The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 16, 1906, Image 7

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Tim liitiiiUUrp llnrlirr,
No doubt mini)' renders Ihko hoard
Of tlio niisiro (lUjumllliiii of AiiumIcu'k
greatest IIvImk Hi'tnr. Illclinrd Mhiid
Held. I'itIiiiiih tin) following ooiiveraii
tltlll, U'llll'll t(ll)l( lll1C( In ono of Hus
ton's lending .lintels, holler Illustrate
tin satirical niitiiro of tint player. Km
tcrliiK tlio harbor's hIhii oiiii iimriiliu:,
Iit wi liniiiitlliili'ly riH-oKiilr.cil iih itlcli
mil Mnimlli'lil hy the burlier.
"Omul iniiriiliiK," milil tint burlier nf
A itrunt whm tint only reply.
"Well, how wits tlilus: uur nt tlio
Ikiiik" hint night)"
"Wlint house)" nnswcred tlio actor
TIh Mollis," unlit tlu hnrbor.
"Whnt tin yon tiitwn, sir)"
"Why, nre you nut lllchnnl Minis
field)" tlio burlier nuked.
"Oh, no, Indeed," replied Mr. Mniis
Drill, "I JiiNt got out of Jnll tliU morn
Inc." "Whnt! You're not lllrlinnl Mnns
field : mill you Jnt cot nut of Jnll this
iimriiliiul Wlmt for, irny)"
'Tor imwiiiltlni: lii'iulitltlvu barbers,"
wn thi response.
Hull) Invnilrrs,
There pr muni) plrnse of country
life with which tlm little city clrl 'ud
it jet only nun iluy's ncipiitliittiure, Put
the rlchtu of property-owners mill prop
frtyrenler were llriuly llxeil In h-r
".Mother!" she railed, In evident ex.
clteineiit. the inorulnic Hfter the fHinlly
hud settled for the summer In Huuxt
View Cot I due, "mother I Just come
here Mini IimiUI There nrn somebody's,
hen wIpliiK their feet oil our like clean
cross l"
Transportation or frulti and rrgrta
Mm In a vacuum U nld to harn l,rn
trUil successfully by a California luvcn
Banking by Mail
On laving! lopoltn of n dollar
or more, cotniioundcd twlro
every year. It la Just a enav
to open BavIiiks Account with
us by Mad na II you lived next
door. Hond for our tree book
lot, "Honk iik by Mall," and
learn lull particulars. Address
Oregon Trust &
Savings Bank
Portland, Oregon
Sixth and Washington Sta.
New Vork I'lty payi ?J,U0,tKK) a year
far lu municipal iirlutlnjf, tatlouory auJ
Oil Heater
lEqatpped wlUi Smokeless Device)
Turn the wick as high or low as you can there's no danger.
Carry heater from room to room. All parts csalty cleaned. Gives
intense heat without smoke or smell because equipped with smoke
lots device.
Made lu two finishes nickel snd Japan. Dross oil fount beautU
tuny einuosieu. 110ms 4 quarts 01 oil ami bums 9
hours. Itvery heater warranted. If you cannot get
heater or information from your dtsler, write to
nearest agcucy for descriptive circular.
KmTo Lamp gS
mr and steady Jlght, aimple con-
miction anu ausoiuie saiety.
Equipped with latest improved burner. Msde of
brass throughout and nickel plated. An ornament to
any room whether llbrsry, dlulng-rooiu. parloror bed
room, Hxery lamp warranted, Write to nearest
agency If not at your dealer's.
i '
Thus cried (lie hair. And a
kind neighbor came to the res
cue with a bottle of Aycr's
Hair Vlcor. The hair was
saved I In crntliudc, it crew
lone and heavy, and with all
the deep, rich color of early
life. Sold In all parts of the
world for 6lxty years.
" Ationt wis Mr sra I tint ntlf alt of mr
titlr (itlluwliur an aiutk nt in...!.., w.t
iltl.xt Ut rilawl in u.a Ajar't llalr Vlrr,
I rtMlo.ail'l (.iill I linw list a beautiful
l,..Uf Ixlr " lilt. W J, IIiujwn. Maiibiii.
unas rll, Wit.
MadsbrJ.C Ar.rOo., I.ow.11, M.l
ai.9 iunuiaiurrs or
9 mtfiitutrtii i
fPC was.
W j cmuiir itcrcm.!
will nlvcyoucom
ploto protection
nnd long service
You cem't afford
tobuyony other
Every oormont
The bast dssltr icUH
3.50 & 3.00 Shoes
near in the world
W.LOoat S4 Gill d8 ILii .
suoEfl rou kveuvbody at all l-Mtcia.
IS lo (I SO.
llora' I
Bhraa. 3
lull ua.
n a nnoaa.
tbO lo (LOO.
U !. At nhllJiau'a llhuM. a J BS la ll.OO.
Try W Im IliiiicUa Viiiiicn'. SlUu-a unit
Clillilrrn'a aluirai fur l)lr, lit nud wvar
llirr ricl il liar luakr.
It I could tnko you Into my larco
factories at Ilrockton, Mna.,nnd liow
you how carefully NV.L. DouRlaasltoca
ore made, you would then understand
why they hold their shape, fit better,
wear lonxcr, and are of greater vnluo
than any other nuke.
Wlnrtur you live, you ran obtain W. U
Douilat ho. lilt nam anil prlca Uttampt
on Ilia txillom.whkh proUcta youagalnM nigh
prlcca and Inltrlur flux. TaW no iubiil
Im(. Aik yourilralar lor v. UUouglanhota
anj Imlil upon having lhm.
fait Qtlar ( y(i nJ tiny will Ml umir brai$a.
Wrllalor ( Catalog of fall Slyl.
W. U UOUULAS, UtfU I J, Ilrockton, Ma.
VIP ft-Sit J8u If hf W
Mn IIuhmIi in in.xi 1 ? 1
tvu,(4.a hi ii.ii iumtf II VI...V ft J I
ArJ .r Ijulg lflJrV I
No More
Cold Rooms
If you only knew how much comfort
can to derived from a 1'IUU'HCTION
Oil Heater how simple ami economical
iU operation, you would not bo without
It another day.
Yon can quickly make warm and coiy
any cold room or hallway 110 matter in
what part of the house. You can heat
water, and do many other things with the
Crrnin Ciirninrla,
Molxteii two euiH of Krnnulnted
miKur with enoiiKli milk to illwidlvu It
nnd it iunrter of u tiHiNKoiiful of
iTciuii of tiirtnr mid put Into n miiicc
iiiii. Het whore tlio content will aim
iner Keutly. Htlr nil thu tlmo until n
little dropiK'd Into cold wnter la nhoiit
iih Miff im putty. I'our Into n ihiillow
pun, ant imlilo until no atlff tlint the
preiwuro of the fliiKer lenvox n dent on
the dimly mid the dent reninliiH. Work
to a Mirt iiinHx, kuemilnK It 111111 n
powdered aut;nr-atrewed lxHird. Itoll
out Into n aheet nnd rut Into mpinrex.
You tuny mid vdiilllii If you with Junt
iK'foro tnkliiK from tlio fire.
Clirafntil OiMjiirllra.
Toko two fiipfiiln of InrKe chtnut,
Kort carefully, mid, lifter tdiclllui: mid
Ixillliik'. nklu mid ruli through n eolmi
tier. .Mix In with (hum well n tHlde-i-IKHiiiful
of litittur, n pinch of Milt, me
other of imprlkn, nnd n few droM of
liuion Jiilcn; then plHre In n diitihlu
anuivpnu mid hetit. Alter MdtliiK naldo
until cool, form the cluwtutitR Into cro
ijuetten, roll In ckk nud then In criiekvr
dtiat nn In the carc of ordlimry cro
iiuvttei), nud ni In the refrigerator for
1111 hour until time to fry them In n
deep J mn of fat, which elmtild Ik ImiII
Iiik' lforo thu crtxpiettea nru plnwd
Oyalrr Knlnil.
Sen Id oyatera until thoy are plump,
mid then put them In ixild water wtillo
they are UiIIIiik hut, h hk to itmko
them tlrm; put tlmu to one Hide and
toll live tiSK Iwrd; take off th whites
nud chop Hue; lay n Usl of white let
tiuv lu 11 Iihik dlali; plait) tlte oyters
lu IIiIh; cover them with n niHyiiumlM
drewdnj:; over them plHee the yolks of
the eKe. which Imve Ikh'H umiihtl line,
nnd iHHtly the cIiojiimhI whltiw of the
ow. Do tHit let It Htand lontc lfore
svrvlnt;. If jou do tlio oynters mid
innyommtre will Ikkxiiiiu wnterj-. Ho
sure the lettuce Is tltonitiRlily drleiL
IVIpiI To in 11 1 oca itllli (iriTii tlritvy.
Cut loiiintoos which nre not too rljo
lu Inch slices, ihiHt with snlt, jK'pjter
nnd llour; drown ipilckly 011 toth sldei
lu hot hutter, then twur over them
thin cmiin to nonrly cover, mid hIiii
iner the lillnuti-H. Lift tlio slices enre
fully on n platter, nnd thicken tlio
Kravy with the Umten yolk of nn- e
stlrreil Into n hnlf cup of wild cremu
or rich milk; do not let It quite toll:
jxnir over tlio tomatoes ns soon ns It
thickens mid serve hot. This Is u favor
ite dish.
rirklril flalrra.
Simmer utout -KX) oysters In their
own liquor for live minute, drain them
well nud pine lu Jars, jiourliii; off from
time to tliiui miy liquid that may ac
cumulate. I'lnco on tlio tiro In n sauce
pan one quart of elder vlneciir, hnlf nn
ounco eiich of whoiu cloves nnd tiound
ed nince, n level tensiiooii of snlt, 11
saltstHHin of cayenne Hper mid n tn
hlespoon of white inustnrd seed. Itoll
three minutes, then cool mid iour over
tlio oysters.
Colli Cntaup.
Ono nnd n half pints of vlnpRnr, ono
hnlf twicup snlt, oue-linlf cup gritted
horseradish, two tonspooufuls hlnck
pepjivr, ouo-hnlf cup of inustnrd seed,
two gnvn pepierH, two onions chopinM
Hue, one tensxonful wlery pihsI, ono
tensjioouhil cloves, two tenspooufuls of
clnnainou, 0110 cup sugar, ono tnvk rlpo
tonmtoes choppwl lluo; nniovo nil seeds
nnd Juice. Tut nil In tlio vinegar nud
seal In Jars or ciins.
Corn Pie,
Cut tho kernels from ns for
stewing. Mnko n rich plo paste, lluo
n ileon linking dish with It iih for nvatnr
juo nnu iut into it nltenmto layers of
cut corn mid llttlo blocks of dough.
Wot ench Inyer vrlth bits of butter and
season to tnste. Cover nil with n very
lllernl qunutlty of milk. Put on n inn
cover of imstry and bake until n rich
I'ollah Iluulllou nt lleeta,
Chop two bnucbos of beotn Hue, cover
with two qtmrtH of cold wntor nnd boll
for two hours. Strain, put In two tablo
spoonfuls of vinegar, 0110-lmlf tabic
spoonful of sugar and ono teaspoonful
of snlt. Sot asldo to cool. Iteut ono
egg with one-fourth pint of cream.
When tlio soup Is cold pour tho egg nnd
cream mlxturo Into It and servo,
Quick Mutllna.
Sift two cups of llour with n lovol
tablespoon of sugar, two level tonsnoniLi
of baking powder nnd a. snltspoon of
snlt. llent two eggs, add ono cup of
milk. Hub ono lovel teaspoon each of
lard and buttor Into thu llour and pour
In tho egg and milk, Iteut mid bako la
well-greased uiutflu tins.
" tt yiruk T
There is nothing more distressing than an itching, burn- PSORIASIS
ing skin disease, and upon the return of warm weather those wUlilnulOj
who arc afflicted with skin troubles find the symptoms appear- SALT RMEUIV!
ing and know that they will be tormented through the hot " " "
summer months. The blood is heated with humors and acrid matter, aud as they arc forced
to the surface the skin seems to be on fire. The treatment of skin diseases with exter
nal applications is all wrong, because they do not reach the trouble which is in the blooc1
The most such treatment can be expected to do is, allay the itching and burning and cover
up the trouble for awhile, but as soon as it is left off the disease returns.
All food taken into the body contains, in some form, the elements necessary to sustain
the different parts. One portion is used for
the making of blood, another for muscle,
one for bone, still another for fat, aud so on.
After these different properties arc ex
tracted from the food there still remains a
portion that is useless, or waste matter,
which is intended to be disposed of through
the natural channels of bodily waste, the
Liver, Kidneys and Bowels. At this season
of the year, however, these organs become
lorpid, dull and sluggish, and fail to perform this duty, and tlicsc accumulations remain in
the system and arc absorbed by the blood to ferment and sour, producing burning acids and
acrid humors. The blood cannot properly nourish the system while in this impure condition,
aud begins to throw off these acids through the pores and glands of the skin, producing Acne,
Eczema, Tetter, Psoriasis, Salt Rheum and skin diseases of every description.
COZElVtA appears usually with a slight redness of the skin, followed by pustules from
which there flows a sticky fluid that dries and forms a crust, and the itching is intense. It
is generally on the back, breast, arms, legs and face, though other parts of the body may be
afflicted. In TETTER the skin dries, cracks and bleeds, and is often very painful. Theapid
in the blood dries up the natural oils of the skin, causing a dry, feverish, hardened condition
and giving it a leathery appearance. ACNE makes its appearance on the facein the form of
pimples aud black-heads, and is particularly disagreeable because of its unsightly appear
ance, while PSORIASIS, a scaly disease, comes in patches on different parts of the body.
One of the worst forms of skin disease is SALT RHEUM, It discharges a watery fluid, form
ing sores and producing intense itching. The head and face arc the parts usually affected,
and sometimes the hair falls out and a mass of sores forms on the scalp.
These and all skin diseases arc due to the same causc burning acids and humors in
the blood, and until this vital fluid is cleansed and made pure they will continue. The best
treatment for all skin diseases is S. S. S., a remedy that is purely vegetable, being made en
tirely from roots, herbs and barks, and acts directly on the blood with a cleansing, healing
effect. It neutralizes the acids and purifies the blood so that the skin, instead of being
blistered and burned by the fiery fluids, is nourished by a supply of cooling, healthy blood.
It goes down into the circulation and forces out every particle of waste or foreign matter,
-Cj5hfc rCjki -7
i&mRto WSata WsVlateSa.
blood. Nothing equals S. S.
general health. Write for our
We make no charge for cither.
Color mora good's brisMcr and fatter color than any ethtr dye. One 10c pacLara colors silk, wool and cotton equal! wall and Is
guarantied to alr pcrtcrt raaulta. Ak draler. or w will nd post paid at 10c a package Write for Irea booklet how to dye,
(leach and mil colors. MONROE DRUG CO, UiUoavlllc. Miuourt.
Undo Allen.
"Whnl's the use of carrying on a mud
slinging campaign," queried Uncle Allen
Sparks, "when It s ever so much easier to
throw dust In the eyes of the voters?" 1
Mothers will find Mrs. Window's Boothlns
Bjrup theUst rcmMlr to uolor tholrcbUJraa
aunng mo iceuung period.
'Wllllnir Coimiroratse.
"I'd llko to eugitiro you to piny your
fiddle nt my reception to-night," said
Mrs. Cumup to the great violinist.
"Veil, I can blay," answered tho pro
fessor. "Whnt do you chnrgo7" asked the
"Vun huutrot tollars; dot's my regu
lar price," said tho professor.
"Well." declared tho lady, "I can't
pny no hundred for Just a llttlo fiddling,
but If you're n mind t' como I'll glvo
you fifty, nnd Just piny half notes."
Toledo Illnde.
Th Proved Remedy
for Over 50 Year.
Pries 83a snd 50a
builds up the blood and cures all skin diseases promptly
and permanently. S. S. S. does not leave the least par
ticle of the poison for future outbreaks, but entirely rids
the blood of the cause for all skin diseases.
S. S. S. tones up the system aud regulates the
Liver, Kidneys and Bowels so that they will carry off:
the natural waste and refuse matter through the proper
channels, instead of lcavincr it to be absorbed by the
S. in the treatment of these troubles and for building up the
treatise ou skin diseases and any medical advice you wish.
(North Poach) and Ilrautlfut Oak nook
Cae in every purrbater ol Hie fpeelal Edi
tion ol the ''library of the World's Dcst
literature." 4 olumet, IU bound liltf per
volume, la on deliver' of set and ttpermonth
rao and Looks dellered free Particulars tiy
wrltlug J. D. MIllAR & CO..
Columbia Dldc-. Portland, Ore.
Germany has on an average of 600 or
chard trees to the square mile.
In Central Oregon, at Cost of Reclamation
Under the Carey Act has 75,000 acres
now under" water.
1.8 feet every ninety daya over
foot over each 100 acres nvallablo to each purchaser at actual
cost of irrigation. Payment
in three equal annual payments at 6 per cent Maintenance!
charge, $1 per acre per annum for each irrigable acre for
rv X
J.VtfcHf, settlers on the
X4vVv c
jk o
AV.V l
".. o w. r
-Wi w IjCl I .
l y v
V .' yS "r
w v .
.. V.
Dear Sirs My body broke out with a rash or eruption
which la spite of all o!!orts to Onrs continued to get worse.
The Itching, especially at night, was simply torrible, It
would almost disappear at times, only to return worsa
than over. I had tried many highly recommeaded prepa
rations without benefit, and hearing of S. S. S. determined
to give It a fair trial, and was Inexpressibly dollghted
when a few bottlos ourod mo ontlrely, removing every
blemloh and pimple from rny body. I shall not fall to reo
omtnond S. 8. S. whenever an opportunity occurs to do so.
Escondido, Col L. MARNO.
Cures Coach. DUUraper. allTfcroat
iMl.jon8; Troobla. 11irln toa blood
l-ota lb animal lo condition. SA&
lrn..UnHfn lyPo St INul Vlnw
Portland Trade Directory
I Names and Addreitcs la Pwtlsnd el Repra
Itniatlta Business firms.
Btparaier w m iii best, n ma lur ua tat.o
ilkMiwvod Co.. mil ud Oak.
PIANOS A OUO.VNS-Manjr Sna latlramtnts r
v.itlo us scvouni scknruor raiiovsl ofbujrtr
Wills for dcr pilou of p auoa bow vu baud,
Itruis, tto. Write lodajr. Ullbari Cu. Ponuoa
each irrigable acre, or one second
on landt One-fourth cash; balanc
land, 30,000 acres having beea sold.
611 McKay Bldij., Portland, Oregtm
Office for sale of land, Box A, Redmond,
Crook County, Ort,on
I Itotwrul