The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 23, 1906, Image 6

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(teller nml Viulrratnnillnir.
"Docs that man really believe all lie
"Hellcvo It!" echoed Senator Sorghum,-
"why lie doesn't even undcnituud
it." Washington Star.
TITO "' I"' '1nr" ""O alt Nrrvmn niaft-e
lilu prrmananll)- ntnl tir IT. Kiln' tlrmi
Jsrrva llrtinrrr. r-enrt far KHKl' fltrtal ttnttl him
uea.tlM.Ur 11 II.KIIn ,UI. Ml Ar:h8i.,riilla.,r.
Frequent Patron Whero are your slot
Operator 'Sh! There going to be a
raid on Vm at 4 o'clock. Couio nrounj
again at 4:30.
wowAiin ri. ncn-roN. Asrr -i chemit.
iMATUIe, Colr4 Hrwrlnwrn prln-l (lut.L
t-tlTrf.L. aul, tl I UoM, hllrcr.TVi ), fcl Zlnenr
Copper. II. C) nW li-m. Malilnir envelop-- and
IMll prtc Hot Mnt on r-tUetliv. Control ami I'm
Clrvwnrkftelleltol. lUrerut Cajbooata X
ooalliuk. Hunk.
Gunner This cigar Is named after a
great author.
Guyer Hut the great author Is dead.
Gunner How fortunate for the man
ufacturer of the cigar t"
BTiTSorOnio.rrrror Touto, I
Lt'CAS 10CKTT, I "
Frank 1. Ciuxxr msiei oath that he li
senior partner o( the rlrmot r. J. Ciikmkv A
Co., doing luilne In the I'ltyotToHMo, Coun
ty unit State fo'eld, and that isld firm will
pay the mm ot OS K Hl'NUKbO POIXAItS for
caeh and erery ce ot Catakrii that eanuot bo
cured by the uieot Hall's Catakrii Oc nit.
Sworn to before me il iuberll4 !n ray
tiretcnce, thUCtbilayof Decern her, A. D., 1?S.
h'otary Public.
1111' Catarrh Cure litnten Internally, and
kttt directly on tho blood and niuetiua turfacoi
ci me lyticm. enu i r iimoniait.iree.
F. J. C1IE.VEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Fold by I)ruKrlt. Tie.
Uall'i V.mllr I ill are tho belt.
Where1 Two Cllmntea Meet.
A "digger" from California, euloglz
In? the climate, said:
There' n mountain there tho Saw
yer Xevndy, they call It with a valley
on each side of It, the one hot, the oth
er cold. Well, get to (he top of that
mountain with n double-barreled pin,
and you can, without moving, kill sum
mer or winter came. Just as you will."
"What I Have you evor tried It?"
asked one of his auditors.
"Tried I Often and would havo
done pretty vrell but for one thing."
"Well, what was that?"
"I wanted a dog that would stand
both climates. The last do; I had
froze his tall while huntln' on the
cummer side. He didn't get entirely
out of the winter side, you know, sir."
Monlpelier, Ohio, Man Feels Com
pel ed to Tell KIs Experience.
Joseph WHguj, Montpeller, 0., cays:
"I feel It m7 duty to tell others about
Doan'a Kidney Pills.
Exposure and driving
brought kidney trou
ble on me, and I eu(
ered much from irreg
ular pn-eagea of the
kidney secretions.
Sometimes taere was
retention and at otner times passages
were too frequent, especially at night.
There was pain and discoloration.
Doan'a Kidney Pills brought me relief
fro 31 the first, and Boon infated new
lifa. I give them my endorsmenet."
Hold by all dealers. 60 cent a box.
Foiter-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
That Dor.
Tney were hurrying to catch a streel
"You'll have to walk fatter, dear," sale"
bis mother.
"I can't, mammal" breathiewly ex
claimed little Willie. "It makes my lejt
o dlrxy!"
White pine lumber oot to-day five
time's as much In this country as it coit
la 1SC3.
New Monthly Magazine.
A bright, new monthly magazine baa
made its apparance on the Pacific
coast, and looks as II It had come to
etay. It la the Coos Day Monthly, pub
plished at Marsbfleld, Oregon, the bus
iness center of one o( the mod resource
ful districts of the entire Northwest.
The November number consists of about
125 pages of good reading matter, most
ly local in nature, nicely illustrated,
nnd of general interest to all who with
to knorv antyhlng of the Great North
veet. The number also contains wa-iy
SO pages of local advertising. Thia
speaks volumes for the business enter
price and energy of the citizens, as well
aa for the ability of P. 0. Levar, editor
nnd manager, and F. B, Cameron, ad
vertising manager.
Let u open the door ol Fortune for you
and (how you how your money, under
your own control, will make you
A rare opportunity to get In touch with
tho bite dividend pa) era of the ercst
Weit, with all chance of rlk eliminat
ed. Principal guaranteed by Hank Cer
tificate of l)Molt- You telect the bank.
Write today for particular.
The Trail of the Dead:
(CoprllhL 1003. by Joseph n. OomIcs)
ClIAPTKU XX1II. (Continued.)
"We shall awm have news." he said
quietly. "For Information tlmt will lend
to his nrret, I have offered the police,
here and on the continent, a reward of
Ave thntiaud pound."
He spoke the truth. News en me soon.
We were lunching together In Gradeu'a
chambers ou the fourth day nfter tlielr
departure, when the telegram arrived.
My cousin opened It. A he read, 1 saw
the line of Ids jaw set and harden. Then
he handed It nenms the table. This wax
the menge:
"Fear we are lu great peril. Come at
once. Weston."
The realisation of thoo word mutt
have come to me slowly, for It wa lira-
den's hand on my arm that woko me
from the stupor Into which 1 hnd fallen.
Kven then I could hardly uuderttntid.
"There Is a train at two-twenty," sard
he. "Can you be ready lu tlvc minute?"
"Hut how can the man how can
Mnrnac havo discovered where they
nre?" I stammered.
"In five minute, I said!" he barked
out. "You have no time to wte."
We bad still a quarter of au hour to
spare when our cab rattled over the
cobble of the station-yard. White my
cousin took the tkkets, I stood at the
booktall. staring at the backs of the nov
els, with that call for help twitting lu a
dreary chant through my head. "In
great peril. Come at once," so It ran.
over and over again. Several palni;
strangers turned and regarded me curi
ously over their shoulders.
I do not think we spoke more than
once before reaching Dover. I asked If
be had telegraphed a reply. He had done
so, he said, at Charing Cro.
There was a brik sen running In the
Channel, but I felt no slckne. Indeed
the passage did me good; for I behaved
quite sanely as we passed our bags
through the Catal customs.
Into the train again, and on into the
night that had fallen. I bad a sleeping
berth reserved In the wagon-lit, but I did
not visit It. Sometimes a fury of Im
patience, seized me, so that I paced the
corridor, peering out Into the moonlit
country that went slldlne by, In Its never
varying sequence of plain and woodland
and steeple-crowned village: but, for the
most part, I sat huddled In my clialr
thinking. Heaven help us! What tor
ture an active mind Intllcts upon poor
humanity! Grant a nnan the Imagina
tion of an ox. and many are the woes he
will be spared!
Dawn stole out on us at IJasle, and
we stood ujion the platform, our faee
showing pale In the tinted curtain of the
sky that bung above the snow-clad ridge
to the westward. The air was very cold,
but not with the hiiglltb bitterns In Its
We had half an hour to wait. Graden
despatched a scond telegram to I'ontre
siiia, marking the prosre of or Jour
ney. He abw wired to TliusU, ordering
a carriage to meet our train.
The sun was up, very red and bold, as
... n,o,i tl.rnnfli 'nrlrli! nml where It
touched the great lake, the waters shone
searlet as blood under nie sinnuiin
Kfnr , tin. Attn u-orn hoavliiK upward,
growing mightier every hour, with the
pinnacles or their strange trosi kiiikuoi
liliiahlnir lu the oarlr sunshine. y eleven
o'clock wo bad left the open country,
passing Into a labyrinth ot vaueys,
...... ..I ..ill, ninM. u-altlnir black and
silent on their snow carpets, scored with
torrents and patched wim inweu inn...
(,.!. ..-a. rnanl.4.1 hv half-Past OIIC, Ulld
the narrow gaug of the Thusls Hue car
ried us through meadows and brushwo!
morasses until wo crossed tho upper
Ithine and drew Into the station whkh
Is sot under the cliff bastloiw, outworks
of the Alp citadels Wyond.
It was then three oi me .-. ..
....... ,.. f uiIIuk left of our Journuy
a ten hour' drive over the iaes to
the distant KHgaillne.
A carriage with three norses wn -Ing
to our order without the station.
We entered It at once, and the driver
. . ... il. 'lIfittl?fllasll
swung his team uo i" j-"
road. Fifty franes from Gradeii had lin
preue.) him with the necessity for haste.
Yet our progre was insunernmj i--ous.
Once across the bridge, we dropped
into a walk, while our straining team
tugged heavily up the pass of Hcliyn.
To our left the rhlge barrod the view; but
on the right, narrow valleys sliced d
Into the glittering heights nbovo gave us
sight of the stately Pak that sentl
nelloil the eastern sky. In an hour we
had entered tho forest of Versascn for
such, I havo learned, Is its name and
so climbed ou through tho dismal ave
nues of pines till we passed through gal
leries and tunnels, hewn deop In tho cliff
side, out Into the barren snow fields onco
'I'l.n mm u-na ntflnir in wa rattled over
tho pavement of tho hill village of TIef
enkastoll, that crouched in the shadows
nr ,l.a Alluiln flnrL'i. Thn dvlnir rnva
struck fiercely on the distant poaks, un
til those palo ICO maiuens lounu rosy
blushes for such reckless gallantry. It
was a spectacle of Infiulto grandeur, and,
despite my impatience, I leaned from
the window watching the light fade nnd
whiten Into tho opals of tho after-glow.
"Wa nnn thank our luck that there's a
moon," said my cousin, as I drew back
into my corner. "These drivers know
the road like n tmok, but I should like
our fellow to see where he's going In
the Herguner Stein."
"I It dangerous?"
"A ledge for a carriage way, and a
precipice for a ditch on the near side, Is
not imrtlculnrly plensaut for the nerves
when yon can't see your hand before
"You have been here before, then?"
"Oh, yes!" he said, and so we fell Into
It was pat six o'clock when we left
Flllsur. a tiny group of deep-eaved
houses, nnd dropped down the hllllde to
the stream. As we roe the further slope
through n wood of scattered pine, the
moon came peering out from liehlnd two
lure and lofty peaks that towered alwve
us Into the southern night, lighting their
ley summits no that they glittered like
blades of polished nteel. It was a scene
of such melancholy desolation that as our
linro lialted mi the crest 'f the hilt, I
lowered the window, thrusting out my
horid fur n better view.
In front of u the white road curled
down Into a gorge, bii Ink-black wedge
of nhadow that drove Into the distance
hctweejt silver clllTs bright with the
"Is this the plaee ytu spoke of?" I
"It's the Ilergitner Stein. If It's that
you want to know." growled my cohIh
from amongst hi wraps. "Also. I wish
you would have the goodness to shut
that window."
Hut the remembrance of what he had
told me about the dangers of the place
sent my eyes to the driver's box. As I
was leaning from the left-hand window.
I did wit expect to see more than the
fellow's hat; but. to my surprise, there
he was well In view, his cost huddled
about hi ear. As we moved forward,
tho mystery explained Itself. The man
I saw was not driving.
"We've taken up a tHUengr, Cousin
Craden," said I, pulling In my head.
"What's that?" he- asked sharply, for
my voice hnd been ht In the loud com
plaining of the brakes as we trotted
down the decline.
"The driver's giving a friend a lift," I
cried, leaning toward him. "I suppoie
he picked him up nt the last village,
where "
I reached no further, for at that In
stant there rose from without n cry of
such utter terror that I sank back Into
my place as If struck lu the faee by a
crushing blow. I saw a falling IhmIj
Hash by the rlzht-haud window; the out
cry of tho brakes ceased with a grating
clang. And then, with n Imund like that
of a leaping- horse, the great Hxit-car-rlage
rushed roaring down the hill.
I thrust out my head, clinging to tin
ills of tho open window.
The man 111011 the box seat was lash
ing the horse " that they sprang for
ward lu furious bounds, Kven as I
watched, he cast away his whip with s
peal of wild laughter that sounded high
above the turmoil of the Hying hoof and
the heavy vheel. He turned his head,
bending sideways, the reins held loosely
lu his right hand. It was the face of
Maniac that stared down upon me.
Ills hat had gone, his whlto hair
streamed backward In the wind. And
bo was mad mad with an open Insanity
of which I had olmerved no trace be
fore. Ho shrieked at me In triumph,
waving his baud now to tho horses, now
to tho chasm beyond tho four-foot wall
that guarded the road. He cursed me
with furious gesticulation. Kveu as I
write, I seem to see those eyes staring
nt mo out of the whlto ivaer eyes gog
gling with the lust of murder. Heaven
send that time, will wipe that remem
brance from my brain!
I shrank back Into the carriage, that
rocked and swung and danced beneath
me. (Sraden's huge shouhlors uliiuwt
blocked the other window; hut I caught
night of the glint of his revolver lu the
moonlight. Was It to be man or horse?
One or the other, If we were not to leap
the precipice nt the first sharp turn. Sud
denly he shouted, and again I struggled
to my !t. In the darkness down the
road was the glimmer of lights. .Nearer
Hhd nearer they .drew, and I, too, raised
my voice lu a scream of warning. The
last fifty yard we took lu one bound
or so It seemed. I saw n carriage grow
out of tho shadow that tho cliffs nlmve us
drew across the road; I saw our leadliv
horse swing to the left nnd leap bllmlly
at the low wall that hid heaven know
what frightful depths below; and then,
with a tottering slide that seemed to
'wrench tho heart out of me, wo curled,
as n motor skids, Into one thunderous
crash that blotted out tho world.
I have been asked by my dear husband
to conclude the story of which ho has
placed tho greater part bofore you. I
should have preferred that ho had not
trlod to recall details which I know he
cannot remember without suffering; hut
having once yloldod to the persuasion of
his friends, I am ready to take every
slinro of tho burden that ho will yield
to me.
My father nnd I, with Iteski, tho man
that Kir Honry had summoned from Po
land, arrival In tho Kngadlno without
any Incident that Is worthy of descrip
tion. We hud engaged rooms In tho prin
cipal hotel under the name of Jackson, as
had been suggested. My father stood
the Journey very well. Hut this neces
sity for giving 11 fit lo tintiio annoyed
htm extremely. It was (lie first time In
his life that ho hnd done so, he said, and
I hnd some dlllluulty In persuading him
not to emifo the whole circumstances
to the itmungcr ou the dny after our ar
rival. tt was on the fourth d.iy of our visit,
about five In the evening, that we re
ceived n telegram from luidou. It rends
"We nre coming nt once. tlntdcn."
As can be Imagined, we were very
pussleil iiImiiii It. We had sent no mes
sage, mid we could not think what was
tho reason for their sudden determina
tion. Itcskl helmvod III a most curious
fashion when I told him. It might have
been the new of some great gwod for
tune that hnd reached hint.
"it Is very well, very well." he kept
011 repeating lu Herman a language
which, fortunately, 1 can speak, though
not ery correctly.
"What do you moan?" I asked him.
"Ach, Frnuleiul If the two Kngllh
men nre coming, doe It not mean that
Murtine I here?"
1 supHe 1 turned rather pale, for the
fear of that dreadful limn was atnay
lu my heart, though. Indeed, I pretend
ed to father that I had forgotten he ex
isted. Hut the next instant Iteski had
dropped dow 11 on one knee, taking my
Imnd nnd kissing it.
"I am a dog, Fraulelu!" he said sim
ply. "I did not Mink of what I spoke.
Hut It Is the thing for which 1 forget
all f lieto meet thl man who killed
my sou. For your father and yourself,
have no fear. It I I that will ever
watch. You trust me, Fraulelu?"
"Indeed, Iteski, I do," 1 answered him;
aud se we iarled.
(To be continued.)
t'anr'a l.nir Ollti-i-ra llri'laml t- lit,
llilrriui-ly Miipht.
The Caar's whole burtMucnu'y tuts fur
years In-eii mi thoroughly ileteitl by
all clarwes of KussImim that mm It Is!
mainly rilled by tin least Intelligent nt
IhM opulHtkm. And of the) the iwlltv
arc the worst, says Krnewt lWlo In the
YYurhl To-Day. I mytoif whs arrestwl
mjuthI time, n hi many tiirrwtpotal
eiits nre, ami I found the police lu ev
ery Instance the nunt dottso nf mortals.
From my iiovswxr triemU I beard
scuros of stories Hlxtut this stupidity.
Tliuso two are typical :
Some time ago 11 man throw n tsimb
at it governor, killed him ami cschhx!.
Tho government soiit nil over thu em
pire 11 plucHnl nnd two photographs of
tho assusslu, lila front view nnd Ills
profile. And three wii-ks Inter a hh
llcumnii In western Sltorln telegraphed:
"Havo captures! Initli criminals and
urn bringing them tn Petersburg."
At midnight In Petersburg nn liiuo
cent ponce-loving professor stixsl on n
bridge staring Into the sluggish wnter.
of the Nuvn. Hu was thinking of n rival
profuor who tmd u new theory about
"l'liat mail," said the professor nloud,
"Is the dullest Idiot In Huwdn."
ItmtHtttly n big jhiIU-uhihii pounced
tiMti I1I111 out of the darkness nnd with
out h word legaii dragging I1I111 off. Tho
Mxir old proftwrnir shook with terror.
"Why am I h Treated T he crissL
"Wlwt la my crime?"
"High treason!" growled thu isdlco
maii. "Hut why? Whyr
"Oh.don't try to fool 1110! You called
Ids Imperial iiinjosty an Idiot!"
"Heuvous!" crlI tho tmrrlfiisl pro
fosMir, the sp-ctnulea falling from till
hoko. "Why should you think I wua
sponklng of the CwirT"
Thu lilg iollc-viiinu stopped nnd looked
down, puzzled.
"Tho ilullost Idiot In Hiissln," ho said
slowly, Honrchlng his memory. "Who
else could you have inwinU"
All lliiri- Unit- Chiih-N.
Smoking a clay plpo, the circus nctor
sat In the winter training quarter.
Fnder his supervision a thin Isiy waa
looming to rldu erect on a iilot liorsi)
with n broad, Hat back.
"In sumo town they won't let us
how," said the man, "mile wo havo
110 chiiiuIh with us. -CHinels nru a seri
ous drawl wick to altowa. IlornM an so
iniii'li afraid of them that Iota of towns
won't let it chiiihI enter thlr gatw.
"A lairso won't go niatr it pi we of
ground it caiiiol has stood on. Thu MTy
miu II of a canutl In tho air will tunka
n horse trtimblo nml awont. And UiN
four Isn't only found occasionally lu 11
liorfo here nml there. It Is found In
oory horse nil over thu world. Queer,
Isn't It? I often wonder why It Is.
Citttlo huto dogs lu tho siiiiio way, mid
cats hnte dogs so, too. Hero, though,
wo can account for tho hatred. Dogs In
primitive time fed on cattle, no doubt,
11 ml oven today, hero- nnd there, they
kill nnd feed 011 kittens.
"IldrfOii lovo dogs. I'm suro I don't
know why. Dogs fear no iinliiinlM but
piiiuna and liMpnrds, You can tnko it
dog up to n lion's or n tlgcr'a cugo'iind
hu wlll.Hhow 110 fimr, hut tnko hlui up
to thu cage of n puma or n leopard nnd
hu will trumblu nml 11101111 and slink
away out of sight.
"All very puzzling, Isn't It?" Phila
delphia Hullotln.
TIib Hhorter the Horn.
"Toll me," said tho Hoaton matron,
"do you bollovo In long engagement?"
"Really," replied tho Chicago mat
ron. "I never' gavo that much thought.
but I can't eay that I believe In long!
marriage'." Philadelphia Press.
( hop .Sill-)'.
A hnlf cbli'kt-ii, scriiiH'd
bones ilud cut Into bits;
from tho
one largo
ouluii, sIIitiI thin; 11 handful of iminli-
rooiiis, soaked for ten 11111111(0 In
witter, then stcuiliiiMl; n stalk of celery,
cut Into Itii'li plecea; six (iiluwo putn
to, wnshmt nnd sllivd. Fry the
chicken lu u little shortening, add tho
onion nnd (Mink fur tlinv mlnutim, then
put In the mushrooms and enough Chi-nose-
saint to brown tho Ingredients.
Pour lu a little water iiud slew fur ten
minute. Add the cvlery mid Mitntiics
mid, Inst of nil, u little llourcd vntcr.
When of the deslrwl ismslsleiicy servo
with Isdled rin.
Pork Cnhe,
Chop n iMiiiml of fat salt tsirk so
small that It la like) Hwdr-d suet,
avald It with it half pint ivf -l-illlug
water, add n niiiiiiI of dark-brown
sugar, n cup of New Orlonus molaM,
n iNiiiiid each of rnlslns nml dates
clippsl and a qiiurter-ound of mlimsl
citron. Stir in enough slfliil Hour to
inake It iu the consistency of cako
hatter nnd add a tMMH)iifiil hhcIi of
Isiwderod uutiiutf, clovi. nllsplce and Itske in n mt tin lu it
MtmiXy oven until n straw cornea out
cban fnmi the tvnter of the loaf.
Wlirnl (Irltltllr- t'ltki-v.
Sift n quart of Hour ami a teasiMym-
fill of salt together and moisten with
h quart of milk. Add h half joast enko
dlMioUtsI In wa.ri WMter and (mat for
three minutes. Set In a wanu plant
to rise ver night, lu Uw niriilng
add it taldeMMMifiil of iiiImmms rtiliNil
to a crest in with a tabhHMMtful of
melted biittor ami whip lu two well
lioatiHt oggs. If the Iwtter Is too thill
bofore adding the em tir lu n llttlo
more Hour.
Cnniinl I, lion tlrnn.
Shell the mM, osk fiu llfteeti ntln
titi lu slightly sslhsl Udlliig water,
take from the ot with 11 erforated
sihkiii mikI Mck them in Jars stiimlliig
In an outer vested of Ixilliug witter.
Itoll up the liquor lu tli kettle, skim
It and l-nir It, still lioHIng, lnt th
Jars, tilling tlnM to otertlowlng nud
aoallug luihinllntoly.
Ilrrubrnit llrlNh.
Sllctt mid rtmst beef thin. Make n
gravy of tliret tahhtspixM of butter,
wie Ubltwiooii of walnut or tomato
catsup, one tahhMMH of vinegar, 01111
tosNMn of rtirraiit Jelly, ml. (hh
hk)ii of made miwtanl. Put hmmC
ami all In a ssmvjuui, wx.r and set
lu a kettle of bulling wmIoc. HI earn
OHw-half hour.
Dri-rii I'ni I'Hiirnkra.
Mash a pint of boiled grewi peas
whllo still hot and work Into Ibt- inns
a tabhswiufti of butter, ami snlt aud
rtMH-r to taste. Heat two ow very
light, mid thusi to the hhs, tlr lu it
cup of milk nud live tnhhKoufiil of
proiwrwl Hour. Wlilp to n smootli
Imttcr and fry on 11 hot griddle.
Ilniiiaiill .In in.
Ktnno the damsons, then weigh thorn.
Allow a half iMMiuil of sugar for oach
iNMiuil of fruit. Put the damsons lu n
presorting kettle and stew slowly for
twenty minutes before putting lu tho
sugar. When this has In-en nddeil stow
alioiit an hour more, or until thick,
then jmt Into Jars.
.tin rh inn lliitv l'ro(lllir.
liny enough uiurshiiiMllow candy In
cover (ho top of (hu enke wlieii set
clowily ti-getlier, Havo 11 ImiIImI li-lng
ready and ur over the candy. As (ho
Icing cools It will IhiIiI Hih iimrshiuiil
Iowa together. Itefoie the ciiuilluri lire
laid over the caku they must bo set
In thu oven to heat and swell.
To Pure TolMittora,
Women who are uleroMtiHl In tho
details of cooking limy be glad to know
tlmt It Is better to rub u silver knife
all over tho skin of n tomato to loosen
It than tu dip lu hot water. The water
always give 11 cooked (nste, while by
(hu sliver knife method the skin en 11
be loosed Just na easily.
Oyater lloiilllon.
Cook a quart of oysters lu (heir own
Juice for half 1111 hour, closely covered.
Drain nnd chop the oysters Hue, put
ting them hack Into the liquor. Add
three pints of water, cook half an hour
longer, nud Ktrulii through cheesecloth.
Heuwm nud serve with whippet! cream
on top like ciiini boullluii.
C1111111-1I I'uiiiiikiii,
Peel nnd cut tho pumpklna Into hits.
put It over the lire mid stew iih for
pie. When very aoft strain through
a colander, return lo thu lire, hd up
mini mid iwnr It Into heated cmia,
filling each to overlowing with the
liquid. Htand upside down In u tool.
dark placu.
The Kidneys
Miicu (hey arc weak, torpid, or stngunut,
the vrhuln system suffer. Don't neglect
them nt this time, but heed the warning ot
tho aching back, thn bloated fare, thn sallow
completion, llioiirlnarydlsurdur,aud begin
treatment at euro with
Hood's Sarsaparilla
which contains (ho best nud safiml curative,
In uiiinl liquid form or lu rhocolntrd
tablet known as Onrantnba, 100 doses $1,
Thn llranli.
All st mice slid uue!ieclelly Greek
net (Ireek,
Thsre wnmi't any tug of war.
Hut two banana cart were upe( and
seattereil their content lu the mud, to
the a crom p nl went of niurh loud and
variegated Hellenic profanity.
Tho Ideal rmnlly Lnxntlvo
I one that cm lw lis-d by the entire f.iin
lly y uug nud old, wrnk slid strong, wlili
ontntiyditi g-roflinro fnli'llo-tt. ttidioiitd
hne pioperllrs whlrh III, lie tbe niiiin
doe nittnys listing II e mine rllert. ntlier-wletb-qilt
t tv will hate to 1st mrrn ih-i
nnd rllislh be II t'HVi" all getber, Them
prop rtlesrsii U' foil d lu Hint eld f nelly
ih ely, llmndn'lli'- lills, I nu- IN in.
gretllHiit nreof the pure t horbdeitrm't,
nud eerv pill Is k-i t for three year lef m
"o u mid, whleh nil w them to melluw
We do not Mlete t ere I alaia Iveou ths
mitnet I nt Iswiear fully lende,
UrsHiltrln' I'dla nre the iltte Hue Inin
tlvr tonle pill ymr grandpa' slits umsI.
They have Ufii In ne or over it lentury
and sre to d In rvi-rv drug slid tiled cine
tore, either plain or sugnr nwt.d.
on ! Wkkiiii,
Mrs. DeClilse Why nre you wceidng,
Mrs. MeSosh Oh, I'm so dlsapiliit
rsll You kiww John signed tho pledge
last week.
.Mrs. IM'hlso Yes?
Mrs. McSth And and this morn
ing he went on a tUhlng excursion!
Cleveland l-cador.
llrlaln ill VtiiMtMH.
MUs New girl So you Insist that
man ami not woman was Dm chief con
sideration at the Croatian?
Mr. Sarks Certainly do. Wom
an wa only a shin Isiun. Uoton
Mathers will and Mn. Wlndesr-s rVwthln
Syrup th Uii remr-lr touhiturihtlrchlMi
during tho Us thing parluj.
A 'eT Yenra llenra.
The first battle In nlrshl had been
"I hear," said one oHlccr, "(hat the
general wa lu the irry thUk of tho
fig hi."
"Yes," res-Minded another officer: "he
hnd sixteen gasbag punctured over
hlin." Louisville Courler-Jourunl.
A Nrnattl-ro Cinliie,
lis iter Tlmt dn; of yours I not a full
blooded Huston terrier, I he?
Hliby - lltuli, old chap, don't let him
hear you. lis thinks he Is. Wowsu's
Hums Companion.
Wondeiful Home
This il'fll ( hi
n. IhM.i.r i rall,t uriuu lia cur a
Mla WlllHIUt I'lM-IA
txan Dial am van un
In dl. lis turaa w li
lhM KlMUl.lfUl t III
n-ii hatlH.riMi 1, ti'iili,
barka mihI vaial,.
hal are aitllrrl un
(ill H In liiMll'al a, I
an. a In Ilea rutin It lliroimh ilia um i lima
hafKiloa r.Mlr.ll.a. IMa lam nolo, t ir kiwwa
ilwari u iiv.r rrinrUIr, Nli ru
ha iwat aun-.aoil Ir In ilia.ia l ii..aai lla
awaian a.a In t'l Mia-i li, hma, I nut. Ilirat
lll'illliall.lil, naff ,.u. raa, alumaili, iar, k l.t
iicya, air hai liun-lra a nf la.tiiniiniaia.
I'haraaa malaiala ( all ami aaa lilm. I 'a I. nla
nu in Ilia i-tir wrli- r-r Maiaa ami ( lr uiara.
n.n.l alaium lo.NHl'l l. I UN lltkk.
The. C. dec Wo Chinese Medicine Co.
162', Drat St., S. t. Cor. Morrlton
Mi-ntlnii pr I'oillaml, Oreaon
3.50&3.00 Shoes
W.LOougla. $4 Gill Eds Una.
7V XKm IuhUti
miW. i- iK.iulaa' JoU
Mn UmiM la Ilia ln..l
iNuiiUtaiiillita,,iii .try
BH0K8 yon jiVKRYiioiiY at all nuuEa.
Man' Hhnaa. IS to l HO. Jlora' flhoaa, SI
toSI.UB. Woilltll'a bliooa. CO to Sl.BO.
Ulaa.a' Ulillilrau'a Hlioaa, U UO to l.OO.
Try V. I.. Dimuliu Win i'b, Mlaaca and
(Jhllilroii'a aluieii (or al)ln, lit mill cur
they until othiir leukea.
II I could tnko you Into my largo
factories at Mrocltton, Mnss.,nnd ahow
you how carefully W.L. Douglas alioca
aro mado, yomvould then understand
why thoy liold their ahnpc, fit better,
wear longer, and nre of greater value
than any other make.
Wliertver you live, you rn obtsln W, L.
Douii U (Iims. Hli nam and prlc Is ttanirvad
on tin bottom, which protect yoususlnit hlith
prices and Interior shoe, Jakm no lubtltt
cut. Ask your Jealar lor WL.Uougla ahota
nd Insist upon hiving them,
fa$t Color lutliti uniTi thtv will not utar brail.
Writ lor flluitratsd Catalog ol I'all Styl.i,
. W.L.OOUOLAS.Uapt, j, Ureckloa, Mas.
MM) wmmk
Wll BBSs
VV 1