THE BEND BULLETIN J'M-or every man n nqunre dcnl, no Iqss and no more." StWSCRirTlON RATES: One year 81 month ,..,.... ...... The'- month .... .... 'liiwtmMv I" ailwncr.) . M .io HOW TO RltMIT. Remit by Iwnt draft, khI1 money drUrn lletid, cxnre. money onlcr, or rci-Ured letter. Jlitlsc nil remittance p.vt!'c to The Hcnd llullctin. -- FUlJiAY. NOVUM HER 23, 1906. Hit Review says tlint the tiev mail route would be nu additional cx te to tlieRorernmcnt of some-tl-ui. like $,uep. Mail Route In spector Vaillr, dnint! his recent vtMl to Gtouk county, told L. I) Wust that the expense would not cxvt-ed $2.000. The honorable Johnnie Barrett 'VI OrcKon," minister plenipoten ti.iry nnd envoy extraordinary to ccr when, is coming out to thi M.tie to assure the people that Sec retary Root's course in South America has his unqualified ap proval Root is n lucky boy. R. J Ginn. of Moro, Sherman county, promptly got Senator Ful ton's endorsement lor register of The Dalles laud office, vice M. I Nolan, resigned. This land ofitcr u.v bears marks of desperate pol itics, and the nttblic is likely to know more about it before the game is played through, is the guess oi an outsider. There is apparently a widespread desire to force Roosevelt into the presidential chair for another term Answering a query in line with this effort, Secretary of State Root recently emphatically stated that the president would not be a candi date for re-election: and Mr. Root was not nor would he be a candi date for that high office. People who live in glass houses should not throw stones. The Prine cille Review says The Bulletin lifts news bodily from the Prinevillc papers without giving credit. The Bulletin never yet has copied a half column article from the Review, word for word, and not given credit (or it; but that is just what the Re view did in its issue of November , with an article from The Bulletin. Settlement and development in the Deschutes valley leads us nat urally up against the- necessity for the better mail service outlined in another column of this paper. The plan will take nothing from any other locality, will add nothing to the total expense of serving this region and will vastly benefit a large number of people and important business interests. It Is a happy arrangement and ought to be promptly approved aud put in oper ation. Timber Land, Act or June J, 1&7 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. S. land Office, The Dalles, Oregon, November 3, lo6, Notice it hereby giteu that In compliance with the provisions ofthe Act of Congress or June J, 171, entitled "An act for the sale of timber land la the states of California. Oregon, Nevada and nui.lHtAH Trltnrv " rxtended to all Ihr !ublic laud states by act ol August 4, 191. iotlowing-named persons have un October 13, bled In this office their sworn statements, to " "-"";-: --, ."---,. ,,. ;l. . ItioA . lO-WU Alice C. Wood of Bend, county of Crook, state ofOregon, aworn statement No. J144. for the purchase of the swtf netf, wHseK aud nej,ir of tec 19, tp 17 r ij e vr m. Charles JJ. Wood of llend, county ofCrook. state of Oregon, sworn statement No. J44J. for the purchase of She nK jieK. neKnwK of sec 19 and aef sw 0ffcc g, tp 17 a, r lie, w tn, Mary A. Wood of IJend, county of Crook, state ofOregon. sworn statement No. JW6, for She purchase ot She seK awK and lots 3 and 4 of sec 19 aud lot I of K-C39, tj 17 . r u e, w 01. That they will offer proofs So show that the linds sought are more aluable f jr Die timber or tone thcrron Shun for agricultural purposes, aul 1 1 establish their claims to said lauds before II. C Iillis, U. r). Commissioner, at his official place of business at Ilcul, Crook County, Oregon, on January 10, 1907. They name the following witnesses: Charles ' Wood, Alice C. Wood, Joseph I'. Wood, lilmer Nisivoiiuer, Charles M. Weymouth, Mary A. Wood and Samuel A Oott, all of llend, Oregon. Auy aud all i rsons claiming adversely atiy of She above-described lauds are requested lo file their claim in this office on or before She aaid jath day of January. 1907. 119 J4 MIC1IAUL T. NOI.AN, Register. 1200 -security, office. to lend on real estate Apply at The Bulletin Problems That Confront Hie Irrigator. Oltcli-UnHk Irrigation. A simple form of depressed-bed irrigation, and one which is readily available for home garden work in the arid region, miy be called "ditch-bank irrigation." It aims to use the water pcreolat ing from a raised ditch, which will moisten the Slope of the bank and tlic sou tor n min distance outward from its ise. Its prototype is perhaps the old permanent ditch of the Spanish .ettlers, which was opened out from a stream on a grade favoring a slow flow, and whatever laud on each side was thus moistened was used for n few onions, beans, anil pep pers, which were about the onl vegetables these settlers required, hi tin depressed-bed system the Snubs of the wnter-caTrviuc levees arc usually st t full of ma turing vcgcmoicsi. Ditch-bunk lrngation consists 111 ,1 sort of a combination of the old Spanish practice with some part ol the more systematic depressed-bed practice of the Italian murket gar deners. The method is to plow in deeply a good covering of manure and harrow thoroughly until the land is well settled. Then find a direction in which the land is near lv level ami bock two or more lur- form a ridge. Rake over id otrfaro. shrmiiitr un the ridee evenly, and on its crest mark out a narrow ditch with tlie Hoc. connect the head of this ditch with the wat er supplv and run in a small stream, aiding its course with a little cut ting and filling until it runs evenly the whole length or the ridge. This will settle the ground, and some smoothing with the rake will be needed. When the ground is In good shape, sow the seed or set the plants along the top and sides of the ridge and along the base- also. If the soil is not too leachy, the water will percolate slowly and evenly and moisten the soil without nrnnninie out Oil tile Surface. TllC -"wri'""n ..... , .. . ridges can be miiitipueu aim attri bution of water to their several heads le arranccd with troughs or otherwise, and the overflow at the ends can be led away to trees or clover patches. Water can be run from time to time to tnese cuanueis as required, ana me uuiiks mm bases can be used for a succession of vegetables. The method requires work and care to arrange the grade, etc., in the first instance, but for Uie rest ot the seasou the irrigation is auto ,matic, though, of course, much hand hoeincr will have to be done among the plants, for the constaut presence of moisture ami manure makes large weeus as wen as vege tables. It is surprising, however, how large a home supply of vege tnhlea in variety can be urown on 2od or 300 feet of ditch bank while all the rest of the landscape may sear. FARMS, TIMBER LANDS and Town Property BOUGHT and SOLD. Timber Claims and Homesteads located, sur veyed and estimated. ABSTRACTING CAM. OK OR ADDKHSS THE CROOK COUNTY REAL ESTATE CO. PRINUVIM.H, ORHGON. Bend Livery & W. J. ROBISON, Proprietor. LIVERY, and FEED STABLE Horses Boardkd by thh Day, Wkkk or Montii First-Class Livery Rigs for Reiit. 'Phone No. 15 ftond street, between Minnesota and Oregon, THOROUOHBRED Black Langshan Cockerels FOR BALE Vour Cfiolce Now for 75 Cents. E. C. PARK UHDMON'l), - - ORHGOX My fowls took seven firsts and three seconds at the fair Rnlsed-llcd Irrigation. A very Important modification of the furrow system is the raised bed, which, under certain circumstances is of great value in the vegetable and small-fruit plantation. The raised bed is nn elevation between two irriiMititur furrows. The field is laid off in tmrtow lands and sev eral furrows thrown together so as to bring dead furrows about four feet apart, making long bods ex tending down the grade with their surface raised several inches above the old level. The motive is to ar langc a plant- lied with a water course on each side aud below its surface level The whole plan is just the opposite of the depressed bed with raised ditches already de scribed, and is obviously to meet quite different conditions. It is es pecially suited to a rather heavy soil in which water will move well laterally, rise well, and be retained. Irrigation is accomplished by hold ing water for a time in the ditches. Where the ground is sloping it is held in levels by dirt dams or by cloth or metal slums, placed at in inrvuls as reouired to raise the water nearly to the ground surface. The arrangement lias several an vntitnees for the market gardener anil is largely used by thoge of for eign birth, who tely upon -11111111 ivnrt and desire to currv as nianv plants as possible per acre; for their rents lor rich land innr cuits are usually high. It enables them to plant iu close rows and in starting young plants it gives standing wa ter alongside, which they can easily flirt out with a pan or shovel when they thtnk a little sprinkling is tic sired. The Italian gardeners have a knack of doing this which is very interesting. The chief advantages, however, arc thedistribution of water beneath the surface, which lessens the need of surface cultivation, and when the vegetables are well grown obvi ates the decay which comes to foli age by contact with a moist surface. The same is true of the use of raised beds for strawberries when grown on the heavier loams or when the light, shallow loams overlie hard- pan and require frequent irrigation. Another very important advaiir tage of the raised bed lies in its adaptation to growth of vegetable and strawberries durinz the rainy season of climates. Not only is the raised bed more reson sive to the greater warmth which comes to the air at intervals, and consequently promotive of winter growth of vegetables, but it also escaoes the .sunersaturation which long rains may occasion. The deep ditches then act us open drains for the escape of the surplus water. The system would seem to be wide ly available where there exists both the need of irrigation and the dan ger of excessive rainfall, according to varying weather conditions. Transfer Co. liend, Oregon, Chickens for Sale, I have for sale some pure-bred Barred Plymouth Rock liens; also some spring chickens, fine for table use. Con, deliver at Jlend if de sired. Mrs. C. B,, 27tf Bend, Oregon. Eleven large exhibit palaces will form the main picture of the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition. Because wo nro soiling tho snmo and better quality at a closer margin is n very good reason why you will find our store tho best place ito buy anything in tho lino of Groceries, Drygoods, Furnish ings, Shoes, Hardware, Sash aild Doors, Paints and Oils The PINE TREE STORE H. A. SATIIUR. PROPRItirOR jfe4asSI9KsfBWsstf A Complete DRY At Bend. Oregon. lough. Surfaced -LUMBER- All Widths, Lengths INCH COMMON DIMENSION SHI PL A P RUSTIC " T. & G. FLOORING Reasonable KADED CEIMNO Lurnbcr WINDOW JAMBS 11,11,,.! l PHCCS WINDOW CASING tf " finnd HEAD BLOCKS . L" L0$l U00U O. C. BASEBOARD nhcrc on Grades STAIR TREADS Tlic Lands of nrv WATER TABLE ' J- 4 ' O. G. BATTINS Co., or StOCk MOULDINGS Tlic C. S. I. Co. P. II. D. PATENT ROOEING FENCE PICKETS SHINGLES ETC., ETC. CUSTOM PEED MILL IN CONNECTION. The Pi Jot Butte Development Company BEND, - OREGON PROFESSIONAL CARDS C. S. BENSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW Bend, - Oregon. W. P. MYERS LAND ATTORNEY Twtlve years special practice before tlie U. H, MnU Office ami Department of the Interior. Also General practice. Office, -, Okic. U. C. COE, M. D. OPI'ICK OVICR HANK Physician and Surgeon TKUtl'HONK NO. 21 HIJND 0RKC0N DR. I. L. SCOFIELD DENTIST I1UNI), ORHGON OlTice in rosldunec on Hnwtliorne Ave, R. D. WICKHAYl Attorney - at - Law Ol'I'ICP, 0V1!K HANK IIHNI), - ORHGON Harness and Shoe n I have otHiiicd n re- Repairing n::t"fcS Co.'b )aru and will enrry a full lin of lianieiw repairs; nlto wliip, curry combs, brushes, blankets, etc, Ilrlnn In your work. Will nlsn continue- to renair shoos. FRANK BUTTEUWORTH. J Slock ot and Moulded At Ik-ntl, Oregon. and Thicknesses J& J. II. IIANIiK, ABSTRACTER of TITLES NOTARY 1'UHUC lire fnsuratito, Mle Insuraiicr, (tartly I1ik), Kcal llstatr, CmireyanriiiK I'KINHVIM.H, OKIIOON THE First National Bank of Prinevillc. Hstnbllshcil IHSH. Capltnl, Surplus nnd Undivided Profits, $100,000.00 II. 1'. Allen. Will Wnrnveller T. M llalitwlu II. Ilalilwlu rrtslilenl Vice I'rrslilciit Cliililer Assistant Cashier Crook County Realty Co Real Estnto Bought and Sold. Life and Accident INSURANCE. OCKICKIN HUI.LKTIN IIUII.DINO IIKHII, OKKOOM TheDescluitesTeleplione Company Telcurauifl I'orwarded to Any I'nrt of the World. Direct Telephone Communication with Portland, I'rincvlllc nud all Pacific Coait cities. Public Pay Stations in Dank Iluldini; at llend, at I.nld law and Powell lltittos. MeMfiicr service to auy part of Crook County tenth of Crooked River. Tlic niaiinnement of tlic Alaska Yukoii'Pacific Kxposition has up. proprlatcd $100,000 for n live stock show. NOTIUK KOIt PUULlUAf ION. U. rl. t Ami tlltkf, Th ImIIm, Olefin, Ntirhttr I, lyoA. TO WHOM IT MAV CONCHKN NutHv l listrliy nlvrn Hint llir Htalr urotrayl has ninl In tills oiln-e Hit IoIIumImm list ft In till! In wit. I.IKT nf UNllH Itllt t'ATIINT SO. 4. Api'ttivl HeKlvHSlisI ill fin. lc ill, K. nfir wut.rNiif a ih mi lirtw.M fern NHnfsv( " " r 1,11 ."tn. Hee Tp, K. Attn vi(.fKir WHotswu " II It lam HVU Ul IOSM jaasiM tz 4tw 4sm J 1 4f aawi 48 OS 10 lUB a, in a an (Au.m 4U.OS . hi.wH.til hwi Mr lf HltW " NUKulMRK " IN W hi; n N M uf tsl lf Ml KWW " NlfKiilM MU B H NWh ul W)(" V, n .1 9 it A' H HI J n HU ul XWU NWW ul NH( pVJiifl lis r tll KI( uf NU'K i.h 111 nun silu ..f Nkuf ?ll NWiifxKK " tt-iw :: HHWM flnn im imufHWM WHamilU " HltHulNKW " IIS..flIIK " S WW of NWH " MW ul MWK " HHV l .NKWofXKW " KWHntNlifi " MiirNWT " HKWafXWH " KKkolllrtW XWV of MR " H A KiH " W of HH " KH of MK KSnfHWH " WV f " K, of l.i of KHT " HHofuWW " HS of NKW " VI w ,JWU a,s jll'.M P Is, (SI Ik, nn Su ., 4u nu . M M ittal M M u 11 " " lm n . 11 t(0 1 M ,1 4., a, M H ,., 1. n t.w HHWt sow I. to MMS MM if 41 on Sua aa 4v fM US uf HWV " MUaf SkSti V sku f aw 1 . ' " , ol W ufUKtf of MM of NWSi miK swi nSufi M. of KUV of tJWSi " Wta of M'V. of KKV p., a. cz tz 4SSU tUm S NKV MkufNWV " S ( WWW " S, ofWW Y H of WK ' HS-jJ of M'HofKKK " hi. ..1 vatu HhHafNWK " NH of KV KU of . WH V Alt M 1 HWKofMWK " nwC of HWHofKK " -KKofMW " J n I jWif Z M f M tz 1(4 of Ml IK 7S l'.iIJ II V imsfMKV NHofN ifXWK N J KltK K HWVs3f NKK " HwHof hWrJiJxWV II Moos tz bM w'iafrilMi " All . UK fKK " NhornKV rKKwURK " oVWKK All All XWtf of ' NU m(. " aavu, JasM iaaos sow Maw ja. IStuI iaaw iSaou iaun & : :: a : ;: h M H W 7 H urn t M W MM t M HW H Ot " 1(5 if WH NH H NKWoflilftf MKKofKllf? WB of wfi m at l..l I 11 J HWI(fMMK " xwV f " N of HV)( e.f , " M'w : :: .WKrf7v'K " All All " All At . dx'VWM 2!J " 4.M " uw " II " laaiiai w a.,,u " 7 H t M M " So .si II " " 4011 I M JlXWll n44 I " w 4 4 i " " M"'l 4 " " 64.1 1. 1 6 M iioyi H - m.U h - 4, M TGw All XK f 8IHf of ieituafawit " Xkf " W " XU of HICK NM ft " II - K ul rtWK " " M - " fa! All II I i II ll.M Ml IM I lt 1 " IM I " lMl 4 " HWKofMWK " KltHfltWlf " Lot I " !! 4 HUofNItlf HHBfKWK " HU of " All All XU of NU ofKHK " NWuf NhofhWK " Hl(l( nf NWIfnf.NHH M WJof 14 II W M 4.ol " 4-H " 4svm itm 4.lH " K.W.) " , &MM " 4MUM : EM M l(MW " I Si 8 nml liaiaiilleil forn imtrnl fur salit IntiOsiiiiilcr the oris nf aiikiisI iS, 1A44 (H Hut., 171-411), Jnnr II, iM(WHIal., 41). ami March jt. i'ii (u Htat., iiu-iim), rctatlnii to the iiiuntliiK nf not In ex cteil a iiiltlloii acres ofarlil land tu tocli of cer tain stales, ami that tin sold list, lili Us ac- TOiiiituiiiuliiit 1 1 1 u 1 fa la ntuiii (.. il l..ui...ii . "" !" Hts, toj Uin,i ill) v IIBJICVllUM U nil mrMjim itUcrnttd, and Ihr inibllc Kvurrtilly. tVlllllll UK II. ! (inaj iummwiiik uiC fll.lC cftiiUiiolicc. piolcilf or (fHiIntu auulHit tlir flialtsi asfttios fcllatas tn o.iii ,. .Ill I. .1 claim of the Hlstelo any tract ilrscrllxil In the list, 1111 tlie icioiinilurrnUiirclu wlllilhr Inur, mi the i.-round of the iK)ii-il-rtilmiacirif the Inn.l, uu the utiimiiliif a iriur mUir.e rljhl, or un the Krniiml Hint the Mime U mute fir iitlnttriil tlinii iiiiiIxiiIihshI .......... . 1 .. receive, ami notwl for report to the (.tiurnl F ii ml IIIa ItfAhliii...!.... w J a.MIK WimVt tHlllllKIUIIi u, v., Vi?!!lX,,, ''' NIII.AS, lleKlslcr. AN.NH Jl. I.ANU.Jtecli.i I.liid Office nt The Dalles, Oifiiuii, .1 , .. . ., Niivemlier , iyn6. Notice nf the nlwve niiillcatlun will he pul.. lisheil In The llend llnlltlln lulnliil st llcml, ure Koii, wlilcli I herehy ileslKimtc n the newspninr uulillshnl nearest the lund ilcscrllml In ul.l 11 1 jillcatlun. nyj4 MICIIAUl, T. NOI.AN, KtuUter. 400 to lend on real estate secur--ity. Apply at The UulleUti office. L