of the present high
priced commodity known as eggs.
Her peculiarity lies in the fact that
every time she lays au egg, she
jumps from the uest aud begins to
pick up straws lying about aud to
toss them onto her back. Her
actions have caused considerable
wonder as to the cause until Mrs.
Grant happily hit upon the prob
able solntiqn. She says that the
hen is aware that eggs are 30 cents
a dozen and feels that she is entitled
to applause for her faithful layiug,
and if no one else will throw bo
quets at her, she will throw thetu
herself. Undoubtedly Mm. Grant
has discovered the solutiou of the
problem. A hen that will lay at.
egg daily is certaiuly worthy oft.
praise tlicic times.