Mnlrr Until, Cholly How tin ymi think I looV with my niilmiiolillH kukrI? Ml1 (''fiwk'illii -I HUiMinif ynil look tliroimli tliKin, Jimt n If tli Mom urdl' narr siaiiea, Don't ton? 'Mini MiMirnl IVi-IIhic, Iloothby )li )ou ever suffer taw f rich (7 f I Dill OnrrlcKMiti .Vn hut ninny a tmt, wIimii I've liMiknl llironcli Ilia pftplmla. and noted ilm i of Ilm nmllfiiff, I have suffered B-rrt y from lnt-olllce frljdit. "CltottU, whnt Ii your fathrr'i occupv lion?" "III whnt, ma'am?" "I IU occupation. What does In do (or llvlnt;?" "Do? I'ur a llrln', ms'am? Oreille's plain cloVs ii'li-cr limn wit' a vull I" I.envra Itm llnlra. The Gourmet I tell you, I certainly in fiiml of HtrUi cheese sandwiches. Tim lynx'itlc Oh, that's tlia chrvsa with tliu holes In It. Very Indlgost! bio. Tint (liitirnii't They are, oh? Well, I noior eat tlit'in. 1'lillniU'liililn Ledger. II.MT II nirtirk llllil. Mm. Hubiirb ( with pjper) I eo (hut the situ of thu Garden of Hdcn has at last been located, Mr. HuliiirlM Yes? Whun will the ni of lutt take place and wiuit's thy faro from the city hall? Tuck. PRUSSIAN COUCH I DISTtHPCR CUftC (ira (imiH, IrliUnMr allTbmat li tmt 1rntrf, Hi tha anlmil In f.t.4tu. IOfl.1 Mln llmlv 21 I'M hi Mil MY DEAR FRIEND ffl- I'nlialilrr Ilm !Mn llmi III lifulnri lira III Hi ahllllr in nirk lo olio thing nil II (U ttirie Will fur attlcuUtl. 32H lumber tuhangr, Portland, Oregon nirr OUT OP THE RUT I urn itfilincr ut book, matailne and ratalogua tiiifti, tiuilima ranti Itllrr tiradi, till mul admlum full ran inakelhr rlu i. jnuritoto Imik clillirlydlf ttl4u If icliiiTlii I'Oiri, rtr , liort iilil. CIIAItltS SCIIUAM 34S'i Mwflion SI. I'OIMtAND, OIICCON Hjljl ' iREE LOT AT OCEANSIDE INiulli llrrli) mul llrulifut 0k li....k I ih I irrry I "trtimer 1 1 l!:nKjri I'll lloll ol I ho "library of Ihr Worlrf'i llrtl lllrrlur." t4 limn t'lk I ml I -, j ir Ti'hinio. linn itcsiTrrr of i-n llliK-rno iih, aio mul tuuka ilc,itrr I Iff. I ailkuia l.jr "'"' i.0.MIUAHCO.. Columbia IIIJc, Portland, Or. Hirr m-i7i L --pm:im j-i.iiTrr.TTa i nwi.iii awMmuahi iaiHk .uin. ii m CLASSIFIEDADVERT1S1NG PorlUnd Trade Ulrcttory Nairn and Addrt nai In Cailland of Rapr. anlallia tluilnan flrmi. C'llhAU hHrAllA'llll-W auaianlMIha M.H. b ixialor lo l lh liU WhH lf Irva calaiu iUimltlKkllu HniinJOk, 1'IAMim A ()lt(iANs-lnr nna InilrumaaU ra vrilu in awoyiH aiknvkior rwval ufhuxar 'Willi, fur ilcr i.imiii ef .aiKM wow on dnl luitli, no. Ilia lojay. Illlb.fl IU, IWllaftd P. N. U. No, 46-00 AV rilKN writing limilvnrllaara plain iiriiniiii i ma Niar. fMtlxfltJkxi TREE IRRIGATED LANDS In Central Oregon, at Cost of Reclamation THE DESCHUTES IRRIGATION & POWER CO. Under the Cnrev Act has 75,000 acres now "under" water. 210 MILES OF WATER LINES 1,8 foot every ninety days over foot over each 100 acrot available lo each purchaser at actual coil of Irrigation. Payment on In three equal annual payment at 0 per cent. Maintenance chame. SI nor acre nor annum for each trrlsabla acra for Vv water. PRODUCTIVENESS PROVEN UY GOVERN Ar tV MENT EXPERIMENTAL STATION and by actual &$', aottler on the land, 30,000 acre having been Hold. w , . . yVA C t x.&:-k " Xf POWER COMPANY :Aft : V -AMON J taVKim mr Wcy 'it ,. TO.-i ? r :-f WVV9 1 f mu ikW'9 UVT4J6&iMK 1 .' AYjyjtm KMw UWiffllllW MIIPiillM .H Irf-IUiBI-fWfil. 1 FOR CATARRH , OF THE Head.throat luhgs stomach KlpKEVS.BLftDDER 1 AND' . $j PELVIC RGANS & tz ', . . &bi Juilltfi nml Juror. JiiiIrc AilnniH, tho County Court Jmlk'u of I.liucrlrk, I ono of tho wit tlot of Irlnhiurii, hut oecitHlonnlly from mi I'limutitor lie iTiicTKos rH-roml bent. Thu other duy a Juror nnkid to bo I'xciiiril from ktvIiir on account of dcftfnci, "Were you In court during my chnrico to thu jury In thu last cnnot" tuked tho JuiIkc "Vm, ycr honntT," rciillcd tho Juror. Mld you lioar Itr yo. ycr liouiior, I heard crery word of It, but 1 couldn't tunko any hIiko of It I" Tho rttply evoked n ronr of InuRhtrr, In which JuiIko Adaimt heartily Joined. Hut liu did not oxcunc that Juror. I.nnk but llu Not Touch. "lias your wlfo cot your den tlxcd up yctr "Vc, and you ought to ( It It'i tho cozlcut jtlaeo In the wholo houite." "I aiipiKm! you II ml great comfort In It, don't your "Oil, nho won't let mo ro In It It's merely to look at." Milwaukee Sontt no). I'lral Aptirnrkiirr. "Who iro you, alrl" aikcd lire, In urprlac. "Mmlatii," ntuwercil Adam, with hit moat pusokIiik hiIIi, "I am Kxhlblt A of thu vthuoloslcal dxirtinent." It wan then thnt thu 'rpnt, havlnc icnHMl from tho (oologleal dcpnrtmenl, cntertil uikiii th aeene, aud tho real trou ble began. each Irrigable acre, or one aecond landi Ono-fourth catti; balance v . iIP I nccrHHTPc innirATinM AMn 611 McKay Mg., Portland, Oregon Office for talc of lind, Box A, Redmond, Crook County, Ortjon B5fe THE DREAD OF LIFE. Uy Henry F, Copo, Man aliall not llvo by broad nlonu, but hy overy word that iirowiilutli out of tho mouth of (Jod. Matt. Iv., I. Thero aro llviti that linvu broad In nhuiidiinco nml yet aro ntHrvedj wltJi barnn mul wnrnhouwH llllwl, with ahelven and lantern laden they tiro uimity mul imiiKry. No man uwil wivy Uiimii; their fcuirlali, ronlleM whirl U but tint Miiri'li for KiitlHfac- tlou noror to Iki found In thliiK. Called rich In a world wlwre no otherri nro inoro truly, iiltlnbly jHor, IiiivIiik ull, yet laekliiK hII Ikh'iiii they linvu ne- kIik-ih.1 tlm thliiKx within. Tim nliuiidniKt) of hrwd Ih tho ciiiiho of iiniiiy a iiimu'h ileoiwr huincer. llav Ihk known tiotliltii; of the dlnolpllnu that ilmelojw llfo'a hidden muiwi of HttlKfaetton. iiJlliliik' of thu HtruKKlo In which deep ciiIIh unto deoii and tho trim life llndH ltHlf, ho hjhjihIk IiIm dnya In neeklm; to HiitUfy IiIh Nml with furniture, houen and Imida, with yacht ami niorchundUe, mvkliiK to fowl Ida hoart on tlilngH, a protvitu of liHtH pnniilne and runnuii than feedlnt; ii himpjiliiK turtlu on thouiihu. If the hoart to ompty th llf can not lx lllliil. The tlow miiHt cmmi ut the faucet If tho foundntlous ko dry. Tho prime, tho eloiuentnl nociiiNUIeM of our IwIiir are for the life rather than the body, Ita houno. Hut, ohm, bow often out of thu mitrblu iillllco Umiuh the Ior emucUtiil Inmate, how out of the life Imvlni: many thing coiiioh that which nmouuU to noth liiK. Thu iiwontlal thlupi are not often thoo. which motit ruadlly strike our blunt M'tit-ON. We nv the ahull llrnt. To the uiuKuloinil mind tlie material Ih ull there Ik. Hut looking ilivir Into life therv coimn mi nwakuiilni; to the fact and tho nlKulucnuco of the uplrlt mil, thu feeling that thu reimou, thu omotloiiH, tho Joya mid pnlna that hove imtiniiK to do with tliltiK. tho tlva that knit on to the Infinite, nil coiwtltutu the enmiuciit elomuiitH of life. HccniiH mun.U a cjilrlt hi life nev er can coiiNlut wholly In tlilnpi; ho iiuiHt come Into hla liorltane of thu soul wealth of all the ukoh; hu mini reach out, though often iih In thu dark, until lUTima the cld thero coumn volcea, tho nagim aud thu MHira, the projiheta, and the kh)n hHakliijt tho language of tlw noiil. In thefc hu tlnda Ilia food nor can Ida dcoinir hunger bo niuungi.ii un til It thu. U fed. Hecaui-u tuau U n aplrlt and gradu ally U iMUilng Into thu douiliiaut aplrlt life In which thlupi Hlmll count for let mid thought mid character for more, ho ncuka after hla own kind. Tho deopa of life liao their relutloiiHhlp. Tho uplrlt of man crloa out after thu fatlier of oplrlta. Hy whatever naiuu mon haru oallwl thu moat high they ever liavu houglit utter nun tuo eternal who would he ouo with them In mul, In all that la urwoutlal and nbldliiK In twlng. Kvory ndlgloii, oory philosophy, ev ery endeavor after chamctur uud truth Ih hut tho cry of humanity for word with Cod. Hearing HU word on any lip thu hoart of man aiiHwera with Joy. Thu wurda of eternal truth havo tnttu thu food of tho great In ull age l'n lut ing lu tho tight tho meaingo from the u ilium, thu ivho of uverlaatlus verities Iiiih revived their iplrlta; they havo fought tho tight that dcuplaca things and fecckg truth. Who would not ejcclmngu a mess of Kttagu for thu benediction from u fnth cr'a Ilpn7 Who la mi dead hu no longer IIiuIh moru aatlafactlon In truth ami lovu mid beauty than In food or furni ture? And why nn wu no foolUh iih Htlll to neck to Hutlafy ourbelvca with thlngH that pcrlah, whllo down to tho leant bludo of creation earth U laden with unfading rlchea, OoJ la every where, mid every open hoart mny hear Ilia voice? If wo might hut learn this lesson, wo people of thu laden hand mul tho empty heart, that since llfo la moro than digestion and man more than boiiHt r machine, alnco doteruilnliig all la tho aplrltual w'orld, they only nro wlao who not tint thing 11 rat, who iuo tho garnered cxporlencu of tho pnat mid tho opportunities of tho present to tho enriching of tho soul, who lis ten amonir all thu voices of tlmo for tho wordH that proceed from tho llpa of I Ilm n'ho luhahltuth eternity. SOLACE FOR ALL ILLS. By Kov. Dr. Talk Vidavor. It la thou who hast set up nil tho bonudnrloa of tho earth, summer and &mm IMyFOT winter- thou thj'wlf IiiimI formnl them. - I'wiliiw Ixxlv. n, TheiHialmlHt mid all the godly men and prophi'ta of the hlhllcal age at tained their groatuemi mid distinction, not through acloiitlllc roKoarchea, nor through art and philosophy, like the niieluut wixc men of Itome and Orecce, but through their childlike- confldcncu and faith In tho Almighty. From audi a faith they not only drew their Inspiration, but a Iuo their moral utrcugth aud aolaco In gloomy lioum of (foiihlu and millctlon. In all tho occurrence of llfo in tho Hum mer, when thu nun of happlueN mulled on them, and lu the winter, when llfo ncemod to them dark aud dreary they beheld the linger of Coil. Hence thu oiii- could not render them vain and overbearing mid tho other could not dlfthcnrtfii mid render them dciipond cut mid ilowncnut. "For everything that I'tiinnofea from Him haa Ik-cii calculutiil for iimu'H Mel fa re." Tliife holy men of old firmly be lieved that all natural phenomena, Niimmer and winter, hove their origin from mid their cxUteuiv In Him. Hence they never ahlrkod their dutlea, neither nmldxt the torrid heat of Hum mer, nor muldiit the freezing cold of whiter. Patriarch Jacob, therefore, wIjoko vocation In Ida younger dnya wna that of a ahepherd, tell how con Kclentloualy he kept Inbnn'a aheep, Haying "lu thu day the heat conaumed me mid the front by night mid my aleep departed from my eye-." A firm and childlike confidence and faith In thu fact that all the worka of nature have been formed and ordained ao wiaely and ho benutlfull uy the Al mighty la of Incalculable good. It la elevating, edifying, encouraging nnd Idealizing. True religion mid audi a faith are Inxcpnrably united. One without tho other la worthless and In effective. , Had not the psnlmUt been Imbued with Mich n faith he could never have enriched thu world with hla ancrcd pNiluii mul Hwwt hyiniiH. Had not the divine iiibu mid propheta of old been anluini-nl with audi a fnlth they would have lanin unnble to pour forth the nub lime emotion mid holy etTuslona which havo been trnnamltted to mankind through tho medium of Hla holy scrip ture. How much Improved would mankind lie collectively nnd Individually If they adopted nnd fostered the MalinUfa faith. "It I Thou who ha ct up all tho liouudnrlea of thu oartb, aumnier and winter Tlwu Thyself haat formed them." Since the nll-wiao Creator ha called Into existence tin unlrerae nnd all thing therein, mid since He lu Ills eudlesa grnce austalna nnd uphold nil HI haudlwork, It would tie unreason able to nasert that man, the best work mmiNhlp of the Creator, Ih loft unenred for and cximned to the pranks of blind chnnee. We ahould, therefore, Implant In our heart the faith of tho paalm tst. Wo ahould never forget that we atand under God'a providence, which guides our atepx nnd dlrecta our path. Then we ahall aurely be cautious not to Incur III righteous dlnplwiKure, but Htrlve to pleiiKo Him nnd sanctify Hla holy name by our noble dojiortmoiit mid exemplary action. SHORT METER SERMONS. Work cure worry. borrow la the parent of many n wug. Tho law Is best kept when It Is lost In love. To work for lovo Is to learn to love your work. Tho only way to discover truth Is by doing truth. Tho doing of dally duty makes every dny divine. Tho gate of heaven opens only to foot passengers. Ho who cheers others need not fear for himself. The right to nilo Is ncqulred by rul ing ourselves aright. Tho front door to delight mus through tho garden of duty. Tho man who lack moral nuisclo al ways thinks ho Is meek. Tho man who laughs nt his troubles soon laughs over them. This always la n dirty world to ieo plo who aeck nothing but dust. If you wnnt to tlnd n happy Chris tian look for u wholehearted one. Tho church Anils her bemtty whon she Is n chisel Instimd of n statue. It's not tho engine with tho loudest exhaust thnt Is lmullug tho longeat train. If you would hoar tho Joy of heaven you must go into tho saddest places of earth. It does not follow that you nro help lug men to hoaven bocnusa you nro lu slstlng that thoy keep step with you. Have You a Friend? Then tell hJm about Aycr's Cherry Pectoral. Tell him how it cured your hard cough. Tell him why you always keep it in the house. Tell him to ask his doctor about it; Doc tors use a great deal of it for throat and lung troubles. "I hid a t.rrlbli (old and i-otIi and wu ttiraitmrd wllh pnvamunla I lrl1 Ajtt't 1irr I'rctnral and II f ra rnaqnlck and pr fart nllrf. It I. cartalnljr a mini wonoVifnl math mrUrtn."-IIK2IA K. WlllTMi,8looz rili, n. Dik. jt i brJ.O.Aj'T Co.. LowiU, JUaa. I Alio laaoaraaiarara ai SARsmsmu. PILLS. xyers IIAIK VI0O8. ono of Ayor'o Pills at bodtlmo will hasten rocovory. Contly laxative ntrrlclilnu It. An American visiting Dublin told some startling stories about the height of somo of the New York building. An Irishman who wa listening stood It u long as bo could, and then que ried : "Vo haven't seen our newest hotel, have ye?" Tho American thought not "Well," said the Irishman, "It's so tall that we had to put the two top stories on hinges." "Whnt forr asked the American. "So we could let em down till tho moon went by," said Pat Her Divorce I'ortlom. "Mr. Jones Just got a divorce from her husband for throwing salad in her face," said one. "Did she get alimony?" asked the other. "No," replied the first "She got the salad." New York I're.. Hotel and restaurant prices aro iteadlly riling In German cities, be cause of the rapid rise of prices of meat and vegetables. Cooks and wait ers also demand much more than for merly. There Is no satisfaction keener than being dry and comfortable when out In xh hardest storm. sVYOUARE 5fllE OF THIS IP YOU WEA WATEBPDOOF OILED CLOTHING tucKoaYruow n oHUutytarmoat, A. J. TOWII MlMITOK. HASJ.ttS.A. TOWU UKUtAH CO.UHuU0t0M.IO. UK The pom-pom cun Is to supersede the Maxim run In the nsvy. Atgctabic Prcpnralionfor As similating tticFood andRcfi ula liitgUicStoimclsoMBcrwclsef ICTrtfTTtfTTTTTTTTS Promotes Digcslion.Chccrfur ncss nnd fiest. Contains nd liter Oiriumrorplu'no norliucxal. lNOX'NAllCOTXC. JtylUJirIMazmT3Wl Mxjmuut fimlUUSJ- peraw- .. JtiUrttrmM. nrgwanifaH Apcrfecl Remedy forConstlpa llon, Sour Stotnach.Diarrhoca nnd Loss OF SLEEr. FaxSlmilo Si'grmlure of NEW VOTIK. mXmmafflSB EXACT COPY OF VfRABBZR. I' II m WKJ mm Wis PftCgg$lA I 1 Jnillclal Acumen, Tho lato Justice Daly of New York frequently enlivened tho tedium of logil proceedings had before him by hla kindly wit Ono day n suit was brought beforo him In which dnmage were claimed by rcnou of an nmiiilt. lialntlfT had been knocked down by tho defednnt and se verely pummeled whlto prostrate. Ono of tho witneaaea ecmeil very reluctant to answer the uuetlona. put to him on cro-cxntnlnntlon, In which ho wna up held by tho court. "With all due respect to your honor," complained the attorney for the plain tiff, "the court doe not appear to tako cognizance of the underlying principle In thl case." "In my opinion," replied his honor, good-naturedly, "the underlying princi pal In till case I your client Mr. At torney." Harper' Weekly. aiiiiiiii. "I wish I was half n beautiful as Mis lirown," remarked tho fair Edith to Mr. Green. "Well, you are, you know," replied Orccn, thoughtlessly. Then he wondered why she suddenly rose and left him. The boatswain's pipe, which lis tx-n displaced In the IlrllUli navy by buI( calls, is to be reatored to favor. To Break In Mew Shoe. Alwaji shake In Allrn'r. Foot-Eae, a pomlor. Iteurea hut, meatlng;. arhlnir. swollen (eel. Cnrra cornt, Imrowmir nalli nnd buniona. AI allilrtxrlitiand ttMHS ttore,2h- lnn't arcrpt WuJ"J.,u,e ""ample walled FREE. AddreM Alfena OliniUd. I Hor, N. Y. Queen Alexandra's eyes are deep bios, and retain the mingled softness and fire, of youth. Banking hy Mai! WE PAY INTEREST On ravings deposits of n dollar or moro, compounded twice, every year. It fa just as easv to open a Savings Account with us by Ma I as it you lived next door. Fend for our free Look let, "Pnnkng by Mail," and learn lull aitculars. Address Oregon Trust 8c Savings Bank Portland, Oregon Sixth and 'Washington Sts. For Infants nnd Ohildron. oasaaaVBWMkWiaaaM -aaa9aasiaMNkvansnoMBBB The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA ths eiNTftun sohmnt. km veaa errv. 330 ASTORIA AW f j (u