The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 16, 1906, Image 3

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In n CoiKlcnscd Torm for Our
Busy Headers.
A Rosumo of tlio Let! Important but
Not Looo Interesting Events
of tho Past Wook
llrnrat may Kit', tho mayoralty ol New
Idaho Inml f i ami trials will begin
ikhiii nt Moscow,
An Amrlrnn consulate Ims been
opfttiDil at Muktloti.
Cuban IlliemW aio making tfouble
for flovernor Mai(oou.
All tin provincial governor of tlm
ropiititlc o( lUnaum will inett llo
Ituralau tnr ror I ttn dynamited tialn,
iiuaiacrxil the. military iin nl, ami w
cm ol fftOO.OOO.
A snmll ixiMiler nmjailiio .'10 miles
from Chicago eiphMed, blinking win
iIohi lbr" mlli't distant.
Four turn were killed and tlm found-
ntlon 'aid (or n lattluu (rut In Ken
tucky otrnr tlm iikdiu election.
All llrltlnli mnplore on thn Panama
emnal will have n holiday to celebrate
lli 1)IiIhUjt of King KiUnnl.
A wlialn ship lm dlreovored an K
klnio lianil on I'rlurn Kdnard Itlaml
who hail never rren a white loan.
A oiair Chilean who tried to gulu
a Imlimn to tlm Wlilta lliuaioma
1 1 in (i ago hai been arrested at I'anania.
Hecrctary llonapaito ays tlm itrrtiKth
down by llrnrat shows that tlm iiiri
t ton mint bi dealt with "In a spirit at
onro liberal and coi lorratlro."
11 Tall la on a tour of Inipccllon of
riny poiti.
President Roosevelt went to Oyster
lUy ami rait hli tote, returning then
to Waihltigton.
President Roosevelt hai nrrnnynl to
lerclve the Ule chief at tilt) White
House and hoar their trouble.
Thn Royal Hawaiian band, which
Iim born maklinc a tonr of thn United
titatM, la Urandrd In Ogden, Utah.
Tlm prrildnnt has dlsmlsfoJ In ills
vrsce a wholn battalion of negro troop
fur refuting to disclose. Ilia Identity ol
tioma wrong doer ntnoiiK them, and
will nlto to trt martial n white ofllrrr
fxur making I'ecog.itory romaikt against
tlm negro troop.
Navy yard employe worn given
lovo of ahietioa lung unouoKh to voir.
(JhleegH switchmen will go on ulrlkn
uiiImo thn railroad noeede to their de
mand, It I probable that thn autltorltlw of
Harvard will prohibit football after
tlio prtfunt eou.
The lUrritiiMi line mo building
wreck. proof itcel nmll can to icplace
thulr pietont wooden caia.
A native looted tlio brake on it oai
OII tlio linw rillrnnd In U'nntAnr ii.l
tlio car daahod down a grade mid killed
tuviiii portom.
Thomn Klntey, ptinor on tlio At
lantic II nor Ht. Paul, hag oroitcd tlio
ocenn ttOl times, moro than any otlmr
living man. llo tins failed a total of
l70:i,0U0 inllri.
Kalinin who worn dtdiarrid from
dancing; in nn amuiittneut hnll nt Now
yort, it. I , hnvn bouun ault nialnit
tlm prnrplutor. Itooovolt lina vontrlb
iiw 1()0 to ln!p thvlr rata.
The Imlrn of tlio estatn of I'Abat, the
Mllwnukfn hiowor, will Imvn to pay
tlio Inlmrltntiro tax on H. 0(10, 000 stock
1n tlio I'abat llrowhiK company, trnna.
fi'rmd to them ahortly beforo hU dciath,
Htcnnland and UorliiK, tlio wrockn-n
of tlio Mllwnukfo Avniiio bank, of Chi
KO, worn today Benteiiced to Indotor
mlnato torma of Imprlnoiunetit, which
nmy run from onu to ten yenia. Tlila
-will not inuruueo Stoiulnnd'a preaont
I'enry rnys li In only roturnliiR (or
prnvlsioim hih! auppllea.
Tho fitnmlnrd Oil conmpny la openly
flighting for control qf tho Illinois Con
tml. Alice ItoonHVolt LoiiKwnrth la mnkliiK
poMtlca on luiportnut part of hor aoclnl
Hod I es oxhutnod In Mount Calvary
enmutnry, I'ortlnud, nro found to be
After throo dnya' peratatdit liuntlinr,
I'li'Hillunt Itooiovolt hna finally bniiKud
n wild turkoy.
It la oxpnetod that records of tho Snn
Frauoleco mint will dtaoloso ruuk jirufta
in that iiiBtltution.
A IiIk Oornmii-AmorlciMi luatiranco
company liaapnld all Its Ran Krnnolaco
Uro loaaea and roorgnnlxd to contlnuo
Mossnoo From Labrador Intlmnteo
That llo Is Not Discouraged,
I.0110X, Mnm, Nov. 0. Tlmt Com
iiiniiiirr Hoburt IC. I'onry oiieoiinturod
iiiniMiml illtilciiltlofi In IiIh wmrch for
tho North I'olo won Indicated In n
tolnr.rnm rwolvod today by Morrla IC.
Jottniip, proaldetit of tlm i'onry Affile
Club. Tlio tiioiit KlKiilllcnut tiorllon of
Hih toloKrnm, liowovor, wiih Unit con
ImIiiIiik mi lutliiiHtlou Hint Comiuntid
t I'oary would iikhIu try to find tho
North I'olo. Tlio tidoitwm followa:
"llopodiilo, Lnbniilor. by way of
TwIlllriHiito, Nowfoiinillaiiil. Htoiunop
ItooHovelt now horn. Itopiilrlni; rud
der nnd atern, tnkltii; bnlhiat mid
iiwiiltliiK arrival mull atonmur to no
euro cnil.
"Ilttturn voynKo IiicomhiiuI alriiKKlo
wllh eo to Capo York, Heptembur 20.
Thou BlorniH nnd homl wludn to I,nh
rndor cohbI, Octobor 23.
"Ciirrlnd nwny two ruddora, atom
iosl nnd two IiIikIdh of (iropollor, forn
top iiinut nnd atxinkor boom; lout ouo
bond burned nil conl nnd aoum Inter
ior ImnuiH, unIiik wood nod blubbur
nloiiK const.
"ICxi:t to t'ouimunlrnto ni:aln from
Clinpenu liny. All proKrosri will bo
alow. Ilnvti no niuloty for our nnfuty
nnd i;lvo no croiluncu to rxm;i!irntoI
"Itofwrvolt la returnliiK thin yonr for
addltlonnl auppllon nnd for ropnlra.
Several Ions of wlialn meat nnd dog
fiHKt thrown nwny IhsI fnll after pol
Koiitiu: n number of iIokm. Otlmr nop
pile liMtt by lireukliiK of Ice In Airll.
Nfitu Viirl Ktiv nAtllinni,1i Pnm.
irmiider I Vary failed to ronch the
Mtrin roiH, Hfrrotary it. u. tiriUK-
mnri lit llttt I'jtiirv Arnlln fMnti lin
lleven that Ida font In rarhltiK farther
norm (mikiii in u n aunjori ior na
tional rejolrliiK. Mr. HrldKmnn, who
rMt.Mll'Ml f Iim 111. mmtMUit fr.ilrl fflttlltinn,t.
w I'wary, niinonncliiK his return to
iiviiiintion. iiephonoi urn new ni
Sir I'aarv'M aafwlv In Mm. I'enrv. who
lipieiif to be In tho city.
' inatiK (hmi lie is aaio," wns ner
flrat rommeiit. Then alio pllinl Mr.
llrlilwiiiuii ullti miMiitlnfiN rMParfllnir
tlm deinllH of tlm nrws he had r(
ceiYiwi rrom ner nuaiinnii.
Mr IIHili'.iimi Inl, I hor Hint imr him.
band, while lm hnd failed to reach tho
por, because of Ice, unit now uio ms
tlnrtlon of hnvlnc Kone farther north,
linvlitif r,Mtr)in.l K7 ilfiprimu I. mltinlOM.
n H)lnt 32 inlniitoit nearer to tho North
I'ole than Hint ronclimt ny urn duko
nt Alirniil iiiiiiullllnn In 1U00. In illa-
ciimIiii: I'enry'a dash Into last fall,
alter lm lino llino io aiuuy mo uim-
mnniiera umaanco mora cioieiy, .tir.
Ilrldcmnn anld:
"I Bin mm It linn tienn tlio ntnliltlnn
of every trim American to aeo tho
liiar. niul Hirlnf flrt nt thn Arctic
ihIh. And Hint It should bo an Amer
ican who should roacn too rnrumsi
north la llttlo loan KrntlrylnK. It Is
evident I'enry ban hmt tho aamo ox
imrldice of KettlnK on drlftltiR Ice nud
IwliiB cnrrled nwny from Ida kooI thnt
nlliur nviiliir.iry linvn linil. I'rollfthlv
no other man living would hnve Rotten
orr ao wen na roary una. n iminu
Mulf mi Iru Hint linil ttet lirokeil
up by a atorjM nnd waa taken In a
contrary direction. It la likely thnt
he ami hl party went to the limit of
human endurance before they kvo up.
a InatMitod by tb mUhk of the
"Will Peary ever innke the attempt
rbiaIhT' . ..
"I do not know. AllhoiiKii li waa
nld by the newaimpera when he nail
ed nwny that If he failed thla time he
would never try nunln. he never told
me that, nnd I wna quilo cioao io nun.
I ...inl.lur Mini nim nf ttln WOlldCrflll
frnturoB of thla oxpedltlon la tho fuel
that tho Ilooimveii la coiiiiiik iiumu
with tlm ontlro party despite tho hard-
ahlpri tlioy linve oxperiencru.
I'onry probably renched within 203
mlloa of tho North I'olc. Ho ljawl
tho Abml pnrty by ntmut 30 iiiIIoh.
Thla wna I'enry'a fifth attempt to
ronch tho polo. Other kUmIko JournoyH
were mndo In the year 1802, 1805, 1000
nnd 1902.
Tho following mcNimgo of congrntu
Intlon for Comuinnder I'onry wnt re
ceived tndny by Mr. llrldgmnn, aecro
tnry of tho I'enry Arctic Club:
i'onry, Cnre llrldgmnn. New ork?
Very linnrty oongrntnlntlona upon your
apleudld nchlevomnnt.
"WIM.IAM 8. nilUHH.
"JCdlnburKh. Hcotlnnd."
Qet Inauranco on Dummy.
IJlK Itnplda. Mich., Nov. C To prove
Hint a wnx figure rostH In tho grave
nuppoaodly occupied by iJifora 8.
iinii- fiiinir.1.1 tinrniiltlni; cnahlor of
tho Northern National llnnk of Illg-
Ilnplila, JnmoH Donovnn. miiiionnire
lumhcrmnn, will havo tho coflln ox
humud. Dnnovnn snya Unkor la nllvo
mill wnll tin. I v-iia Inn annll linmlOil for
Honolulu. Ho naaertn the wax flguro
wan propnroit in Now yorK nnu i'in
to Illg ItnphlH to ducolvo thoao who
aoiight ilnltor'a nrroBt on a chnrgo of
hntllc lnotliiL-. In thn limn of nllOUt
DulbDaltlno at Colon.
Colon, Nov. 0. Tho colobrntlon of
tho third nunlvorRnry of tho founda
tion of tho Ilopubllo of Panama con
tinued horo todny, There, wna a bull
halting nnd other amusomontH In tho
afternoon, niul flraworka In tho even
ing. A thanksgiving norvlco wnn hold
and a reception by tho Conaulnr ottl
Reading Road rtilae Wages.
Philadelphia. Nov. . Tho I'tillndol
phln & Ilondlng Rnllwny Company nn
nounood todny nn Increnso of wngeB
of 10 por cont to nil employes whose
snlarlce nro long than 200 por month,
Enslcrn Coast of Conada Strewn
With Wrecks.
Four Men Swept From Life-Raft
Many Reach Land After Ter
rible Experiences,
Halifax, N. 8., Nov. C Dlapntchon
todny hnvo licoti pouring Into thla city
bringing iiowm of vomhoIb wrecked or
In dlHtniHa, of wlrea prostrated nnd of
dniiingo dono by gHlo nnd nea along
tho count h of Novn Hcotln, Capo lire
ton, New llruiiHwIck nud Prluco IM
ward Island, l'our vtasola were driven
nation); another, hnvlng ovorythliig
movnblu on deck '.vanhud nwny, wna
forced to put b.ick to tho port from
which alio hud nulled, nnd tho atonmar
Turret Hell, which went ngrouod on
the north slilo or Prince Kdwurtl la
lund hint week, wna driven farther
nahore nnd will prohnhly bo a total
Tho storm wna moro violent In
Northumberland Ktrnlt, Two nchoonera
nnd one bulk wen, awept nground In
tlila Htrnlt, nud a third schooner wna
wrecked uenr the Knateru entrance.
The Norwegian hnrk Adeonn trkd
to wonthor the gnlo off Itoiton, N. II.,
but drugged her ntichora nnd ground
ed on North Iteef. 8he aprnng a lenk
nud, according to tho Intcat luformn-
tlon received here, five of tho 12 men
constituting her crow hnd been
drowned In nn attempt to rench shore
and the other even were still on
hoard nnd In Immlnont dnnger of be
ing awept ovorbonrd or dying from ox
IMHUire. The tremendouB aena in ado It
Impoaslblo for any voasols to go to
Imr naalalnnce.
Nenr tho snmo plnco tho schooner
Alexander, lumber-lnden, wrnt nahore
Tlio Wlnilaor. N. 8.. achoonor Omo-
gn, nfter being partly dismantled, by
tho storm, brought up on the rocka nt
Fox Point, on tlio northern coast or
Novn Hcotla. Hor crew of four mon
was roscuod when nlmost ovorcomo by
oxhuustlon and oxposuro.
Four of Crew Are Mlsslno,
North Sydney. N. 8., Nov, 6. Tlio
Oaspe, Quo., achoonrr Torrldon, Cap
tain Mmlon, coal ladon, from this port
for Oaspo was -wrecked on Molnors
Island yesterdny nnd four of tho crew,
who boarded a rnft hnatlly construct-
oil, nro missing. Cnptnln I-indon nnd
the others of tho crow woro roscuod.
Tho vessel In n totnl loan.
Supreme Court Decides Against the
Whites Who Married Cherokee.
Washington, Nov. C Tho Supreme
Court of the United Slates today af
firmed the declalon of the Court or
Claims In the rase of Daniel lledblrd.
the ClKroke Nation nnd others vs.
Iim I! li I till Stalea, known aa "the
While Man's) Cane." Tlio cnao in
volved the long-pending claims of be
tweit 2.000 !ni 3.000 white persona
to participate In the distribution of the
land nnd funds of Chorokeo Indlnns
because of the mnrrlngo of whlto men
to membera of the tribe. Tho decision
wna favorable to the Indlnns.
Tho Indlnns stronuoualy roslatod tho
clnlm. contending that thoy hnd never
by Inw rocognlxod right of property
on nccount of Intermarriage In imag
ing on the cnes decided todny, tlio
Court of Claims hold thnt tho trlbnl
lauds nro not communnl lands, but
that whiten who ncqulred cltlzon
hip by mnrrlngo prior to 187C hnvo
equnl Interests ns Indians. In tho
cases of marriages Into tho trlho alnco
that time. It wna held thnt no right
of property hnd boon ncqulred except
by those who had paid into too com
mon fund the Bum of R00. Tho Court
of Claims nlso held thnt white hua-
hnuds of Cherokee womon. who hnvo
nlmndoned their wives, have forfeited
all rights as Cherokee citizens, In
cluding thnt of participating In tho
miles of Cheroktu lands.
Suspect Ute Treachery.
Shorldnn. Wyo., Nov. C A ntfB-
songor nrrlvlng nt Arvndn from tho
licmdquurtors of tho Tenth nnd Sixth
Cnvnlry ronorta a chnngo In tho plnns.
Tho Utoa will ho brought to Arvndn
nnd taken from thorn by rnll. Instead
of mnrchlng overlnnd to Kort Mondo.
nn wnB nt tlrat proposed. Thoy should
urrlvo nt Arvmia tomorrow ovoiuuk.
Tronchory on tho pnrt of tho Utoa
la )..ilion,t In lm thn rnnRnn for thn
chnngo. Many dlssntUfiod Utos still
ndvleo reniBionco to removal irom
Powdor Hlvor Valley.
Wireless From Tonopah Camp.
rrnnnnnll NllV.. NnV. 0. I'OStllinBtf T
li. M. Muahot announced today thnt
.I,, nu nm ninv tirnctlcnllv coninlotod
for wlrolosa tologrnph sorvlco botwoon
Tonopnh nnd Snn FrnncUco. A wire-
Iohs plant la to no inatniiou in una
camp, which It la oxpoctod will work
direct with Han rrnnciaco.
French 8quadron for Jamestown.
iin-lo Mm- fl. Vrnnrn will pnml n
Bqundro'n of warships to tho opening of
tlio jamcaiown uxputmiuu, iviiru u,
Runners Sent by Renegades for Help
to Drive Out Whlte.
Cody, Wyo., Nov. C Colonol Wll
llnm I'. Cody ("lliiffnlo Hill"), nccom
pnnlod by Colonol Ilreck nnd aovnrnl
mnmhera of tho party which returned
n fw days ngo from a big bear hunt
In the lllg Horn Mountains, loft horo
for Hliorldnn, Wyo., Intending to hold
n conference with tho Uten beforo tho
lattnr stnrl on tholr overlnnd rnnroh
to I'ort Menilo, where thoy nro to atny
In charge, of tho Hlxth Cavalry until
Notwithstanding the ngreomont
which was roncllei nt tho conference
between tho soldlorn nnd the Utoa,
there nro fonrs of a general uprising
of nil northorn Indians. "Iluffnlo 1)111."
who In familiar with Indlnn charact
eristics, hna beon kept closely ndvlaod
of the developments In tho rccont
troubles, nnd ho bollovoa tho mnttor
will not bo entirely Bottled by tho
nrrnngoment which puts nn end to tho
wanderings and doprcdntlonn of the
U(en tinder Appah and Rlack Whlskor.
At tho Instigation of the Utcfl, run
ners hnvo hern going to nil tho tribes
of tho Hloux, Northern Cheyonnon nnd
Crown, with n view of Inducing thorn
to join In driving tho whites out of
tho land, nnd Colonel Cody bollevos
thnt stops nhnuld bo tnkon at onco to
counteract efforts of those tnosRongorB
to atlr tit) revolt. On his arrival at
Hlurldnn, Colonol Cody will confer
with the military nuthorltlos as to
tho oxnet methods of procedure.
Ten Million on Verge of Starvation
Crop an Utter Failure.
8hnnghnl, Nov. C. Advlcon rocelvod
here Indlcnto thnt fnmlne conditions
of tho most doapernto nnturc prevail
In tlio Northern part of tho grent
I'rovlnco of Klnng-8u, with but ono ex
ception tho moat fertile nnd valuable
or mnny provinces or tnc empire, ion
millions of tho totnl population of 21,
000,000 In the provlnco nro reduced
to stern wnnt.
Com nro nn utter fnlluro nnd
scones of sufforlng thnt Tlvnl anything
In tho umpire's history nro roportcd
from every point In the roglon. Food
riots, which hnve boon marked with
much bloodshed, nro reported dnlly,
nnd so fnr tho offlclnla havo tnken no
steps to relieve latross. In fnct. to
prevent tho rioting spreading to tho
cities nil of tho local governors hnvo
been ordored to keep tho pcoplo In
their liomos at nil hnznrds, nnd fur
ther rioting tins resulted from this
All of tho locnl diplomatic represen
tatives hnvo received advices .from
foreigners In tho fnmlno.strlckcn re
gion urging them to uso nil their in
fluence to have tho lmpcrlnl govern
ment tnko steps to aid sufferers. A
Presbyterian missionary who has Just
roturnod from tho region declares that
thousands of persons hnvo nlrendy
starved to death, nnd thnt unless Im
mediate aid Is forthcoming tho death
list will bo appalling.
Major Pitcher Recommend That Com
petition Be Established.
Washington, Nov .5. According to
the annual report of Mnjor John
Pltchor, Acting Superintendent of the
Yellowstone National Park, the mo
nopoly enjoyed by the Yollowstono
Lnke lloat Compnny for tho transpor
tation of tourists from Upper Geyser
Ilasln to tho Thumb Is becoming a Ber
Ions problem. Major Pitcher hns rec
ommended thnt competition be oBtnb
llahod In soino wny, or thnt tho Btnge
linos bo permitted to opornto their
own bonis, In ordor to glvo their pat
rons tho cholco of boat or land trans
portation to tho Thumb.
Tho Yollowstono Lako float Com
pnny chnrgos $3 a head for tho trip,
which la 18 miles' distance Its fran
chise oxrdrcs July 21 noxt. Mnjor Plt
chor emphasizes his recommondntlon
of Inst yonr thnt tho gnrrlaon nt Fort
Yollowstono lio increased to a rour
troop or squndronpoBtj
Washington, Nov. G. A bulletin Is
sued by the Department of Commorco
nnd Labor anya thnt oxnorts of Iron
nnd stool mnnufneturo show nn In
crenso of nbout 25 por cont in the
nine months endod with Soptombor,
and Imports of n similar chnractor
show also an Increnso of practically
2fS nor cont In tho snmo porlod as
compared with tho samo months of
tho procodlng year.
The growth in operations or iron
nnd stool, tho bullotln says, was larger
n tho n no months ondod with sop
tombor, 1900, than In any correspond
ing noriod or our export trnue. ino
gnln In those months over tho cor
responding porlod of tho preceding
yonr wns over $24,000,000.
Blank Hand Throws Bomb.
New York. Nov. G. Unsuccessful In
tholr nttompta to blackmail Francisco
Moaalnn. n prosperous tnlior of urooic-
lyn, mombora of tho ao-callod Blnclt
Hand Socloty, bo tho pollco any, hurl
ed a dynamlto bomb against tho front
door of the tcnomont-houso In which
ho llvos nnd conducts his business.
Dnmngo of JS.OOO to tho building nnd
surrounding nronouy wns cnttaeu.
Scoros of persons folt tho shock of tho
explosion, but no ono was Injured.
Mobb nn tins received lottora uatuanii-
Ing ?100 to $1,000. Detectives arrest
ed two men on suspicion.
Pirates Seize Launches.
Hongkong. Nov. 5. Itoporta hnvo
been recolvod that Chlncso pirates
hnvo aolzcd a urltlah launch nnd two
Chlnoso launches tn West River and
escnpod with $10,000 In booty nftor a
running fight No caaualltlos aro reported.
"Vou look uncommonly cheerful," re
marked tho Junior partner to tho bo
nlor, na the Intter threw back tho
cover of IiIh desk nnd prepared to nt
tack the mall.
"Iht IT' nsked the Hcnlor, smiling. "I
didn't know IL"
"You look ns If nomclwdy had loft
you money," pursued the Junior. "You
wnnt to tnko cnre how you come Into
thu olilco beaming llko thnt or tho of
fice boy will be asking you for a
The senior composed his features to
nn oxprestlon of gravity for n inomonL
but tho smile came out again, broad
ened nnd broke Into n Inugh. "That's
not s had cither, considering," he anld.
"Hut I glvo you my word I never
thought of It lforc"
"Of tho boyr
"Of hn, hn I 8ny, do you know
tiling hnve boon going wrong with mo
this morning? I don't know when I
ever got up feeling uglier. 8eo my
"Cut yourself, didn't you?"
"Yes, I cut myself, but thnt wasn't
the only thing. I got up Inte to begin
with and that nearly always make me
mad when I wont to get up early for
nny reason. I figured on finishing rak
ing up the leaves on tho lawn and
burning them In the back lot before
breakfast. I worked like n nailer Inst
evening on tho Job nnd I had quite a
pile raked up. Well, when I looked
out of the window I saw that tho wind
hnd como up and' scattered them nil
over where I'd j-oked. That was
enough to make a man mad, wasn't
"Certainly," said tho Junior sympa
thetically. "Then, when I took up my trousers
tho chnngo felt out of my pockets and
ono coin rolled under tho bed. I
struck a match to soo where It was
and Uio flamo caught the fringe of tho
rounterpnno nnd It got scorched pretty
badly. It wns n counterpane thnt my
wlfo thought n grent denl of, too. I
burned my hand a little beating It out
not enough to hurt n srent deal, but
!&& W'tti'-Uh ?
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t st jfypfr .iw 1 1 mniM itmummuu lin ne.wnowmtUFWii
Tho new Marlsclml College nt Aberdeen, Scotland, which ban Just txct
completed. Is shown I is tlm Illustration. It was dedicated recently by King
Kdwurd during the qunrter-centeuary celebrations of tho University of Aber
deen, of which Marlschal College nnd King's College now form a part Tho
now Marlschal College U said to be ono of tho moat beautiful college buildings
In tho world. Practically tho wliolo sldo of ouo street wna razed to mnko
room for It, and among tho houses demolished wna tho onco hundsomo man
sion In which Ixml Ilyron and his mothor sjient some years of iioverty whllo
tho poet was attending the Aberdevu grammar school. Mnrlfclml Collego waa
founded In 151)3 by George Keith, fifth Hnrl Marlschal of Scotland, who was
born In 1&T3, nnd who died In Dunottnr Castle tti 1U23. Dr. George Campbell,
tho celebrated author of "The Philosophy of Rhetoric," wna nt ono tlmo at
tho bond of Marlschnl College. As a memento of Myron's rasldoueo on tho
slto of tho school, It la suggested thnt u statuo of tho poet, preferably In
granite, Iks erected at tlw new college.
I'lrat Auto I" llotftitii.
A. Q. Snyder, consul-general at Ho-
Botn, rojwrts as follows, says tho New
York Times:
"Last week tho first nutomobllo mnde
Its nppciirnnce upon the Btroet3 of Ito
gotn and the excitement waa unparal
leled. Crowds hnvo blocked tho high
ways for wjunrvs, rendering trnlllc nl
most lmHaslble, nnd grent Interest hns
been aroused ns to tho possibilities thnt
this modo of transportation may offer
lit the future.
"This nutomobllo Is nn American ma
chine, and soino buslnesa mny result
from tho present outhuslnsui. I shnll
be pleased to recolvo catalogues from
nutomobllo manufacturers of tho Uni
ted Stntes for tiling In tho rendlug room
"It la rumored thnt a concession Is
shortly to bo given to a transportation
company for tho exclusive uso of tho
Cumbon rond, which lends from tho
upper Mngdnlenn Hlvor to llogotn. Au
tomobiles nro to bo used exclusively by
this compnny."
Practical (llrltioail.
"Whatever olso mny bo laid nt tho
floor of tho school girl of today, she
can't bo anld to bo Impractical," said n
Virginia matron who has been visiting
enough to make me foot llko snylng
things best left unsaid. I Just caught
n glltupso of tho coin and I took It for
n V gold piece. I had n couple of
thorn In my pocket nnd I'd only picked
up one, so I crawled under tho bed
after IL I'm n pretty tight fit for tho
spnee, by tho wny."
"You're not ns slim n you used to
be," said tho Junior. "Go on ; my henrt
nehes for you."
"I got a lock of hair tangled In tho
wire spring. You needn't louglu I
haven't much hair, but I hnd enough
for Hint I promptly extracted pnrt of
It nnd pnrt of It I left there Then
I got my penny and backed out. knock
lug my head against tho sldo rail na I
did w. As I rose to my feet I saw tlio
(' gold pleco nestling coyly against tho
foot of the bureau. So It's no wonder
I cut myself when I shared or thnt I
wn not exactly pleasant to my wife at
the brenkfast table when I blistered
my throat with tho coffee and she told
me I usually made such u fuss If It
wnsn't boL
"I don't blame you," snld tho Junior.
"Hut that hardly explains your pleasant
humor now."
"Well," said tho senior partner, "I
started for tho trnln full of gall and
bitterness, nnd with four minutes to
make IL Wlsner was nhcad of me.
You know Wlaner, don't you? That
puny, dignified chump wo met In tho
drug storo Inst time you were down.
Well, here enmc tho train In nnd I wna
still 200 ynrds from tho stntlon nnd
Wlsner wns n hundred yards nbead of
me, when he stubbed his too and went
rolling and sprawling right Into tho
mlddlo of the worst puddle of mud you
ever saw, his hat under him.
"I didn't stop. I mado n spurt nnd
I Just got on ns the train pulled out. I
looked back then nnd saw Wlsner
scramblo up, covered with mud. Ha
grabbed bis hat, made a short run
nnd then, seeing It wns no good, stop
ped nnd shook his fist nt tho train. IC
you could have seen him!
"I'd been having hard luck myself,
but well, I've been feeling happy ever
since."--Chicago Dally News.
' .5.7 -1" I
frlonils In tho city. "My friend has a
17-yenrold dnughtor who hns been
spending a vacation with her parents.
For sophistication she Is ahead of any
ono I know. I folt mysolf a child In
worldly wisdom besldo her.
"Sho Is na pretty as a picture, and
when she snt on tho front steps in tho
evening admiring glances wero cast in
her dlrectlou every tlmo a man passed
tlio house.
"Ono young fellow wns evidently
hard hIL It got so ho would walk:
half tho evening nud nlmost fall oft
the curbstone in his efforts to look at
the girl. Finally I asked ber If sho
had noticed him nnd If sho know his
"'Know his name? Well, I should
sny,' Bbo replied. 'I'vo found out his;
nnmo nnd whero ho Uvea nud whoro ho
twrrow8 his money.' " Washington
niobbs Poor old HJonesl Tho doe
tor anys ho wou't live six mouths.
Slobbs I'vo been tolling him that
for tho last two years. Philadelphia
It la safer to dc business with a
crippled mulo than an unloaded sua.
.i, " ansssj
111 3""H