The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 12, 1906, Image 3

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In n Condensed Form for Our
Busy Readers.
A riotumo of llio Lots Important but
Not Loss Interostlng; Evonts
of tho Pnt Wook
Panama and Colombia are qtnrrell
lug nl out tlivlr foreign debt.
Illtl ha leaned largs trie's of Minne
sota csl Iui la to tli steel tiuat,
Foieat fire nro calling K'est damage
to forests In Southern California.
(las explosion In 1'hlla liilpliln kll'i
elgl t moil nnil dora great damage,
Tim army fores aro gathering at
Koviort Nam lor trauaporlallon to
Howard CI mill ami hla wlfonrrqu r
rolling nliont tlin maiiKttmrit n( Lititlo
Gould, ami tuny aapnrnto.
Two elerks wrratlluu on tho four flnnr
ol a Ule ootid il pa tiMint atoio I
from a wluuow ami wutu dsahed to
Thn IH year olil son of a Chltnjo
ml' Imalrn ha bri-n arretted lor rob
bing lot in chine ami rpamliiig tho
money on charm girl.
Tho Ht. Paul road his voted to lame
Ifiu.uud.UUd of now Mick with wblci
to titilM a linn i'owii the osat from
1'ortlaml to Han Pram-lico.
A great telephone ayatoin, hacked by
tho Wealem Union Teltgraph company,
la being ousnixed to ll(ht tho Amorl
mii Telephone ami lull-graph i-ompany.
Tho g'twiriior ' Hltnhlrik province,
Jtuaaia, waa woiiuiIimI by a bomb.
The ciar hai relumed to hla gilded
prUon from hla 7rcht, kteplux a sharp
lookout for bombi.
Itonrrvett says tho enlargement of the
powers ol the national irnvrrnmrnt la
tho only rrumly for the trtiat evlta.
An emigrant atramei p'yli'K between
IIoiIiowJaiiiI Hongkong Iminduied. The
captain ami 110 psirtengsra wore loat.
The cnoncr' Jury bellevci that
Catoy M. Hnydor, wliote body vai
fouml In the wioJa nrar Hlltthoro, was
A atrong ilclre for annexation by
the (Julian citizen ol all natii nalHlo
la openly oxprisied aid talk la I mini god
in ol talking a oto on the iUeatlon.
An Oregon mlnlater baa IrM lilmnelf
liable to a lino for mnrrylng a couple
on tho Vancouver ferry whl'o It waa
ninnrrd on the Washington aide, The
marila;o lluenao wan pr. cuicd In Van
ijuver. A window glass trutt Is holng.formed.
Honeral Funaton baa been placoJ In
command of tho American foicua In
Hcattlo auhicrlbed more than f BOO,
000 In one day (or tho AlaakfYukon
Pacific fair.
An Alabama mob allot two of Ita own
'inembuia by inlatnko while aearchlng
foi a negro.
Kx-Govcrnnr Msgoon, of tho Panama
canal xonn, la to bo provlaional govor
nor of Cuba.
Forty-four Unlit honara wero wtocked
by tho teront Unit itorm and four light
keepers drowned.
Prealdunt Palma waa in toara when
lio departed from Havnnn with hla fatn
ily (or their country homo.
I'realdent Itooeevelt aaya It will ba
hla aim not to atinox Cuba, but to
rvatoro tho fallen ronulillc.
Throo of tho largoat parking hntiara
in Chicago wero convlcttd ol Belling
short-weight lard nnd lined 26 each.
Thlovca hive stolen many valuablo
treasures from tho Vatican nt Homo,
Homo of the plundur has bcon sold In
Four perrons had honos broken and
one girl was killed by strnut cars In
flan Franulaco in ono day, nil lu sopn
rate nccidunls.
Dlearmnmont of Cubans la progres
sing rapidly.
Cuban Moderates accuao tho Ameri
cana ol forcing Intervention,
Heavy rains are adding to tho misery
of the homuleas pcoplu on the Qulf
President fimlth, of tho Mormon
church, has boon nnoated for poly
Kmy. Tho lnndliiRof Amorlcan marlnra was
welcomed ns n great relief by tho Cu
ban people.
llaron Iloaon, Itunalan nmbatsador to
tho United Htntes, hnd n narrow erenpo
from injury in nn automobile collision.
A hot wnvo has badly damaged the
California grapo crop, Thousands ol
tons of One grapes are now fit for noth
ing but wins or raialna. '
Keeper of Lighthouse on Qulf Declines
to Tnko Refuge on Tug.
Mobllo, Ahi., Oct. 2. Tim niimbor of
disunities In tho groat Htorm of Inst
Wednesday Is slowly Increasing, hm
messages nrrlvo from plnces which
Imvii heretofore boon luriccoHslblu. Thu
total IiihL nlKht of tho known dead wiin
7fi, This niimbor wna brought up to
it certainly of TJ, nml n poaalblllty of
102, by tho reports which niiehod Mo
bllo during thu night nml early toilny.
Four bodies not before counted liavii
boon found nt Codon. nml It In ostl
matud Hint 23 IIvoh hnvo been loat
from tho oyster Hoot around Cedar
I'olut. TIiIh last estimate Is not known
to bo ncournto, and In prubnbly some
what exaggerated, for tho tc ason that
It Includim nmong tho iloiurMivory man
aboard n flahltiK bont who has not been
heard of alnco thu alorui.
II la known that aomo of thn bonta
on which thoHo nun worn hnvo been
drlvon aaliore, nml It la entirely poa
nlblo tbnl aomo of tho crown managed
to reach tho nhoro. It does not acorn
likely at present that thu death roll
will nmount In thin vicinity to more
thnn 125,
Mobllo Itaolf la rnpldly otncrglnK
from thn confusion cnused by thn
storm. Uirgo ganga wore kept work
ing nil of Humlny In clonrlnK the
atrreta of dohrla, threu of thn street
enr linos hnvo commenced to run, for
tht first tlmo alnco Wednesday, the
confusion nt tho dockn Is rnpldly bo-
Iiik relinked and business will bo nt
normnl nctlon ns soon ns tho rnllrnndn
nro nblo tn run trnlns.
Tho keepor of the Horn Islnnd light-
house. Just outside of Hcrnnton, lost
his llfo. Tho cnptiilu of a tug which
en mo nenr tho hntiso nt tho commence
ment of thn storm urged him tn trnvo,
but he refused tn nbnndon Ills post,
nnd In n abort time wna drowned. Tho
entire end of tho Islnnd on which tho
llghthouso wna altuntml la anld to have
born cnrrled awny by tho wnvea.
Klvo out of olght vessels nt Hhlp
Island nt tho tlmo of tho atorm were
benched nnd two will ho totnl WTCcka.
Kevernl vessels, the nnrnoa of whlrli
nro unknown, nro nshoro off Horn Is
lnnd nnd tho amnll Islands mnrklng
tho nissngo between Dauphin Islnnd
nnd tho inntnlnnd hnvo been destroyed.
Tho bencoti llghla on this pnrt of thu
const nro not greatly dnmngod,
Tho schooner Alien Ornhnin, of Mo
bllo, Is known to bnve been Inst, with
her crew of six men. This bont hns
been pursued by nn evil fnto, nnd, be
nldoa hnvltiK vnrlooa mlshnps from
tlmo to time, wna wrecked In tho groat
storm nf 1R03, when sevornl people
wero lost from hor.
Four bodloft hnvo bcon picked up In
tho water near Dauphin Island and
have been burled there. Two were
evidently sailors and two were boys.
Tho peaplo nn Dnuphln Island Htifferod
KTont hardships during tho storm, nnd
for 24 hours woro In great danger. The
soldiers of Fort Cnlnes mndo n dnn
gonitis trip of two miles tn tho resi
dence on thn Islnnd. offering tn glvo
everybody sheltur within tho fort, but
tho offer was In nil ensos refused, the
people preferring to romnlu In their
own Iiousoh.
Vancouver Troops for Cuba.
Vancouver Uarracks, Wash., Oct. 1,
To assist In protecting llfo nnd prop
erty nnd In preserving pwico In Culm
thn "Pearl of thn Antllloa" Is tho
peaceful, rather thnn war llko, mis
sion which will stnrt tho Hoventeonth
nml Klghtoonth mountain battorlos
now ntatlouod hero across tho conti
nent to Newport Nowb nt nn enrly
hour today nml which Inter will load
them to tho scono of tho present Wost
Indlnn Imbroglio. It will ho the first
tlmo (lint thoso troops, equipped bet
ter than thn foot or mounted snldlory
of nny nthor post In Amorlca to wago
warfnro nmong tho inountnln pnasos
nml InnccesBlblo highlands of Culm,
hnvo been nwny from tho Columbln
lllvor garrison hIuco their return from
tho Philippines nonrly two yenrH ngo,
Hnvo for their abort trip to Snn Fran
cisco to dq patrol duty following tho
Great Trad Was Flooded.
Now OrleniiH, Oct. 2. Reports thnt
probably n dozon lives wero lost and
that hundreds of nquaro mllos of land
woro under 18 Inches to four fcot of
wntor during tho hurrlcuno on tho
Mississippi river dolta woro brought
horn today, Tho Inundated tract Is
mostly Inhabited by flshurmeii and oys
torniou. Mcssngca which loft thoso
vlllngoa last night snld thnt up to that
tlmo sovernl porBona woro still miss
ing. Tho loss tn tho United Stntos
Marino Hoapltnl qunrantlno station on
Ship Island la nbout 00,000.
Another Storm Is Coming.
WiiBhliiKton, Oct. 2. Tho Wcnthor
Iluronu tonight announced thnt nn
othor "troplcnl disturbance" Is report
ed as nppronchlnB tho Yucatan Chan
nol from tho east, but that thoro wob
no Information nvallablo ns to tho In
tensity of tho storm,
Believe He lias Come to Uplift
Fallen Republic.
Hofuini to Evict Poor From Barracks
to Make Room for Soldlon
Amnesty for Prlaonors.
Havana, Oct. 2 Governor Tnft's
acts today have gono far to win him a
warm place In tho hearts of tho people
whoso destinies hnvo been pined In
his hnnds. Presiding this morning nt thu
opening exorcises of tho University of
Havnnn, ho declared his mission hero
wna solely for tho purpose of uplifting
thu fallen Republic and restoring It to
tho pnth of prosperity, nn announce
ment which was received with demon
strations of delight by an nudlencu rep
resentntlvo of thu highest society In
Following this It became known that
Mr. Taft nnd Assistant Secretary of
Ktnto 1 In con hnd cabled for their wives
to Join them here, n step which can
not but bo most agreeable to tho Cubnn
people nnd which will strongly cement
the bonds of affection between them
nnd tho American provisional adminis
HUH another net of Mr. Taft Is
warmly commended as llhistrntlvo of
his thoughtful consideration of tho
humbler classos. Learning that many
poor firtnlllos occupying tho tempor
arily disused barrack at Camp Co
lumbia wero nbout to bn siiinmnrlly
cvlctiM by order of tho Cuban nuthor
Itles In preparation for tho occuimtlon
of tho qunrters by tho brlgado of
mnrlnos, Mr. Toft wont to Cnmp Co
lumbln In nn nutomobllo, explained
that ho had not been nwaro of thu con
ditions and roclndrd tho order. Ho
left tho camp amid cheers and wnrrn
expressions of gratitude from tho peo
ple. Tho nows of this net of humanity
sjirond rnpldly nnd received tho high
est praise.
Much of the Oovcrnor'a tlmo today
wag occupied In recclrlng officials of
tho various departments nnd judgos of
tho courts. With tho mombora of tho
Supremo Court ho held a long confer
ence concerning the- drafting or a
proclnmntlon of gonernl nmnosty. This
decree In of tho most Importance. In
view of the fact thnt nt innny points
on tho Islnnd, notably Clonfuogos,
tunny persona nro In Jail nwnltlng tho
disposition of political charges.
Bible Not the Word of God.
Detroit, Oct. 2. Illshop Chnrloa D.
Williams, of the Kplscopal dlocoso of
Michigan, In nn address to V M. C. A
members hero on "Tho Illblo nnd tho
Word of Cod," delnred thnt tho Hlblo
wns not tho word of Ood nnd thnt tho
teachings to tho contrary nro tho most
prolific sourcos of unbcllof tho church
has to contond with. Tho nishop said:
"Nowhere does tho Illblo declare
Itself tho word of Ood. Vet wo nro
told wo must tnko It In Its ontliety. It
Is n vonornblo book nnd visitors nro
requested not to touch It, as It la tho
direct word of Ood, there is no othor.
"Tako tho young man Just out of
college Ho rends OoiiosIb and finds
Imposslhlo geology, astronomy nnd
othnology. His toachor, when quoa
tinned snya: 'Manlpulnto It until It flti
your Bcloncefl.' If too honest to hnndlt
tho word of Ood craftily, tho young
man glvea up tho Hlblo. Ufa rofuaei
to stultify hla reason.
"Tho Illblo needs no dofonso; all It
ncods Is n square donl. Thoro nrf
thoso who road It devoutly and dill
gently, but I novor say tho Illblo la the
word of Ood. I say tho Illblo nnd the
word of Ood. To thoso who nccopt the
ontlro book ns the literal word of Ood
I point out thnt It Is nowhere so
stated. Christ toro nsundor tho Old
Tostnmont procopts, tho law of Moses,
and furnlshod now onos. Whore the
Old Tostnmont directed men to hate
their enemies tho teachings of Christ
woro to lovo your enemies.
Taft's Advice tp Cubans.
Huvnnn, Oct. 2. Tho llowor of Ha
vniin sncloty wan prosont nt tho open
ing of Havana University. After tho
annual address Oovernor Taft present
ed tho dlplomnB to tho successful stu
dents nnd then made n notnblo ad
dress, tho spirit of which wna thnt the
Intorvontlon of tho United StntOB was
uudortnlcen sololy to nsslst Cuba and
Cubans nnd that hor future wns do
pondont upon hor young won. Mr.
Taft spoke In English, pnuslng nt
ovory Bontonco far Its Interpretation.
Kansas to Oust Standard,
Topokn, Kan., Oct. 2. Suits woro In
stituted lu tho Supremo Court today
by Attornoy-Ocnorol Colomnn under
tho atnto nntl-tfiist nit to oust tho
Standard Oil Company and tho Inter
national Harvester Company
Mobilization of Forces at Newport
News Where Transports Are
Washington, Oct, 1. American
troops nro now moving toward Cuba
Mobilization of the forces will he nt
Newport News, Vn for tho most part,
although a part of the expeditionary
force to Cuba will ho sont from New
York nnd Tnmpn, Fla. Advices re
ceived at tho dopiirtments of the mili
tary todny Indlcnto that all Is quiet In
Cuba and that the Insurgents Intend
to lay down their nrms.
Tho probability Is the United States
forces In the Island will ho landed only
as a precautionary measure. So far as
official nro ndvlsod no trouble of a
serious kind Is anticipated, but In ac
cordance with Instructions from Pres
ident Itooscvolt hurried preparations
nro being made for tho sending of an
expcdltlonnry force of tho army to
Tho first American troops will bn
Inndcd nt Havana next Saturday.
Meantlmo tho marines and bluejackets
from tho American fleet In Cubnn
waters will protect American Interests
nnd support Socretnry Tnft, tho Pro
vlslonnl Oovernor of Cuba, In tho
preservation of order nnd tho protec
tion of life and property.
In ofllclnl clrclos hero Amorlcan In
tervention wan rogarded as Inevitable
How long It may contlnuo It Is Im
possible to foretell. Tho nnturo of the
Intervention and tho preparations for
It Indlcnto u supervision of Cuban af
fairs on tho part of tho Amorlcan gov
ernment for nn Indefinite porlod. Ar
rangements hnvo been concluded not
only for tho oxpedltlonnry forco to
Cuba of nbout G.GOQ men, but for n
second forco of oqunl numbers.
No ordcrB for tho moblllzntlon of tho
second force, of course, havo beon Is
sued, but If tho men are needed all
arrangements hnvo been completed for
burying them to Cuba nt tho onTllost
possible moment. Whether moro troops
than nro Included In tho first expedi
tion will bo sont to Cuba will depond
upon tho developments In tho island
during tho noxt ten dnys.
It Is cortnln, however, thnt a suffi
cient forco of A.jorlcnn troops will bo
maintained In Cuba to support tho
provisional government nnd to Insure
socurlty to llfo and property ponding
the establishment or a stablo govern
ment by the Cubans.
Delegates From Thirty-one Countries
Meet at Derlln.
nerlln. Oct. 1. DoloKntes represent
ing 31 governments will assemble hero
Octobor 3, by Invitation of tho Germnn
government, with tho object of ronch-
Inir n. common ncroomont for tho ex-
chnngo or mossngos by tho uso or var
ious wlrolrss telegraph nystoms, ond to
deflno tho bosls on which private wlro
loss telegraph companion may oporato
with tho consont of tho governments.
Thn conference In a result of tho
Mnrconl Company having refused to
allow Ita stations to do business with
nenions uslnc othor than Marconi ap
paratus. This controversy bognn soon
nftor tho Marconi Company, In lsoi,
sot up stations for public toiegrnpn
purposes. Tho rofusal of thoso sta
tlnnu In tnkn niossacos Bont In by
tho Slaby-Arco (Oormnn) npparatus
brought about tho International wlro
(ess tolegrnph conference, also by the
Invltntlon of Oormnny, In 1303. fc-igni
imve-rnmonts took part, as follows:
Thn United Stntos. Oorroany. Franco,
Groat nrltaln, Italy, Spain, Russia nnd
Tho dologatos of six governments
ni-rnnil In Oin flnnt urntnrnl tn n series
of rocommendntlonB looking toward
tho co-oporntlon of nil users of wire
lows. Thn ilolerntos of Groat nrltaln
nnd Itnly, becnuso tholr governments
hnd contrncts with tho Mnrconl, did
not sign tho recommendations. Llttlo
linn rnnm of thoso recommondntlons.
Tho Mnrconl Company hns continued
to sot up stations and to rofuso the
messages of rival systems,
Tho most Important act In tho con
troversy In the conforonco wns that of
the United Stntos In 1904 directing
tho Mnrconl Compnny to romovo Its
nppnratUB from tho lightship Nan
tuckot. rjnrmnnv will nronoso to tho confer-
once that an Intornntlonnl huronu shall
be established for tho control of wire-
loss telegraphing; that each wlroloss
station must bo connected with tho
ordinary tolographs by special lines;
Funston's Plans Indorsed
Washington, Oct. 1. Acting Inspoo
tor-Gonornl Galbralth of tho army, In
hla annual report, says that the Ken
oral condition or tho army hns Im
proved during tho year na regards
military construction, and that tho
troops nro In a fairly Batlsractory stato
of ofllclency nnd roadlnoss for field
sorvlco. The plnn suggested by Gon
ernl Fuii8ton, that tho term of first
enllstmont bo limited to ono year, Is
favorably rognrdod In tho roport, be
cnuso practically it would romove tho
blight of desertion.
Mall Aen doow q
jorcffyi Rcfuflc
Paul Ktensland's arrest at Tangier
will fcrve n uxeful punos In dlupcll-
Ing the popular Impression which reems
to prevail that criminal nrc safe from
capturo If they can only mnnngc to
reach some country which Is not bound
by nny extradition treaty with the one
from which they hnvo fled. Anything
thnt cnu bring homo to men Inclined to
offend ngnlnst the Inws of tho land
thnt nowhere In the world can they
find snfety from the avenging hand of
Justice Is calculated to net ns n deter
rent of crime, nnd Is therefore an ad
vantage to the commonwealth. Under
the clrcumstnnre the enpturo of tho
defaulting president of the Milwaukee
Avenue Htnte Hank, of Chicago, In
Morocco and lit surrender to tho Unit
ed States nutliorltles by tho Moorish
authorities cannot bo mndo too widely
Tho fact of tho matter Is thnt tho
principle of extradition oxlsta nmong
all clvlllxed powers, even when for ono
reason or another It Is not covered by
any hard and fast International con
vention, nnd requests for the surrender
of criminals nddresl by one govern
ment to another nro granted on tho
ground of International courtesy and
comity, even In tho nbrenco of treaty
stipulations. This practice not only
prevails nmong tho Chrlstlnn countries
of Ku7opo nnd of this western hemi
sphere, but has likewise !con to nil In
tent nnd purjKnes adopted by Asiatic
and north African States, such as, for
limtnnce, Morocco. Thus tho United
States hns on a numlcr of occasions
arrested and surrendered foreign fugl-
tlvo criminals here In response to ap
plications from governments with
which no extradition nrrnngements ex
isted nt the time. President Lincoln
In 1SC3 cnuned tho arrest and the sur
render to tho Spanish authorities of n
man of tho nnmo of Arguelles in the
nbsenco of nny extradition treaty with
Spnln. Arguelles, who had been tho
llcutennnt governor of a province In
Cuba, wns charged with n number of
atrocious crimes ngnlnst tho common
Inw, nmong the minor accusations be
ing ono to tho effect tlint he bad sold
Into slavery several hundred negroes
lllegnlly brought from Africa. On tho
authority of Secretary Seward he was
arrested by n United States marshal
and turned over to tho Spanish police
olllcers, who took him back to Havan
na for trial. A motion wns at once
made In the United States Senato call
ing tho President to nccount for the
matter, nrgulng thnt. In tho nbsenco of
u treaty of extradition nnd of con
gressional legislation touching tho sur
render of fugitive criminals to tho
Spanish government, ho hnd exceeded
his powers ns chief magistrate. To
this Secretary Seward replied to tho
Held II Klr Meeting After Omnn
lintlun In Tola Iluuae.
In this building tho Methodist Kpls-
copnl conference held Its first meeting.
which Is claimed to be tho first of Its
kind In America, after lti orgnnlzntlon
lu 1784. This house Is one mile from
Loutsburg, N. C, and Is still In an ex
cellent condition: It Is built tn tho old
style, of mnsslvo timbers, nnd hns tlvo
rooms In tho basement, four on tho sec
ond floor, nnd two In tho attic. Tho up
per room of this houso, In which Illshop
Coko Bays tho tlrst conference wns held.
Is nbout 20 fcot squnro, and qulto largo
enough to seat comfortably tho S3 that
woro present Just 110 years later
1805 Ulslvop Wilson, whllo presiding
over conforonco In Loulsburg, by InTlta
tlon, went out to visit this houso and
held services, and by a singular coinci
dence, tho number present was 23,
VSr." . ZMM-mZT
's -m cwri n n imm rw
- VJ aHfc jPfMflL I
?H JK ?lm ISHSg-fncJ
in WlsSI aaafc israaWfiX 'J'JIK .-4t.Ji2rA.r'kAZ.
Vlf C i 5fcv ft V
iiisTOuto novae in louisnuna, n. c.
for Arwconderj Becomfnjj
rewer m Number ow
o Extradition
effect thnt tho President had given tip
Arguelles under tho rules of Interna
Uorml comity, which prescribe as a
matter of courtesy the compliance with
demands of this kind addressed by ono
civilized jKwer to another, and ho add
ed that Mr. Lincoln had llkewlso act
ed In the affair In accordance with tho
spirit of tho constitution of tho United
States, which Is not In favor of tho
principle of offering asylum to fugi
tive criminals from abroad, but dis
tinctly averse thereto. A number of
years later tho Spanish government re
turned tlin compliment by surrender
ing to tho United States "Ross" Tweed,
although It was only somo time after
ward that on extradition treaty be
tween this country and Spain was con
cluded. Morocco Unaafe.
Stcnsland's esse Is an Instance of
what may be dono whero no extradi
tion treaty exists. At the present tlmo
there aro In forco extradition treaties
between tho United States and thirty
two countries. With other countries,
notably China, Egypt, Greece, Persia.
Portugal nnd Slam, tho United States
has not negotiated treaties o! thU
diameter. This Is why the globe trot
ter finds a collection of adventurers in
Shanghai, Cairo, Athens and Lisbon,
although It must be admitted that
theso adventurers usually aro of a class
wlm do this country a kindness by quit
ting It. Wbllo many of them aro
"wanted" by the police, they are not
"wanted badly," for their offenses usu
ally havo been against Individuals who
do not feel disposed to hunt them dowa
all over tho globe.
A study of tho various extradition
treaties in forco between this and oth
er countries gives a fair Indication of
bow foreign ieoples regard somo
crimes. For Instance, a man who com
mits a burglary In tho United States
cannot bo extradited from Austria, Ba
varia, Daden, Haiti or Prussia, yet
even Luxemburg, of which, doubtless,
the burglar never heard, would gtvo
him up for this offense. All countries
with which theso treaties aro In forco
will glvo up counterfeiters, yet only
two out of thitty-two countries Guate
mala and Mexico will hand over a
person chargod with having counter
feiters' tools In his possession. All aro
content to glvo up a forger, but a per
son charged with fraud cannot bo eas
ily extradited If tho property Involved
Is less than ?200. Digamy, apparently.
Is not considered a very serious crlmo
by somo nations. Naturally Turkey
would not permit tho extradition of a
bigamist, and In only eight countries
out of thirty-two Is It uusnfo for a
much-mnrrled fugitive to bo found.
Even Great Itrltaln will not give up a
bigamist who Is trying to cscnpo tfio
laws of another country.
Tho first mention which we havo of
gold Is in tho eleventh verso of the sec
ond chnpter of Genesis, or In other
words four thousand nnd four yearn
beforo Christ
(old was used as money by tho an
cient Egyptians at a very early date.
Herodotus tells that tho invention of
tho colnngo of gold belongs to Lydla,
nbout 750 II. a Authorities conflict
about tho first coinage of gold. Soma
say It was Miletus, ond somo the Per
sians, but there aro no records to shorr
Just when.
Fireworks originated In tho thir
teenth century, along with the evolu
tion of powder nnd cannon. They wero
tlrst employed by tho Florentines, and
later tho uso of fireworks becnmo pop
ular In Homo at tho creation of tho
Tho first fireworks which rcsemblo
those which wo see nowadays wero
manufactured by Torre, an Italian
artist, and displayed lu Paris In 1704.
ThnukauUluir l'roclnmutlona,
Tho first proclamation of Thanksgiv
ing Day that remains lu printed form
Is that issued by Francis ltenmrd,
govoruor In chief of tho Province at
Massachusetts Hay.
ThU document wna read at tho coun
cil chamber In liostou on November 1,
When n man tells you an Important
secret and you nro thinking what a
good time you will havo tolling It ht
says: "Now proiulso mo you won't b&