vawwMWt J"" V V"WW? ' "" I? II -'"' UiWK I Jl i) IS GUILTY OF CRIME Jury Says Vanderbllt Road Gave Sugar Men Rebates. LAWYER BLAMES PUBLIC OPINION Company and Its Traffic Manager May Each Bo Fined In Sum of $120,000 for Offense. New York, Oct. 18. A Terdlct ol guilty ol granting rebates on sugar shipments wts returned by a jury in the United Stairs court here today against the New York Central Railroad company and Frederick L. Pomeroy, the company's general traffic manager. Sentence was deferred until Friday to petmit the attorneys for the defense to file motions with the court. In discussing the jury's verdict, Aus tin G. Fox, counsel for the defendants, placed the resposlbility for the convic tion of his clients upon public opinion "You can't defend rebate cases Jin the present state of public opinion." said be. According to the provisions of the Elkins act, undor which the convictions were secured, the maximum penalty is a fine of f 20,000. As both the Central and the personal defendant, Frederick L. Pomeroy, are conTicted by the deci sion of the jury on all of the counts chargfd in the indictment, the total fine for each can be $120,000. Letters from Lowell M. Palmer, manager of the traffic business of the sugar refining company, to Mr. Pome roy, acknowledging the receipt ot drafts amounting to thousands of dollars, wero admitted. It is charged that these drafts represented the payment of & rebate of 6 cents per hundredweight on shipments of sugar to W. II. Edgai A Bon. CHINA ARMING FOR FIGHT. Increasing Army and Revenue Under Two Great Statesmen. Washington. Oct. 18. Conditions in China, which were generally suppose! to have improved since the cessation of the boycott on American goods and its consequent agitation, are really much woree, and the anti-foreign feeling is greater than it ever was. Information of an absolutely trustworthy character has raeched Washington to this effect. The Chinese army, under the guid ing hand of Ynan Bbin Kai, considered by those who know China to be the greatest man in the country, is being increased at a tremendons rate, and the government is putting a great deal of money into its main fighting force Yuan Is viceroy of the province of Chi li, in which Pekin Is situated. He bar very great inflaence and his main poll cy seems to be to increase the army. This fact, coupled with the show of for eign hatred, which is becoming more and more apparent, makes the situation serious. 'Tank dhao Yi is rapidly becoming one of the most powerful men in China Not only has he an enormous salary as viceroy, but he is also vice president of the foreign office and director general of the railway between Hankow and kta, and occupies the sun position in regard to the railroad from Pekin to Nlu Chwang. PLOTTING AGAINST ALLY. Charge Is Made by Russian Writer Against Japan. Bt. Petersburg. Oct. 18. The Bt. Petersburg Telegraph Agency has re ceived a dispatch from Toklo raying that the anti-British movement in In dia is receiving much encouragement from Japan, where every effort is being made to foster a feeling of kinship be tween the two dark races and to preach the lessons of the Rnsso Japanese war The Hindoo students now In Tokio, the correspondent of the agency contin ues, have just published an addrees, in which they appeal to India to need the call of "Asia for the Asiatics," and to rise and cast off the British yoke. For United Tariff Revision. Logansport, Ind., Oct. 18. Senator Beveridge spoke here tonjght, before a large audience, making hie first politi cal speech in the Indiana campaign. The senator devoted the most of the ad dress to a discussion ot the tariff. He made o plea for a limited tariff revis ion. Ha said there should be changes in some tariff schedules because the conditions under which they were made have changed and It would be better not to imperil the whole pro tective system by putting of! admitted ly needed changes. Militia Ordered Out. Columbia, 8 O., Oct. 18. Governor Heyward has ordered out the militia to prevent a threatened disturbance at the hanging Friday at Conway of Com mander Johnson, a white man of means, accsned ot having murdered OT. Jiariuuu J, uiaiugoc, i CYCLONE IN SOUTH. Cuba and Florida Swept by Heavy Gale All Wlros Down Fort Pierce. Fla . (V: ll The con ductor ou train No. 98, Jul In from Miami, reports terrible deatrnct ou there by the hurricane yosterday Fill ly 100 houses were blown down, and tlio city is in n demoralised condition. Tho handsome churches of the Episcopal and Methodist denominations were both blown down. The concrete jail was leaulng, with danger ot turn ing over, and the prisoners bad to bo removed. The car shods are blown down and the top as blown off the pen Insula and Occidental strainer sheds. A two-story urick hnllding collapsed. Houses Ruined at Key West. St. Augustine, Fla , Oct. 10 Fre quent messages were received at the wiroleis telegraph station here yester day giving the progress of a severe hur ricane, which swept from Cuba to the lower east coast ot Flordia. Early in the morning the storm was reported in the vicinity ot Havana, doing great damage there, but details aro lacking. Later the storm reached Key West, blowing down mall houses and trees, being particularly severe along the water front. Havana Totally Isolated. New York, Oct 19. At 2 o'clock this morning cable communication with Havana bad not been restored and the Western Union company was unable to got in connection with Miami or Key West, the land lines throughout Southern Florida having been pros trated. It is impossible to get Information that will give any bails for an estimate ol the damage in Havana. The cable lines on the western Cuba end are con nected with Havana by land wires and the presumption is that these wires have been put out ot commission, a single dispatch received by the Asso ciated Press from Santiago de Cnba tatlng that the weather there Is clear. This dispatch came by way of Bermuda, but Santiago de Cuba, which is nearly 500 miles from Havana, re ports tLat all wires to the capital are down. GUILTY AS CHARGED. Verdict of Jury Against Standard In Ohio Case. Oil Findlay, Ohio, Oct. 19. After de- liberating 32 hours the jury in the care of the Bute of Ohio against the Stand ard Oil company, ot Ohio, returned a verdiit ot guilty on the charge of con spiracy against trade In violation of the Valentine anti-trust law. The verdict was rendered at 4:35 o'clock this morning, the jury havlnfe announced its readiness to report exact ly at 4 o clock. The court and attor neys arrived in a half hour, when the verdict was rendered. As the jury was leaving the room Mr. Troup stepped up to the court and raid he wished to make a motion for a new trial ot the case. Judge Banker assured him that all such motions would be entertained, as a matter of course. Tho court at once adjourned and five minntea alter the verdict bad been rendered the building was dark and deserted. NO CHINESE ON CANAL. Chairman Shonta Says None of These Menials Will Be Employed. Chicago, Oct. 10. Chinese labor is not being employed in the Panama canal rone, nor will it be, according to Chairman Shonta, of the canal commis sion, who is in the city to attend th celebration of his mother's eighty-third birthday. Mr. Bhonts said sinlUry conditions on tho canal zone are excel lent and work progressing steadily. "I cannot imagine how tho report was started," he said, "that Chinese were being employed as laborers on the canal. I have never contracted for Chinese labor, but simply inviUd bids. Tbero are no Chinese employed in Pan ama, to my knowledgo, except, per haps, as laundrymen, and none will bo. The published stories that 6,000 of them are at work in the canal tone is absurd." Tracks Full of Cart. San Francisco, Oct. 19. Freight shipments to flan Francirco over the Southern Pacific have again been tied np. The new embargo will become effective tomorrow and no more freight will be received for shipment to Ban Francisco or Oakland yards or forward. The congestion has rapidly been in creasing since the embargo was remov ed. At present over 8.600 cars are standing idle on the tracks. Cars have been coming into the city at the rate of over 400 every day and all efforts to get them nnloaded have proved of no avail, Japanese Sealors Claim Damages. Victoria, B. 0., Oct. 19. According to advices from Japan, directors of the Toyl Fishing company, of Wayakama, owners of the schooner Toye Mam No. 5, which bad five men killed and IS captured when raiding the Bt. Panl Is land rookery In Bering sea, last July, bavo approached the Japanese govern ment asking that a claim for damages be lodged with tbo American government. OREGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST """"'"""'""""""-"" OREGON FIR FOR PULLMANS, Millions of Feet Used Every Year for Palace Cars. Portland In 18 mouths Portland has furnished between 40,000,000 and 60,000,000 teet of fir lumber for uso In tho construction of cars at tho shops ot tho Pullman Car company, located at Pullman, III. In the purchaso of this material, tho company has expended close to $1,500,000. Theso figures aro vouched for by Al bert Jonss, purchasing agent of the Pullman company, who was sent to tho West 18 months ago to buy lumber. The first is used exclusively for sldlnR on boxcars, and, besides tho lumber bought here, more is continually being contracted tor in other sections. Borne ot the material la dressed, snch as floor ing, siding and the like, while more has been shipped rough. There is no prospective cessation ol the buying so far as the pine is con cerned, and, while yellow pine Is also largoly used, that Is not being drawn from this locality. In the construction ol sleeping and passenger cars only hard woods are utilised, particularly (or finishing the Interior. Nome ma terial is often left In dry kilns four or rive months, subject to slow heat and the air drying process, In order that when fitted In cars it is perfectly sea soned. Prices of Cattle Advancing. La Grande Peter O'Sullivan, who has just returned from a visit to Wal lowa county, says that one of the chlot causes for the prevailing prosperity in all sections of that country is the in crease in tho price ot cattle. Repre sentatives of the Pacific Meat company are making large purchases, and Walla Walla buyers are looking for feeders. The range leasing plan has proved very satisfactory, and the forming ot separ ate boundaries for cattle and sheep has resulted to the advantage of the cattle, which come from tho range in fine con dition. Apples at the Fruit Fair. Hood River The exhibit ot apples grown by A.' I. Mason, which took the sweepstakes and several other ptixes at the Hood River Fruit fair consisted of three boxes taken from 0 year-old trees, planted 63 to the acre. The trees averaged five and a half boxes, and altogether he took 1,141 boxes from bis orchard. In the entire yield there were only 64 wormy apples dur ing the season and the trees were sprayed six times with arsenate of lead. In tho wholo yield there were only 64 boxes that went smaller than four tiers to the box. Wants Passenger Bridge. Oregon City For the accommodation ot tho peoph of Oswego, the Clackamas county court will be asked to negotiate with the Southern Pacific company to tho end that the county may construct an upper deck on the company's rail road bridge to be constructed across the Willamette river at Oswego. The plan of the Oawrgo people who will petition the county conrt foi this action Is to secure for themselves a means of cross ing the Willamette river and more di rect communication with this city. Institute Arouses Interest. Myrtle Point The Farmers' Insti tute and fair, which has Just closed, proved a great siccess. The display of agricultural products convinced all vis itors of the agricultural possibilities of the region about Myrtle Point. Dr. Witbycombe of the Oregon Agiicntluial college gave an illustrated lectuie on tho treatment of the dairy cow. As this is a dairying region, this lecture was well attended and tho farmers irot many benecfilal ideas from the doctor's! remarks. Land Withdrawn From Entry. The Dalles The local land office is in receipt ot a telegram from the com missioner of the general land office withdrawing from filing or entry, un der the coal land laws, all the public lands embraced In the following town shisp: Townships 6 south, ranges 24, 25 and 26, E. W. D ; townships 7 south, ranges 24, 25 and 26, E. W. D.; townships 8 south, ranges 25, 28, E W. D. Much Grain Accumulates. La Grande Homer Littleton, fore man of the Chas. Playle warehouse at AUcel, reports that a large quantity ol grain has accumulated, owing to the embargo placed against railroad ship ments of wheat from the Interior points to Portland, on account ot the grain handlers' strike, but that shipments Will now be resumed. Crook County Horses for Alberta. Pendleton Thirteen carloads of range horses 'were shipped from this city to Alberta last week. Tbey are owned by M. R. Cowell, and were tak en from the range In Crook county. The shipment was consigned to Shelby Junction, Mont., but the horses are de signed for the Alberta market, , ROCK CREEK'S FINE FRUIT. Growers Dusy Picking Largo Crop of Apples and Pears. Rock Creik Tho ranchers along Rock ctcok have stepped out ot tho hay harvest Into the fruit hatveat, and aie picking apples and pears. Fruit men are pioud of their orchards and claim that Hood River or any other locality In the Northwest can produce no liner fruit or more abundant yields. Fruit Is shipped (roiu this section to many important points in the East, and com pares favorably with any ot the pro ducts in these markets. Tho leading fruit growers uro William Head and A. A, Carothers. The former has au or chard ot 10 acres, the latter about 20 acres. Mr. Head has picked and ship ped about 300 boxes ol apples, peaches and pears to Spokane, Wnlla Walla and Pendleton and other points east, while some was shipped to Condon and Arlington. He estimates he will have 1,000 boxes ot winter apples for ship ment. Mr. Carothers has shipped 1, 000 bixrs ot fruit and will ship 1,300 more. These gentlemen get the high est prices for their fruit. Fruit grown on Hock creek captured first prise and gold medal at the Omaha exposition a few years ago. The exhibit was made by A. A. Carothers, and was a surprise to orchardlsts, packers ami dealers. Hops Are On the Up Grade. Salem The hop market at Halem has assumed a very active condition In the last day or two, and new every dealer In the city has orders (or hops at a slight advance over figures named a week ago. Krebs Urns, ha received an order for 1,000 bales at lfyi cents a pound. All other dealers ate offering that price. Krebs bought the Clan field crop of 176 bales at Dallas. Jos eph Harris and Catlln A Linn were also buyers on tho West side, at 1-' cents, while Lachmund A Plncus paid 17 cents for a choice lot bought from a dealer at Dallas. To Establish Big Sawmill. Albany A sawmill with a capacity ot 20,000 feet per day is to be estab lished six miles south of Brownsville by G. II. and K. II Dickinson, ot this city. A contract with the lessees of the land secti'txl requires that the plant bo In operation by January 1. PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Club, 04385c; bluestem, 0860c; valley, 67c; red, 6162c. Oils No. 1 white, 123.60024; gray, $22Q52 60. Barley Feed, $20.60 per ton; brew ing, $21.50; rolled, $23. Rye $1 35O1.40 per cwt. Corn Whole, $2flfa27; cracked, $28 per ton. Hay Valley timothy, No. 1, $10(3 11 per ton; Eastern Oregon timothy, $141410; clover, $0 60(37; cheat, $7ft 7.60; grain hay, $7; alfalfa, $11.60; vetch hay, $7Q7.60. Frnits Apples, common to choice, 25976c per box; choice to fancy, 76c $1.25; grapes, 60c3$1.60 per box; Concords, Oregon, 27Kc halt basket; peaches, 76cQ$l; pears, 76c $1.25; crabapples, $191,25 per box; prunes, 2650o per box; cranberries, Oregon, $3035 per box; quinces, $11.26 per box. Vegetables Beans, 67Kc; cab bage, iyi & l4a per pound; cauli flower, $1,26 per doxen; celery, 76 Q 85c per dozen; corn, 12Jg per dox en; cucumbers, 16o per doztn; egg plant, 10c per pound; lettuce, head, zuc per dozen, onions, 1U 12,'ijc per dozen; peas, 435c; bell peppers, 6c; pumpkins, lkt'c per pound; spinach, 486c per pound; tomatoes, 30 Q 60c per box; parsley. 1015c; sprouts, 7.MJC per pound; rqnash, lc per pound; turnips, 00c$l per sack; car rots, $1Q1 25 per sack; beets, $1.26 M0 per sack. Onions Oregon, $11.16 per hun dred. Potatoes Oregon Burbanks, deliv ered, 8085c; In carlots f. o. b. conn try, 76 & 80c; sweet potatoes, 2Q2Ho per ponnd. Butter Fancy creamery, 2530c per pound Eggs Oregon ranch, 3132c per dozen. Poultry Average old hens, 12c per pound; mixed chickens, 11 12c; spring. 12c; old roosters, 9 10c; dressed chickens, 14Q16Jc; turkeys, live, 1021c; turkeys, dressed, choice, 20 22c; geese, live, 010c; ducks, 14 ai5c. Veal Dressed, 608c per peund. Beet Dressed bulls, 22o per pound; cows, 406c; country steers, 6 5Xc Mutton Dressed, fancy, 7o per pound; ordinary, 6 Oc; lambs, fancy, 8c. Pork Dressed, 68c per pound. Hops 1008, 14010c per pound; 1005, nominal; 1004, nominal, Wool Eastern Oregon average best, 1318c per pound, according to shrink age; valley, 20 21c, according to fine ness; mohair, choice, 26928c. MRS, DAVIS DEAD, Widow of President of Confederacy Passes Awny. New York, Oct. 17. Mrs. Jeffersrn Davis, widow of the president ot the Confederacy, v ho Vas been III for m weeK nt the Hotel Majettlo In this city, died at 10(26 tail night. Denth was duo to pneumonia Induced by a severe, cold which Mrs, Davis con tracted upon bur tutiun from tlio Ail Irondacks, wliwrn shn had spent the summer months. Although grave four were felt Iroui the first, Mrs. Davis' wonderful vitality, which brought her salely through a similar attack n year ago, gavo hope ol ultimate recovciy until Monday night, when a decided change (or the woio was evdlent and tho attending physician announced that the and was near. It was then believ ed that Mrs. Davis could nut survive the night, but she rallied slightly dur ing the euily hours of yesterday. Bhortly after 7 o'clock yesterday morning she had a similar spoil and Rev. Nathan A. Heagln, rector ot St Btophnn'a Protestant Episcopal church, was hurriedly summoned to give religi ous com lor t to the natlent In her last moments nt consciousness. Tho clergy man remained some time and an hour later It was announced that Mis. Davis had lapsed Into a state of coma. The period of unconsciousness lasted to the ml. Mrs. Davis has for some yrars made her home In this city, where she had a wide circle ot Mends. Throughout her Illness solicitous Inquiries regarding her condition were continually made at her apaitments. STAYS UNDER SEA. Another French Submarine Boat Is Lost Oir Ulssrta. Illserta, Tunis, Oct. 17. Tho French submarine Lutin left this port this morning (or plunging experiment!. Signals received at 10 o'clock tonight reported her disappearance. Two tor pedo boats and three tugs went out In search of the submarine. It now appears almost certain, ac cording to the news received at a lata hour tonight, that the crew of the I.u tin has suffered a fate similar to that which overtook the crew of the subma rine Farfadet here last year. Tho crew ot the f.titln numbered 14 man. Admiral llellue, commander of the Tnnls naval division, who went out on boa id a tug, returned at a late hour to night and said that, owing to the heavy seas and the obscurity, it wss Impossi ble to continue lalvage operations until day. The tngi and torpedo boats, how ever, will remain through the night near the place where the Ltilln made her final plunge. One ot theso boats reports that its drag encounter reslstane as though a vessel were lying at the bottom. The government salvage steamers belonging to this port, will return In the morning and participate In tho work. Tho British consul general here pro posed to the French resident general to telegiaph to the British admiralty at Malta for salvage and assistance. This offer was accepted. The Lutin was a single srrew steel marine boat built at Rochefort In 1901. She was 135 feet long aad had a dis placement of 186 tons. SEAL RAID DELIBERATE. Japanese Crew Compelled Captain to Consent to Slaughter. Victoria, U. 0 Oct. 17. Clear evi dence Is forthcoming by advices receiv ed today by the steamsr Emprtrs of Ja pan that the raid on Bt. Paul Island by Japanese sealers was premeditated, and the statement that the Japanese landed for water and were treacherously fired upon by the Americans, as reported by the Japanese government by directors of the raiding schooner, Is siiown to be nntrue. Hunters of the raiding schoon er, Toye No. 2, which appeared off St, Paul island two days heforo the raid, went to the captain with tho ultimatum that unless he permitted them to go ashore and club seals on the rookery, they would refute to work and compel him to return. The master agrml. Further dlrcurslon took placo as to the division of prospective spoils, and knives were drawn, At midnight a boat was lowered with tho oarlocks molded and sent in, tho vessel being but a mile from the rookery in the fog, Four other boats followed. Make the Oregon New Ship. Washington, Oct. 17v. The Naval Construction board today approved es timates lor repairs to the battleship Oregon, which call for an expenditure of nearly $1,000,000. When the secre tary of the navy approves this report work will brgln at' Puget sonnd navy yard and will probably require two years to complete. One hundred thou sand dollars Is to be expended for new guns, $260,000 for repairs to machin ery, about $400,000 for general repairs to the hnll and superstructure, ardi mo,vuu ior new equipment. 8ecedo From New Union. Perth, Australia, Oct. 17. The leg- leatlive assembly today,by a vote ot 19 to 8, adopted a motion that the state of Western Australia secede from the rest of the commonwealth. HUNDREDS PERISH Storm Sweeps Florida, Cuba mid Control America, LOSS REACHES INTO MILLIONS. Shipping Hocolvos' Serious Blow and Everywhere Loss of Life Is Reported Great. Miami, Fla., Oct. 20. The steamer St. Lucie, Captain 1'ravo commanding, has sunk off tlm Florida coast. Ouo tteainnr arrived in port tonight bring ing 60 Injured, who were taken to tho hospital, and It Is said 28 dead bodlrti will bo brought up tomorrow. Captain Bravo iy that he anchored on tlm' leu sldn of Klllolt's Key, 26 miles south of Miami, yesterday morn ing and soon alterwmd a tidal wavo engulfed the entltu Island. lift rays thine went 260 residents on tho Island, all of whom where lost. Tho St. I. tivln as crushed by tho ranio avo and of tho 100 passengers on board 26 wem killed. Captain Ilravo was seriously Itijtiitsl, A oargn containing 100 people la raid to have been torn away from Its moorings at Elliott Key and alter wards picked up near the Bahama Islands, 60 ol her passengers having been drowned. Havana, Oct. 20, A cyclone, ot un precedented severity, accompanied by a terrillic downpour of rain, swept over the p'ovluces of Havana and Plnar del Rio Wednesday night and result d In 20 deaths In this city and tho serious Injury ol a dozen or morn perrons. The damairn Is estimated at fully $2, 000,000. Tho dead are alt Cubans of the pooler class. San Juan, Porto Rico, Oct. 20. The Red Hlar Line ateamtr Philadelphia, from La Uuayra, Venezuela, for New Yqk, arrived here today. Her cap tain reports that a Dutch steamer wasv lost in the cyclone at a point btwreu Caracas and La Quayra. Twenty miles ot the railroad con necting La Guayra with Caracas have been totally destroyed by tho storm, according to oillceis and passengers ot the Philadelphia. Ban Salvador, Oct. 20 A tempest has raged Incoisititly lor ten days throughout the republic, Hooding tho rich valleys, principally that of Majada, and resulting In great Irrs of life and the destruction ot CAttle and crops. The topography ot various depart ments has been changed, buildings havo fallen, burying their tenants in tho ruins, and the iron bridges over tho prlnlcpal rivers havo been carried away, The rivers are bringing down the Ixxllen of persons drownrd In the stoim and the carcasses of rattle, and the sight ot theso tends to increase the terror ot I ho people. Guatemala and Honduras alto havn suffered greatly. It Is said tho lot ma there will amount to tinny millions ot dollars, QRAIN TRAFFIC BLOCKED. Shippers May Appeal to Interstate Board Against Railroads. Now York, Oct. 20. There has for rome time beu active complaint by tluv New York grain trade at the railroad de'ay In bringing wheat and corn to this port. The comlpalnts havo hetomo so gen eral, says the Journal ol Commtreo, to day, that the railroads have finally de- elded that until they ran teeiiru pois seslon ot equipment they will not re ceive any more grain. This refusal la ausoiuie anu applies 10 new as well aa old business. Tho grain trado Is uieatly excited over tho decision, Mid a Joint meeting ol tho Produce Exchaugo grain commit tea with the committee on trade and transportation Has hold today with tlio steamship Interests to devise ways mid means, take legal advice, and It neces sary tnako formal appeal to the Intor stato Commerce commission against tho action of tho roads. Blaze In Freight Sheds. Ban Francisco, Oct. 20, Flro broko out Inst night In tho freight sheds of the Southern Pacific on Kerry street, between Fifth and Sixth, and mado rapid progress on account ol the Inflam mable material In Its path. Bomo alarm was felt throughout tho city ou account ot the quickly spreading action of the (lames, but the reorganized flro department proved itself equal to tho emergency and surrounding property was protected, Tho water supply wan ample and In good order. Alongside of the shods 60 freight cars were consumed, I McKlnloy Memorial Fund, ' Canton, O., Oct, 20. Secretary Hart zol, ot tho McKlnley National Memori al association, today gave out a state ment showing total contributions of $660,604. to which should be added $74. 062 interest. Of this sum thero has been expended $178,886.