;', t. -t LOCAL BITS. Reiiiomlxjr tlic lmiul Ikjv.h' dance tomoriow iii(;lit. It, C. Piitk of Redmond wits n luirtinuiw culler in Henri ycsterriiiy. Mm. W. A. Dnlert Iiiin been vlnlt itiK recently al the mrntul Iioiiil' nt Mitchell. Strong young mint wiuitw work on much. Apply to lUv McGu.i. vk.vy, Ilcnd, Oregon. jitf Chief Kngium Wr-ggoner of Hi Oregon Short Line vm in Mend (hi; first of the week. The Catholic I,lim Altnr society Nvlll meet with Mm. Georgu Hro teiliotis next WerinetHlny afternoon. MtA. R. J. McCnnii whs down from Iter hometteml in ig-12 to nwnd Sniidiiy in Ikenri, returning Mot nitty. C. M. Weynionth mid Klnw 'NiyOiiRr were in thu Sllvur I.nku country the first of thu weak look itiK for tlmlxtr clniniM. , J. K. Kollock, 11 prominent at torney of Portland,, win. in Ilcnd from .Saturday to Tuunday on l)iii 11 eiw umtter;. Nick Smith Iim moved with lii fnniily and IioukcIioIiI good onto their homcMtend on thu river several "inileii south of Bend. Colonel VmIc. Koverntncntiuspec tor of tiiNil rotittM, whk in Ilcnd , Sunday iittotiriitiK to matters con nccteri with his position. On account of the hand boy' tinned, the moving picture concert Iim postponed its (Utc until next Vttrine.M.uy evening, Oct. 31. The Henri Social Club were very well pleased with the rtwult.s of the jiiovinc picture Dhow hut week. Thuy cliwiwl ftomctliing like $12. All bills due utc and not paid by TS'oveinlrcr 1 will lx placed in the hands of an attorney for collection, with cotits added. C. A. Chapman. A number of Ilcnd people have Wen in attendance at court in Wimvillc thi week, both a.s wit hcKio ntid priuciiMils in different enscs. A large barn is being built oil the Ilaldwiu ranch cast of town, measuriiiK 36x80 fst, with 18 foot pouts, Later n larga house will uo c built. V. K. Cuirlii, Sr., of New York and 0. II. Hnswull, Jr., of Seattle . arrived In Hend Tuesday to look after tholr ranch interests ncitr - llend. They lelt Tliunnlny morn- IllR. 'Ji. M. Drown, a wealthy cattle uiau of the Klamath country, him1 throtigl llend Wednesday pit his way to Prineville. Mr. . Drown was. formerly 0 resident of Crook county. . Croeri Tripktt, II. J. P. McDou- Jjild, Mrs. Itrdmau and Miss" Umiiia Krduiau were at Silver I.aku the The Central Ore gon Banking Trust Company INCUUItlHATMl IM. Capital 52fi.ooo.oo Trnnsnctft 11 (leneral Hniik Injj IJusliifSS. Acts ns Admlnlstrntor, lix ecutor or Trustee of listntes Issues Drafts diul Hank Money Orders 011 nil Foreign Countries. ) Interest on Time Deposits Safe Deposit Boxes, Plre Insurance. DIKKCTOIIS: A. M. Drake, A. I,. Gooilwlllle, l'ronlilcnt. Vire I'ron. J. M. Lawrence, Secretary. ' If. 0. Minor, Cashier. MINI). OttKOON first di the week nttcmliiiK to iim her matters. Mr. Triplett and Miss Hriliitau made final proof on timber claims, If you arc losing your hair try a bottle of Thorp's Herb Nourish muni. It is guiirantcud to stop lulling hair, remove dandruff, and produce h new growth of lmir. l'or side by V. S. Nichol. jotf C. II. McNie. who Iihn Ixhsii buy iiiX limber for the Sciiiiloii'Gintou Lumber coiupnuy hercnliouU dur ing the summer, linn returned to Minnesota to reimiin duritiK the winter. lie will return to Dend in the spring. , W. II. Wilson will start for Shnnlko in a few days with Mrs. Wilton, who will go to Portland for nu extended stay. Mrs. P. O. Minor, who Jims been in Portland for several weekn, will return to Item! from Shauiko with Mr. Wil son, On account of the change of time in the Tuiualo mail stage, it is now iieccMNiry for The Dulletiii to go to pretw not later than 9:30 Priday morning. Consequently all notices, news items, etc. should be in this office not later than Thursday after noon. K'ev. J. C. George of I.nidlaw, will conduct the Christian Kudeavor meeting next Sunday evening. Subject: "Livingstone, and Missions to Africans, in the Dark Continent and in America." Text, Is. 68: i-35. There will be preaching mtrvires following this meeting. The Dend Sccin.1 Club promise the M.'oplu of the town another in tcrcMtiug entertainment Wednesday evening, Oct. 31, when Dr. C. 15. McCnfferty will shown large variety ol moving pictured, using an Ivdisou projectoscopc. One of the features advertised is the Passion Play of Oberammurgau. Admission 25 and 50 cents. The first of November Ihe D. I. & P. will put on a force ol men to clean and repair their canals. Silt, rubbish, etc. that has accumulated during the summer will be removed and all leaks plugged up. When this work is finished, the crew will probably be used in building later als under both the Pilot Duttc and Central Oregon canals. The train on which Mr. and Mrs. John Trisler come West Was held up by train robbers last week not far from Ogdcn. The robbers did not get much booty, however, and did. not molest the passengers. Mr. and Mrs. Trisler arc the parents of Mrs. 15. C. Park of Redmond and will s-pcud the winter with their. daughter in Oregon. Tom Sharp and Harry Corbet t, who with Jim Overturf and "Dill" Drock hnd been hunting bear in the up-river country for the past 10 days, returned to Duud Wednesday nfter tagging two black bears. Mr. Corbett said they got track of a huge bear, "the father of all bears" as he called It. probably the famous old grizzly, ami followed it (or some time but was finally forced to give it up. Messrs. Ovurturfaud llrock are itill enjoying the sports of the chase. A large hunting party left Dend Monday morning for a bear hunt in the up-river country. It was composed of Mr. and Mrs. A, M. Drake, Dr. U. C. Coe, A. I.. Good willie, Attorney C. S. Wood of Portland and (laughter Liza rind Miss Catherine Hums. Charley Cotter went as cook and W. P. Vandcvert as guide. Thursday Attorney Wood returned to Dend on his way to Portland, having been summoned home by a telegram. C. 15. Harney drove up and brought Mr. Wood back to Dend. The rest of the party will hunt several days longer. There' is a great scarcity of labbr in tile 'Dend-, country. Unncliers busy and the saw mills have diffi culty to keep a crew large enough to keep the mills running. Many buildings arc being erected in the surrounding country and every day several loads of Ittmbcr ure hauled from the Duud mills. Similar re porlt conic from the Ilightowerfe Smith, the Dorrnuce and the Sis ters Haw mills, all rcortiiig a large wile of lumber. Many acres of laud are being cleared and prepared lor next year' crop. This is all devel opment work, and no man need be idle. Much land in being sold by the I). I. & P. company this fall. Yes terday Prank GlasM was in Dend with C. C. Close of Grangevillc, N. I)., and J. S. Smith of Coeur d' Aleue, Idaho. These gentlemen bought laud a few miles east ot Dend and will move onto their new DosscMNious at once. Mr. Glass also stated that Dr. Kllis and brother of Keardon, Wash., had purchased the old Glen Ilcudrick sou ranch northeast of Dend and would move onto the ranch next month. Young Dros. of Coulee City, Wash,, had purchased laud near the Hendrickson rancland will settle on it next winter or in the spring. Hon. 15. D. King of Sandusky, Ohio, arrived in Bend Monday. Judge King is interested in the Deschutes Telephone company and came to attend to business matters. The judge and W. 15. Gucriti, Jr., were formerly law partners in the liast. Mr. Kiug is a father of Clif ford King an engineer formerly in the employ of the D. I. & P. com pany at Dend and who is now em ployed by the government on its Minidoka project in Idaho. While coming West, Judge King visited the lands tinder this project and he is also well acquainted with the West in general. He states that in his opinion the Dend country has more opportunities and bt Iter prospects for a bright future than any other section of the West. He left Thursday morning to return to the 15ast. Card of Thanks, I dcfllre to cxprem my siucote Ulnk to tliiMc ftlcmU vlio, by their yniMthy, kind ttonW and ilctsU. IicI'hmI o mater ially to lighten the iturrowfut liurclen eauted tiy the death anil luiriiU of my liuUml. I alto ntn vtry tlwtikfut to the Hieititwr of the Woodmen of the WorM lixlfje fur their kind nrtiaUntc at the funeral. Mx. Okokc.M K.MttR. TtiOROUUIIUKI-D Black Langsiian Cockerels FOR SALB Your Choice Now for1 75 Cents. IS. C. PARK RltDMONI), - - OKKRON My fowl took seven fiwU ami llircc frectiiiiU at the fair iM Mil W Slaughter Sale! Having purchased the Chapman stock of dry goods, etc, the same will be sold at greatly reduced prices. This stock must be sold at once I to make room for a fine We havti Sonic fine bargains in Dry Goods SKoes, Ladies' and Men's burnishings, Crockery, Tinware, Etc., Etc. CHAPMAN'S OLD QTANO oi llAHllltH SlIOl' AND 1I.VT1IS IN IIOTIU. Hotel B end flUQH O'KANH, Prop. , MOST Cl'TMA' I.OCATHI) HOTlU. IN lltjNI). SAMPLv!lOOM IN CONFJECtfON. j New House, New Furniture, Reosoimble'lialea. Good Rooms ....... . . . .(.r.,-n 1 ; nxltiJJncfielorn. Nyssrt, in Malheur county, has a bachelors' club, organized for the purpose of reducing the number of bachelors in that town and increas ing the number of marriage licences issued. Knch member of the organ ization is pledged under heavy penalty to marry within a given lime. 1 he young ladies of Nyssa are said to be greatly interested in the movement, and look upon it with found expectations and in anticipation ol blushing results. Lnkcview Kxamiuer. Prlncvlllc's New Church. The M. 15. church people have bought the C. Sam Smith residence tiroperty near the court house, says the Journal. The house will be moved back and used for a parson age. Whether a new church build ing will be started this fall or not will deieud upon how subscriptions come in. At the present rate the church will go up. The amount? subscribed has pased the $1,200 mark. Our Methodist friends arc much pleased at the substantial manner in which their appeal fori aid has been met. Hood River Strawberry Plants for Sale The Clark Seedling variety that has made Hood River famous; 75c a hundred, $5 a thousand. Well rooted plants. 25-32 I.. D. WntfiT, Dend, Or. Chickens for Sale. I have for sale some pure-bred Darrcd Plymouth Rock hens; also some spring chickens, fine for table use. Can deliver at Dend if de sired. Mks. C. D. Ai.utN, 27tf Dend, Oregon. THE First National Bank of Prineville. Httablithcd iHMi. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits, $100,000.00 ll V. Alttn Will Wuriwrtlcr.. T. M.IUMwIii II. lUUltrln. .1'rnMrnt . . .Vkr ItrtMcnt CMhltr ..-AmUuiu Cathicr Columbia Southern RAILWAY. rASSKMGKR TRAIN TIMK CARD. South beund . Notht- louud Me. 1 IMtUV rM'.. LMAVH P.M. MO. I. IIAILV PAM. STATIONS. lARKtVK A.M. I n 1 to I 44 a U 1; a J a 4 a 41 U J4 J u 44 4 eo 4 2 4 at j 00 ...... III0O8. ..-.... ,... .OBfWHM MHW.....I jtll'"" ..... ,,. WM - ititt..i...H Kvll"j " . Bvft. .Summit ..... lly Cinvm Junction-...- ,... McIVmmM- .... ... ..l,lm ... farn II jo II 19 II to II CO la 4J IS 4 U H 19 is 94 9 34 9 9 19 U A 4 8 8 00 LKAVK r....M. ."UV.linriUe ' Or VaLcjr - ... IkHittwn.. . I Kent Wlleo .SIIANIKO ' AUHIVN Ially Uic com tw1 tout t ShaiilUo for Antcl iic. 1T1hfvHI. Iteml, llutnt, hilvr IjtVt, Lako vtow, MlMhll, tuyvill. Anloiif, A.hwood. Cad yi City. JohN IHy City, aixl VonHI. K 0. woonnKKRV. C. !'. I.YTI.K,. Huj-trluttivlcnl. I'lmll'A. Shanlko.Orv. line of winter goods. tf tionnii 1 rnutnAWV ...lriJV miiiAUiivL, v.vmrrtii i m mm CORSUR llOMl AND OKliC'.ON STltKHTS .... ,i.L . .. H PILOT BUTTE INN A. C. LUCAS, Proprietor Tables supplied with all the delicacies of the season First-class Itquipinont Pine Rooms and Dcds All stages stop at the hotel door Z. F. OllNIiRAL c onimission MERCHANT. SI1ANIKO, - OREOON "". Large, Commodious Wnrehouss. Consigomenls Solicited Prompt nttpntlon pld to those who favor me with their patronage THROUGH FROM BEND SHANIKO-PRINEYILLE PRINEVILLE-BENP SCHEDULE SOUTHBOUND Leave Shaniko 6 p. m. Arrive Prineville 7 a. m. Leave Prineville 12:30 p. m. 'vitivc xenu 7:00 p. in. FIRST-CLASS EQUIPMENTS L PASSENGER AND FREIGHT. RATES REASONALE , . 1 m My 11 11 m MSZflT? -1"- Bend Livery & W. J. ROBISO, Proprietor. 'LlVRV, and FEED STABLfe Horses Boahded by the Day, WvHk or Month c First-Class Lfvery Rfes for faint. ' Thone Ko. 15 8-mdftrect, between Mlnncaots aad Orrson, RALPH SHELDON General Blcxksmithing and Wagon Repik-ihg HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY JC"" Our shop is-locatcd .r. BEND'S NEW MEAT MARKET ; UAI.I. STKKirr, Opposite D. M. Co. , j THE fiinest stock of FRESH MEATS in Crook County. Cured Meats and Lard and all the Accessories of a First-Class Market. Everything: new and of the best. WHITE & HILL. REPEATING No matter how blir thfc bird, no awlft ita flight-, you tan bring It to bog with a long, strong, I strait-lit nhootim Wlnchdster Reneatlntr Shoteun. Kcaulta are what ' count. They always -give tfo shooting, and are sol" within FREE l Siai mm ami adJrttt Jn a -irTYT lii.i 1 MOODY and forwarding 1 TO SMANIKO IN ONE DAY 'QTAfiP TTMR I OlAUC 11111 S'ORTHDOUND Leave Bend 6:00 a. in. Arrive Prineville 12:00 m. Leave Prineville x.p. tn. I .rurivc onaujKo i a. tn.. . 10R TRAVELLING PUBLICi Transfer Co, . ; "Bend, Oregon . ITFSP? ..! T opposite Baptist Church. R SHOTGUNS tnctter how heavy its plumatro or best results In field, fowl or trap reach of everybody's pocketbook. ' fOiM - carJ tor our Urft tlluitrattj tatthtu. S F arc iookiuq tor men, carpenters arc