The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 23, 1906, Image 8

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The Townsite
s ,T i i --
I Sv y xv n TC
B jv vv KCci' s . t v.
w x -fC X- ' ""j .X
I -
TlmUr LanJ, Art Juue 3 l!;S
U. 8. Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon,
September 4, 195.
N'otlce U hcrcbr glien that in compliance with
I ie prortnloof ofthe ct of Congre of June J
5 entitled "An act for the ulc of limber land,
the btatea of California. Oregon. Nerada. and
uhlugtou Territory " at extended to alt the
) abllc Laud Mate by act of Aigutt 4. I ,
Htla L Sluiom
o( Bend, county of Crook, state of Oregon, bat
Una day filed In this office her sworn statement
'o tij6 for the purchase of the sej ofsec it,
tp 19 s. r ue wm
And wilt ofler proof to shew that the land
nought ts more valuable for its timber or stout
lian for agricultural purposes, and 10 establish
cr claim to said laud before II C IJtU., U b
uraistioncr at hisoffrortu Bend, Oregon, ou
.lie lath day f January, 1907.
She names as witnesses. Joseph N. Hunter,
Harry Hill, John White, lames Overton aud
J'cicr K. Hiioous. all of lienu, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands arc requested to file their
(Vaunt In this office ou or twfefe said nth day of
January, 190;
no-j it MlCllAliL T. NOLAN. Register.
Timber Land, Act June J, 1,
U. 8. Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon,
August lith, i$of.
Notice is hereby given that iu cssapUaBce with
i he provi.ionsofihe Act of Coagrr4 of June
1 "7 entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands
in thebtatesof Calllatrata, Oreuoo, Jicvada. and
",ashiugtea Territory.' as e tended U all the
uMtc Land, States by act of August 4, isas,
badle JI Wenaady
I Bend, county of CrooL, stale of Oregon,
fan this day filed In this office her sworn state
ment No Wl, lor the purchase o( the efeswK,
v'.nw aixfuK jof sec 1, tp w, r u e w n
nd will offer proof to show that the land
mght is more valuable for l(a timber or stone
) uu fur agricultural uutpossa, aud to establish
Her claim 10 Mid land before II.
ncr claim iomui lanu ueiofc 11. L inits. u. h
v uromissioRer, at bis office In Bend, Oregon, on
v uromisstoner, at His ontce In ;
lie nth day of Jauuiry, (017,
I.I.J. ..aHiu. M uJIhuiui Sll t
Vharlesllojd, MilUrd Triplet!, Creed Triptett,
'Hot Bcito, Oragon.
uyand all ncrsons dalmlug adversely the
.irm: defccrilxriaiMlssreriietl to file their
. 1 .mis 111 this oAccou or before said nth day of
J iiiuary 197.
!-) MICHAKL T. NOLAN, Register.
V. 8. Laud Office, The Dalle, Oregon,
October 11,140$.
A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed
in this office by Clifford II Hills, contestant,
agaiutt homestead eutry No 14067, made Deccui
' ' IS. IS4. for the uttf, sec rt, tu 16 a,
r 14 e, w m, by l'eter W l'air.
tontettee, In which it is alleged that
stilt l'eter W Islrlias wholly abandoned said
trait that he has changed hit rcsidcucc
therefrom for more than six months since
luakinz said rntrv that said trait is in, I aeitlrri
upon and cultivated by sdid party at required
bv law, that said alleged abtence was not due
I y nls employment in the army, navy or marine
corps ofthe I mted Mates In time of war, S4ld
parties are hen by notified to appear, respond
ud ofTer cvuleuie tout hlug said allegation at
1 o clock a m on December j, 1906, before
V arren 1 Brown. County CKrk, at his office in
lYiueville Oregon, and that fiual hearing will be
heldal looclotka ni ou December IJ, 1906, Krffl,ltr..au1 ""elver at the V b
Laud Ofhce, The Dalles, Orcgou.
.r,,S.'!"Jd'ytf,Unt "'". '" projier afTida
Ut filed October 6, 1906, set forth facts which
show after due diligence persoual service of this
,i';'"cf 5Vi.n.01 bluud.e' ".' h''y "rdered aud
directed that such notice be giveu by due aud
proper publication.
"-3o MICHAKL T. NOLAN. Keglstcy.
Don,.t'lxrTpw.TuSJJnlletiu frn,
aeiShbar iubacrfb for it,' '" - your
. ' mi y a r
.iv rv v v vC -y Vx. xv. Nx -
Timber Land, Act June j, l!;5.
U. S, Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon.
September 14, 1906.
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with
the provision! of the Act of Congress of June j,
9J. entitled. "An act for the sale of timber lands
in the sutes of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington Territory," as extended to alt the
public land sutes by Act of August 4, 1(91,
Robert J McCann
ofnend, county of Crook, state f Oregon, hat
thlsdav filed in this office bis sworn mimrai
Ho. uis. forthe purchase of the eKneK ofsec 14,
if m i 1 t w m
And will offer proof to show that the land
sought Is more valuable for ita timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to establish
his claim to said land before II C KJlis, I'
H Commissioner, at his office in Bend, Oregon,
on the nth day of January, toaj.
He names at witnesses Ray WllUnson. Loth
top McCann. Cessje n Wilkinson and William
If. Morrill, all of Bend, Oregon
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands arc requested to file their
claims in this office on or before said nth day
of January, 1993.
ny-lu MICHAKL T NOLAN. Register.
Timber Land, Act Jnne j, ij.
V h. Laud Office, Lakcvlew, Oregon,
October it, iyu5.
Notice U hereby given that In compliance with
the provisions ofthe Act of Congress of June 1,
liTS. emitted. "An act for Ihj a&ileaftimtMrlAtuf
in the sistes of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
WaskinifioH Territory," as extended to all the
puuiicwuu state oy Act 01 August 4, 1891,
Sadie A Lucas
of Bend, county of Crook, state of Oregon, has
this day filed in this office her sworu statement
No jjij, for the purchase of the wKtetf sec ij
ad wMnefc sec J), tp it s. r 11 e w m
And will oifer proof to show that the land
sought it more valuable for its timber or stone
than (or agricultural purposes, aud to estab
lish her claim to said land before It. C. Kill ,
t S. Commissioner at hit office at Bend, Oregc '
ostisaturday, the 1Mb day or January, 1907. '
She names at wltiiHsi chart. 1 r ....
WUUamH Brock, Charles Brock aud Alb- r
Lucat, all of Bend, Oregon.
Any and all pertens claiming Ai-rlv
UseaWe described lands arc rtnue' to fib?
"-" 1 j-se'""t y
j J" INWATSOr t. Ktgi,ter
, Timber Land, Act June , t))
I U. b. Und Office, TJ- x dUm, Oregon,
...,,. . August jo, I9c4,
hie?roTl.ion'.rof?h'(J a2? M "' compliance wltb
Iw'eStillsd f -An art r 'f Congress of June J
(nth? states of LaUfor, ,n aa'cof llmUrlaiid.
Washinltmi TrV?J!,rJ ' Oregon, Nevada, and
mill Ic laid site. l.vy " asexteiiu'eU to ali the
public laud states by Act o Augu,t l8v,
. 1 J "n ' "ay
harthla'dai filSd '."""' couJrl ute of Oregon,
ineril N xWr t ' '" ,h" ce "Is worn state
and lot ?'of c Jr .'. P""e f " e5fiiw
uim tut 1 ui set; vi,ipi9, r joe wm
sniioiTi i. iin er 'Proof Xo now hat the land
X.T&, .m Vali-abli for it timber or stone
hi.?i!?r. ? Icultnrtl iffirposei, and to ettabllsh
cJf, ,.o said land before JI. C. Kills, 17. b
th 1,11? jouer. at hl office InrJIend, Oregon, on
the nth day of January. lr; ,
irriJi? mta as wlfuesscs Mlcltacl J, Morrison,
nJ, Jfotterworth, Herbert P J. McDonald and
uv" A D. Crocker, all oi nend?Ore&on.
-. , , m ..
," .nyaudall person t claiming adverrely the
"I )vc-dcscnbcd lauds arc requested to We their
a I mat Its ttila ifflost ns l,.f,. u,. 1,1 1.111 ... nr
vsh ( iiiia wiuvt wit vi iajviv wan ,u urt
January, J907.
yjit .tni4 i. fiuiwtrf
Manv national cntivMifinns will
"be Jieldat the Alaska-Yukcro-Fiivuf-
ic expoaition in 1909. I
Timber Ijinil. Act June J. .3?.
U. 8. Ind Office, The Dalles, Oregon,
October 18, lyno.
Notice is hereby given that In compliance with
the provtsiont of the Act of Conerets of limes.
,i!t7, entitled, "An act for the sale ortlmberlandt
in the state of California. Oregon, Nevada, and
IWasMngtou Territory, ' at extended ts all the
.public land states by Act of August 4, l&yi,
Bessie A Mltktnson
jof Bend, county of Crook, state of Oregon,
jiaimn uay mm in inn oince ner sworn state
ment No UJ6, for the purchase of the se of
sec j. tp (9 s, r ue w m
And will offer proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for Its timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to establish
her clulm to said land before H C Hills, V S
Commissioner, at hit office at Bend, Oregon, on
the nth day of January, 1907.
She names at witnesses Joseph N. Hunter.
William II Haat. John tefdl. Creed M Trip
left. KlmerJ Merrill, Michael J. Morrison, all
of Bend, Oregon
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
tRe-dcserfbed lands ire requested to file their
claims In this office i(n or before said llth day
of January, 1907.
n9-J MICHAKL T. NOLAN, Regltter.
Timber Lr.nd, Act of Jnne j, 1878,
U 8. Tatid Office, The Dalles, Oregon,
August 11, loaS.
Notice Is ! ,rtkv oltfpti Ittiil Im m,,M.1lAti urllti
th-provisi jns of the Act of Congress of June j,
i7. cntil'.ed "An act for the sale of timber lauds
iu the str .Im f rur,..i rir.Nm wva.U anil
M'athln ton Territory," at extended to all the
iHiblic ,and state by act of August 4, 8;,
Wallace B. Seller
? 'I end, county of Crook, state of Oregon, hat
hi day filed In thlt office his sworn statement
N o 1107, for the purchase of the nMnwIf , seK
1 jw and iiwKneK of secjj.tl1 '9 a. r 11c w in
And will offer proof to show that the
land sought I more valuable for its timber or
lone tlisn for Agrlcilluiral purposes, and to
establish his claim to aakl land before If C
Kills. V h CommiMlonrr. at his office In Bend,
Oregon, on the lith day of January, 1097
He names at witnesses- John Sttlill, Thoman
Tweet Albert C Lucas and Her be t l. J. Mc
Donald, all of Bend, Oregon
Any ami all persons claiming, adversely the
above-described lauds arc requested to file their
claim in this office 011 or before the said nth
day of January, iwf
119-J4 MICHAKL T NOLAN. Register.
Timber Mud, Act of June j, 1878,
U. B. Land Office, Lakcvlew, Oregon.
Notice It hereby given that In compliance with
Ihe provision ofthe act of CougiesS of June 3,
17, entitled "An act for the sale oft I in by- lauds
In the states of Californls, Oregon! Nevada and
Washington territory," as extended tV.ll the
public laud state by act of August 4, ttp, the
following person have filed iu this office their
sworn statements, to wit 1
George W Couch,
of Laldlaw, county of Crook, stale of Oregon,
worn statement No. 3101, for the purchaic of
uie wej, sees, ipjj t, r 10 c. w i. -
Osborne Kdwardt, . '
ofllcnd, county of Crook, state of Oregon, tiAjrit
tatrmeiit No. 3101, for the purchat ofthe twjf
hviM ccil,Hic;,acUw acci, tp M , r
A r iv in
That they will offer proof to show that the land II
ought l more vajuahlclor It timber or stone
than for agricultural purpose, aud to establish
their claim to sad laud before the Register aud
kLCelver. at Loleevicrw. flmrfiti.mi Kturflav. tbj?
JVtb day of December, 1906. f
They name a wltucttct: l'rauk 1, Dayton,
Ctorve W. Coilch. of I.akllaw. Dreiroul aud
Otburnc Kdward of Bendi Orcgou.
Any and all p ' liM Utaifnlng adversely any ol
the above laud , e iejt.eiited tp fjlc their .claim
In thlt office 011 rtelore the rtld 39th day ol
JMccrabcr. 1908, t
co-" . W ON. ifUUr.
On the Deschutes River in Western Part of Crook
County, Oregon.
Cehter of the new irrigation Development covering
in 4 j
J 4 t i t l J 4 S ?
i J J 7
r I i 1 Uo' 1
i i i fi i i i
rt t3 H 'Of t
i l J 4 S i ?
j ) ' f l
r i i iii
Xo A
r r
Timber Land, Act Juue j, ij
0. S. Land Office, The Pallet, Oregon,
August It, ty
Notice Is hereby given tint In compliance with
Ihe provisions ofthe Art of Congress of June 3,
117s, entitled, "Air act for the sale of limber lands
In the states of California, Oreuon. Nevada, and
Washington Territory " as extended la all the
puitiiciaiMi states uy Act el August 4, 9,
Krnett A Kmllh
of Bend, county of Crook, stale of Oregon,
has this 1av filed In this office hit sworn state
ment No 3141. for the purchase of lots j and 4 of
aecsanilrsts laM sofsec, Ip I5s, r II e. w i
Ami will ofler proof to show that Ihe land
sought Is more valuable for Us timber or stone
than for agricultural purpose, ami to establish
his claim to said land lnCure II. C Ktlts,
V 8. Commissioner, at his olfke In Bend,
Oregon, on the nth day of January, iy7
He names as Nicholas hmllh, James
I) Jfoneyman, James It Reed and John nttidl,
all of Bend, Oregon
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lauds are requested to file their
claim In this ol!lc uu or before the nth day
of January 1907
119 i MICHAKL T. NOLAN. Kegl.ter.
Timber Mud, Act Juue j, 1176,
U, S, Land Office, The Dalles, Ocrgon,
September 1 J, iou,
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with
the provisions ofthe Act of Congress of June 1,
l7, entitleil "An act for Ihe salcof Umber lands
in the ttateinf California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington Territory," as extruded to alt the
public laud states by Act of August 4, If";',
Lyda A. Hmllh
of Bend, county of Crook, state nf Oregon, has
this day filnl Iu this office her sworn statement
No hi, for the purchase of the nMucjf, ue
nwjf aud lot 1 ofsec 19, tp il , r II e w 111
Aud will offer proof to show that the laud
sought It more valuable for Its limber, or stone
than foi agricultural purpose, and to establish
her claim to said land before II C Klllt, V H.
Commissioner, at hitufficc Iu Bend, Oregei , 011
the 11II1 dav of January, 1907.
She iiamrt at witnesses Joseph N Hunter,
Daniel Hrlting, Thomas lt)au, all of Baud, Ore
gon, and John Ilfoss, of hlstert, Oreguu
a.ny aud all persons claiming adversely the
t.cQvc described lauds arc requested to file their
cfulms Iu thlt office on or before the tald nth
dayof January, 1907.
119-J4 MICHAKL T, NOLAN. Register.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878,
V. H. Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon,
October , 1906.
Notice I hereby given that In compliance with
the provisions ofthe Act of Congress of June J,
7A. entitled, "All act for the sale of timber lauds
Iu the ttatea of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington Territory," at extended Jo all the
public laud state by Act of August 4, 1891.
Kmltl, Krlkson A
of IKnd, county of Crook, state or Ore
gou.liai thlt day filed In this offjee Ills sworn
statement No. jj6j, for the purchase of the c'A
iiw'X, ncUaw'aud nwj.'sejj of sec 10, tp 18 ,
rites 111
A ltd will ofTer proof Jo- show that the
laud sought la more valuable for It timber or
stone than for agricultural pur sues and to estab
lish hi claim to said laud before If. C Kills,
U H. Commissioner' at hit yfli.oe In Bend, Ore
gon, ou the nth day of January, 19U7-
Ife iiamc at witnettet:, Ole Kriksou, Hans
Johnson, Charles Iloyd, Albert C Lucas, all of
Bend, Oregon,
Any and all person claiming adversely
thr above lands ore requested tofilt4hcir claim
iu llibi office ou or before the said llth day of
Jaujiary, 1907.
nUi 14ICHAKLT NOLAN. Register
J, W Alaslu-Yufeticlfic &
po3hlou will cover 256 'txorefj. '
-i j
t J i S i
iZ ' t I 7
A V E .
Z J J"
Z m 'o 1 S 7
1 i i i i .
ii i i i i i
h AV E.
I Z J t s &
' L-w? I I
A Ii 'I I
'"i vl'.-
Timber Land, Alt June j iS-H
U H Land Office, The Datlet, Oregon.
October islh. ft
Notice Is hereby given that In cnmplUHcc with
Ihe pf ovliKms oTthe ActitfCougms ol June t,
i7. entllle.1 "An act for the Mte or timber lands
if."!? 'ts-aerfCattiftKHU. oreauxt, Nevada, and
UsthlnnttMl Trffiiory,"as extended In all live
public land Mates by act of Augtsst 4, lw,
I'rsitl o Minor
f,'"."'',!H,.M,rorc"M,k' HU, nr nttmm. h
this day filed Ih I hi. office hit swmm slalrmcMt
No J5l for the purchase ofthe mKnK ofsec 1
aim aMueX ofsec ). Ips, rue, w m
Ami will offer proof to slmw thai the laud
sought is more valuable for lis limber or stone
than for sgrlcullural pMriwsws, awl la 4ahllh
hit claim ti said land Mute II C KltU, f
CommiMktner, at his office In Bend, Oregou, iw
Hie lathilay of Jmiuary. iyr
He name a wltnt Joseiiti N llunler. It
A Orifflu. Ishu ateUll. Cailyle C Triulelt, Wll
lUw If. Ham, Willi m II. Brotk, all of Bend.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described Isuds are requested to file their
claims in Hits office oil or before sld istli day ul
January, 1907.
Timber Lamt, Act June j, 1I7C
0. 8. Laud Ofsec, Lakevicw, Orrgon,
Ortober it, lui.
Notice Is hereby given that In csmipliaHcr with
the pt ovttmiis oMfir Act of Congress of June j
17. enlillnl, "An art for the sale of limber lends
In the states of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington Territory," as rxteiided lo all the
public bind state by act of August 4, 104,
t hsrles Lewis
of I'rlnevtllc, county of Crook, stale of Oregon,
baa this day filed iu till, infuse his sworn siate
meiit No J170 for the tmrchase of the iiHiiwU
and seXnwji sec 31. p s, r i e w m
Ami will uffi.1 proof to show tltdt Ihe land
sought Is inure valuable for Its limber (if ttuue
than fur agricultural iiutfujw.. .ul i
estalditji hit da I ut to said laud before the
clerk of Crook county, Oregon, al III office lit
rniievine, urcgou, on mtturtJay, the nth day of
lauuary, 19117.
He name a witnesses Henry K Seehaleaiid
.char Is h St ton d of I'riucvllle, Oregon, ltd us r
W Hutchinson, of Wasssi, Oregu 1, (lull New
wiu, Leauder Dillon of I'riucvllle, Oregon, 1'ran
els II, Marlon of Laldlaw, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely I
II.- .t...u.t...,.l!.l I. ...I. .. Jl 1- .' I
file their claim ill this office oil or btfoictlie said
lith day of January, vrj.
U9JII J. N. WAThON Ucwlitcr
Timber Laud, Act June 1, 178,
U. S, Laud Office, The Dalles, Oregon,
, October 11, 1900,
Notice It hereby given that In cotuMiancc with
theprovlilouiof theactofcongrcsMofJiiiic j.1878
entitled "An act for Ihe lAlc of limber liiiult fn
Dictates of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory," 111 cxiciultHl toull tlic
public laud states by act of August 4. 1891,
Kay A McOlilvray
of Bend, County of Crook, Sate of Oregon, him
this day filed Iu this office hi tWrn statement
No. JIM, for the purchase of lot , ofsec j mid lot
4 ofiec4,tpiS, r 11 c w'ifi ,
And will offer proof bt show that the land
sought It more valuable for II timber or stone
than fin agricultural nurttosei, and tu eitahliili
hliclalmto ald lautl before JI. C, Jtllli, V, H, lilt office Iu Ilciid, Oregon, 011
the nth day of January, 1907.
He name a wltueaWi: JJImer NiiwniiDrr.
Charles M Weymouth, John l'crgusou, Willuim
J. MiOlllvray.ullorilcuU, Orrgon.
i...... .a .ii ... .. .ir:..i -1 ... .1
,")" .""i',"., vuti"B auvcriejy inc
abovctlcscrlbcd lauils; ifte 'Jjueiteil iu i(h
tutu, iiuiiii.iu uimuiijcc ou or uciorc IU lltll
u-y 01 juuunry, 1907
V- JkUCilAKI, Xi MO&AXV'tUaUu.
At Gateway to
the Great
- TiTo Town has Grown
almost entirely in two yenr.s, tlic
ofTiaMlatint; only front April 8, iyc.j.
Hcnd lias cxccllunt public jkIiooIs
nml complete public water works.
The Pilot Butte
Development Co.
Proprietor Townsite
a -
Tin. Ur I.ait.1, Ait Imtr 1 ,1
V H Uml Oflke The Ifellrs Orrg. u
wplenilicr t
NotK is heirby slvrn that in si.iii lisn. ,tfi
ihr pi,.. i.i. nf the ai ( (.,! -. ,r I
i7 entlltol "Ah act for llir sale ,f t . . . -r . Un ,
H Ihe Males of CallJueHla. Oregon -
WashlMgtosi Tetritoey," eslendrd .. illf
nMvj laud state by set of August 4. i,
tstSMH D Ciastp
of Watts Walla, nasaty of Walla Well l .1. '
WashluMast, has this day AU4 Im Ibi. .ifn.r V
woes) stalesaenl No jia. Aw ihe imrthssi- id i
tKvfscaa,tpMs, r Ijewm
And will offer lsf Ul sttow that tli laii 1
osifNt is HhwevWlaaWr for its tlnitort.r it 11
Ihah roe agricultural smmmm, audio muiiu
her cWim busaMUndsbehMethe Rrgluirsti
Hecelver al The IWlles, Oirgou. on the 11U1 iliy
of Jauuary tysf.
Mm imhms as witness's JoIih iim ,IIish
Brock. I S llHMter. of Bend, ttrr.n I M
Mnrke.K.W Croup, both of WaPa Wall. v.l:
Auy and all persons tialmiug adv'isr
lbcabuv-.lesrllm lands are requested in fti
iHetrcUlms in this olflec ti or before said in
day rtf January, ism?.
"V-lll MICIIAUf, T VOLAN Register
Timber Mm), AM Jhhc J, 17
U, H. Jud Ollwe, The Dalles, Oregon
HiteiHier -t Is'i
Notice I hereby given that luntrnpllsm. with
thr provision of 1 be set of Csmgress ir line
i7 eullllr.fM act for the !. ,f in,,'. ,,
iu IheStalesofCalUorHM.niegou, Sr. . , mi (
WashlMgltHiTefittory," as esiendrd Ii all Hi
l-ublk Mml Stale by net uf August 4 IS'
Jtniile II Vassal!
rfl'atUCIty . cotinly ofPolk.Male of Orek, 11 In
this dav filed in this office her swum slut imnt
No uj for the puKkascuf the neL i
tp iv, r ne w m
And wilt oiler proof lo show that b Uu
auugut U more valwaMe fin It tlmlirr or si, it
than for agrkiilluial imriiwscs), iiul t
her ctalwT iW Und benxr the Hegistn mid Rf
celver ut Hi Dalle. Otegon. 01 the jt y ( f
January. 1907
wie naiiiesaawiliiesscs flareu. 1 K !iwsc
' The IMIIes, Olegou, iliuiiia II
MoulasilU. uieann. Waller Nlchl and I rank
Buttiiworih, Imlh of Bend, Oregon.
Any ami all parson claiming adverwlv tin
Uc-cs4rilMl lauds are requested to file th'ir
clalius In this office oil or be line said tut iluy 1 f
-J' MICIIAKI, T. NOLAN, ltrghlcr
Tims, adminiatratorh uk ahsh.-.h
Notice Is hsrebv ulveu that v,m mr ,11,,,,. ,,....
J." the iwyiuetilsuiid liruvliiuiisurnrrrtaiu Bond
for DestlWo i Issue.) to you by Tin- 'il. llutti
Ihvrlopmeiil Cttmiiaiiy for Luis ij and 1 f Block
it llutti
f Block S...S
. m neiiu, nnil lli, if s,ili ilelliiquriicy sluill mil
have Ueii made gol,niid nil amounts due on
her jr. iia, salil iioinl will at I hut time CB,
cslsd by the iiiidsrsiitiied
Tlitt PlIOT flltrru Hi., .. ...
iiuiiii anaii nut nave iKtu Wi iy DiCCIII
Ileiul, Oregon, Novemlier i, 19110. me ,,
!,',ol",?R sgJJS AN"
for Det.1 No 91, Issued to )ou by The flint Hut e
levelopineitOomNiiiyforl.oti of Block 'J or
leild, iin.i nut. If .aid iletluquci ey . In I nol hate
rr,!"."!a'r'(,,.,,B",.l "" "'ouiif due o "aid
lloud sbAII nut have been paid, by Ilecciiilicr a
lo... an d.llond will at Ihat tliu'e be iVa.icclrTl bj'
tlit. iimlciiigiicd, u
.. 1 r'"'' ,',i"r ,H."TK "VI.U)l"ll,Nr CO
llend, Oicgon, Nuvcmber n. 19. iiirvllii
Ikkioatio) Land I Ihivu n fitu
choice tracts from do to tr.n nnrsu
L 6nch that, can be boucht nt n bnr--.
Uunuinct"-- ........)3)f