The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 23, 1906, Image 3

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In ;i Cnndonseil I'orin for Our
Hnsy .tenders,
A Rotumo of tlio Loss Importnnt but
Not Lots Interesting; Evonf
of tho Past Week.
MhIiii people will link Federal aid to
relieve the ciml shoring!).
(Iiiverimr Mhkimiii, ii( CiiImi, denies
tllllt III) lH tllsllllllcl Willi IliM portltioll.
A big dook Urn lit Niilnu tliwtmyiil
projxtrty vulnil Hi Hourly 1, 000,00(1.
Mrn. Maud Ctelllelil linn iM'en foiuiil
iIimiI In her cell nt Hettltlu (nun liewrl
Klntiiiliiril Oil "took him gone down
rapidly on account of tlm goviiriiiiiont
Tlio Run I'raiii'lwHi Kronil Jury In ntlll
probing Into tlio nibbed slowllng of ro
lle( funds.
Ilitrrliiimi mill rioulil limy lm Indict
1 by n xrHiiil Jury lit Salt Uko in tlm
Htl Inquiry.
Prenlilont IViiiiu in III iiimtKuratio t
nl Itlo Jmielro mUooHtwl inenwHiil
armament (or Hrwell.
Thouuw ('. Plrtlt IhshIiI to Imve made
ml bin tndimtloii wm United Hinted
titiiMtor (nun New York.
(Mtlmimof llonoliibi Imve wilwrllnil
ineiiey to return the Itoyul HkwiiIhIii
IihI milliliter to tlieir Iiuiiihh.
TIih trial of tlm wiKHtt rnt, churned
with HmuitliiK mUte, Iu Ih-KUU In
tlm United Htti4 Circuit court in New
I'ritfbUnt ItofMill Ik seeing tlm
IiihiuI ill Its wornl. h lit ilwtlrttl. A
MMiriiiK rMln low fnlloii since lib) nrrlv-
ul oil tlio Islliliiu.
Tlm wtvuniiiiKiit hns lxfKiin i suit to
llsilvu tlm Standard Oil ixiiiimuy.
A Sun I'rotiulMNi grand Jury Ims In
dicted ItitHf hihI Kuliiuttx for uxtortloii.
A olvll witr among tlmMinpil Indian
In Now Mux loo hit Um piipiirtaixt by
IMh jmi'ttlwi In Colorado nro ro
olvil to work for the riixwl ol moiihiii
Tlio Southern Paolllc will ndd n thlnl
tlirouwli truln Uaween Portland and
Hii I'ronolrwi.
Tlio blub tor wrecked tlm wre
hiHiHt of tlm Wwtwrn Idaho SuRar ouni
imny at Nniiip.
Two were klllwl himI two other are
dyiiuf rt" H rult of u battle wltlurob
m In Nan FwiKdroo.
JhimiiI has jit launched n lmltlwdilp
'mf 111,000 tMW. It i wiiwl himI wrlmn
superior to uti HilitK t 1 1 t .
Three American nml six Mexican
vere kllleil by h iriitimturii oxpliMlou
i( (lyiiHiiiitii nt Douglas, Arizona.
riiiliiml nuthorltlw Iibvo "olxed iilmut
fi.OOO rllle mid 11 H.OOO unit ridgu In
tended for ItiMliui rovolutloniM.
All ml I n wl In tlm United Statu nro
reinly to xlvii iuiiiloyiiH u mint of 10
jmt tvnt In onlur to iiruvmit troublo nt
the present timu.
I'rimliiiint ltoonovoU Imn nwirly
nmnhiHl I'liiuium.
Wltto Iuih ruturniNl to UiumIii mill
will vUlt tlm wr.
Attorimy (lenenil Minnly linn or.1erel
n right unfori'uiiiunt of thu ulnht-hoiir
It In jirolKibla a fori'i) of 1,000 urn
riiuM will bo kuit In Cuba for wuim
l'lillHilulphln .Iowh will honor tlm
hitoJolm llity by pinning mmuorlnl
wliulow in tbolr HynnKOKiio.
Tlm t'hlwffo city uttornoy iuhhimm tbo
l'lillumn Miuiwiiy of brililntj JuiIbwi,
coiinriKwiiuiii mill othur olllulitlfl.
A (Uwiioriito biittlo with knlvon bo
twfon MoltllurH nt ('lioyniiuo to nutthi mi
uhl fuwl jiluml llvo muii In tlm lioMpltal.
Thu fort tot It numml notion of tlm
Niitloniil (IrmiKO, hold lit Dunvur, ilu
ubiriHl for imrvold pout anil imtloiml
Kixxl roiulri.
A iloHirta imgro nt AhIiovIIIo, N.
0., Mhot unil kllleil four uiun In muo
t'lWHful nttoiupt to wi'iipu urnwt. Arm
oil umii uro HimruhliiK for him.
Buoriitnry Mutmlf hnH oxpriwHeil tlm
opinion Hint tlm t runty butweuii tlio
United BtntoH uml Jnpiin nunninti'ort
education to JnpmmHo uhililrou in our
public nulioolri without dlwiriinlnatlon.
Oubnn I'.liorala nro divided on ac
count ot friendship with Amorlcn.
A now plnKtio has cnueotl 12 ilontha
In n bidhII Turns town, nml dottora urn
utmblu to control It.
It la reported that King Alfonso cf
Spain Iibb been MtnaihmteU, but the
xupjrt onnnot be verlflod.
Telephone It Operated by Current
Qlven Out Uy tlio Stomach.
Hun KriinclHio, Nov. J.I. Huforo n
lllllllllllr Of IIIDllll'lll iiidii mid HClolltlfltH
loituy, Mrn. Albert J. AUiIiih and K. J,
I.owIh Kiicceeiled In cliitrKhiK an oli.'O-
trlciil clrcut with human electricity to
mmli ii iluitmi Unit external houihI
wnviw woro trntiHtulttod nml hmnl
UiroiiKh mi ordinary tolephoiiu ro
iiilvor. Tlio oxiiiirlimint conhlatiid of
tlm (ippllvittloii or two plntlnum olvo
trnduH to tho wuIIh of tlm llvlne ntom-
aali. Hy nimniH of copper wlron tho
nluctroilm woro connuotuil wlUi tiilo
pliono uml mlcrophuno, a kuiinUIvo
liiHtriimont, which wcnlly Intonnlllo
Tluiru wnH nbnolutoly no inoclinnlcul
or chvinlcnl battery In thu circuit, ydt
Urn moiimiit tho uluctrodon wiro iiwnh
lowed Hiimolniilly to touch tho walls
of tho Htoinnch, huiiinn tlctrlcliy
llowcil ovor Urn wlrf, rciidorlnK
HouudM nuillblu. Tho electric charno
iiieuMiirud from nuvuu to eluht lullll
oltn on u WuhIoii i;alvanuinetiir.
Coloiuil K, T. ItochiinlRoii, tho sub
ject of thu experiment, Hwnllowoil thu
olectrodett nml uuccuiduil In rutnlnliiK
Ilium for n couxlilornblo time After
n brief runt, ho wan kIvcii n drink of
whlnky nml on iikoIii lonuuctlnK tho
eleulrodtiH with thu Interior IIiiIiik of
bin ntouiiirh thu Kiilvanomoter rec.lH
lered Ii uillll-volU.
Dm. AlkliiH and l.vwln alnlui that
by thl j oxpiirlimiiil tlicy hnvo doiiion
Htrutrd tlio law of action of the human
kuikvjh. They ruimon Unit, If nouinl In
trniimnlttui! ovor u copper wlro when
It In chnre.od with human electricity,
It In rw4ouiili h to roimldor the prlu
clplo tlm ho tn o when tho nudltory
iiKrvn In chnritftl with the unine force
In other wotiIh, wo honr when tho
nml torr nerve In uimlo nermltlvo witn
huninn electricity on the nnmo prln
clplo which wo rocttlva a telephone
Hirlhonnoro. thrno Hclontliitit clnlm
that by n Merln of oxperltnentM they
have proven that dlKoxtlon In nn elec
trocheinlc iirucomi; that all llfo ne
thin In Urn lM)dy In dependent upon tho
ncllvlty of tlm electrical forcon within
tlio organism, Hint vnrlntlons of sonso
nmnlfeiitntlon. ns hIrIiL bmrltiK. etc.,
nro cnused by tho dlfforont rntoii of v.
brntlon sot up by tho human electrical
currontti nctlnK on tho special sense
Mounted Rifles Start In Pursuit anrf
Rebels Prepare to Fight.
Cnpo Town, Houth Afrlcn, Nov, 12.
Tho Intent mlvlcos from tho scono
of tlio Door outbronk In tho North-
wiMtfni pnrt of Cnpo Colony nsroo
that tbo nltuntlon Is decidedly Rrnvo.
Nntlvrn who hnvo novor beon In nym
pnthy with tlio Ilrltlsh plnnn of govern
ment nro (locking to the ntandnrd of
tlm rebel chieftain, l'errlorn. On Hun
day ho nttnckml n enmp of lnynls nt
Upphigton mid n flurco flcbt followfd
hinting bourn, whim tbo police, find
ing theniMtlvoM outnumbered, fled
carrying their bnilly-woundod men.
Kerrolrn, with bin forco nugmontwl
hourly Is now In camp on n farm near
uiiiiiKKi nun iv mrunou '
command Is bringing horsem from tno
fnrms In tho lclnlty. It In bollovod
thnt he pinna n march townrd Kuni
mnii, then, If nblo, to light tho troops
sunt ngnlust htm and go on to Kim
borloy. Throo flying columnn of Cnpo Col
ony troopom nnd pollco, whoso rnnks
numborml ninny votermis of tho Uocr
nrmy who have lakon tho oath of nl
loglaiice nro now marching to engage
tho rebels. It Is conceded hero thnt
the loynl forcon will huvo their work
cut out lu putting down tho robolllon.
l'or miiiiy montlm tbo Iloern hnvo been
illHwitlHlled with tho nttltudo ot the
Ilrltlsh colony townrd them mid ninny
huvo declnred tbolr Intention of leav
ing tfcr- Ilrltlsh possessions nnd try
ing their luck In other parts of Af
rlcn. Hhoutil tho prosnnt uprising gain
a few Initial buccossos, cortnlnly the
dlHcontontod from nil ovor Ilrltlsh
South Afrlcn will gather to nld Ker
relrn, nnd, If tho lnttor can nrm and
equip nil who como to htm, tho gov
ernment will noun begin sending reg
ular troopu Into tho Hold to oppose
Quite Equal to Situation.
London, Nov. 13. Sir Thomnn Fill
lor, ngont uonornl for Cnpo Colony In
Ixindou, nttnchuB no Importnnco to tbo
Forrolrn raid. Ho bollovos tho object
to bo robbery mid plunder nnd Rnys
tho country where Forrolrn nnd his
men nro operating In Hparsoly popu
lated nnd tho farmhouBoa widely nop
nrntod. It la not ImposBlblo, howovor,
thnt Forrolrn may obtnln nomo ndhor
eiitH nnd do somo mischief. The Cnpo
Mounted allien, Sir ThnmiiH declnroe,
nro accustomed to guerrilla warfare
nnd will hnvo no dllllculty In dealing
with tho ultuntlon.
Taking Away Liberty Again.
Odoaen. Nov. 13. All tho oloctornl
committees In thta city nnd In tho
lirovlnccB hnvo been suppressed ppiI ' loss of llfo. was discharged from bnnk-
their functions havo boon trnnBforrodruptcy today by Judge LannliiEln In
. .. ,i. n ,-... ..n ti, nnnnoUi.. Tinito.i atntna r.nnrt imrn. Tim
mio hv Hmon nnnimtiinnn havo
Lon cancollod.
IVUIIIH ,.....U M." ...WWV WW.....-..--. .-
Ininilyrant Train In Disastrous
Indiana Wreck.
Were Nonrly All FoRltlves From Rus
siaSurvivors Lose DiKKigo
and Other Possessions.
Chicago, Nov. 13 More tbnn bnlf
thu paHHengirn on nn Immigrant train
on tho Ilnltlinoro & Ohio railroad were
killed or Injured In n collision todny
betwoan tbo pnmiongor trnln nml n
freight nrnr Woodvlllo, Ind. Ono hun
dred uml nlxty-flvo pnimengorii woro on
tbo truln, nml of tliuso 47 woro either
killed outright or woro burned to
death In the flro which broko out In
tbo wrtckngo Immediately after tho
collision, Tho numoM of nil tho dead
will probably never bo known, nn 4G
of tho hodloii were consumed In tho
Untiles, or wtro o badly burned that
Identification In Impossible. Thirty-
eight people were Injured, and nevetnl
of tliUHo will dlo. lClghty othera en
en pod unhurt, but lost nearly all their
bnggnge nml clothing.
Tho disaster wnn cnuned by a blun
der of somo employe of the rnllrond
company, but Just whoro tbo blame
Hen lias not bren determined.
Tho pnsspngvr trnln, which wns
loaded with llusslnn Jews, Servians
nml Poles, all of them nvont arrivals
lu this country and bound for Chicago
or places In tlio Northwest, wan tho
second suction of a through train from
Ilnltlinoro. Tho ong neer of freight
train No. 9C, on Instructions recolved
nt McCool, Ind., wnltod nt a siding nt
Ilnlicock, Ind.. to allow me immigrant
train to pass.
An soon ns tho first section of tho
Immlgrnnt trnln hnd pnssod tho switch
nt Ilnlicock. tho freight train. In chnrge
of Knglneer Hurko. nml Conductor
Mnsto. started eastward. A light snow
wns falling, which Incronscd tbo dnrk
ness of the early morning, and, as tho
freight wns rounding a sharp curve
just west of Woodvlllo, tho second sec
tion of tho Immlgrnnt trnln enmo In
sight n short dlstnnco nwny, toarlng
townrd Chicago nt tho rnto of 40 mile
nn hour. The two trnlns enmo to
gether with iinslnckencd speed, and In
tbo email six pnsBonger conchos nml
several freight cars were knocked Into
kindling wood, and, together with tho
locomotlvos, went rolling down Uio
Pneumonia Proves Fatal to Leader In
Cuban Campaign.
Jlnkersneld. Cnl . Nov. 13. Major
neuernl Wllllr.m Uufus Shatter. Unltod
Btnten Arm, retired, died nt 12:42 p.
m. yestordny nt tho much of Captnln
W II McKlttrlck. bin sonlnlnw, 20
mllen south of this city, nfter nn Ill
ness of seven dnys, despite tbo host
medlcnl attention In California.
AVhllo returning from tho polls last
iY itehU;duJS.
"m necessitated conllnomcnl to nis
Wednesday and Thursday no Im
provement was noticed nnd Frldny oft
ornoon I)r. M. If. Horzstoln, of Bnn
Frnnclsco, wns communicated with, nut
ns bo wns unnblc to depart at onco,
Dr. I. W. Tborno wan despatched In Dr.
itnrzsteln's nlnco. Ir. Thorno nrrlvod
enrly Snturdny morning nnd, together
with the local ptiysicinns, uiiigenuy
wntcbod the pntlont all thnt day. In
tbo nftornoon n slight rnlly was tie
tnrted nnd rolntlvon and nbyslclans
were extremely hopeful, but tbo cbnnge
wns short-lived. At 10 ociock n sinn
ing spell seized the veteran.
Dr. Herzsteln nrrlvod shortly nfter
midnight Saturday night nnd n consul
tation wns held with tho other phvsl
clnnn In nttonilnnce. It Is stated tint
Dr. Herzste In deemed nn operation uio
only menus of relief from the Inlostl
nol obstruction, but tbo condition of
tbo patient would forecast nothing but
fstnl results In bucii nn nuomiu. or.
irorzstoln, nccompnnlod by Dr. Thome,
rninrnod to Snn Frnnclsco. nil hopo
of saving the gallant wnr horo having
been abandoned.
Dissolve the Trust.
Washington. Nov. 13. Whllo no nu-
tborltntlvo Btntoment could bo obtain
ed In rrgnrd to tho mntter, thoro Is
good ronnon to'oeiiovo thnt tno iiov
ornment hna decldod to Instltuto pro
ceedlnga ngnlnat tho Btandnrd Oil
Compnny undor the Shormnn nntl
trust net with n view of obtnlnlng nn
order of tho court dissolving tho com
pnny ns It now oxlstn nnd restoring to
ench of tho 75 or 80 constituent com
pnnloB Its proportlonnto Bbnro of tbo
Htock nnd nlso compelling the obsor
vnnco of tho law Inhibiting thorn from
ontorlng Into any coutrnct. ngroomont
or undoratnndliiR with ench othor.
Discharged From Bankruptcy,
Tronton, N. J., Nov. 13. Tho Iro
quolB Thctttor Company, of Chicago,
wliniin tlionlnr wna ilnfltrnvml llV flrn
l,-,v nn,. ntrn nltnniln.l llV I-rnnl
rnmnnnv linn linhllltloa of S2.000.000
. ...,... .... ..nw. -- ,-,---,
land no aaaots.
Lenders Confident That President's
Coming: Message to Congress Will
Contain Redlcal Demands
for Labor.
Minneapolis, Minn., Nov. 12,Thnt
tho convention of tho American Fed
eration of Labor, which opens In this
city this morning, will go on record
In favor of an nggresslve political jkjI
Icy seems fissured. From nil partn ot
tho country delegates nro bringing In
reports of success at tho polln nt tho
recent olectlon.
Ho fur theso raportn show that at
least five trade unionists will sit In
tho noxt Congress, wbllo a groat num
ber huvo been eleotod to tho different
state legislatures.
Most pronounced hnvo been the sue
cohm of tbo United Mlno Wot kern nnd
tho Commercial Telegraphers' Union.
Tho miners lu tbo untbraclto dllrlct
of Pennsylvania hnvo elected W. IJ.
Wilson nnd T, I), Nichols to Congress
and 10 of their members to tho state
Tlio telegraphers elected thrco of
their members to Congress In different
parts of thu country, Including the
Fourth District ot Illinois. In Henne
pin county, In this state, 31 out of 33
men Indorsed by labor for tho state
Ixtglsluturo and county ofllcora have
been elected. These successes hnvo
whetted tho appetites of tho labor mon
and It Is the general opinion of the
delegates who hnvo arrived hero that
tho convention will dovoto at least
two days to discussing a political pro
President Qompors feels greatly en
couraged over the situation. Ho says
Ik- has received scores of letters from
mon outsldo of tho labor movomont
In which they declare that they novor
before fully understood whnt tho trade
unionists of tho country stood for in
n political way, and expressing sym
pathy with tbolr alms and objects.
"It has been tho greatest education
al campaign that organized labor has
ever conducted," bo snld tonight."
"The subject Is fully covorcd In tho
report which I will submit to tho
convention tomorrow, but I hnvo no
hesitation In saying thnt tho political
program of the Executive Council will
bo Indorsed by tho. convention. It Is
but the beginning of organized labor's
orfortM In tho political arena."
Ono of tbo effects of tbo labor politi
cal program will be seen In tho com
ing message of President Iloosovolt to
Congress. According to same lnbor
officials who hnvo recently tnlked with
tho President on the Btibjcct, tho com
ing mossngo will contnln some of tho
most radical demands for labor that
havo ever bren mado by a President
of tho United States.
Veterans of Twenty-Fifth Deeply Af
fected by Disgrace.
Kl Reno .Okln., Nov. 12. The mom
bers of Companies II, C nnd D, of tho
Twonty-flfth Infnntry (colored), re
cently ordered dismissed uy Prosldont
Iloosovolt na n result of tho riotous
disturbances nt Hrownsvlllc, Toxas, on
August 13, were formally discharged
Many of tho tnon, some of whom
hnve been In tho service more than 20
yeara, shod tears wbon thoy gave up
their guns. Tomorrow tho disarmed
troops wilt hnvo battalion drill without
arms, and they will bo discharged Im
mediately upon receipt of official or
ders from Woehlngton.
The second battalion of the Twonty
sixth Infantry, undor command ot
Mnjor Chnrlea J. T. Clarke, which ar
rived Inst night from Snn Antonio, has
gono Into enmp Just outsldo the gar
rison limits of Fort Reno. Tho nogro
troops hnvo shown no disposition to
bo ugly.
Race Suicide Increasing.
Pnrls, Nov. 12. Public nttontlon hns
ngnln beon drnwn to tho Nntlonnl peril
Involved In tho constantly-diminishing
blrthrato by tho publlcntion of t'
vital stntistlcn for 190B. Tbo births Jn
Franco for this yonr numbered 807.202,
allowing n decrenso of 10.937 from tho
total of 100L Tho Tonson for this de
crenso Is not to bo found In n reduc
tion of tho number of mnrrlagos. In
which the statistics show n slight In
crenso ovor 1901, but it npparently
arises from tbo avorslon of tho Fronch
people to raising lnrgo fnmlllos.
The Nntlonnl association which Is
studying this mntter has ronchod tho
conclusion thnt It Is nocosBnry to In
culcato tho Idon that any couplo that
ralsem more thnn threo children merits
nml Is entitled to public gratitude and
Rogers to "Dust Trusts."
Fnlrhnvon, Mnss., Nov. 12. Honry
II. Rogers, of tho Standard Oil Co.,
Is about to start out ns a "trust bust
or." Tho company to which ho will
first turn his attention Is ono of tho
etrongost combinations In tho United
Stntos, tlio United Shoo Mncblnory
Company. For livo yenrs pnst tho Shoo
Machinery Compnny has boon at lltl
gntlon with tho Atlas Tack Compnny,
claiming Infringements of patont. Rog
orn Is Interested In tho tnck compnny
nnd It la Bnld that this 1b what decided
him (o nttnek tho big companies.
Soldiers Must Keep Out of Politics.
St. Petersburg. Nov. 12. An Impor
lal ordor has boon Issued forbidding
RnllllorS Of nil mnkB tO bOCOlTlO 1110111
bora of political associations of any
pnrty whatsoever, attend political
iiieetinL'H or take nnrt In agnation
ngnlnat the govornmoiu, violations
- A-
of tho ordor will bo aovorely punished.
fJnSlSl&XfXrtf? "ii lie !. YonW llr.
r,'M7it-JvJyi It Is m vny to niln a young
tfylV" r J-lZ m t
Wo nro frequently nuked whnt cntnon
hair-balls. These conereUeum nrc pro
duced by the animals licking them
selves or other animal. As n result
of this habit tho hairs swallowed nro
enrrh-d around by the contractions of
the stomach and gradually assume Ui
form of a small pellet or ball. These
Increase In size as fresh quantities of
hnlr are liitrryluwi! Into the stomnch
which Ixvoiiie adherent to tho surface
of the hair-hall. These hnlr-bnlls are
found most frequently In the reticulum
or second stomach, although sometimes
lu the rumen. In calves, hnlr-balls are
generally found In the fourth stomach.
There are no certain syinptxuns by
which wo can determine tho presence
of hnlr-balls, nnd therefore no treat
ment can be recommended for such
cases. Tho wnlls of Uio reticulum hnve
In some cases been found transfixed
wlUi nails or pieces of wire, and yet
the unlmals during life had not shown
any symptoms tf Indigestion, but had
died from innlndles not Involving the
second stomnch. SL Louis Olobe-Dem-
Hnmlr Ilnir lliddrr.
To construct Uds bag holder make
n "funnel with fo,ur Iioards 10 Inches
long, 12 Inchj-s wldo nt top; 7 Inches
wldo at bottom ; take four Inths 1 nnd
2 Inches, 3 feet long, and fasten on
funnel for feet, with sulllclent slant
to stand steadily; drive four small'
nails In funnel, 3 Inches from bottom,
nt corners, to Iiepk bag on. For filling
com In ear In phosphate sacks, tho
funnel should be made larger, so corn
could lie readily shoveled In with grain
shovel. Furui Progress.
Ilia Ilpmnnd fur Pork.
The demand for iork this year has
astonished even tho most sangulno
friends of the hc,g. Iloth fresh nnd
cured meatn have lavn taken In largo
volumo right along at prices which
were w high thnt they woro exjiected
to check consumption. There are three
reasons why this condition hns existed
nnd still exists. First Is the prosper
ity of the South, a largo consumer cf
cured meab. Tbo Southern trade wns
novor larger than It is to-dny. Noxt
U tbo growing foreign trade, which
Ilko our own, seems to proceed regard
less of prices. And. finally, tho ooplo
of this cciuutry huvo learned to out
bacon. Its consumption Is unprece
dented In our history, and Is still grow
ing. Thoro hns Ikhiii no shortage in
numliers of hogs, but n vastly Increased
demand. ThU Is why prophecies based
on hog supplies hnve failed nnd are
likely tei full In the future. Nntlonnl
rnnturlnnr Clover.
Clover Is Injured wbon cattlo nro
permitted on the Held when tho land
U very wet. Thoro Is n temptnUon-to
nllow cows to two tho clover Uelds
scuue, but nny gain by so doing Is nl
wnys nt tho expense of loss In tomo
other manner. Cattle do much harm
by tramping; for which reason not
even Uio pasture should lie used until
tho grass hns mlulo considerable growth.
Close grazing should never bo nllowed.
MiilClpllt-nltim of Wci'ih,
To give somo iden of how weeds
multiply It may bo stated that n single
plant of pepper grass will produce IS,
(KM) seeds; dandelion, 12,000; shep
herd's purse, 37,000; wbent thief, 7.
000; common thistles, 05,000; chamo
mile, 10,000; ragweed, 5,000; purs
lalne, 375,000; plantnln, -17,000, and
burdock, -13,000. Tho Importnnco of not
allowing n Blnglo weed to produce seed
cannot bo alluded to, too frequently.
A single hour's work In destroying
weeds may save weeks of labor next
J season.
or let him lce his llfo thnt It Is a won
der ieople are not more careful. Conn
try boys often think It "smart" to
hitch up n green colt and drlvo to town
the first trip. It looks dnshlng and
brave, but It In really senwles. A
frightened young nnlrnnl threw Itself
on n paied street of n town the first
time It was taken there and broke It
leg. It was bewildered by the nolso
and crowds and had never felt Uio
touch of harness before. Don't go off
on Bunday afternoon knowing thnt
your sons and all tlio boys In tho
neighborhood will hitch np the colL A
noisy, yelling crowd Is enough to senro
a steady horse, and a young one will
try to Jump out of It skin when sur
rounded by n lot of youngsters eager
for fun. It may be fun for them, but
tho future usefulness of Uic Is
nt stake. Itlcbardson, In National
There are two ways of completely
destroying weeds. One Is to let them
hnve the opportunity to grow, nnd, by
frequently cultivating them, turn them
under ns fast ns they mnke their ap
pearance; the other being to crowd
them out by growing some crop that
will not give the weeds n chance to
grow. No system of cultivation will
kill nil tbo weeds If n crop Is desired
Huch as corn for the grass nml
weeds will only be kept down so Ion(f
ns cultivation lasts, especially as corn
Is usunlly "lnld by" nt n time when
the weeds are producing seeds, thus es
tablishing themselves for the succeed
ing year. As n tent of what supposed
clean culture of corn may be, simply
cut down n row of stalks nnd a row
of weeds will remain. As n single weed
produces Uiousnnds of seed, tho labor
of destroying tbo weeds must bo re
peated next season.
nrlnd the Hay nnd Storcr.
Alfalfa meal Is n standard commod
ity on the feed market, yet I see but
little In print ft to the results of feed
ing It, but tho few dairymen, nays L.
W. Ltghty In National Stockmnn, I
beard speaking about the experience
they had with It seemed very favor
able. A prominent Pennsylvania dairy
man a few days ago told me lu; Is
about putting In grinding machinery
that will handle the timothy and mixed
liny and reduce them to a fine ground,
crushed condition. Who ever tried this
practically? Is there any available liw
formnUon In tbo experiment station re
ports? I would not like to commit my
self, but It seems to mo theoreUcally
thnt wo could do Uio rougher part of
the chewing cheaper with gasoline or
alcohol power than wlUi cow power. It
has been amply demonstrated that
feeding tho cow easily digested feed,
saves feed.
Wonders of Concrete.
Here are some concrete possibilities.
You can build concrete foundations,
sidewalks, fences, wnter troughs, cis
terns, water tanks, shelves, cesspools,
gutters, floors ot nil kind In the cellar,
barn and Btnble, steps nnd stairs, well
curbs, horse blocks, stalls, hog pens,
troughs, chicken houscu. corn cribs, tea
houses. Incubator cellars, mushroom
cellars, bolted frames, brldgo abut
ments, chimneys, ventilators, rams,
windmill foundations, fence posts,
clothes posU nnd hitching posts. There.
1 one farm where tho post and rail
fences nnd the feed bins nro concrete,
and in another even tho lattice under
the house piazza and tho laundry stova
arc made of It. Cases of this kind nro
extromo nnd lmpractlcnl, bowover.
Value of AVrlulit In Ilnrnea.
Kvery hundred jwunds additional
weight In tho ease of n heavy draft
horso Is worth from 23 to 50 cents
more per hundredweight when making
n sale. A farmer Is In position to feert
ns cheaply na nny professional feeder.
To, soil well on tho market horses must
bo fat, sleek and well groomed. Tho
buyers demand fat. If ono has tlmo
to give proper exerclso and light work,
something may bo added to tho vnluo
of the horse, and It will be ready to
go right Into the heavy work ojt n city
buyer, A little additional grooming,
together with blanketing, for a month
will nlso add a good bit to tho sellhv
Whon cows nro affected with tuber
culosis It Is dltllcult to discover tho
fact In tbo first stages. Tho animal
mny hnvo a cough or bo emaciated,
yet be freo from tbo disease. Veterl
nary surgeons now test them with
tuberculin, which Induces characteris
tic physiological effects, nnd, although
this tost hns been accepted by many,
yet U hns strong oppouents, who, claim
that It does not fulfill expectations.
Should tho tuberculin test provo un.
reliable tho examination of herds for
tuberculosis will bo very dltllcult.