The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 12, 1906, Image 8

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"eyaaareggiiw I r irniiin vwum 'if HviiTmaT AV
On the Deschutes River in Western Part of Crook
County,- Oregon.
Center of the new Irrigation Development covering
I i
Fl R
f X 250,000
' i r xy Cs. v ?J n rTi f"
-TrfTrni " :ig"xf- .ylIt v v s. Vv v r i i i i i i i i
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WJ 'l if it 1 t m H ii 'Z " K t t Z t t 9 1 7
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It II I f t 7
At Gateway to
the Great
Ld L
The Town has Grown
nlmottl entirely in the t year, the
offlcetUtiiiK only from April S, iyc..
IWitd hiu exccilettt HUlk choi!-
atui complete public water v-ork.
: The Pilot Butte
; Development Co.
Proprietor Townsite I
Timber Land, Act June 3, i8;S,
C. S. Land Office, Tbe Dllcf , Orrion.
June ihh, 1906.
Notice l berebjr glren that In compliance with
Ibe proriisn ofthe ActofConerew ot June J.
i7S, entitled "An act lor the mlc of timber land
i the tate of California. Orefon. Nrrada. and
VkuWniton Territory ," at extended to alt the
uWlClat)dUtebyctof Augt4, !.
lklmnnd K. UUtea
sTBend, Coat7 of Crook, State of Oregon, has,
Hiltdar filed la thUoftee hU (worn Hatenteat
5a. 3$&, for lire purchaac ofthe ?U ofxc it, tp
$, r 'se. wm
And will offer proof to (how that the (and
sttght It more valuable for It timber or Hone
tn fcratrlcitUnral purpose, and to ettaMlth
MrdaHtatomldUiid be&re H. C KMb. U. b
CommlMioaer, at Mi omcc in Bend, Ortxon. on
die 1 tb day of October, lyoo.
ile name aa witneane! Mkhatl J. Mormon.
'MephN. Hunter. John MeWl, F. Leigh Tomp
in, Clara L. lutten, all of Bend, Oregon.
Any and all peraon cteimlng adrcraely the
bove-drtctibed land are renucited to file their
claim lu tbit offece on or before Mid ixh tUy of
neMber, 1990.
ato-ocj MICIIAKL T. NOLAN. Kegitter,
Timber Land, Act June 3, 8;S
U.S. Land Office, The Dalle, Oregon,
June ittfc, lost.
Notice I hereby gjrenthat In compliance with
the previaion ofthe act of Cottar of Jnne 1.
ifM, entitled "An act for tbe talc of timber land
in the Stale of California, Orccon. Nevada, and
Wathlngten Territory," aa eaiendod to an the
rvbHc I,and State by act of A,.gtMt 4. it,
CUra L. Batten
Of Bend, county of CrooV, atate of Oregon, ha
tat day filed in thi o$ee her worn atatetnent
to 1949 for the purchate of the iViwK, w)(
K. 17 and neawK ec , tp i a, r ij e,
r m
And will ofltr proof to ahow that tbe tend
ought i more valuable for ita timber or ttoue
than for agricultural purpoac. and to eaubUtb
her claim to aaid law! before II C Kill. V. a. hhomcelu Bend, Otcgon, oa
the lath day f October, yA.
ane name a witneMe. Michael J Morriaoa,
ioeph N. Hunter. John IMaUl. I Itgh Tomp
iM, IWinund I'. IlatUu.atlof Bend. Oregon.
Anv and all tieraoa cteimlnz adecftelv the
absvc-dMbad land are reaueMed to flle their
claim In tbi office ou or before aaid trth day of
uexouer, 1900.
ai-QS MICIf AKL T. NOLAN. Kgitr.
Timber Laud, Act June 3, lr.
U. S. Land Office, The Dalle, Oregon.
J use ij. VfA.
Notice I hereby given that in compliance with
(he provision ofthe Act of Congre of June j,
187I, entitled, "An act for the (aleof timber Utxu
lu the itatea of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
U'ublngtou Territory," a ezlended to all the
public lund atate by Act of Auguit 4, 18.; J,
Irving J, Kccd
ofllcnd, county of CrooW, ttate of Oregon, ha
till day filed in till office hi aworu atatenieHt
No. 3072, for the purchate of the awK of itc
No ao, tp 19 , r i e, w ut.
And will offer proof to ahow that the laud
ought U more valuable for it timber or itone
than for agricultural purpow, and to establish
hi claim to (aid laud before 11. C. Kill, V. H,
Commlxloner, at hi office in Bend, Oregon, ou
the J4h day of November, oe,
lfr name a witueMrai Ifenrv W, Keed.
nine H. Herd and William II. llrock. all of
Una, Oregon, John liloa 01 bitter, Oregon,
Any aud all peraou claiming adversely the
above-deacrlbed land are requested to file their
claim lu thl office on or before tbe ulJ 14th
day of November, 1906,
14-nj MICIIAKL. T, NOLAN, XegUter.
Read Tbe Bulletin's new irriga
tion department.
Timber Land, Ad June 3, 7
V. S. Land Office.The Italle. Oregon,
June 7. 1903.
Notice I hereby given tbt In compliance with
the provMon of the Act of CongreM of June J.
i9r. entitled. "An act for theaafeof tlmberland
in tbe Hilt of California. Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington Territory," a extended t all the
pubttc tend Mate by Act of Auguat 4, Ityt.
Charle H. Hdwante,
of Prlaevffle. county of Crook, tUte of Oregon,
haathUday tledln thta office hi aworn Mate
meat No. r, for tbe purchate of the iwg of
ac 1. tp 19 1. r 10 e. w m
And will offer proof to (how that the land
ought la more valuable for in timber or done
than for agricultural porpotea, and to eMaMtah
bit claim to (aid tend before Jl C Kill. U. 8.
CommUdoner, at hi ofScc at Mend. Oregon, on
the Mb day of November, 1946.
He name a witnee J.N Hunter. Geerec
W. Triplet!, JohnL. Kever. Michael Morritou,
all of Bend, Oregon.
Any and all perion claiming adversely the
bv-deribl tend are rmueMett to file their
claim in thte office on or before (aid tth day
of November, Ia6. MICHAHLT. NOLAN. KegMer.
Timber Land, Act June 3,i&yS
U. S. Land Ofnec. The IMtte. Oregon,
July v, wA
Notice I hereby gives that ia com alia ace wHh
the provMon of the Act of Coturoa af June 1,
171 L entitled, "An act for tbe (aleoftimbertena
in the Mate of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Waakiagton Territory," a extended to all the
public tend (tale by act of Auguot 4, 1(9,
Chart IL McNlc
of Head, county of Crook, (tale ofOraajon. ha
thw day tied in thl office hi (worn (teteatent
"a 3013, fortbepurcbaeofthe(wifnwlof eci
aad HacK of ee t, tp r It , w ut ,
And will offer proof to (how that the tend
ought I more valuable for it timber or Hone
than for agricultural purpOM, and to etbliih
hi claim to (aid tend before If C. Ifllte, U.
a Commiaaioacr at hi ofBcc at Head, Oregon.
um the 14th day of November, r
lie name a witnMe: Chart Brock, Sam
uel A. Hteklcy, William Brock, John atrial, aU oi
Bawd, Oregon
Any and all peraon dalming adversely the
aboee-deacribed bad are rwiueoted to flic their
eteiaa ia thl olfice oa or before (aid 14th
day of November, 1906.
TlmlKir Laud, Act June 3, tr.
U. 8. Laud Office, The !allc, Oregon
Auguit 10, 1906.
Notice I hereby given that in compliance with
the provUion ofthe Act of Congreu of June 3,
I!, entitled, "An act for the (aleof timber UmU
lu tbe Mate of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Wathlngten Territory," a extended to all the
public laud atate by act of Auguit 4, 189),
Thoiua 1'armlntcr
of Iletid, county of Crook, atate of Oregon,
hathUday filed In thl office hi (worn Hale.
meut No, 3081, for the purchase of the (nw
ofcci4, tpi9,r 10 e, w in,
And will offer proof to how that the
land ought i more valuable fur It timber or
tone than for agricultural purpotca, and to
eitablUh hi claim to aaid land before If
C. l!lll, U 8 CoiniuUtlouer, at hi office (11
Bend, Oregon, ou Noembcri4, 1906,
He name a wltueuei Michael J MorrUou,
Jfweph N. Hunter, WillUm II. ntaali, Cbaunccy
It. Barney, all of Bend, Oregon, aud John Blo
ofblttera, Oregon.
Any and all pcraon claiming adveraely
the above described tend are rcijuctted to file
thClrcla!malnfli(lnflRrAti nr livfnr lit ali4 i ,lli
day of November, 190$.
7-ufl iICIXJLX.tJOIAN, lUtUtcj.
Timber Mud, Act of June 3, iW,
V 8. Land Office Lakevlew, Oregon,
July !, too
Notice ! herebv riven that In romDllancc with
j the provMont of the Act of CongreM of June J.
I is;, cntitletl "An act for lite (ale of timber land
In the Mate of California. Oregon. Nevada and
Washington Territory." extended to all the
publtc land Mate by act of Augu 4, . the
following peron have thl day Ated In thl office
their Mvor n tlalcment, to-wit.
KernuMi Kaier
of I'hltipaburg .dale of 3lontana, aworn atate
ment no yu. for lac purchase of the wKnef .
nMacK. ec 10, and awnwif x 11. Ip !, r IS
e wm
Kdward Palmer
of lhlllptrarg. ttate of Montana, awom ttate
ment No 3131, for the paiehae of wX!fi H
awjf and ttitwH c 9, Ip M , r i c w m
That they will nfler proof to thaw that the
land ought are more valuable for the timber or
atone thereon than for agricultural purpose,
and to nUHMi their claim to (aid tenda before
II. C Kill I' 8 CommUrtoner. at hit office In
Bend, Oregon, on haliirday, the 13th day of Octo
ber. 19A
They name a witnetto I'ranci II Marion.
of Laldtew, Oregon; Miner Nyewongcr and
Charle Boyd, loth of Bend, Oregon. Kdward
Palmer. Herman KaUer, and l'rederkk W
Kroger, all of I'hlliptburir, Monlaua
Anv awl all tiertaaa ebilminff advertelv anv o.
the aoovecactibed laud' are riuefl to Ale
their claim in thi omcc on or be for r the (aid
13th toy of October. l.
auvoil J. N WAThON, Kegitter
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.
U, 8, Land Oftcc, lakevlew. Oregon,
Jutv r, ivoi.
Notice I hereby given that In rompltanrc with
the pr ovialoua ofthe Act if Congrra of Jane 3.
7. entl ted. "An act for Iheaaleol tlmbrrlandt
in tbettatetof California, Oregon, Nevada, aad
Waihlngton Territory," at extended to all tbe
public land late by act of August 4, I?,
leorge W anoletly
of Prlnevllle, county nfCrmk. atate of Oregon,
hatlhlailay Aled In thi ulfice hi awom Mate
ment No Jiw. for the imrehate of theimHwb;
wKnwK anl nw)ew! ti,tpi. rise w m
Ami will uVi proof to thow that the land
(ought la more valuable for It Umber or atone
than for agricultural purpose, and to
establish hi claim to aaid land before II C
Kill. I' 8. rommltatuHcr, at hit nftVc at Bend.
Oregon, en halurilay, the 13th day of October,
He name a witnesses. I'rancta II Marlon
of Latdtaw, Oregon, Uobeil V llarrlngten of
lrlnrvtlle, Oregon. Jonn K. llughea an4 Jm
II Whlpley, both of Kedmsmd, Oregon
Any and all rsm claiming adversely
:bc abevclreritel lawtt are requested to
Ale their atelm In Ihi oflWc on or before the said
13th day of October, I9"6.
J. N. WATHON. Uegltter
Timber Mad, Act June 3, 1I7S.
V. 8. Land Ofncc,Tbc iMtlea, Oregon,
July 31, v6.
Notice U hereby given that In romptiancc with
thclt-ovMout ofthe Act of CiHiKins of Jnne 1,
17. entitled "An act for the le of timber tend
ia Um atate of California, Oregon. Nevada, and
Washington Territory," aa extended to alt the
pWMK tana Mate ny act 01 August 4, iv,
hll M. Calllban,
of Head, county of Crook, Mate ol Oregon, ha
thi day Aled in thi oAcc heraworii atatewent
No. 30m. for tbe purchase ofthe nwneK of see
aa, in tp ia , r . w m
Aud will offer proof to (bow that the tend
sought I more valuable for iu timber or stone
than for agricultural purpose, and to cMabtisb
ber claim to aaid tend before II. C. Hills, f k,
Conunlationer, at hi ofaee In Bend, Oregon,
on the 14th day of November, iW.
tone name a wituestc leliii I'erguwn, Jatne
I'erKUtoN, William J MeGlllvray ami Gat wood
T Callihan, all of lleud, Oregon.
Any and all peraone claiming adversely the
altove-dptcrihwl landa arc re,iumled to file their
claims In thl office oil or before uM 14th day ol
November, I'A. '
Tiie Deschutes Telephone
Telegrams I'orwanlctl to Any l'art
ofthe World.
Telephone Communication
with Portland, I'rlnevllle and all
l'Aciflc Coast cities.
Public Pay Stations
in Hank DuIiliiiR at llend, at Laid
law and l'owell Uutteg,
Messeii(;r service to any part of
Crook County f.outh of Crooked
Timber Land, Act June 3, lM,
U. 8. Land OrAcc, The Dalles, Oiegan,
June s, iva.
Notice la hereby given that in compliance with
the provisions of the act of congress of June 3, 1I71
entitleil "An act for the l of timber tend In
the sUtes of California, Oregon, Nevada and
WatblugtOM Territory," a extended to all I lie
imUk land Mate by act of August 4. ikof
Thorn W TrlpUtl
of Bend, County of Crook, Mate of Oregon, has
thla day filed In thi olfice hi sworn Malewent
No. J943, for the purchase of lb eHnwtf sc 7.
tp 19 a, rioc, wm
Ami will offer uroof lo show that the tend
sought I More valuable lor Ita llmler or stone
than fin agricultural purpoea, and to establish
his culm to saW land Ufnre II. C. IBHs, If. 8.
Commtaslouer, at Ills office in Bend, Olegoti, dm
tbe 13th day of October. 19.,.
He name a niliwtte Joseph N. Hunter.
Michael) Morrison, Carlyle C. Tripletl. John
HWm, Audlc M. Triplet!, all of Ileml, Oregon.
Anv and all Deraoti claimlnir ailversslv llir
atiove-letcrllil lamU arc reiiestrd i'j rile
tlieir claims In thl effjee an or btfercaald txxli
day ol Octolxr, 1900.
mo-oil MICHAHLT. NOLAN Keglster.
Tlmbrr Land Act Junes. I
U 8. Mad Office, Lakcticw Orrgnn
July i
Notkcl htltliy glieiithal In rompllam'e win
Ihe (irovtslonsorihe Ait of Congress uf 'utir 1
17. entitled ' An act fur Ihe sale of llmhrr land
Ittlhe ttateanf CallfofHta. IMrgim. Ne sda .'
Washington Territory as etleuded lo all ih
public tend Mate by Ml ol AufaM 4 I Si.
folfowlng-named persons have Vd In Ibis 00V1
Ihelr anotn Malemenla, lo-wt
II Taylor HIU
of areenville, Washington rounly. Male of (Heguo
sworn Malensenl No iim, for Ihe mrehavr ul
IbenwKHeK.nSnwH;, wIhwK sveat. in
r 13. w m
Zachatlah alroud
of I'rlnevllle, county of Crswk, Mate of IHeyosi.
sworn Matesnenl No iijA, for the puiehase of tbe
eHaeK. awKK. tec i. Ip M a, r I w m.
JohnC httl
of ftldiaw, Crwk cwinty. Mate of Otemwi. sworn
statement No 3137, for the putcfwsr of the S
neK.wKnelf,elnK.M4. tpt.ricwm
Jennie Hill
ofdreeHvllle. rvuutv of Washington, Mais of
Oiegon. aworn statement No 3140, for the par
chase ofthe aHneb;.MnwH sec l,lp i 1 i,
w m
That thrv will ttffmt uuua i ftu.u, ,s., .i..
lands sought ere more valuable fie the timber or
Mt ,&frMi,hH. fof Mrteulturel uurpotes. and
to eMabllsh their claims losM lands before II
rretldeal Tfco4. h.--,.11
Vwr Pretateut Cbarlos pi,i ..
wsritary at atalr W I c -I
wesurrof Trtaaury ....... Laalie M
sttrslaryuf Interior . . K A Miuh -k
"-rrtaivuf War W II ud
Wtletsrr of Msvv C J naaisiis
Mcretary U Comasrrat , Vtrtae II M.i (
massrr 1
r (leneral
n H t.Mi.
Altotawyttraeral M Wm H M.
wnns'T 01 Agncuiiart
Jaate i.
Imitoryof atate..
Alia ay beiieeiii '.....'.'
fhwtic iMratthw.
PflNlVt ...,. ewe
Dairy aad ra4 Coat. ..
Coagrwiaita. ...
. nnvs. v " s.ommusioner. at kl ofartal place
of business al Bend. Crook County. Oregon, aa
aaturday, the 13th day uf October, iw
Tbev name as ullsnu. II Tavl 11111
Timber Laud, Act ol June 3, 178,
U. H. Laud Olfice, The Dalle, Oregon,
Augutl 7, 1906.
Notice I hereby given that In compliance with
the provisions ol the Act of Congress of June t,
187, entitled "All act for Ihe tale of timber land
In the eUte of California, Oregon. Ncvad-, and
Waihlngton Territory," aa extended to all Ihe
public laud atate by act of Auguit 4, "vi,
Kid M. Nlcliol
of Bend, Counly of Crook, state of Oregon, ha
Ihl day filed III Ihi office hi (worn lateineiit
No 3038, for the purchate of the ne cc 17, tp 19
, r i c, wm
And wilt offer prool lo (how that the laud
ought I more valuable fur it Umber or
tone than fur agricultural purpose, and lo
establish 111 claim to aaid laud before II. C.
Kills, V. 8. Commisaoiier, at his office in Bend,
Oregon, ou the nth day of November, 1906.
He name a witnesses: Waller H. Nlcliol,
Klchild II. Vaughan, John hiicmorc, 1'rauk
Butlcrwortli, all ofllcnd, Oregon,
Anv and all Dcraou claiming adversely the
above-described lauds arc rcaUMted to file their
claim In thl office ou or before ald nth diy of
novemuer, 1900. JiiCiXAUL T, NOLXIf, lleUtx
0viH, iKegon. AactirMh Mloud of Prin
. .1' ?."". JU"M atair 11 Marlon,
both of Laldtew, Oregou. an.) Albert H. mmlw oi
I4end. (Hegon
Any HHdll persoNs ctelming adversely any of
their claim In Ibis office an or before the said
3h day of October, 10.
" J N WATaON. Hegiater
Timber Laud, Art June 3 itjt,
17 8 Land OlAce, The Dalles, Oiegon,
July 11, 1.
Notice l hereby given that in eumpltanie with
tbewovtMoua ofthe Art oTlagirM of June 1
ftj L entitled "An act for Ihe salt of Umber landa
lM tkP klailam as f'aaliiUaula n... taa.. . . . a
an ti - "T ""- aW" IrniHM, WHO
public bTnd Mate, by Art of August 4, Ii). IhV
following named person hav an July v ivoft,
filed lu thl office lbelrworil MalemeHU, to-wlli
Alma I Delauev
ot lortlaiiil. wuiiitu tf liiltii.t,ihi, ,.,. r a--
gwu, sworn sUilrwsnt No aalo, for Ihe tmrchas
ofthe wHswhT (c 10 and cRicH 9 IP ll 7
IMua M Jaopice
of Potllaud, county ol Mulluiiiuah. sisi. r ,i...
gii, sworn ststei.ieiil No WW. for Ihe pnrclws
orihcKiiw5f arcjuriilaHTne1: tec , ip i .
r loe wm. '
That they will oiler proof lo shmv that the
IsikIs sought are mure valuable for Hie limber or
tune thereon than for agricultural puritos, ami
C ; KIM, iU. H Cummlttloiirr, at hi office
Bencl, Oregon, 011 the 13th .lay of October, loYi
They name the following witnesses. Iblun M
Jtueiid Alma J. Ilclnuty of Portland" Or.!
KOi,laiilet lel.lug.JohiitOriiaiidy.A.C Lmibm
undl.eonu 1'ilartkeof Bend, Oregou.
Any and all person claiming uivty 11,.
ii r&toKr, ra: " ,nc M'" uii,,u
"- MICHAKL T. NOLAN, Kegltltr.
IltKIGATltn LANIi T Iim,,. n 7T...
choice tracts from 40 to 160 ncros
each Hint can be bonilit nt n i.,,-
gain. 1. L. TOMl'KINS. Unnk
iluildltiff. 43tf
It gives the uews all of it,
..9f. K.Caamhrr'.iM
.. ,.m. H, I. Inmiar
,.... ..... C 8 M-u
. A M Craafui I
..J II ,toVef'si
.....m.m.-J It Whii"r
... J w bsi'r,
( John M i.'"i
C W I'ull....
Mlagat Herman
X. WtllUWt-B
C. K. Wolv.i..n
h a bm
1. A M" t
1 1
AUotawy .
huhmmllmn W. I lradhsw
.... ,fraaiV, Mrutfx
j i
J. A. Iyc.k
N Bute
A Kwii' H
Wheal.! u
acaoal aagt"""!
..... . W A n- il
.....Wattvu Bin
...... tank Hi"-
.... -W V hl4.
..J. Ii. foil' IK
....C. IMbwmMk
...,.. C. A Bn
. OalIK Nrwi
K. II. Ha)l
8. 8. ateains
L'lliCltir ClMlal . lUji a -. .. .a
MSwAaVm tSLb.,. "m """"' ,H ""'"
iMJMywfr;'. My. J.Ty. hpl.mU.
Head HiervUr..
,....., II. C. Hlln
IHuaiI lbdell
..tVelil W. II, Hilry
llllNII VIIINIt, DiMTMIcr Nil. It.
,JA. I,, fine
I W. 8. Nil
C. 8. Ileiituu
( Miss Kiith I Btid
Ml. I'. 1'. auillh
(MltlMiitluil Wlcsl
ClTV OF llHrin,
l..M,,., , ,,,
...A. I florxlwllllr
II. C Kill
-1'. (i. Minor
I'lov.l I.oUkll
Htroml ,
fj. I'raukmn
John II, Oi
,H C.'Caldwc
it. a, hither
il. W. WhlUtll