The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 26, 1906, Image 7

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Tow nro entirely fren from It,
It may develop no slowly as to cnunn
little If any dlsliirbnnco during lliowliolo
period ol childhood.
It nitty then priidiicn dyspepsia, en
Inrrlii nrul marked tendency to con
sumption, iH'furu oniisltik eruptions,
sores or swellliiKs.
To nut entirely rid of lltuko tlioe,ruat
Hood's Sarsaparilla
In usual ll(tllit form or III chocotntfit tablet
known nt Onrsntnbs, 1U duivi tt.
t liirkia,
Tho Inrrntloti of clock" I by no
menus 11 modern one. Clocks which
wore nm by weltihta were Hani by tint
Huncciis nt tin Hunt of the Crusades,
anil soma authorities: stntn Hint the
viriT Invented 1 1 I'nclflcus ns early ni
tlio nlnlh century.
In tlio work of Dante nrn reference
to machine which struck tlio hours,
nnit clocks must linvo been used lit
Italy about tlio end of Hut thirteenth
century. Tim oldest cluck of which
there la nny certain record was erected
lu n tower In the pnlacu of Charles V.
of 1'rnnco In IHill.
Cortland Trade Directory
Nam.t and Atftlrctt lit I'Mlland ! Ila
tnlallt llu.ln.t, film.
I !
C UK Alt hKCUIAIIIIIK-W. ,11.11. Ih. It ,
.earaiw in i ili ii. Wm. lot UHiti.ii(.
ILl.tulu., f mil n4Ua.
I'lANIM A OlMIANrt Man, Sit iMliammli r
r 1 1 ut khnMut fkdiM m r.muvat ftMi.r
Will (of l,tf HUih bf ihm ttuit mm hM.
It'Hia, ,!. Wrll.l.Lr lMIIit lu, IS
HOWAIttl J'- llt'lUO -Aa.arrr rl tti.mlil
l.dIM, ( olM.l ,lri IhSil,
hllf. I4.tlli"i-I. Hltw.Tfc .UoM, , rinhf
laM'l, II. t lllU Imi Mailing tilt, upr ani
4rwf HSKIUJ.
luwtl liuilu
Hll 't" l I M .
piu-ali m. Luntri4 )! I hi
lUfM4wt LarUAtial fcar
When you buy
you wont
And long
Those find many
other oood points
wo combtnod In
rlMt hiiAND
V.. llt J
iuuuuii uivru -.
to buy arty other
y .!( wvivu (1.0
.,fc f ...
Send for frre booklet shotting nnlrli
of hard wolf r In 1 00 clllrt In the Unitrd
Slntri, ih th amount of 20-Mult-Tfam
Pure tlortu ncrvary to uve In okIi iac
to toltrn the wotrr and produte (Iran,
vthite lolhrs Htthout Injury to the flne.t
fabric or ntovt dcOcale hands. Villi ti tiarku llui A llnrm
. Or( tooklrt nl "Hittnlr l'-lur Till la
viiur4rr rr lorciiii khilitrftura nam. 1'A
ClflL'l'OAHl Hull AX II), Oakland I al.
3.50&3.00 Shoes
" II'mim it ilia 111 !
tutja-iaa' joli.
Man' Bhoaa. IS lo il.BO. P?T' "f..J.3
tali.BS. Woman' Sttoa. ibo to .?(
Tr V. ,. liiti(l Wuiiiii'. llr ml
CI1II1I reii'ahiiia 1 ftir tyU. ill nitJ wr
lliity rural iilltr tiiakci,
If I could toko you Into my larga
factorlci at lirockton, Alai.,and allow
nro ninde, you would then understnud
why thoy hold their hnpc, fit better,
wear loiiRor, nnd nro of greater valuo
than nnv other make.
Wltrvr you llv. you cn oMata W. L.
DouilMthM. lilt nam nJ prlc llantpt '
on tii bottom, which proUcli you agalnit high
pi ne uu inifrmr anu, ('; . o '""'
tut: Atk your dtaltr lor W.L.Douglaiihoi
nil Iniltl upon havlnif Ihtm. . . .
fait Oolor C flttt n; thtv will not uyr trauif.
wriiiur lilutlratta taiaiogui ;
W. L, U0U0LAH, l)pl. I J, e.rockttt, M"
P. N. U,
o. 42-08
"S 411
IIKN wrlllnj to ailvartltan iloa
iBiiiiiiii tun iair. 1
"Wllllt llllplMHIN T. llfifl (KHiptlt full III
lovo nt llmt itllif" "Uttuiilly iimrrliiuo
11111I hccoiiiI nIkM."
"l)o ;oii think Im will miil.o her n
Kimil IniHlinniir "No. I think nho will
liinkn him n K(M)tl hlltilmiid."
Hlm-Hlr. If j on nttwnpt to IiIm mo
I hIiiiII 111 II for hull), lli I'or liclo?
Why, my ilcnr t;lrl, I nm cnpnhlu of do
liiK It nloiio! AiiMverM.
Oimlld Krlcnil Von will hnvo to
work hiird to win mi lielrc". Impu
ciiiiIoiu ()ni I'll hnvo to work n Jolly
itlKht hnrilcr ntlll If I don't Tltltlt.
Mm, AIJcii Oh, nwlly, tluit'H iilcul
And did ho truly my I tlldn't hIiow my
11 K? Mm. CuttliiK Wull it he wild
)ou wiro nlivnyN iry direful to conconl
Jnnoit Mnuy a wlito word In npolum
In Ji'itt. Milium Yd.; hu( they vmi't
iiimpiiro Mlth the iiiiiiihvr of foollnh
oiutn Npoki'ii In Miriioitt. Ciiiwii'irN Jour
"Hullo, old limn, mid how do you en
Joy iiinrrlcd life, ih? Kut hnvo nny
illfTcrcni-tti of opinion with jour wlfoV"
"Yint, hut I don't lot hur know nhout
1'ntliiT (Ntvrnly) Ko you'ru fnllwl
nKHlu In jour itxiimluiitloinil How du
juu osplnlu Hint? Hon I lew 11 c tlivy
wont nnd nitki-d mu tho wimu iiumtlonn
nn livftirtt.
t-'iitoiiier (nt IxKikatoro) Hnve you
n work on I ho urt of lottor wrltliiK?
New HhIimiiihii No, lr, I nhould think
)ou could lourn Hint Nt nny cornmiiond
I'tico H'hool,
I'n-d (Midly) It'n no urn. I told
)our fnther Hint I couldn't llo without
)oti. IMIth -And what did hu My to
Hint? I'nil Oh. hu uffitrod to jmy my
funeral oxitetiM.
Khi That'll all ry pretty, JHck;
hut do you think v cmii llvu oil lovo
nnd kluMHil llelt'it much the n.V4t
everything iImi la either mlillterntiil,
or i)litonwl. or tainted. I.lfv.
"Whnt nro you pilim to cnll your
utmiO" imkiil Jimkley, "'A llrokon
Vimc," riiIUM Itlnivr. "Ah I Hint n
nilniln nm of n little thlnu n Mrvnut
.. t.i ..r ..n.d .tMkt..wi utr ill., .titu... .tut
alll Ul li(tn iiiinnvi, ,i. liiu uiiivi in....
Hln And nro you riwlly no much
hotter ulnco you returned from nhronil?
lit- -Yon. I'm ijillto muither limn, Kho
- Well, I'm itiiro nil your frlciidH will
U dellKhtcil to hefir It! And ho In now
woiiderliiK Ifnlm meant nnthliin.
tIiorj!t Tho rim; diMwn't mi'iii to lit
very witll, Clnrn. Hadn't I letter take
It txick niul lmit It made itiimllur?
Clara No, tlottrKo; hu eiiUHKeiniiit rlntf
I an etiicaiRHiiiHit lime, even If I hail to
wear It around my ntwfc. Tll-Hlta.
1'Htlmr (at head of MalnO Ittliol,
what Mum U It? Ktliel (lu the draw
ing nwiii) It'a h (iiartr mid ttn,
father, rather All rlisht. Hon't for
Kot to Mart tho clock hkhIii nftur tho
youtiK limn room out to nut Ida trunk
I.nlnl WVII, Kiindy, you nro KttlnR
wry hunt. Why don't ou atnud ntrnlKlit
up llkn 1110, until l Handy Kh, uion, do
jou m-o Hint Held o' corn over there?
"I do." "W111I, jo'll notlco that tho
full liulda hmiK down, mid tho empty
onen iitniid Hit."
"I'vo coum to tho concluidoii," unld
tho mild iHtiidmlKt, "Hint I mux. hnvo
Ihi'ii (Kirn icrcnt." "You don't wiy?" ro
innrked Slnnlckaon. "Yea; nt any rnto
thcro doiHtn't npinmr to ho nny chnnco
of my nchlovliiK Krwiluowi or Imvlnc It
thritHt uiHin 1110."
A wrtttln K)pulr preacher U vory
nlwent minded. One day Ida wlfo enmo
Into hli htudy crjliu; In uiMiiy, "Oh! I
hnvo hwallowcd n phi I" Ho mnllwl ten
derly I "Don't worry, my dear," ho wild,
art ho fuinblwl at Ida wnUtcont, "here,
hero la another pin !"
Klic Iluro' an IntcriwtliiB utory of
11 man w ho Iwiwd to ho hunt to prlhou
In jdnro of Ida wlfo. Ho Aha ! and yet
you alwiija declare that men aro never
Holf-wierlllclni:. HI10 Well, Hda iniiu'a
wlfo hiipiwiiod to lut 11 wnKliorwoninn,
and If ho went to prison ho'd hnvo to
work. Bmlth'M Weekly.
In timid Mvhuii,
lii a nlaco In Now Jcraoy tho town
olllccra 'lind Juut put wimo llreoxtln-
Kulahera lu their Ma tmlldliiKa. O110
itnv 0110 of tho hulldliikM Ciiuuht tiro,
hiivh tho l'hllndehihla l'lihlle Ledger,
and tho oxtliiKUlBherii fnllinl to do their
A few days later nt tho town meet-
liiK tsotuo cltUeua tried to learn tho rea
son. Aftor they lind freely discussed tho
subject, 0110 of them said, "Mr. Chair
man, I niako a motion that tho tlro-ox-tliiKUlxucrH
ho examined ton daya bo
foro uvcry flro."
Mrs, Itrowno Our llttlo Oeorso got
"meritorious commendation" lu school
hiHt term.
Mrs. Mnlnpron Yo don't say I My I
Ahi't It nwful what quoor dlsonscs chil
dren ketches In school theso days?
VUlladolpkla rrcsa.
Toprkn. "Thin la cmo of tho xroat
cat, If aot tho Krcateat, jonrs III Knn
sna' hlatory," anld HecretHry Cohiirn,
tho fnmouaM'oro Uccmt for tho Ktate'a
proHxirlty, to a 'J'opekn correapoiideiit
the other, dny. "Tho fnrmera nro jjet
tint; tho l'-tt of It. No mortnla on
earth imywhoro nro m well preparotl
for hnppllican."
Ho had Jtmt completed Ida entlinnte
of practlcnlly 1WVXX,WXJ Imnliela of
IiIkIi Kradu wheat na tho crop of tho
Ktnto thla year. And this great crojH
tho Krcateat rained hy nny Ktnto lu tho
nation comet not after famine, hut
na tho climax of hvcii proftpuroua
jeiira hi which dehta Jiavo been paid,
mortk'iiKt'a canrehil, luiprovitiiciita of
uvcry Mirt iiddetl.
Thoy aro anvlm; their wheat money.
Much of It la koIiik Into b.iiika. Tho
Ktnto hna a bank to every lv'tl people,
more limn any other Ktnto. Hundred
of them hnvo farmers for shareholder
chlelly. Their only dllllculty la to llnd
plnciti to loan the depostta.
Olio ctiuntry hank with flO,00 capi
tal recently had f H',(KJ de"Hlt, mid
thrce-fourtha of thla lu cash, hoenUKO
no 0110 lu tho iiolKhlKirhooil wanted to
lairniw' It. It wna In tho himrt of tho
whoat bolt where -0 now banks hnvu
lieiai chnrterwl lu tho (Hiat 00 days.
Hut they nro KcttliiK k'""d thlnca nut
of life, too. Why not with tJtJO,X),000
lu cash fur n Mimic crop?
Ton yoara nco a Iiouko furunco waa
rare lu KiiuanH. Now tho hardware
and pliimhliiK wnKoua aro acnttcreil
throuith tho country settlni; up fur
uacea In fanners houses. Knmu way
with hath tubs, same wny with tele-phoiu-,
rubbor-tlriil IiujkIoh, plnnoa
(not orsmiN na of old), and all tho
multitude of things that K" to make up
In one tittle town .TOO phonogrnph
have Uini sold In the past year, at VX)
to K) ihicIi. In that county nro S.OOO
farmers' tchphonoH two of tho Ii.1 ru
ral mall carriers mnke their trips dab
ly In automohllca. Kvcry farm baa
dally mnll; covcntI wnKoua tnko chil
dren to union schools.
Wheat money la "velvet" moro than
any other the Kansas fanner receive.
Only l,M)00iHiplc live lu Kansas
HhiiikIi imiro ar coinlui; rapidly lie
chum) of the promise of couiHitney.
Thla la about the same as Philadelphia
baa. Thoy Iihvo put $lia),(R0,(NJ0 lu
the hanks and nrenddliiKto tho amount
reKUlnrly, Think what It moans to
dump JfdO.WMUKH) In cash Into theStato
from one crop nlono.
Slain tip a Nllnur Sinn.
Two dollars Hint bad Ihi-ii taken Into
a till were holding a convoniatton to
Ketlier. Thla was not an unusual cir
cumstance, Ihiiiuso evcrjixHly under-
stands that money talks. "I would
hnto to be the wife of tho man who
owns ua now," snld one dollar to tho
"Here, too," snld tho other dollar.
"If he squeezes her na hu does us bo
will break every Nino In her body."
"I notice, however," answered the
other coin, "that tho ninn who squeeze
a dollar hard); ;"cr ki.ucozoh his wlfo."
Council (Irovo (Kan.) Guard.
"Yoiiiik Dr. Wulkor nlwnys lm
pressed 1110 aa having nerves of Iron,
JuiIkIiik by tho cool way ho iter
formed the most serious operations,"
remarkeil his friend, "but yesterday
when I met him lu consultation ho
waa tho most excited man I hnvo scou
for n lout; while."
"It .must have been a most unusual
nnd extraordinary ensu."
"No, 0110 of tho doctor's owu chil
dren lind a mild attack of measles."
Loudon Tlt-ltlta.
"My I" exclaimed Mr. Klumsny, at tho
summer hotel hop, "this door's awful
ly slippery. Ifs hard to keep on your
"Ohl" replied tils fair partner, sar
castically, "then you were really try
lUK to keep on my feet? I thoujjht It
was ucclileutnl." lMilladelphln Tress.
Trout Positive.
Daisy Didn't tho count hnvo nny
money at nil?
Mnide Mercy, do you supposo ho
would liavo lunrrlcd Illrdlo l')llansbeo
If ho had had any money? Clavolnnd
Plain Dealer.
Men In the penitentiary havo Just
truouKh to oat, nnd think they do not
hnvo enough; frco men hnvo too much
to oat
-"i-- --UiSitil s9
.slmllntini ilicFoodiindl.cduJa
lln ihc Sloinacls and iim'cls of
Promolcs Dltjcstion.ChcciTul
ncss nnd Hcst.Conlalns neither
Onluin.Morpliinc norJincral.
JSwpfkm Stvm
Apcrfcct Itenictly rorConslIpn
llon,SourSlotnnch.DiarriKca Worms .Cortvulsiorta .Kcwri slt
ncss nnd Loss of Smcu
Facsimile Signature of
llnpr Defrrrrd.
Dlnirau Shadbolt, I'vo borrowed a
rood many little sum from you, at on
time and another. Do you know Just bow
much I owe you?
Kbiilbott (with alacrity) Yes; It's ex
actly 195.
DlngUM Then let me hare $5, will
7011? That will make It an even hundred,
snd It will be msler for me to rrmembr.
ft DCACTCoprorwRAPPca ly
An ounce of grease is sometimes the only difference between
profit and loss on a day's teaming. YOU know you can't afford
a dry axle - do you know as well that Mica Axle Grease is the
only lubricant you can afford? Mica Axle Grease is the most eco
nomical lubricant, because it alone possesses high lubricating prop
erty, great adhesive power, and long-wearing quality. Hence, the
longest profitable use of your outfit is to be had, only when the
lubricant is Mica Axle Grease.
Mica Axle Grease contains powdered mica. This forms a
smooth, hard surface on the axle, and reduces friction, while a spe
cially prepared mineral grease forms an effective cushioning body be
tween axle and box. Mica Axle Grease wears best and longest one
greasing does for a week's teaming.
si iff sV 1 . m
5Jjqr0. A
rvriii mi vj
Z-Z ' mr " .
Tlio Kind You liavo Always
in iiho for over 30 years,
nnd 11ns uccainnuonnuer his pcr--z-"
Sonnl 8upcrvIIon Blnco Its Infancy.
f-CcccAzAi Allow no 0110 to deceive yon In IIiIh.
ffi OuzZ.
All OoiinfcrfeltH, Imitations nnd" Jut-n-Rood,nro but
Experiments that trlflo trllh nnd cntlnnjor tlio health of
Iniiiuts and Cluldrcn Expcrlcnco iifalmt Expcrhncnt,
What is CASTOR I A
Cnstorla Is n harmless substitute for Castor OH, Pare
goric, Drops nnd Soothing Syrups. It is PJcnwint. It
contains neither Opium, Morphino nor other Karcotlo
ubsUincc. Its ago Is its guarantee. It destroys "Wonn
nnd allays Fcvcrlshncss. It cures Diarrhoea nnd "Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Conrtlpatlon
nnd Flatulency. It nsHlnillatcs tho Food, regulates the
Stomach nnd Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Boors tho
The KM You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years
Tc eiirrauit eofir, tt murat Tatrr. MntTesscrrv
Wlfety I'orctbotsslif. I ' .i Tnlhrr.
Wlfo It's all right If yon bnvel While the Kaler cultivates a mn
falled. I have IfCOO saved up from ' tacho with the well-luiown upward
money that you've siren me from time twirl, his son. the crown prince, clips
to j bis straight ncross, toothbrush fashion. That will bo a big help. ( He seems to be developing on Indlrlda
"Help? I guess It wllL Why, that , al.ty of bis own In other respects as
will Just buy my winter outfl:." Bos- j well, and bids fair to become the on
ion (J lobe. tlthcsls of his father.
mica xte urease saves horse power
consequently saves feed. Mica Axle
Grease is the best lubricant in
the world use it and draw a
double load. If your dealer does not
keep Mica Axle Grease we will tell
you one who does.
Standard Oil Co.
Bonght. and Tvhlch lina been
lias borno tlio slnatnro oC
Sifjnaturo of