The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 12, 1906, Image 7

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    All Humors
Arc Impure imvttorn which tho tkln, llvrr,
kidneys nml otliar iirunu cannot toko cars
of without liclp.
l'lmplcs, ImiIIm, roieiua nnd other ertip'
tloni, Ion o( npK)tllf, Hint drill frrlliiK,
bilious turn, fits of liul lK-nt Ion, dull henil.
chcs nml many other troubles nra duo to
them, They nru removed by
Hood's Sarsaparilla
In usual llmiM form or In chocolated
tmiloti known ni ocrontabo. IWdostifl.
Nttrnruaa'a Nrtr Mini,
WIiimi Charles P. Norenws, now a
well-kiumii Washington correspondent.
lii'Kiiii his newspaper career ho wn
Sellt tn "cover" uiiu nf tlin eourls, Ill
business win to look nt tin docket and
nml tln fuel nlMiut nny euo tlint seem,
nt to til in to warrant lilin In writing
One Afternoon he discovered nn entry
Unit unld unit WIIIIiiiii Hums linil been
arrested nml fined $10 for stealing 11
martingale from James Jones, n neigh
bor. Ilo recited thru farts In nn Introduc
tory paragraph, nml then wont on:
"This rrliulunl win Justly punished, for
the pretty little martingale In stole was
tho Joy nml comfort of ttn wife of
James Jnni'ii, Klii kept It In a cage In
her parlor, nml when, tired with tin
work of tint ilny, tlu martingale began
to pour forth those strains of melody
for which our Pittsburg mnrtlugalrs are
famous, she found great pleasure. Kuch
miscreants as thin limn Hums ihoulil
not bo allowed nt large, especially when
they descend to low as to steal harm
less nml melodious martingales." Hut
unlay Kvciilng Post.
ii.i, nail iciiirl
The scientists make out a good case
Kfllimt tln house cat, who, with nil her
charming nml lovable qualities, Is
eliuun to Iki mi agent of disease, nml
wholesale destroyer of lilril life. Dr.
Cnrolluu A. Osborne, who has been con
ducting exiwrlment at Clark Unlvcr
Mty, tins found thnt ruts have dlph
thrrln, whuoplng couch, tuberculosis,
cexema nml ring-worm, liven when
cats do not actually coutrnct these
maladies they may carry the contagion
about with thwn. As ulmrodn they
nr ri'Kinlhle for the dent h of nhout
fifty hint n jear, according to K. II.
"orbusli, Mate OruItliutucUt for Mas
sachusetts, not Including the suffering
they Inflict hy their iiiinsllnc of hlnR
squirrels mid rabbits. Philadelphia
liHruulM liny.
The fresh cream puffs In the Italian
baker's window looked Inviting, nml
the Interested housekeeper teped In
side the shop to ask the price.
"r"lflcona contn a dox," replied the
unllluic proprh'tor, wlplne hU hnmlK on
liU nproii, protmrntory ( wrniidni: tho
"Why," exrlnltniHl the Indy, unnhlo
to couetMtl linr tiNtonUhiiient, "llmt'n
very cheap for itckiiu puffxl I unuxlly
Imvn to Hty thirty. I don't co how
juii enn timko thetn nt thnt prlco."
"Mini cheuiu nil rltihtn." confided
tho bilker. "ln heall ulllce telephone
I cotta cloin dn rIioii rlcht off. My
clrl, Antonle, cotta iln meiule."
To III Uf Tlirlr tlullttn.
Tho iiiluUter'a wlfu wum Innlly en-
cnKed onu nfturuoon nirndlnt the fnin-
Hy clotheN when n neighbor en 1 1 is I for
u friendly clmt. After u few iiiomeutM
of Hewn nml k'okKlp the culler remnrkeil,
ai Khe hegnn to limiivi't a basket of
inlHCfllniicoiM buttoim:
Von Keem to bo umiNiinlly woll mit-
Idled with button of nil klmU. Why,
there In one like my liusbund hail on his
lnt winter 'h milt."
"ImU'cd," nii Id tho minuter' wife,
with n Blight in lie. "All theNo but
toiiH wore found In tho contribution
box, nml 1 thought I might m well Imvo
noma uo out of I hem. Well, mimt you
guT Well, good-hy, Cotno ngnln loon.
ItlcUctt I miy, Kiuyun, how did you
linppeu to nmrry a widow?
Knyun Oh, I did my courting nn I
do everything clso nlong tho lino of
lon.t ruftlkttMirc.
o n Single Stono Ha Formod Since
Using Donn's Kldnuy Fills,
Z, I), Diiuulitrey. uiuolo pulillnlier,
Tbl Buffolk, Vi,, fnyst "Durlim two oi
Jthreo years thnt I I mil kidney trouhlo I
pnnauil nbout "i
pauuila ol griivol nml
pnndy BoiUinont In tliu
u r 1 no . I haven't
imstoil a ntonn since
ubIiik Donn's Kidney
Pills, liowovur, nml
thnt was threo yenrs
ago, I urcil to suffer
tho most nuutn ngnny
during n gmvol nttnok,
nml luul tint other us-
lymptnnn of kliluuy trouhlo Inrsl
, liemlnclieB, jmln in tho buck, nrl
illsonlurs, rliouiimtlu pntu, oto, I
i n box containing 1-1 grnvol stones
I passed, but thnt la not ono-fourtli
ho wliolo nuinbor. I conslilui
i's Kldnoy Pills n fluo klduny
Hold by nil dealers, 60 cents n box.
fostur-MUburn Go,, lluflalo, N. Y,
fSfti i
A sdfo iM't In tho one you were golig
to inn l(o M,d illilu't. riilbiilelphln Itec
Anolhel motto for tho pucker1 1
OiiiiiIii immnuiiiiin oiiiues (Wo nil can
svery thing).- I'uiicli,
A Dry Dock. "Whnt Ih n drydock?"
it Indy ii r kill of Murk Twain. "A
.h'rHty iliMlclmi," replied the humiirbit.
A Hypocrite. - Tencher Johnny,
it'.liif l ii livluM-rlln? JiiIiiiiii' A li.ii
jwot couieti t' school uld a mullo o.i
dim nice.
"Did you run iiitohh nnylMidy In that
mitoiiiolil.u tmirl" "Wu run 'uiu down
llrt mid then run iictom 'em," Multi
inoiit Aiiii-rlcnii.
'Kvuiitor, ii iNilltlcnl Job In pretty
hunt to work, Imi't It'" "Not very,"
replied Kemilor Iludger, "but getting it
l. .Mllwuukeo Hentlnel.
Itelatlvii Nii-cMltlcH. "Im It necenHnr
to elicloH,- ntiiiiiiV' nuked tint xh.'I.
"Moro iiecewiiiry, een, thiiii to endow
jM'try," rfftMiiittl tho editor.
rim llnppy .Mnii, Pewiliiilst Yuj
hiiVeu't bud oil thnt you wiinted In life,
line youV OptluiUt No; but I Imvciir
hid nil thnt I didn't vwint, either.
(lenerul t'licle I will mnko you u
monthly ullowniici', but, uiidemtitiid me,
I will (my no debt I Nephew Ail
right, uncle. Neither Mill J. Title.
Tommy I'n, whnt In the Isthmus of
1 'annum? I'm Tho lthniu of l'nii
mu.i, Tommy, Is n narrow strip of land
oniHvtliig tVutrdl Amurlcfl with tho
United Stntim Trwmury. I.lfo.
Whero It Would IK) .Most flood.
T.lllor Well, my little niHIl, will )o.l
hnvo the houJ(lt'rn mddeil? Ilertlo
Niw. If you're going to put Hiiypi-l-din'
In the milt put It In the lwiit".
Whnt, Indntl! Hnrah (lump (in
no'iiichijc tho hsppy event) l'lixice, ai;
It "4 h little girl. .bwitiulnded THtlnr
tl mkliig up from hU writing) Kb?
O'i Hit Hk her what she wnnu, wMl
Hut." pnitefited.Mm. Ncwllwiil, "I
don t nil why you imk 2f ivutx n lu'f
peck for your Imwiin. Tho other mint
umy wiuitiil 15 contK." "Ves'm," re
plied tho huckster; "but thonu luro
Umiih o' lutnu U nil Imiid-plckiMl."
Tim (Jrocer.
'Here! joii. Mr," crleil the Irnto obi
geutlemmi, "didn't I lull you never to
enter thnt hoiwo ngnlu?" "No, sir,'
replied Ii'm itHiighter's pemUtent miltor.
"You nld not to 'croud your thronhold,'
so I cIIiuIkmI In tho window." 1'lflladol
phln Pre.
"Young Jolllein nlwnyn myn the right
tliliig. diHwu't he? lie never hhhiw nt
h In for thtt projwr rrily." "Woll, I
haw him noiipluwuNl mice." "How witit
thatr ".MInm KciMio nrktHl him If ln
tlk'iight she lookisl ns old ns sho wns."
vJlevelmul lAHUter.
Dwflultlon. May Olrls, whnt do tho
pipont iniHiit when tboy talk of t.u
mm of wnr? Kiln I don't know nny
mire thnii I do what n stnndliig nriuv
Is fori llolle Why, how Ignornnt joj
urn, ileum. The nt of wnr U for tho
Mtmullug n nny to sit down on when It
gU tlnil.
Ilur I'm t bur Hut, sir, you nro int
thit sort of man I should like fur a
koii-Iii law, Young Mmi Oh, thnt'n nl'
right. You ii ro not tho port of man I
should like for it fiithor-lu-hiw, but I'm
not llng to iiiiiUo jour duughter nil-
ernblu for llfo by retiming to nmrry
her on that iiccouut. Chlcngo Dally
"1 Hiipixwo," wild tho uld-tlinu friend,
'".'tnt your folks no longer feel thnt
niulety nlHiut social uiHtters that tlmy
ouco experienced." "Yos, they do," an
Nwcrcd Mr. Ciiiurox; "mother an' tuj
girls an now as busy kevplii' other
womuii out of ' society as they oueo
weii) gettln' In IIiouuwIvm." Washlu
toi .Star.
Illil II ii I I'eraUlt'Ul Itrror,
Kverywhero one hear, "I seen Jim
yesterday and ho told mo ho douo we'd
at that job." Tho people who may ho
broadly characturlxcd as tho "1 scon
1 douo" til ho pervade everything and
seeiii to Include. Hourly everybody.
When It coineH to erlm llku "He,
lay, lain," ami "lay, laid, hilt!," or sit
sat, Hat," and "sot, set, set," the best
of us aro liable, to error, and mistake.!
aro pardonable. Hut what excuse can
anybody Had for confusing "see, saw,
sen," or "do. did, douo?" It In tho
llrst verb which suffers tho moro for
tlnso who do not say "I seen him
yesterday ' aro likely to say "I seo him
yesterday," whereas even thoso who s.y
"I douo It yesterday" never fall Into
tho absurdity of "I do It yesterday."
Chicago Journal,
Tho Idea of prolllo likenesses wan dls
coMiri'd purely through chance. In lUK)
II. O. AutlgoniiH had his picture drawn,
ami as ho had only ouo two, a prolllo
view was imulo to conceal this deform
ity. If all tho peoplo weru candidates we
could got uloni; easier with thciiu
oes i our
Heart Beat
Yes. 100,000 times each day.
Does it send out cood blood
or bad blood ? You know, for
Rood blood Is Rood health;
bad blood, bad health. And
you know precisely what to
take for bad blood Aycr's
Sarsaparilla. Doctors have
endorsed It for GO years.
On f rititnt ram of Lad lilnnd ll llof rlih
llvr, 1 ItU iriMliirM rfHi.tlpatiftn. I'mtuiiiMii
iiliilanmt niclliru al.virlw.1 Into tlm l)l'-l,
luilai if IkIi K irrniiil from Hi txily daity
a iialiHM ln'i"l"l K"ti lh lmu hiii
Willi Ajar'a I'llla, lliar fill. All ftxaUbla.
UtOmtriiC Aft Co.. I.ow.ll, llaaa.
lv n auuigiurara VI
llJ'P AOL'ECftE.
L6&I O CtlUliri'LCTORAL.
Diiutilril Uiu itamhrr.
In criticising some proosed chsnges
In n hill before tho Kcunte, clinngcf
which ircmud to him to be alterations
lu phrasing rather than In meaning,
Ki'imtor Tllliunti told n story which the
Milwaukee Hon tin el rei)rts, of n lady
who was looking nt n house for rout.
"The house stilts mo very well," she
snld to the Inndlord, "but there Is on
thing I object to."
"Well, minium, nny reasonable altera
tion," the landlord murmured, suavely,
"Mould, provided yuu took a thres
years' lean"
"I'd take a threo yenrs' lease," she
snld, "If the hounc hnd moro cloiets."
"The number of closets shall bo dou
bled," said the Inndlord.
"Very well." snld tho womnn, nnd she
signed the lense.
After she Ind gone tho Inndlord snld
to tils clerk, "John, ttiko n carpenter
over to number thirty-seven nnd hnvo
him divide each of the closets In two."
A C'ntitlitua Srnllnrl.
It wns the small brother of pretty
Margnret who opened tho front door
In response to Mr. Ooodyvar's ring, nnd
his fare took on a singularly nlert ex
presslon ns he surveyed the cnller.
"No, she Isn't In," snld Mnrgnret's
brother. "Are nre you Mr. Hnmlln?"
"No," snld the young man, "I nui Mr.
Good) oar. Does that mako nny differ
ence about her being at homo?" mid he
looksd senrchlngly nt the boy.
"Course not I" snld Hobby, Indignant
ly. "I don t tell stories, nor Mnrgnret
doesn't. Hut If you'd been Mr. Ilamllu,
I wns to tell something nbout her com
ing home, nnd get ten cents If I did It
right nml didn't tell the wrong one. I
need that iwMiey, ami so, you sec, I
didn't want to uisle any mistake. Good
byl" A I.ntr IMItlnn.
Julius Kntin, representative from Ban
I'mitt'lsco, was In Washington when tho
earthquake enme mid wns nearly fran
tic, because his wlfo nnd children, In
cluding n bnby a few dnys old, wero di
rectly In the path of the fire.
iCnhu spent two dnys trying to tclo
grnph and then took a train mid went
out, and finding his family snfo, stayed
n Wivk or so lu the ruined city.
On his return ho found n letter from
a constituent, written eight dnys after
the shock, which began:
"Dear Julius: "No doubt you will bo
surprised to leant from mo thnt wo
have had a terrible, earthquake out
hero." Snturdny Kvonlng Post.
First Itnnchman Whnt'd they do t'
Hroucho HIM fr shoot lu' up thct tber
Second Itnnchman Tho Jedgo let him
Tlrst Itnnchmnn How's that?
Kecoud Itnnchmnn Ut seems th' ten
derfoot snys: 'Hill, what'n th differ
enco between a cowpunchcr nn' n snll
or' an Hill sex; 'I d'no,' an' th' tender
foot scz: Ouo ships th' steers an' th'
other steers th' ships.' Jedgo sez ut us
Justyflble, or sumpln' llko that." To
ledo Hlado.
Jutl Wliul lie Wanted.
"Thcso eggs aren't fresh, aro they?"
queried tne stranger.
"Well," replied tho grocer, cautiously,
"thcso eggs will make a ham"
"Oh, I don't want 'em for ham omotct
or any kind of eating. I've been In nt
that show at tho opera' house, and what
I want"
"As I wan aaylng, sir, these eggs will
mako a ham actor feel llko a last year's
bird's nest." Philadelphia Press.
Knturn'a Kniluwmenf.
Callor Miss Mllllcvut plays wonder
fully on the piano.
OrnnilfntbiT Oreovlus Yes; it sort o'
runs In the fnm'ly. Hy Jucks, you'd ort
to "avo hoerd me piny "Ole Dan Tucker"
nn' "Ole Hob Itldlcy" on ft Jewsharp when
I was a boy I
(ilvlna It Atrnr.
The Younjr Mnn Dicky, you think a
jooil deal of your sister, don't you?
DIrky (entertaining lilm) You bet I
Bo docs nin ami pa She's been la tin
lum'ir inlfibty near forty years.
Illni-Ulirrrr Vlnrunr,
Put the blackls-rrles Into a stono ves
s I and mash them to a pulp, Add
elder vinegar enough to cover it well,
Maud lu the sun twelve hours and all
inght lu tho cellar, stir well occasion
ally during this tliuo, strain ami put
ii4 many fresh bcrrlen lu the Jar as you
took out; Kjiir the strained vinegar
oi er them; wash and set In the sun all
day. To each quart of this Juice, allow
one pint of water and flvu ami one-half
pounds of sugar to three pints of the
mingled Juice and water. Place over
a gentle lire ami stir until the sugar Is
dissolved. Heat slowly to boiling, skim
mliig off the hciiiii, and ns It fairly
Ml take off the strain. Hottle while
warm ami seal the corks with scaling
wax, or beeswax and rosin.
limcl,rrr' Mnriimlnilr.
Pour iMJunds of gooseberries, four
oranges, Juico of nil nnd rind of two
four jkiuiiiIn of sugar, two iwumls of
si-ciled mlstiis. litem gooseberries,
squeeze Juice of oranges and cook skin
ot two (or the skin of four If flavor
of orange Is liked) lu wnter until ten
der. Drain ami scraio out tho white
part. Put the gooseberries Into a gran
Ite kettle, heat slowly to boiling nml
cook twenty mlnutei (ndd a little wn
ter If necessary to keep from sticking)
Then add the sugar, orange Juice and
rind cut flue, and raisins; cook slowly
until thick. Heal while hot
llnnniin l'rltlrr.
Cut iH-clcd bananas Into halve
lengthwise, then across, and dip In frit
ter Imtter. Pry In deep hot fat and
serve with it lemon sauco. The sauce
fur fritters should always be clear,
and generally no thickening Is used, or
else a little arrowroot Is taken, which
makes trauswreiit thickening. Make
a sirup by cooking one cup of sugar
with live tablcsitoous of water for eight
minutes, and bo sure not to cook It
longer, for ten or twelve minutes will
make It thread. Add one and one-half
tablosiioous of lemon Juice mid a round
lug teaspoon of butter.
Peutrli llrrnil,
"" This sort of bread, or, more correct'
ly sjK-altlng, cake. Is rich, anil must be
kept several days or a week to bo at
Its best. Work one cup of butter mid
one-half cup of soft light brown sugar
together, then knead or mix lu one-half
jHiuud of bread flour, which will be
nbout two cups. Bet In the Ice box to
chill, and roll one-third of an Inch
thick. Cut lu squares, scatter some
caraway seeds over the top and press
In lightly, then bake lu a slow oven.
If prefert oil, the caraway seed can
ln scattered through the dough, or they
may bo omitted.
liter nml I'ram.
To take tho place of meat there Is
nothing more satisfactory than rice mid
leas. Doth nro boiled separately and
then the two nre put together and
cooked with a hit of jwrk, butter and
IK'pper. An entire dinner may lie mado
of curried chicken If It Is served after
tho West ami liast Indian mode. A
little grntcd fresh coeoanut, n bit of
thinly sliced smoked salmon, gherkins,
chutney nml picked beet root give a
distinct flavor ami relish to it and take,
the place of vegetables and salad,
Niimu- I.i-r Cnlip.
Heat the yolks nml whltM of live
eggn separately, stirring Into the yolk
a cupful of Hwdercd sugar and a
small teacupful of prepared Hour. Heat
for twenty minuted, then add two ten
sKH)iifuls of lemon Juice nnd the stiff
ened whites, stirring those last lu very
lightly. Turn Into greased layer-cake
tins and bake lu a steady oven.
Se-oiiKo CnUe,
One scant cup of sugar, two egg,
whites ami yolks beaten separately, one
cup of Hour sifted with two teaspoon
fills of baking powder; a half cup of
boiling water. Heat tho yolks
for fifteen minutes with the sugar;
thou add tho whites, the flour, and, last
of all, the water. Hako lu n loaf tin.
Mitred reiielten.
Peel and slice peaches and weigh
them. To live pounds of fruit allow
two pounds of granulated sugar and n
small cup of vinegar, with two ounce
each of whole cloves and broken stick
cinnamon. Put over the fire and boll
until very thick. Put Into heated Jelly
glasses and seal.
lrni l'lc.
Wash and stem rliw, acid grapes. To
two cups of the fruit add a cup of
granulated sugar, mix well and put
Into a plo plate lined with puff paste.
FW on an upper crust nud bake. Servo
cold with sugar strewn over tho top
of tho plo.
Al plo TtifTy.
Poll together a pound of granulated
augur aud i tencupful of cold water
until a little dropped Into cold water
Is brittle. Wipe each itpjdo, run a
skewer through It, dip In tho scaldtruj
lrui) aud lav ou waxed jiajvex to ilrjr.
The Kind You Iluvn AlwnvK
turo of CliiiH. II. Fletcher, nnd linx been inndo under his
personal Huporvlslon for over HO yenrs. Allow no ouo
to ileceivo you Jn this. CotintencltH, TniltntlonH nnd
" JiiMt-nH-frnocl" nro butKxperljnents nml etulnriKer tho
licnlth of Children Expcricnco nninnt llxperlniuit
Cnstorin Ih a harinlcHH mib.itltiito for Cnxtor Oil, I'nro-'
Rorle, Orops nnd Hoothlntr Syrups. It Jh IMcnsant. 16
contains neither Opium, Morplilno nor other Narcotlo
Hiibstnnee. Its afro Ih itx frunrnntcc. It destroy) Worms
nnd nllajH Foverlsliiiess. It cures Dlarrliien nud "Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles cures CoiiHtlpatiou
nud I'latulency. It nslniilates tho Food, regulates tho
fitomnch nnd Jjovvels, givlnir healthy nnd natural sleep.
Tho Children's Pnnuccn Tlio Mother's Friend.
The KM You Have Always Bought
Bears tho
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Tli Limit of lloaeatr.
Dora Never tell Flora any secrets.
Cora Can't she keep them?
Dora Keep them? Why, that girl
tells people her right ace I Cleveland
riTO M. V'tnt' Pun oa J1 Tfrrroot Jt-an
lllo rTtnaH.otlr rami br Dr. Kilo' llr.M
.Virr. luurr. nd for KJlKK 3trll bottN m1
litult. Dr.IL ILKIID..LJ. uiArcbHt.,11illa.,l'
Illalua In Ihe llnaarmrul.
"Our engagement will have to t
temporarily suspended," announced the
summer girl, calmly.
"Ob, Impossible," tho young man
' "It will have to be. My husband
writes that be Is coming down for a
week." Louisville Courier-Journal.
You Can Oct Allen's rooMZasc PR EG.
Write Allen B. Olmitfd, Le Iloy.N. Y., for a
free imil of Allen It cures
IwetllDfr. hottwolln. acblns feet. It toakei
oewortlsht ihces eaj- A certain cure tot
corni. Inrruwlngnalli and bunloni. Aildru?
KltUMlllt. Tie. Pon't aeeept any suUtttuto,
HovKMk lair.
"Here's a letter from a woman," said
the answcrsto-corriMpondents editor,
"who wants to know how to make a
lemon tart."
"That's Just like a woman." rejoined
the snake editor. "Tell her If the lem
on Isn't tort to begin with she'd better
consign It to the dump and let It go at
$100 Reward, $100.
Th r.ailtraof thli tater will be TileSMd tC
lesra tbat there Uutleaitono dreadoU illMwe
that selenco has teen able to euro In all lti
itage, aud tbat li Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh
Cum lithe only roiltlre cure knonn to the
meJltallratcrnlty. Catarrh belnr acomtitu
ttnnat dl.eate, reqntrei a cunilltutlonal treat.
menu Hall's Catarrh Cure! taken internally,
acting; directly Uoq tte Uood and mucouj
lur.acea of the sjitem, thereby destroying the
foundation ot the dlteate, and stvtns the pa
tient ureiiKth r bnlldlns up the conitltutfon
tnd asditlnir nature In dilng; its work. The
proprietor! haio so much faith tn tts curatlre
powers that they oMer oae Hundred Doll an
lor any caie that It falls to cure. Send for tut
ot teidtnonlaU. . ...
Addre. i- J. uur-Mii s i-u., icicuy, va
Bold br druwliti. 74c
Hall's Family l'UU
are the belt.
Al.out I lie I.liult.
Ciiunor And Is old Closeman bo
very close In his dealings?
Otiyer CIoso7 Why, ho wanted to
pay less for a desk calendar for the
month of February because It did not
contain as muuy daya as the other
No Iiulluvaa Anywhere.
"Pa," said little Willie, looking up
from his book, "what Is 'a comatose
"Well, my son," replied Willie's pa,
"Just at present there Isn't a single
comatoso state In the union; alt hus
tling and prosperous." Philadelphia
Portland Trade Directory
Name and Addrcates In Pollnd of Rcpr.
sentallve Uutlneu firms;
ClthAM bhl'AUAIOUS-U. i;uaraitnt tit V.H.
b.paralor lo b tb Iwai. Writ lor lr rata oi
llai.ivt uud Ca, 1 IHb and Uak.
XlKN'BCUITllINO-Ilunum A r.nillilon. aola
asuia AirrrU ll.nj.mlo -A Co.', currvel cloltivs.
Kvtrjrtlilne In nicn'i runiUhlniia. ilorrlwu aud
UUUt niroia. 0oait. ixxluitica.
i-IANOS ,t UltOANH-Mauy Ho lQli7uin7iTll rw
rllo ua account a rkuru or removal ofbuyrr
Writ lot ilftcr ptlou J p auo uow ou band,
term, no. Writ today. Ulltmrl Ca, imnluud
HOWAltD O. DCnTON'. Auayer arl Chemlit.
1-cadviUe, t'oloriulo. hHwliuu prlift! tiutd.
Kl! er, 1 ad, II Hold, Bllver.tic i Mold. & 1 7-Uio or
Coirr,l, C) aiildo tola. SlaUlnaeiielopv'and
full prlco list aent ou appllcaUoiu Control and I' m-
I'lroMorlcsollcllod. ltvftuuucol Caiuuoate h'ar
loual Uaok,
11 dBJ
Jiotizht lms Imrtio tho sliriin-
Signaturo of
There ere now about 300,000 spindles
.mhIavuI In tim tvnntftl In A
iCUII'.UJVU .1. .c it. .......s " -
tria, against 100,000 splodles In 18S2.
iRKDu. cortt niiTcn.
Ca(bi, Dimmer aad
loilftttfta. TtHfU
ana iu aa4 reeocacMoa
rrir7)iU vlll ffi thtin.
IT1r too at rt.Wr. Uaty
mall. Sb4 Cor rm tiovt.
CHAS. H. L01Y CO Sr if It aai fortUsi. Vt'.httlt Attr
Softens Water, Saves, Cleans and
Whitens Clothes.
Allrtatr Kr faroxle llorax and I'orae iv
liook'rta dhooBir lo ure i i e..r,sf l nw
and I'm. r1.' am. iAHIU lUA&r 1JUK.VX
lu, Ua.laBd.lal
There Ja no satlafoction koener
than behfj dry and comfortablo
when out in th honJeit atorm.
37 cjjui vasamsatt.
'3.50 &3.00 Shoes
W.LOougbs $4 Gilt Ede lino .
JW fbaltrM
IV. I. lkuiflK Jah.
Mna llouia It ins moil
couidIx t In t liU rouul ry
Html for CttaloQ
ll.n'a SUwm. VO to Sl 80. P?t' Bnof s, ea
to1.33. Woman's Bnoaa. ti.OQ to Sr.JO.
Mm' it CbUdroa'a Bto. CJ.'ja to el.OO.
Trr W. I DoubIu VVouit'ii's, MIuh unit
Chlldrou'a ahooat fur tdyle, lit uuil wear
they oxcvl ollioc makes.
II I could take you Into my Virgo
factories at Brockton, Mass. , and show
you how carefully W.L. Douglas shoes,
are made, you would thentunderstandt
why they hold their 8liape(.flt better,,
wear longer, and are of greater valua
than any other make.
Wherever you live, you enn obtain W. L
Doutclaa shoes. Ills name and price L stampett
on the bottom, which protects jouagalost hhjhl
prices and Inferior shoes. Take no iutH.
tura. Ack ) our dealer lor W, L.Dougtuslioe
and Insist upon having them.
fatt Color Eitlits uuJi tkty nlll not wear bratsu.
Write lor Illustrated Catalog of Fall Styles.
W. L. OOUULAS, Upt. 3, Urockton, Alutw
P. N. U.
No, 40-00,
WHEN toudvertlsofaploiuaS
'uieulli.ti this paper. j
f . rfi a.
LmLp 1
Wb Kr v if R(S