LOCAL BITS. A I'ootl drink, Pencil .Murine, nt Oniht'H, (jo. 35tf 0. It. Caldwell or Ko.iliiiid was a Hend ctiller Tiiemlny. J. 8. Smith of Prineville wan a llond visitor last I'riduy. Ur. 1. U. rtcoflll went to Lnlil law TuuMlay 10 attond toprufawilon nl work. A. II. Schroctlcr and V. K Hurlou of Silver Luke te;iNtrel at thu Motet Hend lust Tiiemlny. 'A. T. Gideon' homestead cabin In 17-11 wh wrecked liy a falling true during the wind ntornt last week. Ur. Hcolleld httn nil announce ment in thin iiHtiu tliat should in tcrutft you. Hend it in auotlici column. Mi Utile Kobison expects to leave llond In a nhort timu Tor Aso till, Wash., where he will probably rcninin indefinitely. J. M. Lawrence arrived in Hend Tuesday evening mid will bu here the reniaiiiiler of the week, nttend Iiik to both biifdneft and pleasure. Albert Senleantid son Emery were in Itend the first of the week. They were on thuir wy to Silver Lake lo make f.iml proofs on timber claim. J. Frnnk Stroud and wife were in Ihmil the nrit of the week on thuir way to Silver Lk where Mm. Stroud will make final proof on a timber claim. The ImihI boy liHve recently re cetved six new' selection and art now prnctichiff on them every even ing. Tlieie will be music Kitlme hi that niHHiierMite bull. Are )tiu a hooater? If you are, wend your friumU some of thoK souvenir poliil card of Mend's new School lioufre Mild fchow the outside world what we can do hero. Grant hit them. Mm. Krdmaii, itrcoiuxtuied by her daughter, Mr. II. P. J. Mc Donald, left Inst Saturday morning for Silver Lake where Mrs. lird man went to make final proof on a tiinlwr claim. The Aid Societv of the Method 1st Kpiscopni church will meet with Mrs. S. C. Caldwell next Tuesday afternoon nt 2 o'clock. A biisincsi mooting. All members are request ed to be present. If you arc loniuir your Imir try a Iwttle of Thorp's Herb Nourish ' me-ut. ' It is guaranteed to sto lalllnk' hair, remove dandruff, nnd produce a new growth of hair. For sale by w. . Mclioi. jolt Dr. M. V. Turlev, who has Iweii living on his ranch near Sisters, has rented an office in the Triplctt building on Wall street and will move to Hend and practice his pro fesiiioii. He will occupy the office about December i. The Iltillciiu was in error Inst week when it staled that V. J. McGlllvray would play the violin nt the band boys dance Thanks giving eve. G. T. Callihau, anoth er resident in the Arnold ditch dis trict, is the gentleman who will play that Instrument nt that time. Saturday night Hend was visited with the first miow of the season, about two inches falling. Monday night there was another fall of nbout nu inch and this was niiK ineutcd again Tuesday evening. The sun, however, is too wnrm for the snow nnd it is rapidly disappear ing. Frnnk liuttcrworth is putting (.helving in the building formerly occupied by Dr. Merrill as n drug store, and as soon as the work is finished the doctor will move his stock of ladies' and gents' furnish lugs, tinware, crockery, etc. from the Chapman store into his own building. There were 14 sacks of tnnil de livered nt Hend late Tuesday night, and it took Postmaster Grant until after 1 o'clock a. in. to get it dis tributed. Monday's mail had missed connections nt Prineville with the Priiievillc-Heiul-Silver Lake tinge and consequently the mail Tuesday night was a "double-Lender. " During the past week, Chnrles Cotter received notification from Washington, D. C, Hint patent to his homestead would be issued in a few dnys. The patent has been held up for two yenrs pending in vestlgntiou nntl it is gratifying to many to learn Hint n decision lias been rendered in favor of Mr. Cot ter, The townsitu of Lytic is situ ated oh this land. It is reported that there b 14 inches of snow nt Rowland. Have you tried Grant's Pencil Murine, 5c? If not, try it 35tf Dr. I. L. Sco field is nlanninir on building a residence for his own use early in the spring. Nicliol lias a new ad. in tills issue telling all about his Christmas pre sents for old and young. Read it. Tlios. Ryan is in Portland on 11 business trip. Later he will go to Nevada to look over sections of tl'at state. C. II. Krickson ami wile, who were in Hend several days the first of the week, returned to their Hear Creek much yesterday. According to Olwerver Grant's measurements, two inches of snow fell on the 17th, 1 inches on the jolh, nnd one inch on the 21. Miss Lizn Woods, who has been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Drnke for several weeks, returned to her home at Portland Monday. The crew working on the extcti NJou of the Deschutes Telephone Couimuy'H lines lias got the line stretched as fnr as C. II. Allen's place at The Meadows. On account nf the masquerade hall next Wednesday evening there Mill be 110 dance given by the bund bov this Saturday evening the regular night for their bi-weekly dance. D. McMillan and wife loft Ueud Inst Friday nnd will make their fu ture home in Nevadn. Mrs. Mc Millan is now visiting at Eugene and later will proceed to thuir Ne vada home. Mi Anna Steele returned Tues day from a stay of several days on her homestead near Sisters. The visit to the homestead was made with the expectation of completing arrangement! for the building of n cabin on the place. Mr. and Mrs. William Staats and Mr. and Mrs J. N. Hunter returned Tuesday noon from u two weeks' business niifl pleasure trip to Port laud. When they went to Portland they were accompanied by bylves ter and Prince Staats, who arc now attending' the Holmes Husiticss College in that city. 50 Cents on the Dollar Beginning on December 1, 1906, nnd continuing tp January 1, 1907, J will do all Dental Work for Just Half Price or for 50c on the Dollar, It t-hould be distinctly understood that wotk done f r this price will be as good ns the best no cheap work or cheap material. My regular charges will be resumed after January 1, Ol'I'ICI! IN HIWmi'.NCI! ON HAWTHORN AVK. DR. I. L. SCOFIELD. Hend, Oregon. !. G. Allen was in Hend Thurs day from his ranch east of town Felix Liuster is building a fine large residence on lots near the Lin ger mill. It will measure 18x42 feet with 18 foot posts and when completed will contain many of the modern improvements Mr. Liu ster is rushing work 011 it with all possible sjwed ns he will be forced to vacate the house he now occupies in two weeks. Winter Range Will He Poor. James Rice of Hnycrcck was n visitor in Madras last Saturday. He says that the winter sheep range throughout the county is in worse condition than he has known it since his ncqunintaucc with the country !cgnn, and that sheepmen arc going to require considerable quantities of hay in order to get through the winter. Owing to the long and continued drouth no grass lias sprouted on the range, and even the grass roots are cut out by the sharp hoofs of the sheep, on the dry nnd parched hills Mr. Rice left Sunday for Sumptcr, to be pre sent at the appointment ot the Blue Mountain Reserve tor next sum mer's pasturage. Pioneer. TiTe Central Ore gon Banking (Sh Trust Company INCOII-ORATKtl 1904. Capital 25,000.00 MnmNHmii 1 1 hi 1 uji wHmmnHMvnMMfjm Slaughter $ale;! Having purchased the Chapman stock o(i dry goods, etc., the same will be sold at p.reatly reduced prices. This stock must be sold atonce to make room for a fine line of winter gc,ods. We have some fine bargains in Dry Goods, Shoes, Ladies' and Men's F oTushmgs, Crockery Tinware, Etc., Etc . ...THE MERRILL COMPANY CHAPMAN'S OLD 8TAHD - j up,, n IT : A PILOT BUTTFj INN A. C. LUCAS, Propriety Tables supplied with all the delicaqtijs of the season First-class Equipment . .Vine Rooms and Beds All stages stop at the hotel door Transacts a General Hank ing Justness. Acts as Administrator, Iix ccutor or Trustee of Estates Issues Drafts and Bank Money Orders on all Foreign Countries. Interest on Time Deposits Safe Deposit Boxes. Fire Insurance. DIRECTORS: A. M. Drake, A. I.. Goodwillle, Provident. Vice Pre. J. M. Lawrence, Secretary. V. 0. JHnor, Cavhicr. BUND, - . ORKG0N' Santa Claus Time Is Here 01' ALL the glad days of the year Christmas should be one of the merriest. Old Doc (St.) Nicholfas) is putting in over-time prcpar for the glad event. Arc you making yoik preparations? Nicliol can help you. He has n large and flue assortment of holiday goods from which to make your selections for Christmas gifts gifts that will make the little chap shout with delight; gifts that will bring n laughing sparkle to the lit tle lassie's eyes; gilts for big and little, young and old. Following arc a few of the many he has: For the Little Folks Ciliim, Sword Soldier Uniform Pruiim Jumping Jacks To Pop Ciima Iloriin, nil kind lllockN Halt Dolls Painting Set Drawing Seta .St 11 (Ted Animals Magic Lantern Mcclmnicnl Toy Hocking llorso ticrap Hook Doll Heads Harp Toy Watclic Kail Mont Doiulnous, Checker, nil Kinds of Gninu FoP the Older Ones Manicure Kqts i'hoto nnd Glove lloxos Mirror . Toilet Caws I.adlos' Work Basket Assortment Smoking Sets Celluloid Assortment l'crfumc Case Bottle I'crfume l'ancy Toilet Article Paper Knives Book , Vnic Imported , ranch Sets '' ' Picture, Medallions Holiday Cards Xtuas Novelties Autograph Album Chlnaware Ink-stands, I'.tc. Solid Gold and Gold Pilled Watclios Jewelry of All Kink Xmas Treo Decorations, Candles and Holders, Xmas Tree Mats, Xmas Bells Finest Assortment of Xmas Candies and Nuts in. Town of Bend Old Fashioned Black Walnuts and Hickory Nats Orangco and Cranberries - Cigars - Drugs & Druggist's Sundries GROCERIES Sold nt the Lowest Cash Price. Delivered to Any Part of Town. PROSCRIPTIONS Filled by nil Kxpcrieuced nnd Uegistered Pharihacist W. S. NICHOL Z. F. MOODY OENERAL Commission and forwarding MERCHANT. SMANIKO, - ORECJON Large, Commodious Warehouse. Cousignments Solicited Prompt attcntlo a paid to those who favor me with tl teir patronage THROUQH FROM BEND TO SMANIKO IN ONE DAY SHANIKO-PRINEVILLE PRINEVILLE-BEND STAGE LINE SCHEDULE SOUTHBOUND NORTHBOUND Leave Shaniko 6 p. m. Leave Bend 6:00 a. m. Arrive Princville 7 a. m. Arrive Prineville 12:00 m. Leave Prineville 12:30 p. in. Arrive Bend 7:00 p. m. Leave Prineville. Arrive Shaniko.. 1 1 p. m. 1 a. m. FIRST-CLASS EQUIPMENTS FOR TRAVELLING PUBLIC PASSENGER AND FRKIGHT RATES REASONALE ) RALPH SHELDON General Blacksmithing and Wagon Repairing HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY Our shop is located opposite Baptist Church. Darbrr Shop ano 11.1TIIS IN IIOTia Hotel Bend Corner Bond and Okkoon Strkdts HUO.H O'KANE, Prop. MOST CHNTRAUA' LOCATKD HOTEL IN MEND. SAMPLE ROOM IN CONNECTION. New House, New Furniture, Reasonable" Rntes. Good Rooms Always Reserved for Transient Trade. Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company ANNUAL DIVIDENDS Nearly 300 SATISFIED policyholders in Crook County. A. Y. CLOTHIER, SPKCIAI, AGKNT F. O. MINOR, RHSIDHNT AOKNT Did You Ever Stop and Think That there is more news in The Bul letin than in any other paper in. Crook County.