NEWS OF THE WEEK' Jn a Condensed Form fur Our HAPPENINGS OF TWO CONTINENTS A Hoiumo of tho Lots Important but Nut Lota Interesting Events of tho I'flit Wook "New York chafluurs nro on strike. Mituy tlttttln aro taking pinto In Culm to settle revolutionary grudges. ICIiik Kdwanl In said lo have stock In n big Chicago tttllioi inuituK)1y. Three members if tlm Toledo, O., Ictt trmt have been ordered to sorvu their Jail sentences. Unltrtl HlAtn Senator Rayimr says tlm trusts havu Kruwn "I ntl " Imukw need protection. Rubbers blew oDii tlm unfa In tlm Oilln.O lilo, hank nml escaped with nil they could rarry. WIIh drseilloii la Increasing alarm ingly In Chlnagiki. Families to tlm number ol "SO ern deturted In 1006. Mr. Peary I coudlleiil that bur linn IimmI has found tlm north He, hiiiI ex HH)t4 to hear Iroin hi in tliu Inat ol No winder. Secretary Tail li declined n plain on tlm Hupreinn In-nth, which Is indi cation tlmt Im would Ilka tlm presiden tial nomination. Flvn inure IhhIIpii IibuV been taken Iroin tlm mini ol tlm burned tenement house In Kansas Oily, 'l'lili uifcka eight knnwii iImiI. A cargo ol SfiO.OOO singing hlnl, mostly cmmrlpa, arrlted at New York. The prevalence ol anarchy In Moroc co keeps tlm ministers abut up "' tlm capital. Tlm Frtneh parliament It again In SMulOII. iimibIi fires nro limning over hun dreds of kcim In Southern California. Tlm new battleship Minnesota md cf"i fully stood a foiu-haur endurance t. A Ban Francisco deputy sheriff alwt and killed a wlfo-lmator wlw resisted meal. Tlm recent iIkiIIbii nl Hunt Fe e Ul cer a mi dominated by Standaid OH in terests. Secretary Itiwt Iim asked Japan to punish tho pcrpetratora ol tlm recent im I mtil. TliriHi mltirri were found dead In a mine near Philadelphia. Tlmy had Inhaled tfKi much gaa. Kvury oim of tim H6 pollca captains In New York city except ono has been changed "lor tlm good ol tlm. service." Tlm statu ol Arkansia has been given Judgment nl 110,000 against tlm Ham mend Packing company lor contempt. Over 400 Ufa prcaorvera washed ashore no tho VrKinla coast, and ll la believed to Indicate a inarlno disaster. Ilatrimati may rctlrn from presi dency ol Union 1'ntiHlc and confine Ida attention to completing n ocean-to-ocean roiito. Ol 41H inna of preaorved meats con dcmimd In london recently, 'H torn oanni from tlm United State and 232 tuna from Argentine Itopulillu. A mob wrecked a stereoptleon appa ratua In New York city that was being U'ed In election uxlilblta by tlm Indu. pendent Muncilpal OAiierablp I.eeKiio. Hantoa Dnmnut linn won a $100,000 air alilp prlxn In Franco. Anna Held, tho aotrei-a, had $ 101, OOl) worth ol JokuIb atolen. A wholecalo Increaio In tho aalarlea ol poalal olurka la proponed. Kx.Henator llnrlon la n prlvlleKcd lirlauiuir In tho Ironton, Kiturna, J.tll. rrealdent Hooaovolt will atop at Han Juan, I'orlo Hlco, on lila way back from Panama. Knilllili women nro oreatliiji dlaturb. 4iiicoH In tlm liouao of comtioiiti, clamor IiiK for aiiflriiAU. Trlbuimen am torrorltlnt? Morocco towns and troops may Imvo to bo sent to uratoro nrdur. Jloro ltuaalan aoKlnra aro IioIiir r rcated, charged with bolon(5liiK to rovo lutlouary orKauUatloua. Harrlman haa purchaacd Flah'a In toroat In tho Illluola Contrnl railroad, KlvliiK tho former control. Tho Now Yoik Llfo Insurance com. jiany la threatonod with Injunction pro ceudliiKi aiialuat election methoda, Amanliaa Just died at Plttibuut who, the paat tivo years has lived and clothed iilmsul! on an &vorK l3t cents pur day. Preparations aro bolnu made for lPreaUlent HooaeveU'a trip to Panama. QHEAT COLD IN WYOMING. Snow Falls, In Hornn Sections Accom panied by High Wlnda (Jhii)eiini', Wyo., Oct. 83. The wnrt aliirm known In yeara for tlm mason now priivalla over WyornliiK. It Is necoinpaiili'd by hexvy anowfall, and In aornn reclloua very IiIkIi winds. Thu Union l'ncllld has mow plowa out on tlm untlro lino between horn and ('( den. Wtstnf (Ircen Itiver, WyomliiK, thu Him Is hlooknded, and all commun ication nhut off. All wires are down. A dispatch from Urenu Itiver rays tlm hlKlmat wind known In "0 yvais is now blowing, wllb the temperattiro 10 dexriTS above xero, and snow falling. Ornt ll.iimari near (IrniiKor was found dead and another man was found on the track iinronrcloun and badly (men, One hiilldliiK at (Iri'on Iliver was de inollrhixl by the wind. Tlm news from Northern and Central WyomliiK re ports practically tlm same conditions. Hlockuieii aru apirelmnalve of itreat Iokicb, as tho torm rnrim iikiu them unprepared. Thu atorin la all)htly abating here. CHULO VOLCANO UELCHE8. Volume of Sulphur Water Swampa a Salvador Town, Han Halvalor, Oct. 23. Teleocapblc uoinmiitiliatlnu with Interior polnla haa been rcntortil, and newa of thu ills nater wrought by thu terrific atorm which ha rwept over thu country la be ing recrlvrd. Ovr 100 perrona wero drowuetl In Coalepetpiu. A vaat itian llty of sulphur water was thrown out ol the Oliillo vol ano, anil inundated the town ol I'aucblualoo, killing most ol the Inhabitants. From other oliitsal(o reports of ter rific dtvaaiallon are coming In. I'linl nrnto and other towns aru reported to liavn been awept away by the Hoods. Tho rchooner Atelerm, with a num ber ol pnaaengera on Imard, haa been Irat between Curluto, Nicaragua and Aaiapala, Honduras. Kvuryljody on Itonnl waa drowned. Tlm Ihoda liavo disinterred a number ol corpst-a Irom cemtlerle and aru car rying them down the atreams. Ilia reported that thu rallroada In llondur aa have suffered rerlout daiuagu. PACKEHS MAKINQ MONEY. Talk of Sale to English Syndicate Is Not Credited. Washington, Oct. 23. Tlm Agricul tural department olllclala aro very much Interested In thu report Irom Chicago that tlm hlg parking homes are contemplating a glirautic company, to Iki financed bv Kngllsh capital They do not look for thu carrying out ol any such project. For yeara tlm parking oompsiilea have men straining i very nerve to create the Imprnaalon that they aru acting Independently of eaecli other. Olllclala hero declare that notwith standing the rigorous beul Inspection mraaiires now being enlorced, the pack ing hnnes am being operatwl with a big profit. They cannot see wherein them would bo any terlnus disadvant age for tlm packers as the outcome of such a deal, for foreign corporations would h absolutely at tho mercy of the respective atatea, DUOY MESSAGES FOUND. Set Adrift by OaldwIn-ZolRlop Polar Expedition In 1001. IlnfUlo, N. Y Oct. 23. Two buoy messages, sot adrift from Franx Joeef laud by tho Ilaldwiu Zelgler polar ex pedition In 1001, bavo been found and forwarded to Kvolyn H. llaldwln, tlm founder ol tho kxpwlltion, who is liv ing In this city. Thu measages were picked up on July 10, 11)0(1, on Mullet Island, by Captain Htienoraon, of the Arctic whaler Gottfried, and forwarded to tho United Htatea Ktatu They were mailed to Mr. lla'dwln from Washington and dullvured to lilm to- Tho measages aro typewritten on film paper, and show tho effcola of their Journey in tho Arctic sea. Tho mes sages wem an appeal fur coal, tho lack of which forced tho expedition to turn back, Insano Kept In Filth, Havana, Oct. 23. Governor Magoon visited tho national asylum this alter noon and discovered a doplorablo statu of affairs them. Ono tnonsnim bix hundred and sixty peraonsof both sexes am crowded Into lllthy and dilapidated bulldlna with a capacity for 400 per sons only. They aro Bleeping on hrok en cots, rullrs ol tho biBt American oc cupation. Congress m ado an appropri ation to onlargo tho asylum, but tho money wib never expended. The con dltloiiB today nro very llttlo bottor than under Bpunlflli ccr'ol. Clemoncoau Is Summonod. Paris, Oct. 23. As was expected, M. Olemlnceau, minister of tho Interior, was summoned to tho palaeo today and Intrusted with thn task of formipg a now ministry. It will take him four days to choose his ministers and anoth er four or Ave days for the new minis try to agree on program. SNOW GETS DEEPER Sheepmen In Wyoming, Colorado and Now Mexico Suffer. WORST STORM IN TWENTY YEARS Whole Country Dotwoon the Rocky Mountains and Missouri fllver Under Whlto Pall. Denver, Oct. 23. Hnow, wind and cold havu oxttndoil over nearly the on- tiro country between the Itocky moun tains and tho Missouri river today, causing heavy lots of livestock and fruit. Tulcgraph wires have been pros trated and railroad schedules disarrang ed. The atorin Is almost unprecedent ed for sevurlty at this teaeouof the year and takts rank, according to the weath er bureau, with the snowfall on April 22 and 23, 1H85. Up to 0 o'clock this evening about 20 inches of snow had fallen In Denver and Indications were that the mow would continuo all night. Locally but little da.s'ge was done, Hheo.-meu in Wyoming, Colorado and New Mexico, It Is believed, will snffar heavy losees, as they were unprepared for such weather. There nro hundreds of t ni of sugar beets an.! thousands ol barrels of apples still In tho open In tho northern part of Colorado and should the cold continue, the damage will be very great to tho ranchers. Telegraphic service throughout the West Is badly hampered and trains in definitely lato. Tlm billiard which has boin raging in Pueblo and vicinity since early Hat unlay afternoon Is slightly abatod this morning. Itallroad and stroet car traf fie Is badly crippled. The Illo Grande west ol Pueblo has suff died moat from the snow, which is unusually heavy along Its line, ranging from 10 Inches at Florence to 30 inches at Iluena Vis ta. Trains from tho Kast aro generally from a few minutes to several hours late. Cattle and other stock on ranges suffered from tho wet snow and cold. Colorado Springs reports that the bill iard, which has been in progress for tlm past 48 hours, broko this mwrnlng. Trains aro somuwhat delayed. Tho temperature In Colorado Hprlnga this morning waa about 16 above zero. WISCONSIN REMITS TAXES. Increase In Railroad Aues.modt Sup plies All Funds Necessary. Madiion, Wis., Oet. 23. All the state taxes, with the exception of the tchonl tax, which was reduced to hall of ono mill, wore remitted today by the atnto board ol assesion. There is al ready so much money In tho stato treas ury that none of the olllcials know what to do with It. With tho prospict of moro than 2, 600,000 coming In from this year's taxes, bt ite Treasurer Kmpf threw up his hands In despair and said thoro waa no way to spend It. Accordingly Gov ernor Divldson, Hrcretary of Slate Homer and Mr. Kempf mot today and decided to remit the taxes. Ths railroads aro footing tho bills. That, in tho main, is tho reason for the action today, tho drat time such a sweeping movo has hoen made In the history of thu statu. It Is one of the results of Senator I-aKollette's long right when ho was In thu governor's chair. Under thu new ad valorem law thu rnada pay about $2,(100,000 annu ally, or ono-thlrd moro than thuy did under thu old licenro tee system. Tho amount of taxes remitted Is $1, 818,236. Instead of raising this amount from thn taxptyeis, tho admin istration will deduct It frui tho gene ral fund of tho statu to meot c.rain fixed expenditures. Tho school tax, amounting to 1013,080, goes back to tho taxpayers iu tho support cf the public schools. Rollef Fund for Winter. Washington, Oct. 23. Tho executive comnitttuo of tho Ited Cross has finally approved thu estimates of thu Ban Francisco rollef commlttoo for tho con tinuance of tho relief work In that city ui) to July 1 next. Originally placed at 10,000,000, theso estimates have been reduced by a little moro than 700 000. Moat of thu money is already In sight, as tho Bn Francisco commit too has n balance of $2,382,000, with unfilled subscriptions subjict to call of $000,000. Tho Hud Cross propoi.holds a little over 12,000,000. Blizzard Coats Texas With Ice. Dallas, Tox Oct. 23. Wind blow Ing at a velocity of 00 miles an hour Is "weeping across the plains county in thu Texas panhandlu, with blinding sleet and snow. Grass la covered with ire, but cattle arolngooij condition and the loss will not be heavy. At Chan nlng a blltxard la raging. In the Dal las territory the torcperature has been in tho 70's, but at midnight Isjalllng. 8ALT LAKE WIND bWEPT. Buildings Razed and Packing Plant Destroyed by Fire. Halt Lake City, Oct. 22. For 24 hours this city and vicinity was swept by a wind storm of unparalleled sever ity. In addition to three serious acci dents to persons, property has bcn devastated over a wide area, a fire fanned by the wind has obliterated the now plant of thu Utah Packing com pany, and n monetary loss of appproxl matuly 2C0,000 Is vntalled. During tlm full period ol tho storm trains havu arrived 'rrcgularly or not at all. For much of thu time the street car survlco has been at a standstill, and tho ukctrlc lighting plants aro out of commission. The burning of tho Utah packing plant, north of tho city, Is the most serious single loss. Tho building had Just been compleetd at a cost of f 100, 000, and was to have been put Into nse in a few days. Tho project was inaug urated by Western cattlemen and was in opposition to tho large packing bouses In the Kast. The causo of the flro lias not been ascertained. Only a small fraction of the loss is covered by insurance Kulned buildings, fallen chimneys, broken windows, loomned signs and toppled trees throughout this and ad joining towns are the most common souvenirs of tho storm and apgregito an Immense loss. The wind attained a maximum velocity fo 62 miles an hour. For hours at maintained an averago speed of 38 miles an hour. The local weather bureau has been handicapped, but expresses tho opinion that thu storm Is local and with little effect north of Ogden or south of Provo. LOSS WAS HEAVY. Cuban Hurricane Crosses the Island, Leaving Death In Trail. Havana, Oct. 22. More complete re ports have been received by Governor Magooon and show that the recent bur i lean, which swept across Cuba, has caused greater damage than waa at first supposod. Scares of lives are now known to have been lost as tno result oi the storm. The worst reports come from the Ua tabano, on tho south coast of Cuba, the point where tho cyclone first struck the Island. Forty fishing schooners are now known to have been lost. Many corpses have been picked up floating In the bay, and it Is bslleved the dead at this point alone will reach nearly 100. The majority of the victims aro Spanish Oshormen. Wreckago from tho vessels which were destroyed litter the shores for miles. It is believed that several amallfchooners were swept out to sea and lost, their crews perishing. The town Itself suffered severely. Nine bodies have been removed so far from the rnlns. On every band are to ba seen evidences of tho storm's fury. Houses wore blown down, trees were uprooted, and devastation has been wrought generally. A conservative es timate of tho damago in that city is 1000,000. The greatest damage waa caused In tho lower portion of tho city. Tho upper section away from the shore escaped almost miraculously. The wharves were badly damaged, in many cases completely wrecked. More Delay for Hermann. Washington, Oct. 22. Representa tive Dinger Hermann will not be placed on trial in this clt- on tho indictment charging destruction of 36 ofllcial let torpresa copybooks until sometime alter the Christmas holidays. No definite arrangement for tho trial has beon made, but tho court's docket Is now so filled that It will be lmpoealble to bear the case within tho next throe months. Since the case waa last postponed at the time Mr. Heney waa called to San Franclaco nothing has beon heard from Hermann and his whoreabouts aro un known to tho court. No anxiety is felt on this Bcore howevor. Quake Wrecks Trestle. Portland, Me., Oct. 22. Two earth shocks lait night destroyed about 100 feet of n temporary highway structure which crosses the upper harlwr. The first shock was felt at 0 o'clock and tho second at 7:07. Itoth shocks were light, but were distinctly felt by pedes trlans. Accompanying tho rumbling waa tho sound mado by tho cracking of tho timbers of the temporary structure. It Is feared that great damage has been done to tho foundation of tho now high way brldgo nearby, for which 260,000 was apptoprlated recently. Soldiers Go In Pursuit. Sheridan, Wyo Oct. 22. Ten troops ol the Tenth cavalry left Fort Robinson. Neb., at noon today from Gilletto, Wyo., to round up the band of marauding Ute Indians from the Whlto Rock agoncy, Utah. Tho com manding ofllcer Is said to have Instruc tions from tho Wor department to take the Indiana dead or alive. Snowstorm In South Dakota. Bloux City, Iowa, Oct. 23. Dis patches received at the Chicago, Mil waukee & Bt. Paul office in this city stato that a heavy snow storm with wind prevailed all night on tho Rapid Oity extension of that road in South Dakota. The snow is drifting and buowpIows have been ordered to Cham berlain and Preeho. rj? VyUUtkyiA'J REUQlOtS "(DHHUJUTT TIUTDEPIXDJ KttilY OX FAITH FORi MATERIAL SUrTOOT AND VDttS ITS FERVOR IN ACROBJTlCi I'erhiipi tho moat remarkable of all rellgloUH colonic tlmt accept the Hlble hh tholr only guide has Ix-en ostahllah wl at Waukesha. Wl. In the mineral writer belt the colonist nro known n tho "Holy Jumiwrs," legally they ore liicorjoratvl an tho "Metropolitan Church Awoclatlon," and for everyday purpo they call thonnwlves members ot the "Hollnena" band. In n Mmso tho colony la communlMIc, but Its underlying principle Is opposed to the stnndardH of buslnoM. No com mercial or Industrial feature is Inter woven In the enterprise. Thero are eighty ncrea of corn and vegetables, but this will not support tho hundreds who have identified tliemsolvoa with the movement. There la n printing cuii- llehmwit, but no profit on the book or immplilctK. Tho Ird will provide," assort th colonist, who devote all tholr time to religion and unuiatorlal matter, with out providing for fwdlng, clothing or houHlng. Yet the loader In tho move ment were formerly auruwu unu sue cowiful business mon, while the rnnfc nnd file nru In Intelligence nbove thu average of tho kind who usually Iden tify themselves with a rollglous craze. For tho tlmo being the Holy Jump ers aro a great attraction nt Waukesha and n marvel to every rolwr-mlnded person who visit them. Duke M. Far son, tho most extraordinary person In "religion" In tho country to-day, stands at thu head of the Jumpers. Ho amass ed a fortune In tho bond business In Chicago and was regarded a n mil lionaire. Ho drifted from the luxuries nnd extravagance of city llfo deeper nnd deeiier Into religious mnttcra until finally he sold out what was left of hi husluos arid dlniKsod of his real estate, devoting hi tlmo to spiritual matters. A Methodist with Inclinations toward "shouting," he occasionally filled tho pulpits of promluont churches In Chi cago until thoy came a time whon tho exuberance of his Joy caused him nud hla friends to commit disturbing ex cesses, and then thoy organized what was constituted a Metroiwlltan Church, Into which thoy have put their money as well aa their faith. Tlw organiza tion Increased and a thoy feared jo- llce Interference In Chicago, thoy moved to Waukesha, whoro thoy bought the old The Faithful Housewife: Platforms?" "Why cal lliiltetl tho Wrouir rUh. It Rometlmcs happens that tho euro Is worso than tho disease. It was In tho ca8o of tho mother who tried to brenk her llttlo Theodoro of tho habit of taking sweets off tho Bldebonrd. "Wo often huvo boubons when thero nro guests to luncheon," Bho said, "und although Theodore promises not to touch them ho always does." "You might do ns I did In tho aamo clrcumstnuces," suggested tho neighbor, I smiling remlnlscently. I "What did you dor "X carefully removed too tnsldo fill rountaln Springs Hotel, on cnormoni atone structure containing COO room's besides the grand dining-room. Thero are about 300 iersons In the colony, nearly nil adult, while Farson Is th leador by common conent Another Important itorvmago Is F. M. Messen ger, general nii"rlntendent, who for years va general manager of the Grosvenor Cotton Mills nt North Gros venor, Conn., and who, since Joining tho colony, ha twice refused offers of $13, 000 to mnnago mills. He looks after the physical projierty. Kdwln h. Har vey, vice president, ha a chain of lodg ing houses In Chicago, which were pat ronized by 2,000 men every night Ho gn up this business, with Its largo Income, to Join tho Jumpers. His wlfo Is treasurer. Henrd and viewed from a little dis tance, ono of the regular Sunday night church Korvices of the Waukesha en thusiast resembles a cross botweeii a foot-ball rush and a red hot political convention. After tho services bavo been opened with song It takes about one minute to dovelop tho demonstra tions which have given the colonist Uio name of "Jurniwrs." It I doubtful If thero Is an athleto who can perform tho physical feats done dally by many of the members of this congregation. No aoonor Is tho fervor of the congre gation fired by tho singing than th Jumping begins. Tho word Jumping I not used figuratively. Dozens and sometimes scores of the worshiper break luto o perpendicular dance, which consists of Jumping straight up and down with most marvelous rapidity. The Jump Is not merely "the raising of tho Jumper on his or her toes, but a clean, flat-footed Jump with both feet several Inches from the ground. Tho whirling of fanatical Arab der vishes has stood for tho climax of phy sical demonstration In religion. Any dervish who will learn how to stand tint-footed and lift himself by his boot strapsor nnndnl thongs as do tho "Jumpers" nt Waukesha will havo nn, accomplishment that will surpass hla old-tlmo calling. Dlvlno healing Is one of tho most pronounced of tho "Jumpers'" beliefs. A distinction Is mnde, however, be tween surgery and medicine. "Tho sot ting of a broken bone." explained Mr. Farson, "Is a mechanical process tnd the first aid to nature. Still even In surgical cases wo hnve had tho most remarkable Instances of tho power ot prayer to facilitate healing." Can't You Put That In Your PolUI- tug from n chocolate drop and stuffed tho shell with red pepper." "Did It work?" "It might Imvo worked," replied tho neighbor, "If Johnny had happoued to spy It. As It was, I forgot all about It In tho press of other matters, nnd at dluncr-tlmo tho guejt of tho evening got It" Iloukkooptntf. Secretary Under what head shall I put down tho cost of tho operation per formed on tho baroness? Ttnrnn Itanornl rennlnL Translatt - 1 od for Tales from Blmplichwlmu.