I: LOCAL BITS. C. M. Ktidlkdd vns In town Wmhiumliiy. L, M. 'Ooiijjlmi mid wife of liny Crk were Ikiml vinilots recently. Ilitvo you men thane souvenir cm (U of Uic Iknd Ichool lioijiw Ml Grant'? V. J McOillvray wan in Jlend ycHlerday from liii fnttch noaitieaiit f town. Unit R. Smith and wife were in Iknil yesterday from their tiprivr homestead. Mr. ami Mr. D. A. I'itidlty of Holland were burincM caller in Jfcnd Tuesday. A. D. Morrill and family visited Mr. Morrill' futher hmtSttmUy on hi honteftltad in iy-tt. The Bend fire )MriiHeHt recently ptirchunrd a large extension ladder, conitaiid of thtec sections. J. O. I'ry and family have ie turned to Betid after Kiiilitijt ssveiHl weexa in the valley. Mm. L. II. McCmuii wii down from the homestead in lyu over Sunday, returning Ttieaday. Wednesday night w m fore nuiucr of what is coMittg -the thermometer dropped to 13 above xeio. It. A. Kendall was in Iteiidl Wednesday after a Um of lumber to he uted oh hi ranch near Red- Mr. Will ilatca and alsler re inrncd from Mitchell thelatttr part of lal week from a viait with their 1 tents. Dotit'l forget to aend your frievds acme of thoae aouveuir poatel cards of the Head school house. Grant has them. , 'lite band boys are aportiug an other brand new horna silver plated alto. Carlyle TrijdeU is the one who loots it. Last week Barney r.fwii plowed xeveial acres oil hU homestead west of town and will put it into crop next spriuir. Paul Kraemer has been riding the isnge south of Koataud for the last three weeks after horse for Hiliy" kobisou. C. A. Chapman has been haul ing lumber onto bis homestead thia week. He will soon commence building operations. Freighter Kelscy of Anteloj pasted through lleud Tuesday with a load of freight for the Silvertooth store at Silver Lake. aim. William Arnold and sister. Mi Pear! KigK. were in Hem! Tuesday from their ranch in the Arnold ditch dWttict. 1'rotik May, formerly of Mend but who has been in AbuUrt during the pnai year, was in Portland Hie first of the week on hi way to the (Cast. v liTc Central Ore gon, Banking (S& Trust Company ..i.ii.i. 1 m . ." IMi.HluH.UM" lyo. Cnpltnl S2o.000.00 Transacts 11 (Jeiicrnl HnnK hiK Htislness. Acts ns Administrator, Isx ccutor or Trustee of Hstatcs Issues Drafts and Hani; Money Orders 011 all l;orelgii Countries. Interest on Time Deposits Safe Deposit Hoxcs. PI re Insurance. I DIUnCTOKSt A. M. Drake, A. I.. Goodwill', 1'rot.liluiit. Vice 1'roB. J, JU. I.nwronce, Secretory. If A Minor. Cuslliur. nHNn.V -" ' OUKGOrffl Dr. Merrill It having n barn built on the rwir or lim lots, iiud hitter will have a kilcheu added to his former More building, I'ted lluunell linn hecu iiwkhii: Improvements this week on his homestead east of Neud by plowing several acres, lie will need It next spring. 15. A. OrJflm was in llend Tues day from his homestead where he has been making iniptovenieiiu on his house . lie plans to build an addition toil. Mrs. T. II. Crang, who has been visiting in Jkud with her daughter, Mrs C. M. Weymouth, will return next Monday to her home in Portland. The moving picture concert at the Jlenil Social Club hall Wednes cveniug was a very pleasing enter tainment. The views of San I'raii cisco were etecilly good. The youngsters of the town were busy until late hours Wednesday night Hallowe'en. Very little damage was done, but the next morning there were the initial evi dences of harmless fun. The tegular monthly consecra tion meeting of the Cliriitian ftu- deavor society next Sunday even ing. Mopic: "The lilesseduess of Communion with Christ." John r.j: ij-aG. Leader, Mrs. N. P. Wider. The Hcud sawmills report that they are doing nearly three times as much business this fall as they did the same time last year. This is the best kind of evidence of sub stantial development in the llend country. We are threatened with an egg famine. Kggs are ao scarce that Head housewives are only too glad to buy the precious articles one or two at a time, and pay fancy price at that. The price ranges from o to 50 cent er doaen. J. W. Kobiaou did a very neat jdece of work in setting the broken ankle of the stage horsw injured last week. lie set the fracture and then encased it in a plaster of Paris carte. The animal is ap patently gutting along nicely. This section of Oregon Iiua been a famous stock country for years, but that it is not yet much of a dairy region was shown recently when it was imiiossible (or n lleud '.ititcu to purchases churn in any of the stores. It was uecusuuy to have one made. Ranchers in the vicinity of lleud rejHirt that hawks nre causing them considerable loss iii the poultry Hocks. They should import a breed of dogs the same as one owned by n Hood River man a dog that kills all mnraudiiiK hawks mid eagles. Tlie story is told in another column. Mrs. Michael Morrison, who last spring underwent an operation in n Portland hospital and who since she recovered has been visiting in Minnesota, wns forced recently to return to Portland and undergo another operation due to infection in the wound. The second opera tion proved very successful. Mrs. Mot 1 Unit's health has been greatly improved since the operation in the spiing. Joe Lnue, one of the Indians who has been about town the past week, told a hear story that beats even the chase of the big grizzly, lie said as he was walking along in the timber one day a black bear jumped up suddenly nt his very feet and before he could shoot or defend himself, the bear had seized him in its deadly hug. Whereupon Joe grabbed the animal by its jaws and by main strength broke its jaws. Whether Joe is drawing on his imagination or not, we do not know, but he has evidently been in some sort of ' nu '.encounter- os- his Hands arc tcrrihly .scratched ami bitten. rim nuscnuins rikiion (CoiiiIiiihmI from jxikc 4.) the head ditch Iwiuie water can reach the lower end. One of the most remarkable re sults of irrigation in the immediate vicinity of llend is the change in the climatic conditions. The climnlological records show that even through the month of Julv and August on certain dates the minimum tbinicratiuedrnped frorn four to nine deurces lielow freezing during every yenr prior to 1005. since a record was ketU. While it call hardly le said that irrigation has commenced in the vicinity of Mend, yet with the water diverted through the vicinity in the cunnls and ntso applied to a small acreage scatleted over about four square miles, it is not only a fuel that there was no frost at all for Go days during both 1905 and 1906, but corn, cucumbers, tomatoes and melons have been successfully raised during this year within a tadius of two miles iiiouud llend, this being about the most elevated section uudrr lh irrigation system. Considering these results, and hearing in mind the mikl and agreeable winters we enjoy, we will simply ask you to draw your own conclusions as to the future condi tions, in reference to this subject, when the entire district is reclaimed. In conclusion we may be jar donetl when we say that, with a district having a foundation com posed of good soil, su energetic irrigation compHiiy that is ready and willing to do its part, and in vincible and intelligent Mtllcrs, we believe not only that here will lie a dencely populated and exceedingly prosperous community in the near future but that 111 commercial im portance to the state of Oregon, it will fully equal the famous Wil lamette vallev above Salem and will materially add to the wealth snd population of Portland and other cities with which it will have future business relations. . Hood River Strawberry Plants for Snle The Chirk Seedling variety that has made Hood River famous; 75c a hundred, $5 a thoiisntid. Well rooted plants 25.32 L. 1;. WIKHT, Hclid, Ur. Chickens for Snle. I have for sale "Kirne pure-bred Burred Plymouth Rock hens; also some spring chickens, fine for table use. Can deliver at lleud if de sired. Mas. C. H. Am.kk, 27tf Rend, Oregon. Don't lorttw The Hullctin from your Hfltiblwr HMWril for ft. TUB First National Bank of Priiitivillc. KiUblrtlu-i! iSHH. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits, SIOO.OOO.OO ftwSJt Vice JimMM hler H. I'. Alkit Will Warnreiltr. T. !. HaldwlM. . H. SaMwtti., TIIUKOUQIinKBO Black Langshan Cockerels FOR SALE Vour Choice Now for 75 Cents. B. C. PARK RKDMOSD, - - ORKC'.oN My fowls took eveii firU and three second st the fair Saloon License Notice. Ilit.S't), Or., Nov. 1. 1906. To the Honorable Mayor and Common Council of the City of llend. Gentlemen: The undersigned, George W. Whitsett, Sr., hereby respectfully applies for a license from the City of Hend to sell spirit uous, vinous and malt liquors and fermented cider in the building' situated on lot 9 of block 10 of the! City of Rend, for a period of three! months from the 10th day of No vetnber. 1906. Respectfullv, UltOKOC W. WlllTSKTT, Sr. CONTIIST NOTICK. OKr-AaTMKMT OI THK IXTI'Sloa I' S. Utwl OOter, The Italic. Orrcoa. OctobM 11, 1 DO. A naOtcfeat eoatMt affMUva baviBi btcu S1r! IB Ibu ofltor by LllSWd II Kill. rontrUt glt hoWMlnHl euuy Ku U47.mdf llttxin Set is, ipm. tktr th m. wc , ii 16 r 14 r, w m, b l'rr W Hlr. cuNlnUv, In wbtrh il in llrgl tht ,kt PritT W Pair hiw wholly almmlonr,! Mid lifcrt. thai he ha changed kt rraidrncc Inrtrfrom for mora than aU rionlh lncr making id ntlry. thai ald trail i nut arlllrd upon nod cultivated by ukt prl rcttinl by ta that aatd atlrarl lUrmr a ii'rt Cat to hi riaploymmt In the army unj or marine corpoflhe t'nited State In limr it war, aatd parti arc brtrby BiMlSid to auprar, rrMHtd aad otfer evidenc tuorhioa aatd allrnlkia at hi g'dwL a w on iMrcrmber V laoi, befurc Warrva Hrowa. County CI. rk, at hi offtcr in frtaTille Oregon awl that B! hcanne ill be held at la o'etark a m on IHvrnihrr 11, laaA. kefoee the Kegiafcrr and Neceitrr at the I, r) Land, oaVe. The Uallra, Oregon The aal conleatant hat lug. in a proper a fit la tit. Sled October . iou6, ael forth fact wln.h alww after dae dlligeare peraooal aervicr of tht notice can not be made. It ia hereby ordered and directed that patch notice be given by dae and proper pabtiealivn na-jo MICIIAKI. T. NOLAN. Negiater. TRIPLETT BROS. Barber Shop & Baths Rest of accommodations and work promptly done WAM. ST. IIHNI), OKKGON Slaughter Sale o llaviii"; purchased the Chapman stock of dry goods, etc., the same will be sold at greatly reduced prices. ThteiStqck must be sold at once to make room for a Hue hneof winter goods. We have some fine bargains in Dry Goods, Shoes, Ladies' and Men's Furnishings, Crockery, Tinware, Etc., Etc. . OHAPMAN'8 OLD STAND ...THE MERRILL COMPANY Massachusetts Nutua Life Insurance Company ANNUAL blVJDENsS Nearly 300 SAT-SFIED policyholders in Crook County. A. W. CLOTHIER, Sl'UCIAI. At'.ltNT F. O. MINOR, RKSIDKNT APKNT PILOT BUTTE INN A. C. LUCAS, Proprietor Tables supplied with all the delicacies of the season Pirst'claas Equipment JMrte Uooms and lltda All stages stop at the hotel door nt3KBtXBJ j& iiiWHii i'iTI 11 1 ,1 1 1 1 1 IM nMlllilli il III 1 IVItiiPyl Z. F. MQOBY I H (JENURAL Commission and forwarding MERCHANT. MIAftlKW, - UKUUUiN ., Large, Commodious Warehouse. Consignment's Solicited Prompt attention yav lo thoae who favor tne with their patronage I THROUGH FROM BEND TO SMANIKO IN ONE DAY SIIANIKO-PRINEYILLE PRINEVILLE-BEND SCHEDULE TAGE LINE SOUTHBOUND NORTHBOUND Leave Shnniko 6 p. m. 1 Leave Bend 6:00 a. m. Arrive Prinevillc 7 a. m. ; Arrive Prineville 12:00 m. Leave Prineville 12:30 p. m. j Leave Prineville 1 p. tn, Arrive lleud 7:00 p.m. Arrive Shaniko u.tn. t FIRST-CLASS EQUIPMENTS FOR TRAVELLING PUBLIC PASSENGER AND FREIGHT RATES REASONALE Bend Livery & Transfer Co. V. J. ROBISON, Proprietor. LIVERY, and FEED STABLE HOKSB3 BOARDHD BY THK DAY, WlJEK OR MONTII First-Class Livery Rigs for Rent. 'Phone No. 15 Bond tr(, Wttren MtminotK ami Ottean. - Bend, Oregon RALPH SHELDON General Blacksmithing and Wagon Repairing HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY JF Our shop is located opposite Baptist Church. :BEND'S NEWr MEAT MARKET WAI.I, STRUUT, Opjwtlte D. M. Co. THE finest stock of FRESH MEATS in Crook County. Cured Meats and Lard and all the Accessories of a FirstClass Market. Everything new and of the best WHITE & HILL. llAKMHH SlIOl' AN llATIIS IN norm. Hotel Bend COKNIIK 1IONI1 AND OlUtC.ON STKiurrs HUQII O'KANd, Prop. wmcmMM 1 ' 1 vffp' - Tffa 4JS5: wsi 'aft MOST CHNTRA1.IA' I.OCAT1U) llOTHI, IN HNI. SAMPLE ROOM IN CONNECTION. New House, New Furniture, Renspnnh!e7 Rates.' Good Rooms ., -Hlw5feservKtiWTTSh 'V.f HlwsservKjiWrhJlWjt UVode. -w aaiasasBaaaMnaaaBBaaaaBanaatiaaaa(TaaaaBaBaaBaaMnMai REPEATING SHOTGU NS No matter how big the bird, no matter how heavy ha plumtgc or swift its fllcht, you can bring it to bag with a Jong, strong, straight shooting Winchester Repeating Shotgun. Results are what count. They always give the best results in field, fowl 91 trap shooting, and are sold within reach of everybody's pockctbook. FREE: Stnd nami tnd aidtttt on a portal urd fob our lire lllctiratid taUtdtui. ,5