n b ! "' l H BAY CITY ROTTEN Heney and Burns Have Evidence Against Mayor and Boss. WILL INDICT THEM AND OTHERS Mayor Schmltz and Boss Reuf Impll- cated In 8700,000 Railway Franchise Steal. San Francisco, Oct. 25. That tho evidence they lmvo gathered Is suffi cient to Bend Abe Ruef, Mayor Schmltz n dozen or more supervisors, a cotcrlo of commissioners and a score or mora ot potty officials to tho penitentiary is the news which has leaked out from tho Inner councils of Attorney Francis J. Heney and Detective W. J. Burns, who, working In conjunction with Dis trict Attorney Langdon, havo uncov ered graft In San Francisco on a scalo that would make even "Doss" Tweed sit up and take notice. Trolley franchises sold for $700,- 000; retail liquor dealers held up for thousands of dollars; theaters forced to give up a third of their profits; con tractors made to pay tribute; paving contractors allowed to fatten oft tho city treasury; wholesalo liquor dealers compelled to pay monthly royalties; French restnurants mulcted for glgan. tic "fees," and even women of tho ten derloin coerced Into dividing tho earn ings of their shame. This is some of tho moral rottenness laid at tho door of tho present city administration. It Is said that among the first Indict ments to bo asked will be one for Mayor Schmitz. who is now in Europe, with his wife, and ono for Abo Ruef, tho city "boss." "Wo shall get tho crooks," they say, and then they add, "Wo aro going to get tho big ones as well as the small fry." First in importance of all tho sub jects that tho two men have investi gated comes tho trolly deal. Shortly after tho earthquake and flro last April tho United Railroads was given a blanket franchise by tho supervision to convert its cable roads Into an over head electric system. Defore the flro tho United Railroads was refused such a jrancnisc. rur laa uwuim nu chlso IbC corporation paid tho city xothlng". Traction experts vaIu tho concession at J5.000.000. It Is stated that Hcney nnd flUrhtt Jiavc secured confessions from mom tors of tho Board of Supervisors ex posing a gigantic graft in this connec tion. The amount the United Railroads paid for tho prlvllogo of converting all its cable roads into electric lines is said to havo been $700,000, and, ac cording to the writton and signed con. fesslons of supervisors, said to te now In Heney'a possession only 172.000 was turned over by Ruef for distribution among tho 18 members of tho board. MOODY FOR SUPREME BENCH. Roosevelt Will Appoint Him Despite Sectional Objection. Washington, Oct. 26. Whllo no of ficial Btatomont Is obtainable, unofficial advicos confirm the report that tho Presidont will appoint Attorney Gen eral William ir. Moody, of Massachu setts, to the vacancy in the Supreme Bench, made by tho retirement of As sociate Justice Henry B. Brown. Tho announced Intention of the Pres ident to appoint Mr. Moody came as a surprise, as It was generally under stood that he eliminated the Attorney. General from consideration In that connection bocauso of the fact mainly that Massachusetts alroady had a rep resentative on tho bonch in tho person of Associate Justice Holmos. Mr. Moody's nomination will be sent to the sennto when congress convonos, but tho general expectation is that ho will not tako his soat on tho bench un. til about January 1. Demand Eight-Hour Day. Chicago, Oct. 26. The Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, on behalf of its switchmen, today pretented demands to all the railroads entering Chicago lor an elglit-houi day. The Brotherhood's action follows that of the Switchmen's union, which pretented similar de mands some time ago. The railroads will be obliged now to deal with prac tically the whole organized strength of the Switchmen's union. In this re spect the movement is the moet exten sive attempted by the railroad organ izatlons In many years. Forbids "The Clansman." Philadelphia, Oct. 25. Mayor Wea ver today issued an order suppressing the further production here of the drama, "Tbe Clansman." The mayor's action was prompted by the demonstra tion last night at the theater by several thousand colored citizena. THANKS OF NATION. Prosldont Calls on Peoplo to Observe November 20. Washington, Oct. 24. The president has issued a proclamation naming Thursday, November 20, as a day of thanksgiving. The text of tho procla mation is as follows: "A proclamation. "The time of the year has come when, in accordance with tho wlto cut torn ot our fathers, it becomes my duty to set Baide a special day of thanksgiv ing and praise to the Almighty because of blessings we havo recolvod and of power prayer that these blessings may be continued. Yet another year of widespread well-being has pasted. Never before in our history or In tho history of any other nation has a peo pie enjoyed more abounding material prosperity than has ours; a prosperity so great that It should arouse In us no spirit of reckless pride, and least of all, a spirit ot heedless disregard ot our responsibility; but rather a sober cense of our many blessings, and a resolute pnrioeo, under Providence, not to for feit them by any action ot our own. "Material well-being, Indispensable though it Is, can never bo anything but the foundation ot true national great ness and happiness. If we build noth ing upon this foundation, then our na tional life will be as meaningless and empty as a house where only the found ation has been laid. Upon our mater ial well-being must bo built a super structure of individual knd national life 11 red in accordance with the laws ot the highest morality, or else our pros perity itself will in the long run turn oat a corse Instead ot a bleating. We ahonld be both reverently thankful for what we have received and earnestly bent upon turning it into a means ot grace and not ot destruction. "Accordingly, I hereby set apart Thursday, the 29th day of November, next, as the day of thanksgiving and supplication, upon which tho people shall meet in their homes or churches, devoutly acknowledging that which has been given them and to pray that they may in addition receive tho power to ute these slits aright. "In witness whereof I have hereunto set my band and caused the real ot the United States to be affixed. "Done at the city of Washington this 22d day of October, in the year of our Lord, 1000, and ot the independence of the United States the 131st. "(deal) Theodore Roosevelt. By the president. "Ellhn Root, "Secreury of State." CHANGES IN CABINET. Peneral Shifting of Positions to Tako Place Soon. Washington, Oct. 34. Tho follow lng statement regardlr prospective changes in President Roosevelt's cabi net was mads public tonight: "On the retirement of Secretary Shaw and Attorney General Moody from the cabinet, the following chang es will be made: "Secretary of the treasury George B. Cortelyou. "Postmaster general George Von L. Meyer. "Attorney general Charles J. Bona parte. "Secretary of the navy Victor H. Metcalf. "Secretary of commerce and labor Oscar 8. Straus." The genoral understanding for some time has been that Attorney General Moody wilt retire on January 1 and that Secretary Shaw will follow him on March 4 next. Mr. Meyer, who will become post master general, is ambassador to Rus sia. He is a native of Massachusetts aod has beeu well known as a business man. The appointment ot Mr. Straus canted considerable surprise, as it will be the first case where a citizen of the Hebrew faith has been made a member of the president's cabinet. He was born in 18S0 and Is well known as a merchant, diplomat and author. He represented the United States as minis ter to Turkey on two different occa sions and was appointed by Pesident Roosevelt to fill the vacancy caused by the death ot ex-President Harrison as a member ot the permanent court of arbitration at The Hague. Choked With Snow. Denver, Oct, 24. Eastern Colorado has been in tho throes of a blizzard to day, but the weather bureau holds out the hope ol clearing weather tonight. I Snow ceased falling in Denver this af ternoon, the storm center having moved eastward. The actual fall of snow in Denver since Friday night was about 21 inches and in some portions of the Btate it was four feet or more, uelay ot freight and passenger traffic is the principal damage done by the storm thus far, although fruit crops and livestock are threatened. Worst Blizzard In History. Cheyenne, Wyo., Oct. 24. Wyoming Is in the grasp of the worst blizzard in the history of the st&te. Old timers concede they have never seen anything to equal the present storm, which has raged for four days. All railroad lines out oi uueyeiinu were uiuvaou iuuoi ; OREGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST DISTILLERY TO UE BUILT. North Bond Will Probably Socuro De natured Alcohol Plant. North Bend Tho Coos bay country has secured tho establishment ot a plant for the manufacture ot denatured alcohol and tho distillery will be ready to receive potatoes from the farmers next tall. JJS. T. Clover, of the American Alco hol company, Now York, catuo to the Coos bay country about two weeks ago In an endeavor to Interest the farmers In denatured alcohol. He was accom panied by Dr. Wlthycombe, who con ducted several farruor' Institutes In tho county and at these meetings tho sys tem of conducting denatured plants was explained to tho farmers. It wat ex plained that It 76,000 tons of potatoes were promised tho company it would at once prepare to begin operations. Tho dlttillery couh' easily handle twice tho quantity named, but was willing to start on a small scale. Contracts were entered Into with a number of farmers on a basis of $8 per ton for three years, the distillery to tako potatoes ot all sizes. It is esti mated that at this price, farmers will receive nearly f 100 per acre for their product. It was explained by the promoters ot the enterprise that when the distillery was running at its full capacity It would require 87 tons of coal per day for 10 months In the year to convert the tubers into alcohol, and this would prove a great stimulus to coal mining. Furthermore, a number ot by-products would be manufactured that wonld greatly increase the payroll. Although the site for the distillery has not been definitely announced it will probably go to North Bend. Mines Fabulously Rich. Lakeview W. I. Fleck, member of the firm of Fleck A Snowgoose, mining experts and astayers o! Bidwell, was In Lakeview recently on his way home from the Windy Hollow mines, in Warner valley, known now as the. Lost Cabin mining district. Mr. Fleck Is enthusiastic over the prospect's of the new mining camp, and believes firmly that it will develop rich diggings. He stated that he took tamples ot the rock Indiscriminately around one ot tho por phyry dikes on one ot the claims, and also the dirt tor several feet from the dike, and found It to assay $60 to the ton on an average. These tests were made from rock and dirt from the top of the ground. Reserve In Southern Oregon. Balem A proclamation creating the Siskiyou forest reserve, comprising about one-half of Josephine conntr and two or three townships ot Douglas county, has been received by Governor Chamberlain from President Roosevelt. This is the reserve concerning which a strong protest was made a year or two ago by residents of Carry county. As originally plannod, the reserve Included about three-filths cf Curry county, but the protests were so strong and persist ent that the lines of the temporary withdrawal were changed and In finally creating the reserve no Curry county lands are included. The reserve covers over 700,000 acres. Modern Road In Coqullle Valley. Myrtle Point The rock crueller, which has been operated at tho quarry on the road between Myrtle Point and Coqullle, is about to suspend work, ow ing to wet weathor. Tho result ol the work which has been done thus far Is the graveling of the entire road between Coqullle and Myrtle Point. This road Is laid on a good grade, and the cover ing ot crushed rock makes it as good a road as any Oregon can boast of. It is an excellent quality of rock for this purpose, which is quarried where the crusher is located. Timber Land Sold, Eugene Approximately 10,000 acres of the finest timber land in the state changed hands a few days ago when1 a large number of Eugene people and a few others residing eltowhere, sold their holdings on Quartz creek, in the McKentle country, 60 ml lei east ot Eugene. The sale was made to two Portland capitalists, whose names are not mado public, for about $26 an acre, although the exact purchase price was not given out. The land Is In town ship 17 south, range 4 east, and has been pooled for sale since 1001, at which time the prico wa set at f 10 an acre. Grow and Sell Vetch. Albany A company of farmers, formed for the purpose of growing and selling vetch, has been incorporated by articles filed in the county clerk's office here. Tho Tangent Vetch Growers' union is the name of tho combination, Linn county farmers have been very successful In tho growing of vetch and have found it a paying industry. Tho new company intends to go Into the business on a large scalo and will raise vetch both for grain and hay. PAY TAXES DiRUCT. Oregon Tax Commission Recommonds Relief for Sheriff's. Salem That the duty of collecting taxes should bo taken from tho sheriffs and Imposed upon tio county treasur ers, Is one ol the recommendations con tained in tho report of tho Oregon Tax commission Just Issued from the peril ing office. This recommendation Is In Itself of considerable importance In the management of county affairs, but it assumes particular Interest tu sheriff and treasurers when coupled with the suggestion that this change will make neceetaiy a reduction of the salaries of shorlfls and a raise of the salaries ot treasurers. The commission concludes the subject by remarking that the leg islature, If It makes tho change, should not overlook the salary matter. That tho handling of public funds Is mote particularly tho work ot a treas urer and not ot a shorlff, Is tho princi pal reason for the proposed change The commission In of the opinion that the accounts could be just s accurately checked It the money were p.tld dlnct ty to county treasurers as it could be if it wore first paid to the sheriffs and by them turned over to the treasurers. There would be ono less opportunity for mismanagement. The commission does not base Its recommendation to much upon Its own reasoning, however, as It does upon tho reasoning of a sher iff, who Is quoted, but whose name Is not given. Buying Great Tracts of Timber. Eugene Tho Mnuioo Lumber A Milling comoany, of Mm roe, Wash., Is having recorded deeds to 6,000 acres ol timber land In Lane and Bnnton coun ties, and it Is reported that tho com pinv Intends to construct a railroad from Eugeco, Corvallla or Junction Cly, to tho timber, If another 6,000 acres of timber land can be tecum! at a reasonable figure. If more land can not be teenred, the company wll hold what they now have as a speculation. The land Involved Is in the northwest ern part of Lane county. Harness Olive Lake. Sumpter The Fremont Power com pany, which has been for some time past engsged in harnessing the waters of Olive lako for power perpotts, Is pushing operations toward the comple tion of its plant by employing almost every Idle man in the district. Men have been Imported from almost every soctlon of Eastern Oregon by this com pany to work on the ditch and pipe lino as Hell as installing Its huge power machinery. This company Is Identified with the Red Boy mine also, which property will be operated In the future by electric power, Instead of steam, at heretofore. PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Club, 04c; blueatem, 08c; valley, 07c; red, tile. Oats No. 1 white, $24324.60; gray, $23(323.60. Earley Feed, 120 60 per ton; brew ing. $21.60; rolled, $23. Rye f 1.361.40 perewt. Corn Whole, $26.60; cracked, $20.60 per ton. Hay Valley timothy, No. 1, $10011 per ton; Eastern Oregon timothy, $14 010; clover, $0 6007; cheat, $70 7.60; grain hay, $7; alfalfa, $11.60; vetch hay, $707.60. Frnlts Apples, common to choice, 25076' per box; choice to fancy, 76c 0$1.25; grapes, MQ1.G0 perorate; Concords, Oregon, 2?J$c half basket; peaches, 76c0$l; pears, 76c $1.2); quinces, $101.26 per box. Vegetables Cabbage, lkjftUJtfc per pound; ratilillowcr, $1.26 per dozen; celery, 76085c per dozen; lettuce, head, 20o per dozen; onions, 10l2)c per dozen; pumpkins, 13 per pound; tomatoes, 30050c per box; squash, lc per pound; turnips, OOc0$l per sack; carrots, 00c$l per tack; beets, $1.2501.60 per sack; horsoradlsh, 00 10c per pound; sweet potatoes, 22o per pound. Potatoes Oregon Burbanks, fancy, $101.10. Butter Fancy creamery, 26027Uc per pound. Eggs Oregon ranch, 3132)c per dozen. Poultry A verago old hens, 12013c por pound; mixed chickens, 12(3120; spring, 12013c; old roosters, 0010c; dressed chickens, 13014o; turkoys, live, 17 0 17Je; turkeys, dressed, choice, 21022,$c; geese, live, 800c; ducks, 14016c. Veal Dressed 55408c per pound. Reef Dressed bulls, 22)c por pound; cows, 406o; country steers, 6050. Mutton Dressed, fancy, 7o per pound; ordinary, 600c; lambs, fancy, 8c. Pork Dressed, O08o per pound. Hops 1000, choice, 15021o; prime, 13 0 14c; medium, 12 12J(jo per pound; olds, nominal. Wool Eastern Oregon average best, 13018o per pound, according to shrink age; valley, 20021c, according to flue nets; mohair, 2028o. RASCALS AT DAY. Actlnrj Mayor of San Franeltoo Re moves Accusers From Olflee. Hnu Francisco. Oct. 2U. Acting Mayor Gallagher Thursday Mflt ruiMiii suspended 1 Hull U't Attorney Uimdou from office mid the llimnl of Hiiper visor approval hU action. Lttugdon was untitled to appear before) the Hoard on week from today to show why ho Hhould nut ho n moved fiom office. Then Gallagher announced that he had asked IiIh friend. Abraham Ituef. to accept the office of District Attorney and that Ruef had consented to do so. Tho suspension of Ijuigdou fotlnwH his appointment of KroucU J. Heney an assistant District Attorney for the punaiso of securing Indictments of officials alleged to be guilty of graft lug mid malfeasance. It Iiiim been openly announced that Ilenoy and Secret Service Agent Hums havo been Investigating mattera with which Mayor Schmltz, Acting Mayor Galla gher. Abraham Ituef and the Hoard of Supervisors were connected. Langdon In at present a candidate for Governor on tho Independence League ticket. Tho suspension of Langdou wns done for the purHHte of securing the dis missal of lletiey as AMslstaut District Attorney. Gallagher gave 12 reasons for sus pending 1-anndon. the chief of which was neglecting his duties In absenting himself for more than thirty days, from the county to go on it cnmiwtlgii tour, while the city was suffering from an Invasion of and depredations by criminals. WRECKED NEAR POINT ADAMS. Four-Matted Orltish Dark Ashore and Qolnrj to Pieces. Astoria, Or., Oct. JC With three of her masts gone and lying broadside high on the beach, the big four-masted British bark Peter Iredale la wrecked In the breakers nlmtit three-quarters of n mile below tho old Point Adam lighthouse, sooth of the Columbia River Jetty, with every Indication that her lion on will bleach In tho sands, although thero Is a tare possibility that she mny bo saved. The bark went ashore during a strong galo about 7:30 o'clock yester day morning. irr masts went over board soon nfterwards. All on lioard were rescued by the life-saving crew. Captain Lnwreuco, master of tho bark, and his officers remained by tho vessel all day. Tonight most of them are at tho Point Ailama life-saving sta tion. Twenty members of tho crew were brought lo this city nil safe nnd sound. DRIVEN MAD DY SUFFERING. Five Survivors of Florida Hurricane Drifted All Day on Frail Craft. Norfolk. Vn., Oct. 26. Counting the minutes, which seemed but few 1m tween them and death, five men were ndrlft on a bit of wreckage off the Florida const, when one of their com panions, whose sufferlngH had driven him mad, tliTOw htmsolf Into the son to death. Not long aftorwnrd n ship saved tholr lives. Tho flvo survivors woro Inndod hro by tho British ship Henthorpool, which arrived from Llvorpool. They with about 1150 others were constructing n concrete vlnduct for tho Florida Kant Coast Hallway through the Florida Keys, and woro aboard houseboat No. I. which lay an chored off the const when the great hurricane struck. AIhmiI 1 o'clock In the morning of October 18 lioat No. I broke ndrlft and wag dashed to pieces by tho waves. Six men lashed together two timbers. They lived on this raft until rescued. Greely's Report on Earthquake. Washington, Oct. SB. The War De partment Thursday made public tho speclnl report of MnJorOonernl Oreoly on tho rdlof operations conducted ny the military niithnrltloH of the United Statea nt San Francisco and other points at tho tlmo of tho oarthquakn and flro nt Snn Frnnclsco. Tho roport Ih accompanied by many documenta, Including tho report of Gonornl Fiiiih- ton, tolling of tho stops taken. 1 ha ro port Ih vory profusely lllimtrntnd, con taining photograph) ot the reltof work In.progrosH. Machinery for Cold 8prlngs Dam. Washington, Oct. 20. Tho Hocrotnry of tho Interior linn authorized tho pur chuso of four lOxlG-lnch locomotlvoH of SC-lnch gnugo, nt $3,000 each from tho American Ixicornotlvn Company; nlso 44 yard dump cam nt $108.76 onch; GG tons of rullH at $.1i per ton, nnd 126 toim of ralla at $33 por ton, and also has ptirchauod from tho Ernst Wolnur Compnny, ton uwltchoa nt $36 onch, Thin cqulpmont Ih to bo linod In tho construction of tho Cold HprlngH dam, Umatilla Irrigation project. Hurrlcan Sweeps Japan, Toklo, Oct. 2(1. A hurrloono swopt Southwestern Jnpnn Wodnosdny, Sev eral hundred coral fishing boatH nro re ported missing. Each boat Ih manned by at least two Bailors, IJAPAN ISlNGlEO Wants lo Know Caiisn ol Japan os(! Boycott In 'Frisco, AID OF IEDEHAL COURT ASKLU Japanese Ambassador Calls on Undo Sam to Explain President Orders Investigation. Washington, Oct. 27 - President Roosevelt last night directed Vlclor II. Metcalf, Secretary of the Department of Coinniorre and Imhk. to proceed to Han Francisco and make a thorough and complete Inquiry Into the situa tion n fleeting the exclusion of Japan ese children from the school provided for white children and Hie delimita tion to (dace Jaitanese pupils In sep arate schools. The President Is anx ious to obtain at first hand, from u Cabinet officer who Is acquainted with local conditions In Hau Francisco, full Information afreet lug every plume of the subject, to the end that whatever action Is taken by this government may be after an accurate understand ing of the situation The Prld-ut feels that every effort within hi power should lm exerted to see that all the treaty rights claim! by tlm Japanese for their (teoplti residing In the United Mate shall be respected and protectrd. The determination to send Mr Met calf to Hau Francisco was one of ill requests made by Viscount Aokl, Urn Japatviite Ambassador, who, at a con ference with Hufetary Root yester day, asked that the Japanese suhJeclH III California he accorded their full rlghta under the treaty of IMH. In cluding that of the children to attend llir public schools of Kan Fratirlsro. This request was the subject of very long and 'earnest discussion at the Cabinet meeting yesterday, when tho conclusion was reached that the Im-sI thing lo do was to send Mr. Metcalf to California to secure personally all the data which could have any kh slide bearing on the situation. Tli'i despatch of a Cabinet officer on such a mission, It wns argued, would dem onstrate to the JaiHMiese the evident sincerity of the Government In dealing with the whole subject and lla desire to show that every effort Is being made lo get at the facta. Incidental to the Inquiry Into the school question. Mr. Mitcalf will pay some attention to the charge made by Count Aokl that Japanso restaurant keepers In Han Francisco have suf fered Indlgnlttea. These reports, the Ambassador says, come from consular officers of the JamUHt government In Han Frnnclsco. Heven or eight re port have Ik en made concerning n boycott Inaugurated against these res taurant", slating that ageuta have I teen united to prevent iwtroHS from enteritis; the restaurants and In several Instances stones Iisvh been thrown and windows broken. The Jattant officials In Washing ton say they realize that throe dem onstrations ami the exclusion of the school children, are acta local In char acter, CHINESE ARMY EFFICIENT. Carries Portable Wireless Plant and' Wins Expert's Praise. Changliifu. Oct. 27 A notable fen luro of the Autumn maneuvers of th riilntMH Imnerlal army, which ended Thursday, baa been n imrtahle wlre- Iea telegraphy apparatus, carried up on light wagons and so adjusted that It ran lie erected In leas than Jft minutes. The stations were operated bv Chinese officers of the telegraph corn. The maneuvers ended with victory for the Northern army. At a village) live miles south of ChaiiKtiifu thin army succeeded In checking the ad vance of the Hoiitliern army. The program lifgan with cavalry opera tions, followed Wednesday by artil lery practice. All arms displayed ex cellent discipline. Experienced military observers are- of the opinion that with the exception of certain minor defects mid making allowance for the fart that the opera tions were an experiment, the maiieii vera were almost equal to those con ducted In Kuropo. Tho maueuvurH cost $600,000, California Again Falls, Han Francisco, Oct. 27- Tho cruiser California again failed vesterdny In the oudiiranco test, which Ih nil that stands between her nnd acceptance by (ho government. Willi tho naval trlat board and accompanied by tho de stroyer Paul .Touch, tho California wont outside the IuwiiIh for her third trial nt tho oudiiranco run. Aflor n. run of nu hour and n half, (Hiring which alio exceeded (ho contract Hpced of 22 knots, tho crulHor wiih forced to rotum lo port on account of over heating of tho JouriialH on tho port eiiglnu, Great Milk Supply Concern, Now York, Oct. 27. What promlson to bo tho blggOHt milk concorn in tho United HtatoH Ihih Just barn organized. Walter M. Hod go Ih promoting tho fi nancial ond mid Juntos L. Huuiiott rep- TOHontH tho fnrmoiH. Mr. llouimtt hau for yenra boon (ho counsel for tho Flvo HlntoH Milk Producora' AhbouIuLIoii. which Iuih a muinburuhlp of 10,000 farmorB, who cnntrlhuto to tho iiilllc Bupply of Now York CJty., :